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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 May 1910, p. 8

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Bpoctal “.ansz will be given. to orthodoma‘ Crawl) and bridge ”.1 The aucmslui extraction of teeth under gas (Vitalized Air) and 7‘ Aâ€"b=‘ninl mWART a O'QONNOR. DR. F. BLANCHARD MIL-ATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- Szl'r‘Y, CORONER FOR COUNe TY OF VICTORIA“: w was ~Ridout-st., corner Kent and hum-ace Phone 45â€"35 LEIGH R. KNIGHT. Barrister. So lir‘for, Notary Public, solicitor for tumors Bank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of 'AWIOO ; Federal Life Assurance 80.. of Hamiiton. Empire Accid- tnt and Surety Co., at London, Ont. Office over Farmers Bank, opposite post office. â€".__..â€" IcLAUGHLIN, PEEL FULTON, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Officeâ€"corner Kent and William- “... over Dominion Bank, Lind- uny. Money to loan on real es- um. Money to loan at current ates of interest. R. J. McPaugh- tin, K.C., James A. Peel, A. M. Fulton. B. A. I!!! UNDERSIGNED -is prepared to log; money on Farm. Town and Village Property at very lomt rate. of interest. Company or grunts funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgagee. I. E. WELDON, Solicitor, etc.. Milne [he Baker 1mm (0., limited lathwest lands man and the fruit lands mt! Columbia. Coal and Wood I will arrange for prospective buy- “ to get cheap rates on the C.P.R., both single and return fares and al- so mge with guides to show you m the lands free. 0 It. will pay you to call or write Bv hafzupmc, curvvr ul Wuhan nu Colborm stun. Lindsay. Span; m1 attention pad to «Ha-gazes _ of- m,' throdt. and lungs. 0ch ham: 10 a.m.t08 p.m. : 7 to 8 '1‘. Stewart. ”a?” V W' .11 ‘0 W mimic? of dentistry uttenuén ml be given to Orthodoma‘ Crc-wu and b ”It. The aucmslul extraction 01 teeth under gas (Vitalized Air) and LI.- lnmrfhfl .1, the cht miflCifl! DORE JACKSON. Barristers an” aohcttors for The Canadian Ink of Commerce. Money to loan â€" W' at five per cent! 01- Dentristryr Q Specialtv. Calls promtly attendedxp (lav or night. Charges Moderate. nn- J. M. RICE Lumber, Shingles, Etc Cement and Sash Factory Goods wgyancing in all its Clock. PAGE EKG: .‘f. [away to Loan IELDON, Mariposa township :, Oakwood, Fire Insurance 1t. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. NOTICE PHONE 77 Bui‘ parties contemplating Canadian Northwest. amt for all the QR Dentistry V. O’Conn'or. B-A- 6W tn loan a] forms. COMES FROM LIVER DERANGFr MENTS WHICH ARE THOR- OUGHI.Y OVERCOME BY There is“ no cure for bilious head. ache, torpid liver and indigest on that can be compared to -Dr. Chase’s Kidney and Liver Pills for prompt and certain results. This has been proven by so many thousands of let- ters published from time to time that everybody should know it by this time. Mr. Fred Hinz, Bradhagen, Perth 00., Ont... writes â€"“ I don’t like to have my name in the papers, but feel out of justice to suffering humanity I should tell others of the good I obtained from Dr. Qhase's Kidney deal with sick headaches and was of- ten to bad that I could not work. Being advised to try Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills I did so and 7 L A__A. -â€"'v 7, 7 i, can say they have brought about a complete cure. From the first I found that one pill cured my head- ache quickly every time. I was 3.1- 7-â€" â€"!1-â€" __.‘I Headache is said ‘to be the most useful pain in the worm, It is‘ a sort of fire alarm that.- wamp you of something wrong with Some organ of the body... 7 ‘ ' " ‘~ :- S- pain arises from passing through brain and head. -vâ€"v “fiv,,_v so a. victiin of itching piles and found Dr. Chase’s OintmEnt the most satisfactory treatment I ever used. It brought relief almost instantly.” You won’t be satisfied with more temporary relief when you know your headache can be completely cured by using Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills. One pill a dose. 25¢. a box. all dealers; or Edmanson, Bates a Go. , Toronto. Billions UL WV Most frgaixéntly the trouble is digestion and torpid liver and main arises from the poisoned b (IBITUARY JEREMIAH LAPP. _ Wednesday morning, May 4th, at 101. 5, con. 2, Eldon, there passed away one of the pioneers of this sec- tion in the person of Mr. Jeremiah Lapp, aged 72 years and10 months. Mr. Lapp was a genial citizen, a good and true neighbor, devoted fa. ther and husband. The funeral took place Friday at noon, May 6th, from his late residence to the Friends’ cemetery in Mariposa. where the re- mains will be interred. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a. large circle of friends and acquaintances in their sorrow. REST AND PEACE cuncum Fall upon distracted households when Cuticura enters. viii that the fondest of mothers desires for the alleviation of her skin- tortured and disfigured infant is to be found in warm baths with _ DR. CMSB’S KIDNEY-LIVER PILL And gentle. anoip'tings with Cuticura Ointment. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER, DNDSAY‘ the ! Whitby, May 4 â€"-Archie McLaugh- {lin, of Lxhridge, who will be tried unext week on the charge of murder- ing his wife, is still in the jail here. Until a couple of weeks ago he was in good health and spirits, and eat-- ing heartily. More recently, how- ever, he has been worrying about the question of funds {or his trial. His relatives have not come forward with the cash as generously as he had hoped. The Robinette firm in Toron- to will probably conduct the defence. The case promises to Be a cause cei- ebre. Alfalfa, Splendid crop For Ontario Farmers Ontario farmers who nave gone Inâ€" By www. to was. experimentally mm prov the “m9 i“ w of doubt time to ste aim the shado a . its E that this isms-best paying .. fodder cutting she crop that an agriculturist can grow. noon when Alfalfa has been known since 490, and the tec B. C., and was successfiully grown in iately and Greece and Rome nearly 2, 500 were ' in the after ago. In the State of Kansas therefwindrows. were in 1891 30. 000 acres grown, repeated th while last year nearly a. million ac- hay put in res of alfalfa were under crop, reâ€" days. It sulting in untold financial benefit to close to the farmers of this State. may be inj There are five different varieties. The yield viz., American Turkestan. Arabian. is about 2: Peruvian and German, but for On- five, It 51 tario the American variety is best remain too suited. Alfalfa, unlike many other crops, enriches the soil rather than em- poverishes it. The roots extend in- to the earth from five to twelve feet, reaching down and bringing to~ the surface nitrogen and other valuable mineral plant food. It has been grown continuously on a farm in one of the counties of this Province for nearly thirty years and still produc- es good crops. It can be grown suc- cessfully on sandy, heavy clay loam or on nearly any variety of soil properly drained. Successful ex- periments with it have been con- ducted on a limited scale with suc- cess in nearly every part of Ontario, both with and without a nursing crop. Spriné sowing has given best results. If sown with a nursing crop barley at the rate of one bush- el per acre is an excellent one for this purpose. Eighteen or twenty pouods per acre of alfalfa is the pro- NEW TEAM WANTED. The grey team of horses that have. served the town of Lindsay for many years on the fire wagon, and later on the gravel wagon, were disposed of this morning to Deputy-Reeve B. L. McLean for the sum of $310. The present fire wagon team will be put on the gravel wagon, and n uew team secured for the fire wagon at once. ' ' , WORRIES' OVER CASH, per quantity of seed. me three to four crops can be ham ested in one season and the average herght of a plant runs from fourteen to twen- The prisoner’s little daughter is staying with her mother’s people up near ’l‘ilbury. She corresponds regu- larly with her father. FOI‘ND DEAD IN BARN. Niagara Falls, May 4.-â€"-Ily taking carbolic acid, John Baldwin, a. farm laborer employed by Benj. Thomp‘ son, 3. Stamford farmer, committed suicide to-day. Baldwin left his em- ployer's house, saying he wasl going to milk the cows. When he did .not put in an appearance within several hours, Mrs. Baldwin became aunt-med and went tothe hem. There she found Baldwin dead. Catholic acid burns are apparent about the dead inan's‘ mouth, but no bottle was found . A mysteriouq turn was added to the suicide when Detectives McNamy flea and Kelley reported to-nighL that Benjamin Thompson was pois- oned by pnris green on Saturday. Thompson is now in a serious condi- tion, but. will likely recover. Shortly after drinking a. glass of cider on Saturday night Thompson was taken ill. Dr. Trendle of Queenston was summoned. The. physician pronounc~ ed the case one of poisoning. 2' The matter was kep“ quiet until the body_ of Baldwin was found in. the barn today. It is believed Baldwin attempted to murder his employer. and failing, and tearing expoeure. preferred death. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Peterboro, my 5. «Jule. luqneet into the death of Jamel Albert 3011 lie, the five yen! old ion 0! 16. Jet. Baillie, of Smith. opened at the let- ter’n home belore Coroner Grew. One witnee'e whe head. the mother at the deceased child. Alter hating the one witness an adjournment wee mode who have gone in- 5% Bowmam-ine, om., May 4. â€"- Wil- n» iiam Esley Herring’ton, laborer o} 'i Boston Milis, Peel County, was ar- ;rested the week before last and brought here, charged with bigamy ; by Sara Lock-hart of this town. Re- 1 .inands have been made from time to ‘ time to permit Chief Richard Jarvis, 1 Iwho caused the arrest. to obtain the i Alfalta hay contains about 50 per cent more digestable protein than [hay made {mm red clover. It makes ty inches. When shout one-third of the crop is in bloom is an excellent time to start cutting as it thenpos- gasses its gmtest‘ food value. The cutting should be ‘done in the fore- noon when the dew is off the grass and the tedder should follow immed- iately and be kept at work until late in the afternoon and the crop left in windmws. This process should be repeated the following day and the hay put in coils and left for several ed best from either first or second cuttings and averages five bushels per acre, although it sometimes runs as high as ten. Alfalfa hay contains about 50 per a V splendid pasture for horses or hogs, but care is required when sheep or . cattle are turned in as there is a tendency ' to bloat if al- lowed to eat too much. especially when the grass is wet. An application of about twelve loads of barn yard manure per acre every four years has proved very sa- tisfactory, Fertilizers containing phosphate have given the best 're- sults. When a field of alfalfa is ploughed down the surface soil is completely filled with roots rich in fertile elements. It is to be hoped that every farm- er 'in Ontario who has suitable well drained soil will put in a field of this most desirable crop. days; It should not be cut ‘00 close to the ground as the plant may be injured thereby. The yield per acre of green crop is about 20 tons,, and of dry hay five. It should not be allowed to remain too long in the hot sun as the leaves are ‘ liable to become dry and break of! and they contain most valuable nutrients. Seed is produc- until 8 o 'clock on Friday night at the court house. In the meantime Drs. Greer and Eastwood will per- form the post-m morten examination. The first witness called was Mrs. Matilda Baillie. mother of the de- ceased. She said that the boy took ill three weeks ago with a cold and sore throat. Mr. R. J. Todd. Christian Scientist. called almost daily. When he didn’t call he gave absent treatment She consumed the latter as good as when he was present. To the coroner, witness said she preferred Mr. 'l‘odd'_ to a. medical man. Questioned as to Mr. Todd's charges she said that she would not expect him to come out there for nothing. She had sent him one dol- lar at various times for absent treat- ment. She understood it was five dollars per week. The treatment consisted of silent prayer. Bo did not. kneel during prayer, but set in a chair. HAD THREE WIVES. necessary bapers from the Provincial Secretary’s Department where the records of marriages are registered. Harrington came here as an apple buyer for an Eastern firm in 1900. and was married to Sara Lockhart on December 24th of that year. They lived .together for some months, when rumors were floating around that he had a wife by u previous marriage. Harrington not long after left. Bowmamille. A child was alter. wads born, from this marriage. The evidence produced to-day goes to show. this string of marriages to Herrington's credit. All three woâ€" men concerned being still dive, January 1. 1895. to Florence Clarke. Brighton. December, ‘.34,1900,to Sara. Lock- hart. Bowmahvme. January ‘17, 1907, to Mary Sims, Lindsay. all, of. whom have had on. or morephildrep. ' ‘ - The witnesses, tofday were: 7 San“ Locghutg Rev. . Wm» J gulls, and High Comma Richard Jarvis. v. Certificates from the "Provincial Secretary’- Deputmant were also putmuaxhiblmoerwyinztotha Ml well W m .sjmr-w -~~~â€" throughouc‘i use “cl-strict. - SERIOUSLY INJURED. , The {dubfiing‘despatch from Inger- son wants ‘an accident that happen- ed to ." former wallâ€"known resident 4 van-inn Falls. Mr. Finley Mc- ed to a warmer weu-Known tutu-Luau. of Fenolpn Falls. Mr. Finley Eco Bangui, who is also well known in Lindsay. While in Fonelon Falls Mr. notiougull belonged to the firm 0! Monongal. Brandon and Austin. Fol lowing is the despabch : was crowded. as t?! mu known in t very serious nature were sustained by Blr. F. McDougeu, grocer, by an [overloaded elevator crashing down upon him from the first floor of ma store while he was at work in '1 the cellar. Some eleven hundred pounds of potatoes had been placed on the elevator. Mr. McDougall, who had remained in the cellar while the po- tatoes were being lowered, flewoped to pick up an empty bag. Just at that instant the elevator shot down unnn him. and before a warning could be sounded he was crushed un- der its weight. Had it not been 16:- the fact that he was in a stooping position he would probably have been killed outright. He received the terrible blow on the shoulders and the back instead of on the head. Three or (our employees rushed to his ,rescue. and it was only‘through their combined enorts that the ele- water was lifted on him. as iteoclrl not be raised otherwise. Besides be- ing terribly bruised he has two ribs fractured and internal injuries. the seriousness of which cannot be deter- mined at the present timQ He was removed to the hospital. Mr. J. Irwin. d the Grdemnk. stated this morning to s. Warder re- porter. that on my 24th the Hali- burton train which is scheduled to leave Lindsay at 2.40 o'clock will be held until 4.30 in order to accommo- date the people from the north who will be attending the big celebration in Lindsay. TEN KILLED. WILL HOLD TBAHN . Ottawa. May 8.â€"Boys playing in the fields started a brush fire which caused the exolosion of “Ulrite” this afternoon of the magazine of the General Axplosives Co., in Hull, Ten deaths now, and at least twen- ty cases of serious injury constitute the tale of casualties, while the dam- age to Hell and to the neighboring city of Ottawa may reach $100,000. The list of dead may ‘be added to. WhatacAyer's HE? Liver Pills. How-long have they been sold? Nearly sixty ym. Dododou‘reoommendthan? Askywrowndoctorandfmdmfl- iAya’s Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. It does not make iyou feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it. There is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gin that comes from a strong tonic and alterative. We. wisI: you wank! ask! your doctor about this. He WE REPAIR WEAK MEN m. mu. . Wbyagugh l ediesufiagenpresc such Mm n our own raxory. ‘ a“ to “'3‘ " WM medicinal at selected to cur? he “5% W, uw' 'hO gponslbl 1m.” Dunno WI ctfiw ike most a ialists ”L. m m We havgetcreahd muan , ‘ ‘” ‘ ‘ 1!!!an toourre “ i I , > JNenundWomcflo 5mg: WWW ”WM to us receives the persu u- refit; complications and chronicily mm rescribéd faétory comprised a, number Trinst him. Do as hesays. thi'a'town and aha. ' Iwmyxooungm" (1-, ”yet, The Bath 17.11.; gi- nibd on .an 3‘de ‘ manna. m clan-1y .nd .9“; “Mumuenctlyqu mulatmpurchmdgmn I’D W null. After “king m. “an. I felt like snow Ina,“ maid! “Whomehldbequ' mmdthohdefiech othdm ”w... “PSYCHINEisamfl I'mwywmmdodittomq defi-flaflytflictodmdthqh and it with equally beneficont mulu." n mundflmqeroffin'h 1"Arrow3”honlyhnmm m“! hfihfimfingthrthomfl d-flruoflm’ men. M: an.“ In: 8.1051 mm»: “anal... “sand“.wperbotflo. of small buildings on the ontskim of Hull. It was devoted to them ufacture of a specially pmwrful ex- plosive used in railway construction and similar work. It is under or- The American Pharmaceutical As- sociation, at Richmond. voted to not have alcohol as a commodity o! vâ€"v KW slam) l STRENGTHENS WEAK LUNGS 3 dinary conditions of handling ex- tremely safe. F. To A. SLOCUM. Lani“ ° TM 7.6.AyerCo..LochI.Mas. mung? . 1919‘ “acesedthesrr W of King I? ”1’ known as “ "up," Lindsa mad (or his ulti "1d mourns Kin ”urns the dem Wt monarchs M the throne math comes at a '3 on in the Mo a... Grim Reaper Perhaps no mo W has contribn m to the \"0r1 among men." In tn the thick of a and a grave con [13' had an unmen the the temper 0‘ cile acute dil‘ler tending elements. the staldlity of British institutio PM SEVENT In the demise 0 Empire suffers a mighty influence and good neigh‘ the world hasgi There are two in connection “ am; the first THE LAKE 1 NEW ugh class busine trought to the ‘ of statesmanship has. but he had way knowle ripest and best m1.- and traini dpurposesou gag-dble result. done this in ever dill it in most The next outS‘ W mind will I med by the n6 don with her hm fl do not the ”on on th‘ my and tram tit]: precision. DEATH OF firm: GOOD I'M?“ or by 'rglopho:

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