‘es and areâ€"- ""° 7 . erous remedies, until 1 30! D“ :uargmtee our Grass Ls“ In every “'3"? †obnoxious seeds. ndemi, he? would intinfl? m'dents of Cambray all1 that. he had added a bi! ztgneral Hardware, Tina†m'ewarc. Let, and the C ling to quali» for all his ‘ re selling 88?“ st bicycles in handhng the m l Vale Vb“?! indsay loam, Mann 0““ 4Ҡ" â€"I suffered for some ’9' troubles. My baqk ’ stoop over 02' st‘afghmz'f 7 caused terrible 393â€â€. â€˜ï¬ : up several times dunâ€; ‘ 1 ate. My urine was ‘ , - - ,AAimeI‘cAuw‘ our s'm. If we do the mark sometime, |o,tellns. We'llmaks CS T-ST, tech and regulated, x0 I wih receive ti 95 Gunman ‘ying. We are :ks in théee parts to EDS, and SEBGES. It OPTiCLANS a, mi unsn alum pri tar IOC. bargaid day - Wear Balbriggan, regular 25¢, begin by . ‘. soiled, were 75c, Intuit «by _ . SW: Shaker 5mm» " We maelette. â€9“" M m memu‘s‘ c and 6C D! 55 on“ 5:" W' 'V"- -- v red Shirts regular 50c and 66¢, harm 4., Wm“ Towels, regular 20c pair, bargain day . . ' n Bleached Table Linen, reguhrflc, bub by _ â€â€˜2 incl! Bleached Table Linen, regular 90c, 5811!"! day unbleached Tahle Linen, regular 35c, mg“, I“ â€unveiling, regular 7;, bargain day . _ . Eds levelling, regular 8c, bargain day . , Pins for â€:20“ Coats. regular $2. 00 and 52.25, bargain“; _ In 7 to to years, It‘ll“ SIR, may as regular $1.25, harpi- it} . Ilium Men s urea Cons as regular ISc. lumi- m ' ,,-_ _. m... mlge m lanai: m - wggï¬l’ar 7:. bargain day - - - ac ï¬es Vests, regular l8c. bargain day - . - 14c '55 Mic-Fold Dress Gonds. Grey, Blue, Drab and Navy, reg. 3:, B. Day 13c â€Black. Fancy and Plam Dress Goods. regular $1.10, bargailday 75c â€Black. Fancy and Plain, Dress Goods. regular 60:, bargain day Me I D I O a was Batting to :0 3‘ ‘ pr In..-“ Pad-Inc mu! flamed-mm " D'Ia-u iv .7 V7, 7 B’Nght Gowns, regular $1.20, bargain day - . ‘ . â€c w oi Ladies' and Children‘s Flannelefle Underwear, 25 percentoï¬ reg. prices . . k imflite Lawn. reguiar 12c, bargain day - . n W, â€Y's weâ€, ‘mpnirs Misses' D mg ml; Button Maud 80168, til?! 11 75 Mu........ SaleAgent tor Slater Shoes 3)lï¬lfl's Chfldrens ge ninp Dan- “ Strap S‘ipnrra, wizh Mum}: 88c f r '50 w name barn with underâ€" “?able. 30x50, and house mm 8006 cellar: pig pen .“3 E‘Bfl‘x Orthard. Adâ€" These Prices are forCash Only. t"\‘L“.;'m.\:‘.-<'r) 0': “uter; ‘07 a stock farm. 3 On it to pay for the mile from ()oboconk'. chUrChCS and railroad. 0!! Easy terms. There Coboconk. -â€"- red; breeding “1“) a choice HOUSE AND 14K Just west of Mr, idence at head frame house am acres good 83“] taxes; town 36" sold che'apo , AP: rig, rht; terms HiAH AM Lindsay The First of the Month V BULL FOR SALE.†color, dark â€.115 old; 1;; and quality right. )icc butter cow. Price WM. to suit buyer. Lot 26: con.2, Ops, LOT FOR SALE.â€" uIr, Robt. Bryans resâ€" 1d of, Kent-st, small and 4 and one-third «I‘m» land: township .1741. SLZS SLM Zlc Zlc 2k 15c 13¢ Zc FOR SALEâ€"A light highâ€"grade Bi- BO'ARDERS WANTEDFEApjgi‘at 33. cycle in good conditionâ€"$15 cash. Sussex-st... North War .â€" ADply at. this ofï¬ce. FARM WANTED.â€"50 acres, in West, OPS or Mariposa. Must. be good land with ï¬rst-class buildings. Ap- ply at. this ofï¬ce.â€"â€"16-3 HOUSES FOR SALEâ€"On Lindsay- st., East Ward. One brick veneer- ed, story and half, 7 rooms, 1/4acre land. Also brick veneered 1cottage. 5 rooms and large cellar,1,4 acre of land ' ,hard and soft water. Apply to D. HALLINANâ€"l 44f. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN LORNEVILLE. -â€" A nineâ€"roomed two storey house with good cellar and conveniences on a. 1,4 acre lot with some good fruit trees. Will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN RAY, Woodville P.O., or at this on‘o the premises of Mrs. Thos. Grocnway, one mile south of Wood- ville. ()wner can have the same by proving property and paying ex- penses. -â€"â€"16â€"3. SPLENDII) GRAIN AND STOCK FARM FOR SALE in Bexlcy twp., close to Corson’s Siding. The farm contains 275 acres, 100 plow land balance ï¬rst-class pasture. The soil is heavy clay loam. On the premises are a. frame house, also large frame barn 40x70 with stone foundation. This barn cost $1000. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALEâ€"Bar- red Plymouth Rock, choice Cocks. and specially selected hens and pullets mated. The aim is to pro- duce utility birds for laying and the market. Have added new stock from Ontario Experimental Farm and Mr. E. Snyder of Wood- stock, Ont. JOHN CAMPBELL, Fairview Farm, Woodville Ont Price of settings $1.00 per 13 eggs. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.â€"-â€"The best farm in the Province for sale or to rent at. once. It. is situated about a. mile and a. half northâ€"east of Sonya. on the fourth con. of Mariposa. The south hall of lot No. 2. containing eighty acres, seventy-two tillable and eight good hardwood bush, beech and maple. Good buildings and well fenced. v Apply to ALEX. FERGUSON, Son- PLANTS FOR SALEâ€"Marlboro apgl DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE -â€"-On corner Logic and Glenelgâ€"sts, East. ward. White brick veneered. 8 rooms with large stable. Good dry cellar under all the house. Plenty of hard and soft water ; %acre lot with fruit and shade trcw, A very desirable property in a good locality and at. reas- onable ï¬gures. For particulars apply at. this oflice.â€"â€"16~tf. FARM FOR SARE. â€"-â€"'I'hc Culbert homestead, part. lots 14, con. 2. Mariposa, 21/2 miles south of Little Britain, containing 75 acres, clay loam, is offered for sale at a. bar- gain. Good brick veneered house. large kitchen and woodshed, large .I_:-.:-.n' and conveniences on a. 1,4 acre lot with some good fruit trees. Will be sold cheap. Apply to JOHN RAY, Woodville P.O., or at. this oflice.-â€"14-tf.. FARM TO RENT. â€"-â€"â€" Sunnyside farm, situated in the township of Fenelon, east hf. lot 21 in the 5111. and lot 21 in the 6th con., compr rising 300 acres, all cleared except 30 acres, and {it for cultivation. A capital farm for a stock breeder. It is well watered, there being four wells and a never failing spring. An acre of good bearing orchard. The buildings are in ï¬rst-class shape, a. good brick house, three barns with stone foundations under two of them, and a. straw house. Plow leave next fall, possession March 15, 1902. For terms and and particulars apply to J. H. LEE, Fc-nelon Falls.â€"â€"14â€"-8. Eh£hbért Red Raspberry plants $1 a. hundred. Parkin Earle, :I‘enncs- see Proliï¬c, Van Deman, Lovett,I Candy, Saunders, Wm. Belt, Clydeu and Warï¬eld' Strawberry plants! .75 a hundred or $5.00 a. thousand. I will deliver plants to Lindsayi customers when the order amountSQ to $2.00 or more. P. J. WILKINâ€"‘i SON, Brookside Farm, Cambray, Ont.â€"14â€"6 | LINDSAY, THURSDAY. MAY 2nd, lQOl. TWELVE BRICK HOUSES FOR‘ ' SALEâ€"Situated on Queenâ€"st.,east1 ward, Lindsay. The proprietor is‘ now prepared to sell one or all of this valuable property at considerâ€" ably less than they could be built for, and will arrange the payments to suit the purchaser. The location is high and dry, quite central, and within a stones throw of the busâ€" iness part of the town. These houses are very warm and in good condition and all rented. Now is the time to buy yourself a house in place of paying away all your mon- ey for rent, as property is going up in value all over the town and probably never will be cheaper. Apply to Capt. Geo. Crandell, Lindsay.â€"12. nut-by â€"---â€"__- frame barn, stable and driving houm; 2 acres orchard; good wells. A nice property. Buildings cost more than‘ price asked for farm. Apply to JAMES GLASS, Little Britain.â€"-â€"17-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.-â€"â€"In the matter of Robt. J. Thompson, of the township of Somerville, in the county of Victoria, merchant, an inSolvent. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent has made an assignment to me in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 14.7 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. A meeting of credit- ors for the appointment. of inspectâ€" ors and the giving of direction-‘3 for the disposal of the estate will be held at my ofï¬ce in the Court House, in the Town of Lindsay, on Tuesday, the 30th day of April, instant, at the .hour of.11 atm- Creditors are requested to ï¬le their claims against- the estate with' me duly veriï¬ed andr‘stating nature and value -of security, ifany held, on or before the day of such .3. meeting. JOHN MCLENN‘AN, Sher- ifl Co. Victoria. 'Dated at Lindsay this 20th day of April 19015â€"17-2 ya Ont.â€"3-t.f. 11m 3hhcrtiszmmts. WANTEDâ€"Married man to work on farm; Can furnish house. Good Wages. A chance to right person. . Apply to Box 12, Oakwwd.â€"16-3 STRA'I SHEEP.â€"â€"A sheep strayed on‘o the premises of Mrs. Thos. Grocnway, one mile south of Wood- vinc. ()wncr can have the same by proving property and paying exâ€" penses. --â€"1($-3. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, CARTS 8r. BICYCLES. --Just to hand a. full stock of high-class and medium-- priced carriages, Buggia and Road Carts, etc., manufactured by Mr.R. Robinson Little Britain : Canada. Carriage Co. Brockvillc; Tudhope Carriage Co. Orillia, and the Brant ford Carriage Co of Brantford. I will sell these vehicles close for cash, or in exchange for horses or" cattle. Also a full line of new and second hand bicycles at. BargaiM prices. A tandem bicycle, nearly new, at a great sacriï¬ce. W. A.‘ FANNING, Cambray.â€"15-6. ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a. by‘law was passed by the municip- This is a. splendid grain root, and stock farm, and can be had at a bargain. Apply to‘ S. ,M. PORTER Box 592, Lindsayâ€"164. a1 council of the Township of E1- don on the 25th day of March AD. 1901, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $1, 800.00 for the purpose of erecting a. schoolhouse for school section! No. 5 in the said township and that such by-luw was registered in’ the Registry ofï¬ce of the County of Victoria on the 12th day of April A. 1.". 1901. Any motion to quash FARMS FOR SALE.â€"â€"The subjoined farms can be purchased on reasonâ€" able terms : About eighty acres, near Lindsay. Good house and barn; ï¬rst-class land. Price reasonable. First-ch55 50 acre farm, 7 miles south of Lindsay. No better land in the township. Fair house and . outbuildings, close to school, post- 1 ofï¬ces, churches, etc. or set aside the same or any part. thereof must be made within three", months from the date of registra-’ tion and cannot be made thereafter.‘ Dated the 12th day of April A. D. 1‘ 01. JOHN A. JACKSON, Clerk pâ€. av to creditors or others; enavmg‘ claims or demands against the esâ€"i tate of Wm- G. Woods late of the; town of Lindsay in the county of Victoria, tinsm‘ith, deceased, who died on or about the 17th." day of ’ March A. D. 1901 t9 deliver or' send by post prepaid and address: ed to Messrs. Stewart O'Connor, . Lindsay, solicitors for Sarah Woods! of the said town of Lindsay, wid-i ow, sole. executrhc oi the last, will! and testament of the said deceased, . a. statement. in writing of their; Anames and addresses a_nd full par- ticulars of their claims or demands and of the securities (ii any'yheld by them on or before the 7th DAY OF MAY, NEX'I‘, 1901, after which date the Executrix of the will of the said deceased will pro- ceed to distribute the‘ assets of- the said estate among the parties Ven- tilled thereto; having regard only to the chims'bf which .they shall then have had notice. Dated this '11 day of April A-D.l.901. STEWAR’I‘ 8r. O'CONNOR, Solicitors for Ex- ectrix. 16â€"3 Near the vinage of Bobcay- geon, on Peterboro road. 100 acres clay loam, 60 acres plow land, bal- ance pasture and tamarac swamp. Good frame barn and frame house. also a frame stable: good Water; ï¬rst-class orchard. Price $2,000 South west. quarter of lot. 25. concession 8, Township Ops, 21/2 miles northeast of Lindsay ; 50 acres. 40 acres ï¬t, to run machinâ€" ery on, balance good pasture land. Close to chem and butter factory, Small frame barn and stone foundaâ€" tion started for house. This farm will be sold at a bargain on egsy Lot, 24. con. 11, Ops town- ship, six miles east of Lindsay, one lot from Nugent's blacksmith shop, containing 75 acres, 50 cleared and in good state of cultivation, bal- ance pasture and timber. Soil clay loam. Good frame barn on premis: es, no house. Good well. This: farm will be sold at a bargain. Terms made known on application Lot 3, con 7., ManVers, 100 acres (Square), clay loam ; good stock and grain farm. Frame barn, horse stable, strawhouse, all atâ€" tached ; good veneered white brick house, about ï¬nished. Plenty of spring and creek water. About .six acres standing hardwood bush. Seven acres fall rye sown; plowing nearly all done. Bearibg orchard. Convenient to school, church, stone, etc. A good farm at a. reasonable price. ï¬rm ghbzttismmts I: further particulars apply .to «_ PORTER. Watchman-Marcia WAN'I‘ED.â€"A young girl to assist. in general ‘hoUscwork. Apply to MRS. J. A. WILLIAMSON, corner Glenelg and William-sts.â€"-18â€"1. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.â€"-On Bayâ€"st, south ward, near G. '1‘. R. workshops. Solid brick, 9 rooms. with ï¬ve bed rooms and closets ; front and back stairs: good Cellar: with concrete floor; one acre land ; stable, driving shed and hen house. A ï¬rst-class property. Apply at this ofï¬ce.â€"-18â€"tf. ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM WANT- / Ellâ€"With good buildings. Can pay $1,000 down. Price must be right. Apply at this ofï¬ce-17. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. â€"â€" COURT OF REVISION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEY.â€"NOLicc ‘ is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the assessment roll for THE LAST SHOE STORE RUBBER WAS CAUGHT Q When the others were capturea‘ Sheridan was actdal'ly hiding in‘; g'I’urdys qbarn, under the gangway of which McHugh Was found, and near which the other men were taken. He Was afraid to come out. and did not :anW What ha_d happened to his pals i'lhc-y had gone to look for food and .when they did not. come back he i the ofï¬cers coming his direction he mo‘ï¬ed on and had entered his house before Constable Foster reached the top of the hi!l. Tenders are invited for alterations and improvements on Methodist church, Woodville, open until: noon May 15th. Plans and speciï¬caâ€" tions may be seen at the parsonage Woodville, after May 6th. The lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. W. G. CLARKE B. A. suspected thLir capture. Next day, hunger compelled him to go in search of something to eat. A num- ere near the barn earnest over the whole affair and the women, fearing to stay in the houses, in some cases spent the day in the ï¬elds where the men were at work, for fear the robber. should come to their houses when they were This was a vault of there alone. . the wholesome dread instilled into their minds by the police (or the purpose of getting all the asséuanre possible. As a result everybody was on the lookout'and ready to give information. On Wedmsday afternoon Constables Bell and Foster went out la) Sunder- land on the 12.10 train. 'l‘:‘.-~v soon that their man haul teen - 4......1.’ learned the municipality of chley will be held at 10 o'clock in the forcnoon on Wednesday, the 29th day of May 1301 at. the Oddi‘ellows Hall. in Coboconk. All persons having basinoss at the court are hereby riotiï¬ed to be present at the abmre time and place. Dated at Victoria Road, May 2nd, 1901. ALFRED TAYLOR, township clerk, 18-1: J)».- ‘gâ€"- land on the 12.10 train. Tz‘.-'v soon learned that their man had teen s en. Going to theplace they track-1 him into a swamp. A gravel pit Was not far from this “vamp and Constable Bell decided to not}; up to it from all sides. this was done. While his assistants ‘frh'hed it from all sides Constable livll re» connoitered. After diligent snazch he came upon his man secreted in the pit. Making a. demonstration in lforce the ofï¬cer persuaded the fug- itive to accept his escort. ‘ 7A-; Iv luv“. “â€"_ , connoitered. After diligent sea“. ch he came upon his man wanted in the pit. Making a. demonstration in force the ofï¬cer persuaded the fugâ€" itive to accept his escort. Sheridan had made enquiries about the time the train for Toronto that leaves here at 6.20 would pass Blackwaeer and apparently hoped to get back to that city on it. He had 1’7 cents and .LL revolver. First-Class Laundry Work The Lindsay Hand Laundry has earned a. reputation for highâ€"class laundry work second to none in the province. All work done by hand which is» superior to steam laundry work in every particular. Better appearance, ï¬ner ï¬nish and much work in every particular. Better appearance, ï¬ner ï¬nish and much easier on the goods. Work called: for and delivered promptly. Charges moderate; CHOUNG SUN, 18 Wil- liamâ€"st nortH,_-â€"16-4‘ gem ghhtrtismtmts 750. a Year in Advance; $1 if not so Paid wh‘ 18-]. During the past few months the village of Kirkiield has had a few cases of smallpox, like many other places in the province but within the past few days the disease has broken out with alarming vigor. On Sun-; day a number of the canal laborers were taken sick at their camp a. mile and a half from Kirkiicld. l)r-. The Disease Has Broken Out Among the Canal Laborers Ross went up and found them all victims of the disease. There were a. dozen of them. Later in the day he found three other cases in the village. One of these was a young man stopping at Gusty’s hotel. As has occurred in at least one other instance, he got away from the hotel His home is in Coboconk and thither he. went. As a result both the hotel and his home in to northern village were quarantined. SMALLPOX IN EARNEST AT KIRKFIELD The provincial authorities were notiï¬ed and so serious did Dr. Bryce consider the case that he came down, in person. After conï¬rming the opinion of the local doctor as to the nature of the disease, he had the perâ€" sons isolated. A storehouse was ï¬tted up for a temporary hospital and the canal men placed in it. The iothers were isolated in their homes. !Moreover the village has been put, under quarantine. N0 trains stop there and no person is allowed to go either in or out. This is a ser- ious blow for the village and des- pite precautions it is all too likely that the contagion has been more widely spread than is apparent. A shantyman from Sudbury who got work on the canal is said to have infected the camp. !by millâ€"owners ? For the last two 'years steamers have been barred out from reaching the town wharf unless they run the risk of running over logs and bo'oms, endangering the lives of passengers and breaking their engines and destroying their paddle wheels. The steamer Crandella‘s machinery and paddle wheels were wrecked last season to such an ex- tent that it will cost over $100 to put her in proper repair. Who should. - pay. this expenditure '2 I can assure the mill-men that I shall take. steps I to enforce the rights of steamboats l and shall not be persuaded into letâ€"- ting it go this year like I was last. r Yours etc.. CAPT. GEO. CRANDELL. \U WHERE THE PUBLIC . GIVES ITS OPINION The Steamboat Channel Editor 0! the Watchman-Warden Dear Sinâ€"Has the government made those several large appropriations to improve the river for steamboat nav- igation, so that passengers can be landed at the upper wharf in safety, or have they made them in order that the river may be monopolized Drainage and Get-d Roads Mr.A. W. Campbell during a speech at the Chicago convention said : I think the whole question of road-â€" making is practically boiled down to three great principles. The first is drainage, the second is drainage, and the third is drainage. (Ap- plause.) The ï¬rst would be to drain the foundation. Just as necessary to provide a dry foundation for a. road as it is for a building. The The second would be to crown the road so perfectly as to shed the wat- er while it is running from the cen- tre into the side gutter. And the third would be to cover that road, or the portion of it that is travelled. with material that is impermeable to water, that will resist the trafï¬c and prevent the soakage of water into the roadway. We sometimes create the false impression that the stone or gravel or other material that is placed on the road is put there for the purpose of making the hard road but it is simply pIaCed there for the. purpose of carrying off the \Vaier and resisting the wearâ€"it is the earth foundation after all that must carry the load, and ii the earth foundation is not thoroughly drained then, sir, it is uSeless for you to try to make a good road {15' m;- t on stone or gravel or any (,tlwr matâ€" erial. Drainage is the important question. That drainage requires to be laid out in a systematic way. and as I have said this morning, I do not‘ think it necessary, in order to i" provide ï¬rst-class supervisors that 5 Icivil engineers'should be employed. Pure Paints, cheap. at Cinpamon’s.