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Watchman Warder (1899), 15 May 1902, p. 10

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In. J. T. Skine of Sbigawake trim: “I have used Burdock 'gl ’ Bitters u a spring medicine for the past fouryarsanddontthinkthcneisitsequd. When I feel drowsy, tired and has no ‘eoireto eat I get a bottle of 3.3.8. It ”rifles the blood and buflds up the cog; citation better than any other rcmdy." ‘ wm lake the Season of 1902 at his own ’Stahle, 172 Kent-st. just west of Sylvester Bros. Implement Works. This spring you will need something to take away that tired, listless feeling brought on by the system being clogged with impurities which have acgumnlatedjuring the winter. Also winner of the First Prize Gold Hedal and Sweepstakes at the Toronto Horse Show, April 1902â€"in a. strong field of competitors. THE PROPERTY OF Burdock Blood Bitters is the teqaegiy you require; 10]“; Record 2.18%. The flandsomest Stallion in Canada. Winner of the First Prize, Silver Hedal and Sweepstakes, Toronto In- dustrial Fair, 1901, in a. stlong field of thirteen com pet: 1301 s. It hés' no eqnal as a spring medicine. It has been used by thousands {or a quarter of a century with unequalled License Inspector, License District of West Victoria. Dltodat Lindsa , thismth daydApril, l â€"18. The Standard Bred Stallion G. W. Curtis, Ap lieution has been received by me from . J. McRae for the transfer of the License granted to D. Mathjeson. Woodville, for the Queen’s Hotel, and such appIication will be determined on a about the 14th of May, 1902. Hardware, meare, Plumbing, and Steam fitting. Notice to all Whom it May Concern Keswick Boxall 6: Matthie We Want Yum Trade ? PAGE Turns Bad Blood into Rich Rcd Blo‘dd. and will attend promptly to all orders instructed to us. We are dealers in Plumbing, Steam Fit- ting, T insmithing, lron Pumping, Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Hating, lron Roofing and Eve- troughing, Pumps and Sinks, Builders’ Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Ranges The cheapest store for Good Goods and Good Work. HERE IS PROOF. TRY US AND SEE LINDSAY, ONT- JOHN SHORT. Alter 01d Welland Conn! Wu Unwntorod. Body Was Found. St. Cutharines, May 12.â€"â€"Wlllinm Bolton, who has been missing from his home since Friday, May 9, was found in the old Welland Canal at the mouth of the Ten-Mile Creek, Sunday morning. The canal was un- watered at this point, to aid in the search. There were no marks of vio- lence on the body, so Coroner Dr. Goodman deemed an inquest unnecesâ€" <a,ry. Deceased leaves n wile end never: small children. a supply of calm. The strike has al- ready made itself seriously felt in other lines of work. The railroads haVe laid ofl four-fifths of their coal train crews, in all about 800 men, and the Eric shops at Dun-more, where mine cars and machinery are repaired, will shut dOWn indefinitely, beginning to-davy, throwing 300 men out of employment. . Scranton, Pa.., May 12.â€"There will be no coal mined in the Scranton end of the anthracite region this morn- ing. Some of the companion, how- eVer, propose to keep a. few, at least, of their washeries running to insure lea-s were caught in the hold, directly under the engine room, and had to be shovelled out. Sunday the body of a woman lying to the south of the tracks about two miles east of Scarboro Junction was found. Coroner Sisley of Little York made an examination of the body and found a severe scalp wound and fracture' of the skull. He concluded that the woman had been struck by a train sometime during Saturday night, and deemed an inquest unne- cessary. The body is that of a wo- man about 40 years of age, the feet in height, with brown hair and gray eyes. There was nothing that would serve to identify the remains. General ninen’ Strike Gee: lute lfl’eet In Penn-lyvenle. The death occurred Sunday nJght at Toronto of Hon. Rupert Hears Wells. K.C. Hon. Mr. Wells was a. Son of the late Sherifi Well: of Prescott and Russell and was born in the County of Prescott. He was Speaker of the Ontario Legislature from 1878-1880. He afterward: sat in the House of Commons till the general election of 1887, when he Inflated defeat. The C.P.R. elevator at Fort. Wil- liam was put out of business by a. fire Saturday morning that destroy- ed the entire front and all the ma;- chinery in the eleVator. The eleVab- or had in store about 1.000.000 bushels and will now be at a. com- plete standltfll. The tanks are not much injured, but there will be a. loss of probably $100,090.__ uv- vul- v0 The steamer Ione. of Picton, 'Onter- io, owned by F. E. Bell 5 Com- pany. caught fire while loading coal at the Delaware, Leckewnnne. and Western trestle at Oswego, at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Isaac Compeeu. the firemen, was burned to death. He was 25 years of ego and married. His home was at Trenton, Ontario. Fifteen coal ehovellere and the crew, with the exception of Com- peau. fled to Dock No. 4. The shovel- After Monday ell eectionmen em- ployed on the Grand Trunk Railway, wh) are receiving less than $1.20 per day, will be paid this amount, and section foreman will be glvm 845 n month, an increase over their present pay. Between 600 and 700 men will be benefitted by the voluntary action of the company. ENG: Dechene Was ‘43 year-sic! ago, and entered the Quoboc Legigluturo a member, with six years exception. ever since. He entered the Quebec Cabinet nu years ago. "H35. F. f}. it. Decheno. Minister of Agricultun in the Quebec Govern- ment, died Saturday morning. _Hon. Hugh Brown. 3 car repairs: Ior tho Grand Trunk at Hamilton, in cross- ing the track in front of can betas shunted on Saturday be flipped and fell. Some of the car: want our his feet almott covering them. Thy were amputated at the General Hoo- pital. The decoration of the 1110th to those who fell in the Northwt ro- bellion in 1885 took place Saturday afternoon at Queen's Park, Toronto. There was a. big procession and u re- cord crowd of citizens to witness it. George Scouten, convicted of man- sluughtar at Calgary, has been acn- tcnced to ten years' imprisonment. Angus McDonald of Boxdder was drowned a few miles west of Fort Frances. His body has not ya: been recovered. Hon. A. F. Randolph of St. John. N.B., was stricken with paralnn on Saturday alt-moon. He in In a. pre- carious condition. _ _ .. - _- w“--v_â€" v“... Before leaving for England Lord Kelvin said: "Photography in untur- al colors will soon b. an established fact, although it will necessitatb a lot of study to get it perfected.” The Dunsmuir Govu-nmsnt of Brit- ish Columbia is having an extremely anxious time of it just now, having aTâ€"méjority of only one Vote and an aggressin_ Opqosiuon. Th1: week 'i‘hera was 9. 327800 fire in E. R. Rogers' hardwu-e store at Toronto Junction Sunday morning. A -'â€"Fox and Victoi'y. Alex. lladonnld brow-«I I.“ For! Imam - Unknown Worn-’0 Body Found Non! Scarbor- Juan..â€" Goo. Suntan Got- 10 You! 1-- pruonmon: st cm For Mnnnlnughur. Meat-Gov. Stone of Wisconsin died at Water-town on Sunday. Th6 Railway Committee of the House at Commons has thrown out the Montreal bridge bill. , [DST BOTH HIS FEET BEIT SUCCEEDS CECIL RHODES ’erriblo Accident to Hugh Brown on G. T. R. at Hamilton. BELTON WAS DBOWNED. 1'0 IIOAL 1'0 BE MIXED. Vr-yheid, Southeastern Trmvual. May 10.â€"Na.t1Ves who“ haul. war. recently burned by burghu'l, attack- ednBoer lugm-inthoviclnlty of Scbeepar'a Nek my 8, and W82 Boers. And then poor old Job went exploring for a new boil that bad Just undo its debntmthebackothbuck. The Grant" 0! Two Evils. "You are not sick. Job." and one o! the friends. “You only think you no." “Only think I am. eh?” “Yes. It is merely a delusion.” “Well, then, all I've got to say 1- I'd rather be sick than have this delusion.” (‘nbln Flag Hal-I'd “av-m". Way 12.â€"At 23 minutes 0! 8 yesterday morning a 1913on mm 1mg Was tor the first. time hoist,- ed over Morro Castle. This was the signal that the steamer Julio. with President-Elect Palma and his party on board had been sighted. Ion Pom Bullion. London, May 12.-â€"Thoro was a. fresh crop of peace rumors Sntur day. It was stated that a. hopdnl do- spatch had been received by th. Government from Lord Kitchener, but inquiries gt the Wu Omco wm not able to glean any intermntlon on the point. All the anti-Ministerialists in Al- geria. were deteated. The result of 168 rcballots out. of a total of 174, show that. 128 Minisâ€" terialists and 40 anti-Ministerialilts have been elected. The representatives indicate that the reballot has been favorable to the Government. as half the Minisâ€" terialists, including M. Leygues, the Minister of Public Instruction; M. Brisson and Jules Siegfried, former Minister 01 Commerce, were elected. M. PunchaI Grouset (Ministerial- ist), a. retiring deputy, who was re- elected in Paris. died of apoplexy this evening. M. Lorthiois (Liberal Republican), who was elected in Lille in the Department Du Nord, died shortly before the polls closed. Paris, May 12,â€"Parh held 19 mn- isteriulists and nine antidfinisterial- ists, tho latmr gaining three seats in the Chamber. The bill to incorporate the Ma!!- time Stock Breeders' Association was passed. Mr. Tarte's wtimatee were taken up. with 'thc long string of 100 votes, for wharvcs and breakwater-s in Nova. Scotia. They amounted to $182,700. rThc deputies elected include 11 Clovis HUgbes (Socialist), the pqet The bill respecting the coasting trade 0! Canada went through. It provides that foreign built British ships shall not be admitted to the privileges of the Canadian coasting trade until a duty of 25 per cent. is paid upon them. An amendment was added, however, that it shall not apply to foreign built ships register- ed as British ships prior to Sept. 1. 1902. The bill will not go into si- fect either until it. has received the Imperial sanction. Roballot Bold wjfh‘evâ€"iaifi to increuo the number of 1:13:93»)? of up 0“,...va Improvunent uonun own can: win to sign; was passed. Mr. Blair's hm out annulment. The amendment- wm on “th- drawn. Mr. R. L. Bordon. who lupported the principle of the amendment. and also the Premier'l suggeltion. ob- served that such 3 mm a pro- posed should be made to spply to the Intercolonisl. The Premier apron-oi! his lym- pathy with both mama. par- ticularly with that of Ir. Dcmero, which ho declared to In both law and equity. But u the rdlwny com- panies would be given on opportun- ity to present their view- ha would suggest that the matter be loft over till next session, when both sides could b0 heard. Mr. Wclec Scott'u meat was to compo! tummy companion to plow. at a. dunno- o! 800 foot on each side at the flock. s ltrip eight feet wide, and to burn on the grass between the-o strip. and the track. The object. of this is to prom: prair- ie fire. in the ranching country of the Northwest Territories. to which the operation at tho unadmont would be limited. Mr. Sifton and Mr. Olivur of Al- -All Ontario needs a. change. It. Scott's Proposal way Looâ€"m by Thmhod Out RAILWAY FIRE-GUARDS. FBEXCH ELECTIONS Nun's: Kill 8002.. Id 03 Sand-y In tunable to the Govomnont. With- with- o: 0 ma. Gerald-I have a not: hurt. Geraldineâ€"Then I don't no that It (Do-ml. Sheâ€"Wu New. mount in team Improve-alt Boâ€"Wcll. I under-turd than wasn't “3318'... Nmudy(uthmbmmu before the much-Oh. uphill. II m an omen? Matter of Fact Captainâ€"No. Man. That in a sea gull. “I repeat 1 Inn n hm forumâ€"l tuna!- may.“ “Howahs. no! I an ml: with such large hund- they would an]: N graceful a plngponx." OI tho Strand. “Clnwerence. do you think we should trytoualmlutothoBoex-Iuwocon- qner them?” 000 a side will be decided nt cm on nut. Hartford. Conn. W. Lawson's Box-aims. 2:07. and E. I. Smather'l Lord Derby. 2:095 for m- hazeleyutndm. Butwhatmthoeyuldflnktotodly? No matter tho color. oh. hero’s to the I” mnumwunlummmm Charley Doble. on. of the young. brother: of Budd Doblo und tho man who «mentally campaigned Lord Vincent. 2:08“, a few yarn :30. will ‘lvoancomecunxonthommlrl (N. I.) track. A Mt Alway- 000‘. Here's to blue eyes. to flown ¢ trlbntpdnmonxwmm mottbomembu'lottbomryhnd circuit Inn agreed upon on one thon- und dollar sunken to form 1 portion 0! thelrtallprommmen. Tut-Isado- dded mm over their altering! of 1901. o, nmmmaw to have mp mm mm tho trotter John Audubon thusâ€"non. Bu-ney H. Demure-t of (lo-hen. N- !.,th1nklh|¢hlyofhhlulm Worth- m, by Advertisementdthcdlmd the”: 8m]. Plenty to “under. “I have a large fortune." “You haven't a cent. :nd you no. What no lent. “Your shell-like can. Ian M I pierced ?" rd at with kind intent. “No: only bond." the and m I m that Ibo aunt? numb. 315%, will MN! m And one. mom Ionthtul arthllnu will b. m “Wat'- do Icon?” Soon the earth in summer outlay W111 in human green hinting. Soc-.4! Our mhbonl Won. m hard in Ihummkoeomplunt. Batman peoplolnoul'l. Wouldmrnvnu38t. ll tho World a! On“. lthappcnatooofl natupuchmmm hmnhemlttm 033mm no lea-on Approach“). J. Wolch mm a that ho THE HORSES. gzgflflwflflflflflQfizfiflflQQO0QQQQQ¢GQOOQQQQQQ§ N NN NNNN NNNN NNNNN NNNN NNNN NNNIN NM MW gm Mm "Wu mm mfimmm ammm mm. numm ma Sm u mmmmm write out hm; A. E. SILVER.- WOOD. Box 184. DUNDAS m- mane-twain Bani) and MWmenot-nm. Price- .ceordmg “weight and plump“. 8004:1116-th ”tomcat-.113”. We on ayoumnho. Raise Chickensfi Export “WWW?“6‘6336W Pure Mixed Paints Garden Tools Lawn Mowers Coal Oil Stoves Kent-st. Headquartersl See our American Wire Fencing the best and cheapest fence on the market. Headquarters for Builders’ Hardware and ;Stoves., etc. M an. st. your cation emu-y chick- “It Pays to buy at Cinnamon’s” m uranium-mam Wyandotm. ...FOR ...... FOBSALK” McLENNAN N READY MIXED PA Manta promptly (Iv-I M o! outcry MM“; Ina-bl. Tm. Topo, uh I Innu- Pieces, etc., 3 M: Lindsay Marble“ ROBERT CHAMBERS Lam Artisijé Shad-5”“ ureOilandLad. Screen Doors and Windowsâ€"Bicycles Poultry Netting, etc, at lowest prices. The Canada Paint“! in i Ibo, 21b» _Qm PRISM 3W 1N LINDSAY NEDAY, wi hue. where h tollowing hr descriptw .. no large < ill THOII [chief 1:181 unsmur. a {or night fiDAY, '1 DAY. All“ I “by ‘ '0 Pill. Wm DAY SKUCE CI'C

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