it PASS hhinthcreguhruy Ldous crowd at G;- 3 bargainsâ€" that 2" ordinzry event- r, Lindsay save $5.01: W are ï¬gurmg on his great May trimmed with H. (tho Pt I“.- .- plcted, worth $225- from -J, 5v: “‘0". rHURSDAY a; F. Steel’s tor n00“- Mï¬e to Conway House, BOW? M. for night. AY. will proceed to Thomas Kelly’s, Red Rock, for noon, thence ‘° John Aldous, Fenelon Falls, and "Min until Saturday at ï¬ve "fleck, thence home. f leeview Farm, Fenelou. ml MAKE THE SEASON 1902 AS FOLLOWS : WAY, April 28th will leave his hue Stand and proceed to John he“: South of Cameron, for noon; ‘9“ to Cambray Hotel for :m Following week will be to Henry Mark: for noon, thence “Embray for night. wd 31331.0" 1°“ “‘3‘ “r m: .m I» m Oakwood during ‘, d I†W3w1é; will be paid for 1..“ .ImA mi. 13’0““ W lst May. I900- Gumnteed by Mamifacturels. LINDSAY. NATHAN DAY. _FOR SALE BYâ€" ERSON NUGENT Co. 9 {lack Duke Norman Percheron Stallion -THE PROPERTY OFâ€" short HAY 15th. 1902. Oh, that Referendum ! From ofï¬ce it may sendum, T’will surely, surely enduraâ€" Just you wait, just you wait, Just you wait and see. Grit thieves our ballots stole, We’ll put them in a. hole, And big rocks upon them rollâ€" Just you wait, just you wait, Just you wait and see. Smell those ballots burning, Honest men are turning The truth they now are learningâ€" Just you wait, just 'you wait, Just you wait and see. Paris, May 13.â€"The death of Sen- hor Severe, the Bx: yestérday morning of his airship, La â€"The fox and goose story of the Post is a trifle goosey. The Valen- tia woman who told the Grit cam- paigner that she was afraid “the Fox might disturb the setting goose in the barn,†was taking a quiet drive at the goose who was sitting in the buggy. “When Blain was President of the United States†they did not allow such yarns to be spoken. â€"Mr. George Blackwell used the blackboard at Black’s school-house in showing the ï¬nanclal condition of the province, and made matters look black for the government. He makes a good campaigner, being a. clear and convincing speaker. â€"The Liberal-Conservatives 'have to ï¬ght against the influence of two governments in the present contest. The Senator is working the Domin- ion lever for all‘ it; is worth. The Government. soon is going, The tide is outward flowing, Bad seeds they have been sowingâ€" Just you wait, just you wait, Just you wait and see. â€"The royalty collected on school books is a. special tax on the man who is doing the most for his coun- tryâ€"raising children and schooling them. of cash. The army is getting to work. -The Liberal-Conservative stand- ard-bearer is being belied and misre- presented just the same as he was in the contest of four years ago, but that sort of w‘ork recoils on political opponents, so it is hoped that they may keep right at it. â€"The name of Fox will appear ï¬rst on the ballot papers and that of Smale second. I! there is anything in alliterationâ€"Fox ï¬rst, Smale sec- ondâ€"then the people’s candidate will come out all right in the contest. â€"The Ontario government claims to have a. surplus. Well it has a surplusâ€"a. surplus of ofï¬ceholders and machine-men, but not a. surplus -â€"The sporting friends of the gov- ernment and prohibition candidate are playing a. blutbgame in order to give heart to Liberals in the contest. Some of them are oflering to wager heaps of money on the result, but back down when cornered. It is not, known whether it is their own or government money which they carry with them. â€"If Major Miller in West Peterboro does his work-well the Hon. J. R. Stratton may ï¬nd himsell pretty well ground up, on May 29th. â€"-The 29th of May is election day, and the name of Whitney can be formed out of letters taken from the word “Twenty-ninth." According to a old proverb this is considered a. sure sign of sum. Whitney will win. -â€"The outpouring: of Hoyle in North Ontario does not add smooth- ness to the pathway of the Liberal candidate in that constituency. â€"Among the signiï¬cant mottoee which appeared at the Sudbury re- ception to Mr. J. P. Whitney were th following : “The Land and Wood ion the Settler," “Free Grants for Set- tlers†and â€Leave Enough Fire :Wood for the Settler." This should be a. settler to Liberal politicians. who have been intent on allowing capitalâ€" ists to strip the woodlands at the exâ€" pense of the settler. â€"The person who seeks to raise sectarian strife in this country is the worst enemy the stste possesses and should be exported. â€"Punish the politicians who failed to punish the ballot thieves. â€"Who was it. that paid the ma.- chine men for special services ? Was it not Liberal politicians ? ‘ Let them listen to the thunder, Let machine men stand from under, While the women watch and wonder, Buckle in and strike with might. -â€"Let the politics of the Province be puriï¬ed. We know that justice waiting weeps Fov- Grits have gone way down th steeps, But Liberty her vigil keeps- We're battling for the right. Our hope: on Whitney now we ï¬x To stop the rougiah Liberal tricks, Whichrhaivgdiagrwed our politics We Tories have a gldrlous cause. We now are wanting better hm, To make the ballot-burners pause And disappear from sight. ‘u-onaut Severe white And black'ened darkeét night. ELECTION ECHOES . mm: Câ€- 13 .â€"â€"Nellio “’1‘ Kill“. n". v.-- 0‘ , Mrs. J. Toronjo and family left on Monday to join Mr. Toronjo in Penn- sylvania, U.S. Divine service was held in St. Aloysius church on Sunday and was well attended. -,A number of persons drove over from Bobcaygeon to take part in this service which is only held here once a month. The old adage that “the early bird catches the worm" was not exempli- ï¬ed in Fenclon Falls last Friday days which came to us once in a while in March and April, put them out in the ground about a. week ago. The severe frost of Friday night end- ed the earthly career of the plants, and while it is hard on the ladies it is good for the trade of the florists. Messrs. J. L. Arnold and Wm. Bur- goyne got some: nice ones in last Navigation is beginning to be an- tive. The "Alexandra†brought three loaded scows up last week, and came up again on Monday with an- other scow in tow. The “Grey- hound" also came up on Monday al- ternoon. With the “Alexandria.†anchored near the boat houses, the “Greyhound" in the locks and De- Cew's Alligator hunting for sunken logs above the dam the outlook was l cheering. A Whei: strength is full and spirits high, we are being re- freshed, bone muscle and brain. in body and mind, with con. tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits. no cheer, no sprin , When rest is not rest and s eep is not sleep, we are starved ; our blood is poor; there is little nutri- ment in it. ' Back of the blood, is food to keep the blood rich. When- it fails, take Scott’s Emulsior' of Cod Liver Oil. It sets thf. whole body going againâ€"mar woman and child. "you hwnduï¬ditaendfori haureahletmwillmrpï¬'em soorranowrm. chem The congregation of St. Jamw’ have decided to build their new church at the foot of the hill and are already digging for a site for the foundation. The raidence at the foot of the incline looks as if it were going to move, which we believe it is. in the near future. We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There IS nothingelse to live on or_ by. Messrs. Cottingham and McConnell of Lindsay brought their two yachts up to the Falls last Sunday, each with about a. dozen gentlemen on board. The party remained all day making the Brooks House their head- quarters, and spent a. delightful day. The Brooks House is being conducted in good style and tourists or visitors will do well to patronize it. We trust and expect that our three good hotels will prove inadequate for the summer trade of 1902 A.D. ‘ Mr. Wm Burgoyne’s yacht. Kawar- tha had her new engine tested on Cameron lake last Thursday, and she stood the trial well. Mr. J. A. DeCew of the School of Practical Science, Toronto, spent. Saturday and Sunday with his par- ents at the Falls. Mrs. H. Austin sp‘ent Saturday Lindsay. .. Mrs. Wm. McKeown who has been visiting, friends in Lindsay and other points, is at present visiting friends at the Falls. She and Miss L. Mo- Keown will leave next week to join Mr. McKeown in Maniï¬oba. H. Curttn. Emlsmon; H. O. Kemp. 1Canningmn ;, A. McDonald. London ; Dan Mon-in, Manllla; John Bright- man, Peterboro : D. Campbell, Paleo- tine ; Peter O'Connor, Grand RupidO: W. Sherman, J. W. Moore; J. F. Cornell, G. C. McGahey, G. H. H. Baker, John Cunning: and daughter. Jon. McConnell, J. F. Donnell. E‘- Jackson. Chas. Smith, Walter Cook. S. Arthur Day, LS.D., A. O’Keele. N. F. A. McSweyn, Jack Kidd, Steve Ingles. Norman McConnell, Harry McConnell, Jack Cuthbert, A. L. Campbell, .A. H. Cottingham. J- thtle, W. Lytle. T. Hartley and A. Hartley, Lindsay. mustang. D. Smith and Willi-III: ‘ 0" ope spent Thursday on Friday o1 last week nt the Falls. Miss McArthur is visiting friends a“ Toronto and. other points. W. W. Aldous, W, NOW! 3' SW and A, J. Hamilton. W S. McKendry and F. Robson spent Sunday in leads†and St, Andrew’fl mourned the vacant chairs. 3 Messrs. H. Webster and W. Graham 'drove to the Falls from Klrkfleld on Sunday. Mr. Graham drove home in the evening and Mr. Webster 103‘ for Lindsay on Monday afternoon. The following guests registered at the Brooks House during the post was]: :â€"R. E. mnett, w. Love. J»- Reid and Son, Toronto: Albert Thompson, G.T.R., md D. E. Mc- Kenzie. Kdnmount'; Thop. Collins. J. Hr.andllra.R.J.Hom ad their two children left lat Thursday“ for a. visit to North qu. Ms A. Austin returned last week from a. visit a: some months to her sister Mrs. O. Khahn of Walsh-9 Mrs. Geo‘ Martin spent Monday in T _v_.I_ Obituaryâ€"Sharp Prat CATARACT CITY NEWS BUDGET -Paul Leicester Ford the novelist, author of “Jaunice Meredith" and other books, was shot and killed by his brother at the house of the novel- ilt on Thursday of last week. The brether who had been disinheriwd by the tether at his death some years 880 is supposed to have been insane; he shot himself a few seconds alter killing hie brother. -Vencouver Province : “Then he thedsysinvhlchemuhoee his little garden â€tether-rows his soul, cultivates curviture o! the spme, eon radish seed end remorse, and ped snap will soon be they and week up. The many friends of Mrs. Dorgan of Redner'e Point. heard with regret. of her death on Monday morning. Mrs. Dorgan has been ill for some time, but her family always hope for her recovery. She leaves a. husbehd the Canadian boundary last week. It was n scaly piece or business. â€"Ms.yor Duflicld o! Buckner, Mis- souri who was elected as s prohibi- ' tionist, has been ï¬ned $100 and coats for selling liquor illegally. â€"A board 01 arbitration gnve the C. P. R. treatmen on the eastern di- vision, an sdvsnce of 20 percent in wages last week. In; and three young sons to mourn inoperable loss 01 a loving wire mother. The weather is beyond description. last Thursday shirt. waists and bare feet. were in vogue, and on Friday“ morning every man who was forced to leave the house wore a, fur coat if he owned one. On Friday night the ice Was several inches thick. we read last week of the destruction of St. Pierre and the visitation to St. Vincent we breathed a. breath of thankfulnm for our Canadian cli- mate and the breath was long and Kent-st, Hundreds of Men’s Suits made of selected Canadian Tweeds in popu- lar shades $3.90, 3.50, 3.00. Hundreds of Men’s Suitsmade of ï¬ne all wool Tweeds, extra lined and trimmed. 55, 4.50, 4.00. Hundreds of Men’s Suits in Blue and Black Serges. natty styles, $5.50, 475. $4. Hundreds of Men’s Suits in ï¬ne black worsteds. superior make. $8, $7, $6. Celebration Suits for Boysâ€"H undreds of Boys’ 3-piece Suits, nobby pat- terns, strongly lined and trimmed. $3.50. 3.00, 2.60. BJ.G.UGH’S A Man on Every Base THE BIG CLOTHIER but when J'. GOUGH. _ THE WEEK BEFORE THE 24th at Fro-I SCC We are ready to dress you in a ï¬tting manner for the celebration, and our prices will defy imitation. Scarcely any limit to the range of Ready-to-Wear Cloth- ing, Hats, Caps, Underwear and Furnishings for the Royal Holiday. You’ll open your eyes when you U Euthusiasm prevails all over the store, and our Summer Clothing Sale is making enthusiastic custo- mers. Hcre’s another group of rousing values for this week. BE PATRIOTIC “K The week before the 24th of May will be a week of stunning values at Gough’s. Each department of the Big Corner Store bustling with Royal Bargainsâ€" snaps that will set the nerves in every purchaser a- tingling. A punts. may {or delivery nfter May 15th. ISAAC DEYEIL, Fruit Grow- «5â€"194. -â€"Two children aged 2 and 3 years at Indian Head N. W. T., ran play- fully down a. hill and into an open well. They were, taken out. dead 10 minute- later. â€"Hugh Hagaty of Brandon-d touch- ed O live wire on Wednesday of list week ad was killed. - â€"m hotelmea of Owen Sound haverdudthe pfleoolbou-d be- cause mt in so dear. the dktrict will be prosperous. â€"-John loud of Ohio left $4,000. the proceeds of which are to be spent in flghthg all sorts of noxious weeds â€"Jn.s. L. Hughes. brother of Col. Sun, has resigned his p osition an inspector of schools in Toronto. He will devote himself to writing and lecturing. It is hinted that he has been ones-ed a, good position in the department of education of Manito- be. â€"At the close of the recent“ congress at Los. Angelos. Cal, Dr. Oronhyuteka was presented with a gold collar of 21 links emblematic of the 21 years 0! his service in the order. --In a. recent speech Lord Salis- bury referred to the Boer war and said “We have auflered. but we have smtly won." â€"Stationmuber McAlpine, at Cen- tennial Corners, near Pickering found a $8.50 nugget. of gold in the crop of a chicken his wife was dressing. 1! raises blisters. --The Toronto milkmen have raised the price of milk. They give the consumer no quartr-er. 9999 Celery, Oabbtgo and Tomto Celebration Suits for Men Tweed, any style that parents pre- fer, $4.50, $4, $3.75. Hundreds of Boys’ Tweed Suits, all wool, 2-piece garments, $l.75, L50, l.10. Hundreds of Children’s Summer Waists and Blouses, made of ex- cellent materials for long wear and good looks, 75c, 65c, 45c. 30c. Celebration Neckwear, and in all the swell- est lines out. Celebration Shirts, in all the fancy fads of fancy striped Shirts. Celebration flats in stylish Derbys, Fedoras, Panamas, etc. Hundreds of Youths’ Suits in ï¬ne For W Maltr- apply to 8. H. PORTER. wmwm. v-Jl‘vo Mism- in good conâ€" dition. for ads cheap. Apply cttho Volta: Baumâ€"18. 3760â€"1191159 home on Albert-ct... but-ct... neu- Kent, convedent to schools ; i more fruit gel-do. 31700â€"50111! brick residence on Al- hertz-ct. south. good location; cheep property. 81600â€"80111! brick uddenoe with an. m. 1* acre lend. fruit. trees. etc.. on WW. newâ€"Sew trick residence on mun-eta. mt cellar. eta. prom but end dry. sloooâ€"Fourmlendheutwui “mileage“. etc. Who-no. cable. driving- M.mhndwithmll onUtfleBrltdlroed. WVdeo build“ lot on '11- tErTniéIBExinI Weikne'u. all enacted“ lam-1 Worry. been!†and†arenas. â€momma or Stimulant. luMommcefli‘ «pl-loom!» 81.31;“. Oust-mm “Wan. phleu (menu: m the Wood em. «I.- 81850â€"Bolid brick dwelling on Gluâ€" elg-et., neu- Lindsay-st, 10 room. flute-class property. $500 down.bu.l- moo op my tam. SlBOOâ€"Solï¬d brick maids-co on Al- saw-Hudson: modern maiden» in north ward; vary desinble lo- cation; solid brick. furnace, oo- meat cellar. Wood’s Phoephodine is cold 1n Lind- on by all (linguists. “.mmmmuoo Town Property For Sale. LINDSAY, ONT. F Wood's Phaphodino. PAGE 8W {2%