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Watchman Warder (1899), 25 May 1911, p. 3

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01‘s, WindOWs, Wig-g.l m the fly pest. Our nude and selected,“ in! and sizes to choc“ r Neighbours lion. Maxwell or Woody‘“ it) inch drive Wheel upwurd Who '0“ 111;; one of our 30; (‘utlnlflli'llon “I“. . (Hens, Iron Hanan, Vii)“ lutfgirq‘ ’09ng our ATTHIE rk Lindsay Cinnangig More till. “nee. f9?" irflrv- MON ‘ulld blue-€13 [NDSAY CBSSOI‘IBS ..l:-L.' it) gue (X- . 2;; '_1- gout value. I. .. .i‘ your lawn .1, .z- ~ ‘. trusting. prinklers. :xt. 'Ihe 75¢ each 58: Co. ~e~e~eww CIAL DISPLAY NG NISW SUMMER MILLINERY .Iaiiz. Lug; i111:1" 1" Clâ€" 1'.- fun will“ -M x 1111. a Barman “(111131“ UT :11 .1. 1.: WI: 1‘.» Ban it Of t . “ca-Ad o...~.o.§.””” guessed ~ the smal- .l the right mi ' where - is one Of d Corn t the Best; Guaranteed, / etc: son road in the . den tcwnship, 8. m8“ -d before it had W In 8110de its contents was ..... together with wood. sermon“ 1017 Capital Pa d Up ham-1.9m mm. .. W ” 8",m,m Wu Me three-nor; unn u up, 1:. “a“!fauplu. ‘1:ka ' .. “.1 «he toughen of his first write. the am to s cm: in the ROSt $I2,W 0 39.331?» “tram. Ill In :11:- ot the shop. 1:" on m. ._.___... .. M, .mm «5.1111..th won-berm Ufllelded Profits $96|9789 iii”. wouldn‘t. twice. Mn N- M grout". Blood streamed Cured by W 8‘ M‘ “m "" ““h' " m 'M‘ 4°" W “4' °‘ 3" M ham'sVegetsbleCompomd W ‘0 m Mn. Ben put two mum Ir. mucu- ices-d on door to L789 “2:“ "I W- ‘ imp Sellout. “5930”“. mm a- “I m. u .Selimintothoyud “a mwuouflthbwnntm pniuintbenleglsge and nude tor who out side. when s «to led into the you! at the rear at Aid. John Rnundqn’ blacksmith shop. cud through this Hrs. Sol! r“! Sell followed. shooting the while. but none oi the later shots took ei- toot. firs. Sell ran into the shop. bullet. this afternoon and to-nilht Aid. Saunders wu working in his she in routing sully. The 00'0"? shop at. the time nnd had heard the . will order on inqunt "“0 “‘0 death first shots. ’0! Self. Toronto Dentist Sells ‘ . . n; h; an“; Semi for Million “urgwii'tmmi Will \ "I“;th Island qmeltmg afndi‘liefinlng (‘ombahy of Toronto, whic Qshraiio the woman he turned the gun on himself and put. I. bullet in his brain. Re never Ruined conscious- ness. and died in the hospital this ofternoon. Self'l wife will likely recover. Dr. Subaru removed the Branches of the Bank 1n every Province of the Dominion. A'general Banking business transacted. Savings Department at every 2- ~h JIIIIIl, . Office Hours : 3’. vat'lUt'k. ‘ Saturdays 10 to l o'clock. 1:1 '( Qas would likewise"I he the exclusiVe control of the scheme in Canada, .. 'H‘l 131‘“ .V tul.- - . . - . . . 1» ~ into“ exi t‘eane‘ .Qil 1. few years n iQnQd the rights fQor its sale in other ~- ,, throng.“ t e researches” ol' Dr J. .E' (oiintries A highlV Qim'pr rtiiit luc- , . I sol with the buck r9951; of “tileldep- tor in llllilllll the prewnt large A l i 111 ll 111 14111111 11111 111.111. 1.1111- it 1‘1 f11 11! 'QlQlW’ ' “1‘1"”: 1.11111 1 ' .. .. 1| All i1 Illnlrinktor the sum of schn Ulll- Q‘lu litLl that the ill?” :51 line tier-vi s. l U ‘11..ltV lilil _Ll. QiH-l ‘l|\.\ llt YIK‘N Ii‘lxrsfilt l “but Hill}: 21+(11lfi1 lii'iinii ”1 t n iQ Ci in; full ”m” i\\1l\l( f1\ll\flll'l tiln. .. IQQiiqui 11hr 111\V'.‘.lltm (it‘ll) 1. IiQIQQQI l CHI! . \ ll 1 ll \.‘ I<1r1r \(n I u in; ’ Kl ix \ ' f‘\'~‘ it" AH §AW ' ., “We? ERESIDENT iiiQif lairl‘hul‘vll to 11:.11l11>.1V (Ql‘r’lll'l. is 1.1.1! 1Himi'VQVoQ‘Qi-Vluih «Bi Qlii.li\'.1'i.n .1 _ ‘ (11.1 r. 1'” guy (en w k1 ' . .. it . l ‘ at. 5.ng Q Q E RESIDENT «1t tlitl‘ V Ill/(1.x 1 t “Yul: run. (I (ll-(V it 'xtl-i o :l l‘i‘ul“ (All? xlillllt 1ng in; ‘Y‘. I'V'r 5L- ERAL gANAGER (‘lIlW ili71",((11l"Q'I'Ill"(I ',I" ‘ o-"~‘ I"t'll‘ I l‘V' Yl‘l I'YC ' ‘l‘ {11" , Him Qit toys .1 oronto (.11 t t.‘ H'l‘l'l'l. W Ill “no I‘ll-loud It is". 9.1111111151119119 1. 1 4~ 1111111111 1» 1w . Hillbilly! iimr (lit! tum [lions (er «.11titl‘~1Q(.Qotll lym if. m Illllnv In tn the k v‘ _ l‘ll'\'l ll ll ‘ 'I Q I ’ ‘ V . 1 11. untor s slmrQe Iml tiiri in :1 large , . l" I lit 1Q. ot ”the QlQin Izmtt- is in lhiQ 1.1.i1115'oi"11.ir’.;mo qu', although ls :y(fl|’t.y‘"y|ll.1l-VYLI lr l ht't'ltl pron-\s to: ..__ lrllfl‘erl‘ o II E I. lg i E ii! i ,Efigz ‘lllil‘llll'f‘ ISIlu‘nd Qscaitl‘lul tor with T“ M' I”) Orders of Ill? Fommcrce are a sa c. togethu will] Qull appurutus and the V... p308 ian an . convenient £11.11 economical ngllb‘lb remitting sm‘a' ‘mggfixes TH "glocdvey. genius of lilt inunlor, the holders lJnittd soul-V rnQomV is also mph- “1” 1:: pt“ able without char 5 9‘ o‘er), hrahCh Efa chértere Pan m «f stock in the Island Srn‘elting 11nd salted. "MQr. IQohn Ioliglue. o well Canada (except in the Yukon crritory) and in the Rfincteal cities Of 11“““1'13 (Omi'an) will rem-he up known i‘unudiurl ruining man is pro. proximately sen-n niillios for their holdings which will represent an enormous profit on their original in In tl e chnt ofloss of. Money Order the Bank will. on receipt of WS"“““‘- Payment WI” “‘3 i“ satisfactory guarantee, snake arrangements to refund the amount of SINK» 3” DOM“ Mann and his ‘11“1 blast Order. 232 sociutcs retaining about three 11.1111 Lindsay Branch, H. A. HOLMES. Manage no... i bident. the United States. The Or dcrs and full information regarding them may be obwned on applic ition at the Bank. SHE IS NOW lElllNO HER NEIGHBORS “ THAT lmllD'S KIDNEY PILLS MADE HER FEEL YUL'NG AGAIN. PATIENT RESEARCH. The story of the transaction con tains several elements of peculiar interest, inasmuch as the inventor was for many years a practising dentist in Toronto, and during Spade hours patiently developed his theo- ries of the profitable extraction or precious metals from low grade ores. Upon that goal, which had brought failure and financial ruin to many predecessors, he concentrator! his at- tention and success came at last. I To- day through the negotiations forl the new company he finds himself se- IMRS. JOHN McRAE HAD KIDNEY DISEASE. SHE WAS NERv \‘OUS, RUN DOWN. AND SUF- FERIN G FROM RHEUMATI SM. TWO BOXES OF DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS CURED'HER. Previl, Que, May 19. (Special.)â€" Nearing the three score mark, but feeling like a woman of thirty, Mrs. l-Iohn Molten, wife of a farmer living THE VICTORIA LOAN 8. SAVINGS COMPANY Incorporated by lot of Parliament 1895 Capital Paid Up $280,000.00 Reserve Fund $58,000.00 I‘l'VI-i'llilllr HI estates will find the debentures of the ( “Ill! 1an I mit liarly suitable for the employment of funds- Mummy. 1! [(1. them as they combine a liberal interest rate V'eral times a millionaire. 35:: 8::r2""0;sh::Ql;1:i1:Q:r.selfnglfs 1V; '11 1 I 1y hichest security and the authority of the Gov- MINING PROBLEM- ! Kidnev Ping ‘ 5 . , h ce .9 [V which the ormer - ' 111112-111 in imp; therein. T e pro H i“ "For two years and seven dentist has overcome one of the greatest problems of the mining world. namely. the successful and profitable extraction 0f valuable me- ‘I 1111‘ to loan on real estate first mortgage at current months.” save Mrs. Mcllea. “ I was a sufierer from Kidney Disease brought on by a strain and a cold. 'vl."‘ Newton Smale, James Low - - - ll in-iiiu' Assistant. tale from low grade ores which have My 9393 I “"9 punm and mum“). , ._ . formerlv been cast away upon the my muse es cramped. and I suffered .. dume" or left unmlned in the from heumlgla and Rheumatism. My back uched and I had gains in mv joints. " For two years: I “1er under the doctor‘s care, but. he never seemed to do me any lmallmar 211ml. Then I Was advised to try l'odd‘s Kidney l‘ills. ‘l‘wo lumen mode :1 how no man of me." WQ Q Q earth. was described guardedly by Dr. Island. A CHEMH'AI. PROCESS. " It. is not an electrical process,” said he. " but purely chemical. There are no refractory metals as far as the Ft'l‘l‘? of 1m- "Mention is concerned. it mustn‘t: oi the 9.1-: 7 1 _ . . bin-anon or I'Cilllfiéltillllll‘lfl mm and ’ 11113111 " m'lhp" 1111.: "ml” . mp"? HEAD Qpficg 0621121122: bulilmm mm m M.” which ""h‘vtm'l \lh-ll-r‘ll murmured can 1: life imn T O R Q N T Q [£924 the mum?“ “in: ”do hm”! lo Helm. all 1:11:11 4299“ im- ilwm 7M1 ’ menu: the bulimia» llnnlilw‘ lHll' nulls.“ While me we "who inu'u till-ml. «mt pure Mood means new Ilia all met the body. Gil-inc mutation will hardly eput-le an outsider- to tum his backyard into a riwi‘ of gold. it is nevertheless the basis of a ten million dollar secret. It is not regarded as at all prising that the eyes of Sir Donald Mann should haVe been turned coV etously upon such a practical and precious idea as was represented in the discmery. (if recent years the Full compound interest paid on savings ac: counts of one dollar mm BOATING NtWS LA lfiNt‘HES HEING RE-F‘I'IVI‘ED AT THE FALLS. sur- 01'1 more. Fenelon Falls Gazette: Mr. Jesse General Banking busi- ’ ' ' ness transacted. Loans Mackenzie-Mann money has gone 61- Fem“ and Mr- 1’0“" Ben,“ Lind' anch 061-: of the Hm. Bank tensiVely into mining properties, 1580' were Up in the “liter 8 launch "Q‘ notes west and lthe Onnulinda on Wednesday. and advanced and discounted. particularly iron mines north Of we Superior and in 0th- 'towed back With them Cl)“ SCO‘VB er localities which branch lines from launch, the Thief. and Mr. Pen-111's the. Canadian Northern system could launch Awanda, Wmd‘ he has 901d- read). The Thief 3 engine has been repaired The application of the process to iand will be out in by Mr. Perrin and the ores 0! such properties is under- the boat overhauled and repainted. stood to be worth untold fortunes, I Messrs. F. Metcalf and Geo. Cald- ler are at work on a lunch for Mr. . . .S ceofRosedale,tobe22 Had Severe Palns H w p... feet by 4; feet beam, rand built much on the lines of the Thief. The an- of Canada, comer Queen and Balkan! Stitch. Toronto. BRANCHES ANI] BONNEET IONS TllllOlllilIOllT CANADA 1.0an BRANCHES : LIN D SAY JENETYILLE W 3.5“ , , In BaCk. gins, a. 12 h.p. Ferro. arrived last. . 11:7: $400 worth of legs cut 133:. wmtcir mW‘Fâ€" weeks. It looks 0.11., and should r , , 1 and on the shd-waw- 811' “n e 1 . make the new emit travel. To: a as been received says the John also lost some of his fences, Felt‘ A! If It Must Shane and Mark's Blue Streak mu 21530011 Independent from Mr. land the fire swept on through the B k. has been overhauled “a repainted. new:~!11.-\rnber , at Eagle Lake, woods for a considerable dism- It red and is going “am an" ever. is a. serious loss to the young men. Hal 1 Duff, 0]] deseribing the but they have lots of nerve and -CS 5 l0 himself and brother, John 0f 1h \ Ia: entire place bV fire on Friday pluck, and wall soon recover them me-J‘Fotmemlmfiond Montreal ‘ gasolino launch that ’1 heéliv northwest gale drove selves and be in a better 13°91'30” m pane in my back, and could will be u" the top M It is 23 x afil‘e clean across th 1 t “1 work 82 ell, and when I itooped 40 m eir cearing 0 than ever. ‘0 - an - felts-i! 4 feet 8, and will have a 10 hp. GS 5“eeplng' eve Ing, house .___. m M {flung . m ' bongo, 13th bukmuetb made-eaten Vining-Inc. 50m ”tents fences. They took STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Donn. '- Kidney Pill- md .11. Burgoyne'a W ‘1” I‘m houim the Contents out of the During an aim“ “an "hm ”wan" '5 “$3,, “I is busy'tom Mo “”1“” W, b 11-: hilt it was only to have it passed over Mord yesterday a. I one: spent too h M ' " va.uable horse cm by It Jmph ‘ ‘11 the field. machine and 3,11 their Dents Were destrOyed A threshing farm imple- besides about .â€"-â€" Thurston was struck W ”chm sod! with unbi on. i have encouraged may mother: at editotskei it the urn- tlildewor L19! nub pull“. this pfinnflfl rl. WILL! I “when: k. N. 8.. Cum ve is or‘ly‘ep: use! a“? the!» _ w! .gfiikfmflr 93'0th 1'11! .. 11.1%.” «iii: Q“? h. ml 1:11.111? it i {lion orig 9. “9111 ill 1 l " :22222222’2222222222 lioodstock Stnllnl‘l- itentu. ) (Ith-rnuwnt that lhcl‘t: is “ luck 1.0a! amurcnt in dealing with .I‘urmcrs Bunk failure. The Dominion (ioVernmcnt, it is pointed out denied a commission of enquiry, and the Ontario Government is charged with being afraid to probe too deep be- cause of what may be revealed. And so long as Ill". lleattie bitt is allowed his liberty, and, es- Nes- pecially, so long as no very serious peOpIe will continue to put their effort is made to secure his return. oVVn construction of the facts as known. It seems impossible that in these days of telegraph and photo- graphs, of steam and electricity and of organized detective and polici- services, a man like Dr. Nesbitt could VVholl_\ disappear from the fare. loi‘ the e'aith if there were any earn lest eflort to drag him back into thei ’pue the bogus money to the fruit l of West l‘Vllilt «rousing tlu rnilVVzV ‘1‘“ “53.: Be ' ”2mg ”if 1 .. . efLQ\g“ \11'. Kit awareâ€"mag; (ii iii ( I lhl.‘ ' [-1 .phixsicinn declares that [band and nine little Ihome for her. [warden 01' the county i were investigated. the surprise of the police authorities the parcels contained a lull ten. melanin; some powerful acids and other bottles at drugs. There were also covers! counterfeit quar- ters found on his person. Thou quarters were Ilmply copperl silwr~ ed over by means of the acids and other stuff that. he bed for the pur- pose. lie was. it ll uid. trying to dealer when arrested. This uter- noon he lay dead to the world in a cell It the police station. When asked his nunw, he said he was ‘; Bobby Ilurnn." The police nu- tborities are of the opinion that he is an old hand at the counterfeiting, so efficiently was the counterfeit mo- ney in his possession done. Mr. Hit-plum Blackburn. registrar Middle-«u: Illr IlurrV llolmun (lit-Ilene. IV iIIPd died at was nt \ nloiu Quc 11911111 to?” 09.3,] at film j. \111 ' lliltllu L. t \H-ul. llillll lL‘ 1".ilul .t v-lQ'tiiYu vg Li ;-l’it - ‘ .~ I it 1i. \lQV1.i..~ 11h- Qlu. tint 1M1: bcl\ l“ "VV ‘7‘, l.' 11.4 It-i' (ll lI\ l'l \llliui l.. Faulty, “in n‘QWt'llQ .1 (illul‘l (l his Vii'i‘ii Q blood to be pumiud into her \tinsfl ilr. S.1\ugi,VQVl1oQiQs n Tllltvtll'Qh' stilllll i-ll‘clll" griIQduthe of (‘1\l'oi'd, is .1 Nil. . . .of [In It 15 Charged against both the Ito l minion Government and the (‘mturiol ~ ifumous than (i liiM-ill lniVeran. Mulllrml, loollmll lie is no“ at the \ol~ 1 and u fellow- lillt‘f‘flt‘ untu r liospnul IIt'f‘t‘, of blood has llt‘\t‘r been equalled in' - . ' (.‘Dl_\ a short distance “hen 11 1.11mi» matter ls "0”“ng to talk about, for led into a telegraph New York. Dr. Sli\flgt‘ declares the he .suiV'S: “ The woman had a hus- thnt depends on me. enough to do for her.‘ ’ MUST PA} DAMAGES. At the non-jury sittings at Hamilâ€" ton the long- -drawn out and interest ing action 0! McNiVen Vs. the County of Wentwartb and J. A. French. ex “as finished. Sir Willaim Mulock ruling that under an obligation to carr} NUD- ment of stud for asking bogus quor- [laid-$1 it lmt‘l. and trucks g1... .M H“, EUI‘ ilrul .‘Ilulxl- ll ' .. . 1' \1..h<11u;' Intiillmgcr kli: 1 I l )Ullllt.’ ' and “HS (“item of tlnirl Hind! it im on rs‘ a I r _\t'lt Ends 11.. l his sut'rilu'e l“ kids waiting at 3 1 then't got .1 soull the l count} “as not liable, and was notl out i BE GIVES AWAY THE SNAP Al EDITOR HA8 Time and time min editors have token . fling at the people who seem to think that. filling up editor's M in . mighty simple. easy matter. probably the but bit of ll‘ODy on the mutter l1- ”. following by Bob bow- ‘ory. one of the but known new" when in WOW Cumin. “Every once in . while some cm- iul indiVidual make to up. "Well. now inst the paper is out. 1 cuppa-e Vou can take it easy for three or tour days.“ Yet. how delightful it t- lhnt a country editor has nothing to do between me days. Bullpen runs along automnticaily. When paper bills. come due money drops on the trees with which to my them. Subscribers Vie with each other to see who can my the inrtheet in ndvancc. Adver- tism beg for .ddltlonal spare. Andi the why the news hunts up the edi- tor in also plmant to contamplntt. "There In something strange .bout the way the news items act. When the paper is out the editor simply pom to his desk and leans back in his easy chair and looks wise and units for next VVeek's press day, The day before press day the people line U]! in {mm of the office and then 1hr) filt- past the desk and tell him all the m “a of the VVer-k He writes it up in (item or funny minutes, lumps :t (-n n Hike lhi!I 1;. iu' (‘Mkâ€" (‘0:11] (isittit‘s (H 01' ill" il‘\\’ 1n}<tlc north ‘l1."'1.\l“f is K '13'1'I‘ .. €111». tau-‘4 '4‘) :1 t'il's mto ‘1‘ .1100 and ~ I t. u< l1. 'lw- iIeriianiQn the ‘IQY'It‘t 5d" .l- . . d .. .h. tilt-SS“ ‘5” 1! .IN a. ‘Q. ‘ 1. l. 11."!er i.\\ l“ 11' Lain tuning VVI1II( \lx tin (1 Split}; tip: ‘1 on. loun sorne unkmm 1; 1....» lil‘vvluu; L \ 1 l‘F“ ‘V\ 11‘ HT; ~ All; Lulht 11...!) I on t' lvipbt iron .1 toll for o. ilhlllt the coriu ratio: 111: I.V‘.'>t' loot» and ll(llll(‘. Mr and VV .. .~ t; k n home 11 load (I “murmur; \‘l’ltn thi. animal, VVlnCI. \' 1r (1.1;. a Col’l, run away. Mr. (lrecnnr. Jump, ed from the rig and the horse ran post \lllh\hln.. Qidamage to the neckVoke “as rttair- Vch' little damage except that the ‘iurniturc VVas slighth scrauhud "lhc It “as little damage to the necxyoke “as repairâ€" led and the horse proceeded on its [way home none the 'rrigm. worse in its _.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -NO HOSPITAL FOB MR. LAWLEII HE TOOK GIN PILLI light lthe agreement entered into 11; Mr Most of the newspapers that pav irl‘rench VV‘hen he “as VVarden, Vherebx I Rli'uyo a‘iisenjeganhf‘i): 1:131:25: manta any atttntion to the lloctor' s disap- l 9 WW1“ ‘0 I'llrf‘hafie the Illfliwni the; :13“ a" tried CGIN, PILLS. 0' pearancc treat it as a joke: but it iful‘m and ”Mt M’Q I‘rench had either ask them to write us for proof thbt GIN is not the kind of a joke that alight ' mining 3.1300 and $200 my, There ha. \l‘en to be encouraged. already too much same kind inthis country. It is full,- time that the practise of rob- llng‘ the public, \Vheiher by the ureCklmr of banks or the actual stealing of public money. on: carded as the serious crime which it in. l’sllure to so regard it is bring. in; contempt on the law and dis respect for those who are ehlru-ied Nth the chlonfinem oi the 111*. “figs.“ ‘Hll‘Q‘ l‘t'lll'NA‘l'ltW llflh‘l‘lllltA Although coats luv the tmrmmiluu parade in London 11th June will tmi 1tllbt'u\0'lf‘ll the! n alumni i'QQIolVlilHVe In W‘We. olivine Hutu or the «aluminum “‘1“ lm tine u. “u. it is [ilnliletl to llfllll great laminae on all the principal emin- cures and headlands oi lyngllmi Ir-e "joking" (if ”10! Fclslmed by reason of the failure lthe warm-n (1f the low!" in ’till‘illhhfl the term ihml signed Ii. when ”ideal to land and Scotland on coronation night. At nV‘e minutes to ten in l-Lnghmd. Ireland and Wales twenty-foe minutes past. t?n in Sem- land, “timing rocket». will be sent. up ; and at ten and half past ten tbej torches will be applied. The difieroncel in time is due to the longer daylight in Scotland. As the fires blaze up -â€"and there will be two thousand oil themâ€"~the national hymn will be‘ sung. One could not ask for amore beautiful or picturesque incident of the celebration. notes the Youth's Companion. a Boston publication. It repeats the signal-fires which gave warning of the Spanish Armada. And on, and on, without a pause, untired they bounded still: All night from tower to tower they .sprang; they sprang from hill to bill. This form of celebration was also followed on the occasion of Queen Victoria's jubilee, in 17. and her diamond jubilee in 1897, with big m. mm 11mg 1111 BODY 391.!) mm non. 87 TO PAY worm. Whmwhosoldhhbody Moon! tumultu- “the“ 'the oldion 0f purchasing the farm or ‘ I hundreds of cases of Rheum. to Mr. MchVl-n. as dumngen count) out the agreement. The ploiniill in the action “as .l "L ,WcMVen ouncr of the HHHP farm 'nesr Munster Some time ago “hen the (101ml)- VVaF dithering for ihel tmrchbse M n silo tor a poor house.l they hecnred a price of 010.000 uni the firm-e lam». i Home little letter. J. A. l1‘t'ohcl1 win-l mun mun warden elated ah pierce a Alibi" lW' We!- brought} mummy. it we: aiool‘lfll‘tall.\‘ hinted potato“ .it the inn“, "MI ll up in the claimed that e cerium 1mm“ as the (lore Will: not to tm in- cluded Hi the deal The councllurs carry out the deal tutored into by the warden and he was left \Vilh the option on his own and banal. VV hlch he . I .l to corn l i l l to the bout ital but all in no PILLS hsVe cured hundred. end Sciatica Lumhngo I aim in the Back other troubles caused bv weak Kid” or Bladder. Rheumatism can he cured-45 being cored n cry (lavâ€"112W IN I ILLS Ben is the best kind of proof Dorian N. 8. "l have been troubled with Rhet- msilam so had that I could not work. A dorm? tended me and told me in 3. until amend 1.11.1 me to mom “‘ILLS. I did to and after taking a iew beta. I “WHMIHPU ” ti 1 LAWLII. Tilt. lolN 1‘,“ LS on our will" militiamen llml they will cure you or money Wliltuletl sue n in: 6 in! 33 so OHM bum 11: ll yum denier sonnet cu) My tlwm Senorita he: in. it you write on. Natioun Drug and Toronto. 5. The original Gin Pills made by . NationniDrugsnd f‘li 19‘ ’ Chemical Co. of Canada Limited. 1“ Toronto. are sold only in this box. Clinical C13,. lent. B «(if “*5; "Crystal Diamonds” may pounds than other lump sugar. cost a few cents more on the hundred Good things always cost more than inferior quality. However, ST. LAWRENCE "CRYSTAL DIAMONDS” are really the most economical Sugar, because they go further on account of their matchlcss sweetness due to perfect purity.. To appreciate the superiority of St. Lawrence Sugar, compare it with any other sugar.

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