J an wall a; it :‘ ter the†Mn! 2 fame“! 1M ‘9 md tl‘ :cepta.‘ nan my 99 Lil]. rt 3 m um um “Mn? 1 man“ the m PUG! with“ “t or N his . thi. urisin» F9 a) .llbroi my: evidenced by the fact that it will be in the course of a few days, handed Lindsay has been visited by pro- minent men from all parts of the world, who have come for the , sole reason of inspecting the ï¬ltration system. Large and small towns and cities in Canada and the United States have sent delegates to Lind- Say, and these have returned land their views of Lindsay and Lind- say’s system of ï¬ltration have been stated on the platform and publish- ed in the press of the land. , Every technical and scientiï¬c jouro an] on the continent has had refer- ence of some sort or other ~to Lind.» sw’s ozonizing plant. This matter has been illustrated with views of the plant and the system aim†ei‘t‘h views of the town of Lindsay; The acknowledged success of the plant is looked for with interest from may quarters of the gldhe. One of the best advertiserhents the town of Lindsay ever had, is known as †Lindsay’s ozone ï¬ltration system.†Mr. J. Howard Bridge, the inventor, has just returned from an extensive trip to American and Canadian cities, and in an interview found elsewhere in this isSue, states that “ Lindsay is receiving wide- spread note all over the continent †through the present system of ï¬l- tration. The fact that Lindsay had enterprise enough to be the ï¬rst town in this hemisphere to adopt the ozonizing system of water 151-7 tration is proving the best line of publicity possible for the town. The Board of Trade would do well to consider the advisability of en- tering upon a publicity campaign. and boom Lindsay abroad. other towns and cities have the annual habit of issuing neat and instruc- tive folders and also insert adver- tisements in the papers telling of their prospei'ous town. Lindsay should do the same. A big publicity canipaign would not be amiss in Lindsay. especially if such publicity would be wide- spread across ‘the continent. Every citizen should do his or her share to advertise Lindsay ; they should when traveling, not be afraid to say that they were from the town of Lindsay on the beautiful Kawartha . lakes. - Ann amt... Innu- law ONE OF LINDSAY'S BEST ADVERTISEMENTS Published it Lindsay, cum-m. by The Watchman-Wards: Printing 00., mm, 850. per menu. 89 mall to swim points In Quad; or as British mm, is per you. The Watshnamwm (Weekly) 01 w you in advance: [1,35 1! a during m rear. Range to m mam. can a Daily or Vastly. 50¢. he Dan: Vader-Duh“ eerie! at by mall'tq‘ $613 nub: Several varieties at the drug store. R. J. Mulligan Drmist - 0mm Mangle Seed Sugar Mangle I Turnip Seed Watchman-Warder From the best seed growers PAGE TWELVE TEESDAY. RAH 18. 1909. 'mnv lumen .nmflpflu It.“ Seed Corn Wm 07. Good fresh flue was killed-‘61: the railway m Dor- has been found in some instances, each member prob'ably depending on :the othersto perform what was real- ly his duty. The 051th o! the com- missioï¬ is ‘to impmsé upon railway oflicials and employees {1on essentigl to satiety is strjct enforcetnent ~of precautionary measures. Among- the "accidental cam" were broken rails, \spread track or some defect that might escape ordin- ary vigilance. Negligence on the part of the whoIe of'atrein crew, it will be seen from the above table, Accident causes ........................ Conductors and brakemen Engineers, ï¬remen and brakemen Trackmen ~and yardmen ............ All of train crew .................. Train dispatchers and operators Companies Engineers, conductors and brake- ments on Canadian railways invest- igated by the Dominion railway com- mission during the year covered by its recently-issued report, 72 per cent. were, in the opinion of the in- vestigators," due to; a failure on the part of the edployees to do their full duty to their employers, their fellow-employees and the public. These so-called accidents resulted in the death of 529 persons, and in~ jury to 1.7309 others. Responsibili- ty for accidents in the cases inquir- ed into is placed by the report as follows: in 1990 sixteen years Wm have passed since the preeeding great est: peeitien in this eeuatry, thee ef Se Louie. which mmememted the Louisiana Purehase; twenty years will have passed einee the preceding greet expeaieiee in Europe. that, of Perla in 1900, The interval is! bheretere. net too short. nor in the announcement me fer in advance, An enterprise “or such magnitude re: quires: years of forethought and ex: pert preparation. Japan is devote ing ten-years to preparation for the Tokio Exposition. which will open in 1918. It is none too soon, therefore, to serve notice to the world if a world’s fairï¬s to pa held in 'Boatdil’l Philadelphia had the Centennial; Chicago the Columbian. Buffalo the Pan-American, St. Louis the Louis- iana Purchase. San Francisco, At- lanta, New Orleans, Jamestown, have fled expositions on a smaller scale. :c 73.2.3: oo.-.onu..ou -.-:::ro g Without a doubt this announce- ment will be received with generel approbation and enthusiasm in the United States and will? also interest Canadians to a certain extent, ee- peciaiiy those who enjoy visiting their brothere and sister; across the line from time to time. The pity is that Guanine cities do not go in for the idea of holding more celebras tione, such as the one recently held inVQeebee. The. world’s fair idea has been rather overdone; it in true, but the proposed‘ fair to he held at Beaten would commemorate the be: ginning of the world’e' ï¬rst free government, where all men and all religions are free under the law been begun to commemorate the‘ landing of the Pilgrims by (world'- (air in. that city in 1920. the three hundredth anniversary of the found- in; of New mgland. The \Vcrder has received a mark- ed copy of the Boston Hex-um which announces that a movement ha A MAYFLOWER WORLD'S FAIR 'V As e. menu of glvlng the town of Lindsey memo-t deelreehle Bloc! of publlclty the ozone plant has been 0. leader. The eplendld ' edvertlnlng he: been wldeepmd, the town his pure and wholesome weter. and the coat or getting the name has been moderately low‘. mar to. thwart}. To â€â€™19- “ Wm Commissioners nnd the Town Coun- cil a full mm olprai'ao Ihould 1b accorded. They have workéd zoo.- loualy, 9890313“? the commissioners. in endeavor!“ to supply the POOP“ Offend“)! with the very heat water obtainable. and nppmntly their efl‘orta hum boon crowned with the greatest success The water speaks for itself. Of over 100. collisions and derail- RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, at... nu. 0.. coo-n... .. .co... ouu o.- CASTORIA Iahhnhud‘fldflru. The Kill You mama-w Mr. E. Hopkins; son of Mr. Eus- tace Hopkins, of Ops, has successful- ly passed his examinations as a sec- ond-year student at the O.A.C. at Guelph. By-laws were carried by Owen Sound ratepayers to‘extend the wat- erworks and the electric lighting phat. ' ' RECEIVING CONGRATULATIONS A very enjoyable time is expected here on Monday, May 24th. Dit- ferent kinds of sport are to be the leading features of the afternoon. The dcommit‘tee in charge have en- gaged Messrs. Gansley and Arm- strong lrom Orono, for the evening entertainment. There was no service here last Sunday on account of the incomple- tion of the renovation of the cliurch. It will be re-opened next Sabbath for the anniversary services. Mrs. ‘1‘. H. Broad iamt mt. \m- dér the doctor’s care. twins to an attack of appendicitis. We hope for a speady recovery. Miss Merle James has been Vifllta ins friends and amuaimanm in this neighbroheod. Mina Jamie ‘Sanguiné. o! Undmy. has been visiting her shtcr. Mrs. B, Osborne. Zioaznaripoaa. Kay lat-Seeding in this vleiaicy has been deï¬ant! eonnidamhly owing in thc was won: them The "farmers am looking tor= ward to 3 arm time. ‘ Im a a gammaâ€... mmmm mason, dimnou. or normal 9mm until onedny myhueband now the Com- sound ndvertieed in the paper. ,He eclded to get me a bottle, and 1 nm thankful he did. I had not token one bottle before I began to feel better, and I kept on tekinglt until now I on n diaerent woman. It else be] me duri mutant“: and child rth. I can oroughly recommend your Veg- etable Compound to my women who is nflleted with female troubles.â€â€" Hre. J. H. Twmnnun, 133 Noun 8%., Toronto. Condo. The eucoeee of Lydln E. Plnkhen’e mangle Compoun mode from root. herbs. in un ml eled. It my be unedwlth perfee conï¬dence by women who wife: from displwemenu, manna melon. uloemtlon,_ ï¬broid tumore._lr- until one day myhusban sound “vertised in th ecldod to get me a bot nkful he did. I had I Toronto. Canadaâ€"“I Ihall endeavor to describe to y u how I felt before I be? taking Lyd E. Pinkham'a Veg. eta le Compound. I scarcely knew what it wan to be well. I had awful bearing-downpaim and ‘uaually before, mymonxhlyperioda I suffered terribly and had to to bed. Iwaa no able to walk across the floor the pain was I0 bad. I doctored for a long time, but the doctor’s treat- ment did not do me ydlaE.Plnkham’sV eta- ie Compound Cured er. DOCTORS FAILED Zfï¬Na-XARIPOSA. “if?“ I van any open 3: eve?- being well again would be suitable. 'lhe 3'on at the Point however, loner mtg udVantagee, too, and it is not probable thgtthemgimtyinmp Col; Sylvester and Major Henley lay, of the 45th regiment, were ' at Sturgeon Point recently looking over ’the golf grounds them with the ob; ject of considering the advisability of holding the regimental campthere' this year The annual drill. it, pre- viously mentioned in The Warden is to be held at the regiment’s. a quarters this year, and it is muffler? Dear Sir,â€"I here wish to contra- dict the statement in your paper of May 18, mi the Spring Show con- cerning my horse. the “Favorite Knight," inregard to him toeing in and inmbility to go straight. As I happened with an accident to my held cm a. tester and blood balsam-I did not'ha.†my horse shod only a few days previous to the fair, and owing to the heavy shoes he may not have acted to suit the judge. He 19.now rising six years} The Warder invites letters : It isnot necessary that the views of the writ ers coincide with the opinions of The Wonder, but the must be free from oï¬ensive ‘ties. As a. suntan- tee of faith, the writer'snnmeend eddiess must be signed, but will not~be printed if so desired. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The stark ballad at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Keams and left a. little baby girl. gurs. Bickle retunged home after spending a. few weeks with friends at Eden Station. Alisa Edna. Smith was visiting, her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Coboconk, last week. Mr. Wm. McKenzie motored out from Toronto last week. atable on it Mrs. J. D Wiison was visiting her ulster in Coboconk last week. XIRKFIDLD. x-mmom. my ashâ€"Kr. John 3. [may payed a flying visit to Lind: any last woolen. Airs. A. A. Sanctum- 3‘0th Home after spending a tew week: in mm. W. John H. no!†is improving a: place by putting a flue new stable on it. tr. 0. A. Barkwell returned from Graig a Austin’s mp at. Sam: 2mg on Saturday last. was In O’Brien )1“ [one to the old homutead to live {or the sum mar. His: Hyrtle Quinn is helping In. Cuban. Ilia: Nellie Allely visited at her homo at. Norluid on Wedneadny night. Hr. Louis Bimbnum an in this visinity on Friday. . Bury Bin» Mum was here on Wednesday. . lit. Robert Fountain. an. in very m. Re his been conï¬ned to Mu bod for about a week. ‘ Mrs. Ju. Quinn. an. is staying with her daugliter, Mn. Jog. Chyo noweth, as Miss burn. in lick. Mina Reno O'Brien in doing Mrs.- Rummerlleld'l work until she will luvs regained her former health. at Mrs. Th! doing some Win. Ju. Rummarï¬old is very sick. She hu pneumoniu on the right lung and in being attended by tho Coboconl't doctor. mu Bertha Rim is accused be dong bore. mu Alice Woodcock entertoined a number oi her young triendl at n quilting boo on Thuradny oi thin week. In the evening the ‘young splendid time. Min Edith 'l‘runx W}; the lucky girl who found the button in the quilt. and according to superstition will be the next to Join the man oi benedict. Mr. John L. Davis returned on wedge-aw from her Vilit 'A CON TRADIOTION . Rick-nu is ensues this web]: . Argue! been faulted WALDEN‘ for Wanion’a 18 inch long Lisle Glovesin tan anal, bkck, 2 but. ton sizes 6} to i or Miltuouuuono in â€(o Ru .25 he merchant to sell at a low proï¬t. We ï¬gure on the lowest possible cost to the therefore we must keep busyâ€"all the timeâ€"right up time Saturday nights. .The low prices quoted below AA..- LA-- ‘h:- mmk_ Be ‘ the ï¬rst use we bought them from Country end brought them prices thIt oertuinlyeeve money for are offering them at special , those who are requiring or_hkely to require any. Every pair at 2.25 and over a arreduoed price. . m. mm Linen 290 I Mkerohiefsyz for 250 400 Table Linen. keep us bust! who save by Good Lace Curtains Children’s plain and ribbed block cotton hosiery, fut color, sizes 5 to 7. Special 3 put: ‘.°.'.’.“.“f"...‘.’.’.¥’.‘.’..‘ff§f:::::: .10 Ian: Glow“ .259 Full bleach able linen, 70 inches wide, excellent quality. W‘fff‘ï¬j .8??? .29 Federal Business College '.m‘l\fll v SUMMER ‘ SCH .000. O... Never will there be a better 0 pox-tunity for the yo men and women of Lindsay aid district than that 1:1:ng presented by the Federal Slimmer Course 'of practical business study, as planned by the management of that institute. All students ebmpleting this course ,will re.- ceive the regular college diploma. Do noc delay if you wish to take advantage'of this special instruction, but arrange at once for the regular or advanced course in bookkeeping. Two Important Savingsqq ï¬gsigry‘ lOOOOOIOOOOO I3. LINDSAY .00. O 0.. LINDSAY 083le 5; Men’s Siits. Men's Hats. ï¬ Women's Suits. Millinery. Evorythin that would go to mckc your holi cy outï¬t more com- plctocon be selected here at price: thct certainly mun a big saving to you. . More money left for your holl~ dcytri is what it means if you make '8 store your headquarters for :11 buying. In men’s and wom- en’s wen- We arc showing some very nice suits and hudwoar which we know is very correct both in style and price. Come in and see them. New Taggery for the Holiday arcs!“ 119 sell at}. low margin of It paï¬bIo-coot to the buyer and all the timeâ€"ï¬sh; _up to closing NO." style! and designs in wuh bolt- m now on display in Our Mu'Wou' Depart- aunt. Woniéia embmidered hand- kerchiefs, assorted patterns, now 1;:- fgrsc and 20¢ each .25 km M 301.“ ~-Lndie|’ full fashioned black cotton hose, sizes 8} to 10, an excellent stocking. Special. 2 pair for â€carpet pnir 15 noted. W1! ought to week. Be one of those in Price 14m in weight ul :3" mo pounds. 1 fee W Dr. Williams' for me that I , miserable gii The pills are so flesh dealers or you m at 50 cents a “I the use of Dr.‘ mic. They beg the ï¬rst couple of 1 ‘6' weeks more I \ lsctly Well. The C, pale, had no appet‘ Lm|in the back I '. feeling of constan 'mllest exertion ! Ruthless, and I I M until I weight! I gpt nothing to M fed interest in u: with Dr. Williams’ sciatica and even Dr. Williams' Pink blood, repair wast! clued: disease. Th yith rich, red bk! good health and lil h w “ " Dr. luv; done for n limost turned If every woman would realize'the blood to becol Md understand or common disens an mic (or tion, â€:hat persisu that the blood is m with the r .wrraour RICH ~ YOU CANNOT HOW TO 013114 ~ ma. A QUESTIO Ir. Primoau “I†II! he has 1 tall nu ma. loam l‘rimml not lam: thnlr pl til late Smut-«495' tho doom and w jodod. Thu mu m by Hakim! ad braking lhv door. Ir. l'rimmu Is m that it war. I who broke in. nu u ‘3 enter! h1 C“ with in an)’ In! been plated in Vincent, but as )‘J AI c result c M0 is minus t m, a case 0| W of undy. “ï¬le stones hem Puma, grocer, ‘ fruit dealer, on I G into on Satur m by some w flr. GaVin K0 Commerce stan', m transferred branch and took this morning- IMVSFEIIRED A. HIG Draught THE FA STORES F. . the pat Of this plenty before nip, will be just th years. 0 I L B I B B EQUIV hand ,there THUR