A. It Pays to Buy at Buwe’i The Clothes You. Buy ' . When you pay out money for a Suit you want the best that the amount paid out will get you. ' Steadily and surely our clothing is winning its way through its superior merits. We offer ‘ 5563 a magniï¬cent range and s lendid as- , sortment for selection Th: styles per- 7. . « S WaSll Dre ll h h WI sonify the perfection of ï¬ne tailoring , g V, . I _ ‘ We do not forget that mothers usus y ave easing .4... and there is a reï¬nement about ‘he . .7 -. -. ‘ â€~11 . r; p ‘. . - the hot weathe! by Prov: mg stock that will appeal at once to dis- ’ l I nice ready to put ts for the little ones .Wzare eliminating buyers. We want a chance able to save them , ‘ Yet the“ 1?, to show you the many points of super- tag the garments ready to Put on will not mean a 1g iority about our clothing that is not to , outlay at this store. Come and see the many pretty wash dresses we show at very “mu an' be found in most ready made. garments. Iiand Bag and for this reason we c a large variety at per suitâ€, $10, $13, $15, $18, $20 ' At t'on counter you , our no t _ . will‘find many attractive things Better Have a New Hat for he, day use. mien“, Picking a hat to suit your par- nice are the hand bags we are ticular fancy will be an easy thing showing just, now. They come to do at this store from the immense in very new shapes and are not range we have provided. New styles hi h priced either. both in straw, panama and felts are g . . herlel in abundance. The prices are “(1188’ Lace. Gloves wit in your reach and we will be - - - . , . - . u erior ualtt lisle Lace Glows lam-s pleased to Show you them' Come 1!]. sizestlilte onlg, twoyd'eme fasteners and bound tops. Regular value 35¢ a The only store selling Semi Ready Clothes in Lindsay. special per pair ..... and mulls, in one pit-(1: .V-s short sleeves, low all“. : neck, trimmed With serrinn, shades of pink and White. Price each ...... \Jl. l x'. thll. $2.9 These warm days should remind you of the many comforts thflt you could add to your home to make it more enjoyable. You can commence at the verandah and go through the house and let us sug- gest that you have dark shades to pull down inside the others to keep the rooms cool; or that you get cool floor coverings; 01‘ dark (impinge will help a whole lot; or bamboo shades in either natural or green would be a big addition to your comforts from now on. Come in and , let us show you just what we can do for you in this matter. You will be interested. Ladies' “‘hlte Lu“ 1. l 1:- es, in one pieca stvb. . has embroidery flonnm- v. ,'~ hemstitched edge. wniv : short sleeves with vlzx cry medallions and mu if? $3.49 each ff?†Hot Weather Collars These are splendid quality Wash Belts,only slightly soiled, J. SU I c I I I FFE SONS These are what they call Tennis Collars. They an» Zaux. good pearl buckle and regular 25c value, but your 25 dered but cut very low and resemble a Dutch collar 20c chmcc 2 for...... ...... ... ..... . n.......... c Lind-gy‘g nogt Imagine Store LINDSAY Entrances Kant “d “â€113!!! I‘ll. only more pointed. Regular 250 VBlDe for ............ ft Goods as Ix’cprcsrgp .‘llonqv Rellnzu 1,7 Wash Belts, 2 for 250 f {Old-Time Remedy Darkens the Hair From time lmmemorial, our- and of Mrs. John Crawford, which sad sulphur have been used for â€W hair event took place on “NMS‘WX m0†and scalp. Almost mow... mm May 17th. at the age of 53 of the Value of such “ rooï¬ng-310; Th“ "“9 MW‘ Crawford be- for darkening the hair. for January 1'“ dandrull and falling llllll‘. .m: or making the hair grow. In olden limos tho onlx w... ‘. n», a hair tunic of this Mil". ~, brew it in the llUlllt' lll‘l‘lflmv thod which was ll‘tllllllnxntm .m: .,. nlwm'a satisfactory. \.-\\.o:..;.\ ,,;. .1. . Igurs'rlantili l‘l !:l 1. .. LITTLE BRITAIN OBITUARY. lilislIAIlI \l \i : , Little Britain, May 23. â€" Mrs. H. George Culbert, OU!‘ | ZAM-BUCK CURES PILES REABORO. Reaboro, May 22.â€"Master Calvert, Chas. Calvert’s son, has been ill with pneumonia. We are glad to hear that he is on the mend. Ross MRS. JOHN CRAWFORD. I’loctwood. May 23.â€"It is painful! duty to have to rec‘ord the and death museum Rheumnsml IWhitcside and Mrs. -of Lindsay, visited friends in village and vicinity a few days last week. ‘ Mr. Thomas Pearson, of .Prince A1- Mr. Will Medland, and lady friend, ‘ocrt. Saak., writes :â€""I must thank of Oshawa. spent Saturday and Sun- ‘30“ for the beneï¬t I reccivcd front The Oldest Member. In a short while Mr. Samuel Young. British M.P., will enter on his nine. tieth year. He is the oldest man in the House of Commons, though it is hard to believe it, for he is wonder- fully active. Mr. Young was hailed the other day by an old friend, who congratulated him on looking so well "for a man who must be at least 75.†With a twinkle in his eye the aged MP. replied: “Yes, I am at least 75, for in a short timv I celebrate my 89th birthday.“ He has sat in Parliament sincv 18ml. WVestminstcr (Janette. READ WHAT THOSE WHO HAVE Muscular rheumatism exists in tWo PROVED IT SAY. Acute and chronic. In acute ï¬rst forms : muscular rheumatism there is Ml“ 0- R- 130(1de student-pastor 0f noticed a dull pain in the muscles the Baptist Chumh- has decided to which gradually increases. This announce his subjeCts 99°“ Sunday. [pain often shifts from one muscle to For the following Sunday he intends l another and the Working of these to Speak “" .. Perfection .. in the muscles makes the pain Very severe. morning and " Patience Personi- Muscular rheumatism is a blood dis- ï¬ed H in the evening. ease and should not be neglected, a Mr. A- ll. Veals, Franklin, and proper treatment should begin with his friend. Miss (".,\\'hitc, Ebenezer, the “m Mmmeg ning. years. canic ill on or about (lay at his home. lam-link. Last summer I suffered Mlâ€. W. ll. WWW“ and E- 1‘1 llill- greatly with piles. I started to use man are improving their fences by giving thmn a coat of paint. Mrs. J. .l, Glass visited hcr sister, Mrs. David ’l‘rumblc nt Taylor‘s (‘orc ncrs a low days last wock. Mr. (flurrnCc Sparks happened with [liril‘g Yam-link and found it gaVc list, an 1 Continued it and after using thrcc or four boxes I am plcascd to any that it has cllccted a complete cure." Mr. (3. .-\. Dufrcsnc. of 188485 St. of Bethany, her was cane Mrs. of hr. '1‘. G. Brcrcton, who done all he could to save lilo, nnd undor his advice ahc tnlmn to Toronto. whcrc her was gixcn up as hopeless. 'I' i'.l\'I s., acInnes 369 The lil‘ulM-l‘lx . ll l‘fllk London's Oldest Lady. [ammoflt people Mr=. llt'lslow. moth"? of Canon Bris- imx, and tho oltltst woman in Lou- tlno. ling. rm‘rtilly celebrated M loam hollow M has. attended the Sunday morning acre commended by the vice in this place. We sire sorry to hear of the nest- of lilies Calvert‘s family. lmorywherc because it drives all uric m‘ acid poisons from the blood and on. â€â€˜9 riches it so than the system becomes ““9 girls ““3“ "M‘MQE healthy and two from the tortures M7" bowncy. ‘l‘orouto. and M?" 'N‘ rhcuumtlum. l‘lullp Morgan aullu 6““ Downey and children. 0i“. lllwumo and guarantees it to abs “’6‘“ Sunday “‘l‘h M" and MW“ entire satisfaction or money refund- 'l‘hoa. Downey “l "‘9 \lllugc. ed. (let a bottle of llhculuo today The farmers are busy putting their land rid yourself of rheumatism. rout crop in. Mr. Edward Sanderson ta shingllug his barn. Mr. Sanderson doesn‘t want any more rain getting in on LATE WALTER w‘ 31330): his grain. After an illness of somewhat long" NOW that the "0D 19 in ball PTGC‘ thy duration. Walter Weston Slason tice “'1" be both Tuesday and F’l‘ passed away at St. Joseph's Hospi- day evenings. tal, Sunday. at the age of 82 years. The late Mr. Sisson was born in Cal: an township and was 9, son of the sank In Pond late Thomas Sisson. :Be is survived While Swimmin lhy his mother, one sister and one gl’l‘he sister is Mrs. J. Stewart, of â€"-â€"- ()tonabee. and the brother, Mr. C. E. | Hagersville, Ont., May 21,â€"Char- Sisson, Gilmour street. les Stringfeltow, 18 years old, the The deceased was a second cousin only son of Rev. Chas. Stringfeltow, of Mr. M. Sisson, of town. he being a superannuated Methodist minister, a. cousin of Mr. 'l‘hos. Sisson. residing at Hagersville, was drowned this afternoon while swimming in the pond at Winger’s sandpit. :_ ‘34:: â€"â€"â€".ldr. ll. ll. Mcflill. of l‘eterboro. was in town {train} on business. C. m- I i t ‘uuruaav. Turnips You will ï¬nd here probably the beat assorted stock of de- sirable Turnip Seeds in town. We consult the recommenda- tions of the Department mak- ing a selection of those show- , ing the hi best test as to quality an productivity. Here are some : Hall‘s Weatbury Magnum Bonum Improved Elephant White Globe Ronnie‘s Prize Ydlow Abel-neon Canadian Gem Groyatone Hazard Bangholm Kangaroo Red Globe «o’xx/Maewxx/ï¬‚ï¬ â€œ3“ e 0 e 0 00.00.0030“ . O O M O O O ‘0 00 O O M O O O O. O O 0.00. ’e O. 0 â€"Mr. A. A. Sangster, of Trenton, was in town on business to-day. â€"Mr. W. A. Bateman, who is practising law in Michigan, and a I sale by Tender former resident of Taylor’s Corners, ._._ Mariposa. is visiting for a few days There will be offered for sale by at his old home, which he left about th 1. . f l 1 twenty-ï¬ve years ago. tender up to e us: any 0 - u y, 0 O M 0 'e 09 O 0 You will get the right kinds at Dunoon’s Drug Store OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. f.00....00....00....N.“.00....~.â€.â€.â€.~.O0.00.â€.O0.00.00.0 O .0 N 0 O O. 0 O O O 00 O O O 00 U 0 0.. o o v°°o° O 0 00 O O O O O O O O O O .0 O 0 00 . 0 0.0 e: . 0:00: _ 1911,’the following properties: d ' Lot No. 6, on the east side of }Main street in the village of Kin- FOR JUNE W EDDINGS ’mount, upon which there is erected 'a large double store with dwelling :above, brick, and is a splendid lo- ;cation for a general store business. l Lot "F," west of Main street in lthe said village of Kinmount upon lwhich there is erected a brick dwell- ling house, which is a nice commod- ‘ ious house. Lots 14 and 15 on the east side of Main street in the said village of Kinmount, which is a good site i l Marriage Licenses ! Wedding Rings Get both one place at the for a saw mill and there is situate l George Beall Jewelery Store _upon it a saw mill outï¬t with‘a. ca- . ipacity 0110.000. ft. a day. Lots 41 and 42 in concession ; . ' “ A †in the township of Galway, which is good ranch land and ad- joins the village of Kinmount. Lot No. 18 in the.14th concession of Cavandish. containing 200 acme, which is bush land and contains some valuable timber. TERMSâ€"Each tender must be ac- companied by a marked cheque for Thai-Milli} Three Perfect Flours King of Patents (For Bread) ‘ Lily (For Pastry) (F or Bread and Pas signed solicitors previous to the ï¬rst day of July, 1911. The highest or any bidder not ne- cessarily accepted. The said property will be sold in a.» MADE IN LINDSAY «as and Guaranteed by the makers. - ‘ Fulton a semi..- barristers, Lindsay, solicitors for, Joseph‘Matm- der, the vendors . "' Dated this 19th day of May 1911. ‘ ' ‘ I l 1 I Joseph Street. St. llovh, Que†,l‘.u., writes :---"1 can highly recommend lam-link to everyone who suffers from piles. l hue also found it most ctl‘rctlw in curing a sore thumb with which my little son was sullen mg. The thumb had begun to swell and foster and had lost the ball. 1 )mruovcrcd in the .ppllcatton or Zaurlluk and the sore is now entirely healed." Not only for piles, but for inflamed sores. ulcers. scream. ringworm. boils eruptions. soalp sores. itch. childrons sore heads. old wounds, eta, Zam- Buk is without equal as ., healer. and also for cuts, burns, sadness and wherever and whenever ., handy balml is called (or. All druggists and stores 50c box. Zorn-mu: Soap will be found as superior amongst medi- pit of tne Wesley church at Glenarm cinal and toilet soaps as the balm is last Satbath. lamongst selves. Mothers should use Ml" Howard Lapp, 0‘ the Standard it for bab3's bath. 25¢ a tablet, all , ll‘mnk Stm’ Sunderland, spent \\ed- druggists and stores. or post free ncsday at his home here. lirom Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Several teams of horses were at! ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" work this week drawing dirt in order‘ ‘ to level and ï¬x up the lawn of the fENELON COUNC'L l Methodist parsonage. I Mr. Fred Perrin was the guest Oakwood friends a few days last week. . Miss Jennie Yeo, teacher of East Toronto. spent “Victoria Day" at a painful accident on Friday at lleopor llroa. saw mill south of the village. getting his hand badly cut. ’lhc wound was dressed by Dr. llnll uml at the time of writing it in mending nir‘dy. llov. Wtckett. of Shaunonvlllo. swat a few dam under the parental root this week. Mrs, demos are visiting friends in 'l‘oronto week. Mrs. w. H. Wickett spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Parry Lobb at North Oakwood this week. The condition of Mrs. Sophia Mark lis still very critical and her rec0\‘ery is uploovcd for. Mr. Carl J ones, of Lindsay the guest of Edgar Jones on Sunday Rev. Jas. Archer occupied the pul- Smuh and daughter. this “‘a S °l MINUTES or rmnmx 'rowx- SHIP COUNCIL. ’ Council met at Cameron. Thel- following motions received the as- sent of the council. § her home. . ‘ Lee â€" Sims - That Messrs. Tomp- Our young men in.†spending the kins and Parkin be appointed to in- et-enings by practtsmg playing bass spect and test 'l‘hos. Douglas' gravel. “in“ on the SChOOI gr oundsi' da the'pit and if satisfactory to make ar- As Wedn y was a litigigey were rangements for purchase of same. \urious stores in our "1 Perkin â€" Tompkins - That this unit. I 612:“! “£23: thiiffxdi? gonva 'council approve of plans shown by. ‘ ‘ ‘85 a a ‘ ' ' ' Mr. Du c n, C.P.R. en ineer, of, visited friends here last week. n a g l . . l A band of Mexican gypsies passed crossxngs in this township. ' ‘ill-agc 00 Friday en Simsâ€"Tompkinsâ€"That the follow-i Lin dsay. ing abatement be allowed the .colâ€"‘ The mud ca lector on the roll of 1910. 'lhos. ROW and our young people . l Simsâ€"Tompkinsâ€"That Alex. been successiul in capturing quite alr'v' H. Baby and J. T. Palmer “1:222:22 :dws belonging towoggzpfggted pathmasters to ï¬ll ' tended the . - ' . giguczniggdi‘BQE district meet-I I“, _ Tompkim . â€" That this . . . , Thurs day last. councd Oder 10 wire fence at 1% ’08‘ held {n Mamlla 0†hers of our a rod and 9 wire at 10¢. a rod to “ï¬dï¬gfeéingnn; get-3:001 are busy tarnirsthptittdirngt up wire fences along ‘ an ' for their tea.ma a l ‘ _ :tm 1:91:11 OPEN-£3: some time in' Parkin â€" Tompkins â€" That this June. r particulars later. écouncil appoint sheep valuators’ for GI mnemldeneatlie spent the 24th this municipality as follows: Lo. 1 M1" ar ipolling div., Francis Brien; No. 2 polling div., Samuel Bagshaw; No. 3, I. Naylor and W. H.-Mycrs; No. 4,. John Suggitt; No. 5 W. F. Smithm’am. Tompkins â€" Sims â€" That the fol- low bills be paid 2 Thos. Smith. cram, re-collectlng 82; W. H. Pow- les. for postage and stationery. 81.97; B. M. Modatt. for 86 loads gravel 88.60; F’enelon Falls Ga- zette, printing financial statements. etc" 816.25: clerk on ill-finâ€: Wm. Pethick, bonus on wire face 85.25; M. Maybee. for use of ball, lien- be Va- t about†one ‘ed over town last nigh d ushtnins o'clock, the thunder an an; me N. ‘and was under the akilful treatment ~ Rev. leiated, assisted by Rev. Mr. Crawford‘s maiden name was Jane Staples. daughter of the late 'l‘ho- mus Staples and was born in Man- wru township. She was married to Mr. John (‘rnwfurd in mods-«y on Juno llth, 1884, and she lemon two sons, Fred and JVrvy and one daugh- ter Violet. along with her husband to mourn the loan sustained by mum: wife and mother. The funer- al took place on Friday. May 19th, at 2 o'clock p.11). A funeral ser- mon was preached in her house by by the Rev. J. L‘. Poster: of Beth- any. The pull-bearers were: Men. are. J. L. Hart, '1‘. K. Brown, John Shea, Herb. Lee. John Leslie John McKinley. 'lhe floral tri- butes were numerous, including a wreath by Miss Sarah liindman: a wreath by Miss Louie Scott; a wreath and bouquet by Mrs. A. Cor- by and a beautiful bouquet by Mrs. 'l‘hos. Crawford. The neighbors from far and near attended. making a very large funeral, showing the high esteem in which the deceased was held in this community. The large procession wended its way to St. Mary's burying ground. where Rev. J. C. Poston of Bethany, ofli- l’atter- son, of Liflord. The relatives from a distance were: Mrs. Allen Coates, of Peterboro, and Mrs. John Arn- ott, of Port Hope. 0! her it may be said: " She hath done what she could." She was always a kindly neighbor, and greatly endeared her- self to many during times of sick- oess and trouble. She gave herself unspnringly to a ministry of help- fulness. Besides her husband two sons and one daughter to mourn her loss. Many outside the real home circle mourn the loss of a mother for a mother she was in the community. We extend our heartfelt sympathv to the bereaved husband and family. A well known and popular Englishman, in the person of Mr. “ drugglsts to sell it uudur l and cial agents and most every up-to dulv «lltllz. m um supply his patrons “ill: . 3.. HM product. Nbllllllli tull.§mlltzllt‘\l 1r. pt‘fleflly equipped lul-Ht‘uM-ILM 'l‘lzr Wyeth (‘homu‘nl (‘otut-uxz. \m \‘url. put up an idml tvnmw. or we sort. culled “"Vt'lll'a Nit-v ow: ml- phur Hair limited). .r;tl:.~rm~ L";..!u!'.'.N .0 .. ntuf that the money “1†lu‘ m .z..:.-.: it fails it) do t-xm'tl} .u ed. This preparation is it'll-rm: '\ â€lt- l'i‘pl‘t‘N L'.‘ latterson. of Lii‘ford, [assisted public at fifty mm“ a mm“ .12.. ' recommended and Mlltl it} .‘;1 l1: 4.. gists. E. Gregory and \V. (i. Imam-r. no wholo-sulv tl.".!lf ‘ UPS. M KIRKFIRIJL Kirkneld, May 23.â€"~Mi,\< (Era 1- MC- Kay spent Sunday lusl ll. la. .‘t'J‘.’ the home of Mr. 31h film-“c McPherson. Mr. A. A. Sangswr, 12' Spent Sunday in our \illagv. Miss Francis Foster and Mr. Jack Poster, of Victor... drove to Beaverton on Sumin‘.‘ Lns' Mrs. J. J. LN) and ('lllltll‘l'l. .t'l visiting Mrs. Lee's mother, Mrs. E? Bell, of Lindsay. Sacrament will he l‘lt'ltl .:. -r Presbyterian church on Sllll‘ln} luv“ 28, at 2.30 pm. Mrs. H. H. Turner sw-z.‘ -: 51"†days of last week in "Form.†. â€Moore. who has slw!’ winter with her daughter. 3!“ ‘ B. Turner, loft last “wk :nr xv.“ home in Sault Ste. Marin. Mr. A. A. Sangstcr, Tilt“ and Mrs. Mitcht‘ll molnl‘wi ~. say on Sunday evening LN. they visited Mrs. Sunï¬sh-r “it it! the must week has been In '7 .- 11.6- say hospital, where cl." 1-" l-o-mg treated for rheumatism. “" all hope ‘0? A speedy rt-(‘uH-Y‘K Mrs. ’1‘. Merry, of 'l'orotm nml "It.“ ' Z. lf‘l ‘:'.(.' llLuC. l‘Ttibt'.’ V v-c Mtt't‘t young iting relatives in our \illu-~ Dr. A. D. McLean, vs. .5 FredeerR C Deacon' died in ODS on Village, was called to (l>l;;:\\.. Sunday. May 21. who was 26 years of age, had no The deceased, Week to do some doctorim'. rm" Miss Mona ltoss, of ibuw‘w‘ r-l ' ' . e atnes in Canada, but during the spent Sunday at her hon“, 3“... last twelva years has lived in this b91118 employed at Leaside J “action;_ The funeral will leave the residues of Mr. James Bury. lot 2, con. 8. Ops, on My morning at 10.30 m' Chu- Merry. 0f Hunt-rum. :5 his holidays with rm: 8AM. ENDICOTT Will nmkt‘ llu- S'J‘Ul. . 'UICSD'\\'. MA\ “ \t :- rolt'a. l’lvusnnt I‘mm ‘ John V. Thurston ~ I .1» light. l-lllle‘lHYâ€"M \'._.. lion. linuly. l'ur aunt: 'l'S. his own stulilr, lot '.‘ whore hl‘ “ill roman lowing.- Sntunl... A'l‘l'Hl! \\â€"â€" \t Central llolvl, lbw“ 10 his 0“!) still... will remain until Iliu- 'l‘umlay lllomlDL. \lt'lll. llltIY‘Yi ~lhl2l. 1 .ll\1\n_\ blist‘liIIV‘lux “no l’l Machines, son: was sm-o ~ -cs limp. 536) .3193 ....' -‘ Main 4124. llls grunt; ~ ‘CGNL'OI‘ 148’: : l\\‘ Darrin“ - . onlueror 199, by V ion 489, by I hampion 737. Dam, Highland Main 11;; "' McLaws 1940 7 2n: -ird, Imp. 3650, sire (2: -13; 3rd dam, llals‘. oung lrmce of Rum...- Daisy 1012. lxy i...:~ "‘ Lily of Bloomhill )1 - MacINNES A Pill/.1†\' HacLVNES JI'XICJH‘S \ ' as Shown in Scotland an “'0 3’98! old, “'innrnt: izes. LOClL'v'Y‘L __ Salmon: ~ Since coming to (“finds ~ 0"!) in Montreal, 5t, artin and Huntingfloz: ‘- ions winning 16 First Second Prizes, lr. 1“- “ Sil-er Medal at Mllion Show agains‘ . .. “ding I‘J‘Skine, Maif“:3"'» - My. The Messrs . battled the abOH: tvrtzw . ;. social standing Lil.\'- . Maclnnm I - _' ‘s’ the top-notch l“ “deluged by the, Sall(‘> t» ' In Lindsay three: mmh and 311‘. >..: ,C‘mhray. got $325 for “- ins 1676 lbs. '1'.» ' When of Omemec, ll. I. Winoâ€. where Maclmu ~ Vened for six seasons, ~.. '1 “Wk horse ht has 3.1»: - ten. 3.- s-W me $10 {aw :1800, Usual condit ions, SAM ENDICUL Owner and Mlzllh',‘ , "BUCK BY LIGHTXING. . m the celer'.t;. .. ' . Pull“ Corn and g" r have: n. wart. ‘ m. roots out a com \vz'. m ‘3 twenty-four hou M " PItznan's Painl- I" "l't Ens-actor, there no loss of tin \V; <.' cal