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Watchman Warder (1899), 13 May 1908, p. 14

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’3 con I And! vrisin a abn land utter Id tl‘ apt: pica '. Apt ion '1 Jo: to Ora Jot Cl P1“! Canippéll and note the difference. chat the meats which we sell are superior to those com- monly sold. The experience of a life-time spent in the business is behind every cut we sell. Let us have'your next WM. WARREN Terms as Usual. W.A.FANNENG Half doz. cans axle grease. 4 dam Sweatpads, new, etc. Come to this large spring sale everybody. Terms as usual. Bell Piano 3, Karn Pianos, Bell Organs White. Standard and Raymond Sewing Machines Closest prices and best terms. Some secohd hand goeds cheapâ€"give me a. call. ‘ Meat Order It is 3 Fact William-st, Opp. St. Andrew’s Church P. O. Box 217 10 steers expected; 10 heifers pected. - Pianos, Organs and1 Sewing Machines ' 1 bay gelding 5 years old. 1 stallion. Pilot. Medium, by New ledium. 1 horse 8-yegrs old. 1 cow, new milker just in, and call by side. 4 rubber lap rugs, new. 4 woollen lap rugs, new. 2 dozen whips, any price. Half dozen Bags, Rex sugar stock Sale Saturday, May 15th, ’09 TANNING’S HORSE [XUMNGE 'm‘m" manic dni'i the day. Highland and National D318 before the 6 stand. Pi Geo. y Sutherland play National and Scottish airs. Splendid outdoor entertainment'lhe H School Cadet Co will ve an exh 1:10 of :drill. fimhow 5: stock expected: Jamie-ion 25c Children 150 > Grand Evening Entertainment Id and sound. 1 grey mm, first-class worker. 1roumm,5yea.ra old a 19 horses, :11 clan-ac in lot. 1 along”)? Bay Gelding; 6 years mm“ m ohms" s1 mum . ‘ for Horses, Game, Sheeg Pigs. Poul- try, Butter, etc. ’ 3825 16: Speed Contests .‘Iflk ‘n. Amn- c-finn‘ O... n- AAM buggy, nearly new. new runabout rubber tires. wagon, in good repair. sett of double harness. sett of express harness. . sett of single harness, good. setts solid nickle harness, new. setts genuine rubber harness, flew" 9M PAGE mum a??? grey mare. extra. good road 'wonldberepresentedatthelmper ial Defence Committee in London, PtObabe by Sir Frederick Bordon and Hon. L. P Brow.- ' not gain ofane seat in Saturday's election in Newfoundland, according to netumsinsofar. Sir Richard Cartwright informed Sir Edward Morris has made We appreciate your orders and our good 5 gi ve satisfaction _ P H 0 N E N o. 1 0. Also Whitewash brushes, Whisks, brooms, . Dutch Cleans- er, household ammonia, sapolia, Bon-Aml, Washing Soda, Whit- ing, best laundry and scrubbing brushes, etc., etc. Strong and durable, sizes. 200 to ................ 50¢ Stove Brushes 200 to ................. 30¢: a: 50 to Spring »House- Cleaning Wooden Tubs E Shoe" Brushes ineSt Corn Scrub Brushes Ladies' and] Gent's Tailors. Want 91 Pm Home. Which bitch blinds a man. to the ; importanpew lot wearin business}; gar- menu t are'm'a'de to measure. He imagines that they cost more than factory“ ones This is a matter of selfâ€"decep- tion entirely, as clothes made by a first class. tailor wear longer, keep the shape and good looks longer and are better lin- ed and finished. Put. this statement to the teat W.6.Bldif$0n We have the best in the market Wash 250 each each Xfilo. mum“ "n mâ€" “in .3.“ my” non“ Fun infatuation and tickets from ‘ .W. R. WIDDESS, I'ownAgept B. G. McCBAW. Depot Anal Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Niagara Falls sad Buflalo, N. Y. Good I 21, 84. RAM” 2:8,, 218,809 Return Tielmta at Single Victoria‘Day Excursions By direct Canadian route. See the Golden West and the Rocky Mountains. Visit the Alaska-Yukon-Pacifi g Exposition at Seat- tle and other special attractions. Full infmmation from The Epworth League last Friday evening was well attended, manywoi the new emcers being present. Miss Die. Bradburn, being first vice-pre- sident, was responsible for the even- ing’s program. A discourse was given on the “Pilgrim Progress" series-The House of the Interpreter-f in which Miss Bradburn showed clearly that "we are all pilgrims seeking fora. better country. ” ; . Rev. F. Snowden and Mrs. Snow- seeking for a. better country.” Miss Peters. having resigned her position as assistant teacher in our Public school. owing to illness. left on Thursday morning for her home near Cobourg. Mrs. Wm. Magill, accompanied by Mrs. Andrew MagiH. visited at the home of their friend, Mrs. William Haulip' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Magill were in IJindsay last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Nugent and‘ Master Herman spent Sunday with} Mount Horeb friends. and effects at Dr. Gro‘s‘ residence. Victoria Ave., near Bond-st, on Mr. J. H. Wilson, of Port Hope. passed through 9m- village on Wed- nesday morning; on his way to Lind- my. His many friends will heal-ad to hear of his increasing success as an auctioneer in that. town and fl- unity. ' farmers. have almost completed their spring needing. x Household Furniture Notwithstanding the disagreeable nether many of our prosperous JANETVILLE J anetville May 12. â€"Mr. Clifiord Benders who resides in the North- mst, by} whyby been enjoying an extendedyisi‘t wiph many friends in Cartwright, spent last Sunday with Mrs.'W.1G. =Bmdbum, must; ' A very sev‘ero electrical storm pas Bed 0 ér this vicinity last Thursday evening. but fortunately doing no SATURDAY, MAY 15 comm communism r. c. Matchett. Agent, Lindsay ‘ ,‘iCompqndénée mkm‘ffi'fi‘ lowing phase was inadvemuy left“ out, but will appear next'wéek; SOnya, Pem'el, Hartley, Grase Hill, .Cambray, Baddow, Poxles Corners, ’Lindén Valley. Dilnsford, Pleasant Point, and other interest- ing news. ‘ "mama's Norton’s“ Return limit Oct. 31 AUCTION SALE '- P- Exposition, (From out.’ own Remember the ”mm! the program committee for this Mi!!! In. G. B. Rennie, .â€" _ _ , weanesuay. May 26, W of the 19th. on account of the WJ‘JLS. conventiog being held in Canning- ton on thgt date, If; thehomq o Oakwood my 11 - Institute meeting will Wednesday. May 26. t DLAUL anGHT â€" Will travel Dalton, Cal-den and Eldon. Terms 510. Robt. Bell, manager; A. Gusty, owner, Kirkfleld. r LORD ROBERTS -â€" Willbe routed in Eldon and Brock. " Terms 312. Angus McInnis, manager; D. J ‘ MacRea, owner” Woodville. NORMAN PERCHERON. BLACK KNIGHTâ€" Will travel HA CKNEYS. BORROW MOSS (228), (8749) - Will travel Laxton, Fenelon, Eldon and Ops. Tekms $15. Rabt. Staples Son, owners. Oak Hill. PILOT MEDIUM-‘â€"At the Lakefield House barns. Terms 310. C. O. Northey . Co., owners, Lakefield. - I REFLECTIONâ€"Will travel Eldon. jTer-ms 812. D. J. MacRae, owner, Woodville. THE PATHFINDER â€" Will make a. season stand at his own stable» Terms. 815. Geo. W. Curtis, own- er, Lindsay. - - BELGIAN DRAFT. Louis de Morelmont 35, (43542). 3495â€"Will travel in Mariposa. and Eldon. Terms 815. Lindsay Bros, owners. Lindsay; W. Rich- ardson, manager. Iowner, Ops. } SCOTLAND’S CHIEFTAIN -â€"Will ‘travel Laxton. Dalton, Garden and Eldon. Terms 89. Wm. Gunn. owner. Norland. . PRINCE ROYAL (9259)â€"Will be routed in Eldon and Garden. Terms $12. A. Gusty, owner, Kirkfield ;‘ Robt. Bell, manager. SILVER CHAIN (14055) (8525):â€" Will make three stands in Eldon on Wednesday and Thursday, and at his own stable the balance of the sco'rs FIR (12732). (6894)â€"wm be routed in Ops and Mariposa. Terms 813. W. B. Johnston, man- ager; Geo. W. Curtis, owner, Lind- BENT BARON (6888) (18869 â€" Will be routed in Luton and .Cu- den. Terms 312. Robt. Staples . Son. owners, Oak Hill. PRINCE NEWBRIDE '(7242) -- Will travel Bexley and Sonnet-ville. Terms 89. Wesley Reeds, o‘wnor. Burnt River. GORDON ERSKINE (6411)â€"-Wlll be rented in Manvers and Emily. Terms 810. H. Anderson, owner, Junetville. BARON LAD (7172 â€"- Will travel in Eldon. Terms 811. P. Horri- son, proprietor. Argyle. HANDSOME PRINCE (10866). (8515) - Will make a season’s stand 'at his own'atuble. E. Evans, pro- prietor, 'Yelverton. LAWRENCE ARCHER (2584) -- Will travel Fenelon and Ops. Terms 810. C. Hepburn, owner, Lindsay. THEAKS'I‘ON (10655) -â€" Will tra- vel in Bexley, Eldon and Fmelon. Terms 811. Martin Long Sons, proprietors, Coboconk. MACFEEâ€"Will be routed in )9!- don. Terms $18. Peter‘Nesbitt. manger ; I). J. 'Mea,; owner. Wooavme.‘ ' BANCHORY'S MARCELLUS â€" (4556), (12480), will be routed in Maripoa'a. with one stand each week at Woodville. Terms 315. [James Grooves. manager; James Taylor, owner. Oakwood. \ LAKEVIEW LADDIE (2477)-Will be at Robt. Byer’s. Manvers, each Wednesday and balance of w_e_ck at his own stable. Terms 310. H.‘ { Headers, owner, Yelverton. 1 Cards have been printed at The Watchman-Wardcr' for the ML Published for the. Informa- , tion of Breeders . ROADSTERS . OAKWOOD. Terms $12. V John Brock, 11.-'I‘he Womm’ many 01th; and kings Wflliauvx.1nnis_t;n WW Imam. In; 15..“ 10M Shiny o! Mme”. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE. â€" THE nortli half of lot‘ No. 21. in the 10th nuances-ion Human. 100 acne-more or less. Hal! v "m Apply to w.' P. win brighten it up and make it love]: like ities for outside and inside work. SflfflW/N'MLLIAMS ' PAINTS AND Kant/SHE: Nada in Canada km-Illlma Mmlhpnhwuipes tory all ’.round local SW. agent for facts and figum abOut v““ The Old Reliable Houseâ€"EsmbEhedâ€" Over aQuarter 700 Yongnt. We Sell all Viofifii$fl¥°§hiskeya wines. etc” anther Canad- ian or imported most complete stock in Toronto. paid. in plain unmuk m- “x" an “A_,,u We do 116655;“; we keep the money. at] the money. You cannot. buy a better or more medicinal purposes. . We will let you must be unsfacoonyjjn every resnact. m... A- _-A. -__ Brighten UD sn rgynom “GREEN SEAL”. RYE""sl_ru_nnom After the winter A coat of Y0" WILL BE MORE THAN SATISFIED THE SHOEMAN rnepam Call and see our new BAR- GAIN DEPARTMENT Allkinds of men’s, women’s and children’s footwear are representedâ€" nothing wrong with the quality but they're just broken sizes. The system of displaying these bargains enables van to make a selection at a glance. Thigh a new? departmehtntdbe brief, ' it is a system - of clearing out 04d lines and: aim, ulna Special lines of . footwear that/we may pick up frozfi‘timn to time. , and that is saying 0a, mortgage. I. OdeOOd. Call often ‘and you’ll always find something new on display. storms your house will be dull FOR SALE ‘ BY [or a. sale mali'eiimbil you are fully otherwise you return the goods 1 enter or more table whiske for 'e will let you the judge an the anon-Io “A..- -A. a great deal, if you will try W- .11. ,cnfis’svsLL: prove the most satisfac- Before you invest in paint or varnish, inves- tigate and find out which will last the long- new Of a. Century Toronto and dingy. LINDSAY family or Whiskey ifffw. w. ‘ ’1‘. Win: 1'“ unanimously ch ’9' “16' ‘Pl'eabyterian E we show mam' exqui My deeigne‘i f0 These article: . of combining l ' utility. 0 eat is equip My, at very [11 Wedding Rings Hat-tinge Lice! ‘Ww ll SILVER AN! J. A. People’s Popular onm Three year s expe specialist as STYLE l: “Quit-at. iUveA Neill' Mano-I repaired. I: Tru ll 8. ANNIE M of every You may trust 1 or eyeglasses and be 38s mice antic-31 s" om CE AND Ont-net Clmbridgw Stu Waction We try on merit 3n Mining see-d. {n 0‘ selected accvrdl manta upon whiq Mt. yaub gl- llnflo. Saga: DUN ”moth Lon‘ a an sham! «1t y food value and go 50- sud d! pt ' inhemuedial has again miw Ina. supply of th ot‘ur we!‘ -| douche 68de 1h odenttflc f4 their recommen maidertmtkim he“ upon then-m tomcat!» h blinds theyu III-axles they I: IYESIGHI‘ Si Experim Y'ellow J ’opular q in Vill‘lei II. lJ.C.M.. and

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