The several ; colllluluucca V. “ town council met last week. All members present excepting Aldermah McFadden and Eyres. ~ Council considered a petition from Messrs. F. A. Robinson'and others [or the early closing of boot and sboe stores, and read the report of the town clerkmpon the same, and a draft by-law regulating the early ‘ n , _- closing 0_t said shop: cssary proceedings uy-law, thé. petition was' referred Back to council with recommendation that same be passed. Inna-o uuâ€"--- _, On motion the several accounts of the various committees were recom- mended for payment. A communication was read u’um Mr. D. MCNab to the Board of Edu- cation, complaining of the exemption from taxation of the property of the R. 11. Seal Leather Co. The letter' Was ï¬led. Council considered a request from Adams 8: Sparling to amend the cigarette by-law so as to permit} them, as who] . dealers, to hand-. 9e and sell ci cs by wholesale. On motion th est was granted and the clerk structed to preâ€" pare a by-law to amend the cigar- ette by-law excluding the sale of L --..~nn auu hll'. vov- .- pare a by-law to amend the cigar- ette by-law excluding the sale of cigarettes by wholesale houses. The question of the crossing at Caroline-st. was discussed at. length, but it was decided to allow the mat- ter to stand over for the present. Ald. Maunder informed council that Mr. Richard Sylvester requested per- mission to extend his flowing well from his residence across the town "‘L- m+§nr Mr. Cresswell council to entt‘I mises on 30“ through the to The following motion was passed, that a strip off the eastern side of the town lot on the south side . of Kent-st. be leased to Messrs J ordah and Cresswell 'at 85 per year with the right to either party to deter- mine same upon three months’ noâ€" tice. and that. they be allowed at the pleasure of the council to use the town lot as a right of way to their premises. provided they keep the gates pn the town lot locked. The contract for the amount of ce- ment for the sidewalks to be built this year was equally divided be ‘tWeen Messrs. Baker 8; Bryans, and FlaVelle’s Co. - .‘ . ___.n+nva “799 PAGE TEN - 'Ehc salary 0f .mised from 33 Council then : Cambridge St. MethodiSt Church Communion Service On Sunday morning, May 12, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was obserV‘ed in Cambridge street Meth- odist church, and there was a large attendance of members. In conform-I ity with the changing sentiment of ‘ the times. the individual communiont cup was introduced for the ï¬rst time? in this church. At "a recent meeting of the quarterly board a. resolution mm “no“; mrmittinz the change, of the quarterly board was passed permitting and through the gene! and throixgh: the generosity pf W. H. Clarke, who presented church with a splendid outï¬t, change was thus Early made. The cups are of cut glass. The commun- icants receive them at the altar from trays made for the purpose. and up- » munâ€"ï¬ns. +n Hm news- place them uh up; u -.-.â€"â€"- i - on returning to the pews, place them in receptacles provided, which are attached to the back of the seat. This is a. good idea. and although it may not conform to the tradition- al manner of taking the wine of the communion, it accords with the habits of the people around the fam- ily board, and it is in keeping with recent teachings ,of medical science. Council Ccmmitteas Meet seVeral ', committees v .7 i- ‘7 cuuq for A? LESE'u-lABO'UR' GREATER, commafi ï¬ï¬‚ARANmo PERFEETLY PURE,G£NU:NE, FREE scan ADUL‘IERAYION ALLDEAlLRSm "“3 W"°'mâ€" '°""" Aurnoaxuo 1'0 RETURR PuacuAsz nosey ; 251:1‘:§â€Â£L'£-mn"°"23¢3' , To AuYOn: rmomo caus: ron coapuugu. l â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"l â€LIV “I†mm Lrvywof the teamsters n 53 to $3.25 per G then adjourned. ication was read from ab to the Board of Edn- nlaining of the exemption m of the property of the Leather Co. The letter' All\r\ . 'i-i w- - off the eastern side of on the south side . of eased to Messrs Jordah l 'at $5 per year with Dims-r nartv to deter- Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps. but is best when used in the Sunlight way. of the All “3"" .. has: siziiï¬bï¬amouhuuwmsmf AUTHORIZED YO RETURII puacuasz noun ; , to Anon: FINDING caus: FOR coniPwrlfl. Dr the On Thursday evening Wmcuaswx male quartet of Toronto, composed. of Messrs. D. H. ‘Wi‘lliamson, '.D.' Buchanan, B.A., N. St. C. McKech- nie and W. F. L. Edwards, gave their concert according to announce- ment in the Academy. The ‘aSSisting artists Were Miss Elepeth MacDonaEd: elocutionist, and . m. Ephriam A. St. John, B.A., reader. The quartet selections were of a varied character, the humorous pre- vailing, ,and every number was en- cored. The 5010 selections were giv- en by Mr. Williamson, the ï¬rst tenor of the quartet, whose singing of “Flow gently, sweet Afton,†was highly artistic. The scotch duets by Miss MacDonald and Mr. Williamson Were good in respect to dialect As well as from a. musical standpoint. Mr. St. James, being himself a Frenchman, was able to give to per- fection the Drummond habitant stor- ies. Miss MCDonald gave several humorous recitations. The McMaster quartet is contem- plating a trip through the North'â€" west next season. Friday's cool and balmy evening was favorable for the season's ï¬rst conu-rt by- the Sylvester band. The afternoon's heavy rainstorm lowered the temperature, laid the dust, and put people in a good frame of mind to listen to muslc. So there was' a large audience- around the park ,; for few of them ventured to walk on the grass, some fearing to get their .l‘eet wet, and others standing in awe of the trespass signs. The Sylvester band is in excellent condition for this time of year, and‘ some new additions to the players have improved the ensemble. The hearty applause greeting the schl‘al numbers of the program shows how the band'seefforts are appreciated. The heavy selections played were L“Maritana,†and the “Poet and iPeaSant,†and a- popular medley of Southern airs, treated in the Span- I .n-nn ish style. with vocal passages “a: well given. The concerts will be given weekly on Friday nights as the weather por- mits. The Toronto News savs : s __ _‘ “ Dag u - Mr. A. J. Small, who is now in New York, has secured the authentic moving pictures of the San Francis- co earthquake and ï¬re for presenta- tion at the Grand Opera House in Toronto. These pictures are now running at Daly's theatre in New York. The moving pictures of the great San Francisco calamity will beat the Academy of Music on Tuesday next, May 29th. ' MRS. LEWIS STAPLES KILLED1 BY LIGHTNING DURING THE STORM LAST FRIDAY. The storm which passed over this section last Friday afternoon claimor ed one life. Mrs. Lewis Staples who liVed about one mile south of the village was struck dead by lightning. She was alone in her home when the electric fluid which came down the chimney struck her and she fell dead by the stove. Her young daughter aid; .1... found her lying on the floor when she returned from school and ran to tell her father who was at work: on the farm a short distance from the hou5e. When. he arrived he found lit was too late, life being extinct. The deceased was about 30 years of age. Her maiden name was Re- becca Minchen. and her home pre- vious to her marriage being at.Stir- ing. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband‘and a daughter nine years of age. The funeral took place on Sunday SUDDEN DEATH AT BETHANY The McMaster Quartet Sylvester Band Open-ai Concert the Bethany cemetery. Frisco Fire Pictures .. .-..v---‘ â€"_._‘-- the McMaster of last Friday iqurlpn't > Summer School at Bobaygeon aléo form SCHOOL TEACHING. 1 Speaking generally, we .regard ‘ teaching as the best occupation for woman. beCauSe it demands good cul- ture, and that is desirable and use- ful after teaching shall be abandon- ed. It gives a womanâ€"in the pre- sent condition of public sentiment a higher rank than any other aVOCation which She can follow. It is an in- telleCtual profession. and men of high business success without such educatiOn as they ought to haVc had, learn to respect the teacher more highly than. one who has a ï¬ner training in the arts and elegancios of social etiquette. The teacher , soon aeguires a certain straightforward earnestness which attracts the atten- tion of earnest people. It is tho ht by some people, es- pecially th e who have but little education, and are obliged to work .at some laborious calling, that all the professions are very easy, and they often say that the lawyer, the. minister, the teacher, the physician earn their money with little or no labor. Such persons seem to think that the man who does not raise a bushel of com, make a horseshoe, or work up trees into,cordwood or lum- ber is not a producer, and therefore is a pensioner upon the bounty andi leniency of the world. The thinker. the brain laborer, and especially the teacher who instructs the young in all that pertains to literature and , science, is as really a producer as he ' who uses his knowledge toward the ' accomplishment at business purposes. "The teacher who instructs the pn- , pi'l how to keep accounts, and quali- ï¬es him for commerce, banking, and other business, contributes‘ as essen- tially to the acquisition of property as he does who keeps the accounts, plans and business. and works out ihe results tne Uranus. . One might. say that the grindstone‘ is not a producer because it never cuts down trees, or hows timber, or mou's grass, or planes boards: but the axe, the scythe and the plane are useless without the sharp edge which the grindstonc imparts. So the hu- man mind sent out into life without the sharpening influence of education cannot with facility hew its way to success. Let the teacher' then feel that he is the main spoke in the wheel 0f the world's success, and while. doing his duty faithfully and nobly let him stand erect as one of Lthe world’s noblemen. But what ll'nnfo“c w n:nu._ \.v-..o , nobly let him stand erect the world's noblemen. ] does the teacher require. and physically, what sho to adapt him for his. war] try to answer ithis quest next, Y A l Therc‘were a number of the usual type of village loafers sunning them- selves onc day on and about the steps leading up to the general store in Spi‘ingness. Among them was a seedy-looking individual who said he came from Punkville, and he was telling of the many different occu- pations he 'had‘ attempted during an apparently checkered career. “An' I tried schoolteachin', too." he ended, triumphantly. “Yes, siree, I tried that, tee." , AL on :n ““How long did you teach 'I" mâ€" quired an interested auditor. “Wal. not long ; I really only went to teach.†‘ “Did you hire out ‘?" persisted the curious one. “Wal, no, I didn’t hire out ; I jus' went to hire out." "‘.Why did you give it up ?" “Wal, I give it up becusâ€"you see, I traveled to a place an’ I hetudflem1 say the schoolteacher was leavin’, so thinks I, I might as well do that as saw wood or mend tin pots ; -so I asked who to 'ply to. an’ they told me to go to Trusty Sneckles. W31. I looked him up, I told him my obj‘ec’, an’ I showed him my musket. then I asked him would he. let, me try my mind on the unrooly boys of it I reel? WC tackka ’em. a n't mind his questionS-in His Experience as a Teacher U“ I: lAuu-y V's-‘1', VF _ tell jes’s well's if I’d examined you,’ sez he. “He sot down by 'his door as. he spoke. so I turned kinder quick an’ walked. off as smart as I knew .how. He said he'd tell me when to stop, so I kep' on till I thought I’d gene ,Punkxfille, f‘no, I didn't apply to: another school. I rather _ judged that mebbygxy walk was ugin’ mg!" buuv . “Did you go back '9" chom§9d audience. “W31,- no. I didn’t go DOC †“Did ‘ you apply 101' ’1“ school '1‘" "NO.†Woman? Home Go: nus Lnno “3--.. at him stand erect as one of '1d’s noblemen. But what 8 teacher require. Mentally .’sically, what should be have 1; him for his. work '2 I shall answer Athis question in my 'l, follow. It is an in- ession, and men of success without such hey ought to have had, «at the teacher more r-â€". t by some people, es- who have but littie are obliged to work ions calling, that all ; are very easy, and ' that the lawyer, the teacher, the physician may with little or no now-gong seem to think EH you teach '2" in- terested auditor. long ; I really only went 1' shall be abandonâ€"; 3 womanâ€"in the preâ€" public sentiment a any other aVOCation told him J AS. DEAN. another 3 would- , BURNT RIVER. I The people of this place are sor . to lose Mr. James Graham and fam- ily from their miq'str Mr. Graham has been blacksmith here for over twelve years, and is about to move! to Dunsford. It‘is expethd that Mr.! ' ‘ ‘ ' u ' ohn .n Tin3;§â€";\i‘iilvlr take his place shop. â€" - -.- --n. snop. Miss Mattie Brishin ‘ left: on Mon- day for Ewen, where she hasrsecurcd a position as schoolteacher. Her many friends wish her success. Mr. Alex. Rettie has returned from Cobalt. ' ‘ Mr. P. M. Lamb, of Trinity Univâ€" ersity. Toronto. is visiting friends in Burnt River this week "‘ *4 f‘n in DUIIII. L\n‘x. V.- v“... The Raven Lake "Cement. Co. is again taking clay from here under the management 0{ Mr. Thos. Kcllv. ....... 'n Victoria Day Burnt. 'River by all kinds. A 80 pected from out Lin: HIGI“D°~--v--- -â€" - 7, Victoria Day will be observed in Burnt 'River by rues and sports of all kinds. A good attendance is ex- peCted from outside places. Tea Will be served by the ladies 0! St. Luke's Church. Details will be announced in posters. ing, ro‘at ground- ruuu gnom- . Mr. Johnsbon Ellis. of Lindsay. was the guest of T. W. Brie-n middle road, last. week. The C. P. R. engineers are taking valuation of the property they are going through with the new road. The millzwagons arc; on the road again for the season. again The Municipal Council of the toWn- ship of Garden will meet as a Court of Revision at No. 2 school house on Saturday. the 26th day of May. at the hour of 10-o’cldck a. m.. to hear and decide all appeals against the Assessment of the said township for the vear 1906. -77___ _.Avng ARM FOR SALEâ€"Norm nau wt 8, con. 13. and northeast quarter lot 7. con. 13, Emily. 150 acres; 125 cleared and under cultivation. balance pasture. Large frame house ; tWo large barns, one with stone foundation; two ,driving sheds and, other outbuildings good. Soil. clay loam. Four miles from Dunsford Station. 10 miles ,from Lindsay. For mnher particulars apply to WM. J. THURSTON, Dunstord P.0.â€"â€"20-3. SOUTH EMILY. The farmers are all through seedâ€" m. and are now working up their county Correspondence FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE.â€" The south half of lot 17, in the ï¬rst .concession of the township of Ops, donuining one hundred acres. more 61' less; ninety-four acres cleared M- u :n- o inn Garden. May 14th and in good sate of rcultivnion. the remainder pasture and hard- wood, a stone dwelling house. a frame summCr kitchen, woowshed and orchard. a frame barn 90x30. a. frame stable tor horses um rot.- tle 60 tut long. and a. driving shed. It is in a good locality, a. half mile from Ops railroad station. and school, convenient to Glandine post. (mice and church. about four miles from Lindsay, plough leave alter harvest. : possession the ï¬rst of - utus‘ ‘CvW-v- chab . . -_.- March, 1907. Apply to 8155 CATHERINE NAYLOR, 22 Elginâ€" st.. north ward, Lindsay, Ont. No letters answereda-3-tl. GARDEN 00mm or REVISION FOR SALE SALEâ€"North half 10‘ ,VA4_ JOHN WALSH. Township Clerk the :FARM FOR SALEâ€"North quarter. 1 s E lot. 20, con. 1, Mariposa. contain- ing 50 urea more or less. Frame house, frame stable, plenty good water; orchurd or over 70 trees. all heating; also a quantity small fruit trees. .One wnmion from Valencia; school on corner of lot. For further particulars apply at this ofllce.-â€"l2-tf. ’____â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘ i Vdenua; acnw: v. W".-- I For further particulars apply 1““. ‘ this 0mâ€. â€"]2"t‘. , er /â€"â€"'â€" di ,RESI‘DENC‘E FOR SALE. â€"-On Cam- ! bridge-6t... south. solid brick. 8 ye mm. m. etc. Large. new 8! n stable, with electric light; very C‘ I complete. 1 -u. i :__________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"" FARM FOR SALE. câ€"East hall 1.0! - ........ e‘ FARM FOR SALE-shat hall 1.01 23, Con. 1-1, Ibriposa..1w) acres, more or less. 75 cleared and in good state of cultivation. balance hardwood, cedar and tun-vac sharp clay loam : ï¬rst-class grain or alsiko land': frame ham 32 x 54, frame sable. driving house. hog pen and henhause ; 8 wens; cistern in house an Large frame house. , I.-" ..n nmhnrd. Hwy..- -â€" The contribution of Red Cross associ'auon of $30,000,000 to thé Sam Francisco suflerers, has Secretary Taft in his capacity as President of, the Am- erican Red Cross â€Sociation. “to J cpancse "Us Wu -uâ€" _-_,,, cistern In house and at barn Large frame house. with kitchen nod woodshed; hot! new orchard. About 9 miles» m Lindsay. one mile from Canons. For porticul- ars apply to I. E. WELDON, Sol icitor. Lindsay. Good title guor‘ nnteed.â€"12-tf. . Willie Taylbr.. the 16oyear old son of Philip Taylbr. nnd an employe (If the Canadian Cordage Company a\ Peberhuro. had both legs severed below the knees on Wednesday, May 9. He was returning to work. and was walking along ththrack néar his house. when he was struck by a C.P.R. freight train. He is expected ARM FOR W 0 The south hall 09 2nd Concession o! 1 EmHY. 1'00 3"“ miles south of 1 Omcmce. Good bar! or more acres. G< ing, and frame a ings. For further ply to FRANK ï¬elds, Sask. or1 Omemee. Ontâ€"1374 GREAT xoaï¬i‘m PROGRESS. President J. J. Hill. of the Great Northern rnilwuy, with a party of leading ofï¬cials. was .in Winnipeg last week. and in an interview says that. his cbmpm's line from Winni- peg to the Paciï¬c will be built by the time the C.P.R. and G.T.P. roads now projected are built. and ready to compete for the freight trafï¬c of the new sections of the west . e to recover. roads tow pmyeoted â€'9 ready to compete ‘0' trafï¬c of the new 800‘ west. . N them Llwuu-yuâ€" â€"â€"â€" v pond engineer. tyrant, and used them cunning 3°†not a more. he rdusod tamed hut-day ‘ mused than ‘ u ‘,' ten thousand people. hundred ing from diflerent parts of and the United Sums, have the Empress since her nrrival ‘A‘ ACCEPTED JAPANESE AID. I FOR SALE OR TO BENT.â€" south hull of Lot 4, in the Concession o! the township 0! ly, 1'00 3cm; about, um 5 south of the village of and frame and log outbuild- . For further particulars up- to FRANK ADAMS. Com. 8. Sash. or R. J. GRAXDY. BOTH LEGS NEWS OF THE WEEK. FOR SALE.â€"-On Cun- oath. solid brick. 8 l‘. etc. Large. new half I .0! 01d 80h :OF INIEBEST Mo mm 10 mums We have appointed the under-mem‘ tinned people to sell our line of Vebâ€" 1 erinary Remedies put. up under the; years' exï¬erionce-z Stock Tonic and Blood Puriï¬er. Indigestion and Colic Cure. Spa\'in Cure. Worm Powder‘s. Congh Remedy, Poultry 'l‘omc. muse ’Deuth. Antiseptic Healing Oil. Sprain Emulsion. Black Oil. Heave Relief. Lump Jaw Cure, Aphordisiac Anti- Sverlle Powders, Diarrhoea Cure for Cola and Calves. Leaking Naval and ‘Joint Disease. Our coupon package will interest you. For sale by Sylvester Bron, Lindsay; J. E. Gordon 5: Son. Dunsford -. E J. Woolard. Bobcaygeon; E. z. fez-ex. Little Britain ; W. H. Eastman. Kin- mount; F. H. McGee. Feuelon Falls; ' ‘ '- A-Lâ€"Ma - we a. pengcllcy. l. N. Inhnstnn VEHRII ARV SURGEON Graduate of the ‘. :- Ontario Veter- ' inary C o l l ege. All diseases of Horse-,end Ctttle treated ; latest. am: most approved methods. Specialties : Dentistry and all dim-es of the f . mane! of Cambridse'“- WANTED .--A WANTEDâ€"Two intelligent young- women, who have had experience in housework. to ï¬ll positions as par- lor maid and house maid. in a. pri- vate family of ï¬ve adults. Re- ferences absolutely necessary. None under twentyâ€"ï¬ve years of we need apply. Mrs. EDWARD GURNEY. 36 Walmcr Road. Torontoâ€"204. F()UND.â€"-In Lindsay about last week in April, 1906. a mm of money. Owner can have same by applying to Manager Dominica Bank. or E. MARK, Penelon Fallsâ€"2L3. {RATEDâ€"Girl for general house- work. Apply at Morton's oonlec- tionery store. Lindsayâ€"1641. 31R: WANTEDâ€"For general house I ‘fâ€" Toronto Ont. May 17. â€"The mon- ex paid into the High Court by R R. Gamey. M. P. P., at the time of the tamous scandal investigation three years ago. was to-dcy hwded over to the Government by the High Court. Deputy Attorney-General Cartwright received the.mone.v. eon- sisting of a cheqque for $1.500 and $200 cash on behalf of the Governâ€" ment. It is understood that the money will be paid to some charity. Drabnbly the Hospital ‘0:- Sick Chil- rdren in Toronto. GAMEY'S MONEY FOR CHARITY. Whicisnot Nuthatchjust u qualityandstrength hy:hflbï¬rimtnc_a.yon Th. manna steeha the m 23:... unchdfluuceinflp mu 0(th ’3; mb‘huhfloN-door When conï¬da- St. Lt.“ Vin--v -â€" work. Applyhat rm‘ihenoe of Mr. C. D. Barr. 32 Bond-st.. Lindsay. PAGE FENC THEBESTISTHE ECHE PEST «Ki; ; W. n. Eastman. Km- F H McGee. Penelon Falls; .cCologli. Ockwood: W. E. r. Haliburton.â€"â€"11-13. WANTID . ; house maid. Apply D. FLAVELLE. Bond- your Stock} ed the under-me!" :11 our line of Veb- put up under “1° of Drs. vanzant ve had twenty-ï¬ve Stock Tonic and ‘ ' J anctvilli: ...... ..-. “ Nestlgtton ..-. " Burketon ......... . Naive Toronto ......... . Arrive “ Duusford ............... 7 .12 pan. “ Anmm Point: ......... 7.50 p.m. Arrive Bobcaygeon ........... 8.00 13.131. nixed (rem Toronto. Leave Toronto .................... 9.15 mm. " Burketon .................. 10.55 sum. 1' Nestlcton .....1L05 can. " Nanetvillo ............. 11.15 can. " Clabo ...................... 11.21 mm. --nn-_. Arrive [Andsuy ............... 11.59 5.1â€. ‘ 11.45 mm. Leave Lindsay ................ Arrive Bumell ...’..............11..')3 in. “ Dunsford ............... 12.05 p.121. “ Anconl. Point. .......... 12.15 p.m. 4.. .‘r it J anetvi‘lle " Nesthton “ Burketon Arrive Tomato ‘ Notice to Creditors of Ontario Cap.129. the cred_it.ors of v. \-u'â€"__V v“: Mary Ann Boyd. late of the town of Lindsay, in the County of Victor-i3. widow. deceased. who died on or about the twenty-seventh day at April, 1906 are on or before the fourth day of June next,1‘906, to send by post prepaid to arm. Ste- wart q. 0' Conn .of the town of Lindsay. solicito for the executor. “I.“ w“. uv-----v â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" of the said Mary Ann Boyd. deceas- ed, their Christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, it any. heid by them. The said executors shall after the said fourth day of June next be at the iiherty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of winch they have then notice. and shall not be liabie Not the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim such executors have not notice at the time of the distribution there- I. of work-“dip. PAGE FENCES 03‘le- podln‘upoddwlunm'hiehon topo‘thobestofguvaniing,wmlengmen Solicitors for the Executors. John D. Flavelie and Thos. Stewartâ€"20$ The Sultan of Turkey has acceded to the W of Grant Britain for the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the Sinai peninsula. umuant to the Revised Statute; Wgegnyu- Lindsay ...... Toronto ............... Bu rketon ............... Nestl'et on ........... J anctviue ........... Clabo; ............... .. Lindsay ........... Lindsay ......... Burnell ......... TURKEY GIVES IN. STEWART O' CONNOR. at Lindsay this 15th day Im all m‘ n. PAGE FE CES an dip- III: ....... 10.25 Rom Toronto. 0W. Invthe great strength and elasticity of PAGE ï¬nch; one- at“! h.- #0305“ ,'.°‘ 24th. not... ....... ..... 9.15 mm. .....10.55 sum. ..... 11.05 8-m- ....11.15 mm. ..... 11.21 mm. mmmmmm mm PDPPPPPP mommmmxm 56.67.7777 PABUA PECU LIAR? MEMI Mr. Stock“ Loggie Minister nod by 1‘ On In ! Their DI front rank 1 ton, one of} N. B. He [:1 of the ter of known; in putting flee. He somewhat years jug fauncmw of the be most r01 But when who watt therefore. Cures Tu: OLA: Set for N1 13 not in would he the claim Tmnscon‘ an all I" Mr. anther 1 Frequem seldom. of The M011 11 Pm tor: of I pleosmfe own leg! I: never There THIG- House. Another who the law he inst! comes I or Just! “WC! ‘wakeo more ‘ with desk little WAT it is last of If