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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 May 1911, p. 11

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Lcurrn. sun-W.” ooo.oo ‘3 k Some Beautiful wgp-culative secu- E‘addlcss. \Ve 0h? Saskatchewan in- C 0. LTD LLIAK-S’l‘ , North of tommerce *onld Not Become 1" W I t" KAY 0.1:. 11 .0! ATS are std} more b2? r more uterestP Bannen McLaughun- "" on Falls, 10“»! 1" nd detailed infotll' rharge. 50W 1 then you’li :cd investors. M r m ”w M“ Nmflud in When they .Kilq . 25¢. "6 t the the ) should take “Fruit-eâ€"tives" if em to tap herself in good health. - ' fore taking “‘Fruit-a-tives”! In: constantly troubled with what is com- monly known asterves” or seven gen-ousness. Thxs extreme Nervous- ness brought on the most violent attacks of sick Headache, for which I was taking Doctor’s medicine. combing.V _ Constxpatlon was .130 a source of great trouble for which the Doctors aid .4 would have to take medicine all my fife" but "I’mit-a-tives” has Wished these troubles and I am a well women. When I started taking ” Fmitâ€"a-tives" “A I- _H_ .4..-- SICK HEADACHE AND NERVOUSNESS the W 7 , , It H \mmlcrt‘ul how Richly woman .31 mm when taking ‘ Fruimmmu, {new lamuus fmil tablets RUOVQ MM- mm and tune up the whole nervous mum. They tegulate the bawela, Strengthen the stomach. stimulate the Appetite, and take away that pain in the hack. Pale. weak, nervous women should always use “ Fruit-a-tivea ". 50c. abox. 6 for $2.50. trial size. 25c. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivcs Limited, Ottawa. M" bt-I-I-IU I I {WW IPIOIALII'I‘I The followinfidinani of man Pi Ins: ‘Epi vany Eczema Anthmn 'Hyphilin D apepaib mum h Lurivmm R eumatlm. anuw Hmiuium [mat Vitality Nah-mm Vuriqulg‘ Skin Diseases OFFICE “cum m tn 1 and 8 ML Sunday: to am. In l mu :1!" II!!!" luv, nu...” _ _r_' v , (‘flm‘u-h ‘thivtmv Rhemnatim. Rnpmw I‘lmianinna L031: Vitality Diahvwa \‘nrimwvle Sk‘“ ”“9389! Kidney A! «auctions . - «mu Hz" nyh‘hnNm but W human awn am! mey and twween «mm um um wmy. Ccmsultmkm ms [u Hum“ wlm \Vlah It) at“: the WM .\Iu\_\ atudvuta mun the distant puninms and the! United States nth lul llw Toronto. Out This school ha a. notion; reputation for high (rad. work. Urmnmtvs h-udily get good 908' ilmxh. Opt-u antire year. Enter now. Writ» tnr catalogue. Cur. Young and \V. J. Elliot Aloxnlulm‘ SIS. ' Principal an acne» wmm SPRING SEEDS 1911 RThe finest quality of Timothy ed Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike and Mamoth Red, at close prices. Car load of Bran and Shorts just arrived ! Now is the t‘me to secure your eed ! Terms strickly cash! Immediate settlement of last year‘s accounts asked. Ban-19y, Oats, Blue or White Pens and Goose Wheat select for seed. Five. Roses and other high’ grades of flour. Jos. 'l‘. Beatty hen I started taking Hm“ oi: four at a time, but havew reduced .Iuse so that it is onl me to take one m a wee .md mt "Fruit 3- -tives " mblet every mi n: me w ell” . MRS.FRED GADKE. ‘1 «run! Na! Duslance is No “indium ELLIO1‘1| Turuntu mm 4th. 1911. Omengee, May 1.4m Misses Jes- sie and Nor Nichols. Curie Balfour and Jennie McConnell were success- Iul students_a,t the receflt Normal ex- minations at I’aterboro. Congratu- lations. Mrs. H Bland. 0! Mount. Pleasant was in town on Saturday. Mm. J. C. Eaton, of Toronto came down in her auto last week. Congratulations are in order to Dr. Coleboum, whose name appeared in the list of successful candidates in the final year of the Ontario Veter- inarv College. The Dr has returned to town and re-opened his office in the Parsons block. where he may be found ready to treat all conditions or the aun‘ermg animal kingdom. ac- cording to the latest and most ap- proved methods of medtcal science. We are pleased to have the Doc. once more a resident. and predict for him mt extensive and growing practice. Rev. Mr. Mackennte. Mrnwrly of ltethvl ntrcun. mm m Lawn renowtng um amtmtntanrm. The game] board are having hu- pmwnmntu mad» In the hammer". of the achunl handing. Mann. mum and Urmlm- are KM cummcmru. Mr. J. A. Wynn cumlucwd a. No me and cunpuuwl of his stuck. The tuachuw mqu a pravtoua appraise- u;uut at tho stock. “Ir. hturrluun in. tvndfl renewing the banding at once, and Mr. Wylie will opou up again with splenduuy oqulppod premises and an entirely new amok. Miss Muriel Morrison is «who re- covered from her meant indispusluou and returned to Petorboro on :4at- urday. Mrs. 11'. Murray was a visitor to l'cterboro on Saturdav Fishing is quite the pastime for most of our \ouths and some adults. The suckers are running, and 'he (hub bitingf Good catch?s are re- ported . The news or the death 01‘ the late Charles Fairbaim. ex-M.P.. came with startling smidenness upon our village “here the deceased was (am. iliarly and favorably known. l'ni- \ersal symp‘athy is extended to the bereaved relatives. .L, uv 1.. Miss Bruce. of Toronto. is the guestpf Mrs. J. A. Wylie. Mrs. White in occupying the sum gumâ€"at. wattage of Mrs. English Miss mmey returned'm her home last wBek. after an extended mm with Umemee l‘riemlm Mr; Jnhn Murray has been “mush“: mt “admin?“ game \x-ardeh. The annual m-e unle road meg for a nth-9r mm dunnml m" (‘uL Sam Hug-hm MAM, \\-‘m m pm M an nun- \m! «m \‘imm‘ia Max. ma. Julm .hmnaum Numwd in“ “wk \‘mm m» Rum-x Mmmww Hus- punk Hmhsm’, whm‘v he my: ‘mtml w‘ an mm. m mwnunmim Jack 3: mmhwow WWWNN‘W“ W“ . _ _, m I‘n||n\\h\u'- hua mama \W- human N ha muumuu mm "a"... mm“ mm“. “mm l‘m‘ mu mmumwunwm ul‘ m unwrminuwm N ha giwu N \N leiua‘ Md m“ the Hummus! ohul‘vl u“ Mm ‘J-tth. “1‘. Eli Mummy 0an nut to Mt l‘lvasum \V‘wnosduy un huainws. UAXADIAN NA'I'IONAL EXHIBI- TION PRIZE LIST FOR 1911 IS OUT. The prize list of the‘(?anadiau Na- tional Exhibition, August 26th to September 11th. which is being dis- tributed, shows.that the prizes have been increased in nearly every de~ partment. till the grand total reach- es $60,000. As no prizes are features, the whole of this amount. , .I--_A_ given for manu- $60,000 IN PRIZES mu mmumwuuwu ul‘ ma ‘ N ha giwn M "N N“ "w Mulhudia‘t church ‘3’”: 1d children's work exhibits new clasSes . and in short everv rs the eihibition is on May 24 death of the late The ‘Félix- 'Forbert Shoe Store 52 um swam The R. Neill Shoe Co. have com- pleted the remodeling of the local store. which now presents a. very bright, attractive appearance. The company have spared no pains in beautifying the store, putting in a. new metallic ceiling, new electrical fixtures .and new oak fittings through- out. The shelving has also been ex- tended, and no pains have been spar- ed to make the ventilation of the W... hat. [me windows at the that the spectacular gttraouon wul he The Few“! of Empire. ; repro- duction of the glories of the corona- tion ceremonies. in which 1.500 per- formers will take why-hue the fa- mous Coldatream Guards Band. mu- sicians to the.Royu Household. will h‘v-â€" '7’ be thrown open to ventilate thef place. The color effect is white and green. which, with the pak fittings. makes a. very phalng sight. Neill's Shoe Store Remodelled «Carnation Day back give plenty of light, he the musical fawn. BECAME SO WEAK Here is a just in time sale that will be of great interest in every household where there are any feet that need school shoes. Boy’s solid leother school 811088,”. to 5 atooeoueoololllgonone-entitle...IIIOIIIOOIOOOOIe 0.00.... OIIOII. 00'99c- Our sale of infants shoes is very interesting. We certainly haven't overlooked nothing in baby shces. The prettiest lines we have ever shown. Begum 7 V ‘ ,RSD Felix Forbert 60c. ‘Sale price ake each season to our little girl friends, hereit is : We repeat once more the offer we m little pair of doll shoes. If you will come when mamma comes here for shoes we give you a nice Remember we will not charge anything for them. Tell mamma about it! BABY SHOES ARGYLE. Argyle. May 2.â€"Soeding is in full swing in this Vicinity. Miss Gertie Copland. of Peniel. Mariposa. spent Easter holidays with her aunt. Mrs. Eli Budd. _, Mr. Frank Goddard spent Sunday in our midst. Mr. Levi Budd shipped a car load of oats to Mr. Neil MacKimron. Can- nington. recently- cellent condition of the land, our farmers are well on with their need- Lac-I36 u-vw- 7 --â€": seen 69'.in en route to the various Rheumo has gunned the must re- ranches. put-non through being a quick and Mr. Wm. “’ebsm. cattle (1’0“? 0‘ pungent cure {or rheumatism in “melon Fans. "“9“ in MB ““10 on In my toms. [ammo is so good mugs mat thfl he had mumâ€"m; we gnu-antes it even in chronic m- ummy the tax-mars or an: vicinity. 5., .m Philip now mums back 1% mm #6 2“: mm. V a ohi- gnu-um. «a can mm: .m: Hm. rum m Wv W- w» mm a M» m amt 5m mauumwimw mm “at Wmmum. W WWW “W “W“- Mx w: as may; . same a: w» 35'! mm?“ W- W Ma Its-M. n m m» mmwmm mm as! W. a A ‘ L... um than rum an large droves of cause are to be en da’ily en route to the mious BURY'S GREEN. .3 Green. May 13t.â€"0wing to Clearance Sale . of Men’ 3, Ladies and Children’s mm; M 3 ' Days Sale Commences FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 1911 (rum urn. McLuhan. of 'l‘nrmnu. Mr. Russel Grundy returned to humo in thin on 'I‘nurflduy um. Mr. Watson and Miss Murtiu. Harland. undo a flying Visit to \own this week. "xiii- M. swukuuu returned to Norland to-day. Mr. 3. F. éuuuon and sunny. Into of Minden Mills. left {or their new home in Toronto. They will be grout)- missed. Birthâ€"On April 16th. to Mr. and daughtt‘r. . On Friday. April 28. to Mr. and Mrs. P. Pick. of Snowdon township. a girl . On Thursday, April 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Trumbull, of Minden township. a. 3011. On Monday. April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson. of Lunar- worth. a girl. AREMARKABLE REMEDY The most amicted people on earth are those who sufier from rheumat- ism. and about one-lourth or our peo- ple are afflicted with this terrible. time ranking, bone crippling disease. So many people neglect themselves end rheumatism follows In one term and then another until they are an ex- ample of the tortures of mutation. ..A_. _ For your choice of 356 poiu of Ludiou Low Shoes in oil Regain 82.50 and 83.00 voluel. In this lot we include on lines, 856 in oil. 35c In April 16th. to Mr. and Bake. of Lutterworth. i a AND ENDB MONDAY NIGHT. MAY to 0“? hiu h‘oarth sans " Mama." The hride was handsomely. attired in white satin. heaVin emhroidered. and wore the conventional veil and orange blossoms. and Was given away by hee uncle, ur. J. D. Barr. oi Kenora. Out. Her only orna- ment was a beautiful pearl necklace. the giit of the groom. The bride was attended by Miss A. Hartley and Miss A. Carsc. The former wore a champagne satin gown, with a lace overdrese and a black picture ‘hat. with roses and jet ornaments. ‘The latter was becomingly attired [in pink marquisette with Persian itrimming. with a large picture hat Po! the same shade. trimmed with French roses and Irish point lace. All carried shower bouquets of ros- sea and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaids were preceded by Miss Edith Dawson. dressed in pale blue silk. and carrying a. basket of sweet ms. The groom was assisted by pets. The groom was assisted Dy Mr. John A. Thompson of Winni- peg. The groom's gilt to the bridesmaids were pearl hair orna- ments; to the flower giri, a. gold cull links. After the ceremony a. reception was held in the guest room of the Royal Alexandre. Covers were me for twelve. Its-happy couple left on the six o'clock train for the south. The bride‘s traveling costume was nsvy sea-gs mm s blouse of champagne stun, with becoming turban of the same m. They will be st home “hit an, 1. Suite 68. Cm 1pm Mock. Sum ‘33! 1M $1.98 idiou Low Shoes in t" leathers and all styles. In this lot we included our entire line of brok- Replete with genui- ne money saving opportunities ds were pearl hair orna- o the flower git-1, a. gold and to the best mu. gold vau {11m '11me cannot possiblv do for Lu: of memm: mm =$2.98= Worth $4.00 Lindsay The Felix Fox-hart Shoe Store Hydro Power for Penetanguishene l‘enounguiahono. May 1. â€" By a vote 0! 9“ in uvor to 9 mutant, .1 lay-luv to also on debenture- $27.- 000 {or the municipal hydro-electric to buy out the existing private plant. and 810,500 for extensions and improvements. LATE NELSON ZEUFELD’I‘. The luneml of the late Nelson Zeu- leldt tool: place Tuesday e.m. at 9 o'clock from the Roman Catholic church. with a. large number of friends gnd acquaintances present. The poll bearers were as follows : Messrs. James Loan. 1110mm Bry- ant. 'I‘homas Brady, J. McGilvrsy. J. Campbell and R. Spratt. The out of town (fiends present were as follows: Mr. P. Halon. of Grend Rapids. met; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill. end lire. O'Brien. of Peter- Thu, is what thousands of moth- '5" my of 80.1%": mm “mm. We luv» weaved thousands of lawn-s Mg themâ€"we have yet to re- Qfl‘b t m W W‘ mgumn. 3m um gamut My do teldt, of Toronto. A Great Remedy PHONE 117L " m. , ‘ «'1: was; OBITUABY For Little Ones sag

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