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Watchman Warder (1899), 5 May 1910, p. 14

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fine summer months. We pay good money weekly for services ream. Give exclusive territory and supply selling outfit free. V OVER 600 AC. RES UNDER CULTIVATION. Our acreage is mentioned; as it is im- portant that you should represent a firm of good standing and size. We supply strictly first grade ‘stock and guarantee delivery m good condition. We want the best and most reliable agent in every district. W over 35 years. For further W‘ San write Pelham Nursery 00.. To- route. Ont. FOR SALEâ€"0N CORNER OF Glenelg and St. Lawrence-sts., comfortable 2-storey house on i- May, '1910, and the last publication will he on the nineteenth day of May .1910. ship of Eldon on the 30th day of April, AD. 1910, and all persons are required to take notice that any one who desires to apply to have such By-Law or any part thereof guashed must first serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this Municipality within twenty days after the date of the last pub- lication of this notice, and must make his application to the High Court of Justice within one month after the said date. This notice was first published on the fifth day of NOTICE. We are appointing sales agents now in every unrepresented county for the season of 1910. Over 65 per cent. 0! the year’s business .is done during Municipality of the Township of Eldon. Take notice that the above is a. true copy of a. By-Law passed by the Municipal Council of the Town- completion of the drainage works. A special annual rate shall be im- posed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the said money shall be borrowed, sufllcient for the payment of the principal and inter- est as provided by the Act. Passed the 30th day of April, A. 1)., 1910. JAS. STEELE, B. STACEY, .1 Urvv-w- posed, levied above all at] in respect: 01' shall be box-r payment of 1 eat. as provid THAT when the Council shill be of opinion that the application of any person to borrow money ior the purpose of constructing a tile, stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council, may by resolution, direct the Reeve to is- sue debenatures as aforesaid, and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the so hon-cored, with coupons attached as provided in section 5 of the said Act, THAT the Reeve may from time to time. subject to the pro'visions _ot this By-Law, borrow on the credit of the Corporation or the said Muni- cipality such sum not. exceeding 411' the whole $10,000.00, as may be de- termined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the said corporation in sums of $100.00 each for the amount The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Eldon, pursuant to the provisions of “The Tile Drainage Act.” enacts as follows :â€" THAT when the ( of opinion that the any person to born purpose of construct OF THE. STONE AND ' mums. ing tOWh and will be sold at a. bargain. Apply to Box 226, or Hrs. W. F. O’Boyle on the premis- es, 22 St. Inwrence-st. acre lot, 3 lots in all, all modern conveniences, bath etc., hard and soft water in summer kitchen, be- sides town water, good stable, central location ; will be sold as a. whole or separately, but must be sold at once. The owner is leav- Senora! housework. *. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. Neeland. yo. 8 ?AGE F0 Township of Eldon ’-LAW TO RAISE 810.000-00 ) IN THE CONSTRUCTION BYâ€"LAW N0. 352. Reeve. B. STACEY, Clerk. B. STACEY. Clerk. FOR Many people who 'have never fore been in a. position to do may now be ready to open a account... ganizationl Interest is paid on Savings Bal- ances half-yearly. 7 Business Accounts opened on fav- orable terms. ‘ Omemee Branch J. B. L. GROUT, Manager THE BANK OF TORONTO offers to all such people the facilities of their large and strong banking or- Can almost make the blind to see with our spectacles. RJ. Mulligan’s Drug Store Bank ofToronto Paper and Envelopes Watches, Clocks ‘ and Jewelry a start which will lead you into a good salaried position? Enter our college " now and be ready for a. situation in the fall when business is at its best. 'We are locating well qualified young people ev day. Why not let nahelp you Start any daÂ¥v No vacations. Catalogue free. ‘rite N ew Banking Business WHY PUT OFF Bargains in Incorporated 1855 Assetsjuspoopoo m WATCHMANâ€"WARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Omemee Nineteen years as tax collector fit.- ted Mr. Charles Corneil. the pro-ant; popular new of the Township 0! Emily, (or the position. 'Mr. ,_ Cox‘- popular new of the Township 0! At Hamilton yesterday George .1) Emily. (or the position. M137 Cor/- Roach was fined $60 for Idling u. nail was never 1;: the township caun- quor after hours. sud 860 (or ob- cil, but the experience gamut! through mm tho pone. Mr. Percy Parsons has moved into the residence on East King-st. recent- ly occupied by Miss Thornton. The Library concert and the rifle match on Victoria Day are subjects of much conversational interest. Reeve Mulligan and the other mem- bers of the village council were in- specting the walks on Saturday and noting changes anu repairs to be made. If your back aches, or you feel stitches, or have emu-ting or fre- quent urination, or any bladder trouble, take a. dose or Thursday evening at the shredded wheat banquet, given in the opera house by the Girls’ Guild of Christ church. The menu card contained many delectables. and were served by the young ladies in style a la. Del- food by Mr. J. Hewitt a represent ative of the Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, and the following program by local performers: In- strumental (piano) Miss Weatherilt; duet (vocal) Messrs. Stephenson and Earle; song, Mrs. Earle; song, Miss Parsons; piano duet, Misses Weath- erilt and Grandy ; song, Mr. Earle. “God Save the -King" concluded the entertainment, which was capably chaired by Mr. J. B. L. Grout. Building operations aro uiout reaoy for the new Methodist parson- and you will feel fine in the morn- ing. 1: you don‘t, your money fir.’ L. ‘Wilson has purchased a handsome young driving horse. Messrs. English and Bushnell de- livered, last week, a. large consign- ment of young fruit trees and shrubs. The annual road race for a silver cup donated by Colonel Hughes will be run on Victoria. Day. There is no admission fee: open to all amateurs who are bona tide residents of the province. The distance is five miles. Further particulars may be obtained from Dr. Sutton, to whom an ap- plications from competitors should be sent by 20th inst. A large number of people from Omemee and its rural suburbs went over to the Electric City on Satur- day to the horse lair. Banquet in Omemee Opera House a Grand Success 250. a box. or five boxes for 31. For sale by A. Higihbotham, drdg- gist, Lindsay. PROMINEN'I' MEN OFgVIC- TORIA COUNTY ‘ Fig Pills To-Night John W. Mitchell was CHARLES CORNEUJ. splendid turnout USE MORE OF CLARK’S PORK AND BEANS. With Pork and Bean prepared as Clark prepares them. they farm-h a pleasant change to’ ordinary meat diet, and u henna are more nourish- ing nicest far less than meatuny erg ' economic to use. ‘Juat try and Bridges committee. which com- mittee has been very busy lately in regard to the building of a new steel bridge at Little Bob. Besides be- ing collector for nineteen years. Reeve Cornell was also assessor for five years, and his equalization were always fair and could be depended upon. In public life Reeve Corneil always believed in the old motto. "Treat others as you would have them treat you.” The ratepayers of Emily in to be congratulated on being so fortunate in securing the servicesotMr.'Cornefltonenp to conduct the municipal snail-s of the township and of the county at large. being tax collector for such a long term of years makes him well quali- fied for the position. Charles Cor- neil was born in the Township of Ops in the year 1846, and is the third son of the late David Cornell. He lived with his father on the old homestead until he was twentyâ€"seven years of age. and on getting married he moved into the township of En- ily. taking up residence on the farm on which he now resides. one hallv mile from his birthplace. This is Mr. Cornell’s first year in the town- ship council, but it is felt that the ratepayers elected a good man. He has already displayed an active in- terestintheaflairsottheCountyot Victoria, and at a recent session was appointed a member of the Roads able a. teacher pa Miss weamerut, who appreciatedzgthe happy "en te- voir." and replied in terms or grati- tude. the year : Hon. President. Rev. Robt Burns; lat vice-pres" Miss Ida. Nu- gent; 2nd vice-pres” Miss Etta. Scott; 8rd vice-pres.. Mr. W. Miss P. Skuce; corresponding secre- tary, Miss A. Parsons; treasurer. Miss Luella. Nugent; organist, mas Edith Nugent. ciently recovered to 'be able. with Mrs. Mitchell, to drive out and vis- it Mount Pleasant riende on Sunday. Miss Mackenzie has assumed the position of principal of the high school. Miss Weatherilt, who resum- ed her position in the public school, was presented with a complimentary address at the close 0! hereon-vice in the high school by the pupils she had taught since Christmas. The espres- sion of approval was a fitting sequel to the devotion and zeal of so cap- able a teacher as Miss Weatherilt, The quarterly service held in the Methodist church was well attended. The poster“ announced that next Sunday evening he would preach a special eeunon to the young people and the following Sunday hie sub- ject would be "The Creator and the Comets." Our earnest sympathy is extended to Mr. Fred Johnston, who was call- ed away last week to attend the In- neral of ‘hia brother at Gravenhurst. On Friday evening. 29th inst.“ the Epworth League of Omanee Metho- dist church held its annual meeting. and elected the following officers for 'I‘he‘laying o: the corner stone of the new Hothodist personage will take place on Friday of this week at 2 p.m. It. is expected that. the fol- and their son, _Maéter Timothy c. Rev. J. P. Wilson, of Lindsay. the pastor, Rev. Robt. Burns. Reeve Mulligan, and others. Harry Hayes. of TorontO. ‘8 in Rheumatism Mr. John Tough and sister spent. Sunday visiting relatives at Mud Wflm is produced by these. 1-me of uric scid in the blood. and this poisonous substance attacks and influnos the manbrme oovcing the joints end ”panting the mus- cles. thus producing severe puns. If the waste products to the system are not properly carried on, uric acid forms and is deposited in the joints sud between the different loy- In. B. C. Neale. 80 Belinda-CV... Toronto. Ont” says. It Is vith great pleasure that I give this tse- timonlsl in favor of Dr. W‘ s Hub Tablets for they certslnly have done wonders to:- me. For over one yurlmagrsetsufla'cfrom in- flmstory rhedme-tlsm and MP- elas. During that time I had doc, ed and tried almost every kind of medicine that I thought would help me, but with no reunite whatever. until I became thoroughly discourag- ed. I was requested to tryDr.Een- derson's Herb Tablets. They soun- edtowork likemeglcinmy case. and alter using them for five months I am completely cured. Price 50c and $1 per box at Dun- oon's drug store. ‘ IAIRIAGES GOHEENéTHOMPSON. â€" At the Baptist pmomgfl, on Wednesday, May 4. 1910, by the Rev. G. R. Welch. B.A., Mr. Leonard Goheen to Miss Lilian Thompson, both of DEATHS. WINN.â€"In Emily. on Tuesday. May 3rd, 1910. Ellen Theresa Winn. aged 27 years and 2 months. was in Lindsay lalt week. lire. 'nlrner left on Friday to at- tend the funeral of the late Hrs. Caldwell (nee Ills: Greasy) formerly of our town. in Galt on Saturday. It. Gristlake. of Coboconk. spent Sunday in town. an of muscles. 1! Henderson'l w W.- m taken :2: “me it will- pram". the inundation of uric acid. assisting the liver um mane)- co clinimte the waste product lrom MARKâ€"At Zion. reunion. to Mr. and Ira. John Isrk. on April 28. D. G. Bruce and family drove to Beavertou Sunday. Miss Edna. Smith is week at. End Inks. spending workoumtdh. Inna-cm 6 for $2.50.' W. plane. uni GhmmwN-Wmtes HR. HERMAN llYllB 9F SHINE II THE BLADDER whichbeamwefiaquagmwd tonnbennble y,mdlbeaneuo wokthatl notwdkmthe floor._mcoqlqdonothingto_help ywifemdinthepnpcrgbodt G'mPilhandmtfotgbox. me. with Whit the doctor! and Inflamma- tionoftheBbddexâ€"intglsepainsinthé backandb' tpulmanddificulty $em§mebhm ma "gm“, mmwymmmmfimwu todpufgngay'gwtllf Inhould Oln Plllspasood thos'bono Kirkfield. my 2.â€"Mrs. Sangster Lindsay. 513 I was inken down JOHN HERMAN V ”w" 7me"Â¥0}22'§? mm THROUGH nun Ami ' mount unfit 13his ‘3 the WI! tomb turd! No:- Ph 939." 20‘“!!! 2mm. Victor- Only Througthi J. Houzer We want to see you if only for a leak, but our prices touch you just lightly. 20000 Rolls of Wall Papers We have on hand two hundred yards dress goods, all col are, worth from 50c to 90¢ per yard. Some of these goods are slightly damaged by water, but the whole lot ml) sell 35 nt per yard .................................................. c Prints and ginghamsin all the new patterns and designs at per yard 10c, 12 1- 2c and .................... 14c WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS mumhomkto8lparon. Caudiw,A-eriun and mild. but WI. low coloflngs. Prion as tho low- at. Alan-tho, Int-do. lure-co, Whitening. Window Shades. Gm Poul. Curtda Roda. Boom: loaning-a, etc. For 8' Sum: there is :16 S can take the p Oxford or low For 3 Snmmer Shoe than is no Shoe that can take the place of an Oxford or low shoe. Oxfords being light do not tire yourfeet the same as boots do. The makes we are showing do not bulge or sag at the sides; A A: Oxfords being light do not tire yourfeet the same as boots do. The nukes we are showing WIN NIPEG Dress Goods, Prints and Ginghams T. J. Parsons Ind-um, hints, Gasman-d m Piper cums 1872 Summer Shoo :16 Shoe that the place of an r low shoe. TO CHOOSE f ROM hadm"”“ SPRING J. “UNDER SM “by are' made from highest grade I‘hitobo wheat from “Sun-Kit M” .8 the big flour mill lit Io hyal to Your Home Industry BUY GOLD MEDAL 0| BAKERS QUEEN FLOUR ONE DOOR WEST OF THE POST OFFICE The Index 1919 andCcI“ an is“ equalled _ iron or w. butting by m for wo Mil Gram Esta! Ialf a “Es aid that n. his is Dennis Ehreported one mile I M. gold k § mile ran In the E. MAXSO‘: 2 mile raj L2. (4 m Bar vault: Bicycle r‘ Pen he!

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