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Watchman Warder (1899), 5 May 1910, p. 11

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L-st. 5c yard te, sell- 00 yard c yard 2c yard m iC beat )0 lb . 253 ..!5c V) 1) 5c 50 pair paw pair pa‘n‘ pm: 1) 50 very snble, where he will remain an} the folloming Mondayvmoming. ~ Termsâ€".312 to insure. ‘ 7 JAMES JONES, Manager- noon, thencn to Coboconk for night- ’I‘uesdagrâ€"-I‘roceed to Carson's Sid' ing for noon. thence to Victoria. Road for the night. Wednesdagâ€"Proceed to Glemarm 101' night ”‘9 E‘r'qwrty of John Aldous, will fluke the follovdng mute: “03‘113â€"4V1u leave his own stable, McArthur House, Feneloxx Falls, and proceed to Geo. Goodhand’s for the the mummy of John Aldous. Win “and :m' wares during the season of 1910 “r hi< mvn stable at the M0” Arthur House, Fenelon Falls. Terun*$12 to insure. Thursday In. M 'U'lnu BLACK PETE I t;7‘~s’[ (11678), Vol XXV The pu-pnrty of Messrs. John Al- duos and John Sykns, will make the season nr 1910 as rullowstl Wm'ruw'lsnyHWill leave MB 0‘?!) “IN". MrArthur Honse, Fenolon "We. «ml proceed to John Jack- “‘"'=. "mwhm. me‘e £0 (3142mm T} 1 F Strong Trio of '[qpeNptchers Thv Imported Typical Clydesdale “u Mn. m-H. KNUWN TBO’I‘TING H’I‘ALIJON posing oi mares before feeling must pay before they part wit! mare. Mares and foals held in turity unfiI paid for. Termsâ€"$10 payable when you have a foul one week old. Parties dis- posing oi mares before foallng time must pay before they part with the It goes to show that. his stock is turning out right, and my patrons are well satisfied. For in the years of 1907 and 1908 his colts were prize winners at the Lindsay Central, and his dam was also a, prize winner in 1907‘ His gr. dam, sired by Scot- tish Champion, was winner of firspx prize at, Cohourg, and first at Lind-1 Say in 1882 and 1883 2nd at Lind- say. and in 1884 first at Lindsay. His g. gr. dam sired by Prince of Wales. was winner of first at (‘nl-ourg, first at Lindsay, and first at. mnexnee shows in 1882. an F inister, 2.191 Favorite Knight in color is a. bea- rm‘ul dapplwl brown with white hind feet and white star on face, and weighs 1915 lbs. Fuvuritv Knight (6014) was sired by the well known Knight of St. An-‘ drew's (274) (4488). First dam Nell Erskim' ((HUO) by Sir Erskine,‘ .2119) (32.33), second dam Scottish Lass bv Scottish Champion (44) (3.540) [hi rd dam Nance. by Prince of Wales (20“) (511), fourth dam by “ends-rim] Lad (112) (2). fact: DEPUTY He will make the season of 1910 31 his own stable, lot 14. con. 6. ops, all week. omitting Saturdays. when he will be at Maunder‘s Cen~ mi! ”0115», Lindsay. 1“ \MOL’S FRENCH-33E!) V“):\CI’I Srl'leLION FAVORITE KNIGHT ohnw The Thoroughbred Clydesdalb THOMAS WALDON Ops \Vr M "rm‘mi to Mr: 0W3 stab: a will remain until the ‘mlupmlay morning. 2-! in 1mm. (Hyman, arm; a. mo. (8014) PH E PROPERTY OF Managgr. A. .L. Campbell mums, am smear. mm m HILL“! sms'r m (Bind Hi!“ These are specially fine quality and the prices should be attractive. ~ f h iBrass 100 Dozen English Flint Table Glasses, 1.35 doz. value for ..................... 75c doz. Theda goods haw inst come to hand and uomprino some of the newest (Insigns in hammered brass. Judiniercs from 2.26 to 6.00 «all Fcrn Dishes from 75: to 2.00 each Trays from 35c to 3.75 etch Also Candle Sticks. Olndlobn. Btc.. Etc. {The Popular Jewelry Store AT CHEAP PRICES Eyesi ht s ialigt 92 Kent~st., oger Negfig Shoe Store Lindsay Eyeglasses repaired. broken lenses replaced of sight testing is original. I do not try on glasses. "I look into the eye" and measure the inside focus, that is why I can fit complicated cases when others fail. Do not hesitate to consult me if your eyes need help. Goods Any of these make an excellent Wedding Gift. Prices moderate. Wedding Rings ’ and Max» The latest novelties in Silver wore Casseroles, Pie Plates in she Casserole style, Cream and Sugar Sets, Fruit Dishes, Fern Dishes, Salad Bowls. Also a. new pattern 11: Servers with Mahogany Centre. 391162315de £53166 IggtatiaRVeti . ’89: - m e oya V m A . d, 3.2350";me 9* “W 12“" SPECIAL '. B.fiAN‘NI~S, _Qph., MY SYSTEM kinds, Ringbo'ne md Spam”. Amman. W No telling when will need it. Get a bottle nowâ€"â€" 1â€"6 for 55. Our bookâ€"“A Treatise On The Horse”â€"free at your druggistlor write m . 49 L unzmmmmn A to Mr. D. Sinclair's to spend the night intending to return home the following morning. was taken ser- Mr. Lynn, a. young man of Toron- to, who attended the funeral of Mr. John Holmes on April 21. and want ’ Mr. and Mrs. S. Tamlin and Mas- ter Clarence visited Mr. and Mrs. J. White on Sunday. Mrs. W. James was the guest of her sister Mrs. R. J. Ware for a. couple of days last week. owners. just as thousands have done, m3 am doing today. In the 40 years that this world’s famousrem yhasbeenonthe market, Ken [’3 Spavin Care has saved millions of dollars to horse Mrs. H. Rogers has gone to Myrtle to take care of her daughter Mrs. E. Robbins, who is seriously ill with pneumonia at present. Kendall’s IE, Miss Laura Bagshaw who has spent the past month in Toronto, wretumed home last week. Much sympathy is felt for Dr. Bay on account of the death of his mother Mrs. Ray, of Lindsay, last week. Dr. and Mrs. Ray attended her funeral on Tuesday. Alamo hone in a dead 1068.8 av- 1n.Curb,8 1mm bone. Swo lea Joints an Bony rowtho won't cm themselves. Yet you can cure these troubles and make you: lame horse sound with _ Miss Edna Newson was the guast of her Sister Mrs. Rich Weldon over Sunday. Mrs. L. Newson spent last week in Halbburtou visiting her son Mr. Her- bert Newson. CAMBRAY. Cambray, May 2.-â€"Mrs. S. Armi- tage, of Eden, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Allan Blatchford last week" Mounds, P.O., Olds, Alta. “I have used Kendall’s Spavin Cure fora numberof years with ggeat M, and I think xt can’t be beaten as an allmnd stable Spavln Cure Messrs. John Murchison and Char- les Caverly attended the horse show in Torouto last.week. - Mrs. Alex. McLeod and Mrs. Dan Smith called on friends in Canning- tOn last Saturday. One of the firm of Neelands 6; Ir- vine, dentists, Lindsay, will be at the Queen’s Hotel, Woodville, On Tuesday, May 10th, and Campbell'sJ hotel, Kirkfield, on Wednesday, May lath. Call in forenoon if possible. ten-ed from Capt. J ., Coad to him. which was done. C'apt. Patterson will take No. 7 company to camp at Kingston on June 18th. and would like to get. a number of smart young men to join the company be- fore that date. Further particulars later on. 051“- Net 14. Patterééh was at Oakwood last Wednesday to meet 001. D. D. Young. D.A.A.G.. and 001. R. H. Sylvester or the 45th Regt., to have No. 7 company trans~ ferred from Capt. J ., Coad to him. 1m Mt Mr: Russell McMan spent hm figures»; in Omingten, Wgodvme. my {Lia wm. Me= Leela)“ lets this morning for To= r939 fan law 6939. liniment for 7 Kiiékfisi .WW- W of I13 Alma 8mm muse mum WOODVILLE‘ THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. and Cornelius at home. and thre: daughters. Irena, I“; and none. Roaboro Ilapthtl are to be con- tratulatod on locurlng an tholr pu- tor for the summer month: Rov. J. B. McKondr-y. BA. It is expected :that he will be with us by Sunday. May 15th. Mr. Aymel. a tonne:- Reaboro m- oher. spent last week ln our chum- lng llttle hunlot. F. A. Reede mma salons 1m alarm ln attendance with Panto:- Grlnlth. He reports a good um and the pleasure at lletenlnc to an excellent. sermon. Ruboro Union church yesterday. the occaalon being “ Dociuton Day ” in tho Sunday school. Moot of the members of the Sunday school ‘wlncod 5 mm to load the now me. It is such oxporloncoo u thou that an the bout. of tho toll-worn pastor with joy and that give tho now too-‘ char trash com-ago and marry. REABORO. Reaboro, May 8.-â€"-'Phe Reaboro Cheese and Butter 00.. which are now making butter. will commence making cheese on Monday. May 9th. All patrons of the factory will oc- cept this intimation. A large number from this vicinity were at Pension Falls on Saturday last. Mr. George Johnson arrived home from England on the 29th of March to work for Louis Moynes {or the summer months. Mumps are prevalent in this vicin- ity. An accident which might have proved very serious occurred here on Sunday last. Mr. Woren Worsley and Mrs. E. Moynes were driving down the Rocky hill, which is about half a. mile north of Zion church. with a young colt. There was an- other buggy ahead, and Mr. Wor- sley had to hold the horse back, when its head got entangled in the har- ‘ ness and it kept turning around un- : til it became unmanageable. Mrs. Moynes was thrown several feet over a precipice. Mr. Worsley landed on his feet, so was able to hold on the lines. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Webster. of Balsam Grove, who were driving ahead, heard the confusion and came to the rescue. Mrs. Moynes, who is an elderly lady, and being quite stunned, was unable to help herself. They succeeded in getting her into Mr. Webster‘s buggy and drove to Mr. Louis_Moynes' home. She re- ceived several bad bruises, but is not seriously injured as knowa yet. Mr. Worsley received a bad bruise on the arm and a bad shock. Mr. George Perkin, who had a cut on his hand some time ago, is now suflering with blood poison. '- D t 1 3 r Miss Lizzie Put-kin, who has been spending the winter months at home, started for the west on Friday last to visit her sister, Mrs. Wm. Christ» Jan, of Provost, Alberta» Mrs. Wm. Wilson visited her Ils- ter-in-luw, Mrs. George Wilson, of Cambray on Friday and Saturday last. I Dr. Stark VNM thin neighbore mood on Friday. Apr“ 98th. and Ian at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mark 3 young son. Mr. “In. Putin was In town on Friday lam. on business. Mr. Dual-ow Hill. of Gun Hill. paid a flying visit. to Zion on Fri- day last. man. Melon. my talk. and Mm Elijah Wanda. at 0mm. Wm ma guests 0! Mb Wm Putin 03‘ this place on Saturday Wit. mm: m. but we as M to Mu mu m the slim“! tmmam at Dr: M M has taken a change tor ths bench OBITUARY. IhKhIYullargAllmm [mo at home. He is survived by two brother- ud two sisters. The fun- eral took plans to St. Jerome's church. Wutworth. where mu. wu celebrated by Rev. 1110:. A. O'Con- nell, and thence to the cemetery st CASTORIA rorhfinuudclimu. J. H. MORROW A 1910 Ferro Engine in mnintnined hero for demonstrating purpmsou planned to show it in operation. It will not oblignte you at all to come A Let Me Demonstrate the Fem Merits 7 If 33 HP. engine will serve your purpose, this is an opportunity to get as high grade an engine so it is possible to build at an exceedingly low price. . The Ferro Special 3 HP. Engine is unquestionably the best value ever placed on the market for the} price. For use in la dingbeys, yacht tenders, etc., wherever a 3 H. P. engine is wan Ferro Special will give the very best results. It embodies the essen tures of construction found in all Ferro engines, but the manufa makes this particulary model in lots of several thousand at a tit are thus able to greatly reduce the cost of manufacture and offer t ally low price. If you are interested in boating and engines It in, without a doubt, the last word in Marine E in interesting non-technical language, the many I copy is yours for the asking. Important mechanical improvements have greatly increased its efficiency and its weight has been reduced from 15 to 20 per cent. Recent tests made by the United States government of the 1910 model proved it to devel- ope from 15 to 20 per cent. more than the rated horse- power. The Ferro Marine Engine which has long held the very highest reputation in boating circles in all parts of the world and is now generally regarded as the VVorld’s Standard Two Cycle Engine, has been still greatly 1m- proved in 1910 model. ‘ Factory Representative - Brighton, Ontario .EASI‘ END WELLINGTON STREET BRIDGE ' Milan Automobiles. A full line of supplies. Fairbnak'c 538530!- Don't wait. till the day you grant toBusehzour motor b you- utinfint-clnsssa. . y «23’ us at. m comic; for you, you will gnawed a lot of wgrry hove the satisfaction of knowing your engine is in can work properly. - â€"â€"â€"â€" -v â€"v n v “V VUU last word In Marine Engines The I910 Ferro Catalogue explains Iohnnonn 61‘- m-.." u--L , Prouastination is , flue mic! or milâ€"9 ’. W. HALL can now 101‘ demonatntiug purposes and I an dwuys will not oblignte you at a." to come and set: these engine; The Fen-o was also awarded the Gold Medal at, the recent Seattle Exposition held at Seattle, Wash. U. S. A., as the best device of its kind exhibited. The Ferro Engines is used extensively emments of many naticne and it has w innumbemble from Skagway, Alaska a South Africa. B_- For use in laucnhes, engine is wanted, the embodies the essential fea- mechanical features of the FenbfiEhgine: you want to know more about the manufacturers flat a time and and offer this engine at an LINDSAY GARAGE engine cohdition it has won cups the Ferro ”AGE ”a! in. exception - to Natal do its by gov

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