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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 May 1910, p. 9

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:onstmctlon Idling ex- Le outskirts :o the man- »werful ex- mtical As- , voted to nmodity of te Perhaps no monarch in Bri tm‘y has contributed in ma sure to the world’s peace, 0 so much to bring the Divine y --_- sure to the world’s peace, or done so much to bring the Divine era. of “peace on earth and good will among men." In Great Britain, now in the thick of a. fierce party quarrel and a grave Constitutional struggle, he had an nmnensepower to moder- ate the temper of factions, to recon- (-ile acute difl’erences between con- tending elements, and to preserve the staldlity of ancient and worthy British institutions. Empire sufl'ers a. great 1988, and a, mighty influence making for peace ,, gv and good neighborhood throughout the world has disappeared. THE LA'iE KING AND THE NEW QUEEN » ’lhere are two outstanding things1 in connection with King EdWard 31 death ; the first is the sanity, the high class business acumen that he brought to the work of government of statesmanship. He had 1101'. 893‘ ins, but he had common song». ev- ery-day knowledge of men. in its; npest and best form, acquired by study and training.a.n and he applied it. With precision. tact and definiteness' of purpose so as ' possible result. He may not. have; done this in eVery case; he certainly did it in most. '- " - The next. outstanding feature to our mind will be the part to be plus ed by the new queen in confine» fion with her husband, the netting We do not thereby ofier W 1’0- flection on the $3911“? 01 King George. He has been trained father and his must?“ grandâ€" mother, Victoria; but in” queen is the cutest “Wmtfi; royal house My. “amuse-l; in Queen 5 that was. I “themed 8g THURSDAY, um 12, 1910. DEATH OF THE KING Subscription Telephone 57. Waderâ€"Dalivaed by Lind-3m}: _ “Mo in British his- to throne lilo u m o! forty-five is uvetono mm- mmmm' ward am, an reign would last for twenty-four years. Babes. 0.: yet un- b°.m' WW up. be married. and] have ‘o’aildrui or their own in twenty-1 1001' I“. .~ lad W wonderful1 "11383 Win m in-the Bfltish un‘ Dire inflict time.. But. the Kinshas good health. a good constitution. and has always lived- ‘tempentelw. so thatthereiareasontohopothathe may live a long as his grandmother Queen Victoria. did. What. a great country Canada. will be long More ,the end of his reign! ‘ 1 King Edward will-be known» in history as the PM. What [win he the distinguishing mur- isticcolKingGom-go? mum- othettitleahemmmhh rain. we believe there is no doubt thathewmbolmovnuthe good Klng George. Hie grondletha'. the Prince Consort. wu known u Albert the Good. and King George in my way- reeemblee him. Hallie hu el- weye beeo exemplary. end the ea:- ample he will set to the people of the Empire may be of inoeleuleble value in elevating the moral tone of the may oommunluee under the British flag. The Montreal Star gives an mt- mute of King George which voty aptly not: torth his prawn. quilt cations for the high omen he now holds. The Star Inn: "He has not had the long training for the duties at kmgnhlp that his father had. He him not that exten- sive and intimate knowledge at the secret politics of Europe that Kins: Edward possessed when he came to the throne. He has notenjoyed the intimacy of the great British states- manship of‘ the Victorian era, as did the dead King, He has not had op- portunity to develop that remarkable tact w'hich characterized Edward VII. But he is a young men of sound intelligence and pleasing man- ner, who is on terms of friendly re. lationship with the chief European Sovereigns, who clearly understanb the principles of constitutional. gov- ernment, who is in sympathy with the progressive spirit of the times, who has performed the functions which fell to his lot as Heir Appar- ent, conscientiously and acceptably, if not with brilliancy, and who giv- es promise of bearing with dignity and devotion the high honor and tied upon the Onposition in the early part Of the session has dbaolutely disappeared says the Toronto awe. During the last (but flecks particu- WW the Opposition has fought ijth mt skill and xigor. If. Mr: “Mb? entrenched- in the l_ ‘ share was something 33° an “PEI? y, we! the Lnnsenativem in“ and devotion the high nonor auu heavy responsibility which now de- volve upon him as head of the world’s greatest Empire." ' King George visited Canada a n - ber of times while Prince, and he has seen almost every part or the British Empire. He is an‘obserVant man and learned much during his travels. He will begin his reign with a more intimate personal knowledge and appreciation of the British Do- minions. beyond the seas than any previous Sovereign. This may prove of more value in this age of imperial and appreciation of the British Do- minions. beyond the seas than any previous Sovereign. This may prove of more value in this age of imperial progress than King Edward’s extens- ive knowledge of European politics Daily Warder announces that it is now/two years old. It ought to be m the teething stage; then; Its voice is already lusty, and it has good wind and stomach. By the way, this preoccious paper must heve got past the teething stage some time ago. since it displayed great powers of mastication when it chew- ed up the opposition third daily which for a. time numbered the land- The Warder states it is issued P)’ “the, same crew" as were in charge at the birth. Mr. Allan Gillies. than manager, is now proprietor; Both he and .the paper have made good“??? "01d"__s¢;muora xfiends. and espec- ially his former as'sociatea on The Herald. rejoice at (he Success whicli [gs attended the Warder under able control. OPPOSITION ENTHUSIAST“: Stratford Herald TWO YEARS OLD The Lindsay wln‘ch set- should on'l mt W137 escaped “at. Thereianodoubt um. theOPPO‘i“ tionlsuvigoroundasW‘ five [fighting body as has out ‘0 the m of the W {or my years. Certainly the Conservati" muhmweondfiioh than it has been an» .1901. and. with steady. resolute. aggressive fighting intheEougeand lathe count?!» there shouldihe no doubt of the re sult of the next Faded contest. All the eigns show that. the Mini!- teflalpartyisbreakin‘gup. The 618» sident eiemeats are becoming unâ€" manageable. Not. even ‘ the great pen-suave powers-o! the Prime Min: aster can much longer hold in ul- legiance t6 the Government the sounder Liberal element throughout the country. GOOD BLOOD JUST A mm MORE RICH. RED spoon amuse nos'r AHMENTS. -The lack of efficient red, health- glving blood doesn’t and merely in a pale complexion. It is much niore serious. Bloodless people are the tired, languid, run down folk who never have a bit oi enJOyment in lile. Food does not noui'ilh, there's indigestion, heart palpita- tion, headache, backache. sometimes fainting tits and always Women. 1! anaemia o! bloodieseneu be neg- lected too long a. decline is sure to follow. Just a little more blood cures all these. troubles. Just moral rich, red blood ; then aboundingl health and vitality and pleasure ln‘ life. To get more blood the remedy‘ is Dr. Williams’ Pink 'Pills. No other medicine increases the blood supply so quickly or so surely. The cure actually begins with the first dose. though natupdly it is not notice- able. This is not a mere claim. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been“ do- ing this over and over again in Canada for years. This is why Ethousands of people always have a good word to say about this medi- cine. The following is the experience of one of the many who praise this medicine. Mrs. J. J. Thibodeau, of Bathurst Village, N.B., says: "Some years ago while‘teaching school I be- came so run down that I could hard. 1y walk. My breath was short and J. had failed in weight and lost color. I had to rest several times on my way to school, and during school hours it took more than all my strength to fulfil my duty. My docâ€" tor advised me to give up teaChin'g i .'V‘Vluv - v.-." ;. “I. -, ’do sincerely promise and swear, that 1 will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Maiest: 'Kins George the Filth, \ as lawful Sovereign of the. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and , o! ' the British _ Dominions beyond the Seas. and that I’ will defend him to lithe utmost of my power again“ all ‘tz‘fgitoroug conspiracies or attempt! Whatever which may be made 58.3“”. 'm's. Wizard“ and (11th. . qua that ‘I will do "my utmost endeavor ’ ‘ to His ' Below will be found the oath of al- leg-iance which is being taken by the officers of King George ‘L living in 'I indsav. All the law: v.ers magis :trates. judges and J of P. ’s will Have to take the oath in order . tc become fully quplifled to act and take a. long rest. But; at this time a friend persuaded me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and I got. sxx boxes. I hadn't finished the first box when I felt a. little better, and by the time I had used the six box- es I ,was Was fully recovered and en- joyinlg the best of health. At a later date I was troubled with ec- zema and my faith in Pink Pills led me to try them again. and I was not nisappointed, as they cured this trouble also. I can't praise Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills too much for they lmi/e done me a power of good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be sent by mail at 50c box, or six box- es for $2.50, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Lindsay Officers of A ‘ King Sworn‘in GOOD HEALTH Higinbot- Connaught as London, May 10.â€"-The Expreu un- derstands that the' Duke of Con- naught is likely to succvd Earl Grey it. being the particular via 01 the late king that his brother should re- ceive the appointment as Governorâ€" General of Canada. The Onion! an- nouncement. The Express says; may be M. It. in 3130 W that the Duke of Columns-ht should opeb the first Parliament of United Smith All-{ca before proceeding to Canada. HIS CRUEL ACT. Albert Lebar. aged 16 years. was sent 'doWn to Whitby jail for 15 min by W. A. Robinson, J .P., of Humington. on Saturday evening on the» charge of placing a. little girl. Lhe ”daughter of Mrs. C Hill. on u. warm stove at the home of lbs. A. nePMon I ride! ”ninth , J The (19-. ' For large rpid~month business we are plains on sale many very special one at which'will w-mnt you linking a specie! 65011: to be here. Note the ¢ we afar: Every article is of a clue that needs your immediate attention at year. Come soon for a flat choice. , Women’s Suits Every lady enjoys n good fitting becoiningly tailored Suit. It is convenient, useful and not burd- ensome. Our values will appeal to you no they already have to many. Very choice knee nt White Bed Spreads, 60:86, full bleach, extra good weight 15 reg. val. 81.00. sale price (I Towels, special at 17c White and colored bath linen hand towels, hemmed, colored d h'teb d ' l' geoth.1.....gl:..e.?.specm1 7C Direct Importers Barrie Oshawa 9.50 12.50 15.00 Governor-General Specially Price POSTOI-‘FICE DECORATED. Orders were received Tuesday by local postomce authorities to pro- ceed at once and decorate the build- ”in: in memory of the late Kind Ed- Wnrd VII. It was intended to do Our qualities are thoro- ughly reliable and our prices always the best. 'Every Week Brings New Buyers Here for and the old- er customers always come back; LINDSAY F sum npto$50 o'ur BmkMoncyOrdmm Wadhexpenive. Forhxgeramomu Mamdam Moneymuoncfioua‘: bakingpdifiintheworldbyTekmphic 0. Que. Tnnsfér. needs your immediate attention at this season ma OF CANADA : TRANSMITTING mom Bleached Table Linen 25c 56 inch bleached Table Linen, good design, also unbleached 54 inch table linen, reg. 35c and 25c qualities, May sale Setur- 15 day and Mondny, per yd. c Mill Ends of Towelling End of 5 yds. of glass and rol- ler (Dwelling, 19 inches wide, pure linen, red and blue check. 5 yds. to an end, special per per piece, only 35C Simâ€"Ribbons at 8c Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 3 1-2 in- ches wide. variety of color- 8 ingS, reg. 10c yd. for ......... c Pitchâ€"Stamps 48 for Se Souvenir Photo Stamps on cards containing 24 stamps illustrating Lindsay. May sale 48 for Se or 24 for 3c C. 8. Thompson. At this store you buy Carpets, Curtains. Shades, Linoleums; Oil Cloths and Verandah Screens at the Lowest prices ofl’ered any- where. Our $1 Brussells is like what most pe0ple sell at 1.25. We ask you to see it. the decorating to-day, but owing 'to the high wind this could not be dohe. It is understood that a local firm‘ has received an onder for the decorating goods, to the amount of menu. my 12. 1910. wwr. Freight Paid on $25 Purchases of the .~._ 5A make ‘zdyen: ’l Jogoto assion o: tecttts .D. HcE we. be 5‘76 of e villaeoi tender 1 bout-pi econded . motion ed by R $1, a by‘ 52, a. by 00 for 1 a first '.‘ O! W. I efor 01:10 1:, solid! at 85c. . forum wand: second inlet: by-law‘

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