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Watchman Warder (1899), 25 May 1911, p. 2

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" to ~1el'lI-v'3u't35. (as 4 e That is not added to the VALUEâ€"Some times in most gener- ‘ one manner. , Then why not be ‘ 1 Well Dressed When it practically costs no more than the other kind of clothes 3’. I empIOyed, the result was ameâ€"émpoasible to get a cure. About two years 113;: I read the testimonial of Hon. J . re- garding “Pruit-a-tives” and I ended to give this fruit medicine a trial. I have used “Fruit-aâ€"tives” eve shine. They are the first and only medians that suited my case. If it were "Fruit-a-tivea”, I am satisfied that I could not live.” JAMES PROUDFOOT. The liver controls the bowels by ving up along bile to make the move. e only possible way to cure constipation is to make the liver active and healthy and thus store up suficient bile to move the bowels. “Fruit-aâ€"u'ves" acts directly on the liverâ€"ensures an abundance of bileâ€" .Give‘ your “servants GOLD 33’$R”h‘§°b§;“i‘£o§‘°2°‘§iԤ? DUST to‘ clean With, treat savannasm °' “W them rightly and you Will Lindsay Boy have few occasmns to In Real Estate insert a “help wanted” ad W1; .. W Alta... contains the following part-l nership notice, which will be read with interest by Lindsay citizens, as Capt. A. C. Gillespie referred to ' is a. former Lindsay boy and a son of shi -shape unless you give her every . :y-S?i}}eg§;_ Al“;- F33: NZ? 0 keep house without GOLD DUST is to o 8...... passenge, as...“ the work by hard, old-fashioned methods.’ For clean- Grand punk Pacific, Edmonton, has . - . entered into partnership with Major 111g eveThlng 3-? g about the houseâ€" W. H. Hewgm. The new firm will from cel 31' to attICâ€" carry on a general financial busi- weight in gold. It cuts grease and dirt like magic, Hess-real estate. insurance and does away Wlth scouring and scrubbing, and saves llms' Capt 9‘11”” “me t° Ed‘ , monton about six years ago and time and tempers. began his railway experiencf with the Canadian Northern. Afterwards he Your servant can went to Winnipeg, having been ap- dO more and better pointed general passenger and freight work and éeep sweet- w1th the aid of agent in that city for the Chicago GOLD DUST in and Northwestern. Remaining there for three years he returned to Ed- all household clean- mg. : Ladi W. G. Blatr 63 Son @3421. 7...... monton 'and joined the Grand Trunk Pacific.” A SINGLE TAX CITY IN CHINA Tsingtau, China, the jewel of the tar East. so writes a resident of that Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY city, is said to be living and thriv- Makers of FAIRY SOAP. the oval cake. ing under the single tax theory in practise. Tsingtau is a seaport on the coast RISKS of Shantung, in the German territ- ory of Kiou-chau, secured by Ger- many after the China-Japanese war. and where the German Empire made its first experiment and apparently a satisfactory one if we may judge by the spread of the idea in the Father- land. in the taxation of land values only. The houses of Tsingtau, says the writer in a. recent letter are finer than in any other place in China. The city is equal in comfort, muni- cipal advantages, sanitation, etc., to anything of its size in America. It is NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middleâ€"aged men are annpnlly swept to a premature grow through Early Indiscretiona, Excuses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of the fol- the living, breathing example of the lowing symptoms consult us before it in to; late. Are you nervous and weak, despon- ing forests, and its experimental pimp eson the face. eyes sunken, hollow cheeks. cant-worn CKDI‘CSSIUII. poor memory, I eakmanhood, t d‘.b a",h"l ~, moods. w prema ure ecay one p lllb nu oust tip-to-datc city and shows that even once the brain becomes active. the blood purified. so that all pimples. blotclu-s and ulcers y no the moral. p sical and sexual systems are invigorated: all drains reuseâ€"no --â€"â€"-â€"""â€"-""‘â€" EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL , MRS. HERMAN BOWEN. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST formerly of Minden, on Sunday, the Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Dctront, m“ â€" merit in Windsor, Ont. It on disire to 3 I Lrothcrs Henry and John are still .0 Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: d lived at Min- possibilities of reforestation and af- forestation, for it abounds in grow- dentnnd gloomy. lgegfl‘l‘before the eyes. with dark cxrclcs under thorn. weak buck. kidne s irritable. p putation of the heart, bashful. dreams and Iceses. sediment in urine. gardens are a delight. feless, distrustful. lack energy and strength, tired inornin rs restless nights, changeable . - . ‘ . d r . I“ sore throat. etc. I‘sxnciau is practically a mo e 11 YOU WILL BE A WRECK _ Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make a man of you. Under its influ- in (‘hina a city can be mm success- disa pear. the nerves become strong as steel. so that. nervousness, bashfulness and dcs- fully on the Henry George idea. n enc vanish. the eye becomes bright. the face full and clear, energy returns to the y more vital waste from the system. Don‘tlet quacks and lakirs rob you of your hard , earned dolhrs. We will cure you or no pay. OBITUARX ~ .___ ER: No matter who has treated you. write for an honest opinion F". o! Chane. 300k. Frooâ€" "Th. Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Secret Dileggc. of Men, .rhe death IS reported at GeI'OW' 1r ville, Sask., of Mrs. Herman Bowen. DRSoKENN- KENNED ' 30th of April. The deceased was ' known to a number 0! Lindsay citi- n01lcE All letters from Canada must be addressed She was a daughter of Mr. Panels to our Canadian Correspondence Dcpui't- Graham. late 0! Mlnden. and her see us rsoually call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat cats in our Windsor ofliccs which are for Correspondence and residing at the old home and adlom' farms in Minden township- DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. Write for ourselvataaddresa. den till five moved to Coboconk, they went to the West last year. She is survived by her husband and live children rangingvfrom three weeks to eleven years. _______.__â€"â€"â€"â€" WAS T00 OBLIGING. Sometimes a man can be too ob- iiging, so obliging as to got himself disliked. Thus it happened that should call round and see our when Mr- Edward Warner, of Orillia. stock. stepped on the train from Barrie and Our Canadian goodsare the started to walk down best that can be had. We always keep our own make on hand which can be had in both high and low tops. Wlliam Hamid MEN WANTED To buy our Working Men ‘3 Footwear. - Another large shipment of Gods has Just arrived from . _ ngland and any man who is interested in .footwear tor Fisher stepped up to him and said, "Ed, I'll carry that for you." "Oh, never mind, don’t. trouble," re- at all, it's too heavy for you," and the Inspector relieved the Warner. The suit case contained five bottles of good old Irish whiskey. which Mr. Warner dad / GASOLINE ENGINES ' / Fat-mars. make your work lighter . natallin a Fairbanks Morse Gasoline Engine. for sale a 6 horse power and 1‘) horse powen' class condition both genuine Come a. w. HALL plied Mr. Warner. "Oh. no trouble a daze. Ho awake from a W .bout 3 o’clock and told hia,wile thlt he felt queer, hm jlllt ht! I. Md; dream. The husband called the boy. Lester, to the kitchen. and picked up a double barrelod shotgun. laid it on the kitchen and told the boy to pull the trigger as he wanted to hear What it sounded like. in» man knelt on the floor, closed one eye and looked into the muzzle of the gun. The boy hesitated and his lather“ said: "It isn't loaded.” The boy pulled the trigger, but the piece did- n't explode. His lat-her took the gun, cocked it again and laid it back in the same position, while he got on his knees and again looked into the barrel. “It. isn't loaded," he said again. "Pull the trigger and see how it - The boy did so and the father dropped dead. The lad rush- ed to the nearest neighbor and told him lichen killed his father. N o Desire , for Food THE STUMACH SEEMS PLAYED to another monicipality. OUT AND THE APPETI'I‘E THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM IS OVERLOADED WITH POISONS â€"RELIEF COMES WITH THE USE OF DR. CHASE S Kl DNEY-LIVER PILLS.- Weak stomach, loss of appetite, 'in- digestion and all the acc0mpanying symptoms of pains, aches, fatigue and lack of energy, tend to make the springtime anything but joyous for many people. . The system is full of poisons, the blood is impure. the liver and kid- neys have been overworked in an effort to remove the waste matter and have failed. This accounts for the biliousness, the constipation, the backaches and headaches. How is this condition to be over- come ? There is no quicker or more certain way than by the use of Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. This treatment gets the liver and kidneys in action at once and ensures regu- lar movement of the bowels. The poisonous waste matte which has been clogging the digestive sys- tem is removed and the organs of digestion are enabled to properly perform their duties. Appetite is sharpened, you .eat your food with a relish, the stom- ach is strengthenedi the vital org- ans get the nourishment they re- quire, and vigor and energy are re- stored. There is no reason for anyone who knows of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to have impure blood or to suf- Fenelon Falls Trys to Block I I Dr. Sims and Mr. Thos. Junkin oi Fenelon Falls were in Ottawa. Wednes day and waited on the proper autho orities there with . view to haying the Dominion Government stop the sale of the Lindsay Light, Heat a Power Company to the Town of Lindsay. Briefly, it appears that at the pre sent time the Village of Fencion get yearly about $1400 in taxes from the L. H. P. Co., but that it the Town of Lindsay purchase the plant the village will not be entitled to the taxes. That is, according to law no municipality need pay taxes Fearing that Fenelon Falls would lose these taxes the corporation council will en- deavor to block the deal through the Government. At a recent meeting of the Lindsay town council this situation was ex- plained by the town solicitor and the feeling of the Lindsay councilors Was that the Village of Fenelon Falls should be treated fairly in this mat- ter. Although the town is not liable it would he only right to deal fairly with the people of Fenelon Falls and the question was dropped with the un- derstanding that some arrangement satisfactory to the people of Fenelon : Falls should be settled upon. I mum; MAN WAS KILLED l The first death as a result of light- ning this season, is reported from Douro, where a young mab of 18 was killed Friday morning. John Cum- mings, the unfortunate young man. has been in the employ of Mr. Mar- tin Coughlin, lot 13, con. 5, Douro, about three and a half miles from Douro church, for a year past. He was working in the barn which was struck and killed may. The barn was not burned but was very badly shattered. Cummings was a young fellow and. and had no relations in this country! that are known to Mr, Coughlin. Father McGuire is communicating with the officials of St. George's home, Ottawa, from which institu- tion the young man was adopted. The storm was not an exceedingly severe one, with the exception of the for the annoyance of tired, spring .lightning, which caused considerable feelings. One pill a dose, 25c. 11 lunxicty. but was thought to haVe no box, at all dealers or Edmanson. fatal results until the body of young Bates Co., Limited, Toronto. BIRTHS llEltRONâ€"ln the township of Veru- lam. on 'l'hursday. April 6th, 1911, the Wife of Mr. Herbert Iierron, a son. (still born.) KELLYâ€"In the township of Vernâ€" lam. on Tuesday, April 11th, 1911. the wile of Mr. John KOHOY. :1 daughter. JACKET’l‘â€"ln the township of Fen- elon. on Saturday. April 15th. 1911, the wife of Mr. Geo. Jac- kett. a daughter. GRAHAMâ€"In the township of Som- ervllle, on Wednesday, April 19th, 1911, the wife 0! Mr. R. B. Grah- am. a daughter. WORSlJSYâ€"In the township of run- elon. on Wednesday. May 8rd, 1911, the wife of Mr. Elisha Wor- SIGY. a daughter. 'I'EOIIPSONâ€"At Fenelon Falls. on wile at Mr. J. '1‘. Thompson. It. track with his suit case that InspeC- . Fenelon, 1911, the wife 0 cram, a daughter. â€"-‘â€"“~ BUSH FIRES. Forest fires are reported as doing great damage, though it is hoped that the welcome rains at this week will help to subdue them. 33‘ 1’" It IS rationed (‘ummincs was found. .\t the present time the family is under quarantine with smallpox. M HYMENEAI. L‘AIRNDUI'Tâ€"lll‘lil’l‘TY. A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, May 10, at the resi- dence of Mr. Wm. Dcatty. Nogie’s Creek, when Miss Mary was joined in wedlock to Mr. Manley (‘uirnduli by Rev. W. Ii. Foley. It was about seven o'clock in the evening when Miss Gussie Cairndull played the wedding march to herald the ap- Pearance of the bride on the arm of her father, accompanied by Mr. Mil- ton Calrndull and Miss Etta Beatty. The young couple with their attend- ants made as fine a locking group as could wish to be seen. The bride was pretty and and the bridesmaids equally so. The usual lestivities were indulged in by some fifty guests and all the usual good wishes were apt-eased for the future happiness of the young couple. The presents were Very numerous and many of them valuable. GLENARH. Glen-m. my 19.-JI‘he Ludies’ Aid of Knox church, Glenarm, will hold an entertainment at the church on mm. 3‘! 26th. at 8 pm. A 300d man will be 3m... ”a ,0. neahmoia au'ved. "The Leaak NOW-Um. will be‘prsaeut, al- so can local cal-it. Everybody cordially invtted. and 15c. Our Screen Doors, Windows, Wire, willpi'otod’v you from the fly pest. 0 doors, etc, are well made and selected, 3:; i there are many styles and sizes to Choose from. It ‘ II‘M W Mum. Hover. Buy one of our Maxwell or Woodyatt four knife 9 “(I 10 inch drive Wheel movers from $3.50 upward. Who would be without one? Sm ’fll‘ at l “I I... "II by 118mg one of our Bon Ami blue flame oil stove. So simple in construction that . child may operate it, yet is durable. Ovens, Iron Heaters, oasters to at. M .3 M W and get prices. Investigate. You cannot afi'ord to buy before seeing our line. Do it M. BOXALL MATTHIE Hardware. Plumbint and Kataliork Lind“, ' W x p 9 Summer Goods ' ate Cinnamon New Perfection” Oil Stoves, Screen fours an Windows, lawn Mowers, Garden Hose. REFRIGERATORS ETC. ried a can of Martin-Senour Paint or a package 0 It is the best paint and wall finish on the marketâ€"try it and see. D. . CINNAMON Headquarters for Hardwear and Stoves KENT'S'I‘. . LINDSAY Have you t Muresco yet ? lawn Hose and Accessories A first quality Rubber hose, guaranteed to give ex- cellent service for city pressure} . «m 7 50 ft lengths, with muzzle and couplings goui value. $5.00 Hose Reel. A base reel means years to the life of ymr lawn hose. Our reels are all steel drums, and are everlasting. Good value for $2.50. ountain Lawn Sprinklers. These are made of brass and Will not rust. The most satisfactory sprinkler manufactured for 75¢ each J .G. Edwards Co. A SPECIAL DISPLAY ___0p___ STUNNING NEW SUMMER MILLINBRY O O o o l O o O l O o 3 Beautiful Flovvvr lizm. O horns, Melans and Ling. : lects, stylish and llICT'l : O I O o O o O o O l Miss Bannen WILLIAM- ST Ono Door North of Bank of Commerce wwwwwwww You’ve Probably Guessed You‘ve probably guessed that the people who Im‘n- ti- .- em. ~l1‘. lest medical expenses have taken some pains to 17m! Haw v, grocery stores. t ‘ngatfito eat" is one of the big questions of life ; :mw’ “IM'H‘ o ‘uy it takes on a relative importance. This. stern ~~ « I!" 01. the correct answers” to the question. Where You are Sm to Get the Best; I‘m Nine and Quality Guaranteed. , . __:,.._â€" ,,’ SPRATT KILLE â€" w xnw mount. cannons. nan ms A report from Minden $855 on the Peterson road in the Buy Your Seed Cornl Branch. Province of A" gene transacted. Savings Branch. Office Hou W to 3 o’clock. war-days 10 to i o c -_â€"â€"â€"-â€"_. W... THE CA OF I SIR EDMUND WAL. ALEXANDE CAPITAL - $10,000 MON The Money Orders of The “vertical: and economical hey are payable without c Canada (except in the Yuk to United States. The Orders and full in on application at the Bank. In the event of loss of a satisfactory guarantee, -- .0 lost Order. Lindsay Branch. THE VICT Q Incorporate Capital Paid Up $28 EXt‘CllI(:l'~ “7-4 Campany rum; committed to with the ' (fry 31;“. ernmcni in im... 7. Mum-y 2. rates. James Low BI :1L};‘ 4 Canada, (a mu Q Cad Balkan! 5.7:: Toronto “INCHES ANII [UN LIN IJSAYLoc SURNT OUT Wad has been recur.“ .‘ ””9 3M laden-norm :mx Fill...“ A"Iberia at 1...... m nimon, (it-scrub. “*0 mm and brothm~ . hit Qtire place by fire on . h A 533W northwest pa. ‘0 M across their Cmat m.

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