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Watchman Warder (1899), 20 May 1908, p. 5

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Ham“ '1“ w to b!” NI III M W. E. Om. Mr. Emut, m. Austfil, h tumwvcfi flH‘S ‘rh bred SN- Iebrated OR. My figs. Em lash Gods MW ‘vh stabling ree acres of Hing. Farm from station 1 : two miles ; and Metho- me-half miles lb and school“ krill he given. F99 F2. Rica; ville. (mt a? 91%! O Hood A D IOINING ownship og- ween 30 and ance pasta“ is will make roposed 01'. ' this proper. k rLindsay. .' everything S Opposite roâ€" i- Apply c.‘ Feed. This 1; fland, an t. Woodvme, with cement d storm win- godshed m r. Stable and Fm w“ Ichool can wn March 1‘ rxd Omen'we 1 11mm i! far age BRICK my Rigs, Revised Schedule of the Mariposa League for 1909 Mny aoâ€"vumm at Sony... Gnu“)! It mm: ”mm: ham Sâ€"Brltuin tt vacant. 80m gt ‘ lune 12-411mm on. mum. Gran-wt!) at ' ‘ Juno aoâ€"vmu. a 0mm“ Balm “m July 8â€"8015” at Valentin. 311:“ at My” Lindsay Branch, W. C. T. Morson, Manager 3 1-2 and 4 Per Cent. Interest «Savings Muney to Loan on M ortesges. Iinsy Canditions e(3f Repay ent. Mortgages Purchased. Victoria Loan e Savings Co. Deposits of $1 and upwards are received aqd interee rates. Accounts may be opened it! thé mm more persons and withdrawals méae 1 one of them 6? by the suwivae. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT I. E. WALKER, President ’ ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ‘ Branches throughout Canada, 10 to 3 o’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o‘clock. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO Branch. Branches ‘of the Bank in every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business transacted. ~ ' ' Savings Department at every T3,” Capital Paid Up Rest Undivided Profits omce Hours: CHARTERED 1895. mutants!!!» 1317' are received aqd interest aIiOWed at curfeht be opened in the names of two at and in the United States and England I. Paid-up Capital, $1 0,000,000 I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 . B. Black, ESTABLISHED 1861 $4,400,000 $0,000,000 $2l7,62 8' 26,6] 7,628 by any 13M money. lanes“ it paid on all Instances twice “ yum In uh ”onto! tho. death of either 8|”:th 0 «who» may withdraw a may. are via to be a magnum lasing?) mgny at oume'ndn. Wm: them. manageâ€" Eimogotw We 3° W01“ 2:, “33:0“? Joint Savings Accounts Bank of Toronto may. find AnWaiter Thurston. Game Thurston. Gerald Gordon. Nellie Thurman, Norma mmphrey‘ Rey Kennedy‘ 8m 1% walking“ HW| '1’: fit: IL-Addifi Thur? The Jullowing 1.8 the 9mm of the standing of pupils in the village when} far the mum}; at April; 4th ulaaamWalter Brien. 0M Wilson. E12 839 Graham. Lee Wilson. Alma Thurstnn. Vernald Thurston. Mar-- rris Thurston. Eva Hodge. Wilfred Brown. Sr. 8rdâ€"Maud Thurston, Lila "'I‘tiuraton,. .Arthur Thurston, BurWell Kannedy, Gertrude Thurs- ton, Martin *Thuraton. Jr. Indâ€"1 Garnet Thurston. Lorna 'l‘huraton, ‘Willla mum, Maggie Kennedy, Edith Thurston. Lillie Kennedy. Vera. Bumpflrey, Ada. Thurston. Glistia Brown. 81‘. findmLaum Thurston, Walter Thixrutun. David Dulmage‘ Jr. find-:fierbert Park=‘ er, Bertram Thurston. Menard Kerr My: Hang); hag charge at the Daily Bank. wfiieh is a greats 9cm: venieaea t9 the public, Several e: ear yeuag men may aenhwegt frequently, Mamas prim an pegsibly higher in that gun at £139 eauatryg Hr; Newéen Thumen tried his; rubbemirea buggy an the Rama: @693 read last suture”; At a meeting on Friday night, the boys made arrangements for font»- bau practice; They will show their man in the game an the 94th; From our own correspondent. Dunsford, May 10,â€"We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. John Burgess, who has had a severe atâ€" tack of pneumonia, during her visit with Mrs. George Burgess. ‘ We earnestly hope for her speedy re- emery; There has been quite a number of sucker fishing parties out to Davis' ‘lake dur§ng the past week and luck has been coming the r way. The Orangemen have offered the Presbyterrans the use of their hall for church and Sunday school ser- vices while the church is undergoing extensive repairs and additions. 1 Farmers in this vicinity are hard at. work putting in their seed. The warm weather is drying the land very fast. the machine in operation, and as a. result two bones in the back of his hand were broken. He will be laid up for some time. V Mr. Victor Seward, of Petcrboro, has returned to Kinmount, and is engaged as clerk in the grocery de- partment of Hopkins Bros. . Mark. balt nursing a badly jammed hand. He was operating a drill sharpening machine in a shop near Cobalt, and while setting the dies his helper put , been one on «meant. g'WXhmounit; May 10.4 meeting of {the 1m: conservatives we: held tithe village hall on we» even» lag.‘ for the purpose of 11%!th mm to attend the convention at Melon Falls. on May 11th. to ’ Select a candidate to contest. the . bye-eleettOn in East Victoria, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. J. 3. Carnegie. The following were selected," viz. : Messrs. R. H. Hen- derson; Dr. E. A. White. John Wil- son. A. Train. Bert HopkinS. Dr. R. S. Frost, Jas. R. Mark. A. N. Wilson, Alex. Moore. In the event. of any of the above being unable to attend the following substitutes were appointed, viz. : Messrs. Jes. Osborne, Rev. A. C. Cummcr, A. ‘Y.. Hopkins, Jas. Quinn and Thos. G. Argue. Du nsford School gReport at m . Lyle is home from Co- Delegates to Convention no that it in not only liner in M- vor. but am, u one pound gum mm Moro capo. ft in mama! to â€"-“ mu Anna. Jordan spout Sunday a ham. 30V. W. J‘ W. of Vtotoflb 001. m. 'l‘omto. went a law day: at J. Jordu'l with M. can“. chum. 3w. 3. A. Piper. at Calgary. Hum. Bud ll unending a low M- with NI undo. Ml! M. J um Romy m ”turned tame ate mmdmn kw day-la Toronto. Friday mg Arbor Day. Man the, mm “and the pupils $9 a ramble anthem. .. Grass mu, Kay 11.-0ur Bunny school mull man; was he“ lama Monday. The necessary bum-a of «mm; em and makers for the «mm: m was financed and all are welcome every human utters low: Mr. w. A. Barks:- purrhased a fine 90% ,trom Kr. D. miter-ran, last who Quarterly Board meeting or this circuit was held here on non. day evening. 'Rev. Hr. Montolr will occupy the pulpit o! the Nethodint church next Sunday. Rev. llr. Campbell. of Paterboro. occupied the pulpit or Knox church on Sunday. Jung 18 and 14, A 910qu wt" pa rim: on Monday 91m». and a pm- flm Monday evening. m:- Eva Thornhury is able to be out again War the attack at pleur- ily aha nufiemd. muffin May 1L=Thfi Mawm‘th mama 9! ()2 1:1, and the, Sunday 8911an at the Met-MM“ church. will :30ch flied: minimum} services an Lash week m. as“ Mn: Joe (may flashed the farmers sheer, who ha in: A number at the farmers teak chair earme‘ $9 $3?th ea Kantian Impatiens for mi real wing in the fishing line acme at tho; bays are set: king suekem; Messrs; Wilbert and Theodahé Omar attended the (11116?!“ at the late Wet: leg new on Manny. PLEASANT POINT Pleasant Point. May 11.â€" The young men of the neighborhood at- ganized afootball team. No name has yet been dubbed on the young giants. perhaps immune their limits are beyond the limits or the vocabâ€" «lama y puma who drink: 95a to: one. tutu 800 " Salad: " will ton. Mabel Kennedy. Sr.’1st â€" Ada English, Jennie Hodge. Jr. 1stâ€"Ma‘g‘gie Thurston, Wallace Thurston, Alvin Thurston. of Scotch mm “a .59 From: cur awn corms m Wilnwdlththo dunk \Veouvmq. May 10.4.31: i» it out of "I. 5931.. “d it (hum. a! Palmerston. N.‘ - .for a short visit with I ‘3 nowjmtu ”unpud'mu' Mrs. John Gunn. whd is m M any Child 0‘ hi. “‘0 any- to move to Miilbmok, \\ ’0 when . . . two bottles fixed ”va1 reside in the future. 18 {0 him OK.”‘-MR. JOHN F. ’ Miss Lulu Drake. of cm TEDDE:R BOX sang a solo at the mom é Freestone C %63’ Tongue. in the Presbyterian chun- llnct Ilia” ‘Knn‘pt. an.“ SCOTT Q 30m ‘8 WCth 8L. We hm bxother-in-h'w'i Max:3â€" Let m and you his 10de ethan- intonation oath-able“. A Post 0nd. mentioning tu- ”It. in am 9.}!!er pay up "gun on W Marsha-c _ ... v - v . v II . Mr. J. W, Rogers. .0! Calendar, ar- g 5.34;; 5;: ‘ . rived in Woodville this morning. Mr. (coatf’ write 13 the gmtcst .th for bibles Rogers conducts a general store in New London and young chlldren‘ there as. the northern town. 1““8’“ “"9“ It just fits their need; it just ' Mr- James Shea- 0' Wilbem’ce’ 32:3, firstly? suits their delicate, sensitive “as 09m“ “P 3* SW! “’10? here- h 1 in grip. and I l . ’ t 7 ' natures; they thnve on 1t. Just ° 8“” ate” “”9““ “3' “‘88 helpless u a . Currie. Zmonia most, a little does them so much 1,4,8! and Miss Flo. Harris. 0, Ux, ,lots of Nervl good and saves yOu- so much bridge. Visited hm with m. A. lit wasteweu I worry. You owe It to them Harris over Sunday. ‘hwl' ”“3 . fused Nervilin and yourself to make them as MISS Luella 2- Drake. a graduate ease in my ‘ ° 1' King's School of Oratorv Ohio Every hfour ! strong and healthy as possible. 0 ~ ' ’ l - U.S., :- 'v h F i-d last. spoonful 0' 1 Scor'r’s EMULSION wxll help a " ed m °" r “y ' . and will have charge 0! the concert ened water *0 you better than anything else; to be given by the Citizens. band chills. My ch ' '3’ after thi ‘ but be sure to get SCOTT'S. on the 14th. Miss Drake comes weeks I worse It's the best, and there are so highly recommended. ter which stre many worthless imitations, Miss Josie Staples spent the week prevented a r GRASS KILL RARTLEY ALL DRUGGIS‘I‘B [I SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, In mm mm“ ll! VIEWER M!“ A son com. he said. mm mm cg. and In. a. mm» Mi Mi. em. but to have is mapped an n.- m. J. mm. of 2m. visited his m mm. 59 invested in 1: mm «mm. fin. V. Dutch" mum at Putnam's Painless Com Eaten-m. In. W. Gllhofl‘l ammu- Mmda or. and now mm a happy mug um I. M to how an In up» Can tn ”IO-enough mid, Try u an m m II min “a. Putnam‘s Mr. 600. Running is visiting m. and In. E. Burton at mt. Mr. J. mm. of Hon. visited his daughter. lbs. W. amm: mum 1th Jan. Daniels has added mueh to the appearance of his plum by the Mon at an upto-«a driving PAYS SPECIAL ATTENTION T0 _ Linden Valley, May 12‘ = The an; nual meeting at the Linden Valley r Womans‘ institute was hair! at the hem of Mrs; W; J; fimauway, Kay (mi. with an aneudunw at abeut {wary-eight, mambm. alas visitors from the Gummy Nanak: 11v “mum at the {maiden and 593 «Mary thae a new stem =9: 9mm he ahead in the WM: far um war. and the talisman mm were in: stalk!!! I‘midam. Mrs, 13: 0mm; viwpmu Mrs, J, P, Mefilmyz Bea: Mary. Mm Ohms, thaws; War or. Mrs, N, Weldum district diam: 03'. Mrs, H, Gmawnyz branch (“2 rectum. Mm, Cullis. Mrs. Cums. Mrs, Ed, Racers. Mrs. R- Weldon. The Warmest“ and Womws' Initi- tute. of Victor]; county. intend run- ning an nxwraion to Guelph on June 99nd, arranwmentl being made ‘ at Guelph to accommodate all ex. 1 cannon!“- at moderate coat. Tick- ‘ etc are good (or three dwl. M! Mr. Anthony McKinnon and Miss Flora McCallnm visited friends in Beaverton last meek. THE DOMINION BANK on the 145th. Miss Drake comes highly recommended. Miss Josie Staples spent the week end at her home in Woodville. ' Miss Jessie Campbell and Miss 'Jessie McSweyn, returned home - on Monday evening after a very plen- sant visit with friends in Glengary.‘ Miss Addie Wen-um spent Satur- day in Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green visited friends in Fenelon Falls on Sunday. Capt. N. L. Patterson visited Can- nington last week, where he witness- ed three men of the world brought from darkness to the clear light of Free Mason'sry. Mr. A. McFarland, manager of the] Standard Bank, was a business \‘i-I sitor to Lindsay last week. I Miss Luella Z. Drake, a graduate of King's wool of Oratory. Ohio, U.S., arrived here on Friday last. and will have chafge o! the concert. to be given by the Citizens’ band. on the 14th. Miss Drake comes highly recommended. Miss Josie Staples spent the week end at her home in Wnndvnlln I . mm m mm In , mmmmmm or ("#11 f i '9'th flux her mother. thi ...... ho Mn”! 6 .fitholuropu M Im.ott two «in elm "m " p 3::‘munouuismttobom.m to m va to line k. where . 8W1" Lido, nut: future gs! not taken in tin. have; an no- ‘ . . ’ ~ ' Smut autumn: Moe formula. ’ mm 1M“ ”m“- °‘ ”9“" "m- Look out for the. lune-cow. can sang a solo ut. M morning service let than run cal-keep it m don!- in the PW Church Sunday ,oping into ejther pusumonh or 000. last. Kiss Drake also sang in the “1‘9“”- ‘Methodist church in the evening and! Wh" “1°" °f " real trust remedy ' I 1; both services [that can be relied on to euro cold- was well "”9““ ‘ - ‘ jas quickly as Nervlline, it is name.- Mr. Joe. Staples. who has been in sible to find anythmg that drum out Manltobacfor the past six weeks, he- inflammation. 03398 that tight. 000‘ turned home 'on Saturday last. He mnfielfinng' 831,813: 22:13 ' . . ‘, ‘ e. Wh y reports a. very late spring m the ; thousands of homes no other modiâ€" Northwest. 7””? is even kept, "Sometimes I MP. 0]. W. Rogers .nf {‘nlmdnw nu, ‘Lk__A n . ._ , Min mm Drtkd. of concert fume, sang a solo ut, m morning service in the PW” church Sunday last. Nils Drake ulna sang in the Methodist church in the evening and was well received at both services. MNDEN VALLEY; CAMBRAY. m From iPneumonia's Race "Wile Village} with Consumption ! mm Rummy horne- am quite common around here. It. 1". Watson let his got the mm of him. No dame” wan done, except a broken axle. The am my white Hr. William Wilton wu autumn; home with a load of buy his (an started down the mu. 3. mus-god them until nine can gway. 11. um then threw an ac- oupnnt into the ditch. m hot-nan M mm .m- about 3 mm or t M. by 11-. W. “Mom 1 Hifll Foul Wilma and Ir. F. Wat- .on drove to Rooodalo Sunday av..â€" W the 9am”! mat. um Ruby Wilson in Wins a tow week- with Oumhmy am. Hr. W. Golden called on M have on Sunday lut. “is; A. 6mm». at imam. to spending a tow days with her aim, Kn. J. Wilson. 1:, )monia mo: Ix- flats of No: A iit was we] {used Nervi Quifie a number from hem attended service in we Baptist mm. the: layman‘s. Sunday evening was A‘ me spent "Sunday in M 163 Malls" am 92 Barnes: has resigned his with: a lb: 6; Grifin'a. and is with: on the Treat: Vuuéy QM: Mwuaiewsadmees “enact 1m mes Ethel Wilson and m. J. J. Graham. of Melon must attended divine aerviae here Sunday than new; ._.. - u... so» many seeds sown yet. They content themselves picking tho stones and drawing out manure, ptc. The entertainment held in the flapâ€" tist church last Wednesday evening Was adecided success. RITNAWAYS WERE P AT BADDOW LAST Baddow, May 12.â€"0w disagreeable Weather u have not got many seed bottles at all siege}; Don't be misled into taking any- thing but "NERVILINE. 80947985 stands behind it " fifty you, weeks I wore a Nerviline Prous Planâ€"- ter which strengthened my chest and prevented a relapse- helpless u a child. I lea-ed pneu- )monia most. but fortunately I ha! ,lots of Nerviline [p the house. Who iit was well rubbed into my chest, 3 wm man was tightening around In. and finally I; grippe held me in its KHP.dewasta.kento bed :- helpless u a child. I feared pneu- monia most, but fortunately I ha! lots of Net-Vilma in the house. When C01 um! GOT “BER THEN? m DISEAIES IOU DOWN ANNUAL!” TEN rm MORE THAN WAR AND mm COMBINED. Two Runaways V LAST WEEK, 12.â€"-0wing to PREVALENT the l‘AQfl m

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