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Watchman Warder (1899), 13 May 1908, p. 11

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MAY 13, 1909 yuu. â€" 891110 I you afiord >ms appeal" ‘ of mercury lj.'~they may 'ience in the to prescribe we all blood ing no bad hod Treat- >d, heal up >ains, fallen ads will re- patient will All c3504 eed a cun- r for trade Drone to lose that {mand- nd - through acerss try to fill bueiness a succcssful lticn htnurprofit ‘f’nur clothâ€" xcr mid one we’ve satis- rhnm we'vé ads for this wearer gets he pnvs for. flue ney Men as F RE E reputation 1'0 me Brand ” Ientury” o t hin g ‘ay. erI I hereditary l the virus 36 system. 5 ago. but hing . MP MW T. C. STEPHENSON. "You see me on the public plat- form for the first time in my life,” said the above gentleman. Mr. Ste- phenson said he had n01! solicited his nomination. He would suggest that The convention put on record theap- I-mciatiOn for Mr. Carnegie. He also stated that Mr. Balfour would make e‘x‘e'n a. better man to represent the riding than he would himself. DR. MASON. "It’s 15 years ago since I became iu'uimi me well on many (“Tu- » .mdi hau'e met and talked In L|.\li_\’ of you in my office. I am 1.4m outsider, but am one of your \ lint. fric-nds. Lindsay is the point of this riding. and the :‘va-utatixe should live in Lind- my 11‘ \ou can see \our “ay clear Iu (hit me I will be the proudest "run in Ontario, and if you don' t I utill ready to standby the old 1"! I‘ty. No matter who is elected you “111' find me doing 3.111 can ih the h}'-roads of this constituency for the man who is elected to represent .. hf; All the candidates took places on fhu platform and signed the afore- said pledge. with the exception of up Harden. and consequently his mum was struck off the list. shall be dropped on the third bal- lot. and that on each subsequent ballot that the candidate réceiving the lowest number shall be dropped until some one candidate shall re- cehe a majority. The nmnination 0f candihates then took place with the above result. pRM‘I‘ZDI'RE OI" BALLOTING. )Imod by W. Hickson, Bobcaygeon “com; by Edgar Covert, Cardiff, the the candidate who only received thr‘d‘ votes at the first ballort shall be dropped on the second ballot, and that the candidates who only re- ceive ten votes on the second ballot The minutes of'previous meetings were then read and Confirmed, after which the delegates from the Various districts reported themselves pre- of the convention. Jlr. Lowry isthe YiL‘C‘pI‘L‘Side'nt of the AssociatiOn. Mn. LowIZV stated that he was pleased to we suvh a large turnout of delegat- ant 11 2.111111111111111 111111111 1-111 1111. “f . 1 .. ‘* .~.. . am no, .1. ‘ -. “tag-g “691 23 3‘11“ 1111“1‘i-11111Â¥17’313Ҥ1§%43 W MW £31m WMM mas 11111 1111111 :11! 1,111 111111111113'asai1ummy._ "ham 3 Wm, M ‘1'; “111,111,111 .1.” . 1111111111 1111111213 513% gm; W3 3% W, 1% ta; 1‘ 1 11 11'“ 1.1111111111111111: ,1 km $329M gaammmm», wk 1 1.1 11;,1. 1; {1.111111 11-111 11111111~111|wx§¥$ 95% mg hm mag 91% mt ‘ 1111; 1111-1 11113.1; 1111.11, 11111111191 Hfit \-k%t%% Wm m mam. m . 1-1111 111 1514‘ ‘ 11.1.1 11;: 1111.{7$w1$%%;.a9.s%§ $913 «mm gang sam- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 Maw. 1 3w- My? m. 1% Wm we. ,. , . ‘? my ME M‘- % mm m- 43 2191mm: .1 x» u x mm“. MM We»? New «WWW w W M- PWWV. 53319 ii 9191919121- stmsimm- #7911 WWW-Wt X%%\‘-§ 1! 111 cnul‘fw gm.- up his RSI-SYWQW mm £9? m ngt-mh'g ..\ Ewe-um: lnsgim‘tol'. and wwm 9mm, amt whgm'gti mg ggnq'tqgtg .« H5 vntire st-L'Via‘es tr: thchmgw 21¢} “in st“; q“ my hag-1kg ' and the riding- “1 “'ouldiwqu- I walks: the mmnsibili’tx 9i. it a great honor to be the1‘being a candidate. {gr East Victoria, cwzxmtixo for East Victoria. un- but let the hmqr be for a resident of :‘m- imst and most progressithhe constituency.” rmmnt we ever had in Ontario. 1 _ c lixod in the constituency all! DL§CAN TOLk‘lE'. 111 and have taken a deep inter- Mr. Tolnue was doubttul 15 a man 1n municipal matters. 1 havoxcould be secured to fill Mr. Carneg- in the county council and waslie’s place as well as he had done. “Arden. 11‘ you think I am the “Ot for t“'° years at least. ”I, like 1mm I will do my best to merit the ”St 0f the speakers, have been a 1, but if you think an~ long resident in this riding and have .1111“ “.1” do hotter, thon elect worked long ‘for the party. I. hope ft, Conservative Convention THURSDAY, MAY 13, \ NI‘IDATFS HENRI) man ~ kk’fl‘fifi'fifiY: WSW“ 533's“ H? mm : "AW: gm. HE Ms. m:- mswtmz and Wm miré serVi-ces tq the c riding. “I wqukl Named that fm‘ 7‘5 a ham ream“) in We mun had more friends the county. ”\‘uu of the other gentlemen. This selecâ€" tion has come to 'me voluntarily. and T will do all [can for the con- stituency.” (.‘OL. SAM. HUGHES, M.I’. “Mr. Gordon,” said the Colonel. “has announced that he will be in the election contest for East Vic- toria. I don’t know why, except that he is president of the English Land 00., but my services, D'r. Masâ€" on, are at your comman .” S. J. FOX, M.P.KP. “I am glad," said Mr. Fox, “that you have settled the nomination in such a good manner. You had lots of good men to choose. from, and you havemade a. good selection. Mr.‘ Carnegie and I have had our diner- A Committee was appointed to draft n msnlution of appreciation for the amp manner in which Mr. 0.1L Carnegie had mpmsehtpd thn mn- stituehnh and rnr‘wam the same in Mr. I‘mmvgw. JOHN A LDOU S . "Another farmer,” was the rmnark that Mr. Aldous was greeted with. He stated that he had alwa.\'s boon a. good 'I‘nry, but he was not hank- ering for the position. Mr. Tolmie was doubtful ifa man Could be secured to fill Mr. Came;- ie‘s place as well as he had done. not for two years at least. "I, like the rest of the speakers, have been a long resident in this riding and have worked long ’for the party. I hope it will be a good selection, and if it is to he a good selection, you will pick on me. However, I have decided to withdraw from the field, but will give my hearty support to the lucky D man. ’ J. H. DELAMERE. Mr. Delamere said that he was pleased to appear before the conven- tiOn in excellent company. I am well known to most of you, and have liv- ed in the constituency for over thirty iyearsi and have been an active work- ‘er for the party and am prepared/to give you my very best support. I am a candidate from the experience I have had in the past. I have a strong claim upon your suffrages. I was not born in this constituency, but in old Ireland, but I-have lived in Canada nearly all my life. I may not he as swift to run, or as strong to lift, but I am as clear in mind as Iever was. We have the best and, most practical Government the Pro-3 Vince ever had. I submit myself to( you and pledge myself not only to' support the successful candidate. but 1 go home andbe a good Tory as l have alWays been." . meas secretary, saying that 17:71am done the work well. I will leave this matter entirely in your hands. You know whether?! have done my work well or not. If I deserve the recogni- tion, well and good. You all know me, or have heard of me, and you: know what I am. If you think I am. a fit person to represent you, all right, and if not, I am satisfied.” secretary of this Associationfi’ the doctor} “and 1 have asRed to relieve me of the position s times, but you‘persisted in RI andI hope G. A. BA'LMJR will get along equally THE WATCHMAN-WAKDER. LINDSAY, ON TARIO. as well.” Mr. Stanley Kelcher, of Lindsay, has decided to follow railroading. and yesterday enroHed as a pupil of the School of Railway ’l‘elegrapm', After appointing Mr. John Lee sec- retar; of the East Victoria Conserv- ative Association, the gathering dis- persed with three cheers for the King and Dr. Mason. HAS EN ROLLED. Norland, May 12.â€"Mr. W. J. N EW SEC R E'I‘ARY. NM: NM m2 w 322.22 mm m 5mm. WWW \\"5 in 2m \w M mmsm l fixxfihw M's mm» hm; hm 121.9me -. 5+3er ”Mk V with Ham NM. Mug, mm ................ AAAAAA33 \\AA3‘AA 3333 AAAAAA3AAAAA3A 3AAAA2- AAAAAA AWN- 33AAAA AA’AA'AAA" EMA-3 AA 3333 AAAAAAA AAAA AAAA AA AAAFA AAAAAAAV 3AAAAAA33 AAAAAAA A .A A A3 ....................................... g 35 East of Dominion and Millinm Department Spec? 1335 frem Our Mantle Km 'N vw‘isfivu w very ies. He required the representativ- es of the. two companies to tave an affidavit of their transactions in re- gards to the numty‘r of Mes taken, etc. Mr. C. A. Frost, of Lindsay, represented the Baker Lumber (30., while Mr. Stevens, of Cobot‘onk. was present in the interests of the Gull Rixer Co. ber of men in this vicinity, who had taken logs of! Government lands for the Gull River and Baker Compan- The Government agent. Mr. Wm. Maneice, of Peterboro, met a num- or Boboaygoon. was in tmm Wedncs- her many friends hope to see her day on business. Soon around again. The Government. agent. Mr. Wm. M" "3.5- Isaac, 0f.COb0000k. was mum . in the \‘nllage on Frrdug lfnnninn nl' Dnénrhnrn nmnt n 2222222 22222222: 22222222. 2 22222 22» 22222 2.222 2222222 m'fi'lawz MN N mm \- $8 You will find here that particular mantle or millinery that you are looking for. Every new idea known to the Mantle or Millinery World is here in correct quality and style, and our prices are very much lower than you expect to pay {or quality goods. The foilowing glimpse into our different lines gives but a. faint idea what to expect when Von come to the store. nun-‘11” 876 “31.3.”? I? 50 H‘iesz. m Miss ‘Laura Lytle and Miss Maude and Gertrude Gainer, of Iinor's Bay, called on friends last Satur- day. é ska-4m M» mm \\ im fit «Wk; Mm Wham. NW MN MW M! 51w! sump \m WW 2 an N 1 .. -§ sagfi'sxici WM v-nhsastm many he“; fix m; m mm- NEW. mam» MN m 4% m am 150 5535255555“ 5555555355 5555555555555 555 53555555955 55555555: 5555555 55555555 55555555 555555555555 555555 552555555555; 555555 2555555 5555;, 55552555555 5 355 55.5 555555 â€"; _ a“ ; having Hilly hull! nurse wTfll urleudia feet and. van-7 wrum faultless autumn. lid neck I: heauutully mvllwl. writing awfully on deep use-aw ahuuldul‘i, strong. illulw hawk, finely muudod Indy. uluaely coupled and possesses very fine autiuu. The Belgian horde Ii noted as a producer uz'llmt'tlmrses when crossed with Clydefidde Iliill'f‘h‘. - Lulxis cle Mowlnlunt‘s aim was Rmha d’Heuo (swim, he by Tornbon am) out or favour «65). llisdam was Belle". e M’omlmum (4002“, by Jul) (10.342), out. of Bella de Morelnu :11 (1)133). Termsâ€"to insure a. foal $15.2 louis we Mmelmont Lindsayaliros. - Lindsay, 0|t. Ine Imported Belgian Draft Station will make the season of mun as follows : MONDAYâ€"Will praceed b train to Lomevme ut‘a‘oton, thence to D. Me ‘5, \Voodville. to: II '5 1‘K’ls‘?l‘)AY-I’meeed to Mannie Got Tum-liq Mg! . um N‘RSDAY Pmeed mOnkwmd fnr night. 'HH' (Khalil l’nmeed to hlsema stable‘ Lam- H-‘I 4“ during ‘ Ivlh‘n'fi‘x’m RAN mm? «m be m Mum. m ~ Hum hmdw‘ ‘Hmflmwmuw MN he mu‘mned WNW!» Hm mum)“. mum and «mm permitting her returned to her home “in Fell“ Minion and mm Luumlv valmmu. Nix 1mm»! so a mum wmh 31m“! Mute am an tam I 9 «an MN MW $1. Mn; Imadhy mum! WNW“. m.\=-hwxl*w!w luAugua-t mum“: ww- m um! In! Gem \\2 Mauv- Sum, uf Nahum! «News. U‘S‘Au hum wlwm ha «a: paw-hum! {gummy HM. , hum de M«wlmu_uh 35‘ (“ML 34%. “and: mu maximum-hm and wugha nearly am ‘1 Hv_III-‘luu‘!~lugti6d. “A“! - housed, w»- m‘ hum hume wm amend! feet am my the road collecting eggs and butts. They are meeting with excellent ~r cauthismaon. House-cleanlng is the order of lb‘ day here. LeCraw Bros. Lindsay 35. (435(2), 3195. THE PROPERTY OF PAGE I not app" .the truth‘ ‘yithout 81 ident that "5' Mt :her eveflnq mgeinents mitteo in the Hensn hmore. W. ‘e Since 7 euful d! Io homo-N at?!“ con ole-mile l1 including filly d60i< went in 1 m fixed Hakim rmmm ‘ ' HRH “mm mm: mm m 1‘8? will be r t 5%1' the ' humble mar! in politit , like [NH

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