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Watchman Warder (1899), 5 May 1910, p. 13

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9i!“ 0‘ 98c ‘8 250 650 9c 15c guano w all 9H '13 nana Grey, coat, zewest .50 lislo ”I! fit! l 3136 50 ““29“ haltflgd 9' in? t Kg, 6, Ifld BM“; (:Jiéura Seep sad cum: Dintment haw no" :1 mn WOtth men factions of the £mflm “b of young and old that m- ture, disfigurg, flab, Crust and scab, M When all 8186 fail; FORSKIN .nm mm mm whe ashamed that he drove the WWW Hm km: ed Bessie Smith M. “95,8394, “I“ released till May ,8 0;} $4,899 mm, Y017NG LADY OF BOBCAYGEON PASSED AWAY. Bobcaygeon, April 30.â€"â€" Miss Em- ma Read, daughter of Mr. F. W. Read. merchant, died Friday morn?- ing after a lingering illness from heart trouble. She was a- bright yctmg lady, a member of the Angli- can church, and of the church choir. Before being taken m last fall 31191 had charge of the cooks in BEE- faâ€" ther‘s store. She‘ Win B6 ‘5un Sun: day nftemnun. The bhbif W!” M'- der Special music both in “i5 éhfiféh and at the side of the“ grave; M!“ Rubvrt fiifl‘s ytjiifigésfi mik- m Mary, passed away mm hem mm» Amway marking: éhé “in! kn latr‘m? LQQHMIL)‘ fiffléfiiaafiz W- !1v‘5-: Me” 238':th kiéhifig £55 m4 “My um: gamma; many §§H§8§ rm- mmn mm games 93%; am! um mm? HM, m3 BGHGF HIE fifi? “sum“: a §+zhggmg 9f Gages: M mum» an um they any might», ‘ e an MEEémEFQ 959m A. Higinbotham, Druggist LINDSAY good V‘ quantity I Extra Fine Imported Olivefli! We mve just received a. latte ‘Shipn‘xcnt Of extra fine imported olive oil. Several expert judges have pronounced it the‘ best olive oil they‘have ever found. Dglicatc, sweet and blunting] guaranteed absoluteljpm If you wish an olive Oil that"; is unsurpassed for quality, here} Es an oppx‘tunity to get it. Costs 1., more than many oils not, so {00.1. We sell it in bulk in‘any DSCAIP 0,“; v.24 ~ 5mm 'RSDAY. MW THL SAD DEATH arm. 110th. in. am. am and 1!!!! Km! Hobby. Di. Gt!- sou. mm Bell and ”gym. 39: “as: Hows mtg $0 on!!! nummtumM 59w! ”Wetfllwfl. . Wzgmmmfim m WWMWW ‘AWLWVW! “I!“ M M ant-mu; mm :9 9mm. m m then the best WM” 9! EM SCHEME}: 1m: 3983’ Enema win mead President a! the Emma} W mm in: 5‘: PM, *3. ’m A clefgymm tram aims puts preuehed a may excellent W in the Preshyeww church Buddy mamas tram the stay a! Rama‘s «.vzmeyafa. m. W-A Sflasan no wind 68 the state had a! 899 mm, the; mm. a! View”: fiend. who is my 1H; it}; any images. a! m. was visiting)!!! angst: may. Prospects are brightening. We un‘ derstand that some of the J unetfille girls are hearing engagement flhfl; tor and the price consequently high- Miss Bertie Woodward. a! Dress- er than in Fenelon Falls. well. spent Sunday alternoon with We are pleased to note that Mr. her ftiend. Miss Meta Varcoe. , Walter Chidley, who injured his Our teacher, was Kennedy. was knee joint some time ago playing obliged to close school for two ball, is able to be out again. Mr. days last week on account of a see Chidley’s knee is still bad and it vere cold. We are pleased to state will be some weeks before he can use “that she has fully recovered. it as freely as before. However, we Mr. J as- Ingram, of Cameron. are pleased to note the improve- spent Sunday with' his daughter.? ment and would wish it might be Mrs. J. Clarke. more rapid_ Mr. A. Walton, of Oakwood. spent ‘ a few days last week with her moth- JANET‘ULLE. er, Mrs. Robt. Graham. Janetville,‘ May 2.-â€"Mr, Christy yl Mr and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair spent Armstrong, carpenter, is working mg‘Sunday mil-1118 With Mr. D. McMil- with Mr, Downer, contractors south Jan. of Saintfleld. of Lindsay Mrs. J. P. Ramsey is at present Dr. Johnston has had a. metal on the sick Ilst, 311d 15 under the capping placed upon the roof of his doctor '9 care. annexing from an ab- residence.’ scess of the throat. We are pleased to note that Mr. Walter Chidley, who injured his knee joint some time ago playing ball, is able to be out again. Mr. Chidley’s knee is still had and it will be some weeks before he can use it as freely as before. However, we are pleased to note the improve- ment and would wish it might be more rapid. A number of people from this vi- cinity take their butter and eggs to Lindsay, where the demand is grea- Mr: James Fall, at §amarvmm spent Sunday with relatives in this neighborhood. f It has hesnmumeme am us 6m: $593 way the Beagle hardly knew ms £9 69 with their awning m: shins»): 999 man mm a mm 1?; his and Raw it away :1 enema; ma madness 9 better 91m $9 it and hack it must; came: kiss man 313%: of Linégay; same §usflay was? ths 82mm F918;: HIPS At my: wa have a we siga 6f §tiÂ¥iߤ Mable haw eammeneee t9 gut £881? gteek an an; mass; t6 9%: Mrs; Courtney; 6f Panama. daughter of Mr; Jami EFBWB; gm 81' um; “may; mm a mu: t0 has P8: mum hare; Mammy; {a has deaf: £qu is the flea Wéfiiz‘ POWLES’ CORNER. Powles’ Corner, May 2.-â€"A » sum- mer’s beef for So. a pogmd ! Look at it,agajn! Isn’t it wonderful? But that is just what the local beef ring means. We know this because it is remored that a couple of per- sons who hold half shares and are lunable to supply an animal have ‘been ofl'ered their meat at that price. In other words that share is worth‘ $32 for the season. Wonder if that will buy a first-clues animal next September ‘? ful not to be at the bottom: and in years to come he may tell to his grandchildren his thrilling experience and nan-ow escape. Janetvme."litay .8.â€"What ziught have proved a very serious accident was happily averted one any \ast week when ‘n‘ Janetvme tanner ‘who had purchased some logs went to the mill pond to inspect them. He walked out on a. log to see if the: end was sound but. "unstable as we- ‘ ter," the log began to “wobble” and Jim ,wobbled with it. but keeping his motions towards the shore, when at. last he fell in. The water was only about 4-; feet deep, and he was enabled te get out, little the worse, but very wet, and exceedingly thank- Janefiille Citizens ’ Narrow Escape wlnmnmv; ‘ ,,.,. v. A. . Ne ‘fiMMP'fl mm in a}! m a! dry 8994:. been and m. ’39 flown. mg us mm “an” autumn ml at mu m Wv mead mat. lav new W “9 takes admin! 9! Wm M M! W oust. (30an yawn“ W “m in: Jena 65mm, whe said his ”trashing eutm can; in Jam has ntpurekwed it. and will to as ginmeld re’utenggm this m 1:1. 3 m am mm; 9 mm» in a mm m. In! m be home in was $0 W m Men's “mm, m in 509“ mu m the W a! an: issuer. an seesaw: 9f gummy meeting 91' gm mm strain. more was no not: ma in the ehureh here an Sum morning: In the evening me let: wee-m 6638mm 9; m, 6, no“. of email: On account of the wet weather of the past week, a numtaef 61 the boys from hm went to Hawaii to fish {01‘ Quakers; They an tapers an Megabit; time, and got an m am they cared {:6 mice hams. Mr. Jae. Varcoe was confined to the house for a. few days last week With an attack of la grippe. Miss Evelyn Sparks. who mom'- panied her sister home, returned to the city on Saturday. Mm Emily fiafim. at .mme, was abused to mm ham 9% 119: mm at 31199438: She it: fit. 9mm “Mar the 99(3an mm. and her many trienda will 13999 M) hm 951m speedy recovery. Mm: Memes; ef Taranté. i393! mm with he; sister, firs: J: é‘iamz ___.. Miami gamma fiaigm 69mm. my flzr-Miss mg \‘Measg fisaegmahem at the Dennis i593 and wire maautaetem Madam ia Rama :9; a meath's wanton: in; mm. fisysmiih. waking Bea an the With; 18 as present in Jan: mine; fie Mews £6 mew fie same paint in the tinned!“ Wm in me same at a math: m. J. J. inner- wands ta we pm of tha present west in Town to. 11-. Hugh Wilson and his scum ty are at. present A: the Canadian West. spent one evening last week fishing on Scugog lake, and were fortunate enough to secure nearly 200 cat u -_‘- .vuâ€" awvuuuufluw to me. Nothing gave me relief until I was persuaded to try “Little Diges- ters.” Now I never enter from Indi- gestion. I enjoy my meals and am not afraid to eat, because I know a “Little Digester" after each meal will digest my food. "I recommend them to all my friends who eufler from Indigestion and would ,fnrther say that you may publish the above if you wish. I know there are thousands of people sufl'erin from Dr digestion who will be g to know ‘ there is a safe and sure cure for them.” “ Little Digeetere ” are positively guaranteed to cure or money in re- funded. At your druggiet’e or by mail from Coleman Medicine 00., Toronto, at 85c. _-_ L_~ “I cgngi'atulate you on your success in putting up 3 tablet for the cure of Indigestion. I Inflated for years and tried eve“ hm’g that was recommended That’s whit Toronto, 51 pl Kw! wrote u E 0F ‘funua msEsn-zas" [I'll . SEND ME ANOTHER BOX aople sufi'erin from Dr f Will be 8 to know md sure can for them.” eaters ” are positively cure or money is ro- gist's or by mail from no 00., Toronto, o: 851:. ‘ 33 4 lug last week fishing]! THE WATCHMANWARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. Glance, of 33": ”Don't." him a trial. In a nutshell - mall expenses. mall profits, larger sales [is generally the best. Alaike should be ready to cut at about the time of the last of haying, or about the same time as the early tall wheat. Experience mixed well with common sense and close study of the crop will teach you best when to cut and how to handle it after it is cut It la easy to grow a good crop of alelke and then lose hall the seed] belore you get it into the ham. 1 expenses. m: is his motto. Troubled With Backachc F or “09- Mfi: treated this way. We keep every- thing on of it in the spring and study to have the seed mature us 60137 as possible, as the early aeqd The growing and harvestlng of al- slko diflen very materially from rod clover Bed clover is usually cut the first time about J one 90. and then left for seed at a second cut- ting. But olalke should never be Mm the grain map is hawmw when the seed is sewn. i wanna ml: vise Imam the stack tram mm? lag an it in m tall: who 39m 93mm new! m m 5 mm growth and the amiable mm In Mt its“: We. aim it proves a valuable pm tactim dams Mater, sea; the tellewtaé swing 135mg! '6 gametes em thezmuaa we flew tag gmw M12936 9! seed: me; With our 1nd. Whirl-h is a ‘Btl‘efifi my Mum with a gainfully well drained subseil. i have team! went six semis m am 16 give the bass results: 930 must Mm m km the Emits thiek smugh *6 may well sever the 36336:, Pisa 695m 15 is have m mum stand up wet! when they head eat ta files: Opinions dines: “(My regarding the annuity u! need to sow per act-e. I have knuwa as made as three and as ' We always sow4he seed with some kind of grain. either wheat, barley or oats. using the grass-seed sewer sucl; as is attached to any common :«n-nf. Alter drilling, give the Ian! one stroke with the barrows to cover all seed, and leave the soil as level as possible. I also try to get the land rolled before the seed germin- etes. otherwise the crushed earth would another the small plants. From experience gained from grow ing alsike for seed for abont twenty years, , I assure Farm and Dairy readers that to be a successful elsike grower 3 great many things must be learned from experience and from experimenting with the particulnr kind of soil with which one has to deal. The tfme of sowing and the way to prepare the seed bed diners ,but little from the approved way of I seeding down to the ‘common . red clover. As soon as the land is dry enough to work mellow in the spring,x, thoroughly cultivate and her- rowlso as to have a fine seed beds Farm and Dairy contains the fol~ lowing article from the pen or Mr. William F. Hardy. of Victoria county: IIMWMnmtnh m m, M II: vow of Cl. WWW am an yum-om 9? mm mm um I: m um; a! W. mm 100 acres with m m u Mweed M. m smmmwafi manmmmm In: m: I“. W“. M ”a M: '0 9”, 9’ m“ r: G. We. m on. a 'Tub dress in fancy mulls. lawns and cotton peplinn, lace and embroidery trimmed, colors sky, Nile, pink, mauve, white and linen. You never saw such a showing under one roof in Lindsay. Priced special for May sale. Such a range up to 25.00 per suit. Busy as Bees in the Suit and CloakDepartment Filled to Overflowing with the, newest for ladies’ wear Ladies’ Princess Dresses 2.50 1 Special Suits :85 and 7.50 13m evgn oattmifiee from specks. almasfi mm, 36 when wxde and of good weight- Enqmre for the good canon. I Makes Much Money Move Merrilly These are beuuéiful a x a 1:2 min, daublé damask pave. In many handmm: mans. maids: ed as May We prim: 500 Yum Grey {Gotta 8mm 10c All gm: Mad, new algeves and trimmed mu heavy {lawman and val; 1329,, am Pam and muse: 8%“ was: at; me price; Neehiugliké it in Lindsay at the price, one yard we in many. patterns; 50 may pur; poses yea em use it for; - This is an exceptional offer for so good a lama. Makes sensible dress, waists, etc. You c 11 save 10¢ per yard. Somethi'ngv very new, dressy and durable. The newest tints will make u very swell suit at a very reasonable price. See it. If the ladies take advantage of these loiv pric‘es for OUR BIG SAVING SALE OPENING. FRIDAY, MAY 6 Singapore Corded Suiting 35c Satin Damask cum 8.00 Elegant Nott Waist; 8,50 A 25c Persian Lawn 15c- English Art Muslin 5c Every lady should see this lot, That are exclusive: only one of a gtyle and one of 9. colors. tr‘ixpmed yitlg lace and braiding. Very special, colors, Nile, pink, pale blte. green, can and white. A great choice for your selection. Swell Imported Suits We never had suck; a variety Hematiwhed and aamlloped ends in husk and bird eye pat: wma up Ga 81 each. White Irish lawn, ma embreideréd and hem meshed, wash pillew sham (a9 meek: Ask t9 ace shew gems gum. iii H wide, may Madame ' “em Wm: open work designs an an Meg; u beam as great sen»; his a geed ene; That any lady will admire. Handsomely trimmed mush lace embruicllwy5 Beams finished With valuing; See this gfimd Waist; Nice hair line stripes and pretty checks for the child’s dress or fax aprons. You have seen nothing like a: at. the prine. For an afternoon or evening dress. Nothing prettier and such beautiful colors, you will thinkflwell of these goods. . Individual Guests Towels 25c Pm Lima Table Cloths 1.29 Hudson. Bod W910.“ Beautiful Swiss Wists 2.98 Dimity and Check Muslin [0c Cotto Silk or Foulard at 25c man: Mammy. May FRIDAY, ,

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