3.111 5; 13K ‘ :rson’s | Treatment. A, : lle-r‘n Tablets are constipation, gunmen, catarrh, backache, 319nm; dyspepsia, lorpid liver, iii. "If lI‘I"."u':P, 11‘. ‘31:.“ S‘ “ï¬ryu‘is troubles .S‘ aj‘XSZYYI; from a .1“. :v'twlr‘l, inactive gag .,-.l-:‘. We have â€2...; '{;w tf‘tf UK. Our . 'il~ 11's and 313- " yet to . .|~ :.1‘iit'tl TO be , therefore 1 ' l? A’T. ilffl'lder- ' I 1‘42“: the ..~\ 3;. 731: (1;- ml :1 Ha ;\ ~<i Strung each 11:12:;93 l! |. : .: Anderson‘s: mm,- 13.5- '.1'-lt 21ml gv ' :2: fur and publish- 2 llffl". :z,n!:‘i.‘s .Lll‘ilLH-â€˜ï¬ . V .v‘, .4: 511.5- rig 4 ','l,’ ea New Linden-v, lit:- .. 1 , fills- ‘V' H ; VOL- Thursday, I lumSlille. '. i'f‘.l: \ firm p, --r, Mrs. t:_4‘l‘f:_.".fl' wivrstazmi . 1 131': ’l‘le .. . \lrs. will; ~~~ Urn-.1â€" ~:.ll‘~ (â€of 12!. ll“\‘v’ ('1 en Cry -EICHER'S ,s' '1 : Winni- . ppcrtunity livantage navay set- Smooth- arrows -v vu- : nters vesters l 5 SHOW PLESâ€"-- very attrac- tion to offer. 5L3 ":- VV'li be , ,. bedding ~- 11.72“." 3 may .. - S .1: a. low THURSDAY, MAY 9. 191Pâ€"’_â€"_â€"â€"+i._-. DYSPEPSIA MAAE HIM MlSlRABlE Suffered Agony Until “Fruit- 21- lives†[lured Him lf':'i"i-’?d5 of people gladly testify to ~ .1 ler: il curative powers of the .._.f; amellicine, “Fmit-a-tives". , .3 1w. suffering with Indigestion, . . a or other Stomach Troubles, . 13.: er of Mr. Stirling, the well ;'V'.'.'l re 11 estate operator of Western 1. ., s11ows the way toaspeedy and. .wrtll :1 (“'3 l}: ExCOE, Oxr.,AUc. 15 th. 19 u 34 lives were so beneficial9 to m_ Ill-Kn I Slu‘l'ercd with distressing ;.. - ,epsia, that I wish to inform you of 2r satisfactory results. '. L1 5.21.101: jr‘l I have, in past, snï¬ered “1’2“" w: th D3spepsia, I am now in : 'thealth. “Frtlit-a-tives†accom- ‘ ; .2;--.l the desired result" ..C STIRLING. “I-‘ruit- :1- -tiv es†will cure every trace " restion, Dy spepsia, Sour Stom .cll . , .1iu After Eating, Biliousness 3.2.1 qudfipzlllon. ..3._.. i: m'lthC‘S†is the only remedy in . :121 made of fruit juices and r1 limit, 6 for $2. 50, trial size, 25c. :1: . 'c’llCTS or sent on receipt of price . ruit :1- lives Limited, Ottawa. W leGOLA. . 3min. Slay 4.-Spring is here ,m and the farmers are busy at - “polling. 111- :ml Mrs. Percy O'Brien visite .l' 2 z.- home of Mr. Wm. Demoe, Nor- Sunday. 1 I , >l'.‘: 1.152 ‘.l:.~< .“ 4,, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. \I, ,1 «4» John llaV'lS. and Mrs. _‘.r:.-r:'.‘ on Sunday last. \l:'~_ .lnllfl Davis entertained a num ul' lmr friends at a. quilting bee i iwsdul' lust. llrs. 1:03“ and Miss Ethel Hunter John Da- .-.l u: the home of Mrs. . . ’l‘uosllu‘v Inst. l! ll‘ll slelpnthy is felt for Mr. Wm. l'._"; I'lll‘ll‘f‘, of Dongola, whose bro-' was murdered in Lutteruorthi _..- 'l‘hurs‘day mailing. ‘llrs. l'i-rcV' H'llrien entertained 2 tulu‘l‘ of lu-r friends at a quiltinglble is particularly common ‘3-oungr girls. between the :tges of four- teen and eivhteen. but is : 150 in m ‘L ’ u l to reinforce the nttornev-gcncral s of- in women of all ages. and quitn fre- quentlv lice at Alban3 there will be always present and prevents recm er3 [turn loose on the communitv after grippc, operations and for this reason a 1011- w ho is all moral idiot part sane ic medicine is required in all lhz'sc being and part homicidal maniac. cases to enrich the blood, ' the nerves and restore health and million . strength. .\ nd l tcnic as good as Dr. W'llinms‘ l‘lnk l‘ills as has been provcl -.u ands and thousands of casl-s, them that of Miss Mario Joseph Post Ofï¬ce N.S.. snvs- .1... M's h... biwi Search Party Looking For Remains of Young Mc Taggar Kinmount, left for Coboconkg tions llaVe 3ou tried Zaln-Buk soapo l‘l‘idily. \il’~ Silos tl'llricn drove to I’cne- ".llls on business on Wednesday rmurnvd home on Thursday. \ll' \Villil- :‘ll'(:t‘t‘. brought a load of . .2 from the eastern settlement 1 llr. .lohn llavis' on Wednesday -.-'. whore thoy spent ll. very en-i I.‘ l‘.l.- uV‘t-uing listening to phono- ‘ I! Sl'it‘t'lltlnh‘. \l:~». Liz/in Quinn is spend in: a l!,-_Vs Visiting at the home of .. m-orgu Woodcock this Week. ‘le- und Mrs. John . ' \lS‘ltt‘ll at the home of Mrs. ‘.- Huntlt‘nck 1'.le Sllllllll). \lmu‘s. “lll. McGee and Robert O'- l-‘l't on Saturday lilorning l'or- whcre they intend work-J ‘2.'..;‘ 1‘15"" 12:1 the drive. \l ss l'or;l and .\ll‘.\'. .1 'l‘nggalrt V'is- .l’ the home of Mrs. “Outlcnck. ‘luudaly lust. \liss llctzl loglic ViSitcd lit the .le. \Trs~ .lals. Quinn, jr.. ‘ I Q V 2 ol ilt‘f mother, Mrs. - fl-w days last week. MONEY lN HENS 2“.\ll l:.\.\'('lf TO HAVE 5.000 BIRDS. 112w two years ago Mr. It. F. ‘ ‘ luinrobin " Thorahi start- wus then claimed to be the »w poultry plant in Canada with 1- 1,711") birds as a. maximum. 11.: 1 houses of a special charac- - “rm-ted to accommodate the -;;.!;.\:!‘3-_ and an expert was cm- -.1 superintend the concern. illlcl‘t‘St intervened, how- ..nd the big plant was not 211:1: the vigor necessary for l ' liri‘,‘ expansion, and late last 1:: (lunn dispersed the birds. 2T‘ll)()(l, however, that the ...- have been leased to Mr. 2- . u? Ultawa, who will greatly 2"0- m- yards. and who already ‘1 Irvâ€. v'llllloyed preparing for (in ' ' .. mm for 5,000 birds which 'wvrml will be present the .. On Saturday last. ï¬ve :1 hr. chicks were receiVed nlrheries Bull‘,alo being a of two thousand r 'T.>:‘_(llfll€fll, source. The birds are all 112d breads Mr Gower is '2~i'1.‘>llc specialist in this line llt‘S no difï¬culty in mak- ~. :qu 1..- a profitable one. A VVoman of Few Words â€"â€" B3e, Main-st., north iVlt‘irst, Ont†writes: “ Your .. ki dne3s, bladder and 2 trrnble has given me great line taken three boxes and :'--o'~l like living and better than . »- felt for years and I give your Fig Pills 4' praise. for they are the best .. 2.2. c'\€‘l‘ tried.’ At all dealers, ‘_'.v and 50c or The F18 Pill 0° ’ >2 11olnas. Ont ’ - .1. iliginbotham. drugsist .23.! 71".»; 1': o2 board of bishops of the Meth O~ '5‘? lpiscopal church in the U. S. 3‘72‘2312scd a relaxation of the rules ‘ 1‘h-hing amusements. Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the m irt of revision of the assesflent 1’ >11 of the municipality of my “1 11 be held at Cavanas Hall 1 in \ ictoria. Road, Saturday, the 25th day of May, 191-2, at 10.30 o'.cloek in the forenoon, to hear appeals. All persons having business atthccourt are required to attend at to» aid tune and place. - 'ALFREDTAYIDR. ' 3. Clark of my main. ago the United Empire Loyalists left their homes and possessions in the of New Brunswick and NOVa S‘cotid. there to begin life anew old flag of Britain in the enjo3ment of the freedom and institutions that are the race. And none can say that it. did not mark a new era for Canada, for from this hardy stock came the man- hood, the very fibre, of a great na- (1 tion, even becoming still greater. An Invitation .!.--.ln l’arker visited at the -1 of Mrs. .Ias. Quinn on Sunday Jack 11 i fr il - 'alled h h "‘ â€" -‘ " at t e on†'l‘lllx, “21-me BLOOD LEADS TO George Woodcock ".-r: ill lhn home of Mr. Silas O'- to sickness. The blood is at day and night to maintain the health and any lack of strength or purity in the blood is a. weakness in the de- fence against disease. doctor's watery blood. There may be an act- llnrkwell and “ll'r. \l'illiams‘ of inestimuhle benefit to me. 1’ "RS 5 so luldly run down that. I C'luld hard- :13‘ go about, in the work about the house. - As mg.- health grew worse the i brought on some species of fit, and when these attacks would come on I '- VVollld some times remain ,uiVCJns-rions for half an hour. -- of .llrs. Silas 0' llricn on Monâ€" visited at the 'l‘llos. _\1‘- medicines had failed to help me. Z“. â€Other "0t me a supplv 3‘ â€r “ ll- ' search party has been organized and iaans l’ink Pills and I began taking these. In the course of a few weeks I felt much better. and after taking the Pills for a time longer I was again in the health. In'. Williams' Plnk I’llls illtl highly. WW Thirtieth Annual Meeting of “ of Lindsay Presbytery and I recommend them to all girls." medicine dealer or by mail at 5f) cents a box or six boxes from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine ( 0., lirockville, Ont. Parrish left for Chatham morning, where he has secured position. 193'. of Zion. visited at the home of Lindsay, in the Mrs. and Mr. “111. (ooper on Tues- day. it to Millbrook friends. week ii orsley, Zion. of l‘enelon Falls. Visited their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Powles on Sunda3 day morning the bo3s and girls were there VV ith eager to makc‘an improvement on the school yard. the children went to the lake shore accompanied by their teacher S Francis, and spent an enjoyable time, returning home in the eVening Sold in Lindsay Very tired. America was discussed at a meeting (of the Royal Colonial Institute, Lon- on. ' WOOD‘WLLE,‘ WoodVille, May 6.- Bio. B. W Sinclair, D.D. 6.302.. of District No. 12, Oshawa, visited the Masonic Lodge here on Friday evening last. Capt. Patterson and -.Mr W. A. McLaughlin spent Saturday in Lind- say. Miss Emma Oliver, Sunderland, is at present Iï¬ith her sister Mrs. J . Ruan. 1 Miss B. Heppenstall, of Toronto, is visiting her parents here. Mr. J W.arren of Standard Bank, spent Sunday with his parents in (.amebridge. Mr. and spent Sunday VV ith A. McLeod, Glen. Miss Hanna McArthur is spending a short time With her parents here. Miss Belle Staples left for Hamil- 1 Mrs Y. A. McPhersonA ton on Monday morning. lduty, and tells in phrase terse I live and will live. It epitomizes in Miss C. Ferguson is home on a plain Of 110‘? duty “'85 performed short visit at her mother’ s. 53‘s the Sun . The words were spoken by Second Misses Lilv Lapp and Alice Lamp- Officer Lightholder of the Titanic in bell spent Saturda3 in Lindsay answer to a question put by the chairman of the lnited States con- gressional committee engaged in bringing to light all the facts con- nected with the world' s greatest maritime disaster. The question VV as as to when Lightholder left the ship. The question cut like a whip because it was this particular of- licers duty to stay by his vessel and assist to the last in getting oth- ers into safetV. The answer was as unhesitating as was the response to duty' 3 callâ€" " I did not leave the Titanic; he Titanic left me, sir.’ The historyo of naVal battles will be searched in Vain for a finer ex- ample of manly courage and quiet dignity than is afforded by the ac- tion of this ofï¬cer of a passenger lin- L. E. LOYALIST HISTORY. On May 4th, 1783, just 129 years 1 nited States and entered the wilds under the birthright of tne British er in the ï¬rst place, and the manner by an on their posts while the waters of death TO SiCkness in telling of it in the second. The A lilVEAKIDWN IN HEALTH. 3 Thin, impure blood is an invitation : work ’ O In commenting on the renewed cf- forts to obtain libert3 fot Mr. Harry "l‘haw, the murderer of Mr. Stanford Anaemia is the name for lack of bloodâ€" ual loss in the quantity of the blood, \\ bite, the Herald last week said or one or more of its constituents that the release 0‘ this man your?! may be lacking. The surest Symp- be aedrefllection on ‘2‘" a "a 2; tom of anaemia is pallor. 'l‘hc trou- deprecat egal procl. ure an might not be without an element of among danger to the community.' Nevertheless, unless steps are taken grav c attacks men. It is Mark [danger of success for the ell‘ort fevers, mum“ “â€1 depraVed and bloodthirst3 lunatic, build up The 'lhaVV case is a scandal. of dollars spent thus far. More monc3 to be expended if it will procure the release of this «menu. of â€mu-‘1‘ the. State. Through our illogical among Annie ’l’urhcr, there is no other was not able 1.) 3.7.â€, trouble The mysterious disappearance of voung Mc’l‘nggart, of Fenelon Falls, several months ago, still remains un- solVed, but now that the ice has gone out of Burnt RiVer a large \fter mauv other left Fenclon I‘alls Sunday to make a search for the remains. It will be remembered that some time last December Mc'l‘aggart and a couple of other young men, who Ml enjoyment. of good were working in a mill in the Vicin- I feel that I cannot praise weak You can get these Pills from anv. W. F. M. The W. F. M. ., of the Lindsay FOWLES' CORNER Presbyterian Society met for the bowles’ Corner, May 6.â€"Mr. Merle thirtieth annual meeting at Uxbridge Monday on May lst. A large number of,dele- a gates were present. The morning session met at eleVen MTS W. Pethick and Mrs A “01-5- o'clock with Mrs. Thos. Stewart, of chair" After the usual opening exercises, Mrs. Wilkâ€" inson, of Sonya led in prayer, after which Mrs. Edwards. of WoodVille, read the reports of the work in the difletent branches of the through the Presbytery. The election of ofï¬cers for resulted as follows: Presidentâ€"Mrs. Lindsay. for S 2.50 Mr. R. Thompson paid a flying vis- Miss Daisy Cooper is spending the with her cousin, Miss Elva Alex. Horn, of Miss Katie Hewic and Miss Ivy McNabb, of C,amcron are Visiting at 131; \ ice-Pres. --Mrs. (Dr.) McPhail, the home of Mr. and Mrs Ruther- Manilla. ford. . 2nd Vice-Presâ€"Mrs. Willis, L'x- Mr. and M _ 3 . - 3 _ bridge. . rs. .M Littleton, 0f Ie 3rd Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Mrs. Morrison, of nelon falls, V'lSlted at the home of Beaver-ton. Mr- and Mrs. Jas. Powles on Sun- 4th Vice-Pres.â€"Mrs. Turner, Kirk- day. ï¬eld. Miss I’arriball and Miss Jackett, 5th Vice-Pres.â€"Mrs. Faed, Can- nington. Cor. SeC. â€"Miss Needler, Lindsay. Arbor day has passed again. Fri- F3113, Treasurerâ€"Mrs. McIntyre, Lindsay. Mission Band Sec.â€"Mrs. Baldwin, Sunderland. Sec. of Suppliesâ€"Mrs. Leigh, of Beaver-ton. Sec. of LiteraturkMiss Slight, of Miss Lindsay. Mrs. Horn, of Lindsay, Mrs. Kon- rakes and shovels, etc., In the afternoon University education in Britain and‘ der several weeks ago a new bridge is about to be built Dated at Victoria Road, my 181:. it wmaodguacâ€"uam “The Titanic Left me 811' That is a sentence which ought to: {night; five words a clear-cut conception of iation an and .to forgetfulness of danger; to man his freedom. this a likelihood that Mr. Thaw will get Ibis freedom. Rec. See. â€"-Miss McArthur, Fenclon . New Bridge Would Divert Trafï¬c From Lindsay As stated exclusively in The War. Maripesa “a. Monm- acrosslthcthinkthogutlonisopctbataboufl Scugogriverfrom Mariposa andmtaccttbccownnot'tuonly m Maxim's Townships forthcconvcn-otlhonecusftyofhavfnstho . At. wheroitwould action was performed in the dead of there was none of the inspir- d passion of strife to nerve there was no reason to expect escape for the ofï¬cer himself, or thfot any of those who witnessed the steadv heroism with which he held to his post until the massiVe hulk sank beneath his feet would live to tell the story of how he died. -It was Simply 9, case of seeing one's duty and doing it, utterly regardless 0f consequences which seemed certain. The sum of what. makes life worth while has been made greater by the action of the musicians of the Ti- tanic who died with a pra3er of com- engulfed them to the end that dark- ness might not render more difï¬cult the transfer of women and children to the small boats; and, lastl3, b3 the splendid sailor who. after a miraculous escape, was able to say, and say with truthâ€"- “ The Titanic left. me. sir.’ fort on the strings of their instru- ments for those who died with them; by the magniï¬cent discipline shown gine crew in remaining- at l l legal procedure a probability of one being turned loose on the commun- ity who will, in the opinion of our most trained and sensible nlienists, be as dangerous as a dog sullering from the rabies. Public sentiment has been known to do good in cases of this sort. Pub- lic sentiment, we are glad to say, is being aroused. It should not be said of this country that a judge could be found who would give this And yet there is W hat follow 5 ‘2' An- other murder, or perhaps other mur- ders, another trial and another A 'acquittal on the grounds of insanitv, committal again to an a53lum. and again a release on the ground that sanitv has been restored. ’ “hat folly ! ity of to attend a dance. While there a make lto la3 up for a 3ear. education. You are still a young man, and if you give up your idle. shiftless habits you will be able to something of yourself after your release. I don' t want you to write to me asking for leniency be- perlod of your sentence, which is four years, because I will not listen to any appeal before that time un- less further facts favorable to you develop. After four 3ears you will besubject to parole by the pardon board, prOVided your conduct in the reformatory is good." Badly Ulcerated Leg ZAM-BUK CUREI) HER \\ HEN SO BAD SHE H’lD TO USE ClbL'l- CHES. For Varicose sores, bad leg, or chronic ulcers. Zam-Buk is without equal as a healer. A proof of this is just to hand from Montreal. Mrs. '1‘. Edwards, of 164 Amherstâ€"st†writes: "Some time ago a bad sore broke out on my left leg near the ankle. For a week or two I did not heed it. but it got so bad I could hardly walk. I sent for our doctor, and he told me that I would haVe to lay up with the wound.. I did so for three weeks. At the end of that time healed a little, but now about b3 using . ry . yo . . in attending that school in Sophom- ber. You will be able to get an the ulcer could only crutches. â€The sore then broke out badly. and the doctor told me that the 0an thing that would cure it would be an operation. and that I should haVe This I knew, was impossible as I had a family to attend to. '(My son had cured a bad cut on his finger by using Zun- lluk and he adVised me to give this balm a trial. I did so, and in less than a week' 3 time it gave me wonderful ré'ief. It stopped the pain, which had been so bad that many nights I did not get a wink of sleep. In a Ver3 short time the wound was so much better that I had no more sleepless nights, and was also able to move about and do my work. I persevered with lam-lluk with the result that. the wound is now perfectl3 cured, and the limb is as sound and strong as eVer. To any person suffering irom ulcerated sores I would say, tr3 Zam-Buk. " Yam-Buk is just as good for piles, abscesses, boils, scalp sores. blood poison, festering wounds, cuts. burns scalds, bruises. and all other injuries and diseases. All druggists and stores 50c bov or Your Buk 00.. Toronto for price Re- fuse harmful substitutes and imita- brawl took place, with no serious re 25¢ a tablet. sults. but it was reported that on the way home another scrap ensued between the two 301mg men, and that McTaggart was left on the road- CANDIERâ€"BARROX _ On side. At any rate he has neVer been heard of since. Sunday a. search partV left Fenc- lon Falls in a gasoline yacht and seven canoes, and a careful inVesti- gation will be made. kle, of Sonya, and Mrs. Mann, of W'oodVille, were appointed to attend the general meeting held in \ancou- V‘er. B. C. The afternoon session opened at2 o'.clock Mrs. Morrison, of Beaver- ton, gave a. Bible reading, followed by pra3 er by Mrs. Frankish, of Uxbridge. The summary of the year' 8 work or to be a. good one. The W. F. M. was read and promo by the treasur- S. having raised $2,672 for the work 3ear 1911. The Misses Low, of Uxbridge, fav- 1912 ored with a. duet, after which Mrs. (Dr.) McGillivra3, who has spent ï¬fteen wars in the Missionary work in Hanan, China. addressed the lad- ies. The address will not soon be forgotten by all who were fortunate to hear her. Dr. McGillivra3- then addressed the and gave a short address 011 the work. At the evening session Rev. Mr. Fraser occupied the chair. The re- port of the work was given by Miss Willis to which Rev. Mr. Best, of Beaverton. replied. Dr. McG.llivray then addressed the meeting and gave a very encouraging account of their work in China and in closing asked for Volunteers for the mission ï¬elds. Miss Gould, of Uxbridge, favored with a solo. The ladies of Uxbridge received a hearty vote of thanks for the many kindnesses received by the delegates. '11†letter further stated: hem.“ nial. Itmaycncourageotherpoo whomflcrul did tonne yam-Vegetable -â€" MARRIAG ES. April 24, 1912, at St. James Church, Stratford, b3 the Rev W. T. Cluff, rector, Mary Alice Augusta, daughter of His Honor Judge Bar- ron, to Stace Harvey Gandier, son of the Rev. ’1‘. Gandier, of Peel Island, Ontario. MILLERâ€"REID â€" On the 1st, at St John' 3 Church, West Toronto, by Rev. T. B. Smith. W. E. Miller of Toronto and Mac Evelyn Reid. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Bobcaygeon. there are good roads leading to it than if placed across the lake where new roads will have to be built to reach it." TWU WOMEN TESTIFY WhatLydiaEPinkham’s Veg- etable Compound Did For Their Healthâ€"Their own Statements Follow. Haliburton, P.E.I. :â€"“I had a doctor examine me and he said I had falling of the womb, so I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham' 3 Vegetable Compound and it has done me a lot of goodpo All the 8 have gained ten poundsin weight, the discharge isall gone,and Ifeel better than I have fol-along womanisfoolish tomflerasldidfor the sake of afew dollars. time. Ithinkany “Youcanusemylecteru atcctun' o- rwomen J'l spector can now sailing in his fine new ' craft. Klnxrmul. _...- eczema, eruptions‘ mammthetrunkto let the SOLD LN AlRTlGHT PACKAGES ONLY CAMERON Cameron. May 4. -â€" The are all busy in the fields ticking a-i-I Vantage of the fine (11133. The Junior Epworth League held their ï¬rst meeting on May 2. Rev. Mr How ard was present. ‘ Mrs. Howard called on the ladies of Cameron on Thursda3 last. All were delighted with the Visit.’ A young carpenter arriVed ill thel home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac l’orrin. l They haVe decided to keep him. I Mr. Wrn. Howie and Mr. lad. Dunn haVe been oVerhauling Mr. Wm. l-‘ell' a house during last week. The west ward will no longer be in darkness when Mr. Angus Mc- Innls gets the electric lights com- pleted on his new v.erandah Mrs. Fred Maunder has the 53m- pathy of the entire community in the death of her little daughter. 11479, ()l4840 Marion. Mr. Maunder. although ~TKE PROJERTY OFâ€" nmrslflll: scum AYllSlllllB PllBlllllfl smuou away, has our deepest sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Neil have our deep felt sympathy in the death of their own little child. . Mr. and Mrs. Ilewie visited at the e er orrlson home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. llewie, Sunday last. A A l t rgy e 011. We are glad to report that Mr. “allie Dunn is improving. Will be routed ln Eldon, That: and Woodville. 1“â€th 1' prohibited and our hr be seen almost any painted Terms $15.00 .See cards for Pedigree and Des- cription. Kirkfield, May 6-. â€" Mr. A. A. gangster. of Trenton. spent Satur-l __ da" and Sunday with his wife and P' NOSbitt Manager ___________________.__ IN THE STUDâ€"SEASON 1912 The Magniï¬cent Bred Stallion Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bruce and chilâ€" dren spent Sunday with relatives in llea\'erton. The social evening held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society! on Thursday evening of last week, , proved a succass. The evening was spent in contests and games such as Dean contest, Miss Dcvrill win-. ning ,first prize and Mr. Vernon the booby prize. Ib the guessing con- test Miss Mosgrove won ï¬rst prim and Mr. J. Duxbury the booby prize. after which lunch was servedl by the ladies. The proceeds amount- ed to about 88. Miss 111. B‘. McDonald spent over Sunday with her brother near Lorne- me- BON N 46513 Mrs. M. Fraser and her little 'lï¬â€˜ial 2 1 . . . 4.. ‘ e ' s t n grandson I “1.88!- MclRae, are H l l g Brother to Haldo. 3 , 2.22: : also rclatnes m “00d†19' , , brother to the dam of Binola, 2, Three new motors arrived m our 2.23: ; Grandson of Bingen 2.06:. Haygarth. Will stand for 1912 at $15 to insure all mare with foal. ’BOXN is a town. Mr. Goad. Mr. and Mr. J. Steele. Balsover, purchased new cars handsome dark lay lstallion, no white, stands 16 hands high and weighs 1,150: pounds; foal- ed 1907. Bred b3 the Allen Farm, 01“ Martels’ Female pills Pitslï¬â€˜gffllgglafgent-st" Lindsay, Ont, George W. Curtis, NI\’TEE.\' YE ABS THE STAX- the property of DARD. Prescribed and recommended Lindsay, Ont. for women 's ailments, a, scientiï¬callh3 _..__ . ' of rOVen wort Tbiptziï¬ltrgï¬bir usepis quick and INGARA 52110 dwg Trial (2) (Half mile track) 2.35. Pooled 1909. Half brother to Luth- er Sexto'n 2.10} ; out of Emily 2.11. Will be bred to ten outside mares at John $20 to insure colt. permanent. For sale at all stores. m ISLAV. Islay. May 5.â€"Mr. and Mrs. “flies†Vvere â€Siting at their For Small card will talula . -- daughter's home, Mrs. Chas Shier gree, address 1 J ted pull at Cambray on Sunda3 of last week. GEO. W. CURTIS Mrs. J Jamieson, of Balsam Grove, was visiting at the home of LINDSAY. ONTARIO, CLI‘DL Mr. and Mrs. D. Tolmie on Sunday last. .â€" The many friends of Mrs. Thos. Hill are glad to hear of her con- valsenc? after her illness. We notice that Mr. J. Murchison, MR9 JOHN HARTNETT 0f Glenarm. has now started his The grim reaper claimed another usual spring round collecting 9828' Victim on Saturday, May 4th in To- etc., WhiCh i3 3991'“:de b" the ronto, in the person of Mrs. John good lady of the house. Hartnett, a very estimable lady, Miss Aldo McFadyen has been who was well known in Lindsa3. staying at the home of Mrs. J. MC- haVing resided in Ops township and Nabb for some days to assist her in in Lindsay for a number of years her household duties. Death occurred after a paralï¬ic Miss May Spenre returned to the stroke, and came as a severe shock parental roof on Thursday, after her to the members of the familv and Visit to her sisters at Balsam Grove numeroug relatives. ‘ Dr Ray. of Cambray. “as in the The late Mrs. Hartnett, who was a. district recently in his new auto- member of the Roman Catholic mobile, in keeping with the timw church, was beloved bv all with Mrs Knight and Miss Knight Of when: she was acquainted: She is Balsam Grove were ViSitOI‘S at 3" survived by four daughters and three and Mrs. H. Boyd’s on Sunday last. sons, as well as by her loving hus- Mr. and Mrs. D D. Spence haVe band, who was a well-known con- been guests at their daughter" 5 home tractor. Mrs. J. Thurston, at Balsam GrOVe, Other relatives who survive are the {or the past week . following five sisters and one broth- The residences are now looking er, namely: Mrs. Frank Dennison spick and span, provlng‘ the spring Mrs. Wm. Sadler, Mrs. M. Walsh, renovations have been completed Lindsay; Mrs. Fettis, Mrs. Walsli Mr. D. A. Spence was ViSitOI‘ t0 and Mr. John O'Connell, of Toronto. the cataract village on Monday laSt- For years the deceased lived in Mr. Donald Tolmie was Visiting his ops, her parents having been brother, Mr. Duncan Tolmie at 1331- amongst the pioneers of the town- sam Grove on Sunday last ship. ' M. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-. TIMELY HINTS. The body of Bernard McColl of Get. after the orchard now. See Camden East, who disappeared last um .11 dead weed is removed: high fall, was found in the woods. The branches topped back; and all 1111- circumstances indicated a. hunting ac- ncccasary branches cleaned out. cident. OBITUARY. l I WINDSOR LADY’S APPEAL To All Women. I will sendotrec. with full instructions. my home treatn mt whichpoal positgely ycurcs Lexicon-v 13p r.,. . J “A... ;. _. ...» “i ... “W'i-c‘ilewid " :1. :7: