~4w‘ 44w“ A. u 11 ., (f. ‘WL$~Av.,;. . run. “The Liver Pills act 50 Naturally and Easily.†Such a statement, coming from the cashier of a bank, shows wha- conï¬dence responsible people have in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: "I have used Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills and also your Anti-Pain Pills, on myself. with good results. The Liver Pills act so naturally and so easily that I scarcely know that 1 have taken a. pill. Frequently being troubled with headache I take an Anti-Pain Fill and get immediate relief in every case.†A. L. Wilson. Sparta, ill. Mr. W'ilson was for a number of years cast..." or the First Natiorul Bank 0! Sparta. Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills are diï¬ercnt from others. Man; kinds of liver pills are â€impos;.bie' after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Milcs' Nerve an: Liver Pdls do no: act by sheer fore: hut in an easy. natural way, with out griping or irritation They are not habit iorming. ( l' the ï¬rst bottle 9am to beneï¬t. râ€" dnmnut will Man! the cries. An- In- undue HILII 8'!"an co. Toronto. c- ___'.â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"‘..-_______â€"-â€"â€"-- DR. F. BLANCHARD l-IIADUATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- I‘Y. CORONICR I'Olt COUNTY OF VICTORIA. I.“ â€" ltidout-st.. corner Kent and mdsaysts. l'hone ‘5'35. III. KEELAADS IRVINE. Den onto. members of the Royal Col- man of Dental Surgeons. We nil the latest methods of dentistry. lpecinl attention will be given. to oily linimcnts were analyzed, bridge I Dgthodonin. Crown and work. The successful extraction oil bath under g-as (Vitalized air) will the insertion of t‘te best artiï¬cial‘ dentures Continue to be a specialty,. of this oihte. Oil‘ice nearly opposite the Simpson house. ~____._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" ,.__.._.g Barristers. etc ________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'-' HOPKINS AND HOPKINS, Barris- ters, Solicitors, Notary Public, etc Solicitors for Bank of Montreal Money to loan on terms to suit borrower. Ofï¬cesâ€"6 William street couth. Lindsay. Ont. G. H. Slop ; kins. K. C.. F. H. Hopkins, B. A. ! l v ____________________..I . jTEW.\ltT 5: O'CONNOR, Barristers. I i Notaries, etc. Money to loan at very lowest current rates on best terms Ofï¬ceâ€"corner Ken; and «fork sts.. Lindsay. '1‘. Stewart, 1.. V. O’Connor, B. A. ' Mi IOORB JACKSON, Barristers, solicitors for The Canadian Bank Of Commerce. Money to loanl on mortgages at ï¬ve per cent. Of- ï¬ce William street. Lindsay. F. D. Moore. K. C.. Alex. Jackson /â€"Iâ€"â€" LEIGH ll. KNIGHT. Barrister. Sn- .- ' - v ' ~ "t the . lititor. Rotor} lul’llc- â€mm or {continued success and Home Bank of Canada. represent. incr Waterloo Mutual I~‘irc of \Vatci‘loo ; anCt‘ l‘o., Life Assurance (‘o., of liilllllil.tlll,« lï¬npiro Accident and Surety (‘nql of London, Ont. (lflice over Home Bunk, opposite Post. Oflicc. I. B. WELDON. Clerk, .gatt, issuer of marriage licenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. ______________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- um UNDERStGSED is prepared to loan money on form, town, and vil- lm property, at. very lowest rates! Company or private iood mortgagee. solicitor, ctc, Milne Block. Lindsay _______â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-'_â€"â€" .,__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" IeLAUGHLIN, PEEL. FULTON a STINSON. Barristers, Solicitor: and Notaries. Money to loan. Spo‘ einl attention given to investments. l Omens: Dominion Bank, corner at l l ‘ days. 1912. David lluntcr, aged 97 l li’l'lllll‘ .\l:l'l ' l Insur‘ l \ Federal l i I Oakwood. Fire Insurmcel b“! l I. E. WELDON I I l on Sunday. May 5. American Company May Build Mill ,câ€" Mr. Ronald I). Mackay, of Falls- ton, Mich, is in Gooderham in the interest of an American company, of which Mr. Mackay is a member, looking over the timber limits re- cently purchased f/om the Baker and Powers Lumber Co. Mr. Mackay will also look over other limits, which the company may purchase shortly. it is understood that the company intend to ereCt a large fac- tory to manufacture their timber, and that (looderham is on the list of places where they are thinking of building. DEATHS HOWE - In Snow don Township on April 29. 1912. Harold Bryce. son of Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. W. Howe, aged 2 years, 8 months, land 15 _â€"â€"_â€" HI'X'I'I'IR â€" .\t ltcahoro. on May 3. manv years. The funeral milieu of Mr. Lot ll, (‘on. 10, tips, on Sunday, at two o‘clock. serv- Inter- will leave the resi- May 5. 11912, ice half an hour earlier. lllt'lll u? ltivcrsidc Ccmctll‘y. l‘oint lidwnrd hotehnen disposed of their remaining stocks of liquor when local option came into force by giving free drinks to all-comers. llomcr Davenport, the cartoonist, died in Now York. lh‘untford will spend $13,000 to strengthen the river dyke_ Oily Liniments \l' \ItXlCl) S'l‘llllxu-H.\Il'll.l.l.\‘(i . l l l l .ur. l .\(;\i.\'s1‘i OILY l.l.\'l~ her sister's home, Mrs. . Teacher" in School April 29.â€"-Miss McFadyen. of Lorneville, has returned to the parental roof, after a three week's visit to her relatives in this and the surrounding districts. Miss May Spence was at home for the week end and last week and in- tends Visiting the Pleasant Valley forthcoming Islay, dist rict during the week. .ur. have Graham has engaged Mr. Robert Landsâ€, of Glenarm, to as- sist him during the harvest period of the current year. Mr. Henry llunn is assisting on the farm of Mr. .I. .lamieson, of North Islay for the remainder of the cur- rent year. it is worthy of note that the month of May provides us with two a. rarity very seldom new moons, seen. .nr. Archie Graham departed from the district on Monday last to take up his old position in the west. His friends wish him continued success. ’l'om Currins and his sister Maud» were visitors to Lindsay on Samuel H. Hunter. Saturday. Mr. n. H. Warwick was a Visitor to the district on Sunduy, Mrs. ll. l). Spence was it visitor at the home of Mrs. Avery, of Pleasant Valley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hos. Nuylor. of Michigan, have been visiting at the home of Mr. Isaac Naylor. It is regretted that Mr. Jack Mc- llcrmott was unable to proceed the west. as be anticipated, as he is suffering with a bad foot. We trust he will soon recover again. 6 Mr. and Mrs. .1. Thurston. of Bul- sum (lrovc. visited at Mrs. D. 1). Spence on Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. :Mcll‘adycn re- cechd a visit from Mr. Sam. Lov- att and family, of Hartley on Sun~ day last. Aliss May Spence 18 on a. Visit to l. 'l‘hurston. lll‘IN'l‘s (‘()\"l‘.\l.\'l.\'(: HARMFUL of llalsam Grove for a. few days. .\i‘llk\' .\Nll .\.\l()Xl.\. Mnny people have clung to the old- tl..\t u thick, greasy kind. Doctors fashioned itlt‘il liniment is the best v ha. 9 say notâ€"21nd they know, Recently a number of these white. and they were found to contain an enor- mously high acids, and such as ammonia, etc. they can irritating chemicals For the moxncnt ued use never cures rheumatism, and only deteriorates the skin, sets up. inflammation, and causes endless trouble. When a doctor warns you to quit using a white, oily linimcntâ€"do so. lie knows that a thick liniment can't penetrate, can't sink through the pores and reach the seat of the pain. I When asked his opinion a fcw days ago. an important physician stated that. he considered a strong, pene- trating painâ€"subduing liniment, such as “ Nerviline." to be superior to any of the white ammonia liniments. in his twentyâ€"five years of practice he had witnessed cases of rheuma- tism. sciatica, and lumbago that simplywould not. respond to ordin- ary treatmentâ€"but Nerviline cured them. The same physician alsol spoke of the great. advantages ofl keeping a preparation like .\'crvilinc in the house, because of cramps, diarrhoea, stomach disorders, ear- achc, toothache, headache, and such minor ailments. class curc. There is scarcely an ache or a. pain, internal or external, that. Nerviline won't cure. In thou- sands of homes no other pain-relic“, ,vcars' I I Hi t y the endorseâ€" nent of the profession are proof that 'crviline is the liniment for the home. ing medicine is used Ill“..\'L‘llS._ MARK â€" At. Cameron, Thursday, May 2, 1912, Josie Gertrude, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mark, aged 1 'ycar, 3 months until I rescued from the water he was suffer- pcrcentuge of harmful- cause a warm sensation; when first applied. but their contin-l l m w . . . . ‘ l .\erv11me is a lirst- l Mr. James Nesbitt has obtained the services of Mr. 1.. Mcicall'c for the summer months. i The residents regret to hear of the illness of Mrs. J. McNabb, and trust thut‘she will soon be well again. The next meeting of the W. l. will be held at the home of Mrs. 1'. ll. Sponca on Wednesday, May 8. It is hoped that the members will attend this meeting as it will be for the annual selection of new oilice hold- ers. . Mr. Fred Ferguson has taken a trip to the west for the summer season. l I guest of her sister, Mrs. Herb. .2“ it goes. tickling starts in yo cough-.stiliaslee . :hen another. 05. A few nights of that and you're so worn out and weakened that the cough takes a tight grip on But why endure it Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licor- ice and .Chlorodyne will soothe that exasperattng tickling, loosen the phlegm and cure the inflammation of the mucous membrane. It not only stops theoongh uickly. allowing you to get sound. re- reshmg sleep, but it goes to the root of the trouble and drives out the cold com- pletely. Children willingly take Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice and Clilorodyne. because it late: so good. Your Druggist has it or can quickly get it for you in 25c. and 50c. bottles. The National Drug 3; Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited us â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"‘â€" BE'l‘IlA‘SY. Bethany, April gu,â€"\tork has com- menced on the town hall, which is being erected on the sight of the one burned last November, Mr. Hickey of Pcterboro, having the contract. The new hall will be somewhat. lurc- er and more llp-to-(Inlo than the old hall. I will also have a cement basement. It is expected t will be ready for uSe about. the first of Aug- ust. Mr. '1‘. ll. Jackson has moved into his new grocery store and will he to | "INS“d to see all his friends and cus. tomers. . Mr. Alex. Monk and If. H. Rylcy were in l'etcrboro on business last Tuesday. getting ready for the 24th of May, which we intend to celebrate in line style this year. heath has removed from our midst one of our oldest, citizens in the per- son of Mr. William Morrison, who passed away lust Monday. April 22. after an illness; of two years. Mr. Morrison was 79 yours of age and n “073' Patient sufferer. llis remains were laid to rest in Graham's reinc- tcry the Wednesday following. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow. four sons and three daughters, also a number of grandchildren. Miss Phillips, of Toronto, hus rc~ turned home after a visit of two weeks with her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. ll. Jackson. of ()mcmec, is the tige- Miss Howdcn, His many friends wish him success in 10“, his Venture. Miss Lizzie Elford returned from her prolonged visit. at Cartwright on Wednesday last and is staying un- der the parental roof for a few days previous to again departing for an- other district. Thcre was a. good attendance at the Sunday school on Sunday, and the instructive lesson was fully up- preciated. â€" _â€"â€"â€"-..â€"_-â€"-â€"â€" l)..( “RING l".\ i‘_»\l.1’l‘\'. Pctcrhoro Review : The ï¬rst drown- vicinity was reCorded Wednesday ing accident of the season in this eVening when Mr. James Peters, who resided on Parnell-st, with his wife and family of nine children lost his life at Baxter's Creek. when a canoe ' hich he and Mr. Richard Thorn- heck, 11 \l’escott-st., were using. upset. lloth men went into the cold water and were unable to right their craft. The circumstances of the distress- ing affair, as told by Mr. O. Ste- wart. of Stewart’s Landing. about six miles from the I’eterboro locks. are that he and his brother Fred, were attracted to Baxter's Creek, one mile and a half distant. by cries which they later found came from Mr. Thornbeck. whom they found in the water, minus his coat, hat and boots, and clinging to the overturnâ€" ed canoe. When within a short dis- tance from the creek the two men noticed that the cries for help had stopped. When Mr. 'l‘hornbeck was twenty days. . . . The funeral will leave the ram-g me greatly from his trying ordeal. ily residence. Lot ‘12, Con. 5 199119.! and will feel the effects for some Inn, on Friday. May 3, at twol time. As near as Mr. Thornbeck could o'clock p.m. Sci-Vice at the house half an hour earlier. Interment at Zion Cemetery. IIRWIN â€" At. ()memee. on Friday, May 3, 1912, John Irwin, aged 74 years. The funeral residence, Lot 15, Con. 6, will leave his late Emily, Service at the house half an Interment at Emily p.m. hour earlier. Cemetery. The grass is turning green and the fully. Some one in Chicago is advocating Hilliam and Kentâ€"us, Lindsay. R !the employment of police women m ’J. McLaughlin, K. C.. A. M. Ful- ton, B. A.. James A. Peel, '1‘. E. Etta-on. ____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Mm dllll Granite MlllllllllQIllS Still doing business in the same old In .nd but not in thesame old way. We {Ivance with the times and are in a. position to do better work than ever. New designs. new granites, new and mproved tools and methods. 11 fact the mosb‘up-to-dabe Marble and Gran- lte Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our dc signs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 85 13 Cam- bridge_8t.. immediately norchof Fire BAIL Lindsay Marble Works R. CHAMBERS, Prop plain clothes. They wouldn’t. wear them . _â€"â€"â€"- CASTOR IA .For Infants and Children. fie Kind You Hate Always Bought Bears the Signature of ‘ Sheriffs Sale of Lands County of Victoria, to wit: Under and by virtue of a. writ at hex-i facias, issued out of His Ma- Josty’s county court of the County of Victoria, to me directed and de- livered. wherein 1). A. McArthur is plaintiff and Alexander McCarthy and Michael Marran are. defendants, I have seized and taken in execution. and will offer for sale by public auc- tion at my oï¬ce. in the court house, in the town of Lindsay. on Tuesâ€" day, the seventh day of May, A.ID.. at 2.30 o'clock; judge, the accident happened about i six o'clock after he and his compan- ion had made a distance of about three hundred yards from the river. After the canoe upset Mr. Peters was forced to relinquish his hold on the DAVISâ€"COX _ At the boat and he sank. While the Ste- wart brothers were taking the res- cued man to a house at Hales' lhridge, Mr. J as. Latimer, of South llionaghan, who had also been at- tracted to the scene of the accident, found the body of Mr. Peters, face upwards, at the top of the water. The body had found its way from a deeper part to a point in the marsh where the water was about three lfeet deep. Mr. Peters was recently appointed assistant ï¬shery inspector and had been camping down the river. He made a trip in the morning and was joined by Mr. Thornbeck, Towards evening they made way to Baxter’s Creek, which is about one mile this side of Hales' Bridge and while paddling met with the accident which caused the death of Mr. Peters. But, for the timely assistance of the Stewart. haVe perished. “ ~â€"â€"â€"â€" Henry Corbett was thrown from a. being broken. who will visit the tion. About the saddest exercise is that at some man. distance in the past or future. Yillage of Omomee l ‘ Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will help brothers, his companion might also _ L‘tl. Hughes has lent twenty lb 53 rifles to the corps of British cadets pains were always there. mm b Toronto exh bi- a severe bloating and belching of win ' ' relic! at night. and ' of a mother throwing her daughter Best times are usually' those some 1912. at the hour of 2 o'clock pm. all the right, title, interest and ' ,ot redmption o! the said â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€""â€"â€"â€"_.â€" m BROKEN McCausland, of North the south hallo! lot number 6.;eoa- ,- cacdon 9. o! the town'nhlp‘d M- ‘ “hockingmwtgon ontotthenymm I?!“ lilo-w 3 mphntingmin your {WWW f; Mai?“ V '\ How florve Cells Are Broken Down Every man or woman who works up dafly an force. with the brain uses enormous amount of nerve Millions of tiny nerve cells are brok- en down and must be. replaced if mental and bodily efficichy is‘ to be maintained. If brain fag, ness or irritability set in, the dence is plain that nature is rebuilding as fast as work is break- this headaches, sleepless- evi- not ing down. You cannot allow depleting process to continue long if nervous prostration or paralysis is to be warded off. you to get the balance on the other side of the account, so that each day will add a. little to your stock of health and vitality. A man whose ‘ work is largely mechanical may keep going with health below par, but the brain worker must have a. clear head or fall behind in the race. Re- store the wasted nerve cells with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and know the jOys of good health and success. ________...â€"â€"â€"â€" MARRIAG PIS. KELLE'I'Fâ€"McIX'l‘YltE â€"â€" At the Methodist parsonage, Ilaliburton, on Tuesday, April 30, 1912. by the Rev. J. M. Whytc, of Minden, Mr. Bruce Kellett and Miss Emily Mc- Intyre. daughter of Mrs. D. Mc- Intyre, all of Haliburton. â€"_â€"â€"- Met hod ist parsonage. Mindcn, on Wednesday May 1, 1912, by Rev. J. M. Whyte, Mr. John Davis and Miss Theressa Cox. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cox, of Minden Township. lNESBITTâ€"VOYCEY -â€" At the Meth- odist parsonage, Mindcn, by Rev. J. M. “byte, on Wednesday. May 1. 1912, Mr. Wm. Thomas Nesbitt and Miss Mary Ann Vchcy, (laugh- ter of Mrs. H. \‘oycey. all of Min- den Township. _ â€"_______â€"- One half of the world doesn’t know at noon. how the other half bluffs. their women's hats are blooming beautiâ€" .uâ€" “â€"m ea iabout surrsnao TERRIBLE mus. 0F INDIGESTION. Mrs. Wm. E. Madison. Mount Tryon. REL, Witterâ€""For mom. than a I sulfa-ed with all the terrible pains wagOn near Gait and killed, his neck oyï¬rndigstion and my life m one of the mtgstmwy‘ . Itdidnotscctntomake any dlï¬ercnce whether I ate or not. the Ididpotevenget somenmeshardlygotabitofsleep In mymag'yIn-iedmanyrem. tocnreindigmtwn.‘ ' buttheydtdmcnot oneparï¬deofMandIfullyexpected {would always be aflictcd in this way. t1 and . irst thing you know. you’re wide awake, conghing yonrhead Two new drums were purchased in the place of the ones burned in the lire. and our popular band is now I .0 , ., . . ‘ ‘1“ ‘ I. , ‘P' . -O ’ \ impunity 9.1912. fined to Ills Home for Weeks. “Mutt-Om andflflhnfltl inyouth brought on bed the would beta) 7m v“ or}: ‘ or a week me. My i'um'il; men and l was laid up 1 fl _ Mountain: at I dreaded t, “emu...“ r...“ “we? smile“ sumo- e ‘ . T Ll: to m not! work so much (Lilli bo- ukod mow I w w Ileadvtlcdhgeh commit L‘rs. Kennedy £3me era-mt from them himself and up... mud “W “L Isms“; "l Tr"; “W .0 0W an: (ur’r: or weight] womwhntdiscoumgcd. linu'fll‘lljr. manned for three manta: ringer and was â€way-11.41 Id on! can: 812. week in n macliln Icon y wand never loose a (in; Went. HENRY C. LOC‘CST. YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASE!!! end most sedans“ They sap n... entire! mic-tied from the system \.ill mop- . limntppuwtbo symptom-our 5;;w . May 12. 1912. m: r 3’5. 5C1} â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" - THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson. Luke vi. 27-88: Rom. xiii. S-IGâ€"Memory Vernon. 27. Hold.» 1"on, Rom. xiii. 9â€"00!!!- lnontary Propel-0d by Rev. D. 0. Steam '1'he topic of this lesson is “Love.†and the pattern is “the love or God." At ï¬rst sight the teaching is most extraordinary and the practice seem- ingly impossible and beyond all reason. Great grace might enable us to love our enemies. do good to those who hate us. bless those who curse on and pray for “a later excuses have broken YOUNG OR mung! Act!) HEX-W9“ â€â€˜30.... Mentally. iv. an ‘nlx nil 3°“ “31 monumptom 3.333151; hm youhoed the rgci sill-ï¬lm such as despitei‘olly use us. but when It ‘°""m°‘“m"â€;om.mmm ' manor Havevun hope? Areyou invalidity to ("a [9 â€as In . ..v r,..'\l) ’ victl r W Anyone in ' . - ~ “3"â€â€˜3‘3' your blood been diseased? 38" 3' “3,13!“ 'fif'éo (or van. Cancun-tic flan“ _ wm l" m done for g6;- :11 honest u ini'on Free of Chane“. No “531;? m 1‘“ waging-ii. 3:? (mutated) on Mot comes to lending without hoping for a return. giving to every one that ash and letting the man that takes your cloak have your coat also it does look like a good time for trumps. Imposwrs. thieves and robbers. We know that the righteous Lord lovetb righteoub ness. and anything nnrlgbteous He would not do our ask us to do. so we must prayerfully wait upon Him for clearer light upon this teaching. Ae- cordlng to verse 35 and Matt. 1'. 45. the object is that we may be manl- festly "the children of the Highest." All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Dcpzin. " ment’in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to Medical. Institute in Detroit as we see and tron “the children or our Father which is see â€personally call at our . in heat-en... It ‘8 therefore not . no patients in our Wmdsonoï¬ces- Iwbicgdarem {0:11 Cpgigwgepoï¬ 0:1 matter of what Is expedient or no My 50’ C833“!!! business on Y- , .5. cording to reason. but how can we as the children of God make people to know our Father. God. Be was teach- ing His disciples (verse 2th. those who had received Him as the Christ. the Son of God. and had left all. to follow Him. those whom He was to leave in the world in His stead. that because of them the world might believe and know the only living and true God and Jesus Christ. whom He sent into- the world to manifest Him (John xvii. 3. ll. 21. 23). It is truly a high. holy. heavenly calling to represent God and Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and be so alive to their interests that we shall be wholly dead to our own. The love of God and of Jesus Christ is the greatest thing we ever heard of. and there are no more wonderful state- ments concerning it than John iii. 16;; I John iii. 16. Put with these "God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were- yet sinners Christ died for us." "in. this was manifested the love or God Iiilis Confesses to Detective of [filling Porter at Minden (Special to The Wander.) Mindcn, May 3, 3 30 p.m. â€" De- __._. toctive licburn and Constable John! Wclch have just. arrived in the vilâ€" lage with A. A. Ellis. brother-in-law l’ortcr, who was myster- OBI'J‘UARY. ’I‘HOS. M. I-‘l'..\("l{. â€f 1““‘i5 The many friends of 'l'hn.‘ Kl iouslv murdered on 'l‘hursdav night Hack m" bear with rcurcl‘ m‘ "H ' . . ' ldcnnse at. his home on “Minimum.- of last week. l‘.lll5 has been arrest-i 5 . mm on Friday I‘m- ed for U19 murder or 1’0â€". and the ‘ ceased was born in the Humming» mi and ,Manvcrs in the year' 1145673, {mm toward us because that God sent His Prisnm‘r was closely guarded . ‘ ’ only begotten Son into the “'urid. that hand-culled. iwiuch place he moved to lit-cum.- a. we might live through Him." "HQ lijl'lis was Luke“ completely by stirâ€"iresidont. Of Lindsay 'al)01l1‘. ill-9 )n‘nr spared not His own Son but delivered prise at his residence, which is a few 1887. After remaining in this town - ' ' . ~ . . for about three veurs u: wont \tw's? Him 11 for u all." . r" v steps from the scene of the murder. _ , . .- . churchp and s ave $12515: â€raid :33 He was arrested early this morningglocatmu In Alberta prmmcc, \tlli‘r" “Th b g ‘od . . ' and captured without. any difï¬culty. he {OllUWfll his trade 83:1 (‘lll’l'i‘lWr e c "Nb of L’ “blob [3'9 flatb- I'lliis is now lodged in the lock-up and builder for about setups-my; purchased With HIS 0WD blOOO. the hero and will be brought up before a years. Three yeans ago h‘l‘. 1.1mm. returned from the prairie iii-mum.- jury for trial and investigation. l Son of God loved me and gave Him- l.atcr-Iu‘llis,. on being questioned, self for me" (Rom. v. 8: viii. 32: I John iv. 9. 10: EDI). V. 25: Acts 8!. this afternoon confessed to the mur- 28; Gal. ll. 30). In the light of. such. der of 1.. Porter, whom he said be tremendous statements consider the lmet, on the road. treatment that He received when hero Porter and Ellis met on the roadl "of" f in humiliation and even as He taught 8130013 dusk. both men Wing armed-l '1 he our lesson of today. He was In the Ellis 351““ 1‘0“" if he was 100king‘ and is Survived b." hi? “Win“ world which He had made but it “’1' him and 1'0â€" replied that he and 0".†daughter' M’s“ HM†“Ml knew Him not‘ Became untoh-is own was not. whereupon Porter opened 9 also his father and monitor. Mr. and ï¬re without a. warning and withoutl Mrs. Robert Flack, town ;, one bro- special people lsrnel. but they received , ‘. . , mm. Mr Alex Flack . 0m. .. , ., Him not. Their rulers had no- kind any effect. LlllS thereupon returned. ~ - - . ‘ f) the ï¬re with fatal results. iMrs- “'m- Worry. words or thoughts for ï¬lm. They Port - . .. . . .~ » . er 3 un wa found h . mom- ihc deceased was a member o. h . said that Re bad a devil and was mad g S t ts ing within twelve feet of where the Paul's church. Service “Tl 5'“ held at the house on Sunday at 1.350 I]! nm-r and basin-sided at his present The on Wellington-st. evt-r since. cause of‘death is attribured to did- which malady he has sullen-xi or over one year. deceased was 47 years of 8L3" “if:- “d that He deceived the people. and shooting took place, and Ellis ad- tn their hatred they ï¬nally killed Elm. mm taking the body 200 yards p.m. accusing Him falsely and giving Him away from where the shouting took The funeral “'1‘“ 105W? his 13‘" "“1" no semblance of a fair trial (John i. 10. place. “em-'0. Wellington-st west. M ‘-’ E'- 11; vii. 12' 20: Vill. 52; x. 20,. Yet Be The ï¬ne l'leis used has been se- m., and proceed to Riverside rpm.- bore it all patiently and did not talk cured- "‘1‘" The wan?" “lends “l“l’ back nor strike back. though He might pathy to the family. have swept them off the earth with a “â€"â€" â€â€"â€" __. look or a word. as He will do at His ..“.‘ ..,.. ....,...-,..‘ I ‘ ‘“‘. . . coming in glory to set up His king- dom and share it with His own re- deemed ones (Isa. xi. 4:11 Thess. ii. 8: Col. iii. 4: Rev. ill. 21). Now. considering that by such love and by the sacriï¬ce of Himself He has at such inï¬nite cost and by such suffering. bearing our sins in His own body. made all who receive Him chil- o l dren of God and joint heirs with Elmo ( TO MAKE SURE 0F DRY FEET Call and get a pair of J. HUGHES’ Waterproof Boots For this spring Repairs Neatly and Promptly Execute self. par-takers of His kingdom and glory. does it not look a good bit easier to love. to bless. to help others for His sake. to give. to lend. to do good. hoping for nothing again. to serve those who cannot serve us in re- turn? Do we not feel like saying as Mephlboaheth said of Zlba. “Yea. let him take all. forumnch as my Lord the King is come again" (ll Sam. xix. 30). Our Lord never encouraged wrong- doing. and we may be sure that He would not have us do anything to en- courage injustice and oppression. theft or robbery or idleness or anything of the spirit that would wrongfully take the property at another. But He would have us show in our daily life that we have such treasure in Himself and in His kingdom that we are ready to use all present things for the good of others it only we may win them to Him. bearing meekly any loss or cross for His cake. The love of Christ con. straineth us to live no longer unto our- selves. but unto Him who died for us and rose again (I Cor. v. 14. 15). Since Paul could take pleasure in inflrtnlties. in the bearing of insults. in distress. in persecutions. in grievous difï¬culties, for Christ's sake (II Cor. xll. 10, Way. mouth). the same grace is at our dis- posal. to enable us to reckon all loss as mere refuse because of the pricele- privilego of knowing Christ Jesus as out-Lord. Doesitnotseemasitwq couldlendorglveorgoorbairaay loss because of such love and Mann. of His kingdom? Let our one question he “Low. what wilt Thou have me to dor'andonrmotto“.lnsttopleam Jeans“ and we shall notbe apteltber 00W: _orcomoalurt. .‘§‘-‘“\“‘§\\§§“\“§§ Lindsay Street 8. and William Street, N. oMWMM~m-AA-â€" - ~ - 'u~“- .____-_ a ‘I - |L1Ll1' i141"... . Alli 441 - - . H Children like FAIRY SOAP. Its whiteness shows its purity and appeals to them. It floats always within easy reach; the youngster does not have to .- dive for it. .The shape of the cake is ovalâ€" ï¬ts the handâ€"ï¬t for any band. -, FAIRY SOAP lathers freely, cleanses quickly and .. thoroughly, Without smart or sting of any kind. Being made of edible products .n'li ,( /_, /,' [dcrskinofababe Try .u "I- n c "l Iâ€" u u ‘-1 run-urn- n- ‘nn-ut . . .‘n‘nnr‘ uâ€.- m-vâ€"râ€" run-nu ’1"~lv-n-n-‘- n'nâ€"flâ€"w‘-‘ . k ‘4 . DRESS GOOD Xitvy and liil( ~: ~v-t .. popular pric‘w 7., T ‘, Navy. l‘ill. Ky. grey repp~ .iiiv: ; special pvi' 3o: Silk Foul-ink 1 i light blue. â€Evy-2‘ A largo ‘v:l.“lwf_'.' ( ' in other patron- :.j,.- Black anti wrwtw, . '( white, brown :u. l ‘w ‘ silk at per yi ........... Black :ini ‘ ' - Dres‘.(i(nwi\ l7 ‘. ' Crcunx 'l‘uw ll.. p and white so: u, .- :- 44 ins. . . Black Vlliii,‘ M“ .â€" .' \l Cliilliicns le' ~1: .- straw anl 3 the babies E. E. flilï¬ ' l.. . . Head of Railway of ' .lU‘lL‘O Mach“. the Board of 1:: . .; . for (‘nnada ll.:~»~" at St. Michal»: ~ . .ludgc )laluw .- ligurc in the pm. of late _\‘(‘Ul‘~ ~.-i .1 u the Board l..- '2...» . merchants ill": for a "hlilliil‘w ow of a grt-zi‘ i - ». . Glilcti ll) .1' .. - ., “the saving .z‘...» the ('hicf Vanni.»- deep Ol Yum-- ;:' . . ‘ . , has DRE“ :4 Side of stimuli. in ~.. . wf‘ worshipped is,“ _'. '7 . r , I. â€rl‘hL‘ L'l‘t‘it’v'o' .' ‘ est nullllu-l‘ l:.:~ ‘w ~ he all()\\'4-(i :L‘I'i J‘ ‘ 7' ll way of ohm; a; ' llllllllllv'ï¬\ «r - method, crisp! ..-. a faculty - The wheat PM" the pri-(Iuii,.r~.i' 7. . the man \x‘ w. made the llnm in!" ,-.i 'i‘.- ‘ W m.. a Ii()\'t' ']‘() lil‘IMM‘, l. . l‘.\l,\l.},\- .. Don't allnv. m . scenscs to spt. ' .. ' ' l hands or arm: ll 2 . l 1085!)' and for .11". ‘ .- . gi Putnam's Pain-Em. l Extractors. i .2. .' ,_ â€l suits alwaw \ n 1 Corn and War" i x 1 any suhsliliih- E‘ ‘ the trick ii: ..,»~\ ' i at (lrugglslsj ; Mo. 1118 SCCOl'lii y‘l'J , : home rule lull '. l