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Watchman Warder (1899), 13 May 1908, p. 5

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acre of land, . ,- Grant. Woodvifb. sf in full with m,.-, cc and storm win, , woodshed altar-1'“ water. Stable . _ idence - and is oppositew :e woodland ' 3. l plow leave . e on the prams”; w“ LILâ€"EAST W 9, Ops, co " ‘ .f which are c ’ he soil is rich, dug: It awning. m mites tram mue- ‘klyaf'd ; “£6 m )age; at! W 3R6 garâ€"hail nib mm and M For terms ~ ‘ rly to Mrs. . . 205, Omemee, Mamas E: ii VMVfile; 05‘ emaitt, A .swell, and 10! .800 lbs. ‘tifu! bay :3 [PM oughbred Stal- 9 celebrated Apply t9 m ‘illxst. . MAY 1a will be 31% stoflé zblihg ‘. A xvnn w w. In reply to me adyt. the wnter states that Richard Kant. i3 an Rochester $5.,Iudnurg ‘ is in Castle Mont. This will be welcome news to the party or parties who haVe ”ted gfor “a. A,» peared recently asking for informa- tion as to the whereabouts of Messrs. David and RM Km ARE LOCATED. ~ The Warder has xjeceived a. letter from a. raide‘nt of Fergus Falls. Minn., in reply to an‘ advt. th‘afc ‘qpfi Lindsay Branch, W. C. '1‘. Morgan, Manager Depesits 9? $1 and upwafilg are reeeivea and interest allewed at eumat rates; AééBUBEé may be epenea in the names 9? m or mere perseag and withdrawals made by any eee ef them er- by the survives m SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT I. E. WALKER, Preside'nt ALEXANDER LAIRD, General manger THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE l Bank of Mont Branches throughout Canada. and in the United States and Enzllnd 5 1-2 and 4 Per Cent Interest on smug;H Victoria Loan Savings Cg. Money to Loan on Mortgages. Easy Conditions of Repayment. Mortgages Purchased. " HEAD OFFICE. TORONTG Capital Paid Up Rest ' Undivided Profits THEM?! *4? ESTABLISHED 1817 CHARTERED 1895. i Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 I Reserve Fund, - 8,000,000 turn the tile_, etc., out ready for the cm men market. J ‘ r313 “BOUT, Manager CHEESE FACTORIES OPENED. The cheese factories throughoug the comtry open this week to;- them-v $I4,400,ooo $0,000,000 $2I7,628 manna» moi 26,617,628 " m are preving to be a very greet’eonven- ience to many of our friends. With these accounteâ€" Either of ”two rsone of the house- hold may _epoeit or withdraw money. ' Interest is pdd on all balances twice a year. - In the eventot the death of either W» the survivor may withdrew themey. Joint Savings Accounts Bank of Toronto Mr. James Warden, aged 89 years 3 days, died quite suddenly at Blair- hampton on Tueedty, morning, April 7,1909. During last stunner while at the residence of his son. Mr. kW. H. Warden, Haliburton, he was very ill for several weeks, ”had im- proved in health and was visiting friends at Blalrhampto- where he was afflicted by paralysis and only lived a few hours thereafter. The fun- eral took place to Twelve Mile lake cemeteryâ€"Hinder: Echo. Best, of Eldon. are brothers. Mrs. Isaiah Thornton, formerly of Ome- mee, but now \of Colbouma, is a sis: ter. Mr. Best was a son of Mr. Email- ton Best. of Emily. and Messrs. James Henry Beat, Josiah Best, and Wm. Best. of Emily. also David Ming fie was a membev 9t use 13mm;- mien ehureh and sue at its 993 gregauenal mugging: fig 313 m: vim by a sermwing widew. We gang and we daughm‘ Ting sans are Avthur, wise 3m been 9% mt m mm and Leah, at mam much with when his maths? will now méida The (My «mm 31,: Ohm. maimed. at Men townfihip fie gamed in we township of Saawdea same twenty-five years age; but finally sewed a 1mm Sadness "has come t6 another home by the very sudden death of Mr. Thosz A. Best, of Minden, on Sat- urday, April 24, 1909. With the ‘é’xception Of a heart weakness which .‘he had for seVEral years, and a. few days’ illness tW‘O Weeks ago, he Was in ms usual health up to a few min- utes or the time of his death; Bit- ting iii a melting chair in his very emferiahie hams near maiden Mills, talking quite eheeriiy to was friends Whé had eailea upea him, he was suddenly siriekea, and iii a new min: was had breathed his last: to :' in: Lee Prentice, of Ashland. 'WiS-l and Messrs. John, William, L Thomas and Duncan, all of Bali- burton ‘ county. Mrs. " Alexander Prentice, *Mrs. Andrew Parker, 0! Toronto, sister of Mrs. Prentice, sr., V and Mrs. Chas. Hammill, of Fergus joined the family in their hour of bereavement. mas; DONALD amsrm. The death of Mrs. D.» Gillespie, ag- ed 84 years, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Woodcock, in the township of Sommerville on ‘Sunday, April 18, 1909, removes a‘ respected lady; mother of Messrs. ‘John and Donald Gillespie, of Luto terworth, also Angus and Duncan, who are now at Slate River, Thun- der Bay district. Mr. Geo._ Wood- cock, above referred to, and Mrs. lsaac Belfry, of Prince Albert, Sask., are the only surviving daughters.â€" Minden Echo. . m2: mes; TAYLOR. Kirknem, May 4.41m sad death death. "i He is survived by his wife. two daughters and seven sons, as fol- lows: Mrs. Parker, of Rentrew; Mrs Bradley, of Snowdon town- ship- . Alex. Prentice. of Greswold, Man. ; Mr. Angus Prentice, Toron- mammm *mmnm Amaze 1909 mmm muffin guest “9deme mammmteacnmot mu {ohm summmror m den towhship. Mr John Prentice. ltime, “5.0371118 from dropsy. The fun- It. passed “my. em procession ” paced through our Ir Prentice was born in Car- ton casual-day, May 1, and pro. luke, Innarkshire. wScotland A'ug. method to Lake View cemetery. The 26,1856,where he married and funeral ””1088 were conducwd by came to Canada. residing first in the the Rev. Mr. Hill, of Victoria Road. township of Ancaster, county of LATE JAMES 000K Wentworth near Hamilton. In 1878- he moved to Haliburton, where n--.- ‘4‘?ng 0‘ til-e- late James [Ry JAS. continued to reside until his THOS. A.‘ BEST. at tho Rey. Hr. Wilson, pastor of the Cambridge-st. ' Methodist church, conducted the services at-the house and at tin grave. WILLIAM ARKSEY. Widespread regret is felt by citin- ens in town and couixtry over the death of the late William Arksey,~ which occurred this morning at the home of his son. Mr. Walter Arksey. lot 21, con. 8, Ops. The funeral: will take place on Friday to Oak-i wood cemetery for interment. The deceased was in his 85th year than the wad of death visited the home George, J. 13., Delbert, Frank, of Lindsay. William, of Toronto, and R. T. Adana. of Millbrook. The funeral took place from the residence ot‘llr. D. Adams. eon of the deceased, and many old friends of the departed followed the ' body to the gnoe. The pail-bearers were the six eons of the deceased, their names being: LATE WK. ADAMS. The mine of the late William Adams. who passed away on Fri- day morning, were laid to rest Sa- turday afternoon in the Riverside The late Mm. Giles leaves to mourn hev lose two small children. her husband huving predeceased her some time ago The funeral will be held from her late home near Cambray station to-morrow (Tues- d gy) afternoon. The Gamma had been in the has: 93th few the past week and a halt. She was spanked on NI Bax 11mm at Targets. at week an Sammw and em nape was held 9% m has! mam until yesterday. when she passed quietly «mg 'to hear of her sudden demise. Heart failure after an attack of tomllltis bei'ilg‘ the cause at her death at the early age of ill years The famlly- have the heartfelt sympathy el the community; The blew is e heavy eee. as ea elder heather wee eeel: dentelly killed in e dynamite ear. eleelen new: at Maegan lest week The remains were laid le me la Se: bright eemeeery en Theme» meal exam The death eeelmea Sunday 5118*- eeen la the fieee Memerlel Easel: eel, at me. Giles, el Gamer”; aged 42 mm ., Cameron country in thesumnier of 1858, so- '¢01.nPa-nied by his sister and hisfirst cousin. He made his home with his aunt, Mrs. Gannon, who lived {or several years on the site on which the Lindsay post once now stands. The deceased worked in the saw :mfils of Lung, Mama-mid Welsh: for some year, but was s. weaver and i brewer by trade. James Cook was born in Westport county Mayo, Ireland. in 1819. He was the son of‘John Cook, sergeant of the North British Fusileers, the famous met, which fought under Wellington in the Peninsular War and helped to conquer Bonepart at! the battle of Waterloo. 5 LATE .) AMES 000K The funeral of the late James Cook took place on Monday, April 25. to the Riverside cemetery. It was conducted by the Rev. C. H. Harsh, assisted by Rev. C. Bilkie. The deceased was oneof the clam- m be will be gmtly minced, and for this man also there woe .a very large concourse at the funeral. Mr. Tweedie bu] served in the tenth) council, being deputy-reeve for at least one you. He had also, your: ego. beennmomberolthe bond of truths of his school nec- tlon. In his day lie was on excelr lentmu-k-nnn'ith.nrine. Inhls choaen occupation of former he had a century ago. The object of this note was born in this township, and had spent all his' life here. He was widely known. and it is doubtful if there was another farmer in the district who had nude himself more useful to his neighbors and the towmhlp than he did. For this been in poor health for some years, but it was pneumonia that eventual- ly brought him under. For several weeks he had been very low. .and death was expected. . Mr. Tweedie died at Broadfield, the name given to the family home- stead. He was an unmarried man, one of the {our sons of the late J ames Tweedie, a Scotchmnn who located in Whitby three-quarters of ofvfir. U thn Tweedie, an esteemed farmer of Whitby township. at the age of 78 years. Mr. Tweedie had ’ 2m m m mm mm. m mum ‘Mu mama Assume an: M Mica JOEN mama. Jana Tweedio. “we of 3m, 5.. 3-. \‘ameld‘ of mu. passed away on Friday. April 30. in Whithya The funmt was held on Monday and awed ; The death occurred on Friday las§ it is not: em mums was as: ear is as sparsely a settled memes as this. and we wish so all so our friend? minds m mutating words at the past, “a he penned! These severe emissions. .. a New to his'many friends. and We an all one in our sympathy t6 the bereaved lamina Mr. Glupell had been ailing ‘ for some time and finally succumbed hon Saturday, Kay 1. Mr. Glaspellwas widely known in this township as he spent seven! years as assessor or this municipality. Last January he was elected to the council of Me- Ion. Mn Gluspell’s death comes” warnjng. Mrs. Hill and family had returned to our vicinity last autumn from Metabolism, and in the few months of their sojourn among us they had secured many friends. The remains of Mrs. Hill were in- terred in Eden cemetery =on Satur- day last. The mourning family have the sympathy of the whole neighbor- Mrs. Hill (nee Susanna. Hartineau) passed in- the Great“ Beyond on Wedâ€" nesday, April 28; almost without Glaspell. KR. OLIVER GLASPELL. Powleafi Corners, May ~4.â€"-Once again that grim and insatiable scep- tre. Death, has removed from our midst twq citizens of sterling worth â€"Mrs. Wm. H11]. and Mr' Oliver 'been doing everything io his power to find a cure (or it. He has fond the cure. It is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Yes, I tried all kinds of an» dicines for my kidney trouble," the postmaster joyfully states." None of them seemed to do me any good till I commenced to use Dodd's Kid- ‘ney Pills._ Two boxes of them: mired! une ‘ completely. I highly {6661114 mend Dodd‘o Kidney P111: to on 1m from kidney diocese. I would not be without them.“ Dodd’e Kidney Pills can an die- ceses oi the kidneys, from backache to bright'n dieeue. They also m all dilondend kidneys failing to. strain the impurities out at W blood Thlt’s why they an am. By, rheumatism. and heart dimes. ALBERTA MAN TELLE HOW HIS TROUBLES VANISHED WHEN 'HE USED THE OLD RELI- ABLE KIDNEY nmmnm Scona. Alta” May 7.â€"-(Special).â€"- “ I can now do all my work with- out pain and with pleasure." Thou are the words of Postmaster Antl- rew B. Nelson of this place. A. m the postnatal" a friends know, so has been troubled with mm dia- easeforeevenlyeauwt, unlin- Dodd’s Kidney Pm: Cured the Postmaster’s Kidney Use: as FINDS BIS WORK A PLEASURE NOV purchasers and miners pro-mt Were: P. mum), Argyle, who pur- chased a handsome bay mare for 81%; '1‘; 8mm Sonya: '1‘. lur- My. mama; G Daniela, Cm; bray; J; Johnson, Lindsay: M as Benny and Lem Benny. new: flowing; ma Keelar. mama: J; Kama Lindsay; Wm momma, Lindsay; Jag: Fleury, Lindsay. J; W: mum; Lindsay. em 0011 target the min: sale on my 1 Everybody me: FANNING’S SALE. The sale at Fanning’s repository on Saturday was largely attended no usual. The horses and cattle sold- roallued good prices. ten horses out of fourteen being sold. Among tin was!!! is cleared out, horseman, coughing and hacking are‘cumd. For a permanent cure for catty-h, noth- ing equals Catarrhome, 25c. and. $1 at all dealers. [Theyxgo directtothestomach, have 'very little eflect on the lining» of the noeeand throat, and entirely feilto cure. Only by cleaning flb air passages :by relieving the influ- mation and killing the germs ism possible. No combination ot'anti- septica is so successful as (hut-rhoâ€" zone. In breathing it, you cuddle richest pine balsam: right to file Er. W. WMcIntyne of Cambray. left the other day for Edmonton, M he will join his brother. Mr. John Ichtyne. be acquired anywhere' else on earth; The delicate fragrance and delightl’ul aroma of " Salada " Tea will plea-n you. Buy a package today flu: In politics It. Me was a strong Eben]. In MW he In a man. and Dr. AM conducted the religious miles at the funeral. Interment was made» in Union cemetery on Monday. The pan-bearers were all friends of long standinghâ€"Messrs. Alex. Robb, J’. E. Farewell, Wm. Celverley, Wm- Hood, Chas. Smith. Jns. Lynda. LIQUID CATARRH Rm- DIES FAIL. FARE MI I 10.

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