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Watchman Warder (1899), 31 May 1900, p. 11

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mSea Island . one of the b, warranted sell at 20¢: a his season an ‘5' s that are Fromm ks than the F335 9,, These, with 5' mks, take high 9"” masses that are We” ness in that We decided 0f bargain ssed bodice: coa- I day gowns 1116 r over the sea. to the new gndel veiling in cream >13 and toque: m efiect as any on. e: which adorngd NEST. :ints of mauve an! 316.. . . C8. LINDSAY not eat W exermse Lflk handkerchidl hen mish l ngs. . to the great 7:- , canvas fabric. the: summer m» than ever desiri- lace appear on aned From Local Eources tier wool 38! names of m .r costumes to: ating wear next der ODEL. per annum, :e. ...... mloc to: either day up???” otthl TORELY “I"; rge manufacturer ‘ade for this season’s 5y Trimmed Duck and :1 Crash Skirts, arch $1.25,for.. 89C 1 Duck and Fancy med Crash Skirts, “h 5100 each, :0” lWhite Pique, a regu- 3150 quality, “Qn Lies at$I 50 $2, $2.25 d$2.73 each. utclifle ..War Son gs.. hnBehind. the Gun who he Work ............ i the 0 Flag like the Red, andBlue ............ IIHave Gone ........ shnnv Canuck Comes II: and Stationery Store, ‘ OPP. POST OFFICE le Local Lines not 11. cattle buyer of Bowman- Iariposa last; week apd 0f Carloads of vexy Rhone comprissim: the stock of T3} 1L r, R. Rich and Wm. lumber, shingles, coal, Usizes. and fresh lime, call ‘00.. Lindsay.â€"17-lf. P911211, eye, ear and throat *mpson house evexy Wed- morning the sun suflered ' [he moon not between the great luminarv and for flight service was decided- Since this is of such rate were no complaints. Some 3" not been readimz the d“, and were ignorant drCW rzettr, were in much r the shadows fell on earth, “WSW”. Thoughts of past Queue .iudzment diequieted “some that Sabbath servxoes ky past, Others, better 111- ‘ thfflnaelves to smoky glass {.119 Unusual phenomenon. dlaoourned to the passer-by of Intelligence and sundry “9011 their faces. Headg Of edtheu- begrimed otf-sprmfl . “0t not that the ebony u'OWn faces were the cause Klee. However. the eclipse “"311 With this home-made People are none the worse Mime observations were Eilverwood of OakWOOd Hi of very fine export cattle, fed himself to the city lgst Sons !he very highest ptibq for Msfied it pays to feed high- 1mbfil‘ 0f conies of the cook- VMI‘S C. Trew, the thwfle conDLributed by the W11, can be obtained at D.re The proceeds are in tent Workera’ fund of St. War Songs ,c songs LITTLE, 190k each, 59C cert-am Comes ...... 40c ...... 500 ...... 350 . . . 300 amount of 100 10c â€"â€"On ‘Vednesday umrning of last week the four- -year old non of Mr. John Hall of Coboconk was playmg near a cistern and fell in. He was not missed for some time and when found life was extinct. Much sympathy 13 felt for the bereaved parents. â€"Don’t miss the RC. ionic at Fenelon Falls on Tuesday next, une 5th. Capital program of sports and good music for denc‘ ing. Special train leaves Peterboro at 8-05 am. Return tickets from Lindsay, which admit to grounds, 55 cents. _When you are arranging a. trip anywhere we put. ourselves at your d1sposal to nunt up rates, routes and connecnions. G. WIL- DER, Ticket Agent. â€"The Fisheries Department is notifying magistrates in the country districts that $10 is the minimum fine for violations of the fisheries act. Some magistrates have been taking advantage of a supposed dis- cretionary power to impose lower penalties where the offences were committed in ignorance of the law and the offenders suffer from poverty. â€"-Lost, in Lindsay. a. few days ago, a post. oflice key and two medals fastened to- gether with black tape. Finder will please leave at Watchman-Warder omce. _The June. seseion of the Victoria County “councxl W111 ,open at the court house, Lmdsay, at 2 oolock, on Tuesday. 18:11. ‘ _Hon. J. R. Stratton, provincial secre- tary, spent Monday evening in town and addressed a meeting of the Young Men's :Jiberal Club in their rooms. --Farmers in the vicinity of Lindsav are finding it a great convenience to have their mortages placed with the Victoria Loan 8: Savings (30., whose head office is in Lindsay. ’lhey can by personal inter- view with the manager make any arrange- ment they wish. Loans made at current rates and terms of repayment to suit borrower. â€" Mr. D. C. Ross, the well-known stock- man, formerly of Woodville. sold last week his “Just the Thing" draught horse to Mr. J. Sinclair of Cannington for a handsome figure. . . .He also sold a number of choice grade Durham cattle, two-year-olds, to Mr. Thos. Bowes of Oaawood. They averaged over 1400 hundred lbs. each. It pays to keep good stock, and this is the kind Mr. Ross raises. â€"A deputation from this province waited on Mr. Blair at Ottawa last week, representing that the new system of cattle guards was not sufficient to prevent cattle trom getting upon the railway tracks, and in consequence a greater number of cattle were either injured or killed than was the case even under the old system of guards. The Minister premised early consideration of the complaint. â€"Remember the RC. picnic at the Agri- cultural park, Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday, next, 5th. A capital program of sports will be run off for liberal prizes. Good music for dancing. Dramatic entertain- ment in the evening by Prof. Cacell, assisted by best local talent. Special train leaves Peterboro at 8.05 a.m. Return tickets from Lindsay, which also admit to grounds, 55 cents. 7......I D _____ â€"On Monday forenoon a man named Ross working in the excavation for water pipes in front of Morgan’s drug store was caught up to the waist by a cave-in. Help was at hand and he was soon taken out. Lindsay is a town in which one can die under good auspices ; before the man was liberated, a lawyer, clergyman and under- taker were looking down on him, and “Bob" Chambers was on the way. a uvv v_wi , â€"Fishery Inspector Brady has warned all dealers and fishermen that the provis- ions ot the new law, which prohibits the sale of bass and maskinonge, will be strict- ly enforced. This Will prove a hardship to many in this Section who have made their living in this way. They will have to turn their attention to mudcats and sunfish The law also provides that all ’lunge nmmhr under 2: inches must be returned â€"About :5 o'clcck the fire team made : St. Paul street. The by W. :5. Fee and Milton and Mrs. ( burning chimney a made aclesm burn a hiliLies The fire between the ahee tin soon put out by the contents were son water and in rem ;some insurance, buI With [1113 DCI‘I‘IUIU nu ........ - d men, women, endure with ill-behave boys and girls herding cattle around our Of course there is nothing on the is up into our very doors they come. Today when we told -â€"â€"-â€"-â€" a take his cow away. he said he would not and struck us with a stone. Talk about morality, why the Boers would have more shame. If they went to keep cattle, let them keep them on their own premises.” ~There is always echarm about flowers, or at least against the man who denies it, there should be uttered ShakespereZs comment on the musicless .s'oul. That is a the reason ones mind is pu , frame by a Visit to Mr. Maxsoms hot- .A-.--.-.. An hp. msses beneath the greats. ~en>es and put one into Loucu u .... ._w in her daiutker mood. No man under- smnds how to cooperate with“ her, for the best results. than Mr. Maxsom. He hes the soil, buildings and mechanjc ‘ bloom. He knows their tastes . man of taste himself. Moneyfiwibh floncul- bural skill have made Mr. . . mises an Eden. luxuriant wnh the chmcest things of tel age and flower. Little Local Lines and midsummer showers : â€"-24 inch Umbrellas, with fast color gloria silk covering, made with a paragon frame. war- ranted not to cut, assorted handles of bone, 1 50 natural wood and composition, each ....... o â€"23 inch Umbrellas and Parasols, with fast colored Roman satin tops, steel ribs, assorted ham 1 00 dles, each ............................ o â€"-26 inch Umbrellas {or men, steel rods and natural wood handles, guaranteed satin de chene coverings, fast colors ;t this umbrella for a 1 50 song, each...... ....................... o Here’s a list of merchandise that’s for buyers of good reliable articles. We have told you over and over again that our way of buying gives us every opportunity of getting the very choicest of the world’s goods direct from the makers. W mild you see the newest “kinks” of sailor-hat fashion? Come to this milliner _ Y you. Prices run like this : â€"Ladies’ White and Fancy Colored â€"La.'lies’ White, Black and Fancy Straw Sailors, with satin bands Straw Sailors, English and Amer- and lined crowns; a bargain awaits ican styles, all the latest bands on vou here. 250 each. them, $1.00 each. â€"Ladies’ White and Fancy Colored Sttaw Sailors, with satin bands and lined crowns; a bargain awaits you here, 250 each. â€"Fa.rmers should read Maunder Co’s. new advt. in this issue. Their mill has been much improved of late. 7â€"On Sundaflast there were forty-two engines in the Lindsay yards and round house. â€"A. meeting of Y.M.C.A. people is an nounced for Lo-nigbn. The bminess is to organize a baseball or football team. Attend. -â€"The employees at. the Sylvester Works were photographed on Saturday. The lens used was a powerful one and is still intact. -â€"-With shirt sleeve torn from one arm and waistcoat ripped clear uplthe back, in a heap at the 1:991: of the sawdust elevators nu, __,l:_ Fannwnn‘rnm 1170a a many no vuv Av v- - at Carew’s mill, Charlie Geneveckow was l found about daylight on Wednesdav morn- ‘ ing. Timid by reason of recent fatalities about the spot the men gathered round him. Dr. McAlpine hastened down and made a hurried examination that disclosed no injuries beyond those suffered by the clothes. More carefully did the medical man repeat his work but with the same resuit; and'yet the patient was to all appearances in total collapse and some thought he was about to imitate the man who died and was not very sick either. After a time the doctor placed a bottle of ammonia at the young man’s nos'rils and instantiy_th_e "“‘rv?§~; s restorative pro- -â€"â€"--A .mnn:‘nfl" flgants TOI’ BUBBBHGK’S Patterns luauuuuj ow. ....--.--_ , ,7 pertics of that medicinl were manifest and the patient betraved remarkable ani- mation of a somewhat incoherent sort. The hypodermic needle jabbid into his flank had a similar action and indicated‘ that his acrobatic powers were still intact. It was some time before Charlie realized that his “terrible accident” effort would not Work (in that respect it much resem- bled Charlie) and became himself again. The hands went back to work again much relieved that the third fatality had not really come to pass and marvelling ata man who could mimic injuries on the very .site of such terrible and so recent acci- dents. Little Local Lines THE WAICHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. om. Stylish \ Summer i\ Umbrellas The Last May Sale, 1900 Sailor Hats in Great Variety These umbrellas are new. They are made to protect you from the midsummer sun special offering For Feed or Ensilage, for sale at the Oak Front Grocery, Lindsay. J GEN FLUREY. 19 -tfc Beautiful Goods. attractive prices. See ourstock â€"2[-tf SPRATT 8: KILLEN. THURSDAY, JUNE 7thâ€"Excursion to Lind- say and Sturgeon Point under the auspices of Methodist church, Janet- ville, per steamer Crnndena. Boat stops one hour at Lindsay on return tripâ€"from 4.30 to 5.30. Tickets 35 and was buried. â€"Rev. John Neil of Westminster church, Toronto. preached twice at St». Andrew’s. His sermons were listened 1.0 with great; pleasure by large audiences. -â€"The Sons of England attended divine service as St. Paul's on Sunday evening. Rural Dean Marsh preached an appropi iate sermon. â€"-Ata meeting of the session of Knox church, Toronto, Fridav evening, it was unanimously decided to recommend the extension of a call to the pastorate of that church to Rev. Dr. R Johnston of St. Andrew‘s church. London, Ont A con- gregational meeting will be held on Friday evening, June 8, when the. matter will be laid before the members. The salary men- tioned is $3,500. â€"Cambridge-st. Methodist church had very large congregations on Sunday. ,These heard Rev. S. J. Shorey of Peter- boro. Mr. Shorey was Mr. Manning’s predecessor in that pulpit and a man much esteemed, both in the pulpit and on the street, by the entire citizenship of this town. At night every seat was occupied. His sermons were marked by the same logic, order and vigor of thought and de- livery that were characteristic of Mr. Shorey’s utterances when pas or of that church. “ ‘l' (V 10 bents. u“ u- v--' â€"Lxst Sunday evening, Rev. L. S. Hughson, pastor of the Baptist church, preached the second sermon in hiecourae on "Cries from the Cross." dealing with the scene between the Lord and the robbers. He scored severely the religious leaders who forgetting their dignibv and patriocie-m, joined the heathen in reviling - r .M ....m....:mr thadfiflth Denalt‘v, IODDEK'S. 1'16 nuurum. v...‘.___, , ' leaders who forgetting their dignitv and patriotiz‘m, joined the heathen in reviling one who was sulfering the death penaltv, as a. claimant 0! the throne of David, while they exclaimed “We have no king but Caesar i" The confession of the robberi Dysmas of his belief in a crucified Prince and his defense of his innocence, when priests and rulers were his persecutors and his own disciples had abandoned him in terror, was praised. 1n concluding his sermon. Mr. Hughson magnified the grace of God that bears freely without money and without price, without ceremonies and without, delay the prayer for mercy of the truly repentaut ainner....Next Sun- day evening the subject will be "Our Lord and the Virgin Mary.” DINNER SETTS Coming Events Church Notes. Seed Corn â€"French organdies with white grounds and inter- woven checks and stripes,‘ covered with dainty patterns in new shades. These are the chorce goods of France, and are not found in an ,I other Store in town, prices per yard, 40c, 45c and. . ~50 pieces of fancy Dimities and American Lawns with stripes, checks and spots, all the new colors to be found among them, and they are fast, prices per yard, 12%c, 18c and.. . . . . . . . â€"-An immense range of English, American and Canadian Ginghams in stock; they come in plaids, checks and fancy stripes These goods wash and hold to the qolors, prices per yard, 10c, 12%c, 15c, 20c and ...... . ........... Obituary , f 0;" $6 The ,1 , a‘fifi New Cottons €§§i A chance to observe " the latest c'onjurings of the cotton-fabric men is afforded you in these : millinery section. Hundxeds of correct styles await â€"IO dozen Ladies’ White Sailor Hats just to hand, with black bands, high crowns, one of the newest shapes of to day. we let them go for 7 Sciea. GIICL 7,, Boat! The directors of the above fair ask the with assistance of anyone who will suggeSt any )and additions or alterations in our prize list or amusements so as to make the Fair more attractive and the means of enlarg- ing our next exhibition. Kindly send the same in writing to the secretary. James Keith not later than June 1st next.â€"19-8. Jrisply new Unusually pretty French fabrics and Amer- ican printings make the ideal combination. Between Lindsay and return, via. F ene- lon Falls and Cambray road, a blue black top_coat find a linen rug. Kindly return to'this office. Car of American Corn for-seed purposes, just received, all varie- ties. â€"â€".u-s.f SPRA’I'T 8: KILLEN “White Birch Grove,” one of the prettiest spots on Scugog lake and an ideal camping ground. is open for guests by the day, week or month. The grove was a favorite resort for Americans last season. It is free from caterpillars, etc. No better fishing grounds on the lake. About 13 miles from Lindsay on the west shore. Steamer “Comet” from Lindsay calls every Saturday. Tents to rent, in- cluding one large house tent, containing six bedrooms, one large sitting-room with floor, awnings, heater and tables. with use of storeroom and room for'developing photos. Ice house and recreation grounds free. Butcher and baker call regularly. Terms reasonable. 0. W. PARKIN, Valen- tia P. 0. -21-4. â€"The first; games in the Midland league spries resulted as follows: Bowmanville 17, Lindsay 10; Port; Hips 18 Oshawa 13 ; Peterboro 15, Co bourg 14. The standing : Bowmanville 71 0 Lindsay 0 Port; Hope 1 0 Oshawa U Ponerboro 1 0 Cobourg U â€"Cobourg at. Bomanville and Port Ht pe at Peterboro are the gamrs scheduled for next Saturday. Lindsay goes to Peter- boro on June 9th. 1 1 1 r-râ€"Ab Omemee, on the 24th, the Lindsav juniors :defeated the home team to the tune of 18 to 13. â€"The Lind‘ aye are practicing hard and hope to win their next. game, ~Fdrmers and others who intend hreed- ing mares should look to their own in- terests and breed to the horse they can realize the best price for colt-u ‘ Olden- berg" is to the front. R. Prouse of Clover- dule Farm bred three of his celebrated in- bred Blue Bull mares to Osdenberg. One of our old noted horsemen who has bought and paid for a great many highmriced horses should be ajudge and know the right hcrse to breed to. At one time he paid two thousand dollars for a. two-year- old colt and he is now breeding his fancy mares LO Oidenberg. ‘ Horeemen the‘ world over are hunting for Oldenburg colts. They grow very large with im- mense bone and muscle and with great book and knee action. The farmers like them, the horse buyers want them. the army men will have them. it don't matter What price. They till the eye of the English gentleman. who is quite willing to pay from five hundred toe. thousand dmlere forapair at high stepper-s if thev suit his fancy. W. MCGILL. propietor and manager, Lindsay. 22-1 Where to Spend a Week Baseball Notes SEED CORN Central Fair Stock Notes Lost oSS .20 .25 â€"White piques in new cords running lengthwise and also across, stiff and strong makes, all new goods, and these are the prices per yard : IOC, 12%c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 250, 35c and ...... . . . . â€"White Organdies, the thinest 9f them, an widths and qualities, English and French makcs, prices are per yard, 20c, 2 5c, 35c, 40c and. . . â€"White Grenadines in silk stripes, 27 to 30 inches wide, a. good hot weather fabric, One of the choicest makes of white goods, pnce 45c and. Dress Making "-o W A generous ga9hering of L 39.41% novelty â€"â€" that describes *am this stock. To particular- ._____ " izeâ€"There are Swiss mus- \ I i n s, organdies, cotton mulls, silkvmulls, piques, batistes, nainsooks and fancy mercerized fabrics. Modestly priced: This department has excelled our expectaâ€" tions, and we are pleased to announce to you that we will endeavor to give you better ser- vice than we have in the past. Our Prices. are very moderate. ‘ VERY CHEAP BY THE YARD. Commencing June lst, the Trent Valley Navigation Co.’s steamer Esturion will run her double trips between Bobcaygeon and Lindsay, calling at Sturgeon Point, leaving Bobcaygeon at 6.15 and 3.10. and Lindsav at 11.20 and 5.45. On and after the 14th. she will await the arrival of the evening train from Port Hope, which gives the connection with Buffalo via the G.T.R. main line from Toronto at 2 p.m., and the Rochester connection via the North King. Everv Saturday night she will await. the arrival of the train {caving Toronto at 5. o v- v..- 0n the 14th the company will place their two new boats on their regular runs. and for the first time in the history of our lakes a service comfortable and reliable will be given from Coboconk to Lakefield. The names selected for the new boats are 0 ge-mah and Ma-ni-ta, both admirable selections, being distinctive, correctly sug- gestive and legendarily connected with local associations. A young Iroquois chief named Ogemah, so the legend goes, woed the onlv daughter of a Huron chief. Her name was Manita, and when the Iroquois brave visited the camp of his love at Stur- geon Point, he was treacherous slain by a rival member of the maideu’s tribe. This legend was beautifully woven into a poem by the distinguished author, Mr. William McDonnell of Lindsay. The Manita will leave Coboconk every morning at 6.15, and Lindsayfiat 3.30, call- ,I_,_ T'.‘_Y'l« mULulun “v v...,, v.-. _,-, ing each way at Rosedale. Penelon Falls and Sturgeon Point. cOnnectingz at the Point with the Esturion in the afternoon, and at Lindsay in the morning. The Ogemah will leave Bobcaygeon daily at 7.30 and Burleigh Falls at :3. passing through Buckhorn each way. M<~ndays. Wednesdays and Fridays she will go to Chemong in the morning).r and on her way home return direct‘from Buckhorn. Tues- ‘days, Thursdays and Saturdays she will take the direct course to Buckhorn and Burleigh, return via. Chemonsz. from which point she will leave at 5.30. This will give Peterboro an opportunity of reaching.’ cotâ€" tages and camps Saturday evening, and getting back Monday. It will also give the round trip from Peterboro via Chemong and Lakefield, and vice versa. on alternate The A. F. MORGAN stock of fine tweed suitings and trou- sers, bought atalow rate on the dollar, is now ready for inspection A specially cut price will prevail. A lot of pantings and other tweeds to be sold by the yard at rid- iculously low prices. Drop in. and see them. G. A. MILNE, the tailor, Kent st.â€"2o 3 days uuyo. A: Burleigh Falls connection will be made with the Lekefield boats, and this season the many visitors to our lakes will be able to cover the whole seventy miles of delight. ml and varied scenery. in itself an outing refreshing and charming. Right Here Given Free 0rd Kawartha Boat Service A bright array of newness .50

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