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Watchman Warder (1899), 13 May 1908, p. 3

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EBAY. MAY 18. i .SBITT. L..D.S..D.D.; taste of tho Boyd 0 u Surgeon. at on. ms 1. mm 3.1 r- 0! tho Boyd Ooh n 8mm... W. 5.1.; Mod. 0! “Mr”; Mon V“! b. “M W All in all It. tom. knot. mud-u. ‘K.C. Alex-Jam [. Hopkins. K.O..” ’3 BA. " y Public. solicitor 1. representing Wfl Ire Insurance 00-; ; darn! Life‘Au . ‘ -‘ y aver Farmm omco. ‘ILLE on: 1y gt '0!" l at. Company I um um! mortgagee. I .0“ Of. etc. 0 hon. mist, Linda”. lun- neg. Donulm; L. V. O'Connor. EA.- "CONNOR, W Money to loan a art-om. rate. on but LCKSON. Ban-{M Mar The Can“. @1130.qu to long «tutu ins amt 115th! . om- oMI Q - Nd ih‘érfii ’ ékbéhéfi 8 W33 .~ ' mam , H W Ragga: ~ _'. AND 30? m _V Soliciton. ' Solicitors for Money to loan . borrower 0 v' root, south, __ Crown and ! locus-m1 M . (VW‘ GHT. Barrister. LAN CHARD kolidton. NAMEIVW one. In .9000 Homo. NED I: put). Farm. Tom! Mrs. cu :ornor Kant M Dominion childm’u m 0.0.8.. 1.12.3. por Vent! 0(- W ‘19:: 332“st Gum in“; H mm § E‘maiéam mg Evan-y Man John Hallam mnonm 52 Cents We are th. For number on. sprint rat: we an payinl J. DENNIS m-fimmm I the market. Russel-at, next Victor- ia. Creamery examine the material. Call and see my new improvements. All weak parts made strong. No light material. Everything guaranteed to last. Will throw more water as I. make larger bore than any other pump on RATS \Vhen you want PUMP -1 -â€" hoaa, Ulcemtion. Displacement; ,m. ing of the Womb, Painful "or m Periods. Uterine and. Overlanm oy growths, also Hot Flash”, Nag-v. ousness, Melancholy. Pain: in 3].. Head, Back. Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles where (mused by weakness peculiar to our 80:. You can continue treatment at home at a. cost of only about 12 cents a. week. My book. “ Woman’s Own Radical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to-day: _ Address Hrs; 11.181112:- mers, Box ‘23; Windsor, 0m;g Portlnnd Oomont Glued Bower Pip. Fin Brick- Alabutino Kalsomino Bathtub. Cod, Iron Wheel Barrom‘ r‘urtain Stretcher: Bird Cages Horse Clipper- Poultry Netting Washing Machines Clothes Wringen Step Ladders Mdflllfldfl 8t (0. McLennan A WINDSOR LADY’S The Best Em THURSDAY, MAY 713, 1909 ”(at human in In. mm: as you“. Floor Wu: rm Olgy ' “â€"m; m m. cm mm. and baby, 9! MW“! calm om ten friends Saturday, #15; "m m. mu 9! «mm Wm M mafia m mm mm: an fiatwdw: "fig: Jam mammw m Mifi mag mammma 8? mm WW “Wm in mm B“ fifim _ “imam His“ mm mm“; 9! Emma mm an tam man an ammu- â€"§¥Bf m m. WHEN“; a? Wmm m 1% 1mm mm mm a? m mm m. a; a}: final“; :M’Ffi W § m 8% Wanna mg in mm M 5; mm mm was i __ _ ‘ â€"Mrs. J. W. mavens uni son mm. worth, of Tomato. spent Sunday in town, the mm a! Mend; â€"Mi§§ Géi‘iié fi‘. Mk 6’ “5% 13.6. L. sbéht sway With up? mm in bfifimw; A ‘ ‘ z, 1;, a was; gyms m1 mmfigsié 82m 2. swat mm with m mm m hm; _-. â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jones, Port Perry. announce the engagement 0! their daughter Bezel. to Mr. Ernest L. Stackhouee. Ottawa. The wed- ding will take place in June. ‘ From Monday’s Dally. â€"Mre. J. Newman, of Lomevlllo, wee e vletor in town to-dey. -Mr. and Mrs. London. of Cem- bray. were in town on Saturday. â€"Â¥r. J. E. Adams wee in Menilla on buelneee to-dw. wns in town over Sunday. â€"Mr. Jae. Marshall, of Little Bri- tain, was in town to-day. â€"Mr. Wm. Way. of Kingston. spent Sunday in town, the guest of his pa- Jr. W. German. of Burnt. River. was in town to-duy. â€"Mr. and Mrs. J ames Watson, cor- ner Russell and Cambridge-stew en- tertained a. number of their friends on Thursday evening. â€"Mr. Ellsworth Flsveile and Mrs. J -. W. Flsvelle. of Toronto. are spending a. few days in town. They will visit Sturgeon Point before re- turning. -Miss E. Burton Cox, daughter of Mr. Joseph Cox, who has been in Lindsay for six months, returned on Wednesday evening.â€"Minden Echo. â€"Miss Jean Wallnce. of Smith’s Falls, is the guest or Mr. and Mrs. R. Brooks, for a. few days. -â€"Midland Argus: Miss Marie Wil- son, of Lindsay. is in town. owing to the illness 0! tier sister. Mrs. Braithwaite‘ hon Sounder. Duly. â€"Mra. Sun. Omicron. of Lorne- vino. m a. vidtor in town today. -Mr. god Mrs. R. J. Moore left. for Saskatoon yesterday: whom they will reside in future. -Mrs. W. J. Ewan. of Lindsay. is visiting Mrs. J. H. Robinson, Can- nington. for a few days. â€"Mr. Hugh Irwin. who h“ 566:: employed with J. 3mm. Q Sons at the Oahu". store; hu uccoptcd a. position with J. W. Wukely. town. He arrived in Lihduy last night. â€"Mr. Leo. Ourtin. of Tor'onto. in in town for a. tow duo. hiring been called here owing to the action: m- neoa of his father. llr. Peter Curtis). south ward.‘ [ -â€"Mr. and Mrs. William Laking, of Hamilton. were in town yesterday for a. few hours. They left for Hali- burton this afternoon. -Misa Elizabeth Curry, of Toronâ€" to. and mean. Vii... and Edna Cur- ry, of Lin-deny. were called to Bali. burton yesterday owing to the m- neae of their hther. -l[rs. A. Moon Mt this morning for Trenton, where she will join It. Mqon and mm for the‘ future. ' â€"Mrs'. J. W. Bryans, pi Fenelon Falls, was in ' town to4day visiting her mother, Mrs. R. Gm , Colborne- st. ' 01' la. grippe. -â€"l{rs. meme, of Toronto, is vis- iv’isiung his mother, Mrs. D ifingherparents, Mr. undltrs. R. m, Bond-at. Sylvester, Victoriavave. ‘ --Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bry -â€"Al~d. A. C. Babcock, is confinedto children, of Fenclon Falls, his home, owhg to a severe attack Sunday in town the guests new“ V“ vuvubuu‘vo Fr om . Friday's Daily. ‘. â€"mss Vera. Brown left. this mom- â€"Hr. C. E. Stewart, 0! Bobeey- ing for Cohen she will visit friends seen, was a. visitor in town today. for eâ€"few weeks. . an” Winnilred Burke, othicago an». Harold Antietam, or the is registered at the Simpson House. Hetropolitan bank shelf. Brussels. is Geo. Puacoe. of Oakwood. Byâ€"lnw No. 885 was here road a. second time. By-law No. 885 was hen road a second time. McDonaldâ€"Robinson : That the clerk in lnetrurmd to go to Lind- say to have the Lindsay Post print sufllcient copies of lay-law No. 885 of the municipality of Eldon. a by-law a. municipal drain E0. 1. of 1909. including notice of sitting of Court of Bowman and notibe' as to pro- ceedings to quash; and when they are printed to stem 9. copy of came upon each oi the when of lands an- msed it» dawns w m. 95 M the municipal mm petâ€"damm. B. ”may. em. Quick lulu. Peasant no; hint. Raf. Italian! Bulk. ed arid read. McDonaldâ€"Mencken: “at ‘by- law No. 885 of the township of El- don. o. by-law relating to munici- pal drain No. 1 be now read a. sec- and thno.â€"Oo.rrled. Spenceâ€"Robinson: "Phat by-iaw No. 835 of the municipality of the township of Eldon ; s. by-iaw to pro- vide for the repairing end extension of municipal drain No. 1. in the township of Eldon in the county of Victoria. and for making a new out- let thereto snd‘ior borrowing on the credit of the municipe.ity the sum of 89,610. the proportion to be con- tributed by the said mmicipeiity for completing the some. be now intro- duced end read a'. first time.â€"Oe.r- MarshaMCo. m 6‘“!an .Tmt° The minutes at the fomr meeting 0! April 17 wore md. and .01: mo- tlon of Councillor McDonald, second- ed by Councillor Robinson, the min- utes were adopted. mm ALL. KINDQ QB FARM PRQDUGE Lorna-lilo. April ilkâ€"A epeciui meeting of the council oi Eldon was held in Plank“: Hail, Lorneville. on Saturdoy. April 24. for the purpose oi reoding the lay-low providing for the borrowing of money to reepir. extend and make e.‘ new outlet for municipal drain No.1 of the town- ships of Eldon and 'l‘horah and for issuing debentures re some. EGGSBUT‘TER and POULTRY ELDON COUNCIL PROCEEDIN G S Host of the “soot.hi:Â¥"$symps and DOWders advertised to‘cm the ills oi babies and young children contain ,poison opiates, and an overdose may kill the child. Baby's own Tab- lets are sold under the guarditee of a' government analyst that they con- tain no opiate or harmful drug. They can be given with absolute safety to anew born child. They cure all those ‘minor ailments originating in dis- orderedstomach or bowels. Mrs. 1“. Young. River Hebert. N.S.. says :â€" “I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and stomach trou- ble and when my baby was tmthing. and have found them the host medi- cine “mow of for thcsc troubles.“ Sold by medicine dealers or by man at 25 cents a box from Tim Drawn- llams‘ ‘Medlclno 00., Brockvllle. Ont. _ WANTED I By-law No. 885 was hem introduc- -lfr. and Mrs. J. W. Bryans and children, of Fenelon Falls, Spellt Sunday in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R."‘Gi"ay, 'Colborncâ€"ht. fâ€"Hrs. McKay, and Miss McKay. of Cambray. called on Lindsay friends on Saturday.- ‘ morning for Gooderhm where they will reside for the future. GUARANTEE OF SAFETY. Stem M9 in. hired one 3 SW% ham-I «- finish mtw soul. . m In a: riot at amt-y Pull, hm talenrdpoummmwfi "hm; mm: in mm m arm «a M m mm: mm cm Wt mm mm Mam y: mm wot-km m m- «m m m mJeam mg a m m m awe m m mm m Mm Eva ma is stag" um; “$.32? Wu mu: m R C ‘ . '. Git-k mm MtMEW: ,‘ many m AHM my at the whom Mum the new wart how am. an. m warm mm mm my me woe at m; was! mm m m and if. mm: mm m m mm m n m in: mm; um um new; 6% mm am New was an IM mm: any 8mm; lm in: 9am mm mm Mk 29mm hem mmlum 152m munch mm mm mm mmmumma There was no church service here last Sunday as it. was quarterly Sunday at Norhmd. and m always miss that day. They mum! clung. mg our sen-Ice hours to 9mm; and mommg hours “tomato Buudm right away mm. us than scam: to ho a beta» congregation It that tune. Mrs. G. A. Barkweli visited her son. John Barkwell on Ffldey of this week. Some of the forum hene have a nice lot. of needing done. Hr. suns O’Brien has purchased a. now need drill and disc hen-owe from Hr. Jae. In.“ Cohooonk. tent for Haley- Herrle. and Mr. Ju. Quinn. on. hu also purchased a. new steel roller. Mr. John J. HcGee he: hired one 01 Jae. Tucson‘s horses to help put in his crop. Mr. Wm. Grahun cane home this week from Oral; and Austin's camp near Euonvme. Ont. M?!.' J ohn L. Davm ll flitting friends at Lindsay this weak. Mr. Aller and Mr. LeCrsw. the flourishing. Noriand merchants, are staffing next week to send their waggons through here. Mr. Albert. Henry will be around on Monday of each week this summer with Mr. A1- lely's peddling rig with a supply of eVeryt-hing that is kept in his store and'Mr. Jas.,LeCrnw will drive the Ikc‘uw Bros.‘ egg wagon on Friday as inst-summer. Farmers' wives .mwgmsseé-npt to get eggs brok- coin taldngihem to market when they can be diepoeed of at top prices at their door. Mr. Henry Brandon is cutting cord wood for Mr. G. H. Burkwell. Join I... nurt- in: who“ Gui-bod DON COLA Dongole. May 8.â€"1‘he weether in getting very nice here now and the Hepecticu ere tn bloom in the woogle.‘ The gme to beginning to chow green eleo. There are two brand new young colte in true settlement. One be~ lane to Joe. Quinn. 1r . the other to Steve Denm. jr We notice Mr Human. the “cheap peddler" as he is called here. ie In the village this week. He is stay- ing at Jae. Quinn's over Sundey. Mr. John Staples rammed home from the north‘ where he. purchased a large number of cattle and had them shipped from hem to Montreal. Mr. Andrew Jewell spent a few days last wgk in Orlll-ia on bualnqas. nature Mr. Alex. Carmichael, of Canning- ton. ehfipped a. earloud oi petatoee from here last week. Mr. Albert Jewell is preparing to build a very fine 3110 to store his corn crop of the coming season. Sergt. Fred .Dummitt. of Peterbo- ro,isspendingafewdaysat the ‘home of Mr. Albert Jewell. [ Rise Katie Jewell, who has been eonbed tothe house ton-the past. week witha severe sore throat and inflammation of the eyes. is, were pleased to say, able to be out again. The farmers around here have com- menced spring work again. Mr. Sam. Lovett, who has been seriously ill with brain [ever is set- ting some better. Grass Hi”, My 5.-â€"0ur geniu grain buyer. Ir. John Staples, is V317 busy at. préent shipping all the gum he has has] stored at the grain sheds here. LINDSAY. GRASS HILL hired one am i J. G. Edwardl00. Your Spring! â€"â€"â€"ORâ€"â€" 1 Summer Suit lClothing. Boots and Shoes J. HOUZER A $25.00 Rifle for ladies’ and Gents’ Clothing and furnishings One Door West of Post one. You have to look wellâ€"it’s an asset in your pursuit of living. You can always be ’well dressed if you buy your clothes . hereâ€"and without stretching the purse strings too much. We have the dependable lines of at very humble prices. -Nothing arisfocratic 10 our idea of a. fair pr ce.‘ Come in and see our offerings. You are welcome whether to buy or see. It is «sperm mmfln: riflu m6 is Mly mutual 11m mine h cartridgn mud ml: are made WW M smokeless powder. sighted for manages up w 1000 was came m them yum m as men. as we apply in mm the “waist-rs Sumq. ESTABLISHED 1858 80 end genuinely deli. done “Crown Brand Syrup" a,“ you'll enjoy in new about ten tunes more than thet of my other make. It cout- you no more than ordi- n‘r’ . “a it i. "'r better, an: moreyeuutrholeoore it» every we . It in the as?» food for y wing childngrud" When you buy "Om Brand" you obtain : 8 and“? t3 you vatâ€""tic butâ€"the matâ€" a. moot wholesome u: 111ml: it PAGE Iran-*- Wm ;fl, 3»# “fl m ho‘ v10

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