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Watchman Warder (1899), 4 May 1911, p. 4

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WUGmIN. PEEL. FULTON WSON, Barristers, Solicitors, and Sotaries. Money to loan. Spe- ' ‘31.! attention given to investments. m: Dominion Bank, corner 0! “Ham and Kent-M1, Lindsay. R. J. McLaughlin, K. 0.. A. M. Ful- ton, B. A.. James A. Peel, '1‘. H W63 R. KNIGE’P. Barrister. So: “at“, Notary Public, solicitor for Mars Bunk. representing Water- lao uutual Fire Insurance 00., a! ““100; Federal Li's Assurance ’80.. of Hamilton. Empire Acci- w and Surety 00., of London. (ht. Office over Farmers Bank. op- podte post office. [393153 fiflmfigfifin WAR? 6: Maxim flamm; Mia, ate; Haney is was a m lwesgeumm Megan 98% mag Gmefiemsi mm and f '8 AND HOPKINS, Barris- bi-E-m:_tzpnnm Nntnnr Public. etc. M USKRATS '0! column-o It. Vanuatu. OM IE MEWSIGNFHT is prepared to loan money on farm. town. and vil- .!.go property. at verv lowest rates 0! interest. Company or private (undo. I am always ready to buy mortgages. I. E. WELDON. gnod solicitor. ate. Milne Mock. Lindsav. “"" ""7 “II'IWHH y" n I .~ ..,. , raw Mm. fl numnmnnhn mhcflm. Write fur my Intuit prlw lint. 33,”; mars. clerk. Oakwood. Fin «rent. issuer of man-i: Canveyancing in all its \m I um and mum Monuments Wonk. Crown and bridge out. The Wild extraction of “I under gas (Vitalized air) and 1h. insertion of the best artificial “tux-es continue to be a. specialty {I this olfice. Oxfice nearly opposite b Simpson house. Mill doing business in the same old “and but. not. in thesame old way. We {came with the times and are in a amnion to do better work than ever. New designs. new granites. new and wroved tools and methods. in fact. Gin most up-to-dah Marble and Gran- ue Works in this part of Ontaria Get our prices and see our de sign: ”; A...v-_a --_V' m. Solicitors, Notary Public. etc. “tenors Im- Bdrhk of Montreal. [my to man on team to suit meter. (matesâ€"6 Milim stunt web Lifids'ay.0flt. (3111. flag: (as K 64 Hawkins 9- A. Alnys religble. Purely Vegetsble. Snmfl and any to take Mandrake Liver Pilts| I B. WELDON. Shop and show rooms 11 «k 18 fun- racist... immediately north of Fire m dem- m WM WNW 0m: Wimuu m. = Lindsay Lou Wicks“ ww 5mm "Mm fnr MI thr m.“ n “mummy-m}.- nnhdhéd. Macy to Loan Barristers. etc . YAI‘FE . Mariposa township JOd, Fire Insurance of marriage licenses. r, billionsheu “a Mon. 0th gamma may ta was as Big ea 98% EF Rene ans reams? E; A __________â€"â€"â€"-â€"- / gigs M m Human f’gh? 1mm: 313$?" énslifign forms at'e‘d 1m I wish to publicly thank friends of the family for the many kindnesses shown and expressions of‘ sympathy during the trymg hours or our re- cent bereavement. Mrs. Charles Fairbairn. PENNY POSTAGE. CARD 0F THAN KS. Post-master-General Hitchcock, or Washington. U.S.. is Confident that “penny letter postage" is a proba- bility of the near future as me re- sult of reductions in the “7.000.000 postal deficit. which existed when he took charge of the Postomca Depart.- dnent. He made a. statement. to this ’eiiect in ackhnwlodging letters re- cently received regarding the postal situation. Ai‘i‘lliliN'l‘ALIA‘ KILLED. Last Sunday. (zurdoh Schell. the amen-ymr-um mm of Mr. and him.1 mm. Srhuli. of Schgug. \whi Mar in sisit his chum. the young mm of Mr. mm Mrs. Lani Mus-9mm. ’l‘he twn mm Mhmn want hut tn the barn in him. “Md Mfume mm: ihvy iuhhii Mia anhmm's huh. H. him hwu Mi m ihu harm whm H. mm hwh nuui hi shim! imrh Hm. Mr; NOW hhmih hmi imrmfld hi ink» it hi Hm human. hm. Maui; "l‘hn Mm mu: inmiwk mi msmhnw Min» Hm him mm Mnmmw Hm mama n. \WM mi. Hui mm «mm: "m minim“- {13; 3'“ 31””! me" ya! 55533 if“? mnan burs! new I: L.3b'ting’a bbflfi “SH 8 fHHH H him»? a {l}; igH agifexé’m PM?!» r56"? m1 Hfififi gaff “Egg m h mg ”F?“ ‘3??? ”a“??? .m- 31% succeedr when other methods hi1. Cuticun Soap and Oigtment have been unlly cflective In the treat-'- ment torturin . disfiguring out! humora and the ' loss of lag which so often results. 1' example. read how George E. Jeflerson, 1518 Bend St. Philadelphia. tells of his remarkable we: Min? 5919 ’I'o prevent dry, thin and falling hairnmmoye dandrufl'. 8118! itching and Irritation of the gulp. and Pro' mote the growth and beauty“ the hair, frequent shunpoos with Cutl- curnfioop. assisted by occasion“ dressmgs with Cuticura Ointmgqt. Falling Ham ‘sfij 3! V mung- tinvdun :fihuu was: mu \va hem mm mm mmmga hm! mnmy (when! ”w Waw afinw: Thu mm “opium hf-ifia‘fi “mm mm mm mmutw wmhwys um um“ Men M 9m in mum-a Hka mm. mm is .80 3mm» um it imam 9M M iii fin Mix m film-N, find the BMW M M! wummun m the mu wh'wh is me first was of the WWW: Maryhmiy sympathim win the her-emu! family and with the family M whuse home the tvmedy occurred, fflleontrutdahavyooldwhichlefl movithshnckingcoughmdeveryfim mam “imfic‘ikemfifl “Mme... OI Itkoptongdtingxm “05:3“le 9__ ARRâ€"‘L _.AA 'fffâ€" " in “tin worse ind I hp “fig money uyin; difl‘enut at media until a friendhdjli me. Contracted a Heavy Cold. It Became a Lung Splitting Cough. §."iw.1;i";.n;\ flunk him ahmm "m LEW-.1851WA" Vancouver. Bohcaygeon; April 28.-â€"The' sudden death of Mr. Charles Foirboim ‘ in Toronto came as a. great shock W ;to- the village‘und community. Except for the past‘ few years Hr. Fan-helm has lived for nearly half a. country in the township of Verdun. where his mme became lmown in every household and by large and small alike, not only in Vet-alum. but in Bobcaygeon, Harvey and the whole country as well. He has been be- fore the public since 1868, when he first entered the township council nt [Vex-111mm, first as couhcllor. than New; in 1378, which with the ex- ‘eeptiuh of a yearwr so he held coh- uhuously an 1890. and during whim tithe us 18% he was waffle'h or the bounty. th 1990 he Mt the all to the larger" helium afahd aha HE: seated the (‘hhséH-atm nomination in? M; t‘; M sauth Hemm; Bill met llelt‘flt at thh hillltlfi ht‘ :l:Utl§§ M‘IMH‘E; h‘ ms llllhlhké not this; @hsmmh was maimed amt wan Jay m: #‘sllrhmm; and hill the lllksnllh mm m’ Hm Huuhp huh again; hmk: the? {hm- §lFfiRUllll§ elusihm mm: “ME-".32" in nuts mm Mmulfl a mum: his: “fill “Maw angular- wim m9 "autumn; M! M: NH? m’wn mm him when! “ The l‘flnuls‘es l‘hhrl‘wz“ “mm his lung man! as h mum.- vhml cmmcilur- and hwmher m‘ unr- linnwnt hows this stntamem m": we always umk .8 keen interest in municipal matters and qus {mumm- ly on the hustings at municiunl numinatinns in recent years. and mm: will regret his unexpected de- misc more than his hosts of friends in \‘erulum and linhcaygeon. 'l‘hc svlluols have re-opened after the Easter holidays With the tench- ers all in their places again and ready for the last final pull. Iv“ Mr. William Freeman completed the JI’NKINâ€"In the township 0' V9,“- sale of his house on Monday to Wm. lam; on Friday. March 17' 1911. l’u'dy 0‘ "9mm“- the wife if Mr. '1‘. l.. .lunkin. a Mr. Wm. Lyle. of North "minim, son. who is in poor health. has lie-used his farm to Geo. W. Bick..and‘ held an auction sale of his stock and chuttels.‘ Good prices were realized. Mr. Lyle is moving to town h-ere. KENNEDYâ€"At (:lennrm. on Wed- Mr. Edward Arnhcrg and hrs son . . ,. . . ncsday. April 1.2, 1911. tho mic Harry. havmg deemed to see the . _ - of Mr. Wm.l\onne(i3. a son. great west. left yesterday for Sas- , katoon. Mr. Arnhem experts to be HADLEYâ€"At Penelon Falls, on away for the summer. Monday. April 24. 1911, the wife The tennis club was organized on or Mr. Herb. Hadley. a nun. Monday evening. with Dr. H. 0 llnyll as president and Frank John- son as secretary. The grounds are Convenient. next to the tire hull. and a good summer‘s npurt in already anticipated. Fees for gentlenmn are 'sammmvn Bil. lmllvn 0L ....... MANUALâ€"At Fem-Ion Falls. on Tuesday. April 11. mm. the wife of Mr. E. B. Manuel, a daughter. HARRISONâ€"At l‘owlon' Power. on 'l‘ucuuluy. April 25. Hill. the Mic of Mr. ’l‘hos. Harrison. n nun. Verulam Mourns Loss of Late Chas. Fairbaim We understand arrangpmemn have how emoml IMu whereby me Agri‘ rnltm-M Huvk‘u- mks- nwr Hm run. Mm nr Minn (wr‘n ahw rur Hw mm r The Ross Rll'les Mum Hm «mom mum-“mm m- mm M Hut prmwmwl 0! mm».- mum m. mmw an Rummy. Apr-u 5M. Hm mummy; my: ellimwalg “0“. “HM; “UH“I‘N Mild “W \‘“3‘ mm mm HMlhuvuma " ‘ «mm m m a “mm“ M the Mlulnm a! Mum «M hme (Fm- Erwin-wk Mar-um); l Mus m sunning- inkea (mm Anna and Qwhssivm' \ mum; 4mm. 1811-. TM ii a magmas denim: mm mm and mum; m: mmmmn generally: Tin Man 19 mm *Ohiwar-y 0i Lewfinfiem.‘ and ma atMmtm “ii _..;I In immcmvma me “mg mm: mm. Mr». Rhianna sweat the «um: mm at a new rifle is new Gamma! onnaideminn. and that; as mun as a pattern had ham detamined “pun it would he subjemd kn test» and at: per-imam 0mm Qqumhope ask- ,u._ man-la in n ed whether reference was made to a magazine at an automatic rifle and Mr. Haldane replied: 'A museum rifle. oi course. The automatic rifle is years away 3m. and ii wa waited lot it. I run" we should have to wait 5 vely 10‘ tim' “ I desire to ask the Minister of Militia. and Balance. in view at the ‘grent success which he: attended the Long Ross rifle. «how his in- tention to draw the attention 01 the British government to the hut tint the Canadian ROI. rifle.“ nay po- in the world.” - su- Frederick Bordenâ€"I think would scarcely venture to so no for u that. But I! my opinion were Enshnd. I ghouls! be glad to u- pross my entire “Wanton wit?! the work done by the Ross rifle. noocammrssmup. m.Brodiumupmduntx-yat8 \wultewmclosaddown Hound: overaoowomotmnp.mtm- mummymgmmmmm- mmmmrmmwuum mum. mm.» at m. with my isod'mu «at: it ma. winemammml. UNDSAYv 88 Wed in any country are Unequalled KENNEDYâ€"At (:lennrm. on Wed- nesday. April 12. 1911. the wife of Mr. Wm.Kcnned_v. a sun. HADLEYâ€"At I-‘onelnn Falls, on Mnnday. April 24. 1911, the wife of Mr. Herb. Hadley. a nun. HARRISONâ€"At I‘nwlos' Pnrnor. on 'l‘umduy. April 25. 1911. the wife of Mr. Thus. linn‘lmm. n mm. m“\VEth-O‘IJGARYâ€"M Hmlauy. HUM- hy \‘pn. Amhdvumn (‘m-ny. um ”‘0 Mummy. Apr" 24. mm. L. M. “)3“ mum". nf Hunkomnm. m Mur- Hm mm «mm». dmmhmr uf HI. "mm and." n‘lmrx. M Pun Arnunr. |"“'“" itnrml .H‘NKW .â€" JI‘NKIN‘ nu \\'mlnM-,IIMM "M. AM“ in. M Hm n-Ilulnmm «(inn m Hm hrldu‘n gmwmn. M Hm mm. Mr. N. W. Iz‘uMm. “mum mum". nmi‘hmw Hum» auukm. unwhm ul‘ Mum mm lut Mum». mm M \‘annm. Mu tb‘hthNaM\"H.--\\ Hm “mum h*“”|\§“ ”NH“; “3! ”Q“ ““V; U. H; M“ USN. “znu 0R WMHNMMM A‘“‘“ H“ mm NHL Mr; me I‘mMMWfl‘N WNW“ mm Mm hum Hw-wmm‘fi‘“ “win. all u? the mwmmu M Plum: "8“ ' 9M mm mm: mm M‘M‘fifi = HWHMMNM‘HN :3“ m: Pine firm-m \‘flmwh lw the mm MM 0: 8.. mm MM an Wednesday hum AB?“ “en“: W“. “Va Thflflz J: “g“ “"3?“ and Miss “9‘4““ MN game fie‘havmmm an at the mwnsmp m“ 9! “drum; “m1 DIRECT EVIDENCE FROM NOVA SCOTM Numerous Case: oi Kidney Disease Cured by Dodd‘s Kid ney Pills will not. cm mung in ‘ mu: Pen-y. u. "I balk in"! u! am can ind t I-- u- v vâ€"v. mung in ms mun 1. m. Still-ll". w. a. 1mm. or any. Au... man Petty. "Yea.” Ir. Perry “Mr had two Ions. 3m 0. all Harry, as. “I helium Dodd's Kidney I'm! no kn to mm ”In loss 0! skim! are u! that is claimed 101‘ than. as" m mm am up! gm, m, can m1 name“ «mi his flW- 3W w 3 mm mm or 1 neat to» m Ma mm mm m mm m. m «m m um um M it!“ he“? ##1me Lux‘um ink; Anni IR. STILLMAN PERRY ADDS HIS EXPFRIENUE TO THE MANY THAT HAVE (EVEN RISE 1‘0 lidmy BIRTHS satin trimmed with braid and «lurh- ens point and «tried a benutiml bouquet of hrhfnr r0005. Minn Com Slmcnn. daughter at Inuit-rm} W -H. Masons. 0! Linda». acted as mm 0! Man: uni won t v-ry pm Hv Swiss omhmklend mulle. alm‘ earning a human «I pink cumu- PVRVISâ€"MOORE. A quiet and pretty wcdqmg of in- terest to Lindsay people was solemn- ized at. ('annington on April man. at the restdenco of :ev. Cum- er, when his sister-in-law. Miss S. L. Moore, formerly of Lindsay, was united in marriage to Mr. W. H. Purvis. of the am“: town. The happy eVenl was sunomnizod at Emir o'clock in the presence of only a few friends g the contracting parties. The hrmc. who was unattended; was costumed in a prefix white duchmus n humlmmw mom Marvin-L 'l‘hv unnam- wm- lm‘nll,‘ amm- mm mm \nrlnuu Hmin M fluwvrs. pulmn nml Nmn. nml «Nor mu wr- Imrmmu M Hm MMMM m-mnnu a lilMMy mum». mn- mflnkm m‘ us {MI pan 'I‘ho nhmm‘n [m n humlmmw mm! “in mu! Ml“. I‘mwin Mi "M « Immgimmm lrlii in "Ni‘l‘hiil‘u MM Mlm- iminin mm M ”WW Nihll‘li “in in» up wniimmi m i‘mmimiun, mm H \M. Mia l‘. -\. Himimh M \I, RMNH‘P PM“ “ii! in Mimiw 'Nulmim m WNNHH‘ Hm NMN‘M iii in: “MM“; Hm hm mini ilmn. Mi Ml‘liiilitw im- iiw iuiiuwmu wivmwu in m. “V mime H Aimiiwr- wr-i MHMNI iimiii wmmwi ‘i‘umim imwmuu iiiwu Ml‘; I'm Niiiih mw ui lint him iuiuwn William:- ui‘ iiw mm mm M im- himw «m iliuly Hill: Aiihmmii iw mm “m hm in u-umi mun fur fiuma iima ha umuwi in be immune mill and on Muminx «Handed Hie hi- nami at Mu (IN iriemh Mr: W: K: i‘mxn. mar- which in: mm the ew- n‘mq iii his own Mme. and mired iii am «mix Mar. Inn iii (unr- u‘oiwk‘ “outed his mm and asked m have the doctor .80!“ ion who on avrimi at the Maidpl hand all Morin to mom him unauiiiml. and lie lived but a «lion time. Mr. Ram in the int one at the old families at the 'WM‘W. and had twelve brothers and litters. who W him. his mind the m a! umtyvflve your: and um mouths. and leave- on son Hr. J.’S. W. NI vita having Minnvillo. Alta" and formerly of Lindsay. Ontario, died on lurch 81. gm! u: illness of shoot ton «ya. Ir. Shannon contracted . cold which Moped into monk. and not. was of . mutt! constitution. this druid din-u- ptown am. A nor- rowflc was.” two Mm. In. w mu- oc‘ um. um J AS. L. SHANNON. UBI'I‘UARY m the hrhh- “an ,, a. resident at I MRS. G. 1-2 TAYLOR. The many friends will be shocked to hear oi the sudden death of Mrs. (l. F. Taylor. nee 1.in Knight, sec- ond daughter of the late Imc lKnight, of l-‘enelon township. Some Itwo months ago she underwent an operation tor cancer. but it was found that nothing could he done. an the deadly i‘lhren had nlmdy grown through the hovel: and no hope was held out foe her recovery. the end coming on the 9th 0! April {at her own home near Mommin. ‘Snnku her M". In. biennium. helm: in attendance. Decent-ti was well knnwu tn Fen-telnet Veils. being it time-maker in? e number ni yearn. ulnu a member oi the ehutr unti an uettt-e memher amt wetter in the Methmitet ehueeh. She tenet: tu muuru hee tune it imtuu huetmmt. umther. twu hmthere nut three ete- tere. tit: Mn. Meituuuht. Alnumn: i Mr. Juhtt Khltht. tintetuee: nhtt hire. it. fluytt. let». the muthet‘. ltuuw ntut innate tit-tun uh the uht ttutuentmt me tutti-mu tirme. ’the mutilue wee Iuteemi ih Muuvmuuu the husinese men and citizens. tie has lived in Lkndssy for about forty years, having come to town when a mere. boy. He married Miss ““133. of the east ward, who survives him. 'l‘wo adopted children, Mrs. R. Wil- lxams and one younger girl at home also survive him. “MM "'5' (‘AMMflON-LMLLMA‘; ‘I‘M mm“: m MM “ulwu Nam mum. dam-hm M HF: mmm mum. and m: Mm Mao: (‘nikm Mme-ma at Rem-mm. wan Mehmm M m hum at me Mide‘u mm. mm: H. N. “ohm. 46 M: when“ at mmvmo. m “w, W: it 11‘ 11mm parlanutm "m we: mm! ‘i‘A \‘ I MR-WNLHH. A quiet weddtnl was mlemnimt at two o‘clock on Wednesday. at the warden“: at Archdeacon W803. when Miss Mariam Welsh. at town. he- cum the wits of Mr. Robert Taylor. at Turonm. tormrly at Formica Full. and mm. The bride was ably “saluted by Mia. May uuh'anoy while Mr. um Nwlor performed the duuu of vacuum. The happy couple left on the 9A0 train for Fouolou Falls. when a wedding d9 Mwmbbcvd‘tthehmnt the noon“ pmnu. Returning an: evening any will have (or their mum hone in Toronto. where Mr. Taylor DESTROYED BY conducts a tensor“! pal-10:. “YMHNKM gaMany Bars Go 5| Out of Business 1n addluon to these sixtymo. a nymber of “new urn lwmg mm drum In vuloun othnr plnm by the Net-Ilse communication- m mp0!!! to mutton- .nd prawn” and 1mm ‘0' "new Muctmn lvyvlnwn. Alh- I‘thfl‘ omr Gig-My llcmwp MM h ,ch on. At 7 o'clock to-night the bars in no less than twentv-six towns, vil- lages and townships in Ontario will go out of business as a result own local option contests lasl January. After Mny 1 this year there willho fewer liquor licenses issued in On- tarlo than ever before. less eve than when ehe Scmt Act was la force. In twenty-six places low option hall reaped the fruits of the content. and not. 1; single municlpnh My prevlouuly won will no back :to license No less than sixty-five ll- eenlel will be quashed alter Mny l. and .I thnt d‘y tulle on a Sunduy. to-dny in the 1.31 du' on “him M will ext-t. 'flfl-WDAY. HAY 4th, 1911 BALM It!“ mmnmm s \uju'um. 1‘.“ "HWMNI‘ M“ m wum-d mm M“ of “on“? .m! dunnmmu MI»- MM In mm m mm M www- Hmt nu amen wmgmm «mm m MM t” “3‘ ”I!!! «M» Nahum» wm M Wx N‘ H! nmum New Mm mm m! MN I mumw (mm H... MW mum “mamas. .wrmmma m WWW A“ Md“! m tam-h «WWW WW§ m MOM. NM wa CIIH‘ “nu“ 9' ““0 9F QMBHIMMWM «r W“ fur “Manna «f m hm h m MI aim um um "w m m n mmmx 9mm and u u mm u \qu box BEAVER (JUN-(NM Edmflnhm. Wednesday! AW“ “"- QWI‘ muy (‘MHHH- 3:: I” n times on “Y'- had ‘ My doctor '0“ “x ugcucumck of £an , W“ I win the h weeks. but was xmc'y “t: . but was when I left it. law dunes Oullnu Melon Faun. the on“) u w, “W M Mw mm M 'u u MW“ “ furuwl‘l! pay-u, v MIN“ mm “f t” Ar- 91“ ' . 54th YEAR. W W W it. Hmuuuuu-n 11.4: m Itl‘lin indufm: umn u I m, w m the 8385 hun\~ I - '3‘“ Buy 605' if [Mbbhlhlu' in! “I manta mt (m on ”w m. w M yuu can. Rumunnmr \lml » m m ““451 h) gum] [limin- ”w“. ”d dun! Column Hu ’* d 'Ol'kil‘ far into Ihv nlghl H «In. wondering why \uur mm. t“ “w 4000, and 50!) fm‘l hv ' A the next day. All “he reasonable precaution 1| Illa-elm «on, because m ." Vitflity.1‘or each tum , fin 3 tiny bit. of youth an: “VIM Caper. for ............ 30c. 4 w Showing of Tapestry ling fawn and wow! (in: No _ 4 edofifigs, regular 5mm, mu. m ’43. in thin. green and (\fi 1“ “.00; Sale .................... It“ WA m Hunk unh m m‘w. wk“ Hahn hm ‘0 “W" My Mom-um “um w MN“ Mm 0mm “mu. u «that .Mu‘h HI: Mum “ M mm Hum «qu Ni “MUN“ [“0 «mm N. “is War-N- Wm . w m 5".“Hfil «ml . m‘ My M‘fl «M «a ihhihtvl m u HI! uflu- MN": .--m uh mm“; “‘NN" “NFL in ‘- m may; M nnu' m4 m Q‘; Militants (u' khan m u M flu Mung. h M mu your mud: n. 4...; M W "Mt you mu 1 M g d”... "COHc‘gn I my" M” by elm Mismw Uhu‘ OI‘ M Dixon was mnvh .- M nu Inllmmtl h)’ n \mw ‘ M‘Mthv ‘I“\ "'1 ”NH!“ “.09 find I. uph‘mihl :lmnnnu ‘ m I‘Wn‘hm nl‘ n Inn! { fit mun», h3- Mrn Hn- . \1 'w ”'0. “S “HI! HIIINHHH ‘ OWN“. \wrr mum uHh M “Q. INM‘ \‘hh‘h cm v m “I [Cum h) MN H n“Bow ‘0 “Nu \nmow W M 'ulltou'u : 3:834 N8; Regular 581.3”, 2,; Wig” it} ham and g! 7â€"im “gl§n§§‘9::;:;...; ..... ”$97 Eufi in '3‘?” MIIH ‘W “10:78; swim.” 499' ' in “MM“: 1‘... '18; Cfiez:::::::::::::: ‘ {WW Swir “441m! in ground, regular 5544, ML mun, Hay ISLâ€"Ono of NW nu MU] meetings of the “tuna Institute Was held at tho humn I”. NC“ HcDonald on \VQ‘dhh‘s‘iM" man kit. A large numbv-r W were in attendanm‘f \m CH number was noticed Mn 1'“ bell and lira. Stone. (l‘rmuivn .100, mu Ross. Secretary ”2' 'OO‘V‘HQ brunch. After ”1" rug! Ina-1m wu transacted. Hm r“; Will ha plgaied to have a A mu Mum “m“. “a some special values in thus k. These specials in ”cm! M you Two aids the simplest and . A woman “ho ' fibuoxious de- ‘ m doctor, at » tunes. finds It two remed- Carpets, Men 0? pure ‘W, ‘or flesh m tit-bind keep How To Ke 3.“ every illne W'ution E m a INN' ’0? ‘ (Mrs \ “M Ulll‘ mtllat m 30c. 400 WFVE (10‘ ”II It 1f

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