m cumteu neonâ€"roe our: DESDALE STMON. Notice to Creditors ' Percent to the named Statutes cl Ontario the creditors el Daniel mo. late at the Village ui‘ enema in the county at Victoria. iisg'gé‘n??mmi " mull-e. deceased. who died on or $3 â€$3. Vi‘ugï¬" about the 16th day or April. mi. w New wa ‘ It We 0‘. I tepelnlace h ad is per- t ct ward Vii. in Buchlaghg lace tor a county memorial to late Kin. i the “write in on at midliffnl hen done a endlid smile! «on e- ! reunited to: or wheat. uee Wager h; 'r «we. 9‘“ or am ï¬ï¬‚h‘a are ea or hetero the 18th day at ‘ J‘u . The on at the dune. next. 1811. to seed by ‘9th prepaid to Richard J. Greedy ot the said Village ct Graeme. Executor . . . .‘ oi the hold motel liegerty. deï¬ned. 6 . ‘- ‘ - ' their christian and caramel. “larch can and closer tioaa. the lull articuu ‘1th Chatt‘n tan or their them. and thepnture mitt) (was) at their securitice. if any. held by. ‘Wmer ot let prize at the Toronto than, The eeid Executor shell al- gming Stallion n’how in Not. ter the 12th day at June next, be â€"'l‘he Property of- et liberty to diatribute the assets of THOS. H. WA LDON the eaid deceased or any part there- LlNDSAY. ON’l‘. of among the parties entitled there- to. haVing reg-rd only to the cleime )Wlll make the season o! 1011 as fol. lows : . ~"ï¬r "' oi which they have then notice. and shall not be llama tor the neat: or any part thereol en dietributed to any person or whoae claim such exe- cutor has not notice at the diatri-: bution thereof. LEIGH R. KNIGHT. Solicitor tor the Executor. Richard J. Grandy. Dated at Lindsey. this tenth day of May. A.D., 1911. 'Ha will remain at his own stable. Lot 14, (Jon. 6. ()pe, all week. omitting Wednesdays and Satur- -dey9 when he will be at the Cent- ‘rel House. Lindsey. Thursday-night will go to R. Men- hood, lot 11, Con. 11. ileaboro. The ebm‘c route will be continued throughout the season health and wegtber permitting. mm or REVIgltâ€"ï¬ [OWNSfllPâ€"Bâ€"r- MARIPOSA Dl-Lh‘i‘ltli'TlUN .\\'[) l’lï¬lilGliitll'Z G:\l.l..\.\"l‘ (‘H.\T'l‘.\\' (ilnp.) 4223 l'.t'..\‘.ll., (12l53), l’..(',.\'.ll., is ll brown, huirs through bodg. uhitc inc". ncur l'oro and both hind legs white. fouled Juli lth, 1900. from the assessment of tho Munici- Bred by John Sampson. liru'mcross. polity of Mariposu for the vcar Setitiiinvl. imported b} J. ll. Holg‘nte 1911, will be held in the township Semi-.1, trnt.. "mi now the property hall, ()ukwood, on 0! Thou ll. Weldon. Lindsay. (mt. \- Gallant Chattan is a. horse of Saturday, June 3’ l9" '5 grand Conformation with iorcurm p.m. full and well built iratne. lie has a. grand rib and nice!) ï¬nished loge. with [cut and pueterns of excellent. .~merit.. and his union is ulvsoluteli .‘fa.lllt.lt*33. lie has n sprightly step and a nnl'lt carriage. He is remark. llllil his zillL‘t'stul‘i Notice is hereby given that the Court ol Revision to hear appeals urn} at .l. B. WELHUN, . (‘lcrk. Oukwood, May 15, 1911. _â€"f THE IMPORTED TYPICAL CLY- llESD.\ LE STALLION I ï¬hl) Wt'll lll‘t‘tl. have lawn notcd prize ninners lie is and l superior brooding horses. u n I oxi‘eptinnitili sure i‘uitl q-‘tiw‘ and been \iiiï¬x successful in INK"). 'l’til‘iillh), ltlllk his stock lion“ in thiI shun l‘iilu‘. t'ulis l).\ him “on lost pry/r â€t 3 ï¬rsts zit Scurimro and in.» ï¬rst»; :1! Markham .\t tho Spring Stallion 'Im'unln, llhlti, took Show. hic- goâ€. firs-it for \i‘nrlin': rolls. 1 button “on ï¬rst prize in lllt‘ 'l'il- it‘ll. Hullnll' n clans m' turn!) ontrius at r-mio Syn-int; Hlullii‘ll Show. and ulnml l‘ox-‘l‘u' liil‘ !~\\t‘9‘l"‘<‘lill\t‘.\' linllori’ i'llailiun'a Hll‘l‘, l‘iun i‘liul‘ l'J'J‘ IlllTiLlTl. l_\ I liiflrllh lit \.. . 4278. (more). \‘ol. xxv., "" ‘lpropcrty of John Aldous and John " ‘ I ‘ Will “4 . . . l "n" “‘1 |' iSylxcl. mil Lilith!) the season on foll- \>\ ï¬ll' ' 3.!†Slam. of :Wlifi (373i, :.. ilutwv‘ul “6"“"' Wednesday -- Will leave his own "6â€" l"“â€' "“l‘ _‘ stable. McArthur House. li‘onolon "55""- "l """W" “'A ““hԠ"“"H 1ԠFalls. and proceed to John Jock-son‘s ‘ "Jâ€â€˜m‘ "“m' _\"â€"“ Mâ€. l-‘enulon. tor noon: theme to Glen- i_'.,‘.,‘.'.‘l, li_\ l'l‘lllt‘i‘ nl l‘:tl"l‘lll\‘ll;lll arn‘ h". night. "“m '“ml “‘ ‘ mm Thursday â€" Will proceed to hie Lord (ll-“l“ â€mm“ l own stable where he will remain un- M‘“ “' til the following Wednesday morning. "““i “1â€â€ TERMS - $12.00. See largo bills ' "“7 for description and pedigree. JOHN SHEEHY. Mgr. /"â€""_ COURT or REVISION “â€33 Townsiâ€"irâ€"or ops ill-3‘», 0W8 ; -.,.. hm)“ ii. cl. inï¬llâ€), ll) (2, or \nrmmi l‘lnn lultl} (Hum i; or llillth‘ (“Twit l‘.‘ l“.til‘ 'l'nwtiln‘ml (351“ -\l.tlll.\ ell. ‘Jlll. l-‘\ i liztllitll'h ilulll. :iiltill ililfill“). illN’il‘Jl. l: I inrnlv) 1 my“ Nam. (SHtl‘ll, in \li‘li‘n‘ tlillll. ‘I“'.‘) l‘ulli iii in; lt.trri+ alul'u i\ U! llul‘lllt‘) (Julian! l -_.â€"â€"- ~â€" ‘2 iruuu'i‘x i.“ 1233.? tor Sunquhnr‘ -"_'§i'.|3l i. it} l‘illl‘ \iucror (into. etc. “i Sll'niï¬illil‘s Slltil (3'. li)’ l.t)l‘tl l‘l‘\|lt" dzun. llosio 33â€,". (Milli, i317). ll) t‘zunpsw ’I‘lmt's M37â€). “etc. ii iii“ ilnrilnllli {\oticc is hereby given that the “3' Court of Roxision to hear and decide (110i. (Lillnlll l‘llullztll is tllt‘ Sli‘t' the stallion that “on so prizes uni chimipionshiiw lit) in wine appeals from the assessment of the township of Ups for the year 1011, will be held in the clerk's ofï¬ce. Academy of Music Block, in the town of Lindsay, on Monday. May 29th, 1911 at ten o'clock in the forenoon. W. E. AGNEW, Tp. Clerk. Dated at Lindsay this 8th day of May A.D., 1911. of l'ol- 31' Sift". :nuny in tht‘ an'lh \Vt‘St ill l9“,- the Slrt' of the following prize ‘iklll‘dl‘lt l'loro (S113), illuck Nellie (Lint-51), Black .lo~- (79H), Flor-.1 i'huttun, (13404‘, Duchess of Belmont (142243;! Poll) (â€batten (14687). Royal (flint-l l :_I‘$Y ners : l rail). Chnttnn '_’I i327. tan 431$. lï¬unrobin Jeanie 9031. Nellie (‘halttnn lo:‘.t-‘.2. Jessie L‘huttun 8690. Millie {'hattun mm. ROW?! - w . . l 38, ani several others. , , _ (“hau‘m 1‘1 1 ‘ vincxal competitions for the He has: stred Over a hundred regis- tered colts. Parties wishing to lean? do so. l'asture iurnished at per week . mares can 501.7 TERMS â€"- To insure a loaf; $13.00, 1912. in- regu- be payable lst of February, outed mares must be returned Jerly to’ the horse or they will charged insurance whether in foal or trying their mares, mt. Parties gularly to and not returning them re the horse will be charged the full inâ€" aurance whether in foal or not. All accidents to mares at risk of owners. forties disposing of their mates be- fore feeling time must pay the in. or not. nuance whether in foal THOS. E. WALDON. owner and Manager- Grey musical and dramatic trophies, and the best of the provincial com- panies will compete for the domin- ion trophy. â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€". The Fate of‘“Char|ie Beresford." Mr. George Lcyton. tne popular actor-vocalist. who recently peotuoned the King to grant the Crimean and Indian Mutiny veterans a spscml View of the coronation procession. has been instrumental in causing something like ‘825,000 to be distributed amongst the old soldiers. His "philanthropic efforts are warmly supported. amongst others, by Lord Charles» Beresiord. who also takes a great interest in boy scouts. He told Mr. Leyton the other day of an amusing experience which betell him recently atâ€"the hands of some small patrols. The Portsmouth corps was founded by Lord Charles.. who lately decided to personally test their ideas regarding scouting. Driv- ing over the Portsmouth hills,_ where the youngsters were engaged in ma- noeuvres, his motor-car was smartly confronted by three youths, who e‘x- claimed in chorus, “We take you pris- oner. Lord Charles!†“Well, what are you going to do with me, now that you have got me?†inquired the distin- guished captive. There was a brief pause. after which one of the lads re- plied, in a grave tone. "H’m! Well, when the guv'nor comes back, I ’epects we shall shoot yer, Sir! arr :ii‘“$ti r ‘ . aunt inbd?‘t‘£"" ‘ l†The Wet cl llewami‘l l a clue K; hi! or cull shah . corn. her it flu in cat hiuher we:- ended a re blather: en “alanine motioned to higher. Winnie" Option. m OM Rieh. law. clone. agitate 2:21;: n 31’ {ill Tereme drain Market. Wheel. tell. buehel........fll to». Wheat. tall. cereal"... "OI 0|? Whu‘. '00... Dulhflu e eee. 3". bu'h.‘ eeeeeelIIIOOIOUO o n I... o.‘-. bu.h.l OOIIOCOIOOOIIIO. o“ '90. Harley. buehel .............00 Buckwheat. buehel ........ 0 6| PO“. buehel ...............0‘ll Toronto Dairy Market. Butter. etore lote.............. o l? nutter. eeparator. dairy. lb. 0 :0 Butter. creemery. lb. roile.. o 22 Butter. creamery. eolide..... 0 :1 lien. new-laid on Cheeee. lb. 0 14% Honeycombe. doaen ......... 8 50 Honey. extracted. lb......... 0 10 Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL. May nâ€"‘rhere wee no improvement in the demend from foreign buyere tor Manitoba wring wheat, end whet tew bide came forward were ewe: out of line with veiuee here. Cable- on cats were weaker. and the prieee one would bring beck over “c per moi for No. 2 Canadian. afloat at Fort Wil- liam; coneequently. no bunineee wee done. The local market wee wenlter, end pricee declined “c bushel on account or the slow (I end the easier mar- ket: in the went. A ten- volume at but- neee continues to be done in epring wheat flour for local end country account. and the undertone to the merket in ï¬rm. There wae eome ln%ulry tor winter wheat flour from foreign uyerl, but the price. bid were Juet 9d per eechJower then miller-e were dlepoeed to accept. Dateâ€"Canadian wettern. No. 8. dc to also. car lots. ex-etore; extra No. 1 teed. We to 4095c; No. 8 C.W.. we to Me; Flourâ€"Manitoba eprlng wheat patente. fir-u. $8.30: We. use; winter wheat tents. $8.!) to “.78: strong bekere’. I); etraight when. “.10 to “.8: in Roih‘cl'as i: ‘5; on -- er berre S: o I the. 81.15. L “- W ‘ “Cornâ€"American. No. 8 yellow, we to c. Mlllfeedâ€"Bren. Onterio, 88: Menitobg 821: middlinga, Onterlo. ease to 33; charts. Manitoba. 823: moutllle. :3 to m ERReâ€"Freeh. lslï¬c to 19¢. Cheeeeâ€"Weeterne, 1156c to llï¬c. Butterâ€"Choiceâ€, 21560 to ac; noon“. â€56¢ to lie. CATTLE MARKETS. W...“ In! J uly Oct. Oateâ€" Hey July I'OIQ "ee- 'Oeee etle Union Stock Verde. TORONTO. May 22.â€"R9ceipte of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 103 rnrlmids. consisting at m cattle, 173 hogs, 1? sheep. 102 calvee and 16 horses. Exportere. Geo. (‘nmntwil bought Mi cattle for ex- portâ€"tor London. 100 etrcre. mo the. each, at 86; for Liverpool. 208 steere. mo lbe. each. at 85.55 Butchere. Bret lends nnd line of butchers, 3004 enough for any murknt. cold at 86.811 to sit; lomla or good. than to com; medium. 30.30 to who; Common. to to 8mm: but there were wry tow cattle in thin common cm“. on will be awn by the many a...» xiwn below. . Btoekere and Feeder-e. Short-low.» tendon. 36.60 to 86.90: (006- m saw '0 $5.60; nttwkvrn. 85 to 38.38. Milken and Springere. hllllxt‘la umi springer: Wl‘l‘el quoted eh but in so vault. Veal Celvee. Vonl mix-M mild iii a to 86.50. Sheep and Lembt. Shrub. "\vl‘l. 84.75 to $5.35: rams. ram 20 8d; yvnriingx. $5.76 to KM: WNW: ambe. 84 to N n. Amoririui numb: are quoted at ti to it...“ per cwt. Hege. Hone are liiulwr. at 38.20 for Mice“. {rd and watered. and 85.90 t.o.h. care at country imluta. Montreal Live Stock. MONTIHCAL. {tiny 22.â€"At the Montreal Si... k \'. lllfl “'63! end market the receipt. ut‘ ld'o stink tor the Week ending Mar 3†“ch: 125i» cattle. in) sheep and lambs. 12:30 hogs and ill?» chives. while the offer- lugs on the market this morning coneist- rd of St) cattle. 100 sheep and lambs. moo lid?» dull the calves. A fi-ziturt- of the trade was the Stronger undertone to tlze mn.ket for cattle. and pl'ltrti a the this day week show an ad- Vinita if lac per 100 the, in spite of the extreme llt'iil which has prevailed durini the has: few days and the continued dis- coumgir‘u advices received from Euro- prat. emu-es. cables from Liverpool thin ““91: noting a further decline in 9’10“ of ‘,~_-.- |wr pound, which makes e not drop of 1c pgr pound in the past two “'th which 1. cans that exporters will lose money on their first shipments, which win. forward from this port. instead 01' m..k'ug some. as they would have doue if prices had been maznlained around 13550 to 14c per pound. but the hot weather 851d the increased supplies were too much 101' the market. The gathering or buyers on the 10084 market this morning was fairly large. but owing to the very warm weather and the higher prices demanded, the demand for cattle was only fair. and the trade in couscquence was only moderately active. Choice steers sold at 61/30; good at SC to ‘ 654v: fairly good at Siï¬c to sac; fair at 50 to 5W3. and the common at. 4%0 to 4%0 per pound. A few extra heavy choice bulls brought as high as 55c to 50. 8-1111 lower grades sold down as low an 40 to me per pound. Cows of good qmlity cold at 5%c to 559:. and inferior once et 3%0 to 4c per pound. Owing to the smelter run of hot! "'1 the keener demand from ken tor eup- plles.‘a stronger feeling e market. and prices, an compared these or last Wednesday, ehow en edvnnee at 10¢ per 100 pounds. The trede , ï¬ve. and eelee bt eelected tote were made It 85-75 to 87.5 per 100 pounds. weighed and pricee show no important chem Old sheep eoldet u to I. and eerie: lembeatï¬tofleeeh. Calvee Mï¬tOSMutodeeendq . Eeet Buï¬eln Cattle Market. “.s. roe... .. Calvesâ€"Reed ts. W' to higher: 0 to ‘5 years. GOING To LABRADOR. ‘ An exhibition of the supplies to be sent to the Labredor Grenlell mis- sion will be held at the residence 0! Hrs. Robert Ross. Bond-st... on Fri- day afternoon and eyeing. -Be- " to will be served and elon- ver collectiOn taken to «be: ex- .gl ' 'li‘e. exhale.- d e- rrhl.“ .. 3%“ng unch ii wt #2 :3 main not enl oi the late ill dwerd but at Qilaeu Alexandra .3! the present King and “can. 3." Luke that nine repute at a hint» l lingual and Venetian aub- ta. e "In a turuluehle attention porireite. la tint picture. "Fair. Quiet. and sweet Real.“ wag exhibit- ed at the Academy thtriyaunc 0 ill“ in ee uratec‘i bg‘ en mi?“ my an rout tie i ate at Kin"l Edward. Hill 00 abated “pio- tum. ' he Doctor." took the emetic world by etovm. and is r 5?de ee one of the meet etrihiug o in worke. Sir Luke telle an amusing story at “1 anuieitive visitor to a picture gel- IOTY- Obeerving a man standing in rapt attention before a certain paint- lnc. the vieitor ventured to put the query: "Did ou paint that picture. air?" "Paint at picture?" echoed the enraptured one contemptuoualy. "Not me. I made the frame!" Sir Luke aleo has a good story of a rustic whom be employed no a model tor the bridegroom in â€The Village Wedding.†Soon alter the drawing be- an. ‘the artist noticed that his model eceme very pale. He made him rest. and presently work wee resumed. The model soon became more ghastly than ever. “You don't eeem well." said Sir Luke. “I'm a'right, zur." answer. ed the model, “only tor holding me breath so long!" The poor rustic imagined it was necessary lor the por- trait to be taken. that he should hold his breath the while.r The icture was painted tor Mr. (at. terwar 3 Sir) Henry Tate. Sir Luke had thought over the subject for sev- oral Years before he made a start. al- though eventually it proved the quick- est painted picture he had ever done. The artist traveled to many pieces, from Devon to Invcrneee, to at thor- oughly acquainted with the c aracter of the cottages and people. He made many sketches, and on his return to town had the room built up exactly to one at the end of his studio. Even the massive rafters shown in the p70- ture were there. Chum in the Weaker Sear. In 1 izh polio.1 circles woman?» trait of courage that exceeds her physical strength is regarded as no new mane- festation in. tho provorbiully wenket sex. “‘Ey-r since I became associated‘ with rulico work," said our experienc- t‘d oï¬iimr. "l have noticrd that women em‘nunl alwny.‘ rmuly to help any one in npyarent diilirultim. Perhaps he- causn they nn- uunk thnmsolwa they are (il‘poswl readily to lit-1p tlw \ ‘nk. or 3i“ without thought of conse- (Illt‘llt‘l‘i to tlii‘insvlvvs." » A l‘irhly intrrwstinu vxplanntion of ~ this it lnubt ul bruwry in “'tl'nl‘ll was vout‘li‘ufc‘d by .l. W. Slaughtur. the uminvv" l-Imzlish mwiolugist, who as. it, alumni iomnl- courage lurui-ly tn the motor ll intmct. "N: Yum: on mirth." he ~n:-l. "can ' iv in r-- ll-rm-ious. mora- iinnut‘rnua.~ illlil ll‘, irn nutritcmua llmn tlw innmlo :m‘nnl drivniliug lwr young. The mntvrirul iiutinct. Ill woman is in it- self un insinrittxon to courage. lion “ill nvvcr we u woman on the edge of u crowd hiking lllt‘ siliu of ill“ upper dog. Wurlivn. moreover. not more iii- rm‘tly than men. 'l‘lwy urn more int» [llllslvi‘ and loss cnlculuting, "\\'w urn nocudnmml lo Think of wo- men in niruil of this or tlmt. but it 1‘ lwruum- lll"}' lilin‘ not rrully lmd vxgn‘rwuw. Courage is, utter nil. n ,I‘H'l .,~ of cxpvrwmw. One is not ulritid .‘ {Hip-w nun is Uni‘tl to or knows how . ‘ I‘ ‘ ID :.. dual Willi. Fifty Yeare of Song. Boys’ Cit, t'li' Illt‘lll .\ _â€" api’vronrhinu rctircmcnt 0! Mine. Albuni rvculls the prime \lt‘nnllI'? intercom" confession that all“ lwuun to sin: lwi'ori- ~h~~ boron to walk. “.\s it luliy." .‘lli‘ says. “I wan remarkable for the power of my Vtili‘t‘, if not for in qunlity. My par- ents n-counilnd tlii~. and at the age of four 1 lN‘Eiln my musical studies. I hav-- boon siuuinxz ever since." Mme. Allmni will celebrate her ï¬fty- I ninth birthday in November next. and made her first appearance on the conccrt-plutform when she. was ciuht yours of age. Hvr most cherished ‘â€" â€"' mi‘mori-‘s lam-or around her intimate . . _ ‘_ . great. “e have occasmnal showers. fTIPDdslllp With Queen ‘lCtOfla. The great singer was a frequent v151tor to 'l he niiouiiunrc at the school is Buckingham Palace and Windsor. ""3 hi9“ at About 120 and was a welcome guest at Bal- lln the luv rooms. moral. thn she sang before Tllt‘ pros. nl . the Kaiser once in Berlin he afterwards shook hands with but and said, T‘Good-bye. When you see her. give my love to grandmamma." Tourists are beginning to make an tinpearnuce, going to Miner'?ilay, \lr. and Mrs. Horn. of Lindsm being there last week. .\ lady and gentle- man from the States were there but An All-British Lord Mayor. . found the mosqutos to numerous and “When I g-it out 02 bed this morn- ing I left bmind me Irish linen sheets and Witni'y blankets. I went into the bathroom and used English soap and Irish towels. I dressed in Scotch lweeds and put on English-made boots, and went to breakfast supplied wholly with British produce. As far as I am concerned. everything I eat, drink. and “ear comes Ham 1‘â€) British Em- pire.†Such was the interesting con- fession made a few days ago by Sir I‘. Vezey Strong, Lord Mayor of Lon- don, in connection with the move- ment for an all-British shopping week. Family Records In the Peerage. The fact that the Marquess of Done- zall has lately made his ï¬rst plat- form appearance at the mature age )f seven reminds one that he has been fatherless since birth. yet were his father, the.ï¬fth marquees. alive lo-dayhe would be within a few weeks of entering on his ninetieth Year. The Duke of Norlolk will be well over eighty when his son heir attains his majority, while be. tween the eldest daughter of the Earl )f Abingdonâ€"Lady Edmund Talbotâ€" md his youngestâ€"Lady Betty Bertie -there is an interval of nearly forty .---.â€".--â€" - “' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- a TOWN noc'mn. . The old question or g‘town doctor came up buoy. the Council again last night“ me:- some discus-ion the tonowing mum were appoin- tedtnconeiderthoeune:theley- ‘ YODIO they hull to gin: [11.100 to those small neighbors Mr. ltobt. Frost in home from To- ' Medical School for his ‘holi- days. Mrst Clark and Mrs, Campbell, of J‘enelon Falls, Visited at Dr. White's a couple of days last week. Mrs. J. Robertson, of Anson'town- ship, was called away hurriedly to Toronto on account of Miss Jessie's illness, but later reports the latter “ell on the road to recov- ery. . Mrs. Alex. Watson, of Toronto, ac- companied by her son Gilbert, Visiting friends in the village. Rev. Mr. Lawrence, the l-hglish church rector of this place. left on Saturday for Markham. where Mes. Lawrence had preceded him . We are sorry the Rev. gentleu’n'e heelth is not good, but tmet thet the change of .ir and surroundings may haveagoodeflect mullet econ he may be fully reeobored. lites Rae Cheeeell, ot the L.C.I.. Lindny. eoent the week end at her home here. Hr. Ernie Heriihey. o! Furnace Fells, lett this morning ,lor Oregon. totrytheWeettoreï¬me.>We all wieh him emcee. . Kr, and Ire. IcEeehern paid Mygmtlmm. ._l- a A lwi‘l UHill lul slliIH'lll: (ll announce * are If $15.00 is'yohur price for a Spring Suit, then it is intended for you. . .. We choose to put forward our greatest value-giving effort at $15.00 because it's such a good average ï¬gure-the price that thousands pay. We’ll show you a variety of color and pattern assortments, a quality of fabrics, and a freshness of fashionable models at $15.00, that are simply out of the ques. tion at most stores at this price THEN AGAIN-â€"The man who is wearing one of our $15.00 suits, isn't subject to theunpleas- ant reflection that he might have gotten more for his‘money else- where,.for that's impossible. and Youths: Spring Suits We‘re ~pc'clullla‘ in drawing ln'iys‘cyeryliody knows \\ u u will w u to w- «mr nplcndid Spring (‘v-urtnenteâ€" now t'abrics and new creations in styles. well selected mod-ch. licei‘urSuits, il.ou.~c r‘uite. Norfolk Suite, Webb Suite, Suits at 2.50, 3.00, 4.50 up to 10.00 living in the boys and try on some of our new gar ii . .-x-y suit built for service. and will surely give it. lit-my ~uil built for style and they surely look it. .- Hypocriey in perdoneble in those Preeident who gppear to be cheerful when they emendmente to the recif‘r'm‘." are not. as dangerous. Daddy’s. Bedtime ' Ste ' UNGSTERS.†said daddy one evening to Evelyn and ““4"“; a†'0†eweryhl, “liloâ€""l know (ht you two are 09‘“ I and clear up your thing- nicely. no or course you can‘t be like a†boy in this story." Evelyn laughed: for she ie ceretnl with her toys and her book5 an wing materials. but Jack hung his head. “This little bore name wee Ted, end an, and him muddy Ted.' " 4W†I went on. “for he never knew how to keep hie things in order. Many d†Taft regards proposed ,. J‘... Getting Even With Unlidy Ted flee» A0n€~ â€Hie 1 cy 5016*" Guardxnc the M dfl him. be any 0" would rod 81’0““ he. Illeorteotpheeeand herhedtown 'm 1‘ 3M dull the maid to clear up after in. mlmu.‘ 0"“ â€Ml-Dd motherand the maldd’dw t at all. Mother became quite era- and aid that she would have ‘° ammmuhdldnotmend his ways maximum...†“Phi-terns "Yin h'U bltoffl“ Mne- hie "“0"th nu“"1‘011'warm-adoring badlm ogetw greatly“ “Oneeveningjnetetdnek he hadn't entered his toy room ‘ forth" at hiemotherendhleded neolded Whenhbadnn dy htltdld-uot seem to not thing. It wee‘pretty Mend he could eee well. So he was i ash livery Fabric that everything in nov for Spring and Su the midst of so m is well n livery Woman Co . Lindsay shoul to See New ranges of fusidmm‘ in stripes. Plotâ€... .1. Signs. in 3.. lj Best English l’mm, :.; Stripcb aim “ », othi-r ciiiniw: spot will :: ' W'hitc India Inllli'i. from iii-r _\ :i: ' Ladies†Wash .\'cv kw . Jabots. Hi. i" ,( ~ 0 Umlorwonr and \\ i wear. l’r.~ excusc- 7. -: Mil-f]. A. Gillo Exciting ‘ A (iilluu'A Mr. J. A. ward. had a learn. and one whirl. :1 member, ll‘llt'\ll.l he was drhini; m :lm Village of Minder: ll- driVing in lllt‘ llt‘ll‘!“w‘ the afternoon and the Village for 1h.- my ï¬erce hail storm vumw It was and the lightning and qUiCkly and lwfuru \lf‘ time (0 drho Yin n! The hail descended ‘ rows and it bccamu .v: 99‘? any distance ohm. : beCame frightened and ' dash down a hill and it»: ' It Was impossible in 52w mal and Mr. Gillugi} l1.» recourse than: let r Itself. While" 2% \ t‘l". inst \\.I‘ about st orm ..; ha 1: â€Q lli)‘.\" 7 GOVernor (‘bnrim \‘ â€â€œ0? Of Michigan. "081! before the ï¬nanr.» , ' the United States Si‘iln’v . ‘ ‘ h fa“01' of reciprmniy; other things he said - "m greatâ€"consider“? in.“ .‘ ». ‘ ‘3 1‘.th the United Stub-s :\ ' â€luring in a. large sonw :' . 'Ol'ld, and that it "Pods l‘.1‘\\ tum ‘0 compete with no.†. m- We must not gixo :. tb- u‘ 1.“ .1")? t0 the \i‘l‘:.‘ liPlL. M w1101111 we can obtain our W31 of certain kinds," “funk†LOdg‘e called attentu. “3" recently passed by tho “- h "' Hey 26--]t is entire 7 I ; 'W Wt 11 general cl $“‘§dd this summer, pro 'm‘ at August, with