Also a full line of ...... FANCY ROCKERS, EASY CHAIRS, LOUNGES, etc. H C «7 -~ . ~' \ ‘ Y... ‘ deee‘: 0.231535. tne serve centre; No necessity to go to the city for high-class goods See what we have to offer in . . A Mia/5012, [Vi/zgem‘ 6" C0. Parlor Dining=r00m and Kitchen Furniture “7 WHILE and 61661] will be markid down for this special sale: offering Special Bargams m ;gh class Furnitlre for the next 30 days to make room for Spri‘IO' purchases. Our extensixe stock of Pictures and Frames KENTST., LIN DSAY JUS. EARRULL X3 ~ I 23:33. : Mr. Fox says marriage I: the properionea 10 common mm W?“ “W“- :CJBdiLisn of ham team; 3’ “rice 3 The regulations adopted a: the session of :{o the ycunz men end roman of thisiu’e Ontario Home just ended forbid the :zauatxy is "Avoid mmhge and! bcttereis‘1e 0f speckled trout ‘13 July. 1903- prospeczs loom up ï¬n- the 1.50m ma The prohibition, however. does not npply é W533: right Ins Any mm to mm e ito 55!" reared “3d ought in prime PM g'younzromsn md keep her in poverty-Ema» and spanned trout from each gendmieeryiortbebdmce of hetnatnrdémmm M†90" the: the 0P3“ glife: Shverytn the Southemsntamim‘ilona fa alein mdthe dry éitlvontmgesdidnot cam my “pimps. Iris prob-bio um aplml will miserymangumuunumberoumgwï¬mpdyï¬ndhgpy into the W Edamasdcdnda-nupbune, but hueEW‘Ofm-‘fmg M in 03m ‘0' ghaudthetevusein "gym thaEmmayeua. The make: on the «he Emma to my notice. Hy mumméï¬aisnnnmimd. in: not d! be lava-Mod yet they: ~11†fouroyau-old non of Robert â€"â€"vâ€"J â€"â€"vâ€"â€"=â€" beings. Ineaavenadan nthnnambu gudouoftheleï¬sh in prim ponds "' .ofcolored people yanlgoathxingt-h'h'mt rillno doubt be h‘ghly gfld, they toldmet'nnvhen yonsgmea flab" 7.... ghveg, they hid plenty to at ME â€"AnOa:a.r§o mm Ins written tour. Edm‘ndm’ bu: m emmEBanedqthe Provincial Fibula Con- Etheyhsdmmedaadtheycould not mEMfl,‘Eï¬ngdn‘ he be “‘0'“ ‘0 Emowenonghiiflheonsznntemploymenr Epntchuanr lease 1003 acres of m Ewmw fume... The same mElmdforthe purpoaeofcnldvsdn froz- Edinoasappiyto noozesoffmmalaIAnd- Efatthe American marke.. In W Easy with constant employment. Ti‘mir‘f‘“a seven! other states fraud-ins 5" gfmfliamjm: on the verge of mt Ebecome an important ‘35â€. It. ETne "ga m'd m in emh mEBHIEdOhfl'Thm f0! infatuation on Emma: i- I, Foxayudoueuic duties; the subjecz. and believes tbs: ands Emapiasnretomylevelbadedtomn Emper direcdonalnge are: at amp EM; uqnnanace with the m: sex is: land-intheprovmancw nudes. my inclined, ye: I have nave: heard anth‘ tamed ‘0 pmï¬nhle acecnat. 0M :tomm express banal! in defence of “I“. been QM mkbgsfoztnne Edamenicdade-naphamze, but haveE “‘0‘th W15 on“ for E Tske for examp'e, s untried man. { either laborer or mechsnic. the: is out of 3 employment here, without money. and I font-ï¬fths of them ere without the lit“; How in he to more cn: rf hm to the fares: or mine with e [Amily or even pey his on ice on the nflmod without the: money to do as. If this man had neither: die not fondly his chmces wcn‘d be Lin-é paved ten to one. When the Ophelia] "31': scatterer enhefl {hit} my scheme 'here the khan: is required. his ï¬rst thought is how much VH1 the hhor cost or nther how much an I getfor nothing. Wstch our government end the my- holder, how they enema the immign- don of leboren and their funiliee from mill stone awand their neck: that pre~ vents them improving their chances. that is now patdfer at Nam! 12%. cents per hour or $1.00 and $1.25 per day. The summer seasons of a number of years following that date, scares of laborers in Lindsay averaged $2.00 per day or more at piece work. that is now paid for at $1 03 and $1 25 per day and very little of it to do. Bricklayers and stoueâ€"masons3 were paid: 3. GO to $3 50 per day at than ime; now $2.03 to S. 50 is thouzht a 3 large wage Carpenters were pdde “2 25.3 to 5,“. 50; now $1 543 :c 1 .5is as average. 3 For: ~cm= c‘ases 0: Into: wages are 50 per 3 cent. and some 100 per cent iower now; than they were ‘25 years 920. Take i: aii 3 around. bounce accoon s and the ia'oorer3 and artisan of this emu: y to-day cccupy 53 position 49 per cent. worse than the same 3 class of people did {bitty years ago and 3 the married pmple with a famï¬y hsre 33 â€w Mr. -râ€"_-_ _ fom‘gn hnésto uketheptweotmewsw m... m"-.. . mat-es cfthiscauntry 0:,me work: eight hours, ï¬re nainguflmnnd hum. 01am am When these unfortunste When he come no his eenees he unmet? s pE‘Dpze â€the here they mus: live, M to 531.18 to 8 “:21“ shmty, End milh'. the they have to work for anything they mmtas. bone was onnd ~ cm 28:. 30‘ the lsboror bar: the: â€aim: put of the box and one wheel of '-'e winged becomes helple- sad :1: mgbnggy were burned any. Stwneea n " in a was conchdcn. prey for the money-ebuk becsnee he? must wet: for him for whmever be Gian i â€"There is room for a. new inéostry or him or starve. There is no help f3:- him. get my race {or the expansion of an old Mr. Fox says mmiege I: the properéone’ 1" connection with upeckied trout. cmdidzn of human heinzs. My odrice The regulations “30?“ ‘2 the sedan of to the ycunz men sod roman of thhiu’e Ontario Home just ended forbid the country is "Avaid mmhge and! bettereis‘!e 0f speckled trout ‘13 July. 118‘ prospects loom up {J1- the 1.50m ma The prohibition, however. does not npply tht right 1155 an mm to m n fto 65!" reared “d “all“ in prime PM WAGES LOWER ROWâ€"LIVING KORE EXPENSIVE -- DOHBSTIC DUTIES â€" POVERTY AND SLAVERYâ€"DO NOT HARRYâ€"THE WAY TO TREAT SPIBSâ€" SHOULD ELECT LABOR HERBERS OF PARLIAHBNT In reply to Mr. G. H. Fox's criticism on my ï¬rst episde on the mandate ques. don. 1 must take lane with him on the rsre of raga paid now and thirty years ago. He says the mes now are greener than then, and the cos: of living lees. My experience proves the opposite. Thiny years ago last month in Lindsay I received 20 cents per hour or $2.00 a day for labor . P. (i. Pilkie Writes Anather Letter on that Subject. â€"A drinking tragedy We! at Coilingtoad Thanh, night, which fr-am pram: sppearmca- will turn on: to be a. assailant-tier, brought on by til-ally i four-yeu-old non of Robert ngrner.5 “Hilda: Avenue,1‘oromto. m ibum-dtndesthunoon Thur-day. The â€"Aiex. Rose. the cu-penter who re candy confessed to numerous burglaries at Barrie he: been sentenced to ï¬ve yen: in peniteezury on eechof three chm-geeâ€" Whish. Thomson and Bremen robberies â€"-:he sentences to run concurrently. â€"â€"W.L .hhkel, barnster. of Believflle, has been insauczed to Lane a. writ- against the Grand Trunk railway, chiming $2L, - n30) for the dentin of Jesse Martin. a ï¬re- men, who was kilxed near Ernesto“ on iFebrnu'y" :.h It is alleged that the E'trscks oeinv too dose together we: the cause of the acci-ient. the v .ctizn striking Ehis head against a bar on a ddetnck Ewhi‘e; Booking out of the engine he was E :upcn. “ .. flflvuMMA W my country vhen known. lio ceremony required. Wen-snow on the m at mothergen- country. noimetber 'hlt elm of lahot he or she is employed et, to unite In their diet“ to elect to perllunent men rho will give liberty of conscience, free-peed: end not coercion us nor exists with refer- ence to labor union. Drop petty polltia gltogether end unite in the hbor cease. Capital hold: both political panties and controls them, and if the labor people organize and play loyel to the come they can elect members enough to render the muse greet assistance. Our whole Can- adian system of government reqnlrea te- modeiling to give us something of an up- rodebe nature after the model of New Zaabml. which in now acknowledged to have the most advanced system of govern- ment in the world. dam. The synélene, it is aided. is send- ing a mmmission to the United Scenes to inspect the bee: phat: there sud to study American methods. The commission in- cludes the mmgers of large steel eom' psniee and Mr. Szephen Fumes, son of Sir Christopher Fumes, the prominent â€"E-:-g2ish nerspepere announce the: e syndicsze of northern apialists with “unlimited teem!" is about to erect on :11th of the River Teen the letgezt armor plate vorhln the United Ring. shi unmet, snlpmmaer ma engmenuuaer, 9f Wag: Etnlepoo]. -.T. 8:05:53; {bruship of Kingston, 11.51 : nmow scape from death. Ho at'empted to irira thronghsbuh ï¬re flout eight miles north of Kinglu'm. A the tint Ind been burned through {-11 urosahh harm. The aninnl strugkd 35d threw Sm Into a ditch. stunn- ing him. He by than fat up'uda at eight hours, ï¬re aging .11 mund him. When beams whil mkemv‘w‘. . mile to : mininzslnnty. md conned rho inmcas. The horn m found still din. but put of the box And one wheel of e bugg rare burned thy. Stonnea: :- News of the Week ; shipbuilder md enginebuflder, THE WATCHMAN-WAHDER: UNDSAY. Om "ale bicches. He quite a Inge nu Bepnirsofflkindskeptin mm. One of that: none. wmnm. Inu his faker were at their home on Hickorv met tint-night, and were. uh: I: an he leaned. the worse of liquor. There he loomed. the worse of liquor. amaze m (dispute between them which ended in a ï¬erce ï¬ght. The mother, getdm. :8 heupposetLin between themeoseopthe ï¬ght. was struck by either one or the other and killed. There was no other wimeeeontheeoene. The two men ere in the lockup, end, of course. blnme one another for the deed....Doctors have beennmbleboï¬nd any bruise: on the Weldon women who met death while intervening between fether and non en- gazed in a. drunken brawl. The coron- er's jury brought in a. verdict of death from unknown cornea, and the prisoners the saddest accidents that have happened near here for a long time, betel the little temper-old daughter of Wm. Martin. of Vine, on the eighth coneeuion, Innleï¬l. on Wednesday cf last week. It seems that the girl and her little brother. J ohn- nie. aged nearly ï¬ve years, were playing in the barn when in some way, which is not known, the fork struck little Wilda in the face. The prong entered the head just below the left eye. and penetrated the halo, to the base of the skull, para- lyzing the left ride. I: seemed strange that instead of giving an alarm toe boy rej Jined his mother and said not a word about that had transpired. This was in the af:ern10n. and the girl 'as not miss- ed tiil ehe vas allied to tea. Upon her failing to appear a search was inet‘uuted and the mother dieeovered her child lying on the deer cf the barn. unconscious but still living, with the fork fast in her head as above stated. The unfortunate little thing lived till Sunday evening, when she passed any. never having regained eon- aeiousneas foramoment. The little boy cmld not give any explanation of the way it happened, all he could say was that he did not mean to. HEART A Quebec Lady Released from Great Suffering. pains in my heart ten-e leï¬ frequent and has severe, and in every way my hesith m improving. I mutinned using the pills until I hid taken eight boxes, when. I had completely recover- ed my health. I have gained in flesh; myappeï¬misgoflmdlam ableto do :11 my bonsebo‘d wk Vithout feelirg the awful flï¬gue I in before subject to. I am very thankful to 1):. Williams’ Pink Pills, for they here truly released me from much sufl’ering, sud I hape thnt others my be induced to try this wonderful medicine.†were liberated. SHE HAD TRIED HAN? HEDICINES WITHOUT AVAIL, BUT ULTIMATE- LY FOUND A CURB THROUGH THE USE OF DR. WILLIAIS' PINK Few bodily afflictions are more terrible than disease of the heart, To live in constant drend tad expectation of death, sudden and with hat fare- wells unspoken. is for most: people more awful to contemplate than: the most serious hngering illness. The s’iightest excitem=nt brings suï¬mn mag sud danger to such people. medicine, and was treated by sewn} doctors, but in vain. Finally I be- came so poorly that I ‘15 not able to do any household work: and was fre- quently canï¬ned to my bed. At the suggestion of one of my friends I de- cided to try Dr. Willums Pank Pills. After taking a few boxesI began to gun new $123th And vigor. The For several years Mrs. Grave], wife of P. H. A. Grave], foreman in Barry’s cigar factory, St. John’s sub. nth, Quebec, “13 such a sufferer. but thanks to Dr. Willinms’ Pink Piils she is again in the enjoyment of good health. Mrs. Gavel says: â€" "My general health was bad for general years, Iny appetite was poor, md I was easily tiréd. but it was. tbé frequent sharp pains and violent pal- piution of my heart which caused me 02d wheels than. in exchange PALPITATION .--18-3 CAMERA Y many of just received, our stock ef material 15 now ccrgleg, ï¬nd QUALITY, PRICE AND FIT ail :c L; Call and examine stock and compare; 9 Odd THBVIGBOFM L061] iflflSdï¬ï¬‚Qéï¬OfllDfl HOGG BROS Oak“ ooooo noggï¬munm. CORN SEGAR BEETS MANGOLDS TERNIPS and GARDEN SEEDS READY-TO-WEAR â€CLOTHING†With New Wnrsteds, Suitings and Trausel' Summer Tailoring Your Spring Suki; milc extâ€"Deposits cf $100de upmc‘. 35:2. '= - Q '7 HEAD OFFICE. Money to Loanâ€"On P If. 9.3 91-. 5...}.- tcwntndhrmgopaq f3 Spï¬ng LINDSAY’S GROCERIES ..and.. Show Cases are ï¬lled with new, fashiO“ “ 3 4r.-.» or two pieces of which will go far toward: cc: Spring costume. Wants to Fit Correctiy To be Trimmed With Good Linings To be Made of New and Fashionable .‘viaxen JEWELERS incorporated nude: Cap. in TWEEDS, SCITI'CH AND EXGLISE and COLORED WORSTEDS, FA}; Prices all right. Com:- 15:52:: We am New Heady fm Yum The Great Sugar Beet athz‘c of C0. -1!!- Iason a In; . ' .1110 Ball Pianos 16:62:.†_.Tho Dominion p3,“: 38m, -15. -- swam .. 208% Saving 'Iehine. '1 5! â€"Tbo Domstic Seuia â€"â€"1’ho improved [2. Itching. g l'ch‘m NM“ :1 "'J‘HUIQ Itchino. â€"llso The Knoll Washer .4130 Tribune and lean" Bicycles.-_ H Best Instrumems control the sale ofa‘m or the County on: BRITTON BR â€"I sell on} ', fashionabfe jeWEL‘Fs MAY 10TH. JOHN MAGWOOD OPTICIANS ma $55.39 LINDSAY. ONT- my the 3 £7 dating.“ :5“. t MAY 14 bus‘fl .tted u i‘ Kent: of Vi iket i5 gro in: :‘D to let: of g! "1 St, will