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Watchman Warder (1899), 6 May 1908, p. 7

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all xinds of at this one. eavy kid, ex« olid leather. ‘9 "A" 6) 1m. 1???? 1.75 risi-ons of this vary conviction 2 :of the‘peace. Jty of not 1a. m‘ p itvnt volt bright. lvather Mg a medium rm- top Q ‘n Men's 33. 50 Patent Boot at at $2 :ents. “Stat M ma] b'jr' m= r: ualities Greece Shoes ayr 3.50 As was stated in last night’s Warder Mr. J H. Carnegie, M..PP., for East Victoria, has resigned. It is now learned that MrfCameg-ie has berm appointed to a. good posi- tion at. Osgoode Hall, Toronto, _and he will attend to the distribution Mail and Empire: Mr. J. H. Carâ€" negie, of Toronto, representative in the Legislature for the constituency of East Victoria. has been appoint- ed distributor of law stamps at Os- goode Hall, succeeding the late Dr. J as. McMahon. who died recently. Mr. Carnegie enters upon his, new and sale of law stamps for legal documents at a salary of about $1,- 800 or $2200 _a year. Mr. Carriegie will succeed the late Patrick O'Brien at Osqoode Hall. The convention at Halibut-ton will bé held on May 11. ONE OF OI DES MEMBERS. J. H. was educated at the Peter- boro High School, the Guelph Agri- cultural College, and in Edinburgh, Scotland. When Hon. Nelson Mon- teith was defeated at the recent Do- minion elections, Mr. Carnegie’s name was suggested as his succes- sor to the position of Minister of Agriculture. Mr. Carnegie for years has been an extensive land-owner in Haliburton county, and owns 'a large ranch in the vicinity of Cob- oconk, which has-been rented during the past three years or so. The subject of this .short sketch was first elected to represent East Victoria at the general elections ‘in 1894. and was 're-elecbed as stand-1 (lard-bearer at the general elections of "1898, 1902, 1905 and 1908, (the last by acclamation). Mr. Cnmegie decided to mix-n ow- ing to personal reasons. He wished to be relieved oi the burdenoomo po- sition. but it was with a. great deal of reluctance that the executive com- mit-lee accepted his resignation. While he has been the repmentative in l-lnxt Victoria that riding has pro- gwwl and iWiVM subotnntiai ns‘ sistanee in the improvement. line. Several roads haw been put in ex- cellent condition. and new ones built while new hrldgas have been built. and others repaired. / John Hilliard Carnegie was hour at Peter-bore on May 24, 1865, and is the only son of the late J 01m Cab negie. who in his day, was member for West Peterboro from 1867 to 1871. and again in 1883. his constituency, and the constitu- ency itself, won for him a. host of friends. with the result that al- though his riding has been contested by the Liberals, Mr. Carnegie's ma- jority increased at every election, and at the recent election he was one of the few members of Parlia- ment in the Dominion to inure the honor or being elected by acclamau tion. In 1905 Mr. Cameg‘ie‘a ma- jority numbered in the hen hund- mg, the popular member, Hr; John Hilliard Carnegie hevmgtendenedhzs resignation. the same M W by the executive committee ol the cu..semtive Association of .East Victoria, at a meeting held in the village of PenelOn Falls Thursday; Mr. Carnegie has been the member for East Victoria for fifteen years and his resignation will come as a, surprise to the majority of the elec-' tors in that riding, althoughit Was known that he was inclined to hand in his resignation some time ago: The electors of the riding will also regret to hear that their member has l decided to quit politics, for always”.- was Mr. Carnegie a, worthy member, one who won the respeCt and admir- ation of Conservatives and Liberals alike. His bland, courteous and cheerful disposition, and his ever-l willingness to help the electors . l Ayer’s Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. It does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever thenext. It is notastrong drink. yNo reaction afteryou stopusingit. There 15 not a drop of alcohol In it. You have thesteady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic and W Wemshyouwouldaskyourdoctoraboutthis. Hegi Does Not Stimulate â€"Mrs. William White and her daughter, 'Miss Pearl, are in Port Hope attending the. Mitchell-Garbett nuptials. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morton have returned from Adrian, Mich” where they spent the past couple of months visiting friends. â€"Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M.P.P., was in town today on his way to Fene- 1011 Falls. ' â€"Mr. J. Levinson, jr., of Mont- real, was in town to-day on busi- ness. â€"-Miss Nellie Robinson. of Can- nington. is visiting her friend, Miss Mary O’Neill. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson, of Fenelon Falls. were visitors in town yesterday. â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan, of Oakwood. were in town yesterday on business. â€"Mr. W. A. Dean. manager of the Bank of Montreal. Oakwood, was in town last evening. ain, was ness. â€"Mr. James Shore, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bur- nett for a few days. ' â€"MiSs Ellen .Martin sister, Mrs. Godfrey, a few days. â€"Mr. and Mrs. R. Arksey, of Fe- nelon Falls, were in town yesterday. -Mr. James Capstick, of Bobcay- geon, is in town for a. féw days. éMr. ‘J. McMillan, of Lorneville, spent yesterday in town. â€"Mr. B. J. Goughwvas in Toronto to-day on business. ago, are: Sir James Whitney, Hon. Mr. Matheson, -Hon. Mr. Crawford, and Mr. C. A. Brewer. , i“ accepted. and a writ for a new else. .,tiOn issued. The nomination for ’ the bye-election will take pm. " .at' i Fendon Falls. on Tuesday, Kay 11, r» and the election will be held mic ; week later \; ‘5“MrCa1-nagic was an 0111.11.31! -highly respected member of the Leg islature, ” said Sir James Whitney yesterday, after making the an- nouncement. ” His father was also a representative of one of- the Pe- terboro’s for several years. lHe has always stood high.in the estimation of his fellows. Since we came into‘ power he has been chairman of the ,public accounts committee. ” Mr‘. Carnegie was one .9} the ‘ five oldest members of the Legislature. In 1894:11e was j'retumed to.‘repre- sent Basil-Victoria. with a. majority of 72, and since that time'no'other name was nien'tioiied at the: éonven- ‘tions,_and. his majority rm to 1,- 100. I Last year he was eleéted by acclamation. His home was in Co- boconk until last year, when he moved to Toronto with the inten- tion of living here permanently, and retiring from political life at the close of the present term of the‘ Legislature. The niembers of the House who were members when Mr. Carnegie was first elected, 15 years Mr. , From Thursdav’. Daily. today. at a Personals P. Prouse. of Little Britâ€" in town today on busi- is visiting her Peterboro, for â€"-Dr. Frost, of Kinmomrt. spent Saturday in town. ' â€",Mr. D. J. Hearse; of Woodvi-lle, ml in town swanky “tending the â€"Mr. Cecil Carle Forsyt'he was in Fenelon Falls to-day. -â€"M-ajor Staplet of Lin‘ord, was a visitor in town on Saturday. â€"Mr. C. D. McCafirey: of Omemee,' spent Sunday in town with friends â€"Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans, of Yel- vex-ton. were in town on Saturday. -Mr. Mulcahey, of Baptiste Lake, is in town for a few days. ' â€";Mr. J. H. Brunk, of ‘Millbrook, smSunday in tow. _ . J. H. Rue, of Whitby. was‘ . visitor in town on Saturday. From Monday's Daily â€"Mr. Thos. Stinson, of Toronto, spent Suxiday ixi town. ' --Mr. Walter Innis, of Cobpconk, is in town for a few days. â€"Mr. A. '1‘. Adams, of Milkbrook, and Mr. William Adams. of Toronto, were in town to-day attending the funeral of their father, the late Wil- liam Adams. â€"Karl A. Souers, of Huntingdon, Indiana, a well-known horseman, is a. guest at the Simpson House. â€"Mr. and Mrs. William Holtorf and Miss Agnes leave for Toronto on Monday morning where they will reside in the future. -â€"Mr. J. J. Leddy, an old Lindâ€" say boy, now in Ottawa, has suc- cessfully obtained honors in history at Queen’s University. â€"Mr. A. Kennedy returned to Latcthrd, New Ontario, this morn- mg. â€"Mr. Alber't Murtha 19ft for Cal- gary this morning, where he will take up land. -â€"Mr. Albert Thompson, G.T.R. tie inspector of Belleville, is in town for a few days. â€"Mr. J ack Ross left. for Barrie this morning. 'â€"Me§rs. H. Coad and D. Smith, of LOrneville, were in town to-d-ay. â€"Mr. W. C. Moore. of Bobcays'eon. was in town to‘d’ay. ' â€"Mr. A. Atchesorn, of Highland Grove, was in town to-day. --Mr. Taylor Park-in, of Cameron, was a. visitor in town to-day. â€"Mail and Enpire: Mr. Flavelle and the Misses Flavelle will return from abroad in J tune and go to their country house for the summer. â€"Misa Kate Tangney has returned from Peterboro. where she spent the past few weeks visiting friends. 1â€"Port. Hope Guides: Miss Pour] White. of Lindsay. is visiting with Miss Belle Garfat. Wo.iton-at. â€"Mr. Milton Bruce. traveler for R. M. Real Leather (20.. is in town for a few dtys. ‘ ‘ - i r. m In Edward Hmnton. are waiting hr mother. .‘lra. R Storm Magnum-at" Port. Hope‘ â€"Hr. AlberbAahmore. of the King Edward hotel. was in Toronto yea- bordmv on business. Jlu Lib» chdunl. of Tomato. in visiting her tut. Mrs. Geo. A. Little. Cambridgeuat. â€"Miu Hen Hiddleton bu Iccept- 0d 3 position with Dre. Neolmds 8; Irving. dentin“. -m-. Namesake. of m-onto University. ‘is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sharpe. Fair-ave. 7 -â€"Hr. and Ira. Hilliard Hogan of Toronto. are visiting Lindsay Mend: for u few dayu. ronto, were House to-da: â€"Hr. Jan; Hudgins, of Picton, was in town to- day , spent the pest couple at weeks at- teuding a. meeting of the University council. . --Hr. - Jack Cook, of Ogddhburz. and Mr. and Mrs. T McConnell, of Lindsay, were in town owing to the illness of their mother, Mrs. Joseph 0001:. â€"Port Perry Star. - * -Miss Mabel Hodgson, soloist singer in the choir 0! Canon Cody' a church, Toronto has returned home after visiting the pest week with: Mrs. Robt. Naylor, _Colborne-stf ' From Friday's mm: â€"l[r. Peter Morrison, of ArgyLe was in town to-dey , - Mr Frank "Cei'ew was in Fenc! an 1 ans Natal-day. ‘ Fullg this morning. tourist: bot ain- (Dr.) 00-116;th in let- ' I! musty ill ~~ ‘ ‘ â€"-Ir. Culeton Wax-net Ian toâ€"day for Vancouver, where he has accept- ed a position. His friends extend best wishes for his success. From Saturday’s Daily. . J. H." Hogs and wife, of To- '. ‘37. Fox, at Toronto,’was guests at the Benson â€"Mr. Sam. Ferguson left for Ool-' borne this morning, where he has accepted a position. â€"Mr. Walter Smith, 0.,L.S., is home from Cobalt, where he is en- gaged in surveying work. â€"Mr. Ivan MacDonald left for Collingwood this morning, where he will reside in future. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosebury. of Coboconk, were in town on Satur- day. ' â€"Mr. Glinn Sowers. of Huntington Indianna. is in town for a few days. He is a. wellfknown horseman. -â€"Mr. W. E. Bottnm. of Indium Head. is visiting friends in town for a few days. ’ â€"I[r. E. B. Olaooymroprietor’ of tm VWfl-ling‘ton hotel, Guelph. is town to-day on business. â€"Mr. Wm. Mom-that. o! melon Falls, Was a visitor in town Satur- day. â€"Mr. G. C. “tampon. 0! 1!:- bridge. spent Sunday with his pu- onts in town. Jr. J. W1. of Woodville. we. in town on Seturdny “tending: z the horse show. 41‘. end In. D. Helium». of Hellburton. spent Seturdmy in town visiting friends. Jr. Jock McDonald on old Lind- say boy. of 8.9.8.. Toronto. spent Sundey in town with friends. Jinn Eileen McCrohnn left for Toronto this morning to visit with friends. l l \ Make Things Grow Spring is here and right now is the time to moire things grow. The trees and bushes need pruning. the deed limbs should be token 011', and the garden and lawn will amply repsy you later on for a little attention now. Good workmen use good tools, and those are the only kinds we carry. Let us suggest garden barrows, garden and lawn rakes, spades, sped- museum. KEJNa'm-Rfim AMERICAN “ a, FENCE D. GIN N AMON Hardware and Stores, Lindsay Call and see the fence and got prices. WWW C Viz. b“‘-‘“WM”m Spring is here and right now is the time to make things grow. The trees and bushes need pruning. the deed limbs should be taken oil‘, and the garden and lawn will amply repsy you later on for as little attention now. Good workmen use good tools. and those are the only kinds we curry. Let us suggest garden barrows, garden and lawn rakes, spades, sped- ing’forks. shovels, garden trowels, pruning shears and sews, spray pumps. Briefly, everything to make the lawn, garden and shrubbery besutiful for the coming ye er. EEEEEEEE GENERAL ' HEROHANDISE OPENING rAcmRvg OMEMEE PAGE 8m W3 ' 10.!

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