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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 May 1910, p. 11

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80mg,- 3 are . class {1r W 39“ ta col- with 96 $9 31398 H9686: at leak 96 am QATS; IOI‘ “’8 Notice is hereby given that the". cOurt of revision of the assessmfiflt Will be held at the Oédfellowsf W in Coboconk, on Saturday» “19 28th day of May, 1910, at 10.30 ro’M in the forenoon, to hear 31510:”.er Persons having business at mm are required to attend "at the “a time and place. ' ‘ A Special general meeting of the shareholders of the Palestine Cheese Co. will be held at the cheese fac- IOFY On Wednesday, 95th ’ day a! May. 1910, at the hour or com o'- d°¢k pm. The purpose of said meeting is to confirm or otherwise ‘he action of the directors in d1!- 9051113 of factory and winding up 3.!- fairs of said-compm. D. B. Kc- Arthur, president ; Rod. 110m. sec.- tl'eas. ' . NOTICE 1 W'sTAm' Clerk 0! m Dated 1910 at Victoria. Road. W NOTICE ! IUHH‘ 0F REVISION. The court. of revision for the town- ahlb of Lornevllla will b0 held in the “range hull at. Burnt River on 8a.: turduy, the 28th day of May. 1910. at ton o'clock in the torenoon. The last day for appeal! again“ amia- Immts of 1910 la the 1‘“! day at May. of which all parties interested ““1 Dlmse take notice. Im‘h M W. V _ 7 u: Mame“ wt mm: we Moo :1 Hm furmma m wm have a whadhl youw (“369 Which {3 mi N hmmmg pm'peiu thin influx}. We am mm m hvm‘y thmdm'l. whe has had 80.60am 31‘1ng \para‘ Mpm'lam‘fl. has selected and ulna“ of late. lawman! tram Hammad a, horse that. M' I: “ HHII‘UHEh 0.5419 ‘fi QVGS‘y way: 31“" ”a M" t'rmw N Mariana is tram the boat. ' '99“ ma! mutlund has produced. and Mr. and 39'" 99°- Wu'vm i: to he cammondsd 10? his Mrs. 900m ”*‘N‘lnuse, NO deubt thfl tumors gfifiigwmiitu‘ ‘\\| a 1 ‘ 3‘ ' ' H Inw thew appmclatlon. Mr. Run“. \\'a «we, yea t9 try W996=Lae mm Aha QFIQQGE‘i‘fik at all varnish dawns; duatmfid t9 became a mime humus m we (25336153 6.911163? cum, mm *wmntng REVS? 1‘59““? W'fih Hm mum» [meHMF ‘(WG‘S 9' an RF: mm: mm. Mn a, magnum sens 4 yds. wide Linoleum, 8 designs, floral block and sexton paflttefné, reg; 55c. sq. yd-, sale 450; 1‘98. 501%, sale 410. " 3x4 yards in crimson,‘green and lawn grounds, reg. $11.50. sale $9.50; reg. $12.50, sale $10.25; reg. Rugs 326% yds, fawn ground! floral patterns, reg. $9, sale ......... $7.60 Green ground, with floral and self colored efTeCts, reg. $10550, sale ................................ $8.75 Entire Stock of Rugs Reduced“. “'3 Sale Canadian Oilcloths‘ {it different widths. 22} sq. ydsz, reg. 98a ails, sale 250. sq; yd; . SAM. SUDDABXR Clerk 0! Scum-vino. ('lvrk's office, Burnt. Blur. MI 1910. A Safilror HOWSEKEEPERS _ NEED A NEW CARPET OR RUG ‘ Iwo Specials in Jap Matting l6 and 2IC 53rd YEAR. Nn'l‘m Oilcloths and ”Linoleums However, there is one aged and re- spected lady 11‘ ing on Russell-s. .. Lindsay, who can well remember the V18it,for the simple reason that .she was the means of performing a kind. act for the late beloved king She. is. as far as can be ascertained. the only living resident of Lindsay who ever came into direct touch with the Late king, and who received his. ihearty thank! That lady is Me.- ’dame Frank Trernbly. Others may Mr. and Mrs. R. Staples. 0! Oak mu. spent. Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peel. Mrs. George Riemann. also Miss A. Richmsn. o: Goboconk. visitod Mrs. W. Alton last Sunday. '7 The 'peopte were Housed from their repose Sunday night between eleven We are Bionic t6 hum of in. (39mm mtntnell'i movory from her Mr. and» Mn. P. Sinclair spent Sunday with Native! in Glamrin. The late King Edward VII was the first. member of the British royul tamlly who ever made a. triumph“ progress of the new world and the first. heir apparent to visit Canada. which at that time had not yet .be- come the Dominion. Few people in Mr. Xesllok. our «actor. 1911: on Saturday to visit. his parents In Oresswcll. Lindsay can remember this union: visit, which took place in 1860,th the than Prince of Wales was a. more slip of a bOY. “New. May 9:2?“ anaer a! the tavmm in thin vlamw an autumn finished with their mains. and wm be men M “me ta How «u sum in watch a! the «amt. which in umtly mm at. _ fire At Bexle. Lace Curtains, 333 yds. long, three specials, 25c, 40c and 50c. ‘ Lace Smiths, full 3; yds. long, reg. 90c and .1, sate 'i‘Bc: reg. 81.: 25 and 31335. sale 799: reg; CLEO and 81:65. gale 01.80. {ad 'twolvo b'olook by a. fire alarm. 34x4 yds. in green, crimson and fawn effects, $12.50, for $10.25; $15.50. for $13.50; $14.50, for $11.75; $17.50 for $14.50. $15, sale ..: .................... . ...$12.50 41:4 in all the new ofiects, reg. $18, sale $15 ; reg. 8.15.50, sale ..._v....$13. Lindsay Lady Once Pefformed‘ Kind . MOGAFFEY SECTION TWO : BeXIe Cause Excitement .fllflxmpdmnfied up Aha, St. lawman-m:- by 8m: " Kingston,” Lightning killed the Vemvoid child of Mn. Murray Salter. oi Haunt-port. N.8. Britain, and a. royal squadron of four of the finest vessels in the navy was assigned to escort the Prince. Big preparations were also made in Canada to receive the Prince, and Mrs. Trembley. remembers the loyal welcome giinen to the then future kingofGreatBrittinandtho do- minions W; the seen. It was not until Jnly tint. them-03d med- - i we and m (M w some uukmwn nun. In. John mom“ and son. an was on o! m mm. mum» m m: u about. “00. which In partly «mud with humans. euro stokeen' m mu 'Momluon from Grand Trunk Agents. tl‘o Wooten: Canons. Through the mutt-om": o! Ohiooco. thonoo vlo mum: and Fort Fromm. or through Chlouo and tho twin om“ ot Inn- noopom and. De. Poul. Kay 17 and 33% Via: Corina and Northern Nov!- ntlon Company. sumo: loom Sauna. 8.80 9.13.. May 80th. lo- of the then Prince of Weles'. visit to that portion of the Province that she met him. The ostensible ob- Ject of the visit of Queen Victoria's eldest son to that section of the country, was said to be for the pur- pose of formally opening the bridge moss the St. Lawrence, which wu then and is still fumed as the long- est bridge in the world. Evenst thetesrlydeythe then Prince of Wales achieved crest po- pularity. which be greatly added to 4014118 his Visit. The. impel-tends of the visit was recognized by Great In and ms: Kama Staples were not were that; we implement shed very near the house was a sheet at amen until may were amused by 3:. 699m Peel. who gave loud can! to mm. and m. Peel net noticed the am when he did the‘ how would an: m burn!!! and mum QM people mm. m an EOMEBEEKMBS' EXOUBSIONB 32.50 curtains to: $1.98; $3.50} curtains for $160. ”‘ Shade Blinds. plain. 95¢ and 39¢. l 8 533961518, Martian trimmed, 40¢. a 5m, and nun“: uuzuu unus‘u IIHII 659-. 3x4 yards Green Rug, reg. $18. 50, for $16. 50. 3% x 4 yds. Wilton Crimson Rug, reg. $28, sal? $23.75. $2 Nottingham Lace Curtains for $1.60. TapestrySeamless Rugs, 3x3}. 318 for $16. 8x4 Crimson, reg. $18.50, sale $16.50. .w and the noun... nacho:- --â€"---' tine ooit. which event took piece e Picturesque poet card. are welcome killed the V'W'ON week or two ego. in ell homes. upenieliy by the pee 'e. Murray 361$”. 0’ Thu put iew ace dove has given moon oi dbume tor their prom-ve- N.8. the serum! at the district the de' tiou. A recipient received encodey ‘W W“; LINDSAY, ONL, THURSDAY, MAY I2, I9I0 Service for the Late King Edward . ,at Lambs) to bring him ashes; of we- tar. She ren end'eecured the spark- 11118 Water end brought the game to the. prince In 9. beautitnl goblet and lonesilmt’ray. Thel'etextngEd M ”Wendy thanked We owl: and the 3mm m Wt no more about it. Indeed. the truth must out. the et thet tithe m etuiéted more by the head- a trim little vessel called the “ Ta- dousec." which was under the com- mand of s gentlemen by the name of Capt. 'I‘rembly. Madame Tremb- lymengsgedstthetimeto Mr. Frank Trembly who was second mete under Ospt. Trembly. end se she yes a very bright. intelligent and smut girl she wee asked to board the little stagnant end help the others in 190E111; after the Mr. Marshall Mayan Ian on oddi- tiau to MI nabloa. by the birth of a one colt. which event took place 3 weak or two ago. lntemtlng Items It was decided to make u few side~ trips to. provide the prince with some fishing and the putty boarded Resident,» are intemtinl “anniv- ee in the chief topic. namely. Hei- iey'e comet. but. e: pro-eat no one he: ventured to disturb their alum- bere in the middie oi the night to view it. They will doubtieu be re- warded in e iew more we. ii they arise Just were the we leekee its nppeerenee. ed for the night. was 1686. 61901163) V., by she a at Great. new» and Ireland and the Dean. King. Defender at the It‘ 9rd. 1006: mama Ms 99min. 1‘ HIM). only £15th ol she Mo ”needed «1 m sin-on on my Chm am. MM: mm, ham ‘1‘ April 80th. WOO. and John Wm LONG LIVE THE KING from Islay THE NEW KING. ’Ea‘dfl signs were seen or the great chamo- tor which time was to develop. A few your: ogo Canadians were very anxious tint King Edward should my mother visit to the Do- minion. and to no what had been won from the wildoi'nass that exist- ea in his youth. But it was felt at his advanced use such a long Tremhly for his kindness and pre- sented him with s. beautiful rifle. which the osptsin kept until his desth end highly tressured. may yesrs hsve elspsed since that ilrst visit. The Csnsds 0! today wss prscticslly undiscovered when ‘Enchnd sent her gellsnt young heir- sppsrent in his lste teens to beer greetings to Britsin beyond the seas. The visit perhsps is well remembered by some -01 the older inhabitants. Bemfiy'efi-sofszs. oi'sn im- petuous temper-meat. but even than Mr. and Mn. My. Gram puld a visit to the hon. o! Ir. “nam- mu 0! this dim-m on Sunday the m hut. I". am 0099. o! N010! Win. visited m- brother. m. Sun Oopp. 0! un- district. on Sunday 0! lat. week. running to town ta tho own- tau. '1‘» mm trund- of W. m .mnmon um plmod at MI mov- ory lrom the H: mm o! the an ac» olden“ which hotel Mm some wulu no In MI bun. we: at dad at the United madam at the 8mm! Minions 3mm) mu. Emperor cl India. 39a Jun Mam Viacom Hm (ban was. Mommmnmoemama a. 1910‘ mi tumult. Edward. ham mm 14m. in»: Vmarln. ban «in GWIOI. born July 1m. 1905‘. um“ opportuntw at common“ than noodlnn tor tho ourmt m. PAGES I to l8 says:- -"Be.by’s Own Tablets are a mmmrchfldrm. I hawmadMlorsuer-lyeauand alwayskeeptheminthehoue tot my little onesgolngtosdsol.” WWW «LEW a...” get-5mm fig?- '1'" chlld who» digestive organs occu- lgnally got out of order. «These Mica prdmptly cure all stomach and bowel trouble- ud make sickly, A number of our village- ." aid to hum noon the comet, but your cola-pendant but not caught m of tho traveller as yet. Ir. Rel-on. principal of the public cahool. m In tho vnlm lat. Sgt- for Little Babies and puâ€"bâ€"u'c M. in viilungt'ho “hook in this mum-hood m- weak. hon. by a scoot-ill cloning up of tho oohool M. It. Butts and family how movod to Toronto. They 1m: toâ€"do: for their m homo. lit. 8. Phillips. unpasteu- at tho public aohooln oi Halibut-ton and E. Huston. ”companion! by hi: hum-o in-iaw. were visitors to our villa“ 1m Friday. was duly ulcbuud st tho anhool “I. M 809MB... 0' .1 P0 .0" lam. Toronto. an» Ipondlu a m u mhmodhumu hm. Mt. on Saturday for Cobdt. whm In will mad the summon m Om. mutant mm o! the WI: Home “on. can a very Interesting and Wu ud- dreu last week. in the Baum dim-eh. an. Item. who has be: ap: minded to input the More» Sabbath nebula In um um and Kingston mum-sea. gun a Ike“ and practical address on m - med. 9%.. e! the sabbath school. tn m Pmbvwm am has. tuned: Mal: mu m mm mm. M has he wan to m Mrs. Tolmie. of this district. Mug a. low day: at her dl wr's house, Mrs. J. Jamie-on. Residents will be all utir, Rialng‘early without demur; Ir. Ohu. Cohen. now 0: (him. want to Whom lut sum-a, on Apreyermeeting wuheldin the school house No. 2 on Wedneedesev. 0111118.; the 4th inst... conducted by the Rev. E. 0. Steele. who pve an excellent address to an appreciative audience. He dwelt mainly on the temperance question. and hla advice on this auhject was both lama-ting and sound on all points. The rev- erend gentlemen can always capti- vate an audlenee by his clearly do- livered epeech on all topics. Residents in the district are deeply moved at the news of the death. of His Majesty, King Edward VII. For seeing the happenings on this Owl»: $9 an unusual “In. a! flu M. w. Mum. M. 8:. Howard. at hum. mammar- "a: ward” in tho Mien church.- at Bum. River and Klu- mount. suunhgtheireyestoran'theym Kmausr. Mount. my magnum-y .9» men mound modem: «Km; mm reached our via-cu. It m and am to the people hen. WI Own Tablet- am good for Hr. Harvey .Gopp and Mr. E. Boyd both of this district. made t bus!- neas trip t6 Fendbn Falls on Satur- day of last week. or two 030 advising him to “get busy.“ bpt its advice was Into, a ho was showy "extremely busy” need- Well Grown Children comet's should “.00 YEAR; it? (R, V. 9d8be .0” mom nerdy“ a $75 0: SA c hour. chat-'0 Hut! at 85¢. , forum McAfl stone lorkto “and union: eforel 09.10 bar-m u-Wm $1, a by 309 a Mm: A ll? t1 Wt “I o clerk boon“ 't, 901“ ad a fix t of W. mum “I. u “no! 1 00.9% I“ and re mama ed by! Decond‘ McEacI .09“le in th‘

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