' Turkeys and ium value 1 50 ' Turkeys and I value 3 .0 D chickens and tium value 1 00 100 chicken. Premium val- human. Amer! men are the I Window >W, fonowï¬ :e next. fan ‘9ka for the Un- 910 hepller d’s and; rifles repair. ï¬tted to locks. general jobbim Willi am-st BUILDING apers PERS STITUTI this ling ! WOR'KS. se, Lindsay. 'avorite Knight in colo -- dappled brown with white star on Favorit bl the well knOWn Knight 274) (4488). Fir: law“ (2119) IISS (3340). 0! Wales mnderful Lad (112) (2). 11: goes to show that his stock 13 turning out right; and my patrons l satisï¬ed. For in the years (3253); second dam Scottishl by Scottish Champion (44); third dam Nance, by Prince his dam was also a. prize winner in 1907. His gr. dam, sired by Scot- zish Champion, was winner of‘flrst prize at Cobourg, and ï¬rSt at Lind- say in 1882 and 1883 2nd at Lind- say, and'in 1884 ï¬rst at Lindsay. Hi3 g. gr. dam sired by Prince of Wales, was winner of ï¬rst at Cobourg, ï¬rst at Lindsay, and ï¬rst a: Omemee shows in 1882. Termsâ€"$10 payable when you have afoal one week old. Parties dis- posing of mares before foallng time must pay before they part with the mare. Mares and foals held in se- turity until paid for. F'AvoRITE KNIGHT SEE {mum LtNï¬BAY. ONT- “3 H u twaMN‘M brawn. ““99 395" W. MM mm imparted in ï¬bfllfly. 1310. by Utah w, 89mm. 9’ mt‘ witummu nun autumn mmmm 50». 33??. mg {his Ml make a 88380“ GEMS 5‘ his own name. Tarm5.~â€"l"ur terms set: 831511 m. ‘0390 in France, and 68028 in Pet cheron Book of America. the property of . LINDSAY 3110s., LINDSAY. ONT- Hardum was foaled my 16' 1902' um weighs 1820 lbs. Imported in February, 1910, byGeo. W. 80W 5. Sons, Huntingdon, Iod., the 1813‘ â€t importer of Percheron W “'3 mares in America. ‘ ~Q‘ .. 0 Hardum will stand for the m “3158 on stable. ' “ THE IMPORTED PEBOHERON STALLION -- VIIâ€"w on. In THE NEW IMPORTED GER- MAV COACH HORSE m c 1' gt t} {d Clyde§dale3 M1. RICHARDSON. MnW' make the season of 1910 m stable, lot '14:, con. 6, week, omitting Saturdays. will be at Maunder's Cen- 1 make a season stand at Av, MAY 25, 1910. RICHARDSON, mpgâ€, gl_gNEBAY Knight of St. An- ). First dam Nell color is a. bea- with white hind WANTEDâ€"A TEACHER FOR S. S. No. 3, Eldon Duties to com- mence after midsummer vacation. Apply stating salary and qualiï¬ca- tions to A. D. McEachei'n, Argylt P. 0.. Ont. FOR SALE.â€"I HAVE BEEN IN- structed to sell two good ranches without delay, one branch in the township of LaxtOn, containing 500 acres, and one in tho southern part of Somerville, containing 200 ucres. Both these properties can be purchased at very low rates.â€" I. E. Weldon, solicitor, Lindsay. STRAYED ON TO LOT 8, CON. cession 3. Emily. 'a. cow. Om can secure same by proving prop« any and paying expenses. FOR SALEâ€"The pure bred Clydes- dale, Prince Newbridge. He is lig- ht bay, stripe. hind feet white, and was foaled July 5,1905. He FARM FOR SALE. â€"~0NE OF THE choicest farms in the township of Cartwright, containing 100 acres with four acres of hardwood bush. Buildings ï¬rstclass. Situated two miles east of Nestleton sta- tion. Will be sold to wind up an estate. For full particulars apply to Leigh R. Knight, solicitor, Lindsav. We are appointing sales agents now in every unrepresented county for the season of 1910. Over 65 per cent. of the 'yeer’e business is done during the summer months. We pay good money weekly for services rendered. Give exclusive territory and supply selling outï¬t free. OVER 600 A0- REB UNDER CULTIVA‘HON. Our acreage is mentioned. as it is im: per-teat that you eheeld represent e arm ei geeeueteeeieg end else We steeply strietly ï¬rst grade steel: and guereetee delivery in seed eeeditien. We went the beat end meet relieble agent in every elm-let. Established ever 85 yeere‘ For nether pertieu: iere write Wham Nursery Get. To: rent“. Ont. “‘Hmy Temple. {emu clerk ' at Detroit. who was arrested on e - 4-4.3“AA â€Hearty Temple. e CHINE, clerk at Detroit. who was arrested on en charge of embankment. admitted taking money from his employers. and stated that much of it hea been lost in peolreema. The Canadian Press Association's annual meeting closed and the mem- bers left for a trip to New Ontario. flags, eto. Boat is in good con- dition. Can be had cheap for immediate sale. Apply to W. C. Moore, Bobcaygeon, Ont. vï¬vias got by Miranda:- (imp.), (3375), (11396), he by Young MacQueen (2290), tracilgg hue} _ to «ville. Sir William Wallace (123 ). Prime Newbridge’s dam was Rose Mac- queen ' “3298). The ï¬ne young Clyde had a good man last year, and is bound to be in great de- mand this year. Address Wash, Reeds. Burnt River. or apply on the premi'seS, lot 13, con. 8, Som~ bred Shorthorn bulls, ï¬t for ser- vice. Terms reasonable. Apply at 101: 20, con. 7. Ops, or write Hen- lot 20, con. 7. Ops, ( ry C. Logie. Lindsa§ WW0! there we sickly . In with '“k heart! Milbum’s Begum Pmlwfllboioundaneï¬eetudmediqlm. R SALEâ€"GASOLINE LAUNCH 18 11'... complete with cushions, 2m: WATCHMAN-WA apex. LINDSAY. NOTICE. Angus, Ont, writes?â€" “ It is with the greet- at of pleasure I Vt!“ you atatir‘ the b6).- ï¬t I have received by .usias Mflb‘lflt'.‘ 3“ THOROUGH- London, Eng.. May 22.-â€"Albert Me- morial Hall was again crowded to hear Pastor Russell. The discourse. on “The Overthrow of Satan’s Em- pire,†was in the nature of a religious lecture. It was marked' throughout by deepest reverence for the Bible, many of the passages of which shone out with a new meaning under the searchlight of his message. He as- serted, and seemed to prove, the per- sonality of Satan. But according to his showing it is a great mistake to suppose the Arch-enemy of mankind to be afar off staking furnaces and torturing the dead. Instead, he is the cunning Deceiver who for cen- turies has been hoodwjnking human- ‘L3__ ity, including the ,_ Churchâ€"putting darkness for light and light for dark- ness. God did not create him a devil. He became such by self-perversion through ambition. Originally his name was Luciferâ€"Morning Star. He beheld our ï¬rst parents in Eden, noted their power to produce a race in their own likeness and‘coveted an empire with them as his subjects. I. i i,,_ "lull“ vulva-.- uâ€" __.. For six thousand 'years God has permitted Satan to exercise a measure of deceptive power 'over the race and to display to both angels and men the terrible results of sin, as exempliï¬ed in whatvthe Apostle terms the “reign of sin and death,†and the mental,‘ moral and physical degradation re- sulting. ‘ Satan has not been alone. Not only is he “the Prince of this world†or age, but additionally be is the “Prince of devilsâ€â€"â€"demons. The speaker showed from the Scriptures (Genesis vi; Jude 6) how these subordinate de- mons had once been holy angels, too â€"â€"and when and where they sinned. and how. .- g A- Us“: 1.0a»; aways-my†-â€" _ in reciting the events connected with the flood, he tells us of the fall of the angels at that time, who ‘in the days of Noah’ ‘kept not their ï¬rst estate’ (I. Peter iii, 19, 20). Those angels who were permitted to have a measure of control of the fallen race, with a view to helping-them as much as they might be able, and who, for the pur- pose of rendering such assistance to mankind, were permitted to appear in human form, became enamored of the human female, and preferred the hu- man form to their own state as spirit beings. They thus left their original estate, as Jude also explains (Jude 6). These angels are the ones de- nominated "the sons of God,’ none of the human famil being given that name after the fa . The angels who tell from their noble work and con- dition. and became groveling and ,Iensnal, manifested clearly in their own course the downward tendency of all transgressions}; the (1}sz ls‘w. A A ._ A“, “lulu uv IV . The Apo stle Peter gives the key to the real solution of the matter when, Ill uuuu all“ "The Apoa tlea Peter and Jude clear- lymark out the puniahm em visited upon those sons of God’ who thun ac their mm and! fell [Mo am. a melt own hahim “chi“ their man: and winning as are. Their pumshmem {an beam melt deprivaï¬onp at all such ï¬ts restraint is celled, bg the Apostle. QHQBIJ! darknesyw lie the res gram Tones themselves, instead st is? recognised ss ‘soss 9! God ’ or s ol light, were tltenzeeiorth known as 'sh els oi dorksees.’ 'de- moss} 'wiehe s rlts.’ Ineldentslly we remark that t ese are the ‘epmts in pmson‘ mentioned by Peter (I. Peter iii. 18), and that although re- stricted ,as respects their powers at iellowshlp With the holy angels. and with mankind. being no longer privi- leged to appear as men. they still seek human iellowship. endeavorinz to gain possession of human beings who yield up their Wills. and who are then said to he possessed o! devils or 'obsessed.' It is but a pre- liminary step toward thus getting pos- session oi. the individual that these wicked spirits appeal to humanity to bacon. their mediums (spirit med- iums). through whom they to some extent communicate. And they per- sonste dead human beings, because they know well that humanity would shun them and fear them if their real identity were discovered:.' . -_ 1.-...- ‘uvuuva ‘ v vâ€" v __v _ v “Satan and his subordinates have maintained a system of human de- ceptibn,†the speaker declared, and it must be confessed that he gave Biblical proofs for his ' every claim. He aeserted that the communications believed by Spiritualistsâ€"Dr. Funk. Prof. Hyslop, Editor Stead and others â€"-to be communications from the dead, are really deceptive commum- cations from these fallen angels. So far from claiming that these profes- sore and mediums practice deception. his claim is that they themselves are deceived and are unintentionally lead- ILI- ucwsvvu unnu u-v u..-_--_ mg _others onward into 'a terrible Spintualietic maelstrom, which, he declares, 'we are nearing, according to the Bible. He warned against hypno- tism, mind cures, etc? practiced by well-meaning but decelved physicians. minis’aers and â€others. He declined that all these tended 'to- hreek down the human wall. the God-gum barrier and defence of mankind ' t the encroachmentg 9g gleee in n angels, _ A- 1;;_“JA .L saves m5 the mind, though m will of men. He warned all against occult influences of every kind, mg. ing that the human will should be preserved and should be submitted only to the Almighty, and to him only intelligently in accordance with his instructions in the Bible. “Satan, through false doctrinesâ€" ‘doctrines of devils,’ has entrenched himself in the superstitions and pre- judices, not only of the heathen, but tho of the civilized. The creeds of the Dark Ages evidenced the fact that he had much to do with their formula- v â€"â€" 'vâ€" -- tion. His false doctrines, antagonis- tic to the Bible, have been palmed 03 upon us as veritable Bible truths- just as Satan endeavored to twist and misapply the Bible to Jesus in 1118 wilderness temptation (Mark i, 13). Thus Satan has caused gross darkness to cover the heathen and considerable darkness to cover the civilized earth. But we are in the morning of the New Dispensation, which is to bring so much blessing to the world of man- kind in the opening of the eyes of man’s understanding, and in physical blessings and comforts: As a result we have the wonderful conveniences and appliances of steam and electric- ity, the printing press and the electric light, as instead of the tallow candle and quill pen of the past. ‘Whatso- ever doth make manifest is light? and special light is due also at this time to God’s consecrated people. The illumination now granted to the eyes of our understanding as Christians. through Bible study helps. is intended to be for the Christian what the are- light is _in nature: “Man’s subserviency to Satan is an unwilling captivity. Even those who realize their bondage do not generally recognize by whom they have been enslaved. But gradually the bonds are breaking as we near the time of Satan’s overthrow. According to the Bible our Lord at his Second Advent will bind the Adversary for a thou- sand years that he may deceive man- kind no more. Meantime all the blessed influences of light and Truth and grace will be let loose in the world and as a result, ‘the knowledge of the glory of God shall ï¬ll the whole earth.’ Instead of the darkness of the night of sin and death there will be the ‘morning of joy.‘ and gladn‘ess and restitution and blessing. ‘The sun of righteousness will arise with healing in his beams.’ Of that glori- ous day Saint Peter spoke, saying. ‘Times of refreshing, shall come from the presence of the Lord. and he shall mtfsrret’alh 'im'lil the‘Tlmes of‘Restf- tutlon of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy frophete since the world begen' (Acts ll, 19.91). Satan’s destruction. accord- ing to the Blhle. will not be consum- mated untll after the MILLENNIAL KINGDOM OF CHRIST shall have weempllshed lts glorious work of u - llltlh humanlty out sln and den eend lens to full human erleetlon and the lm of God. Al the un- wllllhg and lsohedlent wlll be count- ed as servants el Satan and wlll wtth hlm. be destre ed ln he Second heath costlnetlnw- rem w leh there wlll be no redemptlon or reeovery,_ the reaenoe or ghe Lord. and ne smu sen Jesus Chum. who before m P5531191 um muslin-he beaten; "The missienery work at blessing and “91minsi ‘eu the tsmiiies e! the earth' iii Iappei «God (er the ienni ieiK gdomâ€" “and . tikisn God. the evidences are that it is vei- nest. {em in s sense. dread y becbuniua. blessinas sre intimsted wand deflui progress at our day thin: waits until the predetemi iued uumhe r_ _01_ Missionaries shsii‘ have been coiled and schooled and tested and tound worthy o! the great and honorable work. The quali cation is that ouch must_ be a _'oopy .of_ God's dear Son’-â€"sc tar as heart intention is concerned. Then these Minionâ€- ies will be gloriï¬ed like their Lord. on the spirit plane and with him the; will constitute the 'Kingdcm 0! God I dear Son.’ which for a thousand you: will blese- the world and bring to all that the Lord our God has 5pc an and more than we could have asked or thought. ‘ ‘ “Christian people have no need to upbraid themselves on the score that the missionary efforts of eighteen cen- turies have accomplished comparative- ly little. They have no need to be dis- couraged with the fact that the census returns show that in the past century of the greatest missionary endeavor the proportionate numbers of the bee- then have doubled (six hundred mil- lions a century agoâ€"twelve hundred milhons to-day). This is all as God foreknew and intended. God did not surpass the conversion of the heathen runs this age, but commissioned his peopletopreechhisGospeltoevery nation for a witness. that the Elect Missionaries for the future work might be gathered from every country. peo- ple and tongue. God’s will has‘been done. The Adversary temporarily mis- led‘theflhurch. into a misunderstand- negr, Homage!†oppose this Divine ,I-_J_ _‘ wilf'b ylow'é'r'i'ng' the ‘mnduds a saintshyip so :3 tom include the muse- mamas nomad mum mmé‘éï¬ange-rï¬euw But He. EH16! succeeded. God has merely allowed him to prove. test. separate and man!- fest the saintsâ€"the ‘very elect.’ show us, will result inasreattimeoï¬ trouble, in which the passions of men but partially enlghtened will do eer- ious violence to e entire social tab- ric. We see the preliminary stegs already being taken. and, in the lig t of the Scriptures, wenee the awful catastrophe which willâ€. reeult. The world is rapidly resolvmg itself into two mighty powers. selï¬shly and with semi-enlightenment. ï¬re n . for a headlong collision w ic wi 1 mean wreck ruin. tribulation and an- guish, practically the whole world. The Bible, in calling attention to this great time of trouble. warns the peo- ple of God, so far as possible to avoid both sides of the controversy. saying, ‘Seek meeknesa; seek righteousness. it may be that ye shall be bid in the Yime‘that the Scripture} ‘dedare that if it were not for the ‘Elect’ there would be no flesh saved (Mark xiii, 20). The interposition of the Elect as the Kingdom of God under Jesus, the great King and Head of the Elect, is the silver lining to that dark cloud. The moment of ma '8 extremity will become the momen of God’s oppor- tunity. "The coming of the light. the 1 ing of 1-;e fetters of ignorance superstitiqn f_ro;n ghej minds that A‘â€" - CI ._‘_5 “SJ-terrible will be that time of trouble that the Scriptures symboli- cally rppresept it as_a whirlwind} as 'â€"â€"â€"' a flood; and as a ï¬re. Some have mis-interpreted these Scriptures and are expecting a literal burning of the earth, but the Lord denominates .It the ‘ï¬re of his jealousy,’ which W111 devour Society. And then he tells us that following the ï¬re of trouble he ‘will turn to the people a pure mes. sage that they may al call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent’ (Zephaniah iii, 9). Satan has had much to do with corrupting the message originally given to the Church by Jesus and the Apostles. The jarring creeds have made discor- dant sounds which have driven many noble and . logical hearts away from the Bible. God’s assurance is that the completion of the Church is near; that her change to the heavenlv glory in ‘the First Resurrection’ will soon “Fellow-Christians, what an incen- tive to become more and more loyal and earnest as the servants of so great and gracious a Sovereigntyâ€"that of our Father and our Redeemer! And what an incentive we have to seek ï¬rst, in preference to all earthly inter- ests. a share with our Saviour in his Millennial Kingdom and its gracious work of human uplift â€" from the depths of sin and degradation in the heights of earthly perfection and eter- nal life! Let us, as the Apostle ex- horts. ‘lay aside every wei ht. and the sin that does so easily set us. and let us run with patience the race set before us' (Ilsbrews xii. 11. This nice' i? thr'the crown oT'l'o’ry." as members of the Elect ï¬ssionary Church and for the clorious opportun- ities then to be afforded for the re- alisation of the most glorious dreams of service for the King of kings and Lord of lords. 7 _ be accomplished and that then the rei of SIN and DEATH will end 1111 er the Kingdom of Jesus. Then the bondage of the world to ignorance superstition. ets., will terminate; then 5all the blind e yes will be opened and all the deaf ears will be unstopped' and the Lord’s pure message of Bi xine J ustme Divine Love, Divine Wis- dom and Divine Power exerted on man’s behalf shall be made known to every creature. _ "We Mimqt mpmlp that Satan's Empire is entirely ent.iniaeiorv to him- self. Undoubtedly his origimfl theughi was the organisation at a realm res nemliiinn that. at the Aimi My. But the course of am in. ever ownward. To ebmm control of our am 95mm me were misled hm cups of die n ionoe=oin¢and the Adversary hmmeit. having aimed upon use ma course. can maintain his own mm us and km am only by deter- mined Hp oaiiiou (a Jehovah IMO is the sign! mum at me name liven him in the Goripiunlm_'Ad‘vetgaqy.' __ "The. Horintureseet forth that all humanity must. either now or some time. come to the point of decision be- tween ohedienee to God and disobedi- enee. The obedient will be guided beolr to ultimate harmony with the Creator and obtain the reward of life eternal. On the contrary. the dis- obedient, the wilfully rebellious against God and his righteous ar- rangement. taking the course of Satan. will ultimately share his fate â€"- de- struction. "Responsibility and the decision. as to life eternal and death eternal. comes to each member of Adam's race as soon as he is brought into a clear knowledge of the Truth. This privi- lege of coming to a knowledge of the Truth, the opportunit of eternal sal- vation, is secured to a l the families of the earth, to Adam and every mem- ber of his race. through the great Be- deemer’s sacriï¬ce ï¬nished at Calvary. While thanking God for the length and breadth and height and depth of his glorious provision for the. world in general. we who now hear tins mea- sageandheedithavetheeaedal blessing and opportunity of join. heir- ship with Jesus the Redeemer m his great work of the Millennial Age. Let us not only accept the Divine favor. but let us run with patience the race set before us. looking unto Jesus. the Author and the onewho shall be the t Finisher of our mm, seeking for need- ‘ed aid tornake meaning and also. 3mrrmm The Imported Typical Clydesdale Tho property of Mean. John AI- doul and John Sykes. will make the canon of 1910 3's follows: Wednesdayâ€"Will leave his own sable. IcArthur House. Fmolon Falls. and proceed to John Jack- Ion’s. Fenelon. thence to Glenarm (or the. night. 'nmrsdayâ€"Pmceed to his own stab- le. where he will remain until 'tho following Wednwduy morning. Termsâ€"$12 to insure. JOHN SYKES. the property of John Aldous. will Itand tor mares during the season of 1910 at his own stable at the Mo- Arthur House. Fenebn Fans. Termsâ€"$12 to insure. the property of John Aldous. will make the following route: Mondayâ€"Will leave his own stable, McArthur House. Fenelon Fans, and â€"noon, thence to Coboconk for night. Tuesdayâ€"Proceed to Carson's Sid- ing for noon. the Road (or the night. stable. where he will remain 11111: the following Monday morning. Termsâ€"$12 to insure. JAMES JONES. Manager. TEE FAMOUS FRENCH-1 COACH STALLION Dan Finister, 2.19: BLACK PETE Pianos, Organs and1 Sewing Machines Special , In addition to our complete stock of high-grade new goods, we have just now, some splendid values in second-hand organs and sewing machines to clear out for lack of space to carry. One ladies’ bicycle new, very cheap. WM. WARREN [4278[ (11678), Vol. XXV Homeseekets’ Excursions Gama Dims _ April 5, 19. Jun. 14, 28, Int. 9, 88, I†3, 1'1, 8.1,iuly 12, 26, _ ‘ wv- ',-‘â€"7 Through S '81 Trains Toronto to mm»: and W9“- mam- .. ,,_-_A. .nlnnkm DEPUTY mum whleh wlll lead you law a need saluted poeluuur Enter our college now and be for e eltuetlon in the fall when business in at lui beat. W0 awe locating well qualiï¬ed young people ever day. Why not. let us help you Start any day. No vmtloua. Catalogue tree. Write Cantu! Buelneee College. Toronto. W. H. Shaw. Principal Terms to:suit‘purchaser. WHY PUT OFF William-It" . It. Andi-urn Church P. O. Box 217 'â€"P;oceed to Glenarm for Edvftfl _9°- 8A0! Lo. Round Trip WESTERN CANADA to Victoria vho bl .rtyn s : 0‘ b videm md sh . Tore re pw metal of the e 22, .uisa alter, owst nmitt thug: at jw he In It w! ith 1 erly )ndiu‘ teal Th1 and art: and t he her“ mm PM! an! I ad