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Watchman Warder (1899), 3 May 1900, p. 7

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‘ght through :nn Invite g Y0“ Boys, con- iark Navy vnie Suits, aring Suits, {Cd as well next the 1055, ke you .13: $3 W631i 950 :hurns Wheelbarrows he Celebrated Eureka, Smithing Coal tarriage Makers’ and Black- Smith’s ~su pplies. LOWEST PRICES ,uilders Hardware Horse Clippers Prism Brand Ready MixedPaints E is practically impossible to heal up notes or ulcers, esPeoiale fig. old uonic kind, with ordinary remedies. No matter how large or of how 10:: h ”ding they may be. however, they readily and stay healed permanently in Burdock Blood Bitters is m HARVEY CELINE. Mrs. E. Define, Arden, 01113., proves fill! [the following account she gave of her Vale boy’s case: “When my little son [sney was one year old he broke out in urea :11 over his body. They would heal pforatime. then break out again about {ice 3 year, till he was past four; than he gamed to get worse and was completely taunted. When doctors failed :0 cure 1;; 'i'giv'o 1m}; Burdock Blood Bitters. 1d besides bathed the sores with it. “It is nine years ago since this hafipened Id I must say that in all this time 0 hi war had a spot on his body or a” sign of to 01:1 trouble returning." ;§EED‘ GLENNAN 8:00. WEDDING RINGS Imake these rings any weight, size or style. (Emit? 0f gold guaranteed. . Mm? mgfaved inside free nfchaxge. Pnces MAY 3 Jeweler and Issuer of Mamage Licenses. g: from $2.00 to $10.00. {ardwarm 1900 ..THE.. 1900 Forward Movement “OMB-MRDB BOOTS grow paying crops because they're fresh and nlwnyu the best. For sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Stick to Ferry”. Seeds and prosper. 1900 Seed Annual free. Write for it. D. as. FERRY co.. Windsor. 0M. 3 , “an“. «- apcblalt, ‘1' .......~-- Plough Boots ad 5150 in River Drivmg Boots. Prices same as last Ye”; . The only practical Shoemaker m and- “7 Come in and sec for Y°mscm It will pay you :0 bring your "9”" In “I. . H UGHAN, 10k 12k. 14k 18k. ‘e make a §pccialty _9f FEW", _Lr\ .NO- 14. William-st. Noi-th â€"of the Biggest Stock ofâ€" _._ Forbert, Ever seen in Lindsay. Coal and Iron No. 1 William st. LINDSAY From Correspondents All Over the County LETTERS 0F CAMBRAY T. R. J ames of this village is. agent for the famous Cleveland and Welland Vale bicycles. He has already sold quite a large number this season. Repairs of all kinds kept in stock. See him if you want; a good wheel cheap. Old wheels taken in exchange for new ones.â€"18-3 Weldon Co. are retiring from busi- ness, and offer their stock of general merchandise as cost price, and In many cases less. The goods must: be sold by J one let. This is an exceptional chance to secure bargains. See posters. MANILLA Dame rumor reports a. weddin‘g here in hhe near future. Mrs. Hodge of Uxbridge has been visiting Mrs. J ames Coone. Pure mixed paints at Cinnamon Everaon’a, Lindsey. Mrs. Grey has been laid up with a sore arm, being threatened with blood poieoning. Qaarterly services will be held in the Methodist church the first: Sunday in May. Where are our boys? The village is quite deserted, as Messrs. Grant, Harper, Coone, Hunter and Winbern have left recently for different places. A former pastor in the person of Rev. R. Mallebt, BA., of Orillia, preached in the Methodist church Sunday morning. His sermon was forceful and impressive. GRASS HILL Columbia and Hartford bicycles at Cinnamon 6; Everson’s, Lindsay. A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. McNabb, Mariposa, cn \Vednesday, April 18th ult., the occasion being the marriage of their eldest daughter. Miss Tens, to Mr. Alex. Cameron of Eldon. The bride was assisted by her cousin, Miss M. A. Gillies, while the groom was ably supported by his brother Archie. The knot was skil- fully tied by the Rev; Mr. Duncan of Woodville in his usual happy manner. After the usual congratulations were extended to the bride and groom, the company of guests sat down to a sumptuous repast. ‘The presents to the bride were useful and valuable, testifying to the high esteem in which she was held. The evening was spent in pleasant amusement to all present. ,We extend to the happy couple a pleasant future and much happiness. Seeding is general. Manitoba. weather the last few days. The roads have dried up finely, and the amateur bicyclist: 1s: abreast the times in baking advantage. The swallow has made its appear- ance on the barn top, and the carol of the sweet warblers of the air, and the budding t-reea of the wood unitedly proclaim the advancement of spring- tide. MANSE GROVE â€"--ELDON Miss A. Heaslip is as present: Spend- ing a couple of weeks with Toronto friends. Farmers are at present busy seeding and hope, if the fine weather continues, to be through soon. ' ‘ 3~ L-1.I Our Sun-day school. every Sabbauh ab 10 mm in numbers and inten continue so. Flu VVVVV Rev Mr G conducted service church on Sunday uery impressive disc ordonsmibh of Glengarry in Sb. Andrew’s Inf and delivered a curse. LITTLE BRITAIN LCRN E VILLE INTEREST 7 school. which is held ab 10 mm . is increasing and interesb. May it ELDON A meeting was held in St. Andrew’s church on MOnday, 23rd, for the pur- pose of moderating in a call to a. min‘ ister. The one to whom the call is being extended is Rev. N. A. M3- Donald of Cedarville. We h0pe ”0 see this charge soon settled as there is great need for a settled pastor. The Columbia and Hartford bicycles are acknowledged by experts to be the moat perfect. and up-to date wheel 01] the market). Cinnamon Evereon’ Lindsay’s hardware men, have just received a shipment of these wheels all fitted with the celehmted Dunlop tires, and are ofiering them an greatly reduced prices. Intending purchasers will do well to sell these wheels before OAK WOOD Several hundred people of L'ndsay and anrrouniing country have found that the cheapest p‘ace to buy hard- ware supplies, etc., is at Cinnamon dz Everson’s, the new hardware man, Lindsay. Subscriptions are being solicited to raise money to buy a. flag. The move is in the right direction, but a little more steam would do no harm. We would like to see the flag hoisted so that when Pretoria reckons Lord Roberts among its citizens we shall be able to celebrate the event in a worthy manner Mrs. anks died at her l'te resi- dence here on Sunday morning. Her death was caused by a. severe attack of pneumonia, the illness nob extend- buying. ing over a week. Her death was a surprise to everyone, as few knew that she was sick. Deceased was a daugh- ter of Mr. Neil Patterson, 7th con., Mariposa, who is in his 90bh year. The Chosen Friends and Foresters are arranging to have an excursion down the lakes in June. This excur- sion is usually well patronized, and it is expected the trip this year will not be behind former years. The particu- culars will be given later on. The announcement is made now so the public will have an opportunity of getting ready to take the day when it comes. The ice is gone. Look out: (or one rest) of the story later. Miss Beatrice Newell is the gueso of her sisber Mrs. A. Hoyle. Mr. Albert Hoyle has rented Mr. A. Oliver’s house and has moved his family to it. We are pleased to have with us Mrs. H. Rodgers who is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Staples. The M cNish bxothers are bueiiy en- gaged preparing the site for a new barn which we expect will add greatly to the appearance of our neighborhood. We are sorry to abate that Mrs. R- McNiah lies at: present: in a. very criti- cal condxtion. She pun-noses being re. moved to the hospital, Toronto, as soon as her strength will permiu. We hope for her recovery. Mrs. G. Haygarth returned on Monday night after spending two weeks in Cavan attending her mother, who has been suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia, but we are pleased to bear that she is out of dan ger. The Meghodist people of this up. pointmenb are making full preparanions for the erection of a church. Mr. M. Haygarch has kindly given them a site on his farm facing the Victoria Road. The people interested are de- lighted wich the hearty co-operabion of bhe people on every hand. The sub- scription list: grows rapidly and ibis hoped that; in Will have reached $1,000 lbefore a stone islaid. OMEMEE The farmers are progressing favor- ably seeding, and never enjoyed a. more favorable time. Mr. Magwood of the Victoria Loan 6:. Savings Co. of Lindsay, was here on business this week. The services in the Presbyterian church have been changed (or the summer from 2.30 to 3 pm. The Methodist congregation are selecting a minister and have several in view. Wm. J. Lamb, drayman, is contin- uously busy, and our merchants must be disposing of considerable goods. The Adams’ livery is doing a fine business and rigs have to be secured ahead most of the time. Miss Allen, milliner, at T. Ivory Sons, has a choice stock of millinery, showing good taste. Rev. Mr. Lsngfeldb’s pulpit was supplied by a student last Sunday IHE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONTi LUNG PC-INT Look out: for the Xi‘i‘fi‘ifl'kfl‘” acceptably, whilst. the Lindsay Episco- pal church was fi led by Mr. Lsngfeldt. K The engine and boiler for Kennedy Jr Nicholls saw and shingle will has arrived, and they are regular “jumbos.’ ulll' Uu,uuu sun-VJ -fifi- r1 Our implement agents number four this season, for different firms. All appear to be doing their share of business. The Rev. Mr. Ksnnawen, Presby-l terien minister stationed here, has been successful in getting B.D. tozhis name at the recent examination at Queen's University. Kingston. Our village was thronged last Satur- day evening with wearied farmers and employees making their necessary purchases. Many were disappointed by no open air band concert. SON YA The bicycle has again made its appearance. Mrs. McClnng is now in very poor health. Mr. John F. Black is visiting relu- tives in Midland at present, Columbia and Hartford bicycles at Cinnamon <5: Everson’ 8, Lindsay. Sunday school will be held at 10 mm. during the summer months, linstesd of 3 p.m. as formerly. We’re up to our eyes in business! GRAHAM IS GROWING and don’t you forget it, thanks to our patrons. Not a day passes without fresh witnesses to the fact, and the reason, is that a growing confidence exists between this store and the public. We’re not up to the tricks of the ;. Clothingr trade and don’t want to be. We desire to make our business a pleasant one and profitable as wellâ€"pleasant for us and profitable and pleasant for those who buy from us, and actions speak louder than words. What might have proved 9. very serious accident occurred on the farm of Mr. Donald McKinnon recently by wbieh his’ daughter Ella. got the toes of her foot badly bruised. While nttempting to get on a horse power while in motion. her toes passed under ‘a traveller, bruising them badly. , Dr. Daily we receive notice that makers have advanced prices many per cent., but we shall go on selling Clothing during May as if we never heard Jan advance. If you don’t realize how low our prices are, compare them with the prices ruling in other stores Put quality and price together and see how we lead at every point. 'Ne covet no man’s silver or gold unless he wants the BEST VALUE IN CLOTHLNG AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHINGb IN CANADA, and then we’re prepared to give value received in fullest measure. Men’s strong all- wool Tweed Suits, in dark and light patterns” 4. 25 Men’s Blue Serge Suits, twilled linings, sac- ?rifdff’i‘?:fff‘fffi‘f‘t 4.70 Men’s serviceable Fine Dressy Black Serge Suits, well trimmed 6.50 Men’s strong all-wool Men’s Fine S c 01 c h Boys’ Norfolk style Suit Tweed Suits,in dark Tweed Suits, very in homespuns, fancy l and light patterns. _ 4.25 neat patterns, latest 7 50 tweeds and navy serâ€" 3 2R l Men’s Blue Serge SUitS, cut. . . .. ........... I ges ............... o J ‘ twilled linings, sac- SwellCPrince Albert’s Bovs’ 2-piece Suits, in l. que style, well trim- and .utaway. English Tweeds, Serges and ' med ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4,70 Walking SUItS. ..... 9.00 Worsteds .......... 2.25 ‘2 Men’s serviceable Fine YOUthS’ or Young Men’s Children’s Fancy Sailor Dressy Black Serge 3-piece Suits, 5033““ Suits, wi t h large Suits, well trimmed 6.50 W001 Tweed ------- 5-00 Sailor Collars ...... 2.50 Boys’ 3 -piece Suits, short WATCH GRAHAA GRGRA i’:::§:fe%’§;:::‘::: 4.50 RAAGR GRAHAM GROW There’s no place in Lindsay where Men and Boys can be so well dressed at so moder- ate a price as at GRAHAM’S One-Price Clothing Store. hkkkkfl“ A. 3‘. GRAHAM? aIYBHOllS May MmmenI Extra Value in a Rising Market : THE ONE-PRICE KING CLOTHIER Lindsay and Fenelon Falls “We’re Getting There ‘ With a Whirl“ McPha‘l is attending» the young patient). IVOODVILLE Pure mixed paints at: Cinnamon Eversou’a. Lmdsay. Dr. Neelanda, dentist, wi2l be at: the Queen’s hotel. Woodnlle. on Tuesday. May 8 b. Keep the date in mind and come early. Fdllowing is the order of standing for April in S S. No. 5. Marlpou: 5thâ€" M McIunle. Sr. 4thâ€"F. McInnle, T.‘ Stone and T. Ross, equal. N. Sewell. T. McMillan. Jr. 4thâ€"A. McFadyen. R. Stone. N. McCrlmmon. S. Hoar. P. McCrimmon, W. Trebiloo. Stdâ€"B. Ferguson, T. Currie, D. Currie, S. Hour. 0. McLean. M. Forrest, V. Klevlll, A. Tomlin. Sr. 2ndâ€"A. Jewell, E. Gllaon and M. Stone and W. Rich, equal, H. Tamlin, E. Klevlll. L. Jewell. lr. 2ndâ€" W. Gilson, N. Momeen. M. McKay, T. McCrlmmon. Pt. 2â€"A. Ferguson. 0 McCrimmon, G. Glleon. labâ€"W. Jewell. T. McLeod, R. Forfeit. P. Temlln. Average attendanceâ€"26. . N0. 6 OPS Pure mixed points at Cinnamon Evouon’u, Lindsay. Mr. Philip Meeghet of Hogan’s Ialnnd loan e valuable horse on Fridey lost through an “took of congestion of the lungs. Veterinary Kenny was called in, but was late as the animal dropped deed on being led into the yard, from the stable " on his arrival. An examination by the vet. disclosed the fact that: the lungs were in a gangrenous state and the heart was enlarged to the size of a wooden pail. Had medical aid been summoned at the first evmptome death would not likely have occurred. In is easier to prevent disease than cure it. geSocooOI lllllllll BOVS’ 2-piece Suits, in Tweeds, Serges and Many resident: of McAsaey’e corner will remember the bare knuckle content which took place on the quarter line last: winter, when one of the pngiliete got his jaw dinged in during tne mix up. The fight was declared 06 just then, as one of the conteetante was bound to the peace till the fifteenth of May. The time in nearly up now and both are in good fettle. so look out for an exhibition about the 16th. Keep the date and place of meeting in mind. No roped ring. A rail fence is sufficient: to keep back the crowd. Tickets for Iale at the White Onion hotel. Box-es for the ladiel. There was s time in the history of this townehip when e clese of fermers existed who could feel et eeee with e stump fence flanked by e fringe of burdock end berry hush enclosing their broed acres ; but thank providence the earth conteins e great number of them end now they ere elmost an unknown quantity. Our young men seem to keep pace with the onwerd procession, end at times one tekes e brisk clip as Mr. J no. Hickeon did this spring. After getting his fence in shepe he secur- ed the services of J Shennehsn. who pleated e row of hard meple trees eronnd i the ferm which mekee it look so hendeome es Phoenix perk, Dublin. When one sees the feathered songstere twittering on the house tops we know spring is hovering around somewhere. And when you see Mr. Juo. Shunnshsn looking serious sud smoxing very hard, carrying a. sharp pointed shovel and s reaping hook. look out: for him. es the tree planting season is ab head. A post experience will prove he is one of the ‘most successful planters known. and every place he inserts a men rapid growth and s luxurisnt folisge follows. He is stills greet: fsvorite with the gentle sex and gains their undivided sfl'ection with his one of msnner. :Wtééi A,

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