in tho vand'n chum. Wm. mm OM , Ian‘s. can. with ma! mo in u ~uux be wide '0» ' "m COM-ll handily but". want. out UIS ah- t that new, noting your 'INJI otter when neï¬tn your ous organ- aid in the 1|in unini- “D by tho every part oplmneu, soon dil- :s are fed I'm-n wry Mg!!! (a... 'nronto‘ Nnnafly Food 1 1m. wag 1 down. fluid! dild- >_ -.. QEUIK, proprietcr of the ï¬fe Theatre, Benevine, Passed y . §uddenl5- from an attack of ap- Maï¬a. He leaves a. young Wm" '50» State Men. of health is Very pre- ha“ the com chic Lindsay Branch, mould n- mznio by means of our ORDERS. isswd wnhout delay CAPITAL, $15,000,000 ‘ 5 On your bands which tn :1 Supply of tough, “ens w ill refuge . U7 ~ Whhors no: z'. \m." \m-ictics Of 1m". Y‘mxlember that ' 1 (my-Ty sorts, such «a an large or as . .“iy “hite corn and - I. :.-:- varieties, and .-~'n11.\. is only a few fwzuocn the two in 1:19;. only enough of ln' planted to as- x-o pickings. More- :he early varieties quickly and if you! choosing them or about the ï¬rst few Li-ason and 1m "H‘n 1 FATAL (1» er 5 and DA )0 ‘4 in :30 u Saturday! :0 to 1 «ram. H'! ut the ï¬rst few “1 and too little are likely to find Incorporated by Act of Parliament BANK OF MONTREAL '1 m.- L‘anudian Bank of Commer‘ c n r thud 0f remitting small sun :3 ML: I ah: :rge at any shank in C d m the principal cities of the [{shAY, APRIL 17, 1913. Paid up Cumin)..- Rest Undivided Proï¬c- \\' shipping well, thus» at your Iy than such ‘N'L turn, let- ~I be gathered MONEY ORDERS Ofï¬ce Hour: : 3 and under Hh earth, will ft‘t't. It can, set. out where us lcttuce, ear- \' Lvm-n remov- salï¬iiy may be (If ; in rich soil, ll z‘a-qnil't‘abO’dt Luz-Is, carrots, gm rt'quire from ~. 'J‘he "\ine" lulu-1's, squash, and water, i‘e- ; I'm-t. (‘oleryf .u‘ . I mil not have' us, remember ; in rouge, turnips, 3 .. w-lpns‘, ooions 5’" _ _ '11 "IS ’hll’l'ma" “9 ., 'J 'wso at your i In! I95 REMITTANCES ABROAD Lindsay Branch established AD him-i uh of I'UW IHI)‘ E very descriptinn 0f trnrwacwd. buvmgs JJI Branch mmmn. every important city gun AUWFVHNI'HMd. kudOH.E «u‘k, \Jhtcagn, :5: t "a UH Hf vm‘h UH" ‘ \nll mm! for ‘ r all, gut (ha ‘ul' Ml." 'l‘hon »e in per- «'H occupying ruw ura puke 1. potatoes. :gmlant and Um to two lm‘k d not exceeding $10 (I 6‘ 6A Branches m even .ininn everv imn pace («am I __._ «In hvul- ‘IHL (‘L,\|;|\’ 19“,...» lm\\’.\‘ 1x x» important I ‘4\l lbl‘3l3.}'l'lԤ. ruremuat i «I'lluwa: MW†1.0“.â€â€˜0 ".“Mt â€U" [snluuml mrulum In a pm‘llnmvm, ul’ uvcupymg fsvmmiuni “us muwtvd on Mumluy v are lev lust just arm the dinner rocosx. lw. PM I got’mre’e’ ' "'"md did not ,1: havetoget'anymoreflywmpkteb _ ’ curedm nervoussyntem.†9' Milbtgn’a Hurt and Nerve 15n- an no?“ em? Wm mas-m...“ out: to in; per Pa 1‘- lbody may be sound while the nervous system is all upset, on account of the troubles and worry which fall to the lot i of one who has to look after the trouble: 1 incident to housekeeping, and when the i nerves become unstrung the heart 18 also { effected. ~ . . In Milburn’s Heart and Nerve P11]: in combined a treatment that Will cure ah forms of nervous disorder as. well as not ontheheartitself,and forthisreasonwe would highly recommend them to all run down women. Mrs. Wm. Smith, Terra N 011‘» mites-“I wish to tell you that have used Milburn’a Heart and Nerve Pills. Iwassonervouslcouldhu‘dlyletany-j onetalktomeuntilaneighbomtoldmo to try {our Milbum’s Heart and)?“ Elk- gotthreebom and- not ; When women vote and the electiOn [doesn't go to suit him a man can ;blame it on his wife. Diseases of the nervous system are yery commpn. All_ of the (l SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS and 0 reasonable rates. In times of peace a lot of otherwise sonsiblz- people prepare to get mar- ried. . l' 1 I ï¬ll"!!! com l0? lET ANYONE TALK TO IIEB SHE WAS 50 NERVOUS. The chamber rang} with shouts of laughter. But still the Opposition seculded and flounder-ed on. “ 1 don't care what you referred tn." roared Dr. Clark. “ It is all false. Mr. Churchill neVer said it.†“ Well ! †replied Mr. White, crush- in Ix “axing a paper in his hand, this is the cabled report of the speech from the colonial omce.1t is no nowspaper report." " What speech does tho honorable mmnher refer to? " hlandly asked Fthe minister in his quiet thin \‘oiCe. : “ The First Lord's speech of March ,25th." said Dr. Clark. ' “ But I referred to his speech of March 3lst, which the honorable member said he would agree with if it, Were true," said Mr. White. . A. HOLMES Manager ms! Just â€no-r lhn «linuvr 1'00055. IH‘. Mark, of RN! lie-or, thu hummur of H10 ()pmmiliun, al‘uHu at 8 u'clnck t0 cuminuu his speech, and began by LR“ ,vlnring in a Voice of thunder that thu minister of ï¬nance had deliber- Fan-1y garblPd the speech of recent (Inham, of the First Lord of the Ad- miralty. Getting bolder as he went. un nncuntmdictml, be fairly howled» with dvlight at, the mincemeat he; was apparently making; of Hon. T." W. White. I of Commerce, are miptinn of Banking nuunesn bmnngs qumrtmmn M: werv SENSA TIONAL INCIDENT sums of money. , These Orders, 1 Canada (except in the Yukon PI mime n' the ...... 316,000.000 ......$16,000.000 a ngomco - _-.v-J United Stafes, are issued at ; city the Domin- !on.Eng!uml, New 8353637360 .B. Black, Manger Lindsay Branch a safe, convenient and ‘, $12,500,000 .= 1. F 7 Will]? .D. 1858 u Eotablinhod L D. 1817 every MONEY 3.8 “ That all those on the ‘Indian list’ be photographed and copies sent to bartenders. , , “That bars be allowed to remain opal until 11 o'clock p.111. Satin:- " That ‘compensati‘én be proviaed out of the revenue of the government from the liquor interest for hotel- keepers who lost licenses without costs. ~ ~“ Thatâ€" law be enacted to prevent newsboys and w0men operating hurdy gurdies from entering hotels. ‘ opportunities. 1 Beputation .will approach the government to-day and present the following resolutions : Toronto, April ISLâ€"Such a large number of hotelmcn {mm all over Ontario answered the can of the we cutive of the ()ntario'Liconsed and Allied Trades Association to meet in special convention at St. George’s Hall, Toronto, that there was not space to accommodate, them, and Association Hall had to be utilized. There were over 1,200 members pres- ent, and the speeches were of a uni- formly militant character. The drastic changes in the License Act proposed by the Ontario Government ,have aroused the trade to the neces- sity 'for defensive organization, and an organization fund of $150,000 was guaranteed by members present. A strong resolution was passed pro- testing against further curtailment of flotclemen ’A man who toil 'was good to hm- Supposing he was cierâ€"how many ( women would not ‘men their pipes. women have found with a pipe in; dangerous. I ,F‘.--vva The story or the Love tragedy away In the back townships in a and One. about it. -___--._...‘u g‘unu Al'lli â€UL LOWING CLOSELY. The high coat of living to-duy dc. manda economy on every side. sick. new is expensive. Fur better to treat little ms before they grow ner- long. For this reason every home should have handy on the she}! a good remedy like Nervmne. which cure: the minor ailments th‘t occur In every lamny. For example. when the boy roman and it is inexpressibly gloomy .nd .bhomnt. Why should this young man. ad. mittedly sober and indnltrioun. be uniting . terrible‘dmlh m l! "1"“ derer'l cell gt Owen Round? One looks almost lmplm'mmy. almost hépomfly. for same oxtnnnnflng Mr- in with wet feet and n with! cough .cumtunro. The one witnvnn Who Nervmne Wm cure him. If ‘ cold. wu mmnm with tho hOmv mt: tn M. nottled on Mn chem. rub on Ner- thct lonely-3nd we may umr. “9“" Wine and tho cold will 30. {omens and unpainted-(rune house on u something hu been «mm "M“ the side 0! the mad thrown down muses cramps. mum“. 0" *“Ir'hm- ï¬ght on It. In, twvuty dl'UPh 0" x""""‘°“ ‘ in her grave was continually N" that's m and euro ll “WNW. I prowling bar laborvr husband b»- As a lintmont fur outward anpun- I tau-o he was g poor mauageIh-und he HOD in cg,†0! Senate“. Lun- - mokï¬d! .‘ud Uni hn 1".» n- "-J Chronicles Going to Fight THE KHAN. OF THE KHAN NAGGING , mm. sne was bridge across the Scum": to replace )r one thing. and. tin- imn unc nnw in Us». The steel not spoil him with for the structure is placed along the :ked of him was tracks at Santiago, about a quarter and her papooses m‘ a mile frum the bridge on the "flnn A...) :_._:.‘l, WATCHMAN- WARDER. LINDSAY, Next morning shampoo Vwith Cuti; cum Soap. Shampoos alone may be used _as.often as ggrpeable, but And Cuticura Ointment. Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura. Ointment. Continue until Ehole scalp has been gone over. CUTICURA SOAP w WM Treatment WIth cmen- eaSt side of the riw-r. game The chunge is ruluircd owing tu IA .1 , it. looks ï¬ne. FNerything depends on the point of View. ‘A few years ago a boy whOSe trousers reached only half why to his ankles was considered a jay. NOW they roll them up that far and think DAN DRUFF AND FALLING HAIR Prevented by The funeral will -be held on Sunday at 1 o'clock. service at the house half an hour earlier, to St. Mary's ceme- tery, Mann-rs. 7" .- wh"‘ She is survival by {our daughters: Mrs. Jas. Dean, Lindsay ; Mrs. Chas. Magill and.Mrs. Lou Staples. Mam \‘ers: and three sons: Simon Henry and Robert. of Peterhoro. and Jos~ eph. of Essex; and two grandchildren: Fred Arnott and Jessie. o! Manvers. ‘l‘lm olm‘mmml lmd luwll rnm‘mmlnu with IM‘ grmulnuu 1H“. ul‘muluughmr' rt'fllllo'lllrd u! mewn' tmmahlp, wlm hml lmtlv hm- n tum] “null-luv cm Hm \mlk lmullng to Mr rmulrnt'v a low minnum m-M'luu». llvam tailum in Allppmwd tn lw thv mun" uf (It'ulh. ’l‘ho decennial! hull hwn a twillunt of Mammy: township previous to talking up her abode in l‘imlnay, and was highly rvspectod by all with whom she (0li an amuaintant-e, and her sudden damso will he hvarcl with re. gret by all. "or husband pra-duceas- ‘ ed her about ten years ago. ' \HVM-IN mn' mm- nuuu wquum Dr. Chm-0':- Oln om. «Ml mum; you at om and an out-19m, mm 72! 000. at bar «‘ «Morn. or lsdmnnnon. 1mm. c .,. mm]: ‘ ronlo. Hump!» hr?“ "W H .vM: nmnuun Lh‘n “r Mod madam la «Mum u- may non-lug, The Work will he done some Sun- tluy m‘v lung, the company putting «m 11 Intro gum: n! mvn Mm will ('umploh- tlw work in less than 2-1 hours. 'l‘rull‘u' “ill nut ln- llvlayml h)- snch nn «mprntinn, i1 is sum-d by In nlliciul ('roasw! traflic Passing uvor. “stem it is m is taking place T0 REPLACE 0L1) BRIDGE. The (:.’l‘.R. have all the m ready for the emotion of Norvlllno lg nothing now. No. it's one o! the oldest and beat known re- medies. Used in thousands of homes by the people of many nations. simp- ly because it. stops pain. cures sick- ness, and rids the family 0! ills be- low they become troublesome. Get the family size bottle, price 50c. :1 trial size 25c., at all storekeepera and tlruggists or the Catarrhomne (30., Bullalo, N.Y. I! something bu been Mwn nun mum crampn. “IAIN“. or diarrhoea Jun uvvmy drop:- ot Norviunoâ€" that'l an and cure II ottoctod. All a unlmwt tor outward mum-.- Uon in one o! Neuralch. Lune Hack. Sciatica. Lumbago or Rhoumg- Nam. it's really hard to imagine how Nerviline ratiï¬es, and how soon It cures. Th: World’s Best Liniment Medal in Every family From Infancy to Old Agef '0 O I I i l 2 r'or example. when the boy roman huve gout] in with wet foot and n alight cough. they «N n“ Nervmne will cure him. I! u cold and being : hm: Ifltll‘d on Man cth m». m. u-.. 7 . . m ruyurvu mung to in- c and heavior trains 'l‘hl‘nllghout the whu‘o understand this change no ‘01 mt r B £1â€th dni‘m M ' c 'I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ' ’ I hut. nr ‘9rotr‘zd. hm ( ' I“. d. ‘ mg I'Hos. No thing-s : «'lvm nurklunl 0W“ n' ion wquhuu. â€PM: fund in MI! .V‘Huvo you at one: M 9303' me. a cum: all I: - mr daughters : y ; Mrs. Chas. Smplus. Man- Simon Henry Men Mwn that sou. or dlurhm. n of Norvmnoâ€" II otYectod. outward ammu- Nourulgh. Lune; material 01' a new to replace TALL, HUSCULAR MEMBER OF SCUGOG TRIBE DEAD. Scugog. April 10.â€" has visitâ€" ed the Indian Reserve and deï¬ned possibly the tallest Indian 0! the Band. James Johnson was a very tall. muscular and healthy looking man. He was of a very quiet and genial manner. He wu ; great walks; many... timeho has covered the ground between his hame and Port Perry. and possibly no one has done it in las- thne. He was also vé-yhglptulattm inleadingthe ‘oerï¬oeofminflnlndianchmhp But death can. and the mm; had to bow bin-alt. mm we will no non ace his «11 manly loan can: as. To hii‘ vita and M a“ vi W pu- llout m { -_ - 'â€" -mvâ€"OIV‘I a large. new and up-toâ€"dute machine for grading of sand and stone, which machine will be placed in the pit. k The National Concrete Company. of Lindsay, having experienced a brisk demand for their goods 0! late from customers in the surrounding country and from a. distance, lately installed 'me tell you that one of the best vmys in the world to ligheen and sweeten them is to 1990 your-eel! in the servjcc of others, in helping to bear and lighten flame of a fellow being whose, 'perchance, are much more grievous than your own. . . When turned in this way, sorrow is the most beauti- ful Boul~refiner'of which the world knows. and hence not to be shunned, but. to be welcomed and rightly turn- ed.â€"R. W. Trina. BUSINESS INCREASING. HELP OTHERS. Have you sorrows or trials that seem \Zery heu’y to bear ? Then let v-.- .~ -- u Inlv Capt. Crandoll, m Lindsay. The prayers and best wishps M an host of friends will ewr be theirs. DIED. ARNOTT.â€"-ln Undsay. on Friday, April 11th, 1913, Elimbeth Merri- fleld, wife of the late Richard Ar- nott. ’l‘hu young people are both very popular at Hallburton. the (‘nptuin having hem Quito successful in his work, while Miss hit-Brien, as 3 junâ€" ior ofï¬cer in the army, took the reâ€" spousibllity of -her station with won- derful ability, mania-sting a beautiful spirit of Christian charat-ti-r. The happy couple will visit Hamil- ton. l’ctorboro and othor points, ru- maining a few days with their {ric-nd. l!.‘..4 l u- I‘ll‘VIII‘. ll." [LiouL-l‘ol. ('humllm'. Divinumul ('mu- ‘3"""‘.‘""‘ “r" â€â€˜0â€.th the uunul ‘mundvr. nalmn In full drums of tame a! the TM cnmma-Hng parties “mu “Mm, (owner â€Mm-n of the “400." ed by A. "loss and Sta" l‘um. l. (men flu: nnly (â€Runner helm-cm Mammy, ail! ultlrml In luwuming suits («'Mntricily and cuminoss is whc'Un-r or My umfnrm. ’l‘hu young people am both very “:0 wmh to cxpma fl. politely ul' fur- popularAat Hallburton. the (‘antuln “My. V .sssgssssssssss.sssss§ III-2(‘I\‘-â€"\Irl!l(ll-I\‘. ‘ .\ \‘N'y lmpm M'u-nl Luuk plm‘v H‘- mmâ€), “Du-n I‘umum “wk, ur llw Sul‘utluu Arm). «ml Ml» Lm‘imm Mrlirhm, clunghlvr at Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Mclh'ivn, u! llulilmrhm, “I‘l'u "NN'rifld I" thl‘ ('“V of 'l‘nl'nnlu lu- roasts ot't‘asitmally with sprayer tilled with ma! oil ; bath and oil on the p rs them lree from insects. '° As to the brat-(1.1881 ditTerence as to the lay Leghorns commenced when about, {047- months old. an “jug ï¬ne. or course. if yo v,have broilers, then the lur Plate best; but, if wintei gthink there is more in the ffin breed. I remember a s _ [father once told me. He 55 ' sent his boy to bring home had bought, and told the b the man who sold the pig \\ it was. '1129 mun put the I end of the bug. and tied s in the other. and told the h his father that the pig WM end of the hm: and the Mac othvr. Now I am wry sm milk is one of the bout, ruti can ho in] fur thn prmlt vggs: it more than takes 1 of tin- mvnt. "l in“? also I "It-t tht'm pltmtor 111M“. “1'â€. h'Hinu' 'hl‘lll hu|n {a at INDIAN IS DEAD Mica-«u dart-min Inrm‘ly nn â€mm inâ€: vlmnnlinvsn. goml t‘urt‘. sum- m [ml and prom-r Vul‘!flt.\'.â€"-(‘.J. ,_‘.V. - vvu-I Now an to trod: “nun wlnter 1 fed t very llttlo corn. ’l‘ho llrnt fwd In the morning in wheat; Mm mm cam now milk right 'trum 1h» separator. all they will take. about a quul'l, to tan hens. ln the afternoon lhvy RM potato wellngu. apples, eta. and some days turnlp tops to pack an. Somalhmm they got dry bread. At night "my usually “at when“. but occahlonully lluckwhl-al. I also giw them “‘00:! ashes and charcoal. and l ‘hmo one turner pollllonml ml to umke a small uln lnm which I put ashes from the coal slot'e {or them to swallow in. I also go mar the reusts ()(‘t‘asiunnlln win. Mn ~ 7‘ A nu‘e goon shingle roofs ; no you an “My are no! owl-heated. but are dry. and being: mm on and. have a very wood floor In the feed room. Now an to teed: This winter l fed '. ON TARIO. mm pluutor that rnmv nlf Hing them haw it to nv flymeneal um); M‘vul tuuk plm‘u ru- u-n I‘umm‘n Hack. ur Ilw Arum. and MI» Lurlmlu rimmhtvr uf Mr. and Mm. Hon. u! llullburhm. «mm. the (‘ily u! ’I'urunlu by ('hmullvr. Uh'iu'mml ('umn um- ull Mum. My bu! only hoards. one thickness [P of the b0!“ ruliunw thlll fed fur lhn pmduction nf more than takes the Waco It. I huvo also boron civ- Experience Witï¬ Poultry vung‘l. apples, 010.. and a turnip tops to peek at. a they get dry imam. At v usually «at wheat. but ly buckwheat. I also giw 1 ashes and charcoal. and 1 Connor petitionkd .m‘ to nnmenced when they were month..- old. and are lux- Df course, if you wish to ‘s, then the larger broods but, if winter layers, I is more in the feed thunw i remember a story my‘ (old me. He said a man to bring home a pig‘ he and told the boy to ask ' » Kohl the pig what lira-1| mun put. the pig in one ug. and tied some cum and told the bay to loll! mt the pig was in the; IR and the breed in the; I am \ory sure thul coal stut'e for men! to ‘ also go over the ally Wiih my potato in: ma! oil. The ash I on the perches hoop to the laying. as my My buildings hut litllc icknm. but. ; no you see but are dry, have a Very Notice is hereby given that the > Board of License Commissioners for the license district of West Victoria meet at the license inspector's otï¬ce, No. 7 Cambridge-st†in the town of Lindsay. on Saturday, April 19th, at the hour of two o'clock p.m. for the purpose of considering applica- tions for liquor licenses for the license year 1913- 14. All persons. interested will govern themselves ac- cording!» There are two new 'ap« piications ior licenses {or the license year 1913-14. Dated at Lindsay this 7th day of April, 1913. J . huw seen all the high “(Her “e want I! a man “Tn“ the some kind 0‘ to see; it is “Will. The whole city love letters after marriage as he did is without gas, water or electric before. it is an intambie sign that he light. .i'llthoug‘h er were 0:! of the . . . water 1 came so ast we id not married happily. . ' , , , . M. (3. Elliott, recently manager of fknow “hether “9 would be next or the Royal Bank at Ingersoll. was i â€0" The “'3‘" rose for "V0 days at | t A ‘ h - presented with a gold watch lwfm'e' he rate M fourtetn lDChIh an hour , ' I before coming to a standstill. '11:. “mm; “"3““ lriver of 300 yards width bemtrm- a . __ _ raging torrent one and a li.. dos "" wide. Buildings collapsed ;.:.; yo- ple were killed on the main wt. 'l‘hree big bridges were swept .113 land it was nothing to see . mo floating down the riVer. ’l‘ho- vity is under martial law and, as then. NOTICE are no bridges. the soldiers talk by _.+_ means 0! signal. OF CANADA "LINDSAY BRANCH ‘ nun-arr. Ant-tun. E «owouoummomoouumomomm Wells drilled at. shortest notiCe, terms reasonable RUSSELL-ST. LINDSAY 0l Low pa ices, I have no middle JOHN DENNIS WM. THORNBU '1'. License Inspector. Enct Copy of Wrapper. ;::::a2222Ԥ?: PUMP MAKFR 5r: LINDSAY on r. msxr T0 cmemnv I have no middlemen's in Mountin- Io Fleepabnlwhdlem ohwomaodméhccne any uh M Sud: - Wield-“503m†Wguhplauedbhflp 'Ml. eluvnu. coup...“ g..- Pumps, Wind Mills Gasoline Engines commission to PAG r: THREE VCIIu covv‘ I"!