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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 May 1912, p. 11

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HOPKINS WEEKS HOPKINS Bu filters, Solicitors. Notaries etc Solicitors for the Bank vf Montreal Honey to loan at. lowest, rates. Of- fices, 6 William-st. south, Lindsay, Ont. Branch Office at. Woodville. 0.11. Hopkins. KC. C. E. Weeks. Prod Holmes Hopkins. B.A.. LL.D. Gets Fortune For Performing Kind Act va Hun-m. rum». May 20.:=1-‘.rn: «at. W. Mat‘lnw. We Now \‘m‘k lmw \.vr Mm 1w gu'mg up in» «leemug car Iwmh hi an oklvl‘lv \wnmn Um: mumg haw I‘I‘mu Immg (‘fl‘flpl‘um‘ m puss tho nigh! in a wmmuu par er, Kent-st. Phone 11. Insurance 1nd Real Estate in all its branches. Fuil parci‘ulara from W. R. ‘Viddess .....A2ent, Phone UK A. Man- Nahh....................De00t. Agent Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Publi‘. Commissioner, c. Succwsor to McDiarmid Weeks, having removed their business to my own office, opposite Watchman-Ward- no CHANGE OF CARS Tickets will also he on sale on certain dates vna Sarnia and Northern Navx- gation Company. Wmnipeg and Returnâ€"$34.00 Eimonton and Return~$42.oo Tickets good for 60 days Special train will leave Toronto 10.30 'pJn. on above dates carrying Through Coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars via Chicago and St. Paul. May 28th, June 1 1th and 258): an) every seconl I‘uesday thereafter until September 17th Batw'un all Stations in Canada. Good going May 23rd and 24th Return limit May 27th YictoriaDag jiyééight Speniufla't 03 Renown. over No"! In Shoe Store Evmluan wpahad. Brnlen Lanna replaced Causing hmdacheand nervous tron blv. are relieved only by our prop- erly ground glass”). Children’s eyes need attentinn now. Do not hesitate :«mmfit .m‘ if your eyes need help. Single Fare tor Round, Trip is the very best thing for their boots as all goodpanadimsand “Z‘in’I” Shoe Polish hands I am prepared tc turn out the work' as in former times, and ask the continuance of the patron- age of my many customers, as has has been during the past forty years I have been in business here. All accounts, either due or owing Williams Bros, will be lected and paid by myself. The Lindsay Planing Mill LEIGH R. KNIGHT '. 3. ANNISQphD (Mini: nun change 250) We?! President Taft and C 01. Roosevelt are tbroug/z will} t/zez'r mud slzhgz'ng', they must clean up. PAGE TIN. Having taken the business back. into my _ __L. Eye Strain and Nerve Strain GEORGE INGLE’ ‘l‘lw u‘m‘um' Lmnlw‘ (‘NN‘WN‘R “'m at mum Smmd was mn‘uml. NHM“ im: u loss ur $150.000‘ The meeting of Mrs. Marsh and Mr. Marlow took place several years ago on a train running from Xew .\'ork (tity to the South. Mrs. Marsh had exlwwtod to find sleeping cur nc- vommmlntions but the train was (‘rowdml nml nnl u berth could D0 fnuml for hm'. \‘mmg Mr. Marlow. who nccuplnl n sent nvnr hor.:unCvd Inn horlh ntlmrlhnumulnnd nuw mmps lfln tvhnnh It was Mrs. Helen Amelia. Marsh. of this city whom Mr. Marlow made Comfortable, and, who, in turn, made him her heir when she died a\ year ago. To-duy the Probate (‘ourt hero ordered the sum named turned over to him. â€"-â€"â€" senger coach, inherits for his kind- '0 a. ness :1 logaCy of exactly $98,100.: .\h-. and Mrs. 1’. Short visited at Hil‘cx'vst Farm last week. Mr. P. Ireland has quite recox'ered from his recent illness and we gr: g,ad to see him around again- Mrs. R. II. Anderson is staying with her mother during the latter'o illness. Mrs. A. P. McKague, w’go has been ill for some time is progressing favorably and we trust will soon be quite well again. IIotspur, May 20. â€" ed to see Mrs. Tyndall spur once more. Sold in Lindsay by ham, druggist. 'l‘o cleanse the system of undigest- (-(l food, foul gases, excess bile in the 1i\'cr and waste matter in the bow- els will impair your health. The best system regulator is FIG PILLS. At all dealers 25 and 50 cents or The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas, Ont. Sold in Lindsay by A. Higinbot- nu guardian M Mr family for m “may 51mm mu! nuw they {are mourn: 5mg hm‘ uumisv nub as those who lmw nu hupv fur hm‘ Mo was we!“ fur tlmsv Mm Hourly Iowa hm‘. She tmtmml Mmu‘mwu m‘ noun helm: safe in the arms of Jesus. l'vm-ot‘ully at last her work is done. liar hope so bright. her soul moron. Fur strength in God relying, (‘almly she met life's closing scouo. MARY CRAWFORD DOUGLAS. Lorneville, May 20. â€"â€" From the quiet home of Mr. Adam Douglas, death has removed one of our loved ones lo the person of Miss Mary Crawford Douglas, she having pasaed away on the evening of May 16th. utter a short illness of two weeks. ruusml hy a paralytic stroke. She hnre her mm‘orlngs cheerfully. She “ill be greatly mlasod in the house whore uhe has taken a, sister's place nmnmnsme. N EGLECT HOTSPUR Bros., will be col- OBITUARY. We are pleas- back at Hotâ€" (‘. Wood. l'mierwood, Ont., says : “I have used Baby's Own Tablets or ihe last four years um! would not be without them. as I have found them heneflcinl every time I have given thnm to my little ones.” The 'l‘nh- lets are enld by medicine dealers. 'Smne pmmvngor mm‘hva \wru hack- ml mm n «mung car tn \he M. (‘. It. yard M St. ’l‘hmunu “Uh machmwn mam mambvr m‘ pnflflonmfl‘fl and mu: \my mupluywn new injurwl. Once a. mother has used Bar"! Own Tablets she would not be with- out them. They are the only medi- cine for little ones guaranteed by a Government analyst to be free from those opiates and other harmful drugs found in so-Called "soothing" mixtures. Concerning them Mrs. J. m' by "mun nt 25 cents n lmx from 'I‘lm hr. Wimmnn' Medicine (‘0.. hrockx-nlu, um. Ulhm‘n» “TI'L‘LD NOT BID “'I'I‘IIUFI‘ BABY'S OWN TABLETS c-~-c V, , setting aside one day each week up- So it is just possible that. this on which to dissipate on the edible lady has sounded the right. note and plant. She has found many who it might be a good precedent, to 05- agree with her and are going to tablish one day each week, upon join the onion eating- brigade. The)" which to concentrate the onion dim. \\'e have had Mother's Day. and Dominion Day and Arbor Day, and many other days, but the latest is Onion Day. This would Come once each week. The idea was formulat- ed by a lady who is a. leader of so- ciety, and owes much of her health and strength to the eating of the bulb, of the liliacious plant allium cepa. 0n ditl‘erent occasions she has been forced to forego the pleasure of attending society events on account of appeasing her appetite by eating the high flavored vegetable in large quantities. This set her thinking so she decided upon making the sug- gestion to her lady friends for the setting aside one day each week upâ€" Almost one Week ago Mrs. 'I‘ruckie left her husband and secured u pnsi- tien as dining-room girl at. the king George Hotel. Friday owning her hnshnnd culled hi the hotel and sent a note upstairs in his wife. but who refused to nee him. .N'lmrtiy iuel‘ure .11 utriuek Saturday nmrning «he new him standing at, the owner and he imrkuned her in mum uni. She (lid an. «ml the rmmio were seen iniking iumdher. when. withuni a nmnwni's wnrninu. he drew an rm‘uiwr and lir- ed M her. the indie! imiuinu in ihe Victim's heart. cunning instant denih. 'l‘rucklo then held up n paéaing rim and compelled the driver to hike] Hmnilton, May 20. â€" One of the most. shocking and deliberate mun- ders ever recorded in Hamilton \ms committed shortly before 11 o'clock Satdrday morning at the corner of Market and I’ark-st.s., the victim be- ing Mrs. Frank 'l‘ruckle, who, until a. siort time ago, lived with her husband. Desperate Man Shot His Wife and then Tried to Get Away ments. Quickbrilliint, lagging. N 9 other even Best by test. Will not soil the daintiest; gar- lav; va-m- .â€" Forty-three carloads of eggs came to Toronto last week from Chicago wnicn cos. we one and oneâ€"half cents less per dozen than the Canadian product. A large dealer in Toronto is negoti' ating with firms in Nebraska, and other American centres to have eggs laid down in the above city at 20 cents per dozen. This state of aflairs has caused an easier iecling in the local market and will com- pell Canadian producers to drop their prices. At local points the following prices" have been Paid 1 Belle- ville 20c to 22¢ per doz., Hamilton 230, London 23c, Stratford 22c, and Picton 23c. It now devolves upon the Canadian producer to drop their prices as the, dealers on the American side will continue to flood the market even at a greater decline. Butter is coming in freely at outside points and is selling in Toronto at from 18c to 22¢. Lindsay still keeps the price up, holding it at 25¢ per lb. NOW ITS ONION DA Y -- WHATNEX T .7 SHE WA I'CHMAN-WARDER. SOMETHING ABOUT EGGS inviowottho W3“ upbringingudlortbeuhol mother.wi!oudm~ at the Sunday The at tondancc increase School still continues to to the satisfaction of those who in- tere'st themselves in the school's be- S. d. McKay, counsel for the do- fenoe. put up a strong plea asking for six months in the common .m half. Mr. and Mrs. A sml ncchlom hnpponml nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘om l-‘orgumn on h‘hlny. tho 10th hunt. when ymmmm child n [my ut hm iyonrn M mm. was It‘nhlml to cimth. ‘l‘ho mulhur Wm: about m ucruh the mm mu! hm! [muml out Um mum; \mtor «ml wont nut to RM mum cuhl wawr m mhl m in (m rumm- llu the child mot it mothur M \hu door and then walked thwuuiu. and toll into tho mm of hot. \wwr. and although Mrs. Forgusun slid hor utmost to ulkwiuto the pain. and sending fur mmlical hid. it was all in nu purpose as from fright auul comulsiuns it could not survive the shock. The remains were buried at J-Idml cemetery un Sunday lust. Miss May Spence was a Visitor h. her sister‘s at Balsam Grove on Sun- (la y. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thurston, of Bal- sam Grove, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. SpenCe on SUDdEy of last week. Mr. D. A. Spence was transacting business at. 1-‘mwlnn Full: on 'l‘uw- (lay Inst. R‘Ir. W. Metculfo was at the Catar- act Village on Saturday lust. Farmer Sentenced --10 Years and Lashes Woodstock, Ont., May 21.â€"John R. MCKay, a. prominent West Zorra farmer, was sentenced to ten years in Kingston penitentiary with ten lashes when he goes in and fifteen at the expiration of the sentence for a crime against his fifteen year old daughter. McKay swooned when sentence was passed and his wife b9- came hysterical. The scene in court was most enacting. The charge was laid by his wife. Isluy. May 18. â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Spont‘o were at the Cataract Village on Saturday of last wook. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKay. of (:lonarm, were visiting at her mum- or's home last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Spence returned home on Saturday uf last week after their Weeks visit to her daughter's home. Mrs. J. Thurston, of Balsam Grove. Islay Child Was A prominent writer said: “ Let onion atoms lurk within the bowl, and half suspected animate the whole." The onion has qualities of the best, but for one little reason, which all know, it is banished from the table, therefore, its standing is not as high as it should be. Them is no doubt. about. the hygienic Value of the onion, whether cooked or raw find :nuch'pt ‘Yhe delic- ious flavor of the German and the French cookery is due to the skilful combination of several onion flavors blended. have deemed to eat cheerfully of onions on one day of each week. \vuuld nut earnings and di gut the mulmy. When enquiries were made nt. Hm Kim: Gem‘m‘ howl regarding Mm. l-‘runk 'l‘rucklo. the propprlomrs. lmunokmpvr nml mhvr omplnywu Hum uh» was Imnl working: mul rvnpoch nblo. MW alto hml Mon at. \xurk tur n fvw unyu she tultl M1» 01’ Um utlwr clhlhlgâ€"l‘num girla that. Iuvr huulmml mm no Rum]. mu! who tom» ml ho “mild glw lwl‘ truuhlo mu Im \vuuld nut work mu! wantml Iwr earnings and did not cure huw aim him in. It was just a few minutes after the removal of the woman‘s b0“)? When the murderer shot him- self while vainly trying to escape from the police, awho were in hot pursuit in an automobile. 'l‘ruckle, still living, Was quickly rennoved to the city hospital. Domestic inielicily prompted the rush deed. 'l‘ruckle. it is said. had a very jclous disposi- tion and was constantly shadowing the momments of his wife nhile on the streets. Scalded to Death from Chicago which cost the purchasers uct. A large dealer in Toronto is negoti- have eggs laid down in the above city at. r feeling in the local market and will com- “ Those who like to gamble will have a chance this year with pota- toes," says the writer of " Hope Farm Notes " in Rural‘ New .Yorker. “ As we all know prices are high this year and I find many farmers ready to plunge into potato grow- ing. Some of them will break up their rotation, cut out corn and wheat and plant a double acreage of potatoes. In home localities it seems like a sort of craze which, we all know, takes possession 0! people now and then. On the other hand I know several large potato growers who will cut out the crop entirely 1this year. These men figure that they should keep out of the rush. For strains. sprains, su-ellings. colic. distemper. coughs and colds. no liniment will prove so efficacious in the stable as ”Xerviline”â€"it is good for man or beast, for internal or external use. Wherever there is pain. Nerviline will cure it. Refuse substitutes. Large size bottles 50c. trial size, 25c. at all dealers. or the (Tatarrhonne Companv Bufl‘alo, X. Y. and Kingston Ont. Dr.d_e Yan'o Female, Pllb How many Lindsay citizens are guided by the warning sounds of the bell on the market building? Very few; the majority of the citizens who hear its warning notes quietly extract their watch from their Vest pocket and profane the bell ringer for being either ahead or behind time. The money expended on keep- ing a man to notify the public when noon hour comes savors of medieval days and would be placed to far bet- ter use in the payment, on a good town clock that. would strike oil“ the hours which rould be heard With- in the town limits or use the money for road improvement. How to Cure Horse Distemper SAYS Nl-IRVHJNI". IS FINE IJNI- MEN’I‘. An l~‘.xperioncod Horseman Sciannly lk‘clnres that Nothing is so Satis- factory my Non-nine. In this age of enlightonnwnt, when all can possess a watch, which can be purchased for any price from $1 upwards there is no use in the con- tinual tolling of a bell at certain hours of the day. TrAlIBLE IN POTATOES. or no attention to its proclmnatinn of the beginning or ending of the Working day. II ls humy yvm‘n hm‘k Hilll‘t.‘ ihv vilivs (Hfllk‘llm‘d with lwll ringing M lho ilmm umhnl hours of ihv «hum. Many ul' iho hollu which iiiil uorvlw lu lhv lul‘ly luwvl‘s (if Um grim! uwl- i‘upulixlu aw nuw [nailing l‘urlh ihvil‘ uutus i'rmu ammo liillu school human on a sit!» linu ur iho church in u muutry village. It is quite natural in continue ihu pruviico 0t ringing bolls 80 long as no ohjocliuns are made to this unnmessury rimming of the useless reminder, of the pvrimis when sun dials were the (mix chrono- metors to be had. No doubt the town bell had ils usefulness, but it. is now lost. and people my little The pausing away at Hm curfew mul the ring‘m: M n mwn hell m many towns mnl all CHIN wrough- mu, (‘nnmlu mu! Hm l'numl Sum.» moms m M nu nurwuhk‘ mmmm' in all .m‘mrdlng m mwrmu rulmru. ”Al-Wu - --_ for women's failrment‘s. a. scientifically prepared remedy o! proven worth. The result of their use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug stores. Dr. Martels’ Female Pills NINTEEN YEARS THE STAK- DARD. Prescribed and recommended The weather having been disagreeable this last V farmers are going behind seeding. " (:oml night." lk‘louud. may the night he [mod to than Bring to tha- strengthening sleep and grateful rest. ' And of its store of happy dreams. the beast. Amt may it hrlng nno kindly thought 0! me. For when the smuuls of busy day are stillml. The dark and silent watches will he llllwl Whrthvr I {who or live”. wlth dreams at that. " (30ml nluht.” Mr. R. F. Thorn intends building a new huuse this summer. He had the uld house moved on the imm- dutinn Some time ago, Sn as to build in the same place. a RICAHORI'). ltoulmro. May 20. -- Mrs. Albert. Sanderson and children and Miss Alta Fugue. of (mu-man visited at. Mr. Albert l-‘k-mmings last week. The Misses l-Zthol and .\Ida Reid are Visiting at, Mr. Wm. Reid’s. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. Rea is on the sick list but hope for her speedy meovcry. The student pastor, Mr. A. Mad- dow, is 0n the field of the Baptist. (‘horch for the summer. The lioahoro school boys went to .\'u. 9 school on Saturday to play baseball! They played a fast game time score being 11 to 15 in favor of Heaboru. Miss l'ritchard is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. Sam Reeds. Mr. R. 1’. Thorn intends building (Waning a ten anu enterluullucuv u... be given. Miss Marshall. of Fanninmon. is mum; at her sister's. Mrs. I-‘nid. Mrs. harm. of 'l‘urnntn, in visit- mg at her hmtw hero. Mr. I“. J. Fun! in spending a tow days in 'l‘nrunm. Mr. (‘lmrlos Merry I"!!! roturm‘d humo nflor spending Hm 1mm tow umnlhn m "Iknvmutu." 'l‘nrunm. Minn lrmw Murhvll in winning tn Turn"! 0. Minn (:rnco McNau- nlwm Sunday at Mrs. Mel'horuun‘u. nulmwor. oldest residents, Mrs. Eliza Truâ€" man at the home of her son, Sam- uel Truman. Mrs. Truman was 87 years of age and until the last year has been exceedingly smart and ac- tive. Her many triends regret her death and extend sincere Sympathy to the bereaved ones. She eaves to mourn her 1058. two sons, Sam- uel and John. of Glenarm, Mrs. John Forman. Long Point. and her granddaughter, Miss Millicent Tru- man of Nemnarket. Ont. Miss F. Parrington. oi' Balsam Lake. is learning the dressmaking with Miss E. Smith. of town. Anniversary services will be held in the Kirkfleld Presbyterian church on Sunday. June 2nd at 11.00 (1.1!). and 7.00 p.m. Rev. Mr. Perrin. of Mooreileld. a former pastor. will Conduct the services. and on Monday M‘onimr a tea and entertainment will Kirkneld, my 20. â€"- Mrs. A. A. Sangster spent. a. few days in Osh- nwa last week. On Friday evening of last week, there passed away one of Kirkfield's oldest. residents. Mrs. Eliza Truâ€" man at the home of her son, Sam- uel Truman. Mrs. Truman was 8’7 Miss Bannen 3 Hoe Drills Disc Drills Cultivators Disc Hart-owe M We have a. very auraC' ti'e Proposition to offer. Repur- d‘!I carried for all "Sylvan," “whims on: com EVERY mam: sow Tudhope-Anderson Co, Limited Children Ory row rmcuza's >ASTORIA mmem el’LtE Both Spring and Stiff Tooth CALL ‘1' THE FACTORY AND LET US SHOW â€"YOU OUR FULL LINE OF SAMPLES-r__ «:mm NIGHT. LINDSAY, ONTIRIO, CANADA KIRKFIELD' having' been rather this last while the going behind in their I! in mun-fled n! mm“ W. .1. Hanna has hum ‘ (‘huirmnuship of tho 1m: mimion. Wmouuom 3 § § Everybody's doin' it New Doin' what: I: , their Wuhling lily ‘ Mnrringv Licmw ..: Carty's. ’OOOOOOOOO hur und Fort William The Steamer Manitoba snilxr: {mu Port \icNichol \"Pdnesdny u 2.} at“ at Olen Suund leaving; Hm: {n :m at [0.30 STEAMSHIP EXPRESS haves Toronto 12.4.? on milnq: days nmkmg direct (‘unnm‘l inn “ilh Summers at Pm! Mv‘Niz'hul Steamen leave Port McNicoll mondays, Tueldnys. Wednesday: Thur-days. Saturdays at 4 pm. for Sault Ste. Marie. Port Art- HOME-SEEKERS EXLURSIONS UPPER LAKE NAVIGATION and every second Tuvsdny .mi: Sept. 17 inclusive WINNIPEG and RETURN. $54.00 EDMONTON and RETURN. $4100 Return limit (in (imx Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Edmonton via Saskmnuxz. :xlm \Vinnipegk Calgary \‘iu 2min linv Ask for Homemker's Pamphlet Proportionate rates In (-2} - Come Here For Your Mid-Summer 45 William St. North Next. door to Filher's Grocery We have Ladies’ and Child. ren’s Hose, Ladies’, lliSScS, and Children’s Underwear, Ladiu,’ Dressing Sacques, Children‘s Parasols; F ancy Collars and belts, Towels, Aprons, (5‘41". Back Combs, BI‘OOchL-s, .\'..\~c1_ ties and fancy goode. Also a large aSsortmm China, Glass enameled and ware. Lindsay’s New Store THURSDAY, MAY ing Harrows Plows Corn Planters Pea. Harvesters Diamond Smouth' We have mama! ( new St‘fllnlrss “K Ring. This rim; z~ ped out of n sulid of gold and ”mu ~ by machimu‘y. 'l‘lz. Cass which this rim; 1 goes makes it x. texture, and also :1 a higher and mon- L polish and will \\.u definitely. The Homo of the Seamless Wedding Ring We aim to sch asatisfactm) m‘: our growing l m} dicates that \\ u an ful in “lensing. It will pay you to call at the Signmers at Pmt M One door north oi ' Bank of Commuce on Willi '.1 n St. '1‘. C. MA'IK‘HETT. Ag McCARTY’S Jewelry Store MAY 14 and 28 MILLINERY 10c and 15c Store Mrs. Weir Next Wednesday zt'm Bled k3 mtod at Victoria, Road. 1915- EDWARD COS Notice is hf‘rl'hj; {Z‘w'fi com of revision of Hw- toll of the municipaldy "ill be held at, ('uwxnur Victor-i; ROad. Saturday 4015' of my. 1912, at. 10.: h the forenoon, to hear a: hy o: my, 1912, at 14).:1‘ ‘3 the forenoon, to hmr a; m having business 11‘ are required to attend at. time and place. IIITE HOUSE. FARM, DO aired h." S be by 5” 1““, and 'I First ‘1 74441» \u of nuto (7‘ Nunfi‘." * 1111“ \‘nl. [And just Bank Inquiry. columns and 39009. first hm (22m. cram; liviniz baVe thong! free-fora l l. s."- lhm I u m clnmw gunman m mom Huh" ”an“! of hh o! .gnml m! “tripe MI [In Mum gum". n ‘ A wire from already 17,4“. prowl": un- (roux “1m lnrnleys a" ed “longs! Sir “on \\ sable an V~ noon and S at the Rim: mares Hicks prodi eVen on the ““9“ he has a big celebru 1. and that accordingly. Fenian whema 0m ario did ’l‘hn mm and voumn of the nmtv Owing t0 routing this reduce the f« giving my C the same. (‘S'C ’l‘hackcra'x are. be a u It is inh‘ru‘s day: (a huh-n mm with. “I 1 'l‘hursdn y «d . Anmrd H wm now rn m has bar {at bar‘s [m1 A (‘in-u‘ (llowe's big I were here 2” to mm! month. ( hun- ium on an 1'- QM three momt share of Kim” Sir 1k er “- The 0mm! All accidox W ht‘n ('aml'du i5 u U nd 5:: y \‘ 0W“): Nu Four 3 m Mama" ('aSQ the busmc 0v" Court of Revi becaun- .- 'l‘he p is said t by Peter Algies. OI Renfrewahire. acou ’a S all! (In an passes? own en( \vlm'l ‘H \ I'll CHI "NIH!" ‘nl 1 her ft! (‘1 ALFRED TA Clerk ‘l

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