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Watchman Warder (1899), 21 May 1903, p. 6

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’ . is“... g .. . < v . . . .. \ , ’ e ,\«. {v . k , . . . . < . v 1 . . \"»“>‘,Af.’ . .., 3,. ‘ . . . . A , .x. e , , ‘- .. , V ' ‘ ‘ .= ‘~ .w . ., . .. . a . _ - , ‘ fr 2”,, , h A -, .. .5 "’ “~‘° ~â€" -â€" fl-â€" ,. .~.. . we : v M ,1 A. . .. .9 _ .. _ “ l ; ‘.v..‘,;° . u :‘ . . Ar. .9 « ,» .: ...;..,.,.A « . .. ._ , . ~ . . . . . , , by,“ 9 I . R . ral CenserVative party ’saddreesz The member for Toronto Was ask- 7, ed a little while ago What the Libe- 33$“! had déne tor the people duringthe eighteen years power. Australian colonies Mr. Russell’s v hoary. only the permanent employed to put . I maintain that it is the duty of every citizen of Canada, whenever disorder or disturbance ex- ‘ ists in his municipality, to turn out ' sing any disngr Boyn’ Base Ball clubs, lIc. Footballs, 1.50 Punch a: Bags, 2... Ping-Pong Balls, 5c. (loll clubs, and Golf Balls. GEO. LITTLE Opp. the Post Office ___â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"-_/___â€"â€"â€"- WALL PAPER l have 4,000 Rolls Wall Paper in latest design I, bought cheap, which will be sold at a sacrifice. Call at my residence Peel-st west and see thislpaper before placing your order. All orders for Paint- ing, Paper Hanging and Decorit: ing will receive promptlattention. GEO. McFADDEN, / Lake Ontario and Bay of Quintei l l Steamship 00., Limited { u l â€"â€"-â€" cosouao, Porn nope, RJCHESTER ‘. Steamer “North King.” i Lv. (.‘oliorig. Ont ....... 1.30 p.m. Ar. Summer-ville, N.Y....:7. (Port of Rochester) D Y 7 - A)" Rochester, 1" X """ 8.409111. tare engaged in that strike to make (Cor. N. St. Paul and Main Sts.) NO RTH BOUND Ly. Rochester, N.Y 8.30 a.m. (Cor. N. St. Paul and Main Sts) Lv. Summer-ville, N. Y. ...9.15 a m. l Port or Rochester) Ar. Cobourg, Ont. ....... 1.30 p.m. Ar. Port Hope, Ont. . . . .3 30 p.m. \ Right reserved to change time with or Wit-noun notice. Daily service dur- ing July an : August. Baggage check- -d through to any point. For further information apply to E.- H. GILDERSLEEVE. General Manager, Kingston. GEO. WILDER, Agent Express Office, Lindsay. One of the Fastest florses‘in Canad a F John R. Gentry Record 2.23% The property of W. A. Fanning Cambray Route for Season of 1933 Monlay 4th Will ro -e.edto Glenarm for m) n. Ki - ll - d for night. Tues lay, Eds-eve.- for noon, Brechin for night. “'edu ~d iy, o Beaverton for noon, thence to Argyle for night. Thursday to Woodville for noon, Oak- WJOd (or night. Friday to the C:n'ral House, Lindsay, for night. S .turd ty afternoon to his own stable C minty. Termsâ€"To loss 1: 512. W. A. PANNlNO. ______________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" _____________â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" 1n- Buslnes- Qualities. “What sorter aman lshe?‘ “A good debtor and a bad creditor.”- Pitch a lucky man into the Nile. says npwithafishlnhlsmouth. in assiSting to pre- ordcr within the a represe _ not troubled with stri . on behalf of that «immunity to pay- ing any share of the cement that may hap- pen to arise in the city of Montreal, and I should strenuously object to one dollar of the public money of Canada being paid towards a settle- ment of any Strike in Montreal. Let. Montreal settle her own strikes. £0 COERCION So far as unions are concerned, I have always upheld them when they tend to the betterment of the con- dition of the workingmen, or of any other men; when their-,association tends to make them more temperate, more law abiding, more intelligent, to shorten the hours of labor and develop their home life. But when it comes to a union saying to a man who has to earn his bread and but- ter : T You shall not take employ- ment under these men, then I main- tain that it is the duty of the state and tell the gentlemen of e on strike that ' " , but no further. . We have seen suffering on the part of laboring men who are endeavoring honestly to earn their bread and 'outâ€" ter, and who do not wish to join these unions under the dictation of a foreign leader or to be controlled by such. When these men and their families are hooted at on the streets and otherwise abused, I maintain the time has arrived in this country when the gentlemen of the unions must be taught that while they are at perfect liberty to work or to strike. they must not directly or in- directly interfere with any other man: who does and who bread tain. wishes to earn his daily More than that, if the capita- lists become tyrannical they must be? controlled likewise by the govern- ment of the country. when that great ltion lost millions of dollars. Al- gready Lv. Port Hope, Ont ...... 2 30 p.m. ‘reason of the Dominion of Canada, by this strike in Montreal, has lost an enormous amount which it will take years for the parties Who iup by their operations. l Mr. Kendallâ€"The hon. gentleman ; says the engineers’ strike in England Eent-ailed a loss of millions of dolllazrs gof British industry. If that is so. '1 would the hon.'._ gentleman tell us 'how ‘5 it would measure the loss to the coun- {try that was caused by the control lot the cotton industry by the facâ€" :tory men of Lancashirc for a cen- 1tury. 1 . Hughesâ€"I shall answer that iqluestion later. But I want to point iout that I object not only to the ityranny of the labor unions, but to !the tyranny of the capitalists. labor unions in the old land are very tyrannical. and I wrll give you lone instance: A wholesale dealer in nthe city of Toronto visited Statlord- shire a few years ago to purchase a certain brand of crockery, of Which there was none in the market. It was a little out of the ordinary line ,of manufacture. The manufacturer isaid he could make the crockery for ihim, but said he must consult the .head of ~ the union before he could give him a final answer whether they would manufacture that line or not. ‘Business was not any too godd at ;tl1at time in the old land. The gen- !tleman was notified the next morn- ling that the labor union objected to ithe manufacture of this class of lware, and the gentleman took his lorder to Germany, and Britain lost - :hundreds of thousands of dollars on lthat transaction alone. So, we find, be carried to an extreme. 1 man in any part of Canada to strike, I want the gentle- man distinctly to understand also that he has to allow any other i at whatever wage he can obâ€"I lstruction, it is pointed out, lies in engineer’s strike 2 ol took place a few years ago, the na-i [trict each day, 1that with two competent men engag- ied by the sir, that these unions may be carried to an extreme just the same as the tyranny of the capital may The on- lly point I rose to make is that while recognize the right of any laboring the Dominion of t confined to the house. ments and other medicines prescribed ' ° 15 in over are 1 Russell’s assertion. In the meantime the drought situo . ation has become appalling. .,'l‘he weather report for New South Wales. shows that since January only 17,828 has fallen. The public funds 'sed to relieve starvmg communit- ies aggregates about £250, . Lord Mayor's Fund in Sydney has reached £25,000. and is rapidly growing, but the applications for re- lief and grow“ 3101' out of proportion to the amounts subscribed. ______â€"â€"Qâ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Ole School amnesia willllavea Model Plotâ€"Qualified Instructors (Toronto Star)» The Education Department have come forward with another radical change, this time regarding the rur- al communities. It is the establish- ment of a course of scientific agricul- tum. The plan is to provide. two or three acres of land adjacent to the most important school in several districts in each county, and with the addi- tion of about six other schools there will be formed one garden center in each district. The county council will then engage travelling instruct- ors. who must be graduates of the Guelph Agricultural College. Upon the day appointed for the visit of the instructors the boys from the seven schools in the district will meet at the central school, where special practical instruction will be given in elementary forestry, and its not belong to the union. .rclation to agriculture and horticulâ€" [ture, and the physics and chemistry of the soil. The value of this its practical characteristics, each pu- pil being brought. in contact with the In England. inctual work in the particular branch study. The instructors will visit one dis- and it is expected county council, each Ecounty will be covered in a week. lEach year the different schools will {be permitted to exhibit the result of itheir work at the county fairs and éprizes will be donated to the schools ‘making the best showing. By this feature it is expected that keener in- !tcrest will be taken in this special {branch of study and a friendly rivalâ€" lry will be stimulated. i It is expected that before a )nar Epasscs at least two counties wrll be thoroughly organized for this special fixvork, and assurances have been given _that the Legislature will grant an 'iuppropriation to assist in bringing lthe work to a high standard of per- feetion. addition to this special course boys, a domestic science course will be introduced for the benefit of the girls upon a similar plan, where schools will combine and where there will be one center to which girls from several schools will come. ________§_._â€"â€" coULo nor wux â€"_-â€"â€"+â€"â€"__ A Young Lady Tells the Torture She Sul- fered from Rheumatism Miss Myrtle Major, Hartland, N.B., is one of the thousands who have proved that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills will cure rheumatism. Miss Major : I suffered from the troublle for nearly a year. I hold the advice of la doctor and took his medicine, but it did not help me. The troifle was located chiefly in my ankles,and the pain I suffered at times was in- ‘tcnse. As a matter of fact at times I Was quite unable to walk- across the room, and for six months I was for rheumatism, but they did me no man to go and take his place withâ€" red me to try Dr. Williams out being molested, and without be- Pills- ing bounded from one end of the country to the other, as is being ‘ done toâ€"day. be put a stop to. ,If men seeking to go to. their work on the docks Denny two years .' are to be hounded todcath and pills and as there trampled in the dirt on the streets feted. and whether it be done by the' the Arabian proverb. and he will come :flfietrtggpsl orngby the we“; a1;- made it plain to these men that; this p. p t. - ,, a. "1-: 1 It has also been stated that | I used lini- Then some of my friends ur- 'I acted on their advice and beforelhadusedthrceboxeslbeâ€" an to feel .wtter. I took nine box. The time is not far as 0f the ”.mther. and before distant when this sort of thing must, I finished the 188$ box not a. trace at the trouble remained. .It. is' now . symptom o£.the' trouble since it pro- of Montreal, it is time the law. intor- use that the pills. mmt torch: 40'“ Fm *3 " WE! go {loatheâ€"moo the consumer .. Wotmdt «on stout. no... at 600 pair Gloves. 1500 pg: . , a” . - . , - . and mm swuommctrllm and - 25s.. will buy the best Stockings at § 33.10 at remarkr “118 price” Gzammtfetintcd. You ‘ . ne'er. co 0 ainorri , bow ”8 low Owen's m“ Child"? 5 bed Cashmere. Plainplisle mail . cotton Stockings. rib- Extra flhc m OOttOn, ‘Lll be; 0m ' all aim, the kind front, flap Stitch or fancy em- O . for Children's My my 12% and 15° 8 til-ordered fronts, aims 8%. 9, 9; : Lisle thread. “6 the 1°“ 10°- and 10 inch. A. stocking easily ' 'r instead of 18c for Wo- worth 35c. ings, fast black. guaranteed to give excellent wear. Same line in smaller sizes at 10c. l‘Ou often pay 60 and 65¢ for the lot com- prizes cxtrn fine plain lisle also i i r Women's 'zcs. black novelty cdects in lure and cm. broidered designs With or vim- out natural wool soles, best Bermsdort dye and finish, will . give splendid wear. Boiler qual- ities at 75c, andSl pair. are several styles such as silkcttc, . d silk tul‘leta. just the kind to stand bard «car with or without dome fasteners. from boys. also a line of Mitts, and all lace plain cotton, best. Hermsdorf dye. Women’s Vestswerth up to lie, on Sale. this Week at So each ing all sizes 12lc for a very good Vest of tincf pink. white or cream, same line for women, some with sho elastic ribbed daintily finished in Children's at SC to 18c. sleeves, others sleeveless, trim- with ribbon on neck, short or 50c buys the famous "Health" med with ribbon on neck, not sleeveless style, bleached and um! Brand vests for women. This one in the lot that is not worth bleached. These are extra value is made of very fine until, guar- double the price we ask, but we] at this special price, anteed unShnnkabley Wet: come sell as we buy, so here they arel In short or long slecu: sum, per- onlv a imam“ of 25c Buys an elegantly silk-finished fectly fitting and dainlily trim- . These are loo 0‘ very fine elastic ribbed, med. The Sims and prices lower ‘ prottily trimmed with ribbo down to Infants at 23c. Heller neck, long short or sloew'closs qualities same brand at 75c in styles, button front, colors are all sizes for women. 3O dozen in all compris for you at their real value. good to last long, so get here early. IUSUN UNDERWEAR SNll’S 0 innings and pearl button, sizes I). to 46 miles. for _ __ men's medium weight Spring un- ”OC' ‘5‘: and 51'00' A garment TV“ derwear of wool and Cotton Mix- show the best possible Value lor ed, choice of three new stripe the money. The dollar Garment patterns. is the Health Brand line “owl and is exceptionally wear. Try it . Men’s Underwear . For Women, Gowns of fine quality, white cotton daintily made with yoke of fine tucks and 29c instead of 40¢, a garment frills of cmbrotdcry on neck over shoulder and cuffs. Also some dainty and fluffy white ‘Tnderâ€" skirts, nicely made of fine cotton with wide frill of embroidery ov- 37ic instead of 50c. A garment or under frill. These are, cyccep-x for men. Fine Balbriggan .mdor- tional value. finished with satin trini- i z 2 §____________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"___________â€"â€" 2 i l good to wear , Attractive Shirt Wrists lnvitiugly Priced 49c and' range as high :15 Slow." 0r Inviting shirt waists attractiveâ€" Suites and Skirts in Lindsay. No! Either statement is Scores of the newest 1y priced. liLC Lilc correct. styles await you here. every shadow of a doubt best other store in town shows such-E .with prices between Beyond great Variety I none display so; rungs of a ladder. ’ the many dainty and exclusive styâ€"‘g those at 98c, $1.25 and $1.00- lcs ; none odor them at such ms: They are hard to beat in greatcs. and most. delight- ful creations of Women's Waists, cinating prices. They start ati and value. lloliday Neciwear and Belts. . Fancy N eckwear and Bolts for women are essentially associated with the h iliday season. Lives there a woman who longsnit for something dainty in the way of neck adornment at this particular No doubt you have often admired the handsome showing in our show windows, but you will under-stun ‘ we cannot DOSSlbly display to advantage all the large Mid varied collection we have assembled for the Holiday Season. We show many new creationsin jabot. stocks. scarfs, etc... of silk, chiffon and muslin in big variety of prices. from Inc to 25¢. each and novelties in belts at 25c to 1.50 each- M eke enquiry at the Ladies” Net-kw?“ ounter and you will be pleasantly surprised with our immense range of styles, colors, designs and prit'vb- c_______________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"’ | Special Display of Holiday Millinery this Week ________________________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- ...WAKELY FORD... Lindsay. The Sale, Satisractory Store And why not? lime. : i W ‘ ' Stop! Don’t (one in fast! Since advertising our Cold Tue 51' ter we have been kept . and can‘t keep up. A set with it are delighted. fi st-dass wheel as good makes a poor wheel before setting; it is a for setting tires. dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make pure, rich blood, it follows that they can cure such troubles as anaemia, neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble kidney ailments, crysipelas, the afâ€" ter eflects of 1a grippe and levers, etc. They also relieve and cure the ailments from which so many wo» men constantly suffer. See that you get the genuine pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale PeOpIe,” on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine ' .00.. Brockville, Ont. i Sets thcmc Id. -' it “65 Workpd'fect. . ltdsesno: injure the rims, .. the ct. F ‘ EDENâ€"M- , . y 8 clung out nuts ant Following is thglzlchpgoslfi-eport ,0, m" ‘h‘ M; water getsjnto the bolth‘olesfaod bursts the month 0! April. . The names are “I‘M 116 mill“. The: “W m ”C SCOTCh arranged in order of merit : 0th clas‘ (bird. No two wheels ue-dishzd Ike. - - -H°1°n McFadyen: sr. ecuâ€"Edith ‘ h if I t with the COL as :u unresew , ‘ u .ltpllonj, Lockie McInnis. Louie Gor- S ‘1 ” ,, n ; r. 4th1â€"Wcsley Nichols. Fried 511 . and i ‘ I H ‘ Jordan, Wk Forest, Elias Tam- E5 Si“ N ‘bf‘Cfll ‘ lm :ur- Sink Jennie. Greenawny. Vio- ~ .. ' la Tamllh n and Hay Hancock (equal) , ' , i O ' Mary Ponarj. Percy cams, emu. ' - s ' E lindsay amtâ€"Willi? 10m. . " Ljuie,Wolls . i ' ' ‘ ~ ‘ i ’ / . _ Ross. 9 ‘on-st, Willie Hello .' H 7 ‘lvenme Mc}nnis,_‘_Cecil Gillie, Kant; ' 1 ~ , . 7 L . . 30m: . ultimo N‘¢°§.,.,M ~ .- C. ppmmmx building was insured; '- .' ‘ t.'.2n‘¢i-Klm“". ”9°31“- . t. In 8th in. ltuncan- m: Palé’é’cihe 0W“ Y . M -. . , . I~~%!':'“'m.:_w:ustmy- edon may my 1.1?” .- . ”thyme-(Inc‘s a Hm. whose. W0": ‘ act or)’ HMJ' mings, Ribbons. Prints, Muslims. Curtains etc. hay. plenished this last have new a nice st from. Boots and Ladies Oxford 3hr -. $1.50 per pair. Mens’ Heavy “'ox- blucher, grain $1.75 We have been add better line of Ladies” than we have kept be call before buying e1.) -. Boys’ Readymnde ‘ three pieces. Wanted, eithe goods given in exc BUTTER and E Pascoe blacksmith’ . spad- Shov= washing 1 _ .. .éoentry‘. must. be; lawebidi. ownâ€"1 is 'why' "Drwmian; . 2 *' .. . ~ He is the happiest who renders the try, and that .we museum?» law “my; " 1" ' , m ' -' .. , ._,. - j - . - i 0" the. . Wtory greatest number bacon-Mains. 7 obeyed whether these, men‘ sushi "lav? .m‘ gm” "em ; " ' l :3 2‘: ., . , . ~. “ . “ ' * , - ~ " or of it ornot. ' .. ' strong}: wand“ C m” . J r . ,.-,“_. ,

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