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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 May 1903, p. 5

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LEE; ”RESIDENT Wommull mwmywwmg A m SH ‘ WILL HAVE .. PREFERENCE , u THE PREFERENC worms: 31%:le . 'al sluggirruay.‘ Sam. ~ ' g 4‘ ' ' 33:11:25? . ; tendering on the proposed new Hr. Fox had no money to bank, i ill Line .Witll the Canadian . 23 .. . .. Ir. Mooreâ€"The smile that won't ‘Ml' Chambe m ; .‘ .. .2 .‘ . - .. .’ .. . f . 98 Pro 5“ ‘ rd and 261‘]. mellWlll mmvmm Walk hero told that they WOuld have and it was getting less. W is. l Gonserv' ative Policy 0 ‘4 . . 1.1130!!! Work Md WISES" ‘ :2 ”fro rm to 3mm” Wam- Mr. O'Ieu‘y- -â€"You must be Irish. . g. . . , ‘ ma tered not that these peOple 31-. Mr. Fox declared that the retiring . . . . A ‘despatch. front Ottawa to the .l a. : hoped i Mail and Empire Says . The .. ,. , . ,1 . or. . “.1, c # alever they gill but it is pretty generally known urvaluesan rm ' are senile .5 Rosier . . Men’s Furnishings ani‘gdllsé Feu‘l’lllgllings. y â€"'°'â€"â€" .v in“; haye them in the Clerk's hands and personal gqualities and . y ednesd'ay noon. Tins late-in- that from the ocean island would of Mr Chamberlain in B. . h -. ' . , irming at; ' .5 ‘ ' SIEAM BOILER COM|NG the“? Champion of the laboringoccasionally come the new‘s that he . .- , ..., , .. on Friday has delighted the advo- mu had their tenders ready and manager had shown rare businessi hr in public 3‘ 1“ $3333. loves: Silks, Dress i 4 .. G reg- 51-50» .B- .DaÂ¥8"31.25. regm,‘ 13.1)... 75.. . reg. 40": 13- Days' 32¢» res."88c, B.D...i- 25c I?“ was not going to M such trifles iwas prospefing. 8 and m the way 0‘ doing somethiml 11"- Sylfesmr, to illustrate the cates Of a natural POliCy of mutual ' 'Hosc. sizes .. Hose, fashionedJBg and...aeamle§s. feet. lies. eo- .{oeto- .00... w... ooooooo 60 5 to 6‘}, ”8.3223111! 230 ‘3' D8 811‘ 18c ‘ i 1V" . f' - , . y . 1 . ”r . : - - ‘ lb? his adherents 1' at 1 ast to! ma 'tr h! ' es on on u . -â€"0 . 9 l a .m that Mr. Paddon must have trade preferenr ‘ [PV in S 1'6'- ng 8. bold blufl at It. These efforts :h-ad 1n the 98$ Def 0 ml 9 11818, It is certain to glivt (3. gr: t ' n tug. k! w 01' 00 ll , . . ‘ ll 11 pe ‘ A ....3 . in p . l. . . .8 Town mJTakin‘gup “an“ are far-reaching and can be pitb'liclyl gtol-d a. story of a farmer up there I to the movement, which has been so ' W”: Sfiflâ€" um 96$cher referred t0 915 critical 2 who came to a banker for a loan. He "R ‘ to f: :1 r on. It was POIDtEd. out lwould give a chattel mortgage on consistently advocated bv the Liber. . CIIIOYC e dermal! that fixms the wastlhisstock. “What stock h v o" alâ€"C - - . . i . , - at that prevailing at the time thL ‘ “Well one red co 'tl‘iL 6' yo:. onserx atlvo pan“ m '-(.ana,da..- ‘g . â€" w W] awitc: Ministe ... . COD . v v . . ‘ ’8 f , I v tract was taken would compel gthe ‘ spot. one with a white front leg. lspoken toowerllhihgl-T“Z,? o;:‘,‘:,:;mc‘: There was a 'meeting ' . 0i general con't . . r . u, - . . committees on Monday night. 'lt mcn mtg}: (implore only first-clasSgetc, .Thus d".d the description ‘80 their views on the matter Mr R‘- lasted till eleven o’clock and til i or “‘ll'ail menceҤ:c ude matny algedlon until 9 annuals had apparently L. Borden when askcdlhle'olr “cor- . . Ti ’ " 110W 89 emnoyrb’ecn descri‘btd. He got the mono . ' -. ' .- '. ‘ ' " eVerl/b‘Ody out. Ald. Slorer hull gfin‘t on tho walks. Not so, said ho. land when the mortgage came to b: ’HES‘QEEdonghgglhn .Hf‘w“ ““"l 1'" ' ‘ e rv" .1 - - )U'ain.‘uts-; :- p e ailing wage meant that Im- closed, the banker went out to get ,though jmponam' 23ml S;:.:;px(l.l:,:{"fi1;' been in Toronto all d ‘ ay'and more -- ‘ .dlling for men of dixcrs staturo the cattle and found one cow only, liiot uncxpcciod “0'th hm l . . . . . . . . - . ( “ .LI )0- .lmt she ansuoled all the descrip- lieved that thori- is in “ram “MPH.“ 30c that gave no room for oratory and I o‘child Mud. and ' Ping Hurst seemed t?" ' errupted Prosperity and '. Ladi . two. gearned $418. Would the town give i$300 ‘? =It was found that an agree< merit had been signed with Mr. Syl- ny'I‘. . If .‘ 7‘ . 40c, B. Days 30c, reg. 33c, B. Days 25c, . 5. » . zu- 15c, Bargam Days .................. .. Wile: (will “135 “" Bar: Gloves, reg. 27c, B. Days 22c, cwulih ' ' IL: ‘lovcs, Bargain Days. 10 per cent. of! all bOBuChabab " "1 . y he W Home mg. 10c, B. Days 7c; reg. 15c, B. Days 10c; ”mammothmml » ‘ - , L - ~_ . :- 7c,B. Days 5c, Children’s Colored ‘ Deal for the laboring-men, the log-'3 Mr. J. D. Flavello s kc olflvorin ~ ~' " ' " ‘ ‘ . led Md after all he t l. 1 {>0 ‘ g pleferlntial iradu union the - . nine. 0 ltt c. of 1 .- ' . ‘ reg. a c ause “11 the other. LOSt the} adhered to strict business principles lcxtcnt of the fiscal po'licv of 1h.- Mo- sweet hel lea . " 'W' ' ’ p s lung, Ladies _\1ght (.omm ”a - lugâ€"class. the protesting incinbcrs‘outgide of 't ‘ ~ ‘ ' ' ' 81.2.) A . . 1 , lfozcc oi public npnuon necdml onlv - letter from the Waterous Engine J ’ 600 | families hr ‘ _ . - . l s -. 1 ' I ”was, White [r-ndmxk”. . Lt nu t be employd. Mr. Plunk‘ctl spoke of Mr. Paddon cal world. , At this» dislaucc- it is ‘ Bargain Days ............ . ............................. $1.60 I . l . , .. so it wil likely arrive ii 1 ' h . es Dram-rs. .- 1 a ‘33’ or mands at t 1 a ' “ ‘ ' ’ ‘ ' flan, ”Jaded Deerhurat ' glimmeri- Illscrl'lon. 6 patternS, reg. 8 and 100, 3. Days 7c. ~ i . h s “to how lb haul to . were reliable men and the banks were 3 Britain, bUt it 5001113 10 111“ ”‘81 Ill“. 0130 Yearly imam. ‘ reg. 5c Bargain Days ....................................... 3c? ‘ i “1M" Sylvcsw" came to see What V e town was going to do for the ' the Board '1 ' ' ‘ 0 son. to the um I of Berks on the hooks 1)} Mr. Paddon was going. (Laughter). .party in this country has ‘owu light- urst of kin; ,~ Black L‘asluum‘c Ilose, reg. 48c, B. Days 380, reg. 38c, B. or and Bur lei: . 25c. Bargain Days... ....................................... the old walks th t ' k l ' Man done on Russell-s: 33:11]“ :21? .X‘IEIS‘: Jr. Montizanimrt had been a class-:powcr in 1896, “'0 llOVi'l‘Lllclt-SS con- ‘ L ”I S (.X- i niate of Mr. Paddon's at. school, but ;linuc-d to advocatv that policy as ,6: "(fl-8‘: 10; 1.2,» 1517'W 70,01:th Hose 10,. 3 . 0' . D L . Bargain Days 60c. rt’glll ‘ .... ............ White and Cold ' affeta. Gloves, reg. 28c, _ . Iisle Lace -. ‘:lc and BlaCL ‘ {(138 L1' “it. 0;? all ‘Kld (x . u . . . than once declared, as he sweltcred muscle and efliciencv. Thus to so- 0, ttl. Kathleonm . 'as' Cotton \ests. . _ ‘ _ ~ . . . M .. ll‘l‘ Corsets, 200, doc and 40c. - l'lnd would qu't b b . eyes . and 1 ll‘ 9 1 ; ut usmcss prcss- . . - “n 51 ' -' . . m 8 an; m. am _., La Th ' ator stuck “Ot at hailng one part , the way in which Mr. Paddon had Empire, and tho IIlUdllli‘leHl ‘0 that . qu . with his lit W Corset (‘m'ers 7 ore was a. multitude of detail . i L ‘ tie W‘s' Bargain Days ................................................... 60c 9 should be suspeCted of luke-warmncsswhon in the bank even with those :ther Country. “l- h-n-o ln-lned' or $115.), liarg‘alll Days-nu...” ........ ' . . ' . r93, ‘0th yca- Only men “ho haVe 1w-1 Mr. Edwards recited "Here’s tolto bring it into acllu'lv The s-mc- 'Shi'llped some d-avs before and .. , that. 110\“ the C ‘ . ' ‘ . . .. IJOrG Rhysworth' 5:: hill $12; reg $2, on .ractms are gmng to lm his rela‘tluo'n to the stall 0f the [difficult to thonougllly appl'crcialc the St‘l‘ . . . _ . ’ good banksâ€"but nothing to the ‘llOUT has come, and wit-ll it tho man ' 139°ng Hurst was en ‘ , r 3, Shirts. reg. 90c. and $1, Bargain Days ............ 75c ‘l d r) : )an . It was to help maintain it ‘ . . . savrn ' ’ - . 8 that although Bogues ‘30" Mr. Plunkett sang “The Low Land ting the battle of pl‘l‘ll‘l'l‘llllzll made 0 were his own Dell's 31“ “1“" - . ’ and 119 - Bight Shirts, reg. 90c, B. Days 70c, Flannelette of eachlonc calculatcd, not only to vlcvclop {:1 n .4 .. l v 9‘ 1.3, 12, 15, 20; 6 Beauty Pins 5c ; 'Ladies' _, k, Blue. _ . Blac 0‘) reg, 38c, Bargain Days ...................... 30c . " ‘lnci {gargfl‘in 1):.tyvs ...................................................... 33c h i m 1 A ' and been "3r pJCu mum“ and Fancy Goods Bargain Days. over the f 1e, tha' . ' cui- ' - . sumu y t he was tired out a the efiect of making such an ap- . lions. 2a strong fon'ce of public ”pininn m- . . o It was to u A - . l . \ . uchi .ndlw‘lcn” ’ ’- ht he to . H" . ')C, 2cc. B. Days 20c, reg. 37c, B. Days erâ€"tohlm she I! ‘ fl . l I! Do 300 red. ..)c. ,- ‘ toward the e " ' -' ‘ 90c. B. Days 400, reg. $1I B. Days 75c, ivet had to be dealt with gr at workingâ€"and ‘0‘ ‘Whom he was on the best of termslwhcthor rightly or wrongly, that the . or. 13. Days 22c "regl'élé’c'il 13;";362: i ' - 95’ Cht‘lllbl. rag. _c . .. . r . y , reg. t . 0d 1n town sxx mont ' ' ‘ . ~ ' H ' ‘ 75c, Bargain Days ........... 31"”B'u'1') .................. . .................... people said the road roller had “ten hs or moxc the" Iyou lncle hrugcr. mo" of a Strong load” in th“ palm-â€" ' I ts. reg , . ays 75c, re . 1.50, B. Davs . v a . g 3 ~ ithcy would send a tracer after it ; adjuul their to d ,. . ‘,. C on anectwn for his 28c, B. Days 22c, reg. 43c. B. Days .................. 7c ‘ ‘n ms to ”mm do-‘b'ank' The ““5““ ”‘0“ "f “NS“? Â¥Nrroms of Public Olnn‘on in Great AM. . . ' . | ' Q - l "cold go 1: hi _ ‘ O R0111} got the chairman 0‘ lGraiid Banks 01 hewfoundland wherel1 "For ten years the COIlRl‘l‘Vilthe 0 a son, or, u ' e reg. 18c, B. Days 2 for 25¢, reg. 30c, B.D. 24¢ Tl b 3 1e and cost $1031 to date and t ' ract said that h J ' ' .. ' ' 180 0 should take “plLow. button the Empiro. Going out of (‘oltml pcnse ; moreover the walk on Wol- they had seen very little l ’ 0 Within the Empire. but lo Men's White _ reg. 85c. Bargain Days ......................................................... 65c . _ , an l'ndl‘i‘WE’ar' reg. 30c, B. Days 23c, reg. 40c, B, 40 3:2912‘383335 that the( band should ling'ton-st was a lot lower than the other for Mr Paddon was usually at ‘commorc ........................................... c ' ‘31? 001100118 in the sum- ~ - . ~ . ' ' l i ' load“a.V- Ald- Store? “'13th that.the head Of the class. (Laughton) jhind together more closllly by tho lies of commercial intcrcoursn. all than ‘0 Whom he pl . a description of this ‘ had Lola sent over the a llezl's Balbrigg - , . arl; but when the littiq Days 32.; reg. one, Bargain Days - . f , ust a year old, able to call go pieces Print. rec. talc. and (C. B. Days ac ; Dress Duckin-g, 15 p mer or $10 each. Mr. Sylvester had -worth by name, and to ', {mm nag; llic. Bargain Days ................................................ . forgotten that agreement. It was cart , o: Doloreg by AWE Gingham. reg, 11c. B. Days 8c; Table Linen 64: inches wide, 51185393991 that later in the year a nu. ’ a terrible ”a uni rec. 33c, Bargain Days...... grant might be made to the band. “curred. One November 60 pairs Lace l'ul‘tllins. reg. $130,131). 956, reg. $2, B. Days...... ' A? a" former meeting it had been ord Rhysworth was caught Fl-llled Lapprl l'lu‘tain Net. reg. 30c. 13. D. 246, reg. 356, BD ....... 28c 'dec1ded ’50 send the Chairman of the mist, and, being at some‘ Colored Ol‘g‘ulllliw lllousl-s. :3 patterns, reg. 656, B. Days .................. 49c ITOWn Property Committee (Ald. '- frsm, home, he was com Black and l‘ol'll Slit; Blouses. reg. 253.25. B. D ............................ $2.75 Main in his wet clothes; the- Black Sill; I‘ululsols. rcg. 31.10, B. Days 90c, reg. 51.50, B. Days $1.25 l nce was, he caught, a. bad, 10m ml, or; all ('al-pl-ls, Rugs, Chenille Curtains and Furnishings. ' g. 90c, B. Days 70c, Voile, :8 lmewmothlng or the latter point. thii leaving Amherst ho had receivâ€" “lfik‘wll‘l; 22%;.“ liziliagknliallp 13:11:13 zed sonic takons of esteem and hoped lparts of his Majesty's dominions Bogu'o.s mm 3.11% went at it “.ith‘althatat the 9nd Of his stall m Lmd'g THE CONSERVATIVE Plli.l(‘\' Dick and split the boards ' but Md ‘say he should llave merited. 501110.. “Our DOUG" as laid down 7“ l‘W” O'Rcillv should not interrupt liusi; ‘ lining; of the “owl m“ that MI.‘ Pad- ’WaS as lOlloh'g Iâ€"- I ‘ mess with such matters said he The Edon evidently lemon-d. l “ ‘This House is of (l‘llllllill lh‘ll ‘1 latter however replild that ho was“ "The Ladies '. Wm“ spoken for by 'system 0f mUlUill ”adv Illl'l‘ii'1""=<"l l“:- talking of thiggs that needed im_‘M.essrs. D-Vk‘" “01‘1”" and Barr. Theitween Great Britain and ilwluml illlll Ytown and om SUt'h a mission had. not mediate attention. The contractorlvmo’pm'wd-cut proposed actoast :0 the colonies “"mld grw‘l} “mmlmc lproved a. very attractive proposition Was liqund to take the 01d walk up ;:{)F‘-‘.1:§;$7fillll’“”/ “h“ h'wn-V ad" increased production in and mmrncrcr, - between these Countrics. and would €058 Lib most healthy " Bl;le sll'lpvll lil'ullulline PI'iCStly's re ' 1:: s :35: Dolores begged . rec. 90g, pal-gain Days .......... , ..... 700. 2150 11.18 alderman ; and, at all evants ,in good condition. 1 p oor sports for 3. Cream Voile and Black Voile, reg 68c, _ -' Ehe did not go. It was proposed toj The list of walks soon to be let'; â€"-'â€"‘+"’â€"â€"- thus promote and maintain ”‘0 “um". .. ....... 20c 11110“? the 110913611 up to the south 'was taken up. Some thought a few’ TWO BAD FIRES 0’; the} Empirc,har;:i that “0 ”magma ‘0 pre crence w 'ic falls short of the take care of himself. It was 1.9.. 25(- Damian Davs...... .... ..... ... ..... . ..... ........ ..... ,. . . :3 .. I. . 'Slde Of the fire hall and PIE 8. ceâ€"l of them extended too far into the. ....â€"--â€" V. complete realization of sucl. a policy ' he “firmed; ‘ “1“ leer cent. off all Silks. Dress Goods and Trimmings Bargain Day-9 . 7c, 200 Soup and Tea gment floor in it. but Ald- MCWatt'erS‘outsk'irts and should not be built all (1 been adver- i Aria.“ .nd seven Horses Burned in should be considered as llndl or sat- : I . istactor§r. I ng. It on ' . ' would not h hlm' 9shades Cushion l'ord. reg. 10c, Bargain Days, . "Age 1objected. It was in the right place the way. But they ha . result was th t ' ~ ‘ one day he Plates. reg. (Sc, Bargain Days ........ . ....... ...... ---------------- l now. Some money will likely beltised by last vear’s council and the â€"â€"- . - r. * - r ' . . _ the other nightl Mlnvoslrgfld ‘ Gran Storehouse l “This policy has SlilCC llccll allirln- ed by resolutions which wc have sub- 19 t 'q - ' 5 """ on :1 11?: 1‘33; 1;; if"; . 6 shades 4-inch Taffeta Ribbon, reg. 17c, Bargain Days: ............. 13c . . oon brought to the very v ladles' Black and White Duck Skirts, reg. $1.7", B.D. $1.00, reg. _ ;spent on it soon. Council agreed tolsolicitor declared ‘ -=th. Then the noble chm £1.10. Bargain Days. . .. .. 1.20 lmect at. 9 next morning and inspectlthat if any part of an advertised’ at Clmbny Station 1 Ladies. Black and Grey Walking Skirts, reg. $2.25, B.D. $1.90, reg. iii. ' walk was built, it, all must be. ‘l‘licl lsequently proposed to the House of ........................ l FOR THE LABORER ‘walk on Colbomest. from William] On Monday afternoon between 2 Commons on several occasions. All i and 3 o’clock a. very heavy thundcr- such resolutions mot defeat :it till; 1 ‘ lhands 0f the Liberal party. because. lMcWatters) to Orillia to inspect the hog-pen there. To be sent to that lore: shone forth. From the of her husband’s illness . 33.7.3. Bargain Days . 53-15 . Aid. O’Reilly brought from his to Adelaide was one of those obycct- gpocket a. well-thumbed copy of the .ed to. 'storm passed ox’er the southern part: . . . other it should. ‘. l ‘ d“‘1 edgdxt'he leaders of that party lll (.Lllllultl 0f Mailposa. 7"“ mo “‘1 lup to a year ago Could nm’vr 1w INT- ast she never left him. What "as compelled to take she to 3;. . lspecifications of the Toronto ce- In a vote as t0 “'11 1511-, our large establishment. lment walks, and opened it up to a all or none he built. Ald. Cinnamon _ . _ . A 1, . . . (1 did not vote because he did "not was over Little Britain. COUDL lsuadcd that the realization (ll such miles further south it was cent- la policy was more than a (ll‘t‘aill. ~ room. She was the most _ __ ‘ . , us and careful, the most 8... VISEZOI‘S to Lmdsay Victorla Days should v {place where the leaf was lurne nderstand the matter" and the 101 . . There lightning struck the ’lprn «gHapplly they are now l-llablul lo s-‘C in loving of nurses. . . olmako “$1 death seemsw E E ‘l‘; MCGAFFE ;down. He Wished to draw attention u ”3“” he 'h‘SPered ”0 her. w" ’ ‘ C ’to a couple of clauses. One said that walk will not be built The people ral.Mr I ‘ l R d d b «in ore clearlv ll 1 ll 1' ‘ the eastem .art of it want it of . saiai 0 man, an 'urnc . i _, so la a par lot: the contzlactors should employ only along P l. . jCanada at tho pl‘l‘SQlll 1min S‘i‘l‘lll un- ited not only in affirming: the \l’ls- oath-damp gathered on Dry Goods House residents of the place on 'ne walks \‘l-i-y badly and it is likely Illa . l . . the barn at the time . ”w' have ’1“ been long . Lindsay’s Leader Low Cash Prices. . and the other fixed t e wa tion will be advertised by . _ . ‘ . he rat Of g- built later in the season. {9 head of homes, 1500 bushels of dom. but. the Ill‘acllcz‘ilnlll)‘ ol ll..- Only two hor- great policy of tho lnlcr-llupl-rial ,r, bUt you have made me v 93- The alderman Wanted those who 1 _ __ W 1 gram and lowl. 588 were got out. One of those was trade. ‘ . V ‘7 \vere burned upi thllOSO WllO St'l tllt‘ll‘ lucr‘s alu‘alllSll .llul \‘.ll') l little daughter Was brollghf- and he passed away With ‘thc liusincss and professional men of a colt. The other 1 . . lthis town, tlle S€ntilncnts that \vcre‘in Spite of all (‘florls to save tllCln. €11]1perlal pl‘elm‘t‘nllal ll‘ad", lo affair was all the worse also bclicvc that Calla-(la should pose on the breast of the wife W11 = d IOVed so dearly and so we , ! 3 lsi'nocrcly expressed and avplaudodnt This terrib - I . ! I ; D1 Friday night’s Ham‘iuet’ is a s‘r‘k'mgy'beciiuse Mr. Rodman's horses were [her llscifl llollr:,\' upon ll‘--“ Hull... 5 ~ the township. ‘idoals, lltllc realize llltll llll- :ll‘lopllovl Jr] . a-lking..ékirts:..reg. 34.25, B. 1). ~ death, so sudden and une‘cl' -ming in the midst 01 his ; _ n after , . . . 1 ‘ . _ so 800 ftrlhuto to both his busmess and among the {“1081 m . f 1 . } r , i . . ' ‘0 SUCl VH‘Ws ly 1.11s C(lllllll'} \\'()lll'. in the county. People co personal quallth'S. . lundoubtcdl‘ "vsull in il ‘lll"l“‘l'('i3l tirin l THE BANQI'L’I‘ _ l. _ .. , The Re g Manager 0‘ the. . . , . . - . . - and political adsorlllloll ll} Ul- ' ! Mayor Scothl-ran oc0upied the head .. ~ ‘ - . _ . .financml .y believe it at first. Its ed Bank EOi Montreal was 'of the table with His Honor _ and the‘g'uest‘was partly cox-cred by insurance. clones was terrible. It 59“ , . . r. that she could never bear,“ lfthe floor space contained in the eight stores â€"â€".~ ' ' Dean at his left hand, \ 1' PubIICIy Enteflamed] I Of the evening on hlsrlght- '111‘. J-. SrI‘OREI{OL‘SE BURNED : .â€"'I‘h0 first lllllllhl'l' ()1- sionv. .1 no“ pain-r all Whitby, ' D. Flavelle was vice-chairman. At: On Tuesday afternoon a grain ' hand. Mr. C. A. Gloodfulllnv ' non routine of life 335 :el‘tC /Y ll “ ' . if” a . occupied by Neill the Shoe Man were put under lthe upper end of the room the splcnâ€" i storehouse belonging to llogg . ’l‘hr- kl-yslone is coming a"1-?1A‘tlc at (.‘ambray station will; burnâ€" . tor and lnanagl-l'. 000 Square RECEIVED A RIG" 6" I ‘did gift to be presented to Mr. P . . __ ,. P don. was spread OUt' It consxsted Of 1 ned. It contained 2500 bushels of :u very creditable production. It i V It is believed that a cindcr [displays Considci'ahlv originality of rem-hing of a. grea b ‘. ‘ZOOtl with Weeping eyes y 0 1300115 and a 42-piccc scrviceof cut glass. . ‘grain. . -. ~ ‘ . > After the tempting “"3." 0‘ vlands from a passing train set the build» liorm and matter. It 1.x lm.cp..-ndl~nt lin politics, and deserves to succeed. 'zlli's dead bOdV. Was this feet . hJ 111.. ‘ lid loved herW 01' about 3â€" Of an acre dCVOtEd t , . ;.v.l.l.m1:3§2 (loin-re “"35 f 5 A Cut‘ 01888 SCIVICC W85 Pm“ . . . .f‘ . ~ ~n his eyes ‘ Shoes (3' 1 ' ' ’ h 1 tboot â€"---»"~ . . . had ”€de *1um attent‘on' ”‘0 ing on fire. km“ m 8mm I tend“ S. kc uswely, Whmh makes It t. e arges [seated tolflimâ€"F el1c1tous Ad. Chairman in a few “th050“ words w. I dresses His Successor 39°“ °‘- W WW5“ Of the $3.;er _. -. and 'read _ (MW-“9' to t 8 av» , mg ‘ l a.“ d“ made the presentâ€"l CIL zip-re tile kindly, ., ‘ +.-:-ri‘ :3 mystery filled ' . . ' . or and shoe establishment in Canada. What 3115 ,‘ , , . . onin '5 lost, . T1113 WW“ “PPM““WD °f the snag. g1Mr. Paddon in replying: personal exâ€" spoke of his regret at lea iness, and lage, created a. profound 5'" lllmring Rvpulllic.” *zlsion, this . int the midSt 01"”; ‘, . 7 O t, human one roof. it would cover an area of 27, p' -,I . Shehad118 ving Lind- cellencc of Mr. J. A. Paddon, late say and said some very compliéncntt-l . O . ' a thin a‘L‘t-the'town ‘81 _______'+’__â€"-aâ€"â€"- titles, Neill can manager of the Bank of Montreal rv. gs! e t , not “The ‘ ' ' . _ . . . tures in which it was superior word and ride Bu‘ln S . ’ . uch immense uan . , ‘ J g q here was given a fitting and gratifyâ€" dusmess men. . .. . d~d . Learned ProfeSSions was “span“: :A Bill Promsesurhat the coun' the. present Act ; and the-re Can be ‘ h . little doubt that if not this bill, met-t again in he ,. .~ '. . LO!'(l lllfiys‘not and d d . v . . . h _ OCS sell Cheaper than Other dealers, an ing expressmn on Friday mm: w it; to by Judge Dean. Dr. Allan. ‘ a . . Wllh t ‘ will “P S‘ti‘lowa’rh‘ii 8' 11:23:: 36114:” Hugh O'Learyi'. 5.0.1: ant?" Mil-renal: Cll conSlSt 0‘ “ICRCCVCS some other on similar lines. will 'be 0 . . . ha . . ci .izens ve m a _ D. Moore. so ici or or is ) I J . _ ‘ ll sacrificmg quality, t t 15 Why It Pays at the Benson House, and presented of the Bank of . The judgc’ ”d Mayors adopted m the non: futurl‘.F you to D ' ’ " him With a cut glass service worth took rather a gloom ' ' the f _ . WHAT IS 1 ROIOS .l) lly at N61“ 5. about $200. climatic conditions in New-i hot many realize what a real pro- Hr. Taylor's bill proposvs that the . t was all the more happy foundland where Mr. ,Paddon Was I‘blcin municipal representation 3"“ county councils shall be COlllpOSt‘d of because while it was 1:)? public :21? oing. Mr. O'Igary declared {‘ 12:: lpresenls- Those who heard Prof, the reevesf of mumdlrllii'uqll and tn: t'on, it was far from ing a m " Canada had su “9d some 0 l - mayors o incorpora 9 vi ages an 1 W Shortt of Queen 8 when he lectured to that are not separated from I n ; while all those present . . st lliant forms 0 6 Empire 3 mo Uri 8‘“ am 3 here before the Twenty Club}, or read the county. regarded as C103" per- had worked on aficurely enou “‘9‘“!th "390115 0‘ his lecture, 80" some When the expenditure of any sum oi money from $5,000 upwards is ‘12P could not be .. 0 801131 friends of the departing ”Mk" til circumstances had thrown ‘ . yet there prevailed 80011 8 9’9”?“ into testing prominence when they : idea of 'the evolution of that quesâ€" . . . sentiment , aPl‘rf'cml'f’“ lhad proven their worth. Kr. “007° “01" and of the transitional condl- ing chided the representatives shall ~ g “‘5 had high Opinions of Newfoundland. _ . control a number of votes in pro- ' d tion "at it is at present "1’ portion to the assessment of the The island was rich in timber and Th1“ problem is ‘t present moat municipality which they represent. the climate was bad at ' “3”“ ”W9 ‘9 it "”1““ t0 the county. 'nle bill will no doubt be favorabâ€" by the municipalities. E SflOE KlNG - » . . , ' ' ° ' _ p . a iewyyws‘ . Sm, ' , «imitation of that body was eehip hashes ceased to ' seat in the county :1 been bat . m , . eans to the consumer is ev1dent. professional skill and 1.0 .‘ { .f‘x’ >- . 5.2-an true t 0‘ carry with it a Sole Local Agent for the Slater ‘ ‘ - . a - ' ‘ ’ ~ chm. Instead 4;! the reeves ' '- the .,nic*pfli‘ti«. u‘lomefly. ' t legislature it has lost. much of its was: of embolism sent by di- stal-acumen... and municipal politics medlor the burrow m ‘ ln'tihe‘rural (Hstricts much discount”; 3. albeit; chamn. Those who know t a cm is W’ list m‘sure‘fhatrtownship politics Vith nno powerful support. A' havo‘geriously Worsted under- the : to the" order .9! things. Now ,the ,1 in. a township council in- ' man info the ”the averageman is “Nit to come his Way, ~ . . . . ”and '- three-storey- -‘.' 9» ‘C‘T'llefits- The lossiis o

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