Ll!) mph». W0! IL- .l ()0le at... Lind"!- lu “mum M10 “3‘3â€â€œ Elke Baker1umher§€o., limited 1w. in. amasswm‘ 1 33,;th LINDSAY non mm; W3" . Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Baseâ€"corner Kent and William- ‘s... over Dominion Bank, Lind- uyg Money to loan on real es- Iata. Money to loan at current ate. of interest. R. J. McPaugh- an, K.C., James A. Peel, A. M. m UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loan money on Farm. Town and 'mtge Property at very hmt «to. or interest. Company or Coal Lumber, Shingles, Etc \Cement and Sash Factory Goods Ink of Commerce- .’ â€58‘8“ 6" n to Jillian Stregt, an a JACKSON. a" solicitors for '1‘! mum Dun, .vr-vâ€"â€"â€", U loo Mutual Fire InSurance Co., of 'IWIOO ; Federal Life Assurance 90., of Hamilton, Empire Accid- ent and Surety Co., of London, mt; omce over Farmers Bank, minute funds. I am always many is w 3006 mortgagee. I. E. 'ILDON, Solicitor,~ etc... Milne huney to has. g I. IEIDON. Maï¬posa township The Canada Paint 6°56 BRAND Ready Mixed PAINTS Made from pure Lead and Oil. {10 nan. to 8 pm PRISM PHONE 77 emcee Money to loan ï¬ve per cent! 01' diséases ,- o! Wood FULTON. . :1 ackaon. CL Majestic is the death of a good king; ’Tis ’suéh an one we mourn. Let. bells be tolled In solemn slowness, and let the flag's fold, Drooped. busy jest, ' Pleasures laid streets, babe: For - silent pause Kim: is dead Peace Markets of men grown how all fled- good : Lover of m We honor him, and as a. you,“ should, A solemn, faithful, loving requiem Mable and Granite Moments Guardian. Still doing business in the same old stand but not in the same old way. We dvance with the times andare infa. position to do better work .thanjever. “PLVVVâ€" -v--- the most hp-to-da Marble?and Granâ€" ite Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our aesigns before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 85 13 Cam- bridge St., immediately north of Fin in the treatment of affec- tions of the skin and scalp, which torture, dis- figure, itch, burn, scale and destroy the hair, as well as for preserving and purifying the com- plexion, hands and hair, .1 f‘-.L: Lindsay Marble Works Lover Sold throughout the world. Depots: Lon- don. 27. Chartcrhousa 81: Paris. 5. Rue de 13 Mix: Australia. R. Towns Co.. Sydyey; India. B. K. Paul. Calcutta: China. Hong bong Drug 00.: Janna. Mamya. Ltd.. Toklo: So. Africa. Lennon. Ltd., Cape Town. etc; U.S.A. Pom: Dru: a; Chcm. com. Sole Props†135 Columbus Ave.. Boston Kym-32mm Cutlcura Book. post-tree. giving dcscrhtlon. treatment and cure or torturing. disï¬guring )umours or the 81-222 and scalp. An hï¬ible heart in breast of PICAIUII, [lullwv n.-.â€" - Cuticura Soap and Gilli; cura Ointment are well- nigh infallible. _ “-â€".A.- ' Afl‘ lover he among the kings of D11, of life because earth life rhea, a .man although a OUR KING us hush fallen on ev- Great England’s the laugh .â€"-l ‘vlcwflaoid Boys M > Nature makes the cures to 'flold Exursion same old people ndble The Victoria County Old Boys; of @o'wnto. will spend the alternmn of May 24 at‘ (ex-ire Island. 2 A good program of races, games. etc.. has been arranged, and an enjoyable at- ternoon is assured. The members hax're been 'sbeciany requested to bring the children. Arrenguhents are already under way for the annual excursion to Lindsay tins summer. A commit- tee of the association will visit Lind- say to make arrangements. A resolution has been passed forwarded tq Mr. A. H. Knight pressing the sympathy of the cfaticn- with Mr. and 1513, K Mr. and Mrs. K most active; and the association. CONTRACT FOR SCHOOLS. Mr. H. Jay and Sons. of Oshawa, were awarded the contraxt for _ the erection of rLinds'ay's new Public schools at a special meeting of the Board of Education Tuesday even- ing. The contract price for the ten- room school. to replace the present Union school is $30,000, and for the six-room school to be erected in the ‘north ward $18,500. , i These amounts are for pitch roofs and should the board decide to have [flat roofs the cost will be $1,000 less for Union school and $900 less for the Francis-st. school. Jay and Sons contract includes everything complete and they will commence- work at once, having decided to use local labor as far as possible. A large number of tenders were re- 4 ceived both" for the completion of the schools and for the different trades. A "couple of local contractors tender- ed, but their price was too high. Those who tendered for the com- pletion of the schools were : H. Jay and Sons, "Oshawa ; Henley and Wil- liams, Lindsay; J. Thoburn, Lind- say ; Finley and Gordon, Peterboro ; and T. Rutherford, Peterboro. . No set date has as yet been made ‘for the completion of. the schools. PILGRIMAGE 'I‘O ST. ANNE. The annual pilgrimage to St. Anne de Beaupre under the patronage of His Grace Archbishop Gauthier will take place this year on Tuesday, July 19. The pilgrimage will be in coarge of Father J. J. O'Rielly, En- terprise. . MUCH GAINEDâ€"NOTHING LOST. Clark’s Pork and Beans make an excellent mealâ€"they are more nour- ishing than meat and :ost only a fraction of what meat does. They are palatable and appetizing and make a. pleasant change from a. re- zular meat diet. R. L. Borden has been conï¬ned to his house in Ottawa with a. seyere cold. ONE WOMAN'S Tells Her Suffering Sisters to Use Dodd’s Kidney Pills W'EAKNESS WERE ALMU5 1' MORE THAN SHE GOULD BEAR. ‘ St. George, Mam, May 20.â€"-(Spe'- eial).â€"Hoping to save her sister wo- men in the Best from pains and aches which come at the critical times in a woman’s life, Mrs. Ar- gene Vinet of this place has given the following statement for publica- tion : “I have†brought up a large fam- ily and have always enjoyed good health until the last two years. I am.ï¬ity-four years ed age and at the critical time of life that comes to every woman, I had pains in my right hip and shoulder. I could not lie down two minutes at. a. time without suffering the greatest agony. Sometimes I awakened with a feel- in: as if some one had laid a, piece of ice on my head. Another time it would be a. burning pain under the left shoulder. '-“I took many medicines but could of similar cases to my own by Dodd's Kidney Pills, led no t! try them. They did wonders to: me. "I want all women to know. what PBOVED A BLESSING 'IO 'WEEN , HER PAINS AND KNESS WERE ALMOST t double bereavement. Knight are among the 3d valued member! 01 ' STATEMENT to St. Anne Knight Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. . Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and Start the system in» the right direction toward health. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo- phosphites‘ can do just this. BURY'S GREEN. Bury’s Green, May .16.â€"0wing to the recent cold weather the grain crops and the grass are making Very slow growth. and what is needed at present is a good warm rain. Halley's comet is causing a. great deal of excitement and talk these days. and some of our young people viewed it in the esrly hours one morning last week, and give a. few interesting details. The Rev. Mr. McLean, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit of St. J ohn’s church on Sunday evening last. and gave a very interesting address in the interests of Sabbath schools. We are sorry to state that Mrs. John Howie is very sick at present. 'It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tis- sues, and makes rich blood. ' We are sorry to State mm. 1114;. John Howie is very sick at present, and is under the doctor's care. We hope soon to see her around again. Mr. Albert Pogue sold a valuable horse to Mr. Wm. Lamb of Fairbaim last week. Mr. Angus Campbell has a. gang of men wotking on the framework of Mr. Sam Lamb's barn at present. S unda y Falls. u..â€" r- “â€" and expects to be ready to raise a. few days. WAS FOUN D DEAD. Death came with sudden stroke to Mr. James :I‘hompson of the 4th concessiOn 0! Brock, Monday night. Deceased was a man some 72 years of age and lived alone. He was found in the yard Tuwday morning, found in the yard Tuwday morning, where he had evidently been for same time quite dead. It would appear from the position of the body that he had been engaged in feeding his fowl when death came. . scarf I: BOWNE 126 Wolliuton 5'30“. w'“ 1 MRS. A. D. MALLON. The grim reaper visited the home of Mr. A, D. Manon, King-st, last owing to the fact thét the deceased lady had been ailing for two or‘ three years. She fought heriocally against death until the last and dur- ing her serious sickness of the last month or so kind friends and a de« voted husband looked after her every mt, but to no avail. Her hus- band and two brothers are left to mourn her loss, the two brothers. Messrs. Patrick Carroll, of Roches- tor, N.Y., and Nicholas Carroll. of Lansing, Mich, being present at the death bed. , The dmsed lady was exceedingly well known in Lindsay and surround- ing countryh having lived here im- forty-nine yam; She was a. daugh- tor of Ithe late Patrick Carroll, .0! Ops. During her residence intown \she was well and taverably known Lnd was a. devoted member of St. The funeral will leave the family residence, 34 King-st" Saturday morning at 8. 45 o'clock and 7 pro- ceed do St. Mary’s church. thence to the Catholic cemetery for interment. Tendefl for tha beaver Captain A. 3‘ will be appointed and Mrs. Geo. Smith spent v with relatives at Fenelon A. Hunter, of 30113va Tomb. Guard of Sovereigns followed the Remains and born away on a gun We, The amazing color of the scene was made the more vivid by the fact that the day was '3. perfect English 5....“ -_.. V ped, lingering, despite King George's gentle pressure. but was ï¬nally per- suaded to turn away. Then the Kaiser, grim and stem. with grey lace, bent his knee at the tomb of his uncle. One after another of the Sovereigns of Europe paused beside the opening in the chapel floor through which the comn had been silently lowered a few minutes be- fore, and made a low bow in the presence of the dead.- THE CORTEGE. London. May 30.-The oouy u; King Edward VII. was carried through the streets of the capital to- day, in the prwence of many hund- red thousands of eugjects, and with the Kings of nine European nations. several future rulers. members of all the r0yal families of the world, and a former President’of the United States following the casket from Westminster Hall to Paddington Sta- tron. The cottage moved through Solid lines of red-coated soldiers. standing with rifles reversed, and the regi- “For two years I had pam [in my heart, back and left side. Could not draw a deep breath or lie on left side, and any little exertion would cause palpita- tion. Under advice I took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Nervine. I took about thirteen bottles, am in better health than I ever was, and have gained 14 Pounds :9 MRS. LILLIE THOMAS, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. For many years Dr. Miles’ Bart Remedy has been very Mal in the treatment of heart troubles, because of its tonic eï¬ect upon the heart men and muscles. Even in severe cases of long standing it has frequently prolonged life for my years titer doctors had given up all hope, as proven by thOuunds of letters we have re- ndvedirom grateful. pe'0plc. “MRMIMIIQ He should “you. uni-uhâ€. Clad W100 â€â€œNmm M m â€ION-7E0. 1m ihey passed. .â€"â€"The body of WDAY. .1- ... M' ‘5. ‘ I'm- “WI. ‘n:‘ “Who In: wont. 4 yen-3 of “fl so much than. she 100%“? mm m The dpcbor treated her!" but the chxld got. worsgumch w ~ mid do nothing mm W. lam doctor who Loldm. . m “" $3“°d‘qï¬.ï¬h‘éï¬bi°m ‘ o O QC! a 0 th “maul doctor. who said 11.51% M with pus and phat she would him undergo cu apex-scion If we would “You The next day he came, do“ he. WMo beduponher.bmm was t ure. :8 he wag M“ M3!†from the lungs. 52' E‘EE‘EE Ivaâ€"â€U râ€"__-_ “w v were dleeppointed, and fully a, little ell we not going to get better. 82%: ere-cruel to let her sun's: sgdi {it $30“:th head '5‘“ "omnl In cine ' r the lungs. We had been I egoï¬vmmenu m the pa. lied been cured m BIND. We tho ht it would suit on '0 deci 09 t9 ve it; an we did. lad other heme ed taken“. we regain: mv€megnb GT1“ ghee-users homes. she Wes quit, 33 â€580.8ndehelsaaweum otherclnldren are. deal to be thankful We believe little Nellie would ta. um: hove 11v 1! we 1nd not heard of PSYCHIN; We shall be M to answer enqumu u (‘hurch of England service hasbeen conducted by the Archbishop of Can terbury In St. George’ s Chape1,it was en tombed in the Albert Memor- ial Chapel adjoining. GREATEST PROCESSION SINCE . 1897 ‘ No such proceSSional spectacle had been witnessed in London sina Queen Victoria’s Jubilee. The boom- ing of minute-guns and the tolling o! bells accompanied the movement a! the procession, while the bands in turn played the “Dead March from Saul†and Chopin's “Funeral March' For Sale by all Druggists and Dede“. 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Mr. R. Stevenson has opened up-a Feed Barn in the premises formerly occupied by Dr. Cowan, York Street. Prices reasonable, Prompt attention. ,_..A|' STRENGTHENS WEAK I cgpet B_ugs in 25 Toronto Et. FEED BA RN W 511m") T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto. 173 Wit Taxidermist LUNGS 96. 1910. _. smavmï¬gfl dds-est prices. For example “'9 “‘ r'horaes the samd of good horses during ti h it Was thong-1t 3% [air this \d Hartley, '1‘ ~ altered for - ï¬rst two tj .. and the Lea. m Cow’} ‘m‘of 8â€"9 1 ' The next “'84 which en 117 Ken Ian’s New Soring Ken's and BOYS' ‘ I}: unfavorable, 1 h. with the ex’ée h? flower. Ever} Emotion at one < Liflit yet: was th4 ï¬nes of any year. ion which was 1‘ m a. grand 5!! Though the wca‘ I: a list the Con Show it)