Hammock†PAGE TEN mmm R. J‘ :3an ï¬g mpg; "Suwï¬â€˜ om dullu subscription for MU we t9 mm to: hear Gammon. new M: I can’t get um withinâ€"w Mesa. muuwmmmmï¬dhmm. WWW Dr. Canine! Phnaadphig mu "0 w W ban in Imu- Qm. n will be’.m."wu ox: an I“ Shaman. but '0 â€flu Am mam the WM hhwhuflm‘mmm. Dene: in the teaching of Christ. and present and assist in the hangars-l“ will make pass the acceptance of His example as the tio'n. A program is being arranged. aerial battleships. noblest standard of human endeavor ? and will doubtless be announced lax» THE PROB ’or the new theology. and or eucn m er. A photographer will be on hand as Campbell and Cram, it can at to photograph the crowd and many least he said that they may catch generations belonging to the propri- and save many a man who would othâ€" etor in order that the event they be erwiso rewu from blind faith into the more vividly remembered by 13' Atheism; 0n the other hand they ture generations. Thurstonle la oer- mqy unsettle in their condor-mole be. tdply one of the most 'IVM‘M lie! thousands who lava hitherto noted and beouuhlyleeee on the“ MOM-“It daup- 1 found consolation and encouragement worth: Lukas. . m‘ an mu 1. inthotnchimthqmeuledupon W. n....._. ...... “The actual pro tlon of the dr hm ed by the Wright thee will be dove] nerds! linen, a will be e great in: the meet ottentlo: ' to Only God in influence. acts and great misfortunes were at- tributed to him. HISTORY BY THEOLOGY. Thus Dr. Christian teaching upon human his- Mr. tory : All evil 5°!" Crapsey sums up the Visitor to Omemee recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. of Lindsay, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. A. E. Bryson. Mr. F. Porter, 0! Manvers. was a Morgan spent a few week in the village the H. A. days last "We have been told that man had a. guests of A. E. Bryson and E. H. deï¬nite beginning, in a. deï¬nite act of Morgan. God ; that he is‘ a. special creation; that as he came from the hand of God he was perfect, but that no sooner had the act of creation given to him life than man used the powers of lile to flout his Maker and to scorn His icommandments. In consequence of ithis act of insoience his Maker would hate nothing more to do with him for the time. but drove him out of his original habitation, uhene his living was giVen to himanid left him Mr. and Mrs. E. Morgan spent last Sunday with her parents at Valentin. Mrs. Henderson and young son took} their departure last week for their new home in Kenora. Their many friends wish her and her hus- band success in the West. The Misses Parson, Brennan, Thain spent Sunday with friends Peter-borough. The contract for rooï¬ng the Metho- dist church has been ghen to 1:. and in to shift for himself The “hole story Stinson of the village, “hile '1' J. of man begins with that primordial Parsons gives the artistic touch to act of disobedience. and his history the interior. {idea of a. universe in three compart- conservative spirit in he determina- ments was made a. religious concep- “0“ to be progreaive and "9'“?de tion. skies, the Earth, and underneath was Hell. God dwelt in Heaven, and rarely visited the earth, and the pre- ‘sence of the Deity was only suggest- ed when something marvelous hap- pened. Later on, the idea of being as much in one place as anoth- er gained ground. He was heard in the wind, and seen in the opening of OUEh hate been spending An early idea, was that days with Mr. T. Hendemon. the Dein was a. personality, second Corrin is a daughter of Mr. Hender- the flowers. God‘ There was Heaven, up in the With 0th?! t'OWIIS- It. is to be hoped the Council in its recent advance movement will spa-re no effort to induce the G.T.R. to es- tablish a ticket oflice‘ on Sturgeon street. Miss Manning, 0! Lindsay, Sunday with Miss 8 Lamb. Mr and Mrs. Corrin, of Petezbor-j a. few ' Mrs.l5 i spent Iva-De Ul-lv mcvw AB VI uuuv UK an m, (b) t“ cost by 91“ny itlpo’grm- 0311082“;de 3 0W which. though somewhat more â€â€˜9‘!†V. 08- e when ans a 0 “5’ give. would be more desirable and et- ucns_ There can be httle doubt M Dcient Mr T Stephenson was then this doctrine appeals very mnglyto called on to explain his schem- 0‘ 8 great number of Chm“ MP" lighting which would cost the town “a tit; â€mum“ 3e â€1‘“. aâ€. ta: about $300 and provide them with grea. 1n uence upon e re lgious - 30 icon d ‘ lamps to be pl denczes o! the time. along the streets as determined‘ by CRAPSEY AND DOGMA the Council. Then followed several Dr. Crapeey describes the ancient short, business-like addresses. out "‘1 belief, which he insists was founded “Mb 8'9“ ‘ mam “mung “‘9' on the ignorance of mankind. at the Council to proceed at wee With the time the dogma of the Christian new Work- Church was formulated. Thus the Omemee is gradually losing its old} l a. It is older: than Christianity it- self. ' For Christian clergyman to openly espouse it is new, and natur- ally attracts attention. It may be summed up in the statement that what one bélieva is of little or no importance. Conceptions are only‘ ‘valuable when translated into ac- tions. There can be little doubt that this doctrine appeals very strongly to a great number of Christian people, and its exponents are exerting a great influence upon the religious ten- dencies o! the time. ‘Tribune, ‘Dr. Crapsey writes on the ;Theological Readjxistment, and†he ’is the lending‘advocate of what has beenicalle'q “The NewTheology†in ‘tho United‘Stata, his remarks are worth co'nsidera'tlicn. There is noth- ing really new about the new theolo- of people. NOTHING NEW; FHING NEW; .- ‘ I“ I. ~ in}? # -. issue of the “ Londqh ELECTRIC LIGHT TO BE msmlr Crapsey writes on the LEDâ€"PERSONAL max. ’ The mun unnum- of the Lomlmon only production of an dump oun- Government, Introduced before the ompm m. > Christmas m. (or the your balm xxmntma IN G’APE mm Max with AM! m, can (or u «Nb "I but» to ho UN. tn NM much to fly of may “03,000,000; Tho In what- hound arm mm by ut- oHut Way 'mturod a» W peril-nun 0m M mm m: «mm mm tho mm: mm m. I: Man an: mun «mg-u mm wild hue won-I w Hum: a m’ One Hundred and Twenty- slx’ Millions Thurstonio. Put-kn which has just come into evidence as a popular sum- mer resort, has been surveyed into lets, the building at cottages is al- ready under way, and the formal op- ening will take place on {he 24th of The Victoria. Loan and Savings Co. has opened a branch here under the management of Mr. N. Smale, who is well and favorably known through- out the county. A new plank sidewalk has just been completed to the C.P.R. station. This was done through the free contribu- \tions of the people, through the agen- cy of Mr. J. Kennedy, who has been untiring in his efforts from commence- ment, both in procuring the means, and planning and laboring ‘at the walk to the ï¬nish. The community is under a lasting obligation to Mt? Kennedy and those who so pluckily took hold of this work. The Dunsford Light, Telephone and Power Co., are pushing the local phone construction with all possible energy, throughout the surrounding ;country. The work of construction is in the hands of Mr. Barry Shcrifl and J. Kennedy whose energy and push means thatsoon farmers will have the opportunity of communicating not with this locality, but with the‘ larger and greater centres throughout the vaince and Dominion. DUNSFORD The Bell Telephone Co., on Satâ€" urday last completed their line to this place, and the community is jub- ilant over this connection with the outside world. The contract for rooï¬ng the Metho- dist church has been given to 1:. Stinson of the village, “hue ’1‘. J. Parsons gives the artistic touch to the interior. Mr. and Mrs. C. Colwell were in Peterbornugh over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Morgan spent last. Sunday with her parents at Valentin. Mrs. Henderson and young son took their departure last week for their new home in Kenors. Their many friends wish her and her hus- band success in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Corrin, of Petey-bor- ough, have been spending a. few days with Mr. '1‘. Henderson. Mrs. Corrin is a. daughtér of Mr. Hender- son. i It is to be hoped the Council in its recent advance movement will spare no effort to induce the G.T.R. to e9 tablish a ticket.‘ oflice‘nn Sturgeon street. wtâ€! ‘MBHT Wflm§"wm too?“ 3135000.- ' Wrimémmz. max. 000. lama top 3:“... â€my,“ m. By invit'ntipn a! the Village 00m- Moo at recent yam we elm.) cil. ‘ q lame uninha- o! the citizens doubtless have mrthu' mmmmfln (:0an in the Bradburn Hall Weti- estimates, to be voted mnt bees - n. My night last to consider the “1‘ on mount of the â€twice 0! this ‘ 'oa‘ visability of lighting the town by grand total {or the year ending with electricity. With Ir. 0'. Balfour in latch 31“ next up to at least $130. - the chair, the Reeve explained the 000,000, And even this will not in- purpwe o! the meeting, then le‘d beâ€" elude the $7,000,000 which is bent: fore the ratepayers, (a) the cost of appropriated ‘0, railway subsidies. lighting by lamps. W550!" lighting in The 11min estimates have already "‘39“ the past was always Very Wï¬d‘c' dealt with in mum columns. and "The actual problem of the naviga- tion of the air has “ready boa: solv- ed by the Wright Bron. Naturally there will be development dong com- ‘ met-dd lines, A future of which 96; will bongmtincrease ln speedJmt m the mod attention will be pdd to “v mtmgmmmmm of tho m. Iy'belle! in that America will A. I lbothoMtcomm-ytopoflocturhlmg mull». This belief in band on mm. Maturation. an! Iron: the =2 new I 3» mm. mm on ' lie“ PROF. GRAHAM THINKS THE PROBLEM OF AERIAL NAVI- GATION IS soup. Dr. Alexander Graham-Bell said re. cently that it was only a question 0! a brief period when the progreee of aerial navigation would melts it poe sible to lnve dinner in America uld breakfast the next morning in Eu- rope, covering the distance moon the Atlantic in eon'eiderebly less than 1 twenty hours. "Hy exportation.†eeid Dr. Bell. f'ie that en niréhip will be perfected capeble of making 150 to 200 miles an hour. Hy opinion. however, is thetwenextetepineerielflightwm take the form of such improvement- as will make poeeible the emotion 0!. I say unto you, his business is over- stocked, the seats on the corner are all taken, and the uhittling places are all occupied. It is better to saw 1wood at two bits a cord than to whittle at a whittling match and abuse the Government. My son. whilst thou has in thy skull the sense! of a. jay-bird. break away from the‘ cigarette habit, for lo, thy breath stinketh like a glue factory. and thy mind is less intelligent than a store dummy! Yea. thou art a 'cipher with the rim knocked OILâ€"Robert J. Burdette. My son. follow not in the footsteps of the loafer, and ,makc no example of him who is born tired. (or. verily, a fact in a sentence. giving a wonder- ful mass 0: information in the small. ‘est compass on every phase of our commercial and industrial life and our natural resoumes. The booklet is sold for 25c., and may be had from nowadealers or from the Canadian Facts Publishing Co., 667 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. A remarkable little booklet has been compiled under the above self- explanatory titlebyFrank Veigh. of Toronto. the wclloknown writer and lecturer on themes Canadian. Perhaps no one in the lnminion is better qualiï¬ed to make such a compilation. Its value is as cluixued. “worth its weight in Yukon gold or Cobalt siiv» er." The idea is a clever one, viz. :1 4000 facts About C: nada Followmg is the report for S. 8. No.5, Penelon. for months of Febru- cry and March, with names arranged in order of merit: Ciass V.-â€"May Murchison. Willie Moynea. Sr. IV.â€" ‘Elorre Mchvan. Sophie Moynes. Morley Haynes, Daisy Pearson. Jr. :IV.â€"-Stanley McNmmn, Wilbert Wors- 1‘ley, Rome Haynes (Gertie Hoynes. ‘Zella McNevan, low places. due to 11.1)-} sence). Sr. IIIâ€"Elva Worsley. Mil-‘ lie Pearson, Dorothy Brown. McKen- zie Moynes. Jr. III.â€"Mary McGreg- gor. Sr. II.-Clin‘ord Won-Icy. . Roy Worsley. Jr. II.--Russel Blatchford. Isla McNevan, Howard Worsley. Frank Haynes. Nellie Cunday. Sr. Pt. I.â€"Willia Blatchford, Percy Wors- ley, Alma. Cunday. Jr. Pt. I.â€"Wil- lie Cunday. Gertrude Thornbury.‘ teacher. A I ments 0! the Public service. Bribes to constituencies the latter were pro- perly called when men now {arming the Government were in Opposition. THE PROBLEM SOLVED. haw The Loafing Business LEARNING TO le S. S. No. 5, tenelon 7". IW batch ,0! found to L, 000 hue he W0: NADIAN GOL] mug m; â€"\ we slum {“ZZSJi‘TTSI fOI' Canadians Lhis :‘oa‘ l. ~Pew‘borough Examiner of April L-; miuthudtyuu. against the election of m. A. w. Jackson 3: Mayor of Whitby, and the action tor sunda- 'entered against him. both charges Were withdmwn on counsel on both side. 93pm to- Iret tor any person-.1 reflectiéna Hominy evening. May 6th. Mr. Vincent E. Hart, of Toronto, and Miss Etta L. leaning. o! Lind- say. culled 0min. John Ciark. on Kondty evening. Mr. Urban White and Miss Elsie Carmichael visited Miss Birdie Cowieâ€" son, on Sunâ€. Mr. R. J. Wane has sold hishouse and lot to Mr. Richard 1491:. The Epworth League intend hold- ing a social-x Ir. James Rich's on Mrs. S. Thomas, of Toronto. is very ill at her father's, Mr. S. Bagshaw's. Mrs. Manning, 02 Hartley. spent, a couple o(_ days at Mr. John Clark's last. Mr. Lemmrd Irwin and David Chor- ry, of Janetville, visited Mrs. Jane Irwin on Sunday Inst. Mrs. Coates spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Wilkinson Mr. Athol Fair vxsi-ted at Mr. J. McMillan's at Grass Hill recently. Dr. Bell is to receive the degree of doctor of science at Oxford on May ate it at low rather than high veloc- ; .ity. Last December I constructed a vehicle that supported itself and a F man in a ten‘mile breeze. I now want I to fly a machine carrying an engine I at ten or ï¬fteen miles an hour If I ‘ can accomplish this there is hope that the aviators, or the men who are trying to solve flight on the bird plan, will be able to avoid fatal ac? cidents long enough to learn to fly. Even a bird has to learn to fly, and,; as with the bird, one of the ï¬rst con-.‘ siderations is safety. so ‘man must; learn to go slow before he goes fast. 3 FLYIN G MACHINES EVERY- i WHERE. 1' "I am conï¬dent that it ‘will not be long before flying machines will be everywhere. The developments of thei next few months will he unprecedenb ed. but the most interesting point is that only a very few know how near ‘ America is now to solving a ques- . tion which will rex'olutionize war-I‘ {are throughout the world. I meanI: the construction of a practical aerial‘< battleship. ’ ' ‘ 4 fï¬A‘NCA and the necessary equipment to oper- When in Toronto call at our ofï¬ce, 197 Bay St., and see unselected samples, and be convinced that we claim. Minnehaha Mining Smelting Co. m. wo m â€nu-ed, we an :0 Liable to strike it as rich ourneflghbour, the Lam-cum 'Ihen no stock can be had at anyâ€; Don-t.- deluy, be wide, take manta-go of this'opponumty t money honestly. and share in this same thing, mth the rest, :1 '3: neighbours. _ . We have one value in sight of “0.000.000. This is no 1 it out for yourself. Length of vein 4.000 ft.. average width (20?? 2;": 100. 2.400.600 It; 200,000 tons. uvcnged at $200 per 10,, for w foot, (may avenge $506.21 to the ton.!or every tom), gives 540.00th Hal! 0! this average or 8100 perton wxll pay a diVidcnd 0! 950 . cent. on entire capitalization. in ied by Bank 1 our application at once accompan Send :1 y exp 31' “en. CAMERA Y ‘. of o! the protect. 127 BAY ST., TORONTO. down recedenb *oes fast. ;§ - EVERXK 5 O C u not be}: F will be ' ts of the}? B 2 vvm 3m :3, gBKOWN’S ; gm§GROCERW SPARLIN G Anon. robin-“M 1 7mm from Toronto 1“â€an .................... 9 " Nestlcton “ Burketon ......... ..... Arrive Toronto ............... 1 'smcn Expmss to Toronto Lego Bobcaygeon-... 415 KANSAS AVISNL'IE. TOPEKA . - KANSAS Iny kind of Business or Km! £523“ “9-" when, at any price. wriu: me yuur MW“ melts. 1 can savc 3'01: anc and mum'- "rODfltics and I upmt'sscs u: a “kind: 9ch {Width fur cash 24: .41. ,.:4r:.~ »: :11: {mm} Stat“ Don t wait Wym 1. Cu} describux What )‘ou haw: to 5:11 and gin; wan p110! Same. If YOU WANT TO BUY I CAN SELL Your Real Estate or Business ’90... Highest Prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. -O--- ll ll i i Carload of Best Manvers Potatoes just arrived. Frrsh Maple Syrup and Maple Sugar. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons. Prunes, Figs, etc. 3". O.---.--.4 ipany. Captain Gray will bring m gtug to Lakeï¬eld, where it will he used by the Cavendish Lumber Com» pany before going to Buckhom (or the spring towing for the same com- ? paw. Captain Gray will have chug of the Ajax this summer. NO MATTER WHF‘FI- Amon- Point DAILY TRAIN SERVICE Express from Toronto Tomato ................ 5 ¢ mum) p. TAPE. THE LAND MAN J unetvme ........... SpAY. MAY 2nd, 190: Dnndord. ............... Anconi Point Cereals of all kinds. Ono-ob. m “tau-u! hen“ u Manhunt“. Minn» Imam uni “.0...“ u†v coco-co... bulb... . n. mason-u: 0...“...0 ..u. ouualooaut Railway Time but 6“ 8...! . ( Stair wvvwww, wuumuw "Ltgmtu wwww;n;»,, pppppp 8.00 91 have .' C 151' kinds to! the 17mm Lumber, Shin; Cement Sas‘ BIKE! nydIS. (amu’s 09¢ LINDSA‘ Coal and ., 'Lath. : Frames Good