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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 Apr 1913, p. 11

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t). given, pursulltl tute L. Gems”- ion 56, that 3119' s .gainst the 6'“ tin“; late 0! ti the Thirty-m 6'; 3, are to and I to deliver to IV. I r. Jaw R- I". o: the said WM 9 executors 0! ‘ ts for Sale 9â€"1; â€"; variety amt. FOR SA LE MORRISON , ,1 localâ€"i...- o! whoa! 'OUSo operations can wd according to thods at W URED {SS CUM“? the late ' his mom!“ to” pr - fawn-If». ‘ ' the" O Lotloo 8t CD'S noun» G en’s of ill ism ' Toronto may. .._m1 College a .19 {or W wm m! Brand’ Creditors 'ARY . 1913. 08 T1310 WEIR‘S l0 and 15 Cent Store 85 Kent-st. £11! and HACK yEGmdunu‘ Ontario Medical College m sum-7‘ 1 our mntto EOffice and Residence Peel-st. ;, LINDSAY PHONE 53i Lindsay. Telephone 146. ERY and HACK NDEiY’S BUSINESS DIRECTORY Over Gregory’s Drug Stare IIGH R Oual'ty and Prices on All of Above Will Be Found Right. SPRATT KILLEN "9:18”: We.“ ““ ”thing at a sICWOQ' Alsike, Red, Mammoth, Timothy, Long Grass We believe we have better, or at least as good as any seed house in Canada. CLOVER SEED AND GRASSES ! .J.S. \‘JC have everything in the seed grain line that you may require and we have the best the country produces EENTEQ W Cars, one of Delawares and one 20th Centu: will be well worth seemg on arrival. BARLEY m" LINCOLN'SA": ”7 TW0 OCEPTAIN a 395“? 93E HARDLY AQI ' N0 0" TAK ~ mom . v v v vvvvvvvvvvvvv (like illu'tration in annou . r ncements from day to day) is 2:311“! m mu dexiple limp leather. with oveflappinceom in tltlc_st.1mped m gold. with numerous fun-page plate! “a"?! 1mm the world famous Tiuot collection. together and 3“. hundred superb pictures graphical: mm kn mikms plum the verse in the light of modern » °Y‘ledxe and research._ _The,text conform: to the Ian. M 9-1: _ ,- . mun. ‘0.- C“‘ ‘“ . is self-pronouncing With m 3. maps aqf! helps; p'mlhd on than KNIGHT LEY WHEAT OATS ' _ PEAS BUCKWHEAT HAXSEED APRIL 3rd. 1913 TheReal Issue 5» 1th Ward 1m: 531mm 600’ 6-:1jH'E-H'BiECE-KITD' 'HIHP heel (: per pair. to Ms 85.00 Illustrated Bible 0o at!) and amty, for ._ __V w_ W‘â€" with five other: of consecutive dim ‘m-nt lilm- tr} fl QUOTATION USED IN UTBRATURE UH has Inl l'\L th HM HIS OI ul‘ ”:uinu; waited forty~two years for the Mum and the Rainbow can't we wait two or three years for a per- manent pulicy, during all pf which time we will be building our three great ships in the greatest shipbuild- lu hc stumpml into some (Ivclul‘nliun mi in permanent policy and “onion has plmlgod himself both heforo- he was l‘vtlu‘m'd and since that his per- ummmL policy can only be elaborub mi uftvl‘ months of most patient. in- weiiuutiun of the suijct. after our immmliutc duty of the emergency grant is done, and that this policy will nnly bv declared when the Cox'- ox‘mnvnl is ready to go to the coun- Tile- and Accessories just arrived. Expert RPpaix-ing in all 111195. Satis- E faction gnaranteei. Prices reasonable 5 w. M0055, William-st I Over HOPKINS LAW OFFICE R. F THOMAS - Mlfiamst 1913 Model Cleveland Bicycles; Field Tile Sewer Pine Building mod: Silo Blocks (‘himncy Blocks mmmwmu POTA TOES ! DR. W. F. BROAD ‘O LIBRARY I BELL PHONE .‘ ’2 K National 3:1 Concrete ’; Mtg. Co. “E Window sm. Window C ap- Luwn Vases Fence Posts Gate Posts Well Curbing Thomwhoplmonbw nmmuhguthotppm fig fungal-duh nine da'yl." "r ' BUSY. YES. BUSY! ‘A Wudor reporter uked . Wood- Villo bum man yuterdgv how mutton were in the move vmqie. and received the renown: «91!: “Oh. “embody looms to be m; i Householders may take some Satis- faction in the prospect of cheaper eggs the coming seasan. Market ;conditions point to a lower price, and as egg dealers throughout Can- ‘ada and the United States lost beam ily the past year by paying too high a. price they are not likely to be caught again very soon. A ,iug yards of the norm when: they Bum he so speedily built as to gin? ;immodiutely emotive aid to the em- Word has reached town of a. bad accident. on the Grand Trunk. which took place a few days ago near God- (-rich. It is suited that Engineer "(Fin)” Mite, formerly of Lindsay, was among the injured. Engineer Mite runs out of Mim‘ico. CHEAPER EGG S. 1-2 N G I N HER MI'I‘E H [I R'l‘. SHEEHY.â€"-In Toronto, on March 27th, 1913. to Mr. and Mrs. Let-0y Shoehy, a daughter. [1 ire Fresh sad Smoked Monti. flour and feed. Fresh, salt and Smoked Fish Groceries and Provisions ADAMS . BROS. KENT-ST There is life â€" action â€" and ., Iub‘ tie play to your expression. Brigh' days and long sittings m unnoeeo sary with our modern equipment OLIVER’S STUDIO Just morons from thfl mark», my Advertise in The Wa rder AT YOUR BEST Phone 266 day or night BIRTH THE WATCHMANe-W. . They " Whal: are we doing to onsune tlut these 12.000 urea m trotted as they ought to heâ€"to nuke lure than, they skull not be developed in tho .htphmrd way wthh hu 3“"! u: tha Landau tlut. we dandy have. tho-London in which no wyuuot thoimmds of people are klllofl by their envirohmt ovary your ? The mm a : Nothing." “ There me some 12,000 acres within the London county council are; still unbuilt upon. and the or at. referred to is appurently put of them. being situnte Jun on the bor- der line. " We know with absolute know- ledge that if all the houses of the United Kingdom had been built With proper regard to ventilatiOn and‘eun- shine. tuberculosis would be practi- Cally unknown in our midst. and that we should not be losing, as we are losing, from tuberculosis every week in this country as many people at “perished in the Titanic disaster by the 'ect of God.’ BY LIVING IN. UNSANITARY HOUSES. The following. taken from a. Lon- don newspaper, is in its pr nca‘plee surely applicable to_ any large city : Below will be found a'record or diary of interest to Lindsay citizens, concm'ning the dates when the ice went. out of Sturgeon Lake in the last 25 years: 1909. ........ 1910......... 1911 ......... 1912......... When the Ice Went out of Sturgeon Lake 190 l 1888. 1885), 1890 189-1. 1 892. 1893. 1894. 1395. 1896.. 1897.. 1 893.. 1899.. 1900.. 1901.. 1902.. 1903.. 1904.. 1 905.. The' floral offerings from many friends were numerous. and .one from the Ihree sons bearing the word “Mother" in gold latters on a white silk ribbon. The remains were in- terred in Riverside cemetery. A large number of citizens assem- bled at tho home and followed the remains to the cemetery. The poll- bearers were : Messrs. Richard Kylie, R. Smyth, George Pedlar, D. O'Con- nell, Albert Duck and J. Parker. God to Thee" was sung by p choir, after which a scriptural reading and a short discourse by Canon Harsh was delivered. The rev. clergyman spoke on the resurrection of the dead, [find how an mm which mbarren ,at this season‘ returns to life all vigor once more ; .so with the spirih 0! man. shall it resurrect filter the death of the bOdy. A short prayer and reference to the good life of the deceased concluded the ceremony. THOUSANDS KILLED The tuner-.1 ofthe late “5% ‘berhin. what. of the late John Chun- berlojn, took place on Hand-'3’ after- noon at 3 o’clock from her ht: resi- dence, No. 6 Albert-5L, north. Rev. Canon Marsh, of St.' Pnul's Church, performed the aoxjv’see at the house and 3150 at the grave. Prefious to‘ the clergyman's prayer, "Nearer my} L on. sopER‘“ DR. WHITE _ Piles [Variconeio I Dgapepsia Eczema -r;piie sy R eumatiem Asthma. is-.pni:s {Lostvmmy Catarrh ’Stnccure :Skm Diseases Diabetes . Emissions ‘ KidnEy Aflecdali: And Biood. Nerve and Bladder Diseases. Call or send history for free advice Free Book on Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine furnished in tablet tom. Hoursâ€"10 8J3. :01an 2 an 6 0:. ‘. Sundaysâ€"lo an. to ! pm -‘neuitadon tree. > DRS. SOPER In tie following Dfigues of Men: .‘ anm‘m St. Toronto, Ont. OBITUARY ...v........April 23rd ........... May lst .......... April 20th ........... March 315: ...........April 26th ...........April 26!!! ........ May‘lst ........April 18th ........-\pril 22nd .......;\pril 23rd ....April 17111 ........-\pril 27th .......‘\pl'il 16”} .......April 24th .......April 213$ .......;\pril 19m .......March 28th .......April 23th ....... April 24th ,......April 7th ....... April 8th .......:\pril 24th ....... April 29th ...... April 26th ...... Apr“ 19th ...... April 23rd ...... May lst 8th 24th 29th 26th 19th lite and Iona-(o down in'um little prpvinco 0! ‘Nov Bmmwick'."â€"8fl- urdcy Night. venue? Look at the: pW George fell for it. Rubbing his shav- en chin in e meditative tuhion, he d. “Well. doctor. I {or one didn't w up, could bpild ehipq oljhgt bury, vb“ do you follow: métn by ”suing am we moot. build ships Condo? Look a that. plow. " N.B. is A common ebbrevietion of the term “Nora: Britain.” end meny Booteh'towns heve the initiele fixed to their ounce. The genie! mediod from Alberta seeing Bndbury enm- fng the podel, aid. “Look here. End- A good story is going the rounds of the lobbies at Ottawa concerning George Bradbury, the militant Con- servative from Selkirk, Manitoba. and Dr. Clark. the irrepressible Free-trad- er from Red Deer. In the main en- trance rotunda of the buildings is an admirably executed model of the new steamshi Alsatian, now being built on the nyde for the Allan Line. An engraved plate under the glass case. announced the fact that the vessel is being constructed at Dalmuir. N.B. And on that N.B. hinges the 'oke pull- ed on on the unaua ting dbury. N.B. ia a common a breviation of the Among Canadian men of letters Lampman stands high and his too early death was a sad blow to Cana- dian literature. He was a nature poet of a very high order and his work is full of truthfulness, simpli- city and sweetness. His love of na- ture found expression in a large num- ber of poems of exquisite beauty and melody and his lyrics and sonnets have a charm possessed by few writ- ers and many are surpassed by none in simple beauty of language and thought. He was a master of vers‘ili- cation and his kindly. wise and sym~ pathetic spirit breathed through every- thing he wrote. was pure and noble, broad and reverent and was filled with a wise philosophy of content. His ems are such as should la in every anadian home and should be prized by all who love their native land and admire all that is Aholesome and good in literature. Memortal For a Post. At a recent gathering of distinguish ed literary men of Ottawa in connec- tion with the fourteenth anniversary of the death of Archibald Lampmnn. the Canadian poet. it was proposed to establish a national memorial to the departed writer and the matter ha.- heen placed in the hands of a cap able committee. It was suggested that the attention of the Dominion Government be called to the necessity of creating a hall of fame or pantheon in connection with the new buildings that it is intended to erect in Ottawa for the proper commemoration of Can- ada‘s distinguished sons. IDIDN'T LIKE WORK; IS JAILED. The Detroit News tells this story : lJoe. although big and strong. does- ln't like to work. so; now he is a ward of the juvunile court. He he- came acquainted with a girl cashier a year or two older then himself. One aftemoon he visited wlth her un- til the store closed. {mtched her hide the money, observed the details of tho place closely, so he could make ‘his way around in the dark, took her home, treating her to candy 0n the way. then went back and got .the cash. But the police also got him. Joe is the son of a woman who ob? tained a diVorce after suing her hus- band for non~support. The bride and groom Xert for their future home in the north. was united in the hOIy bonds of mat- rimony to Mr. Justice Chalmers. of Fifeshire, Scotland, the officiating clergyman being Rev. W. Folley. CHALMERSâ€"OSBORN A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hull, Toronto, on Saturday. March 29th. when Miss Martha (Pattie) Osborn, of Redford, Eng.. In the evening she was discovered in her room. end sated that she had first uken wibolic acid and hter laudanum. Bottles that. had con- tained both poisons were found in the room. as well as a, vial of chloro- form. All three had been purchased at a, Lucan drug store' during the day. Bhe stated that she had been trav- cling about the country in search of her husband, and that his ill-treat» ment of her caused her to commit the act. ' She had also obtained a box of macaroni at a grocery and took the acid through one of the .tUbes. The macaroni absorbed the‘acid and pro- bably saved her life. suicide In the Central Hotel “Menu Snturdny! nnd is now in ‘ rather serious condition. She can; to Lu- mn Saturday morning Iron: the West and stated that. she would proceed eastward after testing for a. day. lbndon, alt" Hatch 30.40:. Buy fly Phillips. and 55. 'who cum to m ““1 Port Arthur. attanpted your drug‘ist Drank Acid ‘ Forty yen-e in nee. 3° 3“" the mam, preset!” and recommended by bulk,“ l'or Women's Lumen“. DP A Mittakc In N.B.'s. Martel’s female Pills. .Th'rough Macaroni MARRIED. ', ONTARIO. hwy.” ~ 7 ' mm 5mm mmudptoooot‘rheWu-du-Pk. WOIMO. SCHRO'I‘ER â€"- SWINSON â€" On Sub. urday. lunch 29. 1913, at the tandem: of the bride’- parenu, Da- vb Lake. on. by the Rev. E. F. Hocking. 0! St. Junu' church, Emmott. Lottie m. youngest daughter 0! Kr. and In. George 8m. to Bart Evan! Schrotcr. o! amide- mun-up. ‘ '11» N49 m m ldt on the 0.1m. tub tot Toronto to!- lovabyth‘lh'unypodmo! MRS. TRO’I'I‘. Mrs. Trott, an aged inmate of the House of Refuge, passed away to join the greet. majority on Sunday, March 30. 1918, at 4.30 p.m. The deceased hed been a lodger at the inâ€" stitution sinCo Oct. 3, 1912, end hes been in delicate heelth since enter- ing. She was e. resident of linden. township end was predeceased by her husband my years ego. One bro- ther resides in the ebove township. i ‘ende stetereurvtveeherin Englend. The deeeeeed wee 70 yeere of age. The romaine were Wt to the un- derteklnc room of Andes-eon Nu- gent. eweiun‘ inlorlnetion from linden Meade en te whet diepoei- tion of the body they required. The friends have the sincere sym- pathy of the community in their time of bereavement. The deceased possessed a most amiable disposition and was a generâ€" al fluorite with all whom she formed an acquaintance. The {allowing members of the family survive to mourn her death: Messrs. Frances Curtin, of Ops; Peter and Michael. of Lindsay. and Mrs. M. Moriurity, OPS. LATE MISS CURTIS. The death of the late Miss Annie ('urlin. which took place at her resi- donce. No. 3 Russell-st... on Sunday afternoon, March 30. was heard with ‘general regret by her many friends in town. The deceased hud been in delicate health for some time. md re- I‘signed her position about two months ago on the Dundns 6-. Flavelles staff, where she had been engaged as Cashier, thinking that a rest might be beneficial and ause an improve- ment. A slight cold contracted sinCe had a tendency to hasten her dev‘ misc. 4 0F GRAVENHURST MAX â€" FELL I )OWN STAIRS ’l‘oronto. March 31.â€"ln the inquest held by Coroner Rowe into the death of William Martin Campbell, of Grav- enhurat, who died as the result of a {all down stairs at the Duly House last Thursday. it developed that aft- er Campbell had been found with a wound on his head and in a dazed 7condition he was permith to lie in‘ the furnace room of the hotel until i his death on Friday morning. After hearing a number of witnesses the inquest Was adjourned until next Thursday night. when the coroner will make further enquiry into the nfiair. WWW”. -IcEACHERNâ€"WILLIAHSON The residence 0! Kr. and Mrs‘ Ro- bert Williamson. Argyle. on Wednes- day, March 26, 1913, was the scene of a pretty wedding. when their eld- est daughter Elsie Catherine was united in marriage to Malcolm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McEachern, Eldon, Out. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. H. H. Turner. Kirkfield. in the presence of their immediate friends. The bride looked charming in a dress of white mar- quisette over silk and wearing a veil caught up with orange blossoms, en- tered the parlor on her father's arm to the strains of the weeding march plwed by Miss Agnes McEachv-rn, sister of the groam. She carried a bouquet of white camations and lilies of the valley. and wore the groom’s gift, an amethyst pendent. They were unattended. After the wedding supper they left on the 6 o'clock train. the bride trawling in a navy blue serge suit, with hat to mulch and Persian Iamh furs. To Probe Strange Death Important Notice to Farmers Cinnamon’a Hardware Store Wmmmm Kat-st. IARRIAGE. Wire Fencing at 31 Cents per rod flymeneal olhor Dr. T. P. McCullough . Fomnrly of NM Ir. Irvine. ht. Clu- Dam practiced in all m OFFICE IN m BEALL BUM 1N0. LINDSAY. mmmummm Dr. H. Irvine, Dentist nmmmmwny menu. owe-flu Factual-Var “108 3. HIGH! W! W. lay; Public Ont. Bunch one. ct Woodvmo. 11:.qume HOPKIUI 8098188. Bumtou. Solicitors. Rota-loo on Sonata-a (or the Bank 0! locum! [any to loan at lowest um. Ol- Successfully practising Dr. Neelands, Dentist Jos. Maunder Son In comparison with the ordinsry grades. They are so fine. smooth, Ind white. and such splendid baking flours. They captivate housekeepers with the first trial. Order a. sack of " Gold Medal." or "Baker's Qlioon” todoy. No other flour is just like ours. At all grocers. Over Spntt Ellen’s Store Lumber. Shingle. Etc Cement sud Sula [It Baker lumber (0. lillli‘ At the Bruce Old Stand, Lindsay A complete assortment of double and single harness and trimmings for repairing. An experienced and Com- petent harnessmaker on the premises. The dun-ad for the {Mutton is fu- in exam of tho aupply. College opon all your. En“! non. Write for Catala‘um Cor. Yong. and W. J. ELLIOTT Alexander 8t.- Principal {wmm’lmeyml Bruce Harness Business in Liquidation GEO. _Â¥= aging-am: Killian-8t. north I'gxg PM? swag“ Linda! Our Flour Shines New Spring shock of Bicycle sup- plies. Dunlap TractiOu Tires, Tubes. Pumps. etc. Repairs kept for the Massey, Cleveland and Perlect Bicycles. Home Clippers. and Mower Knives sharpened. Sewing Machines. Em" repaired. Maintained in the Popular R. SMYTH on Free. 'I‘elopIOIo £10. TORONTO. ONT. PHONE 77 WOOD PAGE mm Futory Good- It

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