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Watchman Warder (1899), 15 May 1902, p. 12

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FARM FOR SALE OR RENEâ€"Being east half lot 24, con. 9, Brock. one mile norph of Manilla, 4 miles from Cannington, 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, soil dark clay loam. On thatarmis agoodstomhomofldr outbuildings, orchard, two good wells and never-tailing spring meek. Fan ploughing well advanced. AP- ply u by letter GEO. JOHNSON. Box 53 Cannington, or on lot 2, con. 13. Manpou.â€"6-tt. ‘ NOTICE TO CONTRACNRS.â€"-Sealâ€" ed tenders will 'be received try-the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on the 30th DAY OF MAY, 1902, for the building of a. NEW BRICK VENEERED ORANGE HALL on the 14th con. of Emily“ The lowâ€" est or any tender not Wily accepted. For full particulars apâ€" ply to the Secretany, fiOH’N.VOU’£ Dunsford, Ontâ€"2043. FARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 9, Con. 1, Eldon, 100 acres all cleared; good frame barn and other outbuildings; also. good large frame house with stone cellar full size; on boundary between Eldon and Thorah, five miles from Beaverton, three miles trom Lorneville. This is a. first- class farm. For further particu- lars apply to E. EVANS. Cresswell or the Watchman-Warder emceâ€" FARM FOR SALEâ€"East 11an Lot 1, Con. 14, Emily, 100 acra, all plow land. On the premises are good log dwelling, frame and log barn, frame and log stable, pig-pen, hen- ery, roothouse, etc. Two acres of bearing orchard. Plenty of good water. Eight miles from Lindsay BARGAINS 1N LANDSâ€"Several par- colaâ€"50, 100, 300 to 500 acres for ado in the townships of Fenelon, Bofley, Laxton and Digby. Prices tom $75 to $4,000. Marriage HOUSE FOR SALE.â€"â€"A nice frame house on Ridout street, No. 51, half acre of land, a. good stable and first-class well and also nice shade trees; price $625. Also a. desirable building, lot facing on Kent and Ridout streets; a. good wood-shed and well are on the pre- m. Apply to F. FORBERT, Shoe shop, 14 William-st. â€"18-4. IACKSON’S ISLAND FOR SALE.â€" Z’our acres beautifully situated in Sturgeon Lake, half way between Sturgeon Point and Bobcaygeon. Steamboat to Lindsay twice a day, an ideal spot for a. summer resi- dence. Apply to MOORE JACK- TARM FOR SALE.â€"One of the best farms in the County of Victoria, containing 100 acres; being com- posed of Lot No. 2, Con. 2. Stone house, large barn, stone cellar, full size, and other outbuildings; land good and clean. Terms easy. Ap- ply to W. M. CURRIE, Port Perry. 850 ACRE FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAINâ€"In Fenelon Township, 8 miles from Lindsay. Good land. Two dwellings, two tramc barns. Shruwshad and stable underneath, mothouse. etc. Plenty of water. Apply at. Watchmwâ€"Warder omce. FARM WANTEDâ€"50 or 100 acres west of Lindsay. Give best cash price. Apply at this officerâ€"2043. FOR SALEâ€"A Shingle Machine and two Packing Boxes. Apply to JAB. WELLS, Cambray.â€"18-4. HOUSE TO RENTâ€"A cotmfortable 6-roomed house over Robson’s store '3 to let. Apply at the store.â€"9â€"1. and four miles from Dunsford. For further particulars apply at this oflice.â€"20â€"tf. SON, Solicitors, Lindsay.â€"24-tt. License: issued A. C. GRAHAM, Real Estate, Etc" Victoria. Road. PAGE TWELVE FOR SALE OR 10 m1 PUBLIO NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ELDONâ€"COURT OF REVISIONâ€"«Notice is hereby given that the Court 01 Refision for the Township of Eldon will be held at Vassar’s Hotel. Kiskfield, on TUESDAY, THE 3rd DAY OF JUNE. 1902, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the Iorenoon. Dated at Lorneville, the 15th day of May. 1902. JOHN‘A. JACKSON. Clerk W. F. BROAD, Veterinary Surgeon, Inspector of Live Stock for Domin- ion Government. Omee and resi- dence, 46 Peel-st... between Solva- tion Army Barracks and Curling Rink. Telephone 146. Cells one- wered night and day. GARDEN COURT OF REVISION.â€" The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Garden will meet as a. Court of Revision at No. 2 School House on SATURDAY, THE 813t DAY OF MAY, 1902, at the hour 0! 10 o’clock a..m., to hear and decide all appeals against the assessment of said Township for the year 1902. JOHN WALSH, 'I‘p. Clerk. Garden May 12th, 1902. THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to loan money on Farm. To“ and Village Property, at the very low- est rates of interest, private or company funds. McSWEYN a; WELDON, Solicitors. be" Ontario Bank Building, cor. Kent and Wil- liam-eta, Lindsay. In 0m every Monday. FARMERS AND OTHERS wishing to borrow money on farm property A LARGE AMOUNT of private funds toloan, 41amd5percent WM. STEERS, Solicitor, Dominion ' Bank Building, William-st... Lindsay CREAM SEPARATORS.â€" A good Separator, will add at least 25¢. a hundred to the value of your milk. Then there is a sud-g in labor and the satisfaction of know- JAMES DOAN, carter is prepared to do carting of all kinds on short notice and at reasonable rates. The removal of pianos and organs a. specialty. Orders can be left at JOHN FLUREY’S Grocery. Kentâ€"st.â€"â€"19â€"3m. 2, Fenolon. Inlay-P. 0.â€"41-t1. . B. WELDON,‘ Maripoea. Townstfp Clerk, Oakwood, Ont. Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Conveyancing in an it. Forms, MONEY T0 LOAN. will find it to their interest to write or see me before pinning their loans. Business strictly confident- ial. H. 0. HAMILL, lot 17, con. ing that you are getting all the butter. Can you aflord to care for, feed and milk cows and then eachdayloose25percent.otthe tat produced ? Many people hesi- tate to get a. Separator because the old style compliCated machines are so hard to clean. But‘ the new Sharpless Tubular Separator‘ en- tirely overcomes this difficulty. and notwithstanding the fact that there are no discs, zigâ€"zag plates or other contraptions in the bowl, it is ab- solutely guaranteed to skim closer than any other make of separator. A free trial given. Come and see the machine in operation any time on my farm adjoining Oambray or at Masseyâ€"Harris shop, Lindsay. Send post-card for descriptive mat- ter and price list to P. J. WIL- KINSON, Cambray. or to GEOM HUNTER. Lindsay.-4-6m. 1 VETERINARY “Mk0. DOUBT 0F REVISION ARTIOLES FOR SALE HONEY T0 LOAN To BORROWERSâ€"Wo are loaning money on real coats mortgage. gt. the lowest current nun. 1h bug- inescisdonoinouronomoound the principal and intact mud to us without. any expense of re- mittlng. We also purchase mort- gages and debentures. T0 mm DONALD R. ANDERSON. Batista. Solicitor. to. I am now loaning largesumaotprivuumndlonm mortgage. on tum property ti. 4} to 5 per cent. Tarm- to suit. bor- rower. Omco 131mm, opposite the Duly House. Kant-Ct... Limb“. HOORE JACKSON. man. be Solicitors for the County 0: Via- torla. and the Bank of [anti-ed. Money to loan on manage. st lowest. current nun. 000. W.» Ham-at... Lind-u. F. D. Moon. Ala. Jackson. STEWART b 0’ CONNOR. Ben-ism. Notaries, be. Money to loan a G. H. HOPKINS, Barrister, Solicit- or for the Ontario Bonk. Money to Loon gt Lowest Rates. 0000 No. 6 Williun-ct" south. DR. NEELANDS, dentist, Lindsey. Extracts teeth without pain by gas (Vitanud Air) administered by him for 26 years with great success He studied the gas under Dr. Cob- . ton, of New York, the originstor o! 'I‘ORSâ€"We invest. money tor clients on mortgages. also upon mm debentures, investmt node, and bonds. IcLAUGHLIN. mn- MID l: PEEL. Ban-bun. 8t... DR. ARTHUR DAY, dentist, succee- eor to the late Dr. Bert. Member of Toronto Dental College and To- ronto University. Also gndunte of American Dental College. Most modern dentistry practised in the most scientific manner. Crown and bridge work a. {pedal- DR. F. A. WALTERS, dentist. Lind- say. Honor graduate oi Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. All the Intent and improved branches 0! dentistry successfully performed. Clauses moderate. Omee over Gregory'- Drug Store, corner Kent and Wilâ€" DR. SU’I‘I‘ON,dentist, Lindsay, Hon- or graducte of Toronto Univmity and Royal College 01 Dental Sur- DR. E. A. W, dmt 8t. um Gruduute of Toronto University and Boyd Congo 0! Donal /Sur- W. H. GROSS. must. Lind” W. A. WHITE. PRACTICAL ARCHI- TECT. Box 178 Lindm.â€"10-3-m. vary lowest. current. into- on but terms. Omen cornu- Knnt. .nd York-Its” Linduy. '1‘. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor. BHA ton writes Dr. Neelande that he has given the gas to 186,417 persons without an mt. Dr. Neelande uses the best local pain obtundu'e. Beautiful artificial teeth inserted at moderate prices. Please send a postal card before coming. omee Pearly opposite the Simpson Home. ty. Charge- mo'dento. Oflce 44 Kent-st. goons. Every dbputmont of dan- tlstry is done In a. practical and scientific manner a model-tho pdo- ea. Omoe over Nor-gun's Drug Store. goons. All the Intent. improved methods adopted and prices moder- ate. Omee over Anderson A: Nu- gent'u. opposite Veitch'l baudâ€"29, Headquarters for good Dentistry. Member Royal Dental 0011080. Ont. “MUTE”, lo. -!I'hird mud 1» July celebntlm in many by the I.0.0.F. Look to: it I W.“ for it I Entire dung. a: program. Balloon ascension .I‘ parachute drop for first time in un- Rochester) ...... ...“.. 9.45 mm. Ar. Cobourg. Ont. ._ _ .. 2.01 pa. Ar. Port. Hope. Ont. _ .. 3.50 p.m. Baggage can be checked to any place in Rochester. and from Roche.- ter tony point towhlch ticket reads. For further attenuation apply to H. H. GILBERSLEEVE. Gm Hunger. Kingston or to GEO. mm, Expres- 0m, Lindsay. 1 0! Rochester) ...... J... 7.47 9.13. Ar. Rochester (cor. N. St. Paul and Hun-cu.) 8.45 9.31. NORTH BOUND Lv. Rochester (cor. N. St. Paul end nun-cu.) 9.00 .4... LvLSummerville. N .Y. (.Port Woolly Bout. W In, 1801,1308. .0000 , SOUTH BOUND Lv. Cobourg, Ont. ............ 2.01 p.111 Lv. Port. H090. 0nt............ 2.50 p.n Ar. MMIle. N.Y. (Port. Steamer NORTH KING Lake Ontario and Bay at Quilt: Stet- [boat 00., United. HAPPINESS INSURED by getting your marriage license from “on. Bean. Um issued eithcr 3: his house on Albert-st. or at his omen ct G. W. Bedl'u 10de store. Kata-t... End-as. THOMAS SWAIN, Blackstock P.O., PETER BROWN, Auctioneer. Oak- wood P.O.. Ontario. Farm stock and other sales promptly “tended to. Chugea moderate. Sales can be arranged for a. The Watchman- Warder omen. DR. A. GILLIESPIE, C. A. and 8.0. Oman and mldeneo corner of Lind- DR. WHITE, mu of Toronto Unimtty Medial Mty. doc grndunto 01 Trinity Unimity. Toronto. nnd member 0! College of Physician- and Samoan. Ontario. Otlco Lindsay-ct. Nophono 107. DR. IcOULLOUGH d Whore-ash. WM 0! uchmonthattho 4 Simpson 110030.300“. 2 to p. m Con-caution in En. Eur. M and N000 Dina-u. Ont... Housed Auctioneer for Dar hem. also 0pc Township. Form Stock end other odes promptly at- tended to ; chars; moderate. agy and Russell-cu. Licentiate of Boyd Conga Physician- and Sunâ€" geons, Edinburgh. Mantis“ of Hidwflcy. Edinburgh. Special gt- tentlon give to md'ucry and diaâ€" ouea 0! women. Telephone No. 98. Cobourgâ€"Port Hopeâ€"Rochester phone No. ‘8. Toronto. Eye, throot specialist. G. S. RYERSON. 60 Cong-ct... ”MOE Liam auonouzm m Fallen! to hivmide Mary on Friday, . 16th, from Jim“: residence. Elfin-at went. m.â€"In Fendon. on loud-y lay nth. Thou-n Allin. aged 74 years. “THURâ€"In Lindsay, on my 14 About Ann IcArthur. axed 34 IGARDINERâ€"At [nu-pom, County 0! : Kant. on My. May 18th. Fran- ck Cur. W“. 0! Ralph Gardiner, 3nd mother of In. J. R. Mc- IcNolllie, town. BELLâ€"1w Lindsay, on May 2nd, June. Bell. aged 60 years. CLIFFORDâ€"On May 8rd in Go]- ww, In. Cllflord, used 107 years “dot: o! the nu John Cliflord. LAPLANTEâ€"On In: 2nd. in Bob- caygoon. at the residence 0! her daughter. In. John Hammmm Harriet. Laplanu, wow 01 the Iota John Lophnto, Iced 88 you”. BELâ€"In the township 0! Opt. on Bound”. by 8:4. mm. Evans. beloved wit. 0! John an. aged 78 Rye Wheat, Wheat, Wheat. Wheat, S'I'lZER.â€"In Lindsay. on May 9th. to Kr. and In. A. W. Switzer, a m. Choice ewes, per cwt 3 75 to 4 75 Yearling, per cwt ...... 4 00 to 5 50 Sprint lamba. each __ 2 50 to 5 oo Bucks, per cwt ............. 3 25 to 3 75 . HOGS Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 75 to 7 25 Light hogs, per cwt 650w700 Heavy Bogs, per cwt. ... 6 50 to 700 80m. per cwt .. _ 350m400 Stun. per m .. .... ooomaoo (10., light. ... 450 Butcher, choice .. _... 500 Butcher, ord’y to good 4 00 Stockers, per cwt .. .. 300 SHEEP ANDLAEBS Shippers. per cwt ...... 85 00.to 6 25 -.=-c4 Duck. pu- pal: ...- live, pg; Lard, pot 1b. Hoes. HEAT. POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE The Wynn-m. GRAINS M Wheat, per bushel... 0 00 Fyie Wheat, per bushel... 0 00 Spring What, per bush. 0 00 Goo-e Wheat, per bush... 0 00 Buckwhent .. .. 000 Barley, per bush ... ... 000 By. .. . .. ...... ...... 0 00 0th-.-.-............000 Pen, small ......... 000 Pen, mummies .. ... O 00 Pan. Blu- - _ .. ... 000 We Pea.- ........... 0 00 Math Clove ...... ...... .. 6 00 Rod 010m ..- ..- ... - 000 Pontoon. .0..- “I .0. .0. spring ...A... ..._. white coo... ccccc o... Toronto Grain Mukct Toronto Live Stock CATTLE. VHJEI'ABLE 12 5511 88$7567 00000003 wwwmmmml mu nuwmm m 'Amuâ€"WAnnm mmwmwwm 0000569 mmmmwwm mmwmwmm . 000507 060w065 14 Mn! desiring laid council 38“!“ A Wolitbic ant-'16xx .45 feet wide. VJ“? out kerbing. on W mt nida 0f LEW A granolithic A gruelitbic s -â€"5 feet wide out kerbing. north side of Itreet. from to Cambridge A gmnolithic sidewdk â€"5 feet. wide, with' out kerbing, on the east side of St. Paul street, from King to Queen streets ....â€" The follow estimated 1 pmposed w thereof to In general fund: Description and lo cation of works Toke notice t Council of the 'I and: to carry provement works dale hereunder,am coat thereof upon ting thereon to by. A statemen liable to pay 1 and the names of u (a: as they iron: the last revi in now filed in th clerk, and is ope: ins omce hours. TOWN [If t to a pou: north of t boundary out ker east side street, 1‘ granolith â€"5 feet. keg-hing, on the north side of King “M from St. Paul to St- mvid mm .00 â€" "' moliu -5 feet. u Huh: m' ffmlsay {rum lhduut 10 . H .KIX'H'IJ ... m... ‘5“ u NOTICE ! ic sidewalk unst- or 1‘ clock? Wlll' .0" 0.... sxdewm UM Tom 0’1 Doha DID. .xu low onli

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