am: to $1.50 g er the very low m" h silks at 25c arm .93; kind: you walnut em in splendid Chm bite brocadcs, m .. 27 ins. wide. aunt“: 75c blackand whiten: d white check taï¬'m i valge in b: to o tain, new Bah." nd blacks. Bachâ€. and no two allke;- _ nteed black tafl'eta. 24 e at $1.00, also 36 inch ï¬eta for coats, dresses, to see them and we’ll any more. ........................... ..... 59c slack and whitefhech ids. in good quahty soc 3y cloth 2331: cam :yofï¬ne sflkandrim bretty Shadesï¬' d champm lsome gownsuand â€to soon. 0.. I nï¬ ,‘, “£33 “331425 b.“ nut. sure. and. looking might in the taco, said. ", ’I'hn riul'cndam was «(FIRM Dru-um! tho.- real crimintl , I and punished. How am Luv" hum the conduct 0! ‘3 Sam. would have, _ .j. Ih.- yum; into normal \'i(‘\\' to an upped! w I hthum wuulcl have ‘ 'n' (h-mmciation of mum-I4 th.» lack n! positive ‘ md the umrvelous virtue I ‘hlu tlnuht. The “MPâ€! Lincoln. inrxnu‘ql way 0! Mn. the cunfldcuco of the 133' her every WILLIA‘JS PIV’K m cm B-XCK THE RUDD (m 0? HEALTH. young growing Sm di jsands 0i L119 push complexian; E h adachcs. backachqs‘ “ an “I *5. bonnetimes they sleep ; their nervw are ,_ . thcy are languid: b a heart palpitates violenfl!‘ asL exextionâ€"that s W max dcx clop into co )romptl} attendedw that‘s the secret o' (i not sleï¬ tired me locks I \[y sister 'or I.“ Occasions a "1 again hm .35 cloths a: novelty tweed oiorings‘ and and $1.75 “5.7" value in {toads}: ~-n .Vlunioipuuties a l‘uroulu last, week. us of the Hydro-Bk mission agreement Power Co., sleep was . LINDEN .ifiécir'ié Pow cut with thl me to F and 3““ 75c g FRESH -Victorm ""-‘ tabkiof 0‘" 1Ҡitars hcro and t“ â€d succvssl'ully ‘ mks past as an me throughout 1 Watchman-Warder thoriml to issm- new subscrim ions take in onders I‘m MRS four to Illu'c. -0\‘er fuur hundred ingmemlmrs m‘ tlw 1 lumhus were at tho l Peterburmmh um Fm ï¬locmsion lwim: th‘ oldegrm's upon 17H ¢ «al from Lindsay 'm-I Lordlhip Bishup (1T thethrunv. and he \\ Ven. Art-hqvumm (‘nsv V61. .\I‘\'hdv.u‘un ":15 sermon. \xhivh “nu and Amprupriuto no second game 01 with [now-1:.u“ Ihv Midland Football cterhoro and Ome- mee teams and schedulxd for the 24th was pmtponed 0n accqunt, up! tug mmty of Pctcrhoro players. J Ag. exhibition game was (flayed, resulting .1 \icmry fur ()xmmwé,’ the score i312 x'l‘ics 01. League between P :11 king four to throw, vr four hundred and-ï¬fty visib- ing members of tin» Knights of. Cd" Iumhus wow :1: 1h“ hig gathering iri- Peterhomugh on Friday. May 24th. v UXompIiï¬Cation Sev- .0\' moccnsion huingr th oltfvgrws upon 17“ c-mulidutos. -..| :. .... I huluzn \\’u'l':' lil‘l'éfl'n't , HES -ln.\pwtur Knight 1 complaint mmh- h 1100 15. sub-mm nun Schmvl: Ml, ugum .t. m:- pl‘tk‘l‘NllllgH of a running hum in S. S. NO. 3. melum. va-hm :nul Sturgeon l'u-int «mm mm, :u my Imilding now mid.†St'hnn! in mid SPL‘UOD, on} “Mummy, .llmu- 31h, ut 10 o'clock.‘ um Tho lur-gcr xt'hunlhullSc 'iormer- '13 max-Ir was burn! down some time ago. and a. diIYm-vnn- nx' opinion seems iobohuld by dil‘mu-m parties in the union as to what is most allVisablo 10:!0 ru-gm‘ding 1m- building of new WNL'X‘S‘ Snmv ah- in quor of el‘GCt- 531111 new 3011001 on the Old Site 1“Wenough to m‘vnmmmlate all the Pupils at the s--rti.~.~., while others think Iwo smullcr SCIUH)‘S should bé Wed at dim-m: (mints. TWO mg a new schoul large enough to a pupils of the 5. think two smullc â€Med at differ. Melina; havn In E t forgot that you of yum‘svlf l E by calling at Lindsay. on J: ‘ ('l‘lL‘hl'XIIiJIg thoil SUVI \IE R’ S Coming some- time And We are readv LUInan‘ some- Ume And VVe are ready with the New- eSt Goods in’ the market for LNVCe Suits. $16.00 up. Hm c a M magnum l. (Hus: has been busily ('n"{lL‘:t‘i for several :13 m outside lepres‘enta- mul th district AQR‘ The ‘urdcr. M1. Glass isfau- rm-ipts for old and )HOH.‘ punl to- him and to trs for [wrintingrwgtiw l game 01 the‘Wntéï¬Yled? of 1m Midland Football seen Pcterlmm and Ome- md schedull-d for the 24th nml on account “.cof thq Pctorhoro players. - Ag mm: “as plan ed resulting ' fur ()uwnwc. the score ull) issm- \Vn'l'v prim-m. run H't‘mmnr was 'nn c wus‘ nmistod by WHEN}, â€I. Lindsay. (';.,\.~_\ pru-m'hqd the IK mm: impn-ssivo I.indsny was no- lnumlx-r of via- umlvor of Lindsay _\ with friendé. t you can have a.‘ -ll‘ FREE ()F‘ s: at the Morton n June lst. as 7 their eighth??- 1! uill investigate tn him under Sec- , H. m" tlw l'uhlic t. Hw prm‘u-‘dings .1 in S. S. No. 8. souvenir points. 'J'Wo ~ ‘m-id about the :‘m- ï¬rst meeting, 2: n- the proceed- ! nanh the second ::.1 aux-Ling is now or ‘3 the flimm 11"le Weak“ on Iggy; J ‘m J um 1.- [to June†1-701, wilLbe found in the we: tm éhere neeeneen he» theeh in the country to- 83W It‘the ear.- .lier mete,1 H? ex) " 9'3}; :3; ‘ 4 telkeepertorgellingtliqxwrto ï¬held men on the prompting rm- The they 810 ,l‘? m Regatta†tcnmeum -'l‘he Steflhié‘ Bank, Kit-M will open a, Much ath‘lctofl. Bond. m nl-laeteribrm .wtn «he opened Tues- days and Fridays Machete“ and xvlll be under the mmemnt o! the! Wlon’l‘ells “Wit (licex- Kufleld bunchâ€"28. .1. l, . pe‘eted tea â€the! Mime-Rom Lindsey, which woven snth a , Tve'nlexlce to the travelling public: Mll ‘commeni‘e running a'gelh en Jeniâ€. As far as known at' present are sen :vice will be the same is last summer. ‘ â€"Don' t miss the 0pm chapters ‘of the excellent serlel just stertlng in this week’s issue. It ï¬sh! pay and please alike to rage! The Helmet of Navarre . . --_Having had eight years d the 00"" most euceeedul buslnela. we ere 80138 to shame part of our. proï¬ts with our customers and friends. "Phat means we Will give any 'of Our customers and their friends a. phbtogrnph nb- solutely FREE OF CHARGE on Jum lst. at Morton‘s Studlo. Llrld- my; t,; , -.l , ‘ . and rubbish under? a slaw .....n. Wallimufnn ntrmt Friday 1". Cmmay, in conversation. tms. wgok. \sa‘id that a wrong ï¬nal-onion ' to he ahrpad as td thié V9390 OI but- ter this _y.'ear To prove up contam- ;tion, Mr. Lewis quoted the godlowing iflgures. In 1906 the net aVerage price paid to ï¬ne patrons of }the \ictorh CreamerV' was 23.8 per lb. ior butter fat. In 1907. 29.0 is being paid. ‘ ’l‘hc aV orago balling price for last year was 22.9‘ while this war it 13-2 7.28. or and. incl-“cue of that these figures she“ the [fluffy of ,the. idea Wed to above. - â€"In my to mam inquiries, and as. a “arnihï¬c t9 the public. an Older in Council"- bsolhtely prohijyitlng the sale of hi ass, spcclc'le‘d trout and nmskmonm‘i! now in force and the game «ardeï¬ a're instructed to see that no ï¬sh of thwé kinds are sold. E‘ â€"A movement is on feet“ to estab- ilish a. branch of the Independent La- .bor Party in Peterboro. The annual bo_r Party in Peterboro. The‘ annual meeting 91‘? ' F‘IgaWducetidnal As- sotial-ionï¬gbfmgflo “19.5 held -in Hamilton lemma. - and Mi". T. ‘J. Beglcy. of Pelerboro, â€is: elected third elm-president. > This easocieti'bn will asslsyin.‘-thc organizing of-~ the propowglnow natty in Reterbpro. --’l'hc funeral of the late Robeyt Em (I(')urtoma.nche, or Norland. V‘Ontgrlo, took place on the 17th from'thc'lle- thndlst church to Pine Grove ceme- tery. Mr. Courtcmanche went. to- .‘Jorth Bay the lst of. May to do some carpenter Work fo’r his son-in- law. Mr: James Passmore of â€yet place. He was there only a few days whvn he was taken ill. .O'n Mpnda'y. the 13th. thoy'telographed for ‘hls wire to go to hlm nit. once â€the was dangerously ill. Mrs. Courmmanchc reached North?!) on Tuesday glen- ing, but he h“ ,dlod half qn hour be. fore she came. Tithe)" hrpflghp his body home for burial. Mb.“ Courte- manchc belonged to the~Salvation Army and had been‘g‘r'ealdent of Nor- land for 30 yea’d‘éif £115: “‘83 "32137533 of age. and leaves a family of ï¬ve. all grown up. {â€" __. â€"At a. recent meeting of the Board of Education, when the Question of ï¬re drill in the schools was talked of, Principal :Broderick said that the pu- pils were becoming efficient at" the drill and suggested that this claim might easily be pro'ven by some'mcm- ber of members of thg‘Bohtd giving - ‘v n-‘ Ant-O- -Mr.VM. a. Lewisrq. the â€"were passing thougnrt wugnyxgyv, Vvvï¬a '- ,v‘ 5 ‘P . thcr'usual work ab" " ""tl‘y’ beg)? in mu ’ swing? it whole?» act diff 41:36 idea to give a sudden ball." -Dr. White got in without Peing noticed, from the school, and soon the gang was sounding the alarm. l'gh‘e test ptqyed highly gangstactoqgnd crediaflle to a s‘-_;‘-.~16ka,am 5 in- side of 45 seconds an we yuy r... safely out and no particular disorder Hope. In 189). Ml; Henderson Wu: president of the London Conference, or commotion created. bx-1v,l3§__.9,rd§}‘ly clearing of the scheo and in the same yen:- he was a. deleo taught ï¬re drill system. â€"The Watchman-werd'er is in re-. .hnndsoz'ne mew; .04 about 8°33 1 by the \vellv gate to‘ the Ecumenical Conference in’ London, England ReV. .Mr. Hendex- is,» map of deep piety, yeat en-' m ergy and fame of characterise-1 wen UAW :â€" V' ‘ â€amine“ g†to ah fawn Wtch. LE cts for this msgn' 3‘ ye M awgrdsd by: thé W pubhc Works Depart-manta as ‘1 F :al As- -.T‘he Kawaï¬ha Summer School at d -in (hemong Parkhscems to combine out- T. ‘J. door joys and recreations with peer- gmted has of thoughtful and elevating stud- nau’bn ies of the Bible end missionary work. 3!» the The echool is the resutt of la union ‘ lntween . ‘ Twelve ‘ O’Clock . Point and Bobcaygeon schools of last year un- der the auspices of the Methodist church. An excellent program has been prepared and among the speak- fgnd t in ame leaders as to thé WWW gt a Local' option unpaimi h‘: Iliad- »-. .., e-Gmsa and .rï¬bbieh under' a Bidcr walk on Wellington ‘street Friday newly caused a bad ï¬re, when light- ed. it is thought by a. ï¬recracker or a cmlexssly thrown‘ ,clgurf stub ,or match. Only prompt work on the spread of the houses â€"0n Victoria. Day two well-contest- ed game. The Wideawnkcs detected the sellers-Cough teun the churn pious of the Mannincturers' League. Toronto Over 300 spectators view- ed the game; The score was 2 to 1 AM following the instructions 0! the Watchmnn-Warder, the 8‘ Iveste-rs won the Blmhetock tournament. ‘â€"Tho 'Lihdsav Lodge 0. the Sons o!t England attended divine Service at Paul’ 3 ohurch Sunday morning, and the seventy-me or more mem- bers tn the church parade made a. splendid showing. The rector, ReV. C. H. Marsh delh cred an appropri- ate and earnest sermon to the 0rd- er. 01‘s are two Lindsay gentlemen. Rev. Dr. Bishop and Mr. R. J. McLaugh- â€n. o -â€"The tureral of the late Samuel Reazin. who died on Friday morning last, took place'lon. Sunday afternoon to Riverside cemetery. The funeral was donducted With Masonic honors, the local lodge A. F. A. M. at- tending in a body. Prominent Mas- ons ‘ from outside points were also present. The .Masonic service was conducted at the residence. and a large number 0! friends followed the remains to their last resting place. To the bereaved widow and family will be extended the deepest sympa- thy. â€"-In speaking of the .call to the Charlotte Street Methodist church, Peterboro, which has been accepted, subject to the sanction of the sta- tioning committee, by Rev. Geo. W. Henderson. now of Port Hope, the Peterboro Review says :â€"-“The Club, lotto Street Church is to be congret-j ulated on its success in securing,§uch an able. talented and eloquent pus- tor as ReV. Mr. Henderson. Mr. Ben- derson entered the ministry ix; 187 , end labored faithfully. {or éome years in the London Conference. heving 'charge of two diï¬erent churches- in London. He'was .3390 statlenedwat was pastorL-ot Cambridge street Me- thodist ‘churéh, ‘Lindédy, end nearly three years ego Wes Called to ’Port Hope». 11.11.89], mvï¬enderson. was president on the London: Conference, .,m_‘_ h ......, _ [me- tDWIU 5h ygusv-â€", _ three years ago was called to Port. Hope. 111 1891 MI; Henderson was president of the London Conference, and 111 the same year he was a. dele- gate' t9‘ the “ECumenfcal Canterenoé in’ ' “ ~“-'*--' Dov M'r‘ Hendex. of a. passerby vamed the opmaa' 91‘ a» man win rar- RM:- and ’E‘dint I $.4an “- 3h wotwwa despatchJiampoatz, 861.8310!“ this my f" ' tom“. 0 J . ; .f 1‘ an thicypla, to neighboring of Mr. 8. Cameron 'spent the ma in Potatloro. Mr. L. Cumin'ghun was in Pour- born on the 24th. . Mm Isabelle Richardson, 9! Public School ma spent the hon (by: at. her home in Toronto. Mr. B. J. Cough spent the holiday $37? 1; Elm}? 'aor' {in $19.4} fa. .. Mia; Cor-mag Anqun,‘mot . To: to. is home {or the holidtys. ' Mr. and ï¬rm )1. E. Mchlunmizund (anally, oi Patel-bore. mg.,;\I-lc,t;9rlu Day. in Unds‘y. . . . ' .1 ‘11 ' . Hr, Orwell 11min, of 3113.31 eqon 00.. Toronto. spent the 24th with his parents In town. """ "‘"' " in Pettrboro Mrs; A. Sheehey. W' aoh‘ Akron. spent a. tow days tut week in Tor- Hr: William Galbraith was called to Palmerston 1m waek owing to the death othis brother John. v. .1112 Ernest Hand. of the Permian Falls Gazette. , paid the Watchma- Warder a. fraternal visit. on Tuesday. Mrs. Nettle-0380540 is the guest. 0! her cunt. M". T. L., Cl‘oWley, Mr- bum; this week. Mr. Goo. _McN-ie}lie, of Montrml. spent Victoria. Day With his parents. Mr. and Mrs; McNigllic. Bond street. Misszarnhéuse. of Toronto. was the guest. of Mir Ranton. Glenelg street. Miss Muud Neither-cut. of Dundulk, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Deyell. week fro} Kingston Mr. Byron Green. of the Bank at Montreal stun, spent Sunday in Pet.- erboro. . . Mugs L. Bmund spent the holiday Last week with her brother in Brock- ville. ‘ . ‘ ' Miss Cheokty. Termite. and Miss McMnllcn. Port How.‘ were guests at nit-:41; -R.., McDasld’s last week. Misuse L. Netherot and M. Chu- ron. o! Torontu; M1.» visiting in town. Mn. Alfred Annis. Oshawa. guest of his brother, Mr. I). Aunts. last \wek. Miss Ethel McLeod has retdi‘nod ‘home after a pleasant month’s visit. With her siston. Mm. G.-Rhod88. To- ronto, ' Mr. Melville Mn. 0! Toronto. was a. holiday visitor last week at. the homo 0! Mr. R. Carley, north ward. ' Mr. Gob. James, recently postmas- tor at Lochlin. Ont.. has put-chum the residence lately occupied by Mr. Armstrong. Regent. . «twat. _ Mn. W. A. Scott. and little .3011 Everett. returned to Lindsay ,last week utter a pleasant vieï¬t. with Min- den (riénds Mrs. McMillén retflmed last from a. pleasant trip to the west British'Cqumbia. ' ' Mr. Robert Vicars, son or tho Rev. John Vicars, or ()amhgton.‘speut tho 24th the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Laird, northward. . His Honor Judge McMillan and Mr. Leap-Primu was Petal-bore Mrs. Harriet Robson and daughter Hattie, of Fenel‘on Falls, spent a few days in town last week visiting friends here. _ . ‘ . . ‘ Among the graduates of the Dee-e- onesses School, Toronto, are the fol- lowing: Eva )3 Elliot}, Wo'odville, Ont. ; Ada Gal-butt, Cdnnéngton; and Ada. Morgan. Janetville, - Mr Frederick N. Blackwell, 0! Kent auger. west. was among the successful winners in the recwt;Wflligms l’iano Co.‘ contest; his prize. bein’ 009 o! the $75.00 orglers. ‘ ' Mrs. N. Herbert end daughter Pearl returned last week to Ottawa. alter a pleasant visit with/Mrsnï¬er- bert's sister, Hrs. Wm..-Lee._ _-Cam- bridge street south. ‘_ _ â€"-Missj Morto‘n will, be gleam to 'see all her customers at her. studio, Lindsay June lst, 1907,1it beihg the eighth $5111me 0F the$‘»studio.-â€" -2192. M; ‘ > ;; 'I.'. ‘ ' .‘W Mr; and Mrs. L~..rm.nwsn have been visiting @nJ’etroit, his duties as hOufs'f. Messrs. can W n M. .p‘H'ailqrah. iï¬ft on, ï¬mday on a mi pres. mw‘ï¬â€™e'mdv’c Cdj'x'n‘try.‘ Thaéy sail John A ‘ Q i. WAWatufl'uflTdrm bu 1' “g .u' “UV.“ ptrgs..919° 3‘ â€WM 5°â€. #3». “W: Mesgrsl .L- â€a, ,H . .- A" E4 5‘. q" . «M .:{’\L ' l L8351"â€"""'- of Tbron’to,’ wen-'9 flab 311 m gt mowghé" Schd Mr. Wanna, returned last ham :1 month's vacation at m m Mfll nihit‘ion. Wm .- points, get tne,‘ put. rétilrppd t9 Lindsay on 9kg : ,mhoalhsï¬but ’01â€. ,1; ,on. ; ,vtheir Wm; Whit? ‘93 ,- ‘ ‘â€"'a,s 121‘ (hi! nation with trunk ofï¬cial.- ' v seek little ~30“ , was the wig-:1 in? T“; who few Callnghu. Quad-Idea street. a» non. GAINERâ€"At Fenclon Falls. on Tuesday. buy 211:. 1907. _to Hr. wd Mrs. S. S. Guiner. a aon. SHAMEâ€"0n Friday. - May 7 . 1907. to Mr. god Mn. Ernest Shape, Bond street. a non. SPIERâ€"At Franklin. on Friday. May 24th. 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. James Spier. a non. A WARRENâ€"0n Sunday, my 12th. to Mr. and Mrs. John Warren. of Ti:- FERGUSONâ€"GANNON.â€"At the res- idence o! the Nride‘s mother, on the 14th 0! fly. by Rev. '1‘. Smith. Mr. Robert Ferguson. of the town- ship 0! Sunhopo. to Mill Elim- beth. youngest daughter of Mrs. Rachel‘ Gannon. of Hmdon town- ship. M'ATTâ€"NOMHEY.â€"At sz. . Lulu-u. Rectory. on Thursday. May 23. 19021 by Rev. E. A. 14mm, M. IL. rector 0! St. Luke's church. Henry Arthur Wyatt. Peter-bore. to Rosanna, Northey, of’Veruinm. BATEâ€"In Lindsay, on Monday. May 27th, 190:. John Bate. aged 70 years ï¬nd 10 months. CALLAGHANâ€"On Wednesday. May 22nd. inlant son at Mr. and Mrs. James Culhghan. CLARKEâ€"On Thursday. May 16th 1907. at the family residence. 0m. townshdp Alexander Y. Clarke, aged 65 years. FITZGERALDâ€"In Lindsay. on May 28th. 1907. Mary Fitzgerald. wife of Wm. Lognn. HOLLINGSWORTHâ€"In Lindsay, on Tuesday. May 28th. 1907, Roland Leonard Holllngsworth. aged 17 years. 10 months and 20 days. ‘ law'me Toronto. on Manda-.1 ‘ May 27th. 1907. Herbert J. Little. i formerly of Lindsay. aged 37 years. McCLELLANDâ€"At 12 Gibson Ave.. Toronto, on Sunday. May 19th. 1907. Emma. McClelland. wife of Joseph McClelland. formerly of Kirkfleld and Peterborough. NIBâ€"At Bnfl'alo. on Monday. May 20th. 1907, Frank Nie. (brother of Mr. Geo. J. Hie. of Penelon Falls). POGUEâ€"AtIAItterworfll. on Wed- nesday, May 22nd, 1907. Martha Ellen, daughter of ~. William John Pope/aged 3r: yours. ‘ ‘ REAZINâ€"‘In Lindsay on4Friday. nEuaERAIE CASE or e GRAVE-Ii ‘Edsen man. aged 66 swa- WEBSTERâ€"At gggzdigg: 9w dale. Saskatchewan. 8 Marriages He at daughter. '7 “WWW,“ w“ h" 5"! “’0‘. â€r ' , "3331: its us'e: The result was truly h 'wm ‘h “M 1w0nderfu~L Almost immediately h» m 1%†w. h. .- , W to improve, and soon was able “3 “a %“ L to be out again. He 'appare-mly re- “ r m. - gained his own health and was able â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" ILo take up once again his old duties “m m lo; his large farm and to perform â€"â€" t em wit comparative ease and m U. WM m comfort. The improvement was par- m M W imanent. and he 18 Loâ€"gny apparently M II! â€I“. Just, a well u eVer. He gives all M “nu 9 .w.~._ the credit for his recovery, under â€.5 put at; End Buï¬lo emu "“de um- nun-L90 N11,!!! â€-43“. No Beneï¬t to Ouch. “ E" “(N 0-th Manila-IA 1%! {on-men gent W of WW tniausd‘ his neighbor. and vi? highly L NEW entire 00‘- .. Hi: can “untamed: vow .‘ lo «much. .ms W†at 9WM.W;inthept-nme_ lag-A on; 3:11“ Whitest of go I “fem dstof'it all. Visiting hm bl- mph’hkns man! and Wei: (and, . at the u ct about' which he would likd'y pass any), and, observing punt.) .dnpely his condition. it occurred to me tint Psychdne. which had been usodh m on hmiiy with wonderful re- tutu, might beneï¬t him. I strongly recommend!!! it to him, and he be- V --c. E. BI‘RRELL. r ' «.1 - "Baptist Pastor.†h. a: ‘ , “I have -†, jute statements made .M' Mr. J. ‘ braith, and Rev. C. 115. Burnefl“ â€Min-g the results of Mine me o! Psychine. I know both fmuemen personally and can heartily «endorse all that they have said. llr. ï¬odxuflur obu‘no'd‘ his supply of ’1?me at my drug score. saying jfrom time to time that it had done "him mod. I took an interest in his bait. and. noted steady improve» llmem. Altogether I sold him about 1815 worth. Psychine is having a big (run hem. and so far as 1 know, is beneflttod by its use. ; Mr. A. P. Law has been appointed 1Deputy Minister of the new Depart- mnent of Mines at Ottawa. {1:35; {x'scdmwith beneï¬cial! results. - "RALPH E. SCOTT, "Forest, May let, 1907." ‘ Mariposa. Court of Revision The Blackhill country in‘ South Dakota experienced a blizzard on Saturday. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Mariposa will meet as a Court of Revision in the Township Hall,‘0akwood, on MONDAY. JUNE 1‘0th. alt the hour of 10 o'clock 3.111.. to†bear and decide all appeals a inst {he «armament of said_TOWn- for 17. ~ . .. ‘ . .... J. B. “’ELDON. A. ' .' ' V '" ‘ Township Clerk. JAMES'I‘OWN EXPOSITION Now Open Saudi: 60-day and 30-day Tickets to NOI‘fOlk, Ya» Return On 80.]. My until Nov. 30 ‘t SPEC!“ LOW RATES Wide Choice of Routesâ€"Rail and Boat Fun inform-den at LII-4'9: 2'?†= 'r. c. Miiéheu. on Ken't Sc" J. W. C.P.B. Station. or mine. 8. Factor. D.P.A., C.P.B., Toronto. u 0.00.00...- umuuughn O. c mums a: GWArrH.'?Tf ‘ ‘1 .‘p , . ’ M is . prom!!- .moot-Ag‘noom â€" .â€" h 1 » m....v guru-00mm