Hr. W. S. Curry left Friday morn- ing for Peterboro and other points, and on his return will start for Me- dicine Hat, where he has accepted 3 Position in a. drug store there. 112'. Simon Marshall, of Lindsay, made g business trip to these parts «this week. Childrén Cry FOR FLETCHER’S .CASTORIA Ir. Bert Weese, the noted horse buyer, ~01 Lindsay, is here again this .week purchasing animals for the Fest. He has purchased and Ship- ped from this point a. large number '0! horses‘ during the past year. “' mdland Arm- YA RUNAWAY. Hr. Walter Arksey, a farmer resid- lng a couple of miles out on the Oakwood road, had an unpleasant, though not Serious runaway Friday morning. Kiss Edna. Hope, of Allsaw, visit- ed triads in Minden this week. SHIPPED MANY HORSES Miss Hammel, of Essonville, who has been teaching the Scotch line school for some time, has resigned her position and' is going west. On Saturday, April 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mortimer, of the Do- minion hotel, a. daughter.“ a daughter. linden, April 30.â€"'I‘he home of 11:. James Hie, o! Minden town- ship, was totally destroyed by ï¬re on Friday afternoon about 4 o'clock p.m. The fire started in some un- known way and the wife was alone with the little child. By the time the neighbors reached there it was useless to try and save anything and all the furniture and clothing were burned. 0n Wednmday, April 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison, 0! Anson, Minden Residence Destroyed by Fire Use ZcmBuk for more let-1m akin trouble? Inch :1 emu». pustules. bolls. nlcm, entering sores. ringworm. lulu sores. Iona on the body due toblood- pot-on- I'K. otg._ Mothers will ï¬nd_ Zun-Bnk unmanned for hnby! 500 box 831 stores A for thy. of Zsm-Buk tmtment will tmsform s “muddy,†kled, spotty com lexion into one o utm- tivonesu An prettineu. ‘Ae the rich, reï¬neJ, herhel eaeoneee link dee into the tissue, the herd ecnrvy- -1i 0 patches are removed. The cuticle is softened. The cells be- neath ere etimnleted to heeltby open. tion. The poree resume their work properly. Better color results. The cell- of the skin being puriï¬ed by Zom- Buk’e etimulsting helm, become trons- parent; the blood beneeth ie eble to import it. proper colorin to the tissue. end the delicote bloom of eelth replace. the ullowneu end pellor of dieeuo. how uickl'y your hp ' co improves. A0439 rich, nï¬mw ï¬nances Zun-Buk in n skin food. Smu- it lightly over the spots, the eruptions, gho ullpy_patches, st night, 39d notico Yonhsnbeen out in rsin nnd sleet snd now. You hue been perspiring from shting, or some other exertion. Then you hove stood to "cool off. " Yon hove spent hours of the day indoors st s temperstnre equal to summer heat. Then you hove covered up your skin, corp: your/act, snd gone out into s are sway below zero! No wonder tlnt the skin of the fee. and neck shows signs of needing sttention. Atthh umn. Icons 0! 90091.. (his and woman «pod-117. ï¬nd that: has naked with piuplu. duh spots. «options. etc. The skin no“. attention. needs mov- ntin‘ am the trying winter uuon. Jmt think what it has Ind to go through! PAGI should shine into their hearts" (II. Corinthians iv, 4). The intimation is that our great Adversary, Satan, is interested in mankind, re- specting the glorious aracter of on! God, and hisg wonderful Plan of Sal- vation through Christ. Satan uses as his tools the very best of humani that hecanbring underhisoon and nothing a more evident than that he has completely deluded the heath- en world with what the Apostle terms; “doctrines of devils.†Not only so. but to the extent that he was able" to do so, he has evidently worked mischief with “various reforms- However, I should not be misunder- stood as making an attack upon any creed, or u n the adherents of any creed. Ra er, I suggest that we may well look with sympathy upon all the' various creeda and sects, realizing that God’s people have been in Baby- lonish confusion for now many cen- turies. Did not the Apostle tell that a great falling away would come? (II. Thessalonians ii, 3.) Should we ythenbesurprisedifwe ï¬ndhisvnrds have come true, that for ï¬fteen hunJ dred years the Church of Christ has been deeply entangled with errors and superstitions, which make void the Gospel of Christ? Let us not then stop to ï¬nd fault with our foretatherrs, and to upbraid them; let us rather, so far as possible, assume their hon- esty, their sincerity. Let us take the Bible standpoint, and realize that the dimculty has been the power of our Adversary, the Devil, and that he has deluded and ensnared, not only the heathen world, but to a considerable extent Christendom. Mark St. Paul’s words, "The god of this world hath blinded the mind! of them which believe not, lest the 2.1015998 - .lish‘. 9f ,.Diyin_e 899911129 I We are not here. my friends, to set forth any sectarian views oi the Scrip. tures. nor to advocate a new theology. By no means; we have already too many theologies; we have already too many sects or divisions of Christ! We want no more! Christendom is awak- ening to the fact that the various conflicting creeds cast discredit on the Bible. The creeds of Christendom universally discredit each other by their interpretations, and universally they discredit the Bible, which would be surely a most ridiculous book, it- it taught all the various conflicting dogmas. We are not here to claim a new revelation, making void the Word 01 God through Jesus and the Apostles; we are not here to twist and turn their words to make them appear to mean what they do not say. We are here to show that the Bible taken in its simplicity. and allowed to in- terpret itsell. is the most wonderful book in the world, and that the Di- vlne Plan of Salvation therein set forth is soul-satisfying and, as the Scriptures declare, sufï¬cient. "that the man 01 God may be thoroughly furnished unto every good word and war ." l We, dear friends, are living in day in which the leading minds of the world are rejecting the Bible and lits message in all the great colleges lot the world; yea in the theological aeminaries also, the Bible is clased as antique. Professed faith in the Bible, as the inspired Word of God, to-day calls forthp eneers of ridicule ‘and the comment that such believers ‘are “unlearned. †But, my hearers, I am before you wâ€"day to contend that it is not ythe “Gospe l of Christ†that is being rejected by the intelli- gence of the3 world, but another Gos- pel that came, not from Christ, neith- er from the Apostles, neither is it taught in the Bible. I am here to claim, and to endeavor to prove that the Bible is eminently logical, thor- oughly reasonable, and that the mes- sage it bears to those who have “ears to hear,†is the most wonderful mes- me that could possibly be presented to human heads and hearts. Rome. May l.â€"Pastor Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York. preached here today to a large and attentive audience. Speaking throu h an interpreter, he was heard by a . His address was delivered under the auspices of the INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION. A profound impression was evidently made, and Bible study surely receiv- ed a considerable impetus. Many inclined to scoff at religion and the Bible, as interpreted in the past, said reverently, "If this be the ‘Gospel of Qhrist,’ it is worthy of all accepta- trog.†The speaker said:_i p ‘ PEOPLE’S PUL PIT. our race with the foreknowledge and foreordination that practically all of these thousands of millions must suf- fer either purgatorial torture for sev- eral centuries, as our Catholic friends present the matter, or at the still more irrational theory of us Protes- tants that eternal torture is to be the fate of all except the elect few, the saints, who now follow in the foot. steps of Jesusâ€"a course contrary to the world and all the tendencies of life around us. Well may we , and the sooner we re'ect and ect this entire mass of un- criptural 0g. mas, the better. As-a Whole it comes to us from our honest,» but unenlight- ened foretethers. who. verily thought? they did God service’m torturing one‘ another, even to the extent of burn- ing one another at the stake, because I of little diï¬erenees along the lines of these “doctrines of devils†(I. Tim. othy iv. 1). The rich spiritual food and the etro faith, which", dear friends 1 as Bi le students. should desire and; seek for. are to be found only in z -vâ€"f ‘-vr vvvvv J v; In“: 1M. lull, we not realize that notwithstanding the fall, there is still in the human mind and heart something which has “longings inï¬nite," something which cries out for the living God, and which commands our reverence and worship, in proportion as he is re- cognized? Spiritually we gs ed at the sugâ€" estion that a. Godg8 of all wisdom, ove, justice_an_d p_owe_r ever _createc_l God 6111‘ hearts and heads tell us we should expect; just such f God ra- tional peopple ï¬nd no difï¬cu ty in wor- shipping. Indeed, while some of us in the past may have believed in the “total deprgvity†of the race. may Men and women do not ï¬nd it dim- cult to believe in a wise, inst, loving and. powerful Creator; just such a we need not be ashamed of.‘ Hence: our determination should be to search I the Scriptures, and to ï¬nd that one reasonable message of the Divine, Plan which centres in Jesus our‘ Redeemer. Noting the logical mind of St. Paul, who can doubt that he would be ashamed, as we ourselves are. 0! the fragmentary resentations ot the vari- ous creeds w ich more or less oppose and contradict each other? We may be sure that what the Apostle would endorse: as the “GOSpel of_ Ch_rist," message: the true Goa l. of whiÃ©ï¬ St. Paul in our text deï¬leares that he was not ashamed. ____v-_._' w-.. -__ v-- .7 v _-â€"7, â€".-- .- ul‘ .- tory, and misrepx--cnted the Gospel.’ tal, moral, and hysical decline, even when_ taken alone. Others grasped the. unto death! should it seem doctrine of "free grace,’ and ran strange that this ad, this All-Wise away with that, claiming that it was Creator should plan an opportunity the entire Gospelâ€"ignoring the Scrip- ior the complete recovery from the tnres which referred to "election,â€t effects of sin and death for all mun- etc. These made a similar mistake,' kind? Why have we allowed our l and similarly misr resented the Gas minds to refuse $116 message 5??! ‘0 Silidgiitg’istofgm“ 52:33.3“61133 .f 2' throu h the angels respecting the Scriptures which assure us of a uni-j 9?: $13“; °t great {1°37 :3 :11)! PAeg‘ versal o portunity for salvation. and p e y "9 '9 a °" ° ' interpre them to mean h a all! versary to make us think for eagerne- mankind will attain eternal sa vation,l men: that] “it G°da laws“ 0:! hi1†regardless 01 their wills and co-operaa I moguls; ov us an h n - wth e 9' tion. Others found difï¬culty in har- t :dcreatures, 3;. 02h 1° can. monizing the relationship between the' “If" ‘m e 313?“? 0’ ° {1" e3 heavenly Father. the heavenly 80ml “8 If my? 1 m '13: a awd and the holy Spirit, and this con! 1-! ourse v“ to believe from t 3 ‘ n ’ tion led to Unitarism on the one point that our Creator was the great- hUId. and to Trinitarisnism on the :12: denim 0‘ 811 demgnsincéth only m."- 09m .01 2: mg: ,3» dew t, we mt%:‘m°m.f°et 0‘ baptmm' and e of 1" ture of his creatures. who were not {Eggngrethioslgenla head uglf‘bgggdg: ‘ even Riven a choice as respects their and heights. and depths _ot the true creation: ,1... M--.“ -m. 4....-. “A Soxï¬e of us ran may with 'thg 40c- trine of "election,†thinking It the whole Gospel of Christ; whereas. om fragment wa_s incompletg, unsatisfac- In the light of our day. many are ï¬le to discern more clearly than did our forefathers. the monstrous and God-dishonoring fallacies of the creeds, and, aroused to disgust, they have rejected the irrational dogmas; but they have frequently rejected also the central truth, which that dogma, to a certain degree, misrepresented. Thus we are in the day of the rejec- tion of the creeds by the people of all denominations, Catholic and Pro- testant, and equally we are in the day of Bible rejection, because it is assumed that the Bible, having been studied by the formulators of these creeds, must be in accord with these. and hence, must be reSponsible for the unreasonable teachings. and must be‘rejected when theSe 3"? rejected. 1 l 1 God that there is a centre or nucleus of truth in each of these creeds, and around that kernel of truth, germin- ating power may be felt in every de- nomznation. but the Adversary has wrapped these creeds with layer after layer of mistranslation and misinter- pretation. THE WATCHMANâ€"WARDER. LINDSAY. (MARIO. “:9 331m? ‘3‘“ “Dim“; '21:}: 18 emu remn. guszmd years all the families of the Meantime, in the $15: (aheol. I. m, i We reply that this is no argument whatever. The same God dela ed to I send his Son, delayed the sacri ce on ‘ Calvary for more than four thousand years after sin had entered the world. 1 And yet. according to the Scriptures, the merit of the sacriï¬ce of Christ is not merely intended to bring blessci? to those who have lived since - vary, but also to all nations, kin. ' dreds. peoples and ton from the l day of 461m .to the Wthe Ase... According to the Scriptures, the death sentence was rononn ' t Father Adam, all of his c ' dren have shared in the blighting effect of that sentence through here- dity“ Not exifly has 3115 race 1:113!†gromng 1 er, men y, mo . and physically, but by the mountain of millions, they have drop into the tomb. the great prieon- one of death, from which there is no escape. except by and through the Son of God. Hiesacriï¬ceforthelimottho whole world.secures to him the right tothecontrol ofAdamandhinnfl. gain. control, the Scriptpree neurone, cad l 1‘ l ‘ our blindness in the past regecting {the true character of God. unit 1y should we beg forgiveness for hav- ing misre resented the Holy One of , Israel. at he knows that we did I this in ignorance, a'nd he is both gra- u cioue and generous to forgive us our . trespasses. and to cleanse us from all iniquity according to his arrangement I for us, which centres in Christ Jesus l our Lord. lief that God is mere] seeking out 0! the world an “elect’ “little flock.†Surely y, if he had been seeking to con- vert the world, he could and would have made much more agrees in that direction thanhu 11 made. in all this time. Some, perhaps, would answer. Sure. 1y, if the “Cross of Christ†means the blessing of all the families of the earth, the fact would have been de- monstrated somehow during the nine- teen centuries since. The fact that only a comparatively small number have accepted Christ and been blea- _e_d is therefore the wand _for the be: Ah. my dear friends, with tears and in sggk-qloth, Awe ishould confess 7 to In] to his creatures. has. on the con. trary. made provision for their eter- nal misery? Why have we allowed ourselves to believe from this stand- point that our Creator was the great- est demon of all demons-not only that he has power.-but that he chooses to use that power for the eternal ter- ture 01 his creatures, who were not even given a choice as respects their creation? ated the human race with the full foreknowled 0 that Father Adam would be isobedient, and that his life would beiorfeited. and that all his children would,share in his men- tal, moral, and hysical decline, even unto death! should it seem strange that this od, this All-Wise Creator should plan an opportunity for the complete recovery from the eHects of sin and death for all mun- kind? Why have we allowed our minds to refuse the message sexy ‘0 us throu h the angels respecting the " ood ti ings of great oy to all peo- p e"? Why have we aflowed the Ad- versary to make us think for one mo- ment that. our God._ instead oi_ helps Nor should this surprise usâ€"that s loving and gracious Creator, who 1‘98! the ensifwfhe WQPnips» 9N3: _ AL_ L, ple, for unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour (Life- Giver), ywhich is Christ the Lord" (Luke ii, 10). This version of the Gas» $1.9. good message. and for all man- (1, corresponds exactly with the ï¬rst statement of the Gospel made by God to Father Abraham, saying “In thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed" (Gen. xii, 2, 3). This great blessing will not be uni- versal salvation, but it will be a uni- versal opportunity for salvation. It will not be a salvation in ignorance and heathen sn rstition, but a salvation from snc conditions, with full opportunity to return to the im- age and likeness a! God. lost in Adam, and redeemed b our Saviour. This is the same Gospe that was her- alded by the angels on the night 0! our Lord' s birth yin the words, "Be- hold we brin tiding of great joy, whic shall be unto all8 pep- meats: the " Gospel of Christ.†of ch Palm we: not ashamed. Thet Gosegpe 1 has two distinct features. yit relates to the world of menkindf and indeed at telling us that either oenturiee of purg gatoriel euflerin. or en eternity of torture unite t e world. its message is thet. in God's due time.e. egreet bl awaits the world through the {10 - fled Christ. and as a result 0 the sacriï¬ce which he ï¬nished at Cel- be no}? ___ no that on: ma. should not stand the teachings of men. but in the we: of God. on set forth in the We of God. From this our» to: only can we expect infatuation n-w._- LL- "(IA-MI n. “pl-6 †A. Bible melt We should not spun wan: from one mother, but we should receive each on ten- }:tlvely._un_d theJWprd 0 _God .pongq 3% DELIVERED AN ADDRESS. Col. Sam. Hughes. M.P., was in Dunsford Friday and delivered an excellent address in the Methodist church at a concert held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. The inclement weather proved somewhat of a drawback. but nevertheless a fairly good crowd gathered to hear the colonel, who spoke on Canadian Imperial matters. On Wednesday, April 27, to Kr. and Mrs. Ben Sawyer. of Lutter- worth, a daughter. Birthâ€"On Saturday, April 28rd. to Mr. and Mrs. John Snell of the Scotch Line, a. son. Everyone is looking isrwsrd to the coming of s new doctor. It is re- ‘ported that Dr. Pogue, oi Lindsay, is going to start business in the drug store. Mrs. W. Sawyer and Mrs. '1' Trumbull were visiting the farmer's daughter, Mrs. M. Loucks. of Don- ald, this week. Several families have been on the sick list with measles in this local- ity. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and little son of Stanhope, are visiting Mrs. N. Fetter-1y this week. Mr. J. C. 11033 made a business trip to Lindsay this week. Mina Ida. Whistle in reported very ill with appendicitis. Mr. William Trumbull had a ‘01“); successful ploughing bee on Tuesday last, and the evening was spent by the young people in dancing. Miss Belle‘Abbott, o! Gelert. is the guest of Mrs. Fielutng. MINDEN. Minder), April 27. -- Mr. William Wright retutned last. night from Po- terboro, where he has been visiting for some time. name! in the 'glories of his Empino. be “ï¬ery trials" for every true child ofGod.ilitisthewillofGodthat all should be thoroughly tested. as respects reverence, loyalty. and de- votion to principle, that they may be eountegl_worthy_of_ a share _with_ Im- A: I beheld in your city the great amphitheatre which once vii-1160.“! the terrible sufferings of some of God’s faithful ones in the put; and again. as I viewed the room once need as a torture-chamber. in the days of the Inquisition, I said, Thank God for the blessings of 1i ht end liberty, which belong to our ay. and yet I reflected that even though they be diflemnt in form, there must need! not only the living at the time of the‘ establishment of the Kingdom. 5‘“ all that are in their gram who shall angle forth, "every man in his own 0 er.†more. and have the keys of deed: and o! the guys†(Revelation 1. 18). He will exercue his key: of authority and deliver all of the prieonen from the power of the tomb, and addition- ally tram ell the weekneesee end in- rtectione incidental to the eentenoO. e will bring the willing end obedi- ent hack to full human perfect! andtoallthat wulostinAdun . redeemed by Jesus. This, we deck". according to the Scriptures, in the Gospelf in itgdprganary “(mt may eegeo "o t inge 0 pet which shaï¬ be unto .11 lo.†a in the "Seed of Abraham. 3 the {ï¬n- illee of the earth shall be blessed. _â€"n allldndredh'oublu. Trythem. ‘ safe and certain cute for wnsï¬mï¬on Ind have been proved a overï¬fty years of use, Indian Root Pills, thoroughly hated by human misery. Cbnstipation is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless mount of Dr. Morse’s 25c.abox. LOGS Elm,Ba.sswood, Birch and Ash Logs suitabe for veneering. Government standard bushel only in all varieties. Seed corn that will give you good results. Spratt 8: Killen It Pays to Sow the Best WE HAVE IT. CLOVER SEED and SEED GRAIN GENUINE The Kind You Have Always Bought I n U N o ‘lhe Kind. You Have Always Bought, and which has be“ in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature 0‘ . and has been made under his N. W m: WWW mm, , 0 Allow no one to deceive you in am: All Counterfeiu, Imitations and “Jllst-as-goml†a", but Experiments that trifle with and endangor the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experm Custom is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, pm gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcofle substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipanon and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and lsoweis, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children’s Wilma Mother’s Friend. In M delmcy' ‘ 3? Evan. Ind minus-“Emc'vj What is CASTORIA COCOA i; HIGHEST FOOD-VALUE. In "I carnal man-v. 77 .UIIAV "It". I“ '0'! cm. CASTORIA Lindsay For Over 30 Years. is a treat to Children, aun- tenant to the worker, a boon to the thrifty housewife. MBA", HAY 5 ALWAYS DPS" kinda] alqo ON YOUR You can recognize ms sup: l'l 5th The Depam wltute recommend ï¬nish seed 5 {I‘ve all the of mngelsâ€" lst. It, is an nhuni 20¢ It contain: due obit“ Ot‘hpl' 1“ 3,4. It is easy 00‘ 40h- The sum-99d maize its Slxpl‘r‘i Pianos, 0n Sewing M Spec In addition to stock of high- u‘ra we have just now values in secom and 8(3ng mac] out for lack of sp One hdies’ bicy cheap. WM. W m FOR SALE um FOR SALE ‘9 of Ops, E. h: 9. containing 100 â€emfroms mmdahalf You will get the Willia‘: Opp. St. And! From Mar. 29 our Summer Sea 4 th and :11nt opportunitv fur e to qaalh ness position The Central Bush Toronto. invites oration. Catlogu "quest. WJ‘L Sh Yonge Ger-ran Yellow L Terms toIsuit‘ DRUG 86:80 count fl you shnl at our ‘ 9. othm aw â€"A'l‘1 clay ell