len’ 5 Whole Cut Buff liaiters, solid insole, rivited soles, all sizes, worth from $1. 25 to $1.61)- - =- - = lie 11 ’5 extra quality strong Boots, Chrome 11in uppers, large eyelets, best sole work for .-'-- 150,175 3°31 oys’,s12esl toï¬, Superior quality Chrome Grain and Chrome Kip, hand buttoned 1,; .. if - - - = =- 1.21 lisses’ fine Bongola Button Boots, sizes in stock 12,13, 1, 2, reg. $1 to 1.25 Shoe, while they last = .. Children’s line Dongola Lace or Button Shoes, turn soles, sizes ' 9, 9 lsZand 10 only. These were $1.10 and 1.25 hues, selling at Women ’siline Bongola lace or Button, good style, good finish, solid :insoles, all sizes, 2 [=2 to 7, only . , emeueeouemeuuumuumuns EBargains that are Bargains . fleegï¬oeoaaagoogn i? Trunks and- Traielling’ That “Quality†is the keynote at this store. We have high standards as regards our “Foot- wear.†We cannot, We will not. bring down our standard of quality Every Shoe put in- to stock here must first undergo a most careâ€" in} examination, and being Shoe Makers by trade we can detect imperfections in stock and workmanship that would be passed over Lu"- gun-A411 A"! man PAEE Tm ;; flood ï¬oods’,Right Prig:_s floods , in ï¬reat variety ‘ “Hagar Shoes for lien, Canada’s best a Prices $3. 50, $4, $450 and $5. 00 E “J 61 T Bell†Shoes for Women, Canada’s best - Prices $2. 50, $3, 3.,“ “g E “lewis A. Crossett†Shoes for Ken, makes life’ s walk easy= Prices 3400,, g 54. 50 and $5; Stylish easy goods. flagar, J. T. Bell and Lewis A. Crossett Shoes can he had here . and here only. 3WW3; anothergman. Q cope Cases at all prices from 400 to $10.00 S uitCases Canvas, Tales. 1.50, 1.75, 32.†1.20, $1.25 $1.00 75c g GRANTâ€"At Victoria. Road, on; Monday, April 27th, Emma J can Grant, wife of Dr. Grant, aged 21 ' years. 8 months. Married CUR’I‘INâ€"MILLOYâ€"At St. Luke's church, Downeyville, on Tuesday. April 28th. by Father Brethorton, Mr. Edward Curtin, of Pcterboro, and Rose, daughter of Mm. Pat- rick Milloy, of Downeyville. WHY'I'Eâ€"EAGLESONâ€"On Wednes- day, the 6th inst., by Rev. I". B. Stratton, Belleville, at Ithe mi- denoe of the bride's parents, at the corner of Peel and Albert-sum, Lindsay. Rev. J. M. Whyte, of Minden, and Olive, Igamut! daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr}. . n. BRYANS.â€"In Lindsay, on Thursday, Aprili 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ed the 6th of May. Wishing your order much prosperity, I remain, yours truly, JANE LITTLE. Cardof‘l'huks The the omcers and members 0! the Canadian Home Circle No. ‘84, Lindsay : I wish to express ELY thanks to the ofï¬cers and members of Lindsay circle No. 34 for the cheque for on thousand dollars, re- ceived at the hands of your Treasur- er Mr. John McLennan, as payment of certiï¬cate No. 1104, held by my deceased husband, and also to the ofï¬cers of the Supreme Court for the prompt payment of this claim. the papers being forwarded on the 22nd. 0! April and the cheque receiv- Any kind, size or shape in four-ply linen collars, 3 for 25¢, J. E. MAT- CHET'I‘, next door to Post Ofï¬ce. Very desirable property near the R. 0. church. Solid brick, (nearly new) 8 rooms, good cellar, woodshed eta, corner lot. Price low and terms easy. Apply at this omce. â€"19-tf. Owing to rheumatism in the wrists. E. Williamson has decided to give up photographing. Before doing so he has decided to run on his present stock at cost. Parties wanting photos taken will get the best. value ever given in Lindsay. Gallery. foot of Kcnt-st.â€"18-3. i'ram Bryans, a daughter. We have Collard the Market Going Out 0! Business Residence for Sale. tYi l m; and Mrs. D'! .. f" VS. ‘ ' I I. I " teen-her of‘ P031 â€â€œ1 ‘ ’ ~ ' . ‘ ; he scene of a "823'! ; ;erdn..v when, the"! ‘ ' . ‘ Olive, and Raf. J . ~= len Qirei-e married- . ' , ornate with foliage! , ulnnt§_ camntionsp§ Thai: "0“ Pennle are nllldnd 4.. SIR GILBERT was fouled in 1900 and in a Very large musshe colt. $5h0?ly bred. being siréd by Ad- 0 W (10149) and out of tho M701. fl» Glasgow Pretnium Rona, Boyd Mum). Into-din; bipedal- will consult. their 9!" m by seeing him be- for. listing 3 selectionsâ€"ï¬n. trad Home, ï¬nd-w. under the man- wt of ‘3‘. James Goatlin. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE.â€" Tho Glenn-m Hotel property (or ‘uJe. $5Wmhand‘bflancesecâ€" urod by mortgage “‘5 per cent, or thoumemaybeleuedforuwm ol yqys. commencing with lst May next. (1908.) For further particul- ars apply to JOHN McSWEYN. Lindsay. mud this 12th day 01 larch, A. D. 1903. mum FOB sunâ€"1m 20. con. 9. Ops, two miles cut of Lindsay. 100 acres, 40 acne. cloned. balance valuable tuna-ac bush. 0!: the premises in a. good (rune barn § good well. For 1m particulars uppgy to IRS. HUGH MORRISON HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"17 Ridout-st.. near Hill-at... storey and a half frame, eight rooms and summer kitchen; all convanienoes, ï¬fth acre land. with fruit trees, Apply to B. COOKâ€"18. “In“ [ "awn FARE FOR SALEâ€"65 acres. 8 mil" A full line of papt ‘3 mm W 60 mm plow to $2 per roll. on land, W W- L08 house, nishcs. Brushes, etc. 10‘ (rune buns: A W8“ if 5 Prices moderate, Esti mien at once. Apply at. this ofâ€" can solicited A150 flee. doors and trimmings usu- mam WANTED.â€"-Good cook. ulso dining- room girl. Good Wages. Apply at HAUNDER'S HOTEL, Lindsay. Tie Imported Clydesdale Stauion Thus How People are Guided to m 1ch ‘ . «WEBER French Lion. The undersigl‘u’d the farmers of country thflt h sires for $er Lin good churn. other artit THOMAS FEE, AS" found at Fremont C ward, LindsaY-"‘17'“ MliLER BR nvh _, Lion. Ontario JIM, I flambletonian GW- '2 ploughS vator. 1 p“ 1 short tug xghs, 1 gang 1 canoe “1“ £16 used in of the The Wondefli Cheap Mal. would .w U: WWW 30' ' I “I. fl. KENT-ST. So take our 3 lowing prices yours ' a 4 ply Linen Collars ' M's 50c Underwear at Inn'sï¬nc French Cashmcr ti In 1, 2 and 4 yds. wide, Nnirn’s Linoleums, 4 yds moms and balls. Ev mark stamped on but 0’10U6fll 36 inches w Sex-info in plain, mottled 8, 10 and 12 1-2c Klim’s InJaid Linoleums omces and dining POO] Swiss and Net Curt 75 pairs La cicularl)‘ Only a f flew Blinds, mounted - ‘ud colors. pa; Ion and PS 5% Lace Cm tainsn rlv suitable for Nottingham 1 clote even mes Pd RoomS. spa Cash .Spl aim