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Watchman Warder (1899), 13 May 1908, p. 4

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ville, Am! . Hunter 3‘:- p. passe“ sp Its, Lindsay. 9 Anti: Jon ,3; C. ‘I.’ on L‘ W. B. Gr: at m EM an we at Wto-date Wrisim m is ab< my, April 2 community 13“ with I Want. of No need his u {bout this in June“! Hr. Comm .'. Snowden hullngalpy m. Grah‘az Win. Ande umm cl 0‘ka a. choice a: this w canny. the land lowing k qun n gun" on the use «cotton gmed to tram our on men 'leyfi's con' and also l and th acceptai ,ic. tuki ices wen GM] 1, April in am J ARE have toh Pa fifty dollars. HALIBURTON MARATHON. Kali-button. Kay Lâ€"There is Btiii doing business in the some old stand but not in thosomo old way. We sdvonoo with tho times sndoro in a. position to do hotter work than over. New dosighs. new granites. now and morovod tools and methods. in foot the most up-to-dhts Marble undem- ito Works in this port of Ontario. Got our prices and soo our designs before purchasing. mm M Granite Monuments Shop and show rooms 11 a 18 Omn- bridgn 8t... immediately north of Fire Lindsay Marble Works R. CHAMBERS. Prop Is always worth Framing and you will often be surprise dat it’s appearance when Frame 1. - We have just received a large shipment of American M ouldin g and will give a___3p_ecial Bring Your Picture in and let us quote you for 9. Frame on it. Made from Pure Lead and Oil--~ in the latest artist- gc shades, to be had 1n any quantity. McLENNAN co_." Patel-bore Businou 901198! has been tested in the mcible of ex, rience. with the fire of public 0 in, on. and has: not been fauna was as. The largest and most pa uiu busium whoa] in Eastern Qatar 0. Individual instruction No vacation. Mail Couroeu. Enter any day. Write for: particulars. was XQKOII Principals ‘Prism Brand” Hauley 3:990? :0} 151-103 on Wei-k re- oei ed during the next month. H95 1’99! lady Mixed Nuts YEAR 8 it“! the lulu: the see well must remain our mt. dear. Tomorrow 1 shall begin pulling Jame: Baneemer'e fangs." He found Graydon downstairs with Jane. A sharp look into the young man’s eyes convinced him that his questions concerning Mrs. Cable and the latest news concerning the eiforts to take the bandit were sincere. Cable held his hand for a long time; the firm. warmgraspwasthatotanhon- estman. Ashestepped ontintothe night for a short walk over town he wondered, withagreatpaininhis heart. if. Graydon Bansemer would truth concerning her. “A confession and mom love than. 979:, Frances. I love he: wlth all my heart When you the stronger we wlll tell he: that she ls not our child. We have land her no lens and so well that she can’t ask (or better proof-o! our devotion. That tealhle thing at “We owe something, you and I. to Jane.” said she as he arose to lens tbs room. “Because I am a man and because I love you enough to care what becomes of you. I was wrong. I am happy to confess. Forgive me, dear. I can’t tell you how terrible '- the last month has been to me. I can’t tell you of the me ter thoughts I have had 1101' the vi- elees deeds I have planned. I was sl- mest insane I was set aeeeeatable. I have much to pay to you is the rest 0: the years that I live: 1 have men to pay to my own eea’selenee. and I also ewe something to James Bunse- mer. I she“ try to pay all these dtt‘ genus: debts in the eels that they can or. ‘ “It hurt me more than I can tell you. David. when I saw that you. were jealous of him. I could see It growing In you day after day. and yet I could not find the courage to make every thing clear to you. Oh. how could you have suspected me of that?” In the next ten minutes the nurse came in twice to caution him against overtaxing her nerves. politely hinting that he should ,depart at once. There was no medicine. no nursing, no care that could have done her so much good as this hour with her husband. “But'I have described my assailant to the police. You do not answer the description in any particular." “It is impossible for him to accuse you. Davi " “It is not impossible, I'm afraid. He may have seen me plainly.” “I can't charge him with the theft.‘ moaned Cable. “He saved your life and he might rulnxnine. I would give anything 1 have to know just how much he saw of the affair. I can't ac- count tor his presence there. It seems like fate." “But. David. 1 was robbed. My rim and my pendant were taken by none one. It moon was the um um. at my “doâ€"utter youâ€"then ho mum have taken thein " “0h. mm. you «11‘: In: that.” In and 10:00”. “lmllmitdnrold pun-tn»! Imlmtlmmmkwmu the wanna Brig-om an” .0. “anncen said he. Mn voice ten. nnd enmeet. “that In between you and me. x lntend to say to the world. It acct-ton demands. that l have known from the lat that June wen not our child. That will he”â€" Ejafiéoâ€"lfiumr to an. and My!!! not 51m!” “He in in the bout with hih mute Ea did an you. though. i'ii upon him much {or that. And i have mon to m tmh him than you think Men. 1 an sure he law at night more iut down than at tho as wall. He known. 1 am moi-Mi: our tain. that you were not attached by t tobbor." “I'm not no aure o! it. Bhe'I worthy of any man'a love. and we must know that Graydon loves her. I'll trust to that. But. first of all. we must put It beyond the power of James Bahaelnor to injure her in any shape or tom. 'rhen. when I go after hlmâ€"Graydon or no Graydon-he-‘ll know that there In such a place as hell." “Be rational. David. Let us take our time and think well. dear. 1 can't bear the thought of the story that will go out concernlng mthhow l decelved you about June {or years and years. What Will people thlnk of me? What wlll they any?" she almost walled. THE WA’I mzwmu, mu. ONTAQE “Don't. You'd ham tor it. There are at; least a doueu member! of the her who know that i have come here to see you. and they know why too» See here. Beueemer, you're a ecouudrei to begin with. You've eiweyl been a. knave. How you happen to have a son like Gmgou L ceg’t- imagine. Benefit. 1 Wieve met I drove’ out or New York. You escaped wi out exposure simply because the wit- neeeee lost their nerve. That won't be the case here. You think you've cov- ered your tracks nicely. You haven't. You’vetrippedintoheltedouentnpe. Idon‘thowwhetyourpmehwlth theOehubutyou’mhueemhto who'two have it moi other to: n can minute. Baum m I: rm. to a “met. but not mph tout. town. I’m not going to have him heuhded from town to town by”â€" “You don’t quite understand the. 31:. Oh the when. he should remain here. Whetldemeehtemuthm He won’t feel like staying here It the with about his tether ta uttered. that’s the brute) way to put it. Beh- tenet, hut yeu've get to get eut.”_ “Earhart," he stud tn low tones. “I‘vohmnmladtouum” “Hubert. I understand you now. And I want u: in: mm to ”turn not drag that boy away from this city. Be‘s anaconda! here. and he’s one o! the most promising you; may _In “It isn’t hopeless, my dear sir. My only desire is to keep him from ever finding out that he has a malady. Ho gum-.9 to learn the truth it you remain ere.’ “My humor, I’d suggest as a sub- stltute. Well, to be perfectly plain, sir, your son does not know the true nature of the malady. He”â€" “Do I understand you to say that be really has an ailment?” Bansemér seriously. ‘ “thanks." laid Hubert shortly. He entered the private office and faced the lawyer, who was standing near his desk. “I’ve taken advantage of your Invitation to drop in and see you." “This is one of my busy days. no. Harbert.” said Banaemer. determined to come to the point at once. _“How- ever, I hardly expected a social call from you. so it must be of a business nature. What is it?" “It concerns your son. Mr. Bansemer. I’m here in the capacity of a physi- cian. You must go away for his health.” Harbert smiled as though he thought it a good joke. Bansemer turned red and then white. “I don’t quite appreciate your wit. "You'll db nothing of the kind.” aid the clerk. with Whlt was meant to be a comm-tor: Inna. “fleet him mun-o- ly 'and but whntho Ian-tom.” “He sold that you wouldn’t want to Dee hlm. but that It didn't make any dlflennce. He’ll welt. he says." They were in the prlvete once. with the door cloned. Baneemer’e me we. whlter. end more firmly let than ever. The ugly fighting lllht was in his eyes again. “Mr. Boo-enm- wlll no you. alt." sold broom “only. opening tho door suddenly. "ho you suppose m an told OI- bm He may have sent Hubert hm.” “Ci-om land- In tied. I know too much. if i were to tell the police who: i know we have a devil oi‘ a time getting the presidency of his reed. Besides. they both owe me a vote of thanks. Didn‘t i have some enough to make it look like robbery?" "Why didn’t you a: to him that 1 en: buy? I don't want to I00 him. said his employer in a sharp undertone. Droom’s long finger we: on his lips. enjoining silence. “You. but our» your stupidity. they may charge you with the Job. Nobody would hollow that Cable would to- tempt to rob his own Wm." “But they would In any event docldo that ho had taken the Hun to make it appear like robbery." There was a hard rap on the glans panel. “Ho‘s bound to no you. an." “If he bu come here to threaten no. I'll kill him.” he said savagely. “3W6“. than; show him In!" untried Bantam”. CHAPTER XVIII. 1's Herbert." laid mm and they won’t go ln‘conrt.” “I’m afraid of him. just the same You're 'bull headed about it. Even criminal thinka his track: an"! cornea untulthtoolah tocoverthemprop an Indefinite my. I refused. We'll fight it out. Droom. We have covuui our mu both-r than he think. Tb) can’t convict no. I'm our. of tut “it isn‘t necessary. he had a change oi boa-Kin the in: mint». Mr. Bun-o: M. i withdraw my ammunition. or oil that'ohoiy.iinmod tonottoryou now without pity. Eons your no“ (annual You won't take my advice. i didn't give it u a wood. because i dotoot you. it wan done in o wool: upirit of fumes toward your loo and toward the (M be it to now. Now. I put them out of my oonoidorotion. They”- ' “Got out!“ 1 Hubert. verymdintbotacgoiom- modthodoorotterhimudotmdoon any through tho outer once into the corridor. Dmom immodhtely abound tin consolation room. “Wom- What is it?" demanded Bon- here if you persecute me PM not stop haying you until death end: my en- deavors. We’ll see what justice can give me in exchange for yam huiidow ing. 1 will have restitution. remember that. Now. you’ve nothing more to II! to me. Ga out!" “an!" ~ “Get out!" “By (Boom. you’re a wonderfui hm!!- er." ”“30 you expo“ no to throw you on r 0 “A good turn? Mr. Harbert. 1 am neither a tool nor a knave. if I were a fool, I’d kill you where you stand. 1 would be justified in killing the man who represents a crowd of blackmail- ers. That’s what you are. sir. i refuse to pay your price. it i were a tune. l'd pay in i want you to understand one thing. i shall stand _xny ground day, sir!” “Nonsense. ’Bansemer!” exploded exploded Hubert. “You know we’ve got you fast enough. Why be a tool as well as a knave? You haven't a ghost of a chance. I'm trying to do you n good turn." cent of any intentional wrong. and I'll stand my ground. My son will stand beside me. too. He is that sort. Go back to your committee and tell them that Banaemer will not go to Europe for his son's health. Good “Mr. Hubert. the first thing you have to learn in connection with your patient's father In that be u not a cow- ard. I refuse to run. sir. I am Inno- may to lppOll' await you. loun- nnn’l WHO but had tho couruo to do!) your “complicitâ€"tut mm: but»: 0! them. Ind be In: left town. mm- onod out o! In: mu. [our am In any. you will be In an ban” you no a week older. And. Mr. Ban-omen you've got to decide quick." ' Rancher looked his accuser straight in the eye. a faint smile of derision touching his lips. but not his eyes. myselt out of a whole lot of plouure. I'm not going to smash you no i in- iended. Your Jon‘s friends hero pre- railed. “To ehow you that I am not hlumnc. l have every bit of evidence in the Burkendny cue. the Floeaie Bellemy job. the Widow Benemith uflninâ€"end it wne e demnnhle one. too-with two or three more. You broke thet wom- en's heart. I don‘t auppoeo you know thet ehe died lut month. You never noticed it. oh? Her precioue conch- mnn in living like e lord on the money you end he took from her. Old Burp?- :36; next 'wook. hunt to return to this country. all well and good. it II for your son's nod by!!!» bar I! m-u‘no'u'uwa bu bought n ma. homo in mun-but not freq her ééio.’ he 1:: u up. It won't be u a: nu In New York. boom. \n hm tho proot. 'rhoro :- o oonnmoo of time down In ngby‘l ouoo now "sun for no to report. I! I take word to mom am you upon: to all for Do- In that home. Don‘t interrupt! I'll combat-vouch. l'memenoftow words. I! 1: were not for your son I‘d swear out the warrant: for you to- day on five diaerent charges. For his sake I'm going to give you a chance. I’ve worked on you for three yearn. I swore I'd get you some time. Well. I‘ve got you. and I'm going to cheat mind. I! you no.1!» public an: non: learn the truth shout you. It you an advantage of your, son‘- 99-1601! “What did he want!” lnflfeflmetogotoflnmpetol Word comes {rem Omemee that Mr. William Fitzpatrick, who with his family was burned out 0! house and home. the report appearing in The Wards: last “‘1“..on bully burned in endeavoflng to rescue his little child”. 1m.- Frtmpctrick got. out with two b! the children, mutiny clad. Mr. Fitmtflok went up- mtn'lor"the"otlnr child, and tall moose»: fie m bully burned. out was taken out bythe m BADLY BURN ED. “Look hon. boy: a my one over uh you whether Pd know that man's haul-awituunyoujutmum I'd knowltmutbonund. lawn “I haven’t who to tslk shout lt. Please don't bother me. It happened three day! ISO. snd I’ve really forgot- ten about lt. Don't throw that clgsretts lnto the wastohssbst. Haven‘t you any sense?" “Geel You don’t suppose I’m golng to throw lt sm. do you? There's half an lnch of it loft. Not me! Buy. I’ve heard your boa hss quite s csso on Mrs. Csbls. Bow shout at" Ho slmost whlsporod thls. "You shouldn't tslk llks thst.” “Oh. you mess thst m shout people um lu clsss houses? Geo! Don’t worry about thst. culugo ls s on: of gloss houses. A hllhd lush could throw rocks sll do: sud slussh s holo lu somebody’s house over: orsek. l bo- llovo tho holdup mu wss oos of moss ntrlkers who hsvo been out o! loos all wlutor. Gullah thlun so." ' “Who?“ “Judge lmlth." “rum honor.” “Dld you see hls use?” "What are you. bubâ€"s dowel"? “noslo Resting ssys l'd Elk! s bol- tor polleomsu than lawyer. Iho's sore at me for atlas Mlss 'l‘hrooluusm to Mom' Gslll‘s tho olhol' m [ol- Iow stood on tho olsoo sol’ssu m domdoot song I've ever heard. But. goo! I don't thunk mos Throat no on Ibo dldo't soon to some. l noon. In. on the dead. do you allot you oould mot: that tollowr’ “i‘heven't any.” he replied shortly. Hewastryinstorememberifhe had ever said anything incriminating to the boy. “How'd you happen to be over there just at that time?" “It It were not tor Garden." he m muttering between eat teeth. “God. how I hate to heve huh howl" moon had told llddle been: to “M out." but Eddie was then to talk andbetalhedtdeohetalledtotahe the hut . “Bay. I haven‘t aeen you ethee you played the hero up In the faahlonahle part or town. Gee. that was a etartlerl I'll bet old man Cable rewards you In aome way. What'- your theory about the holdup?” ‘ Droom looked up eherply. For the hut time there ahot Into his mind the thought that the breely boy might be a spy. sounds from the cum pooped forth. In epite ct himeelf. Ben- eemer ecu-ted end hie eyee widened with endden elem A glance of ep- preheneion penned between the two Inith‘e.” reported Oman. “Ten him he get one.” eeid Beneener. with e heath of tenet. “I though: it night he" hun"â€" he- nn Dream with ewa grin. ‘Neneeneer' “It in e hit too noon. The: henn’t hed time." An Dream m thereon: Queenie! erected to the window tad look“! down Into the tooth!" «not a: ho low. 30 nut that MI [and enabled und ho Mod to lunch at M: minus. m a long am he mod that. nu un- nolnu gnu Mandy: tho hurrying "WWW" mm . a w m M Maw «u too. 33:. W11! In nmnl u 11 life." “You don't was: cut you‘ll «I! Q" theré u to tell about the girl!" '-I MBA. '- an. 100 acreS. 95 0‘ and tillable. The loam. There are 9-room frame dwe feet and cabling 'nl. tun-u of thll district will And anal-y prpfltublo horse to W“ a»: will «and for mares six “’5 h “,3 throughout the 896”“ 41:41:80“! HOTEL. Hind”?- Minna. 812.00. “on. E E beautiful bay lulu-j w bred by m. Ewan. o! Mu. Nmm. Aux-ma. W by Kl" 300w". and now hmuw. A. Ween. 140° III: in “WV“ wondeltull) mu Mmuntry 85" muwmwwma mm won the 066“ an" vary much impwV'd 5:; *5 The Imported Thoroughbred Soul. “on of tho oolobmod WARNERâ€"GOOD GIRL FOR GEN-- era! housework. 'Apply to Mrs. Neelandl. No. 8 Mill-st. Salzburg II Bake: [WM (0., limited FAR! FOB Inn-DOT 8. DON. 18. lam. 800 new. There we rm‘tqnfam. -A Aanmmo Lumber, Shingles, Etc. Cement and Sash ol lot 16, con. 9. 098. containing 100 m. 95 a! which are cleared and tillabb. The soil is rich. clay loam. Then we on the premises a O-room m dwelling. barn 30x60 g.“ m mm for ten cattle. There a In onward. one real good we“ and on fairly 8°01 The farm in located five and one-half miles from Lindsay. ViFoAr _price and “! huh. A um was through tho um. plenty at good drinking vow. Good born with non. toudatlou. and ample stabllng 0M uld brick dwelllng. Farm ll located flu” miles from station “that and W ; two miles to Janetvlllo village; and Metho- dllt church. one and one-half miles to NW church and school house. Poole-Ion will be given utter harvest. Address E. Rich- Goo-I m. in town-Mp 0! Ida. 100 um. between 30 and ‘0 m “RING. bfltnu pun". and wooded and. This mu m pawn. Tho proposed Cf. . Mn. mu run near um propu- w. Apglg u. Ohlttlck. um”. m apply to Fred Hooey, 154 Gum-av... TOM“ Ont OB SALEâ€"84100111520 BRICK homo and half acre. or land. the party at In. Grunt. Woodvme, duo collu- In full with cement floor. good {arm and storm win- do” and doom. woodnhed and at wuer. Stable and W9}! fenced. mg 1. about Mdmoe: u ervthing m. lld in opposite”- m 0! Ir. Wain. Apply C 08kt“. m- , F5 .. box 5. Janetville, Ont. PHONE 77 73223.13 ET‘HA £13 “M; “1% Wood NORTH rm i938 3%.? with is in Castle [on This will be ‘1 ARE LOCATED The Under h: from n maiden Ilium, in reply I poured recently tion as to t M. DaVid a: In reply to tn status tint Rid Q. LIN Lindsay § THE Deposit: of $ tales. SA‘ I. I. WALKE m0!!! ‘ 10 to 3 “‘UMI 5 1-2 Branches th Victol This will receiv deposit, no In is ever OPPOSITE You can 63‘ where you tran Bra Cap Und vl-r

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