chow" Few ' com“. on! and Iced-d m‘ .-.. -.--. aspeciality. Also case work. G in arias. Fin shes, Rabbit- Pigeons andfotherlpets for sale at Birds and animals stuffed and mounted Large quantity'of four foot mixed wood, also 22 inch, hardwood, good and dry. Convenient to road. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to 5‘08. McGAflEY 0R J03. HICKSON, Mt. Horeb DRY WOOD FOR SALE Lindsay Marble Works IL. CHAMBERS, Prop Deer and Moose Heads Hall. Still doing business in the some old ahead but not in theuune old way. We dvauce with the times endure in a: (Haitian to do better work than ever. New designs. new granites, new and. mproved tools and methods. in feet the most up-to-date Marble and Gran- in: “forks in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. “hop and show rooms 11 13 Cam- budge St... immediately north of Fire Toronto Bird Store MINE GM Granite Monuments . W. Campion 175 Damian-st, Toronto, HidlmdLoanOo. 91gKent-st. - Lindsay Phone 88 MEL“) 2 LOAN Mtlflflfldfl 8t (0. Hardware. Made from pure Lead and Oil. 7 on REAL ESTATE: BEAN D Ready Mixed PAINTS The Canada Paint 603., F. H. Kidd, Agent [taxidermist PRISM W1- ' 2r: ran-â€mus ' or5for8L00,» 'flmormtfled‘ ' onusaipd Mrs. D. Imtie of Cameron, and two children, have been visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. Imrie recently. Mr. Robt. McNish was a. business visitor at Glenarm on Saturday. Mr. Moody Webster has secured the services of Mr. Robt. Landon for the BALSAM GROVE. Balsam Grove, May 7.â€"Mr. Wm. Windrim, of Omemee, paid a flying wisit to our neighboring last week, calling at the homes of Mr. Fred. Jones and Mr. Chas. Everson. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Webster were visiting with friends and relatives in Cambray on Monday last. coming Mr. Henry‘ Dawson visited with his brother “Richard at Victoria Road recently, and while away he purâ€" chased a horse and cow. ‘ easy manner, and revent unveil a: euro Constipation, Sick eadache, Bflioumm, Heartbm'nWCatarrh of the Stomach, Sour Stomach, star Brash, and :11 trouble- u-isinz from a. dbordered m at tho breathabl- away all $93“ and ' n- on: material from the system in sun’s any manner. ans! arevsmt. n 16.1.1 '- m Horace D. Lundy’s acetylene gas plant at Aurora was wrecked by an explosion. ‘ Stimulate the Slum Liver, Chan the coated tquuo, megteq no w .ï¬lw- "p'g'iuâ€"j'vll’ m1! ll to: that they have done form†,mï¬mflgflflï¬f" $1.00.“, The deceased lady, who died at 8 o’clock Saturday morning was born in ‘Dantzu, Germany, her maiden name being Agusta A. J anke. The members of the family are well known to Lindsay citizens. having lived here for a number of years. The funeral will take place Tuesday morning in Lindsay on the arrival ; of the C.P.R. noon train from Toâ€" ronto, interment to take place in dence at all. I MRS. HETTGER. Early yesterday the many town friends of the Hettger family. who at one time lived in Lindsay, -.»>but who now reside in Toronto, were grieved to hear of the demise of Mrs. I-Iettger. The deceased lady for many years conducted a. ‘fancy store on Kent-st, in the premises now occup- ied by Mrs. Stamalen and by Mr. Appelbe, later on moving into the one store. She had attained the age of sixty-one years. and of late had been on the sick list. However, .her death was sudden, anh the bereaved family have the sincerest sympathy of their many friends here.- M ILBURN ’S LAX A-LI VER Mr. J olm Kenney in open tor puni- nose in the lriquoia hotel. and with the tourist season cloae at hand. it should not be long boiore the ac- commodation will be taxed to its ut- most. Mr. Richard Pearson is buck quiz: :9 head blackmlth for Mr. V. C. Moore. taking the place of Mr. Wright. who has gone to Modal-d. 1 A meeting was held in the perish hall Wednesday evening, when n foot“- bell club was organized. and on Fri- day evening in Mr. Breed'e store e baseball club wee formed. so that there should be no lock of eport this eummer. Mr. D. D. (lain. heving retained from Lekefleld. has opened out for bueineee in Mr. Oepetick‘l block. where he will be glad to meet all his old customers. we hope will be one of our summer friends for many years.- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Davidson; of Toronto. were in town Tuesday. Mr. Davidson has purchased a. summer resort from Mr. George Tinney. and Bobcaygeon, May 7.-â€"Mr. Thomas Campbell, of Chicago, is visiting his parents for a couple of weeks. Mr. Campbell was at one time on the Bobcaygeon Independent stafl here. We understand since coming home he has completed the purchase of Mr. John Kittle's property. where his parents will reside. - Short Items PILLS OBITUARY. from ’Caygeon. Rum: Wwdmark’ m committed Engild: in mm: linker-Ry. 130W beds “30‘“: the city today {orttlelat Smith’erene for the Slrnemusheughneuyhubeentho two flower spots atthe St murderothiewife. '- Wendi-mane! thboerd otm’soqummbuutmmm Rev. c. B. Gufllemont', at Won. the 03.8. ’ ' , extreme. The diluent rows of new Ont..diedwhnevlelun5hueeuet Wmawteu, umwiththekvmoucam m Niamm NeiYeék'. " MW W than mutating. present alumna-1n. Aneaortwmumuleta; rumoutflnxepleeedw. Be hey-ism. mmhmmuchduk 330.000tommeucmap1phmo. .‘hMflWcmwmmumm am w EA T:OF§ DOMINION BANK ‘ â€And thus his loss is world-wide, ‘But Britain’s loss is chief, That’s why we are in sadness. Why stricken down in grief. For like our Lord's. his short reign Was love sown in men’s hearts, Which time will prove more lasting Than guns and battlements. And when the pm of history or acts heroic glow. . None greater mm Edward's It: page! ne'er will shag. And though he's now departed Yet will he never cease. Ilia life’s work was to teach us To live on earth in peace. ' A hation sits in sadness, HeLr head is bowed in grief For it has pleased the good Lord To call to Him our chief. King Edward, of all monarahs The world hes ever seen, Most gracious of the present. More noble than hath been. But not the British empire Alone doth mourn his loss, His heart was with all nations For peace and blessedness. His work on earth is over, A work always well done, And the greatest of all empires Mourns for her chiefest son. KING EDWARD, THE PEACEMAKER nower beds about the city {to-day, the two flower spots at the St. George's atom are bountiful in the m. The «Baa-mt rows offlow- DOESN’T HEAR LINDSAY. _ Mung» : m damp weather tol- been avoided. end the people of the respective counties uved the suspi- cion that they hnve been “done up†by their neighbon. The whole thing in e. have which in being enacted omendoverettheexpmeeot'the ratepayers whose tune ere lpent to fee lawyer- end Judge. for union :Arbitration Re Woodville Advocate: The arbitrn- “110113. tion board appointed by the counties of Victoria and Ontario at their re- cent sessions in the matter of the MI'. E new bridge to be built at the nar- M a rows of Mud Lake. in the township of Garden convened in Brechin on Thursday of last week. There were Mr. F: besides their Honors Judges McCrim- resident man. of Ontario, and Judge Hard- gentleme ing, of Victoria, a number of legal will 1;“ lights with the county clerks and a hotel at host of witnesses who proposed to season. 1 [straighten out the tangle into which bright a §the counties have got in the efforts the rend 1of their respective councils to shirk Hotel :8 just responsibility. on the 1 The sessions of the court were held lakes an in the’parlor oi the " lington†ho. number ‘ tel and much interesting evidence and its roof. information was produced, little of pad with which. however. was not M contains known to the councils respecting the location and necessity for the work. HER V1 As a. matter of hot n little common They . mend all thislegnlflummery £de whichwmcostthotwocounties st thecome least a. thoulnnd dolls". would In" [mid m I Mud Lake Bridge Theymtelllng a storyof " East BeneviHe lady who rose to†thecomet. Gomgbacktobed " laidtoha'husband: "omit!†bugplumoformyhatuhl! ‘ mm’stfll!" BABOOCKâ€"At Lindsay. 1910. In Kr. and In. cock. 0. daughter. czizï¬w z<_._._. mmwhum nnnnn upl- .I-E- its roof. The hotel iâ€"sâ€" wéu equiv pad with hot and cold water and contains thirty good rooms. number of tourists stopping Mr. Frank Rutherford, a. DOW†resident of Fenelon Falls, and 3 gentleman well known in Linden": Will have charge of the Kawu'thl hotel at the cataract village “1“ season. and he expects tomakethi' bright and attractive summer 110td the rendezvous of the tourists. '1†Hotel Kawartha is one of the W on the beautiful chain of Kmart“ far this your; and also this adds much to the general eflect. Jubilee Park has also been aï¬ected by the warm rays of the sun and tow the whole plot is dotted with dan- Mr. Rutherford To Manage The Kawanha Opoolal Notloo- LINESAY 3 JC'IB)‘ City won from T0 h We place on Satur GAIL-En TO THE BAR. Myh'iends of Mr. T. â€I. o! the ï¬rm of MCLzmu‘] 3“ Fulton, will congramla u “"38 Ming his (ma? ï¬lth-x he has been canm by the Law Society of M 103 one daughter, Mi 'a'ul. and two sons, John 4 “an all raiding in Lindsay; 'Iio funeral will be held < ‘W “ta-noon from the hon daughter. Mrs. Ellsworth. c u. m o'clock. and proceed m metery for inter-men IARY ANN KENNEI Nay Ann Kennedy, relicc I“. Robert Kennedy, was 1 he reward on April 30, at d her daughter, Mrs. E Met, after an extc‘ndcd m deceased had reached ‘ “peed age of 90 years. and planar citizen of Lindsay, h dull hue for the past {my 8!! was well and wide-1y I My and throughout xh W. The deceased was born Ill! and came to Canada ‘ mu many years ago a: fled in Verniam township, ‘ W (or many years befox h to Lindsay. She leaves * 0n Stun-day. April 23rd, unh- m followed by ma Mlle friends to the Smiti bury. Woodville, for intermt laws to mourn his loss a 1 wile, [our sons, Malcolm, oi vile; John of Grasshill all Dlg'lld at home, and a ti, Ira. Neil McEacbern, m. The family have the d the entire community in of their bereavement. M some time he was a val bfl' of the township and co: db, where he had the rcspt hb associates. NEIL Mr mu Ax; W, by 2. â€"One In all! marks are rammed â€a; and with hem) hm: th‘l' mains in the quid M of the dead. This w m and duty to chronicle 1 of g much-respected citizel M of the late Ken who had been a, rosident warhead. During his he had seen the county in lo. stages of development} “a («West without convel movement to that of w{ m and comfortable sun: A nan o! quiet disposition how was to love, an activ d the Eldon Presbyterian A" W from Bellr» w; " Herewith ï¬l - ' a ‘1 {or week I’m due ending Desemi _‘_. my I have neglect It 'is â€ï¬ve KWW ‘ " to the p‘ V. t. {911ng letteu 3““ from subscril r M teal appreciati M subscriptions wasp†OBITU A m :2, MAY