rm mm. -ti "W Cred ' '1‘ dors- Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario the creditors of Daniel W. late at the Village of themes in the County 01 Victoria. ï¬lm. deco-sod. who died on or about the 16th day of April, 1911, monorbefore the12thday of June. next. 1911, to send by prepaid to Richard J. Grandy of the said Village of Omemee, Executor of the said Daniel Hwy. deceased- their christian and surnames. addres- 08! and descriptionS. the full particu- lars of their claims. and the nature of their securities. if any, held by than. The said Executor shall af- ter the 12th day of June next, be of. liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased or any part there- of among the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any persOn or whose claim such exe- cutor has not notice at the distri-: bution thereof. LEIGH R. KNIGHT. Solicitor for the Executor. Richard J. Grandy. - Dated at Lindsay. this tenth day of Key. A.D.. 1911. lownship of Emily COURT OF RBVISIONï¬' Notice is hereby given that the ï¬rst sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Emily will be held in the “Commercial Hotel Sam- ple Room" in the Village of Omemee on Tuesday, the 80th day of May. 1911. at ten o'clock a..m. All interested parties will themselves accordingly. govern Omemee, May 10. 1911. Richard J . GraDCY. I l l 'l‘inon. 1 in. mum or REVISION; The Municipal (‘ouncil of the (‘orâ€"l , : this week. poration of the township of Garden: - . . . . I Will meet as a (.vourt ()1 Revision at' No. 2 School House, on Saturday, May 27, IS)" at the hour of 10 o’clock 21411.. to hear and decide all appeals againstI the assessment of the township of‘ Garden for the year 1911, which. have been ï¬led with the clerk at the proper time. JOHN WALSH, a 'l‘p. (‘l-crk. t'ardcn. May 1G, 1911. post {life and mg.†.I.!‘ ,' m. Kay 15. - m at the farmers around here ..r'e thiough seeding. Some of them soy that this has been a goal! spring the ï¬elds worked up so well. ’ Mr. Arthur Wicks. formerly barber here who went on a. trip to the Old Land to visit his relatives has re- turned. bringing with him his uncle and family who intend to try‘ Can- ada for a while. We wish them success in their new surroundings. On going to the stable one morning last week Mr. Ernest Fallis found one of his best horses lying dead. It. appears it had got the tie rope about its neck and hung itself. . The well-known horse. Pentland. owned by Mr, R. Weir of Gamma died last week. Although three duetors were present nothing coold be done to save it. It will be a big loss to the owner. Mr. John Steele. brook is coming to Bethany Tuesday through the summer. Mr. E. Tirson. dentist. who has been here for the last two years has gone to Whitby to take up work. Although we are sorry to lose him we wish him every success in his new stand. The Bethany football team went to Peterboro on Saturday last and were defeated 1 to. 0. The Same team will play here on the 24th of May when we expect to have the biggest day Bethany has ever had. .-\ gante oi baseball will be played. Gav-anville vs. J anetville when a prize of $10 in cash will be given to the winner. There will be all kinds of races. Meals will be served in the town hall. Brasss band in at- tendance. Admissxon 25c and 15c. Mr. Cavano died here this morning at 2 o'clock a.m. Mr. Hartley is moving his house onto the lot he bought from Mr. L. Mr. Frank. Hamilton is 1110"- g into part of Mr. L. 'l‘inon's house until he gets his own built. Mr. W. McCartney is moving to Mr. Wetherell's house. Mr. James Mc- Kinnon is moving up to his farm all jeweller of Mill- every SAGEINE CURES DANDRUFF :IT ISSQL‘) Ni†ll )1. GAN’S ~GUARANTEE OR MONEY BACK lmndrut‘" is a hair destroyer and SAGI'ZIVE is the only preparation that will positively kill the destruc-: the little germ, SAGEIXE will bring beauty to dull faded hair "lund make it grow in thick and luv- acomn or REVISION! 'JOWNSflIP 0F MARIPOSA Notice is hereby given that. the Court ol Revision to hear from the assessment of the Munich! pality of llziriposu for the year} 1911. will be held in the townshipl hall. (lukwooll, on Saturday, June 3, 1911 at pm. \\'l€l.lu LV. ('lerk. .I. ll. llalx’WHIHl, L‘ltly l3l, lllll. ‘â€" 'I‘HFZ [MI‘ORTED TYPICAL CLY lll‘lSDALE STALLION 5278. (11678). ’01. XXV., the property of John Aldous and John uriant. Sageine grows beautiful hair soft and fluffy. It is a most delightful dressing ; it is not sticky or greasy and is daintily perfumed. Get a large bottle toâ€"day from .‘Phil- ip Morgan. only 500. We know you will realize how well you spent the appeals 'smull amount. ...-M KIRKFIBLD. Kirkï¬cld. May 15.â€"Mrs. 'l‘. and Master Stanley llushton left on llrown :Mondny Inst for Mine Centrc. where they intend making their home. 111'. A. A. gangster and Mr. Alex. f'Qngsler and Mr. McGuire motored from 'l‘renton and spent Sunday with his wife and family. Mrs. A. A. Sangster. Mr. H. l'ampliell. oi \"omlville, spent Wednesday in our town. Mr. and Mrs. A. ll. Mnclcnh and children spent subtler 1n tlnhwoml. Mr. W; ill. Mcllnc. or Unkmmll. spent shimmy here. Mrs. t‘. it. lldfhs returned home on ‘l‘lmrarlni mum. lest alter at: mulling" the funeral of lust lather. Mr. Paul of laï¬hnllnlll: Ml‘: MacDonald. ul ‘l‘nvuum. is spending a few days with his tun: sin. Mr. 1‘. ll. Mdi‘lllllmlll: ...â€"W FILES CURED at HOME my New Absorption Methods ‘ If‘ you suffer item bleeding. itching, blind or protruding Sykes' . will make the season as foil-i Piles. send me Your address. and 0‘8 2 Wednesday - Will leave his stable. McArthur House, Falls, and proceed to John Jackson's Fendon, for noon; thence to Glen- arm for night. Thursday â€" Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain ua~ til the following Wednesday morning. TERES â€" $12.00. 8. large bills for description .nd pedigree. own I will tell you how to cure yourâ€" self at home by the absorption Fem‘m‘l treatment; and will 8150 send some of this home treatment free for trial, from your own locality if re quested. _ Immediate relief anrl permanent cure assured. Sen'l no. money but tell others oi this of! g ' ’~ rite to-day to Mrs. ".Box 263Wind_sot. Three Perfect Flours , Star (For Bread and Pastry King of Patents (For Bread) Lily (For Pastry) ‘ 01F- ,HADE IN LINDSAY «(-3 andey the makers... CHICAGO. In! lt-m salt under tree salllns in the last We! the session toâ€"day. The decline was cellul- dent with talk by a prominent operator that crop respects in this country could hardly be tter. and that a fall 0! 10¢ a bushelitroinmprcisent values 933:0“: take p see. on as figures w re I‘m as last night to ï¬e down. Final trades left corn “c off to a shade changed to 50c to 'Ac higher. ducts less expensive by we to me. â€126:! filmmwlhmsrket er an y . and 56d higher on corn. Antwerp closed lower on wheat. Buds Pest 55c higher. “rim“; higher. Berlin closed unchalle- Winnln-o Options. Close. Op'en. rich. Low. dose. Wheatâ€" ‘ May ..... “it 5% ms 5 Q July ..... 96% 98% 961‘. one 5% Get. .... 83% 89 0% M 33% ....Gï¬â€˜lt .... 85% 3% .... .... .... 3% Toronto u'culn Market. Wheat. fall. bulgel.ï¬..i....fl6:b 3.... goose. us .... mushel ............ 0 1° .... Oats. bushel ................:: .... Barley. bushel .... Buckwheat. bushel . 230 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter. store lots ....... ...... 0 11 Butler. separator. dairy. lb. 0 ll Butter. memory. 1b. rolls.. 0:: Butter. cannery. solids. 0 n new-laid .............. 0 l! . c I“ ......D...I....... o I“ Honeycomb; com ......... a lo ... Honey. extracted. lb......... 0 3 Liverpool Grain and Produce- LI'VERPOO my idâ€"Clodnthha‘ 490: my: . 1 red western winter. no stock; No. 2 Manitoba not quoted: No. 8 Manitoba. 7- id; futures. firm: May. h ‘uxa; July. 0s um; Oct" Us 0d. Flour. winter patents. 37a Gd. Hope in London (Pacific Coast). it h to £6 ts. Beefâ€"Extra Ind-la meal. 87a Id. Porkâ€"Prime mass western. 78s 9d. Hamsâ€"Short out. it to 16 lbs., Ms. Racerâ€"Cumberland cut. 8 to so lbl.. its 6d: short ribs. 16 to 36 lbs.. nominal: clear bellies. it to 16 lbs.. 50- 6d; long clear middles. light. 28 to 81 lbs.. 52:; long clear mlddlea. heavy. S to 40 lbs.. 60a; short clear backs. to to 20 lbs.. 47s; shoulders. square. 11 to 18 lbs.. «2- 6d. CheesFC‘anadlan finest white and col- and new. 573 6d: Canadian finest white old. 62s 6d; Canadian finest colored old nominal. Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL. May ldâ€"There was some demand from foreign buyers for Manl- toba spring wheat. but as the prices bid were fully 6d per quarter under cost no business was done. The demand for oats continues to be fair. but the volume of business doing ls smaller t‘or export account. The local market is steady at the recent decline in prices. A fair busi- ness is passing in spring wheat flour for local and country account at steady prices. Oatsâ€"Canadian weStern No. 2. 4115c to the car lots ext-store: extra No. 1 feed. 41c to 4155c: No. 3 C.W.. 40%0 to 41¢: No. 2 local white. 40c to 40360: No. 3 local 31113:. 39% to 40c; No. 4 local white. 38560 0 S . Dressed hogs (abattoir). 89.50 to $9.75 per 100 lbs. Beefâ€"Plate, half barrels. 100 lbs. 88.5; bsxrels, 200 11‘s.. :16: tierces 300 lbs.. $160. Lardâ€"Compound-iierces. 375 lbs.. 9%c: boxes. 50 lbs. net (parchment lined). Me; tube. 50 lbs. net. grained. two handles. 995?: pills. “02d. 20 lbs. net. 9%,c; ’Jn pails. 20 IN. gross. 9c. Porkâ€"Heavy Canada short cut mess. barrels. 35 to 45 piers. 821.50: half-bar- rels. 311: Canada short cut and back pork, 45 to 55 pieces. barrels. 321.50: Can- nda clear pork. barrels. 30 to 35 piecys. 8:0; bean pork. small pieces. but fat. bar- rels, $15.50. Eggsâ€"Fresh. 1855c to 19¢. Cheeseâ€"Westerns. â€Kc. Butterâ€"Choicest. 22¢ to "-"".C; seconds. 210 to 2139c. F CATTLE MARKETS. Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO. May 16,â€"Thc. railways rcport--<l iii} carloads of live. stock at the City Market. consisting of 2116 cattle. i439 hogs, 1244 sheep and lambs, 555) calves and 2 horses. Exporters. There were three loads of exporters sold by linybee Wilson. weighing 1350 lbs. each. at 85.90 per (.‘W'l.: one export bull. 1700 lbs. at 84.90. These sales show that the export prices were about steady with Monday's prices. Butchers. Geo. Rim-ntree bought for the Hart-ll Abattoir Company 500 cattle. as folio I; Heavy steers. $5.70 to that»; butchers. .Q to $5.75; was. 84 to 35.10; hulls at u.†in 35.25. ‘ sneakers and hectare. ‘ 'l‘lw Ilr-nnml l‘u‘r feeders and smells?! icevneul in ma greater than the su bl}. as there new a lm‘z'u number†or _ ar'mer‘s n twin! lunmnu to gel a sllmllyfur His! mama. slumzhmlrcmiel-s .llllln .551 minim-lg{bullets . l_lu 1d Ills. earn. .sn to lawn amulet-s. my» in {W lbs; 660“: M in in. and his 11% owl. . Mutter-s and sponge“. ï¬cruwlb’ ul‘ mllknra slllll surmount WM! ml lat-W. nut Ma mu met-list out but hlilzili- litmus l‘illlb'uol ill from lit in is! outli- Veal calves. Wenlcr “mm. WM: lumtilll ilk: hulk M the walrus, l’ulll'll‘luil “Hours as Hillbilly; [l from H to $.50 par- with or- ï¬ll lil'FFiiI at l6 nu. Sheep and Lambs. Wesley lltmu rclmt'ts r1088 as IQIIOWI I Sheen. awn. .35 m in; per 6mg: jail“. hill to ll: 0n arm yearling lambs. little to 6.30: American i‘earllnz lambs at l; per cwt.; spring lambs. $4 to “.50 each. H99“ Selects. fed and watered, are quoted at ONE. and 83.75 f.q.h. cars at country points. but we more was paid in one or two instances. Earl Bllï¬aln Cattle Mar-IMO. EAST BUFFALO. May 16.â€"Cattle-Ra- celpts m. Market active and film. Prime steers. 86.35 to $6.40; butcher grades. with references l3 38.50 to at'ao cue to s. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK. my ltâ€"Beevasâ€"Receipte 156 head. No trading: steady feeling. Calvesâ€"Receipts so hand. ' Harriet steady. Veals. 8 to $7.50: culls. 8 to .950: butter-unlike, nanlnel. Shear and lambsâ€"Receipts rm head. Sheep firm. lambs steady. Clipped shag. 83 to “.75: clipped lambs. 35.50 to 8. : acumen woo . $.25; Virginia springs". Hogsâ€"Receipts moo bead. Iarket tlnn Qt 86.8 to “.15. - Chime Live fleck. CHICAGO. May ltâ€"Cattle-Recclpts es- timated at m: market slow. Beams. 5 o â€.0. Texas steers. 80 to .56: w emsteeraMtoM:stockex-aand feeders. 8.†to 6.50: can and heifers. no to 8.0: calves. w to 8.3. Sheepâ€"Receipts estimated at ammu- ket slow at yesterday's close. Native. :1 Oil: western. as» to 86: yearling; â€was. Intern. I.“ to $0: lambs. natim'fl-flte u; SPRING rmns THE BLOOD WEAK AND uni: svsrmt RUN DOWN â€". moon IS RESTORE!) llrfymase’s Nerve food Just at the time when the buds l are bursting and the birds are chirp- ing merrily in the treetops. many People feel most keenly the debilitat-F ing and enen'uting eflects of indoor winter life. The blood is so thin and that it fails to supply nutrition to the nervous system and to the vital organs. You feel tired. weak and discouraged, appetite fails. digestion is impaired, energy and ambition are lacking. and strange depressing feel- ings come over you. But nature has provided restoratlves to be used at this time of year to form new. rich blood and create new nerve force. These ele- ments are found in condensed and easily assimilated form in llr. Chas- c's Nerve Food. Thousands of men and women have learned to escape this spring depres- sion and weakness and discourage- ment by using this great restora- tlvc. Vitality is increased. strength and confidence return. buoyancy is felt in ï¬ery movement of the body, pal- lor and weakness and disease ghc PIM‘O to the glow of health and vig- Or of mind and body. Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food. the great spring tonic and restorative. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates 62; Co.. Limited. Toronto. watery certain REA BORO. Hell 0'0. May 15. â€" Mr. Thomas O'Neill oi the village has 'ocautifled his prcmiscs, having built a. verandah part way around his house. which adds wry much to the appearance of the place. Mr. Roddy, of Bible Training School. Toronto. arrived here Sat~ urday last to supply as pastor of the Baptist church for the summer months. Miss Priscilla Dundas spent day at home. The carpenters at Miss Moore's l‘arn had to quit work Thursday aiâ€" ternomx and Friday there being such a high wind, it blew the shingles oil the barn Mr. ll. (2. Allan has again started to make cheese. We hope he shall have a busy summer. Mr. [.eslie Calvert has been lately spraï¬ng his apple trees with limeâ€"sulphur. ,lic also scraped the rough bark oil. He will he expect- ing a. nice supply of large apples without worms in them this fall. The sport of cattlhing suckers is over. The boys who like staying- up till three or four o‘clock in the morn- ing will the to get some other job. ...-nâ€"x Sun- bUSy - lllll'Sl‘? lll-ZSTROYEIL (in Friday altclnoon. the house of Mr. John .I. S'mtzcr. oi the (lib ground and almost excryihlng in the house ticslrmwl. .\ spark is suppos- ed to have caused the More and ow mg to lhc â€ironic-dryness the {We named mum headway. ’l‘hc propel-h will: lï¬sllretl for Mann Much pal-- Nelly cuter: the loss. W A lleliN Fillllll'llill Mrs. Mn. slumâ€. ul Hmumw. “an on Willa.) allurmmn the lluclunb of an clumahlc almww- glwn in tumor of Mia's lllllwl Harlin. whose "ml“- Huge takes llllil'd on Max glint. “‘.â€"=*â€"'--_'â€"â€"â€"â€"__: Don’t Pull Out The Gray lllll'S "Pull out one gray h ir and a do:- en will take its place" an old say- ing. which is. to a great extent. true. if no steps are taken to stop the cause. When gray hairs appear it is a sign that nature nwds as- sistancc. It is nature’s call for help. Cray hair, dull. lifeless hair. or hair that is falling out, (a not necessarily a sign of advancing age, for there are thousands of elderly people with perfeCt heads of hair without a. single streak of STAY- Whengrayhairscome.orwhenthe hair seemsto be lifeless or dead, some good, reliable, hair-restoring treatment should be resorted to at once. Specialists say that one ofthe best preparations to use is the old- ' "8‘80 tea," which our grandparents used. The best prepar- ation of as. kind is Wyath’s See. and Sulphur Hair Rowdy. c prep- aratiOn of domestic sage and sulphur “HHIWHJJ'EN 'l‘ll‘l‘lt’ l'llJilV’l‘ldll ilb‘l‘WL‘lfllln- ‘l‘he Wumhillu branch of the man's meeting in the town hall, on 'i‘hurs- day, May 11. on "Cleanliness of iiomc Surround- lugs," France. on “Dress as an expression of pers- onality." that is worth special men- tion. which added greatly meat of the program. ing oilicers were elected : Presidentâ€"Mrs. John Campbell. Vica-Pres.-â€"Miss McSweyn. 2nd Vice-Pres.â€"Mrs. Wm. Newman. Sec.-Treas.â€"Miss Moss and Stone. District Directorâ€"Miss Ray. COURT .or REVISION 'lGet‘in'lline, gentlemen, or the processiOnvwill move on WithOut- ants to be the last man New Spring Suit. Some men must be leaders, but the others mustn't get too. far in the rear or they'll be lost Slght of. Hark to the Band I Men's Spring Suits in handsome one, two and three button models. Tailoring the best the man ufacturer’s can produce. New coloring in grays, olives and browns. Every suit an e xample of perfect suit making. Our prices range from $6, $8, $10, $12, up to $20. Now is the best time to make selections, for the , choice is good. The clmhes you buy here will pay you a big divi- dend in satisfaction. Underwear # It’s the time of the year to change underwear again. The careful man will change gradually, and a medium ... weight at the present time is the safest. For Now We’ve Merino and Balbriggan Underwear is just the right weight. Splendid values from a splendid mill. all sizes from 32 to 50, at 25c to $2.50 per garment. You’ll timl us ready to supply, in any size, any underwear want that you may 4 “lily l'wlllll‘e B.‘ J. GOUGH WHERE Till GOOD OOI‘HII OOMI FROM, Wm: lime been issued for a new LINDSAY ’ l .nului Mr John terms nl amt slur-Hull in Nova smile. l‘ullluu‘ growing “eater. am: I... ......n am in June ll. \HlMl'iNâ€˜ï¬ lMi‘ll’ Wu- lnstitule held their annual An excellent paper J as. paper was g ven by Mrs. Mrs. Stone gun: a. llowins sang a solo to the enjoy- 'l'he follow- Mrs. Miss musicâ€"or ops critical, ~80tice is hunbygiven that the courtofnevtsion'tohearanddecide appealsfromtheassaamcn’ tof the township of Ops for the year 191:1. will he-‘heldintheclerk'somce. I: l ||l|lll= Every Fabric t'n everything in no for Spring and ‘ the midst of so . is well Every Woman C Lindsay she to See New ranges Off-214.911.», in stripes. c.’ .... Signs, in 3.. . . Best English 1’ 'int- stripes am '.;_ other Colo: spot will n .~ White India/Linux; from pot“ '1: ; Ladies’ W’ash N033; Jabots, Lil. E" Underwear and \VE. ' wear. l’r.ra-~ excuse for n .~ -; The town of Lind»: mother well»kno\\n :iml enacted family, \rhv-n \l' wards and lentil)" in" 'hel‘e they will 3-...-.,§,. For fourteen your: \l' m condoned in H store, and during .1...- been a very lï¬llllllll .lth and a Ennvn‘ flown-er “lilo-ugh n.- fegi‘et in one him ‘m llliw will I... pr. that “a l: luflluciuv it will Wlhll to... new undermining- ll. “9 Wt humus lute-.1“ Mlailllo. \unmh ... We MO ubl‘dullalud Wloh has been a 1?“. “8“th t=\t:l' hln‘l' It†also be El‘l'ail- “Midly as a chum. Cambridge-st. 51.41.â€. 'hm she Was htï¬l'l'l‘lu. 168' Aid. Wednesday lirluaixmz: other members of Mr ’Wm entertained al 1hr been of their M they spcni “‘1 happy time. ‘Pdntial dinncr m with several lectim, recitations. .. u Hrs. Gough were pr w .L its heat host and haste» A Pleasing part 0' en.- .. m was the presentatzo Wu! gold-headed cm», . â€M. accompanied by a - .‘ddress to Mr. Edwards f w and the members )1‘ t In. The cane is engrave; .hd m on the handle pan- [l();.ls.ill ‘ â€Pl-Veil the'nsmes of the fe The presentation w while the ‘5- Gel-eh. ‘ A- M by Kiss Minnie cat “Rom his staff such ' mm. one who had “ â€#1,? :01†years and i helped in buildino ., - He relerred in th hm!!- Edwards abili- uld almost ov'e mansions oi kiu