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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 May 1908, p. 9

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nd money we had in ’thdrawals- b‘-“ arge an 3? Canada is selling say Branch 2 19. 1908. EASIER ONEY .le rt. It does begin with. r: of $1 and a “Q‘Q“‘ {x Balance. ._ ”y“ y~~M . A wil THREE DAYS LEFT. friday, Saturday and Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd, 26th COMPARE OUR VALUES. .= nor mat m all (mots and Oildotns. l0 per tent. on all linens and Iowellings. 15 per cent. on all Carpets and Oikloms. Black Vienna Skirt, with fold and braid, ralseu scams, reg. 5.50, sale ........................... 4.50 Ladies' Black Vicuna Skirts, neatly pleated, reg. 5.00 ooooooooooooooooo 6.25, 32:18.... . . . Navy, Tan and Black Pamuna Skirts, pieated and silk trimmed. Reg. 6.00. sale ............... 4.75 2:3 mH black, blue aml checked Cloth Skirts, 1 {\n Nuttingham Lace Curtains, \vi‘lv. I'L'L". 1.25. sale 930. lie-g. 22.85, 5:11 Hm‘cntinc Lace bath why-x 1 patterns Culm iv) llll'l I)|(l.\.l\, -,.\.- u“ reg. 2.00 uml 2.25. To clear at ..... 1.00 5 Ladies" Short and long Raincoats, not: of this Scaurm‘s make, reg. 5.00 and 7.50, sale......2.00 Brown. navy, natural and Copenhagen Shanton, :20 inches, reg. (50c, sale ............... 48c A )1 wt: only (UH) U11! “'1" .‘IHHIQIHH‘I‘Y the" 011:1“;le u f ":11 [in v-s {hvrc may 1min alttc C1>IX|}>',‘IVI‘|I upticimls. Wednqsgay.May 27 gig This special cngagcmc Lllk L‘v>1~w--â€" -- ndnnce in my optic nt of Mr. Montgomc 211 mom two qualified and thor- ry will begin on 1 52!.“ 51 Kent Street LINDSAY g %%N%%%fi%%%fi%%éfi%%%%%g 1m: VOLUME LI. SECT ION TWO III] XIHI|“II. 14(th V\-~ v«-'~~ 7 , .7, U ‘ V r Iv, rcg‘. 1.25. sale 98c. ’wg. 1.50. sale...1.30 9.00 “122.35, 5:110 ..... ....... ............_ ntim: Lute Curtain Nut. '25 inch scollnp on :11 «:11j_"('<. Reg. 25(2‘ $2110.”..................2OC urns ('nlorml Art Mllslin, reg. 1'20, sale... 90 m Stripml Repp, 5-1- inches, reg. (55c and Uh'c, .............. ........a5c cials in Creams, at I‘t. ‘ ('mwn‘t Coats, 51,1111 91:. LU“), 52111: ......... buck. rug. 1) ()0, sale Light Spring Coats N 111th lufi'ut m Sil 11111 1111111111-11 1'13: 1. .l:1(~kct.<,reg. +.'_':) a [Icrnnghcmc Stripe u'. 11-2”. UAW), salc...‘ n15. UJNI‘ ~Ini-fittin lm‘ :1 limited time only. During the 1 z'mls of people in Victoria Gummy, he zmiining all cases by this new method lumwu for the prescribing of glasses. glusw, pay for material only. I her tzikc advantage of this great opportun the fitting of glasses an exact science. cvcning. I will have on display in m \Wrth coming miles to see. Thisiden {Mist munth and has created wide spre “ANA :m.;,,,, /â€"i 'or :1 limited time only. During the stay of the Specialist who is well known to hund- 'll conduct a daily optical clinic, personally ex- ‘t-«ls of people in Victoria, Gummy, he w1 {mining all cases by this new method which is unquestionably the most accurate system x'nnwn for the prescribing of glasses. No charge will be made for testing those requiring _"l:I.\j\‘t,'~', pay for material only. I hereby most cordially invite all eye sight sufferers to lake advantage of this great opportunity to consult with Mr. Montgomery who has made like titting of glasses an exact science. Sight testing sessions will be held both day and evening. i will have on display in my window a lens making exhibit which will be well Worth coining miles to see. This identical exhibit has been on display in Toronto for the past month and has created wide spretd interest. Those who need help for their eyes should consider this a personal invitation to come and learn of the wondeful success oth- by this new science system' as practiced only by Mr. e repeat the opening date for this engagement, is Jewelry and Optical ers‘ are having with glasses fitted )lontgmnery or his students. W .xynnunanxv MISV 27. for a. limited time only at the fifibfifisnAY, MAY 27, LACE CURTAINS. Ill llll I have removm‘ 31 Kent b‘t. I practicing the r'. .\Imn§_"«ruuery ’lf all tin as th' .iy cmnpctcnt ( .mxm Silk C0:1t,2 mlh. pas- 11:1.1'1:.l).‘)0<z1lc............1200 Untht 11111. 1:101- and mtin nim- -' n1\ JACKETS. SKIRTS. )U 11w, trumm mnovcd to, and now occupy a more c St. I have been so greatly pleased : lg the most wonderful method of din; ry the originator ef the system 1 re may be in attendance in m This special engage {tune I: 08‘ the Hunt Opticians. H l.:uliv>' pink. pulv Mum-Ind(‘ulu-nl'uguu Junk-s )l' lhl't'ml 0 :2: h. ”Lu-V 1'1”}. 35". [at]! . MGGAFFEY’S, 2 3% yds. lung, 6:0 mches < £‘f‘ and braid, raised ( nuts. semi-tittin" ................... 11.31) ,,,,, 71m 5:1]; 8c, 10c and 12.1. L‘ ........... 5.00 and Hum], 112:. rw occupy a more comodious and better appointed store at, so greatly pleased and have had such success since I have :rful method of diagnosing optical errors that Ihave engag- ltOI‘ ef the system to instruct my son, W. T. Hughan, so in attendance in my optical room two qualified and thor- This special engagement of Mr. Montgomery will begin on Ik.: luw 2:; 2.7.2.; #5 _.:_:..vz 11.. 5.3. 1:29.133 ’4 fun. 11â€"” 7:: 1.1.. 1.213.. 7...... men 111: .2 (N) Japanese Silk and Embroidered Fronts, with tucks, reg. 3.50, sale .................................... 2.89? White Silk Blouses, tucked and lace trimmed,' reg. 2.50, sale ................................... 2 00‘! White, navy and brown Lustre Blouses, handsome- l ly pleated, reg. 2.60, sale ................ 2.00! Vhite Sheer Lawn Blouses neatly embroidered,l regular 1.25, sale ............... .........100 White Net Blouses, with colored lining, regularj 3.50, sale. . . . 295‘ Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed, reg. 28c, sale. . . . . .220. Reg. 35c, sale...... 30c Corset Covers, shadow embroidery, lace and in- sertion trimmed, reg. 55c, sale............ ...... 45c Ladies‘ Cambric Drawers, 6 inch frill, tucked. reg. 27c, sale 22c Ladies‘ Cotton Drawers, 8 inch frill, tucked and lace trimmed, reg. 38c, S:1l€......... . . . . ......3()c Ladies’ Lawn Drawers, 8 inch frill, insertion and hemstitched tucks, reg. 43c, sale...............3:'Sc Ladies“ Cotton Drawers, 8 inch frill, 4- tucks, em- broidery edge, reg. 55c, sale.....................45c Ladies’ White Skirts, 10 inch llounce, tucked and late trimmed, regular 90c, sale . . . . 75c T 1: J u‘L:... Clyhm‘ 1N int-ll muslin fl'lll. 2 I‘OWS lace trimmed, regular 90c, sale . . . . mcl Ladies' White Skirts' 18 inch muslin frill, '2 rows} of insertion and tucks, wide lace edge, regular 1.25, sale....... 100 Laglies’ Skirts, 16 inch flaunce, tucks and em- broidery, insertion trimmings, regular 1.25, sale ..... . ............ ..... . ..... 1.00 Ladies” White Cotton Gowns, Y shaped neck, emâ€" broidery yoke, reg. 1.10, sale..... ...... .......95c Ladies’ Gowns" ff sleeVe, embroidery yoke, Square low neck, heading and rihlmn trimmed, regular 1.55. S:1l0...... . . . . ......v. . . . . .. WWI-L") Navy and Black Watered Moreen Skirts, regular 1.10. sale... ....................... ”Sc Black. l)l'U\\'I] and navy \Vunl Vuile, regular Emu. sale ................................................ . THC Navy, tan. Mack and cream French Cashmere. all 7' l'\ll Lawn, Silk and Net Blouses. Ladies’ Cotton Underwear. won}, 42 inch width, n21. 5”": Ladivs (-s Fux-‘nnu-t ‘ \\ -l~.~h (”nit-us. 1131'. 5: 'I11' N' :"l‘ 13 “'2.;(' 5.1“". 1 and tucks, wide lace edge, regular 1.00 s, 16 inch flounce, tucks and em- insertion trimmings, regular 1.25, .n-ooooloco-uoltun-unnooocuo-n TAKE great pleasure in thanking my many Optical patrons for their most generous patronage since 1 took up the new system of sight testing as tanght only by the ToronEo “Shadow test.” expert. Ul'L'u -VI‘IIL'LII un....,, -\‘__.. S) vy “(ml \ullo, regular SH ............... o.......-..--..ul l crvnm French (A'ushmcrc. h. l‘v-f. (3W3. sulc ............ 4 “r. Wm. 13. Montgomery 152|1, H >-l'h‘...... 44C Opposite Terry’s “(M‘s l'I-g. 5- 11-2. to hund- mally ex- tte system » requn-mg lffcrers t0 . has made. «lay and -ill be well 1t0 for the their eyes ccess 0th- y by Mr. gcment, is [(1 Optical HA'AHNM'TH qu Rvg-‘lll >iZt-s l i In W v, san- 1390 u'. mlt- ...... ‘ lINDSAY, 0NT., FRIDAY, MAY 22, I908 44c JC GREAT NEED The building of a. provincial sani- tarium for consumptivt-s was under consideration by the provincial Govâ€" ernment during the last session. A meg-ting of delegates appointed by the various counties in the province was held at Toronto. l'r. Mason, oi Penelon Falls, and warden of the county, was the delegate from Vic- toria. Nothing definite was ac- complished, but. the convention thought. that it was imperative that some mt}: sthume rhould be carried out. Recmtly a, woman applied for ad- mission at. the Ross hospital. She was admitttd and a. liltle while lat- er the doctors cxamimd her. They found that she was one of the many victims of the White plague and she was immediately removed from_ the institution. Tuberculosis ir a very infectious disease. as many eminent doctors have textificd, and no such dig-yrs are admitted at the local hospital, and for am wisely so. Here is \\‘h sity for a. hospital (-3 the victims of this dre is neressary. The Gra‘ stitution is doing good overcrowded and not a everyone in the provinc [IIPDA' “LAVAI. ., infectious disease. as many eminent. doctors have testified, and no snch diseases are admitted at. the local hospital, and for alivious reasons, wisely so. Here is where the necesâ€" sity for a hospital exclusively for the victims of this dread disease. is neressary. The Gravenhurst in- stitution is doing good work, but, is overcrowded and not. available to everyone in the province. ‘ This instance is merely given to stimtion is doing: good Work, but is as has been outlined by Judge Bar- ron. of Stratford, and other men who are doing: a great deal in the crusade against consumptiori. LINDSAY DISTRICT MEETING .\ moctino: of tvrs of the place this afto Cullnch. of On 10 l‘rosidont of once ‘this year. MEETING OF MINISTER§ III-21.1) THIS AFTERNOON. From \VIdIII-sduy's Daily. .\ moctino: of the Methodist minis- tm‘s of the Linthny district. tank, place this afternoon. Rev. R. MI:- Cullnch. of Dim-mun and the probab- le President m‘ ”w MmhmhsI COllfI'r- once this year. was chairman. :«w. G. L. l’hf‘lpg. 0f Queen-st. .‘L‘thOdis‘. church. was financial sucm-tury. I ' "‘ - .( {kn church. was financial sm-rvtury. The name of each minister of ‘ (ht- district, was mulled by the chairman and the meeting ccrtifivd lo ,his.chur- m-tl-r and murals. This o-rtificmion is to he plan-d hcfnx‘t‘ thv confcrvm-u. T\\0 CumlidaN-S for the ministry. )Iossrs. Ayerhurst and .\.. Phelps, slum! rm om] (Naminminn in duc- trim-s. litc‘rury ‘qnulificminns. mlucn- tionnl standinc. .und christian expor- iom‘c'. the Hun-ling \min: on Uu-ir IN ”10 mm 'l‘hn will Business Done at Meeting at Woodville $4,500 For a Mr. Patrick Murphy has: purchnsou the I'm” forty-acre farm of tho Into Mr. (:uiry. '1 h-r farm is .situnlml just, south of Rivet-5M0 m-mt'tcry and has always be: n roco;‘ni7.vd as; a good nnw. The sale Was commuted Mun- duy morning and tho privc realized, according to The Wurdvr's inform- nnt. was $4,500. a good price for 45 arm-s. It. will be remembered that. v.- \[urnhv was burnt. out. about on”. The Sale “‘uS day morning and 111 according to The ‘ ant. was $1.30“. a g urn-s. It will be 1 Mr. Murphy was bu one year or 80 ago. MEETING OF ' THE PRESBYTERY The Presbytcr." J Monday evening I ed till yesterday day evening Rev. retary of .the Pre JLUuuu.‘ v v ‘. .._..5 ed till ywtcrdaywevening. On Mon- day evening Rev. It. 1’. McKay. sec- retary of the Presbyterian missions, and Rev. Dr. Grandma of Torunto, delivered addresses. I Arrangements were made yestnrday for the induction of Rev. Jnmvs ROSS into the ministry of the (nim- Cnnk Presbyterian Churlh nn Juno. 23rd. RM'. )lr. Munrng. of ()AlkWund‘ is to preach and RM. .\lr. l-‘vrmison of (:lxmnrm, tn pin-side. RM“. Mr. Young. of Eldon. is to addh-SS \ tho minister. and Rev. Mr. 'I‘urnur, m“ Kiz-kfu-id. the peopic. , j A cmumittee of fnur was also up: paintwi tn make urrungvmcms fora; {thofough canvass ,oi‘ the congratu- Ethms -n the Presbytery in connectiun iwith mme systematic giving for imissionary purposes. Rev. James. iWaHa-m. of Lindsay. ,was made con- !vmer of this committee. 5 a 45th Regt. to Col. R. H. Sylvester, of the 45th Regiment, has received orders from headquarters to the efioct that the Regiment. will go into’training quar- ters at Kingston. on Monday, June 15th. This is earlier than last. year, when the Regiment went to camp during the fix->1. week in July. Following are the orders: “ In accordance with instructions received from headquarters on the 15th inst.. the following active mi- litia. of Midland district No. 8, will assemble for training in camp at '3 Kingstoiil” - n__:_.-_a. :. Aâ€"I‘mn’fl.°d m-ptam-o. ’l‘u-murx‘m': at 10 gc-ncl'al st'ssinn of u ministers will no. layman c-lvrn-d ‘10 general luusimw ill be (lthllSM‘Ol. among the “BI. tunu Avuvug. -â€" might be mentioned that Col. Syl- vester has made application {or the 45th Regiment to go to Quebec to the Tex-centenary celebration. " I ‘leel satxsfied that the 45th Regimen. will be one to go." said the Colonel ‘to The Warder to-day. I”. 45111 Regiment is enumerated the list. that follows. It. be mtioned that Col. Syl- has made application for the Go to Kingston 0F HOSPITAL to-r met at. Woadvillc on and the s«:ssiqn_lnst.â€" 45 Acre Farm {.m. Hu-ro _\\'ill lm thu «lis‘rict. All «- [nun-svnt. und by mu-h church. .~ 01‘ me diswim [11 9110 final!“ ITHW. ' 6n June l5th has purchased M EROVIIIEIIL TREASURE] ADDRESSED MONSTER IIEI TING REVIEWING WHITNBY’S RECORD Rousing Speech by Mr. J. D. Fla‘elle-Mr. S. J. Fox, and Mr. .l. H. Carnegie gave Con- vincing Addresses-Jot: of Enthusiasm--“Mr.:fox the Man” . ;\ CR! “VHF“ HOI'SI’H The Academy of Music was. more than crowded. Exm'y :u‘niluhlo Scat was ()CL‘UpiPd. ~.\ largw» munh--r of seats \\‘(‘I‘(‘ plat‘vd on the platform, and tin-Sc hm m-ru filh-d. Many who could not find sitting room \vc-ru content t4) sfamd. and n furthur large number haul to ho turnud “way. (:00!) Ml'SiC I-‘lum THE LIND- The popular c X . t o ‘ r n ‘0 d _ . ‘1‘)("1 x l 19 t p g S. J. FOX. Candidate for West. mriu. $15.00 SUIT. .. ‘ IZV'I'HI'SIASM FROM :rm: START. . \IC-g Mr. l~‘ln\'ollc was given a \w-r)" .hn-nrty reception on rising to s]'\c:\|\.l A‘mong those on the platform at the Academy .were: lion. Col. 11a- thcsmz. Provincial Treasurer; Mr. S. J. Fox, Liberal-Conservative can- didate for West. )‘icboria; Mr. J. 1[. Carnegie. Liberal-Conservativg. cau- didatc for East Victoria; Mr. W. Channon, president of the West Vic- toria. Lilmral-Conscrvative Associa- tion; Dr. A. .E. \‘rooxmm, ex-M.I’.: Dr. J. Wood, Mr. Goo. Jordan. Mr. D. Cinnamon. Mr. J. H. Scothcran, (‘m'ejsv'f ' Iâ€"Iébuty-Rce've Eyrc-s, Mr. luau-rt Xaylor. Ald. Goo. R041, Mr. G. H. Hopkins, K.C.. Mr. Isaac Doy- vll. Mr. Jmm-s Daniels, Mr. John Way. Cam. I-‘. 11. Hopkins. and many mhers. c MU'I‘TOES AND HUNTING. Th0 stage was fittingly and tastily dm‘kod with hunting and flags, whit», 111011005 such as. “We Trust. thv. l’t‘ulllc; the I‘Ouplo _Trust, I'S.” I "A vote fur Fox is a You: for grant! (:m‘vrmm-m.” and many others were in full \‘iO‘V. (‘nL Huglws. MIX, “ho was export- ("0L Hughes. 11.11. “110 was export- ml to bo pl‘vsont and give an ad- drvsfi. was _unuvnidahly (in-tainod I hy public husinoss at Ottawa, and could not be present. -. 'l‘llli CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS. Mr. W. Channon. president of the “bat Vittoria Association, prvsidod. and nude (1 most ‘ax‘t'optahlc- chairâ€" mun. His remarks were brief but to Lhc‘ point. He thanked the people fur their exceptionally large turn- out. He jolt this \‘t-ry lame uttrntl- nnco of the bust penplo nf the town and district uugurwl «all for llx‘. l-‘ux and his mturn _to the lx-gislnâ€" turv. It was a mutter of r~';_-rct t11:‘ llnn. Mr. “bimvy wus_ill and un- mhlo 14) Jpn pt't-St'nt as oxpoctml, Int? in ('nl. Mmhcson, the l'rm‘incial 'I‘t't'nsurc-r. tlu- pmmlv of Lindsay and Virinity would have the opportunity at “stoning. tn (mo of the (‘nhinvt “illi-‘h'rs of U1" \Vhitnt-y AdmlnlSU'n- Hunâ€":1 nmn \\ ho \wmld ln‘ able in (10.1] intullim-mly and fully . “1th pulnlic _qllt'.\llullh‘ from the standpoint, ut' ‘\ll(l\\'1l'd;_"'1‘ “,ml t-xpvrionco. 'l'llv ("Htll'nlllu also said that _h(‘ umlvr- xlmul that tho l'rvmit-r had prmnis- t-(l. if Ht. all anSilrlv‘. to com" in Lintlszty lwt‘nrt' tht- clnsc 01‘ this vuln- ”Hip“. and speak to tho plot‘tm's nn 'tltl- questions of public intvrost. | Mr. (‘hnmum than called on the. first \pt-nkt't‘ for the filming, Mr. J. 1’. Fltnvllo. I Prom Wudnosday‘s Daily. are:afiforcefulgiflustration of the -__.,_M.mww valtio ofEconcentrating energy on .m- z'twsiogle specialty: m. They’ve found} [theirEway onto the backs of many of our well Wm.“ dressed men in Lindsay and sur- rounding country, DUNDAS 81 FLAVELLES LIMITED, Clothing and Furnishing Department. OUR $15.00 SUITS , , 53." 4 sgr-znazmw He explained that he did ,not wish to take up much of the time of the audience. Local speakers could be heard at ,almost any time. and no doubt the gathering desired chiefly to hear from. the distinguished Visitor, Col. Matheson. Provincial Treasurer of Ontario. Mr. IFIRYOHQ, however, said .he desired to mks up al few minâ€" utes in reply to a most misleading article in the Post of Monday even- ing. lie was doing this ,at the spec- ial roquost of Mr. Fox. and also at the suggesrion of many others who dosirod that fairness and truth should prevail. Mr. Flavcllc than read the editorial from Munday's Post headed "Plans- il)le Inaccurucics.” thy article being in part as follows: . “(mo of these ghost stories of our contemporary is the assertion that. Mr. Fox .is entitled to credit for bringing the Agricultural Classes to Lindsay, and that they are just as good a thing as the Normal School would have been, had Mr. Fox @1102. mum-d it. This .statcmt-nt is, of cuursc, just as genuine us cmmterfcib mom-y, 'and has just as much Value. The fact is that, while the Agricul- tural Class-s arc in themselves good things, neither the _\\‘hitncy Gox‘cm- mum 301' Mr. Sum Fox is cntitlml ta :1 particle of credit for the classes ‘heim: hero. The truth is that the ;clnsst-s “'(‘I‘Q dm'iSod and planned by :Ilun. John Dryden, Ministcr of Ag;- iriculturc. in the Ross Government, and his assistants, and I'm,- plan has bet-n dcvt-lopcd by the sumo assist.- ‘ants llndl'l‘l the new mn‘m'nnts-nt, lwhich (lid nut dare to interfere .with iso cxa-llcnt a plan for tho mlwmcc- "mt-nt of our agricultural imam-SK. .Tho former goVornmcnt dociflod that. !thcrc shuuld be four of these class«:s, 1.11): r ,',‘*-:TI:W" ominuul (m 5103? PAGES TH E A RT] CLE onsvrvn! i\ East. \‘Lctoriu. I}. CARNICCH NUMBER 2| 1n4litlnu

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