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Watchman Warder (1899), 26 May 1910, p. 12

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Subscription But“ 1‘. Duly Winderâ€"Delivered by m or by mail to town lub- m, 25¢. per month- By 1““ Io catsuit pointl in CM or the m mm. ‘2 W M' Th w‘W-Wuder (WW) .1. per year in tdvano'o“; {1-95 if Published 3% Linda!» IDIOTIC iDRIVEL. The Orillia. Packet remarks : “ The Toronto News has taken to amusing itself by picking out trivial para: graphs from the district correspondâ€" ence of the country weeklies. The News might vary the performance by giving alternate extracts from the idiotic drivel which makes up the greater part of the so-called social "vi emietv news of the city dail- ; A WARNING. The rock-theoboat tool has already got in his idiotic work. Six young girls and two boys were drowned last week near Wilkesbarre. Pa... through this brainless trick. It is a. lamentable example. but coming early in the season should have a desirable eflect. Wherever possible the rock-the-boat fool should be breined with an oer or paddle.â€" Bobceygeon Independent. and society ies.” Referring to the sentence imposed on McLaughlin, the Norther Ontario Times, a newspaper published in his‘ home town, Uxbridge, says: A jury‘ of twelve men found A. McLaughlin‘ guilty of the ‘murder of his wife. Not a dissenting voice was hearddn the iury. and Judge Teetzel sentenced the prisoner to death on July 13. So ends the most tragic of Canadian cases, and one which seems more so to us, because our town's fair name has been so closely connected with the whole affair. The general senti- ment 0% the community seems to ap- prove of the convmtion; and when all has been said and done, no other alternative seems to have been open but to convict. luvâ€"v .. This execution, if it takes place, will be the first in the history of Ontario county, and, worst of all, the condemned man- had his home here. We are pleased that he Was not a native of this town, for to that extent we are spared the shame, but only to that extent. Hitherto with a good municipal record our fair name has been sullied by what a jury, and the general public senti- ment term as one of the most at- mpinug crimes in the history of Can-- “cumin-“er“! WEEKLY EDITION ment term as one 01 um mum. -- 1 rocious crimes in the history of Can-- 1 eda. Our town is not. to blame in the matter, but to be connected with it is a certain amount of disgraee. Only one course is left open to us. to shun all mention of the affair, and by keeping our town clean, to rid ourselves of as much of the opprob- ium as we can. ‘Murpid curiosity has added much to A the evil geputation DIME! www' sons it indicates are so plain that. “he who runs may read,” so let us try to dismiss the whole horrible subject from our minds, and leave it to the prominent fact that a human being has forfeited his life for his THE McLAUGHLIN CASE THURSDAY, MAY In... Gull“. Proprhtor PAGE Tolophono $7. has achieved, and the SOBS IN jAIL ‘ovirtra, "' Daily iew : “McLaughlin's when be murdered _. It may be 331 03' 26, 1910. Ontario W'F"~u'-â€" â€"_ _ ‘ . may be e remnant o! good’i‘n' smi- Leohlen. although all all" was one of the moot mating on record. so. doubt’there we: a. time in mm." 1111's 1110 when he would have been horrified at the suggestion tn“ he would ever commit suéh a crime, He moved toward it gradually. When a married man W to pay epeclnl attention to any other women than Other man's wife. he in moving in the same direction that McLaughlin moved. He may not go so far, but there is no telling where he may end. One wrong leads 'to another. It is doubtful if any man or woman ever went to the devil at one jump. Men LL- loitering along the same road that McLaughlin took will read of his crime with a feeling of repulsion. If they would look at themselves in A -__I__.L .vâ€"v -_ v, went to the devil at one jump. Men and women step graduelq down the road that leads to destructioe. Many n man and woman who are now u. would seem equelly vile. The echo of the coward,y wretch in Whitby jail should sound in the hearts - of men and women who have started in the same direCtion, but have not yet gone too far to turn back. ___ One of the oldest: and best known residents of the townshin of Snow- don passed peacefully away on Mon- day evening last, May 12. 1910, at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. John Quibell, with whom the par- ents lived for several years. Mr. Bowhey was in his 75th year, and in fair health up to two weeks ago. when he was taken ill with an ..,i I; asmetic trouble which culminated in death. He is survived by his faithful wife. three sons and three daughters. The sons are John 3., of Fenelon Falls ; James. of Saskatoon. Seek. "and IJ “av-r. vâ€" r- .. George. a. G.T.R. conductor at. L1nd« say. The daughters are Mrs. Robt. Schroter. Mrs. John Quibell and Mrs Richard Schrader, all of Snowdon township. Mr. Samuel Bowhey. ' or Norland. is a. brother of th? deceas- in the neighborhood at the "D11 Line,” where a. farm was cleared : a. comfortable home erectecf that ‘ always open to the many friends. lakes Ras suspended. Cameron Point, May 21. â€"- muss Fannie Potts visited friends at Bal- sam Grove on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Tom Parker, assistant to Mr. Dave MOynes, journeyed to Based-ale to visit friends on Sunday, 15th ‘News has been received that Mr. Fred Stone, formerly assistant to Mr. John Lee, of this district, and who had to journey to the home- land on account of a breakdown of heal?h, is now making his home in Australia, having journeyed there this month, but under unfavorable conditions, as there is not mucn im- provement in his health. ' V _ 1 Mrs. McKendry. of Fenelon Falls, 1has been visiting at her daughter’s home, Mrs. John IAeJor a few days this 'week, returning to‘ the cataract were deeply moved by the impressive sermons given by the pastors on the touching subjects of the good deeds of our late monarch, Eel-Ward "VII. Mr. and Mrsl John Lee visited "at the cataract village on Saturday af- . ternoon last. _ , F0 :- Ottawa. by . REABORO. ' Reaboro, May 24.â€"â€"Victoria. Day was quietly observed here. Several He may not go so far, but. no telling where he may end. ANDERSON â€"- On Monday, :3rd, in St. George’s church, a, by Rev. J. M. Snowden. Agnes Anderson, of Ottawa, CAMERON OI l TUARY I. BOWHEY. MARRI AGES pity for W: and prqfitable miner abroad; 1" - this that he was Mr; Gilbert Hickaon and Mr. Wm. no feeling 01 Pity McMnnn lelt for use W081? last week. :er. The most we understand they have the «on. ; generally have tract 0! building a. lace barn lor nature. pad than; Mr, ,Silverwood’, pf Suki. formerly Mr. Bowhey lived of Lindsay. was cleared and conduct ' ‘ Dutch '0! mama. L . Hie; Ethel Burke, teacher at. Eden Moe... in at present "ependinc a. few day: at good old More. We are always pleased to see Ethel in our midst again. but regret to learn that ihe has had a. flight accident to one of her eyes. We trust her eyesight will in no way be impaired. We are very sorry. to hear of Mr. David Reels serious illness, but «we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Ira Sham has agaiii started to draw the milk to Reeboro cheese fac- tory. Monday being the first. - Quite a. number of our young tiri- ends in Ops spent the 24th fishing. Mostly all the farmers are through seeding in this vicinity. They are now preparing their potato and root ground. â€"â€" â€" - m1‘g_ ‘__ OPS. . ; Ops. my 24.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Moody (31-. Webster. of Balsam Grove. we visiting at the home of Mr. and 1m. Wm. Windrhn. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shaw and Miss Nellie Hurd called at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Veals on Sunday evening last. The service at Ops church on Sun- day afternoon was a. very interesting one. It was preached by Rev. Mr. Griffith. ' Missy Etta and Mabel Wellington spent the 24th in Lindsay. Franklin, May 21.â€"The weather is fine. and everything is growing well. Mr. Thos. Fallis, oi Guelph, is spending this week with his parents. Miss Mattie Thompson went up to the Queen City last week to spend a couple of weeks thh friends. ' ‘ â€"-.. ‘i‘YXI Noble. . ‘ Mr. Ella. StapIOS. of Bethany, spent Sunday the guest of Miss Sa- die Veda. ‘ » Mr. Thomas' Thompson Lnkefield last. week atte! district meeting. our baseball team in organizing. Glenarm, May 24. --\ app. u. 1... Patterson will be here this week in search of recruits for his .company, which go to camp at Kingston' on which go t June 13th. FRANKLIN. Franklin, May 23.â€"On .Friday n.1- ternoon public service Was held _’ in the Methodist church at Bethfiy, when the ministers of the Englkh, Presbyterian and Methodist churches united in a memorial service to 'our late‘ beloved . king. Mrs. H. Brown, of Lindsay, spent 1.qu luv Mrs. H. Brown, of Lindsay, spent the 'past week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Samuel Nugent. ' Miss Mattie Thompson is visiting friends at present. « Mrs. Alf. Staples and son Mr. Will. Staples. days ! Noble. present an buildings, and the water W111 ms nu; v- ed into the house and to the barn. No doubt Mr. Noble will find this very convenient when everything is completed. Colonel Sisson of llan- vers has undertaken the fob. f Miss Ella Staples. of Bethany. spent Saturday and Sunday of last ‘week-wit-h friends here. ' ‘ ~ , _ Mr. Wm. Fallis was in'L‘indsayzon business last Saturday. > ‘. - WOOD.- Fléetwood, May 23.â€"Mr. Richard Grandy who had the‘ ”misfortune to hurt his knee some time ago, is al- most all right again. . Mr John Hart, of Peterboro, is at present visiting with Mrs. Richard Grandy Mrs. Davia Flack is spendinggfew days in this locality with some of her old neighborS. and we hope' she will make alangthy Visit with us. Mr. Thos. E. Shea has leased the old Stewart homatead and will do the fall plowing this fall. Mr. Joseph Whiteside, oi Liflord. was viSiting at Mr William Kel'r' 3. Franklin “ glam, looking halo and héafté'r. Mr. A. Graham and A. Corby finve over 15000 rods of Frost wire genes erectedthiseeaeoneohrud ex- Noble is having installed ‘ at A ram has been stationed at t an extensive wamorks sys- ing ' some distance below the ngs, and the water will be fore- -.n the house and to the barn. Alf. Staples and son Mr. Will. , of Toronto, spenta ‘ few at the home of Mr. J aines We wish him a pleasant! Lble summer abroad. ‘ . 0 310+, flickson and MY. Wm- ‘in Their saylast Dr. White leit on Tuesday last {or a trip north of Sudbury. He came home on Saturday abd reports a pleasant ztrip. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKenzie. of Hall- burton, were visitors here last week. . Miss Ivy Gilmour. of the.L.C.I., is 8W her home at her home. rnm Kisses Burns. of Toronto, are visitors with their mother ' at the week end and 24th holidays. LADIES’ WASH SUITS Master Tom MacEwhern of the L. are visitors at Hrs. Graham's. Miss Mary Pswdd. teacher at Min- er's M, is enjoying her holidays at A leading Manufacturer’ 3 overmake, bought at a. big saving for this store’s cus- tomers and providing a. sav- ing miss. church hero They come in white, tan, sky, pink, grey, plain and combination colorings, and at our prices you save $2 to $3 on a. garment. m Aqua, vu-v â€"--â€" on a trip (11111!!! the past M months returned to our vim M m. w... ...-. -. .._._-_ ,, Rem man, were visitors here last week was Ivy Gilmcur. at them. 0.1.. in “11"“ and“ her holidays at her homo. =â€""'-= The Kisses Burns. of Toronto. are isitors with their mother durinsl _ Sutcliffe’s d1 extra special ualue, so come early for first choice. you cannot afford to THREE LOTS THREE PRICES LINDSAY KINMOUNT- .4.va DW‘WJW 9° who has been awn! in the Anglican Last week was laid away in. the R. C. cemeteryone who was welland favorably known in Galway and Kinmount, Mr. Theo. Langia He had of late made his home with Mr. Geo. Train and was visiting in Bracebridge when the end caame. LADIES’ KID GLOVES 50c pr. You may have been for- tunate enough to have had realize the good glove they are from the satisfaction you hadâ€"we sold a lot of them and did, not have a com- plaint, of course We do not guarantee them but can rec- commend them from past experience. Now we offer yon another imported ship- ment. They’come in tan, brown and black, all sizes, per pair, commencing Satur- day Sutcliffe’s Fr. O'Leu'y, of; Brapobridge. l on some of his old parishion- LINDSAY 50c: LADIES’ SPRING COATS 'A special purchase of Ladies’ Spring Coats, in black broadcloth, and fun covert cloth,strapped, button and silk trimmed, semi-fit, ting style, and in short and full lengths. abound upright $7 Coats for $5 8.50 Coats for $6 $15 Coats 1250 “d. .we advise an early ‘amice at these prices BY ‘26, 1910. THREE LOTS THREE PRICES discount : LINDSAY I Dun I mos mm are the Best ‘ universally rt it! rather sin; prices axe n0 PERKIN'S Bl GLOVES 25 In blank or 1.00 fleets. 1‘ .Cana "I use a new coaster brake t flea and sunnm distance can be limited. but ride the exp 9ri1 estful andp 11p t such times d Is life worth 1i The PEBRIN' 50c PAIR. Extra, fine Gloveg, in bl .34 chmois Good value. 1mm Supply HEAV HOSE. i HOS pair

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