- Iii†States. Canada and at to secure employment with . its Fromm“ more. And England , ‘Trade scheme. law. â€"' 7 from ather countries into ‘Gern! and the second Wm .JI to secure employment. And me mu: ral is simplj thié": Thin. Germany; with its Protective Tariff 333mm,; has work {or all, its people, , and more. And England, with its cFree‘: Trade scheme. must send her thous- ands'abroad to live. Proteetive Ta- riff Germany imports men agd, ex- ports goods : Free Trade England im~ ports goods and expoxits men. At the head of the Agricultural De- " partment of the Newcastle Indepen- '~ dent there is a striking paragraph Benjann'n Franklin’s is} The 93" 1 some from one 05 says on political economy, tract in question may bring cheer and upâ€"lift of spirit, perhaps. to our worthy tillers of the soil, and ‘ as this is particularly needed during this unfortunate weather, we pass the paragraph along :â€"“There seems. says Franklin. to be but three ways tor a nation to vauire wealth. The first is by war, as the Romans did, in plundering their conquered neigh-y borsâ€"that is robbery ; the second by commerce, which is generally cheat-q ing; the third, by agriculture, the only honest way, wherein mar.- re- ceives a real increase of the 500d: kind of thrown into the ground, in a. continual. miracle, wrought by the hand of God in his favor as a. re- ward for his innocent life and his virtuous industry.†Rev, C. E. W. Cusson. of the Uni: tarian Church, Ottawa, the other 0V2: ening made a striking comment. on a‘ recent sermon, given by an OttawaI minister, in which theatre-going was help up as anti-religiousand evil in its influence. After pleading for the. more and intellectual up-lifting of the stage, Rev. Mr. Cusson placed theatrergoing in a different light, and closed wieh these words which \Vear Men’s Wear Carpets Ladies’ “7 ear en 5 Wear [‘nrnets SUT CLIFFE’ LINDSAY 76, R) a gver 7O 76, 7Kent-s The 111$}:ng 7 Is Part 6f the Selling u We know this to be a fact and that’s one reason why we always try to give you the best“ possible value for your money. No matter' what price you pay for a. suit here there’s one thing you’ can depend upon' and that is the making is well done and we exact this from the maker. It’s the same in regards to materials and trimmingsâ€"they ‘must beof a. quality well worth the A--â€"â€"Aan‘ n+7 IUI‘ )UUL mUMVJ. -.V V - suit here there’s one thing you’ can depend upon' and that is the making is well done and we exact this from the maker. It’s the same in regards to materials and , trimmingsâ€"they ‘must beof a. quality well worth theffzg price we are going, to sell that particular garment at: Fit, is another important matterâ€"all men do not wear": the same cut‘â€"â€"there’s tall; slimmeuâ€"râ€"‘short stout menï¬fj‘é and others who are of ordinaryz'proportiorISLâ€"each'must have astyle just suitable to their particular ï¬gure. ‘ At I 1 this store you will ï¬nd_ garments to ï¬t a man as they should lieâ€"there’s only one wayâ€"a correct ï¬t. N ' ' Protective Tariff system )r all, its people, and England, with its {Fred Have you noticed the new garplentsâ€"their particâ€" ular cutâ€"hud such sï¬ylish materials. The cqats‘ate, somewhat longér than'ï¬ormer seasons, whiéh’iélahiee ideaâ€"in fact throughout'ï¬hel entiré suit {herein-l Kale touches of style that makes them very debil‘ï¬biéz‘ When you buy a. x'drthway‘ of Modamihmnd. SIB â€.bï¬â€˜t‘his store you can depend (m We being absolutely .Wt and splendid to keepiishape, which in pigiiémin M919 “419%;!9 91191179! 119119}! _ wall dmfluï¬ W n 99.9% M3111 .‘j: The Selling . of 0.116 Is Another n'lflb uu w: r--"- w,“ . ;- .xx Ch up} otWSé" 41Ҡ9' p ‘ min; .111er an L A-_.' .‘fndiï¬a bang-"â€3 man or g1; 1111'" (curse, one may welliexpedb -to ï¬nd a mouse hid behiiid the flour barrel. The Watchmanâ€"Watkr might, easily poke itout'ui'th a broom handle but what' 8 â€the Use ‘.’ The Object in call- ing attention to the fauliï¬ndmg tenâ€" dencies of our esteemed carte'mpomr'v was, if poss ble to stop this despicâ€" able habit of our contemporary of 111111; and everybodx lJx110¢king everyt t in this rem A decided improvemen spect is already evidenced in the col-1 umns of Our contempbrairy.‘ So‘ our purpose iwccomplished And so long as our esteemed comm. -1u1f1115 that one characteristic of its rodent mo- delâ€"being quiet as a. mouseâ€"it need fear nothing from The Watchman; lWander and its. big stick. , A11 arithmetic paper. 101‘ pot_terv dealers was recently suggested London Punch as follows? Mr. Thos Browm'igg, who keeps 9. china 31‘.) md crockery shop, has 1, 549 pieces upon his shelves. ’A lady ca1_l_s in the morning and bus two vases, "a. boy calls in the aftemodh and buvs g1 penh'y mug. . and 179'», .bull, passing dmyn- the streets, calls in {he evading. Mr.Brow1‘igg'ié W'ear- ing a red waistcoat. Stu‘te’ how many pieces of crockerv are 111 Mr. 112‘ ~'-â€"3 A: van Branrigg’ S k Commission has been ‘-a;ppoi«ntcd by the Alberta. GovernmenL to inves- tigate the gar shortage and coal mining edndi-ti'ons enn3' mug . and â€,9.“ bulls, ;.do“fn- the streets, calls in 'ehing."_Mr. Browi‘igg‘ié Wear- red waistcoat. nStwte,’ how pi‘éCes†of cracker: 3er 1;: 'Mr. in mg bldï¬fsayigg pbout shop 3 8%. 605,393 lady ca1_l;s in tnc 3 two wages a» boy ftemoo‘m and buys “It 3-3011}! oi wor- 1;: 'Mr En m duty Lotte the ful- to sh werev-zall thoughtgul and Interesuus and welare reproducing two of the paper‘s in this issue. The papeaLby Dr. Wilson, of Fenl'elon Falls; if“ a. fair am} impaptial treatment oï¬i‘the question of “Home Wot " and ia‘well worthy of the most. careful reading. It" will -be found on Page 7. ' Another splendid papetwas given by Mr. W. Hickson, of Bobcaygeon. He treated in an interesting way u. >question that Should be _considered by "U“ -~ n‘yoflv tmh. every parent. as v er. H'iS paper on EC Schools" Will er column. 1‘ Gnu-luv... by was semï¬ï¬f‘fï¬ï¬iï¬, I-‘E‘nrthfr-z: mention willwn next tween. 3 ml. oil-Monday afternoon _thc'~Presideï¬L 'ol the Associatiahrg weeâ€"iélflï¬iibéï¬ntt and yaluable alldress on ‘iPhg'siolo- gyâ€. or rather that branch of. the \subject which should rather, he . thought, he termed “Hygiene'f. Ile icmphazisud the necessity of a know- ledge and application of the law's oh “Hygiene", and. gaye many notewox- thy pointers on this subject. The election of ofï¬cers for the com- ing year for_the General Associationi resulted as follows '.-â€"‘ ‘ Presidentâ€"Mr. G. E.' Broderick. ‘ \ l Sec.-Treas.-â€"Mr. J. C. Harstone. Auditorsâ€"Messrs. 1.. R. Anders-30:.- » and C. D. Barr. Mr. J. H. Knight was elected toi 1 the Lindsay Library Board. ‘ The following ofï¬cers were elected to the East Victoria Teachers' Sec- tion 1-. President.â€"Mr. D. McFadycn. 1‘ Sec.-Treas.â€"-Miss Thomas. . Committeeâ€"Messrs. J. H. Knight, Miss. Fanning, Miss Malone): Mr. Mc- Donald; 7 . RepresentatiVes to ORAâ€"Mr. Bry- son. Omemee, and Miss Purdy. L a I SOD , A 'wide eircle of friends will learn: with great regret of the death in To- ronto or Mr, Herbert J. Little, har- nessmaker, formerly a well-known and .popular Lindsw‘citizen. The deceasâ€" ed lived practicall'yall his life here until two years ago, when he went to Torbnto and‘teok up residenCe there; I ' The deeeased;was a son of the late James Little. and at the time of his death was 37 years old‘. He had been in â€poor health for over‘a fear. ‘ A widow and' fear children in To- ronto, ind ‘two brothers and fthree sisters in the same city ai-e ameng t‘the near relatives, and tqghese 'will be extended the deepest! sympathy in their sad" affliction. ' ' - ALI- Linc-1 wu- “*7 The funeral will (Thhrsfday) morning ‘62: *th'e"art'iw'al of the 0.11.3 .trai'n'atlilAS.‘ Ipnerâ€" ment. will bé made in VRiYerside. Cem- etery.'Lindsay. Ther was a Valuedp ,member-, - cit» LtbeMethodist church-and the services Wilh'be con- ‘dncted-iby-Bev.â€""Hr. Phelps. ., ' take place this ‘ ' mam-'0: [yhelyn ’Mny ' ' ‘ "Webster, Gian‘dine ‘ harms the pastorate baffle“ ‘MrJ â€"â€" Ramon 31; use Lung mum cir- ow MAN mum; at: cm, she wiped with iï¬ï¬ï¬M at LY INJURM) NBA mmimw a: “-51%..Ehé-WQB ‘t mem- Chutes Beaters. an o 'mu‘u â€wwwyrgw: m. Wu gang: ‘1? u .Ghndine'. W. W ._,,. 1884, and-vdied'M' 18, '1907‘.‘ ‘KOf- an amiable disposition sum-endured her u-nm u.- -\, â€"_~_ - self to many and madedor 'hérselt ah host’ oi friends ‘ ., In the year 1904 sheâ€, attendee A1â€" M College in company with three minimising of her cousins. taking up must: paintingy in, which. latter subjett excelled, Mismmesafully her anmatiuns'm magnum ‘ ‘ 018' -n and other when: at m em,m parent as HERB. J. LIITLE DEAD 59% an interesting way u. Should be considered by as well as every teach- ‘ on “Manners in Pub- will he found in anoth- gins at. we swayâ€"u .-..- ,, andsheetssympathy willbeeand':.""@., ‘ ' - - - . . .. b" ,4 V . Wru‘ 3 . .i...‘ . i .the ed ‘0 the family and nearer friends . fliby in this“ > .‘ ‘ VERY SUCCWSFULv'AND PRO' ’3‘ch . ' 1’ ï¬e was" a native ,; FITABLE Gamma... gen of bBVMN: England. ‘ and w“ i S ‘ ‘ C . ‘ .. born 11,! theyear 1830. When only I‘lin‘ieoBrgnmcht acidic: w ' 0931006, t] jing- '. .A- r -' . fourteen years old he came .Qut ‘ ' weumodist crunch. ‘ ; mm. D: W. 1;} Canada. and settled ,in -_ where he worked icon 4 eries thereior several year-9;. given ll. which prevailed the en- Mr. J. Bate. . . . . had tire session. Following “115 were deceawd been ‘eamest prayers oflered by Mrs. (Benn) Mrs. Cornish. wank-1199391. W s the - . -r Landsav. and Gal-but. Cannington; -. 1‘ w Kim and amm ,horn v at church, W bid to rent - death “'95 â€"1 ill an Wmtet “Id. hi-S' 1 the tegrét most daily 8mm 5‘“ l eries I be c: “lawn“? " -'â€""V" ' {terwudsestablished the bai‘eï¬" â€'9' i whit?! he cantmued' to conduct “min at. , p -4-..“ gm When it w“ '81} -whd knew him. L But: Wâ€" ' . ' ‘ ‘. “ , , . ' ex“ Fomzteeï¬ emu were ï¬lled and a the“... mt ‘ SIRUCK BY ENGINE ‘numm mag-ed by 6 1‘0me in . Y ‘1 on Mummy. . , , "The ‘llwyer ‘ honesty u: r.. ‘hx Maxim. 'm' 0' the mm m m . .w the judgï¬ , late handout. flcxlnley. died at uni I“ ' .H m [I‘VJWW Brew- cnn. ohm. on Bums. mvm “m {L “In“. gnaw. “ho m» a hunt! to! we 30 MI!- ‘ my: he can: this m m a m! QM Mei V.†m ' m can» m? " W 0|th \ ‘ï¬ommdemM a m_.w awn: View at Mm“ , ‘ ‘ ' um ‘ age 99m?» ‘ i mum * J ‘ ~ _ » MW Wm MI .0 KW ' i mud male“ was 1“ ' ., MW 3 1““ s ‘h “42" V'fl'wmfl‘ m†â€have Wm 12W, m I'vvâ€" tourteenA .. ‘S'W’I'; Md he Canada. and set-fled . where he worked in c L 9 was a consistent Md b'e'r of Cmbridgve strec church. In politics he ‘ Iservative. Bel'V‘le c. Mrs. ‘Bate predeceaSed hcr husbangi in 1900. One daughter, Miss Annie Bate. at home," and three sons, per Bates Messrs. Alfred Babe and J as d Mr. Robert Bau‘. of of Lindsay. an viving child- St. Thomas. are the sur EX“ Th1 The funeral took place 0 day afternoon.- -and “as la tended. Rev. Dr. Bishop the services. and interment to Riverside cemetery. THE WATER COMMISSIONERS ROUTINE BUSINESS AND AC- COUNTS PASSED AT MON- DAY'S MEETING. There was a meeting of tn: say Water Commissioners on .day afternoon with Chairman Flavelle. and $5515. J. R. M and Thomas ‘Btddy and Mayor man present. an [In yu----. Routine accounts to the $89.99, including the wages for em- ployees, were passed and ordered L paid. amount of "77-..- nu‘wnn An application service from Mr. gra nbed. - unifyâ€"- A communic‘atiom from the Water- works Association of America. ask- ing the Lindsay Commission 'to join “the Association, and share in the beâ€" neï¬ts of the conventions and the freet achice of their expert sanitary sen- gmeers, etc.. was laid on the table†Mr. Steers asked a rebate on his account as he said ha-had not had .oe'neï¬t of the service during _two months of the winter as there was a "freeze-up'.’ on his line. V ‘ Mr. Beall also asked for a better service. In regard tothewlatter. Su- perintendent Hammond said that a ALA; I.â€".. Mr. Beall also asked for 6. better éervioe. In regard tO‘the'dflttor. Su- perintendent Hammond said that a half-inch pipe was usi-d on that lmc and that it wasn't large enough. to give the required force and suppl). ‘l‘hg Commissioners. instructed the Superintendent Lo..examine into the ‘ case. Mr. Hammond asked that the men in the employ of the Department be; allowed to 3 stop working at 5 o'clock p.m. Saturday. 'i‘ne su- perintendent pointed out that nearly all laborers noxv-a-adays were given that privilege. The matter was left in Secretary Ray's hanos, with bowâ€" er t6 ‘act. Superintendent Hammond reported 1:th the ï¬lters had been cleaned out,; and four more inches 01 good sand placed in them. He also said that the whole system 'would be flushed out in aflew days. ‘ V _ Mr; Westcott asked for a rhtetor a s’ervice in his pasture. in the south .ward‘lo be used for watering ten VCommisaiqnet-s ï¬xed â€the . -., 7m {if as: W» a- as; imam b Lu yâ€"Y dvr~ . .A , _, yen ' ' ' Old he (Same .qut tcr 1a. and settled ,in -_Port Hope; 2 he worked inane olï¬the bak- diet-9401‘ several year... 1111859 A â€"“-â€" of- I Win-“.â€" , upright character made >opular and (sawed by cw him. For many years :ousistcnt and valued mem- 4...â€... ntrect Methodist the deceased Lrs. J. R. McNeillie r and Mayor \'roo- for ordinary 1).. Eagles†of LmdSG-Y» w place on Wednes- waS large‘." at- Bishop conducted yam-3.. 1111859 and shortly af- of the. Lind~ 'g on Mom was made‘ “'8". er t “£1 and w “i“! we; ““5â€?†"wâ€: 5 m m._wuly.. W “7' V m‘, in†no ellw'v-IIâ€"v "' Mty w“ 10““ very.' Inch ‘ lard.“ who and win: he ‘1': i mSellel‘Byit w. cease-2‘ 4"“ W selling small Pietw' 9 had tho-notes in'lï¬s pocket ct the’ “m†m the accident; «no paper-â€â€œ5 . _ .. _,__u.:..-rh.nne'ned" to fly: Mayday-1.. 3.5; (Sinai. But ‘1 . .. ' 19 of intï¬nsirigwg down the pm“ *5 urc w-v-uv Earnest prayers onered by Gal-but, Cannington; MI Little Britain ; Mrs. D. Mrs. (Reva) Brown. _ Miss Richardson. of O ‘ ~ 11:. guruâ€".7 Gut-hut. Cannington; Mrs. mum»... Little Britain; Mrs. D. W. King and Mrs. (Rem Brown. _ , H e * Miss Richardson, of Oakwood, pre- ‘sxde'd at the organ. Miss V, Comm, 40! wine. was gppoinhed Surreal-y. “and read the minutes 01 the last an- nual meeting, which were adopted. A‘ good representation of delegates Won: the diflerent/ Auxiliaries and “Minion Bands were in attendance. [The main feature of this session was ‘the_business. being the reports from the Auxiliaries and Band‘s. which} the 915t Psalm, gwin’g some good thoughts in connection with‘im This exercise we; closed with prayer by 4A....A Little Britain. the penance of the sinner was felt, and the expression. of all the testimonies was that ,grcgter work “might be accomplished. ' The warm address of welcome giv- en by Mrs. M. Webster. Oakwood, was 'msponded to by the SeereLary. ‘Ml‘ï¬. (Rem) Webs}.er. of the Presby- terian Church. gave kindly greetings“ In 'her remarks she referred to the 1101119 work being done through the W. 1!. Societies of our home church- cs. whose members .re imbued with a wonderful faith that our miQSionarics are able to cope with the difficulties they have to contend with in foreign lands -‘ n-_--.-Olnn Mrs. M‘illoy favored the Convenuon winks. recitation, eflective la its sentiment. "BiiSSions and Results," was the subject of an excellent. paper given by Mri. (Rena) Moore,‘ of Little Britain. She stated, that in order to becomel interested in a cause. Study “Is acc- esaary. So in mission Work; “’v is essential. we study, we imd‘. then†we love the cause which‘ (“133‘ in. foundation in the Saviour's injunc- uon to His disciples. “Go into an 4m- world and preach the gospel to >every‘ creature." She reviewed the “'0 k of all our minions. both home an abroad. showing the “valuation; and prosperity of the work. ‘ The election of ,, District Organizer for the ensuing year resulted in the majority vote being viven to Mrs. Prouse, who accepted, subject. to the branch meeting. , A J i--- The Question Drawer. opened by Mrs. (Rein) M. E. Wilson. of Duns- ford, «as very helpful and instruct- ive. some excellent points being brought Out along the line q: systemâ€" atic giving. Prayer was offered by Mrs. (Rein) Gsrbut,=tlms closing two sessions of helpful, proï¬table work.l leaving the delegates the riclnr in} faith and Spirit for having ntbended.‘ , The evening meeting was premdedl OVer by Rev. '1‘. Brown, who, after! a. few opening remarks, called upon? Mrs. (Rev.) Wilson. for her address \on. "Woman's Work for, Woman." She gave a, description of the inferior‘ position. the degradation and slav- lery, to which they are subjected to. in- the different heathen countries; and what the GOSpel and Missionary are dging for them. , . . Rev. D. R. Clare give nu sd‘dress on Missions. its opportunity. its de- velopments. and its needs. ] ‘ Mr. Miiloy gun a well rendered recitation. and the Ochoa! â€choir furnished the. music. _ . ‘ ‘ Thuévcloied . gopq convention spiritually and ï¬nancially. " Hr. ’1‘. Butler. 9 wtmn sopr- Must Hdied at Stanford hugt week A‘ ...;.l n. General News in Brief cred the Convention ,3. eflectiw 1p its i)“; am: (Ravi? Mrs. Cornish. ), w. King and r_,_-ï¬ we bow?!" right The season's am 'aqd most fashionable mandala; ,mi course and ï¬ne weaves; blacm that will stag black and colors that retain t eig- beau‘ty‘ such as¢ . new, grey" green, f cham . mauve, btpwns and names. n_- ’l‘I-Am 51.50 um $1.75 The bride to be can easily be suited from our excellent range Opposite the Post Oflce ciation of the United Sashes is rais' ing a fund to ï¬ght what they call "industrial oppression/fl fund will be $1,500,000. The Irish Nationalist Comention at mm: 3.8th weekvotod to rejecz Birrcll' s ifish Council Bill. George Poore, l you-s 'old wan crushed to death under a barn door _at Phttsvule. - Y: . Fort William and Port Arthur harbors were again blocked with ice last week. Bank of Montreal Statement of 'a highly satiéhcbo‘ry character. showing that Camda'a leading bank had a. most proï¬table half year. Proï¬ts {or that period. after deduct.- ing charges of muteement and mak- ing full provision for bad and doubt- ful debts. amounted (08982368, as compared with net. proï¬ts of $840.- 562 for the corresponding period of last year, an increase of $142,296. iWith the balance of proï¬t and" loss [on October 31. 1906. of $159,831, there was a total of $1,142,689. from‘which was paid in dividends The general statement. shows that the rest. now amounts to $11,000,- 000. as compared with $10,000,000 last year. DePOBita at. the close of the hut-you- totalled $180,881,130. an rnmnnnnd, with 3110346382 at on October 31. 1906. of $159,831, there was a total of $1,142,689. from‘which was paid in dividends 3,790,000, leaving a balance of pit)- ï¬t and loss carried forward oi 8422,- us commred with $110,646,982 at the corresponding date 0!, last year. an increase 9! no less ‘ï¬ia‘n 4320.- 235.148. Cell md short loans in Great must and the United sums totalled 837305.937. as . compared with 823.301.543 on the correspondâ€" ing date of lutyeu, an immune oi 813.004.6014~ Current loans and dis- count: In Canada. end elsewhere ’on April 30 â€and!“ 31m.m.334.° as with 891,588,871 on the corresponding date of last war. an increase of 812. 933 m. an indie.» Hon 0! the marked esmanslon of bu:- I "The lawyer ‘ Immty in mm bu m ' . M the guano I“ II .†m [~me Brew» CM: ‘ AW lunacy. To mâ€" «Wm-2mg! National mhufucturer'g Asga- g'wwï¬fm mi mérket v aluesf’ neg: we: â€11 at small proï¬ts, .. .» r: - of the beaupy, vangty M - tellyou again in now l1; it? £37wa; who Wants mm thmgmn oftheocma-terials, 0mm mar dressy cloth is an “N : cred voile afï¬ne sauna "ï¬xture pretty shadesand ofm‘ f m.,-and champaigmmu into handsome gownsand .. m “1.95 The $1.35 cloths 5;â€; ' . ‘dn’s novelty tweed 3% hhdrthe coiorings and pat are th‘eatest we've cvmho?‘ At $1.50 and $1.75 youma t1); best value in broaddo‘ possible to obtain, new bro“ néviés and blacks. Eachom‘ Mary and no two ain‘t-,- ‘sulu for all Occasions a. 250 to $1.50 Whether the very low pm: Jap "wash silks at 25c or Q chy dressy kmds you want. have them in -splcndid Chm Fancy white bfocadcs, POE dots, £129.. 27 ins. wide. angst , 50m: 75c black . and white“ bltie and white check :35“ at New black and white check ang plaids. 111 good qualitysg taï¬'eâ€"ta at...... Guaranteed black taffeta, 1 ins. wide at $1.00, also 36M blackmï¬eta for ccats, dream etc. Ask to see them and we’ll show many more. he Was am. sure. am. mums- ‘ jury straight in 111» face, said. "k: you 1’" The defendant was acquind, hand afterward the real criminal '5 ’demcted and punished. How am Would have been the conduct aim laWyers ! Some would have satin vto lead the judge into wchnicaie‘m with . View to an appeal w “1%“ court. Others wmfld have W hoarse intdonunciation of with?! decrying the lack of positive 16% many and the marvelous \‘irmdt‘ reasonable doum The 51ml straightforward way of Lima {backed .by' the conï¬dence of the 1(- ! won Thirteen Mumoma ing in Toronto his the terms of the H} or Commission mm Ontario Power (‘0. DR, WILLIAMS‘ BROI'GHT In 010Ҡor m2. Thoflsands at E" have pale. WM)- mmg headachwu smug; Sum-W- able to sleep I """ arung; the." “1'" and the heart 3'35 the least cxt‘l'li‘" and it may 010â€â€œ unless proml'UE' ‘1 min means 7 “0"." lm' pink I’lli bloodâ€"that's 1hr ceu. Kiss “in" Que., 58381â€"4 " run down lhu'. ’11) â€was going int.) 0 M color. 1 m s‘rl Bhflh i pm pm." .i â€f. mum“; 1‘ blood and gt Um rum t V (I. “mm m V'mw‘ 6M“ 0th“ Ã©â€˜ï¬‚ï¬ uh um. ‘mu v .0 Dr. Williams" "‘ N “mm for a ‘ taming swd “ W \M NH M I ‘ \ pa“: ‘ and *“ PALE AS A CORPSE Munioimlitk 603 and, ‘Ookmg . m “h r growing HC LINDBH yac “dies the)’ 3“ mrveS 3/“ Pill! s at: 1 Rd id consm1v 10. up 'u'ic P0" Dr. pufel ii A : MW *3 {our to three -Over fouii hundred ann ï¬z‘u numbers of the Knight 5 (‘ Wrough on. Fridav. “accession being the cxmnph: 4w upon 1. “'0 candid-Mm “tom Idesm “on prvs‘n n1 newâ€"r . receipts for nlc W to issue my subscriptions paid to him a «WC. ale in onders for printing ,ï¬ sewn; gum (if the mm c. postponed on account 1 mat) of Peterboro players albition page was planed rr‘sl h ; victory for Omemec. lhv I‘m intonaand :Ven. wagon Way; Archdeacon M'Zispropriate. aha-Inspector Knight will it implant made to hbm u Rina ~15, sub-section 8, of 1 V W Act, against thu m $1 meeting held in s. W. June 5th, at In ‘ “‘3; larger SChOOlhOUSv l i" ‘3 “was burnt down \omo‘ MO. menu? of op: ninr w liflcmnt {warm-s m8 to that is most ad "Mn...“ 3" ‘10 resuming the building x W, Eenekm and Sturgcun on lay 10th, at the huildmg M .51 school in said 50mm: ï¬tfle Local Line â€33- Some are in favor u H I new school on the «4-11 â€mm accommodau- 1 ml: at the seetion, w-shxl 1 “It two smaller schools shm W at different points was have been held ahou w. and after the ï¬rst ~ “on was taken to 1h.» yJ authidx culled forth 1h.- . - This second meeting nod of and it is to .0 ‘5 latter and hear me ï¬e Inspector “ill huldj nu Wednesda\ ‘ â€Wanna-m hat pun! ‘ WHO!) for its pup 1~1 “9 “hoped that the meme â€I â€filed 5.0 that a m \I â€.0 “3' sdxools. may he Whic- Mctoril which 'was most market 1 B '* Suits‘ Were P†O‘Conno e was Case." ~ C 3.80." 3318“ 01' pru-a [1" June 18!. . their eight! souvenir of you been h‘ urns; will inVc bin) “ml: L 0f 1“») frion‘ W8! of tic