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Watchman Warder (1899), 23 May 1912, p. 2

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"‘rmelatem.xoreyissurvivedby and tsorrowinghnsbund.thmsomuld :ecdp‘bl Feet and legs are perhaps the most important parts of the horse, and at the same time the most likely to be atl’ected with unsoundness. .In se- lecting a sire, brood mare, or work horse, look well to the underpinning. Clean, ' flgt flinty bone, fv'ifh fine silky feathering, strong, angular hocks and ’sthg, straight knees, oblique pastérns large hoof-heads and large, strong feet, are indica.J tions of a. useful animal. The foal from unsound sire or dam may be sound when foaled, but such animals very often inherit a predis- position to the disease of u'nséund" ness with which the parents are" Hail. iected, and if at any time the cOIt is subjected to unfavorable 'condiâ€" 'tions or bad treatment, the un- soundness appears. Nothing but sound stock can be safely used for breeding purposes. “I went to two doctors about It. and tried more than one remedy. I was beginning to think the complaint m incurable. when I «was telling my trouble to a barber, and he said that. he would guarantee to cure nae.- He toldmemtakeahotbatp.rm m then appLy Cuucnrs~ . _ m. The cost of raising the right kind‘ of colt, as compared with that re q iired iii producing the scrub, is the same, but sailing time shows a vast dii‘ierence in Values in favor of ~the' colt from the good sire and dam. r~ -: Toronto Man Cured of Intolerable Itch The model draft horsetshou‘ld‘shQW" a vigorous, livelv, energetic disposi- tion, yet be docile, tractable: and in« telligent. He should be neither sluggish nor irritable, (nor excessive- ly nervous. The matter is 1-2111de upon {0 do most of his work at the wa 2:. It is most important, therefore, that he be able to walk fast. The time to be. gin such tmning is when the colt is 3'0“”. 7' 7-" , ' ": animal is going. “I just want to any a. good word for Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. Four or five years 3301 wasinPort Arthur.a.nd1hadn.nattack of the itch. It certainly was an intolerable nuisance. Th91 itching wgs .prhlcjpany at _ A‘QAt , The stal fee is, as any.price. The time to feed: for weight ' is when the colt. isi young. Greater gains are always made ylme ‘ the zThe Kind You Have AlWays Banght Bears the Signature “0f 1 7 What is CASTOR‘V'.‘ GENUINE .CASTORIA ALWAYS and alla; The Kind You Have 'Alweys Bought, and Which ha's been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ' and has been made under, his per- L! m sonal supervision since its infancy, ' I ‘ ”Allow no one to deceive you inthis. All Counterfeits,’ limitations: and “Just-as-good” are 'but Experiments thattrifle with and endanger the health of Inlants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. stallion which stands for a. low as a general‘tlling, flear at PAGE THO; . aildren Cry for Fletcher’s-w 2 e TH: CINTAUR qOMPANY. 71 MURRAY STREET. In Use .For Over 30777‘Y-‘ears â€"Aâ€"__ _A_. _ MRS. B. R. MOREY. There passed may alt three o’clock a.m. on Wednesday, May 15. a. for- mer. well . known. residentof Peter- boro‘ in the person of Fannie Carew, wife of MrmB. R, Merey, of Graven- burst, who was also "well known here Alex. Jackgqn, : Ridout-stq is a. daughter, A The deceased lady, who was 80 years Of age, was born in the town- ship of Daily When yet quite young she moveil‘to ‘Peterboro,~ residing; therein about eightyears. 7 She later lived in Lindsay some time and also? in Fenelon Falls where her husband Conducted a-s'awmin,’ ultimately go- ing. to. Gravenhurst, . where she has ever since resided. Had she "lived; Hrs. «Morey- -wonld have celebrated the 60th anniversary 0! her marriage (she was married in Peterboro),in ' the fall 01 this year. She had many mead} both in ' “Tif'mr :n‘ Mr. Isaac Fallis has bought the house and lot owned by Miss Mary Gavan. He intends‘doing some re- pairing betore moving into it. We are 'glad to hear that the Rev. Mr. Ferguson will still occupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian church Since Mr. Ferguson has come among us he has made a good many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Monk and fam- ily spent Sunday in fCavan with irien‘dsa - g - : j :f' r The Présfon Bros:r ignin mer- chants, have made quite 'a new. -~ ap- pearance to their omcé whiéh w'as slightly damaged by the fire last fall by giving it a. new coat of paint. ‘Aixsozi' Deiéng lost' his; hbf‘sé '- 'o’n" Wednesday last. He had turned it out to pasture, and it is supppsed to have got some poison; inv sbme xv ay. ‘5 F 1 Mr. Wm. Graham, 6f Mount Pleas- ant, spent a few days with his friends here. ’ ' " ' Mrs. 1Veals, of Franklin, spent a few days with her daughter, M335: CI'auée Pox-tons. , :.- Miles Aadfie Staples. of Pete'rboro, The Orange Hall has been sold to the C.P.R. 701.1 “account of it being too near the. track. . 5...} - â€" spent Sunday with her mother". . , Owing to a. wreck on the C. P.R._ near Pontypool two passenger trains passed through here on the new road for Toronto“ BETHANY. : Bethany, May 13 â€"- Mr.C1ai1de Portous lost a. valuable mare V ahd foal 'last 'week;‘ "He‘ ‘had refused the ofl‘er of 25 some time ago for the mare. It is an old saying that it is a poor wind that; does not blow some one good. '1 he fire did tlie band a good turn “hen it done away with the old drum and now there is a neW__ pair in their place and it, will make the band much better. I Mr. Walter Fitch is going to the North West to join wiih his brother- in-law who? went a; year ago. There will be all 1kfnd§ of sports. A baSeball game “in be played between Cavanv'ill'e an_d J anetvdle, the win- ner to receive a prize of $15. Also are sparing no pains in making this the best day we pave eVer had. The new brass band will give some ex- cellent music. " a‘game -, of‘ football between Peter- boro and Bethany; The committee Most of the farmers have finished sowing around here. The 24th of May will be a. big ddyfifofrl -"Bethany. . :agém this year. um vénx cm. OBITUARY. ._ '._:,'_‘ "M “l‘w l ”33’ . 31'?! .»4\ idehnt'nfacfionthatlgotanbtherhoa. I finishedit I could .Mr. ,,Chas. W. Wood, _34 Iomnce Street, Montreal, Que. 'writeszâ€"‘J‘For' two years I sufi’ered with nerve trouble, - and it was impossible for me to sleep. ' f: Itdidj-npt flatter what time I went t9- ~bed.inthemoming1wasevenwdtse than ~thenight‘sbefore. I unsuited II doctor, ‘az'm' he "gave me a tonic ‘to take a half hour befofi‘e going tqbed¢ :{i 01;“ wgls all fight for :hfime. but! the “More. -. .'.-" .‘ t. .' 'V s hi “One of the boys. who weeks with me. gave- me half tuber-of-umwfieuta and Nerve Pills. I togk $1:qu {not WAS mossmuai roam 'ro Suffered With Nerve Tmuhle .ifuflwu Yeafs. ‘37? SEVENâ€"MILE RESORT. Mr. Mills, who has the contract for the erection of Belmont cottage, the new building now being constructed on. Seven-Mile Island for a summer resort, is rushing the work to com- pletion, and will have it ready. for opening by the lst of June says the Port Perry Observer. Messrs. Sintz- el- ‘ Son, the- proprietors, are make ing every preparation to entertain. their guests in a right royal man- ner , they purpose feeding them on‘ the fat of the land, as well as tropi- 1 cal delieacies and nothing will be‘ ierh' u‘ndohe to make Deimont cot-1 tage the i'n‘os‘t popular stimmer re- sort anywhere to be found; they thoroughly understand the essential requirements and comforts of dis- cerning. .tourists, and they. possess1 tact and courage to meet every. .wishi of their patrons, so that the game of Belmont cottage and the beautiâ€" 'fu‘l island 'on ‘which it‘ is erected will“ be synonymous with health, wealth, :.pleasure and eorniort. It is situat- Eggd in close proximity to the most f'jprolific fishing grounds on the: Scu- bert Bradley, Miss Ada, all of Grav- enhurst; and Mrs! Alex. J ackson. of Lindsay. Two sisters and ' one brother also lament her demise in the persons qt Mrs. R. N. Roddy, Mrs. Annie Heflhoi‘ne and JL;Bitov5Vn-‘ lee, all of Peterboro. gog, and what is still better, tour- ists will at all times be supplied “g iaunch, row boats and fishing tackle, and, if necessary, a guide who is thoroughly posted ‘as to where the largest and best fish may be secur- 4Ith'he list- .6! 1311ch regal“: published to- day appears the name of Mr. Jos. Killen, of Lindsay, who has passed his exams. Congratula- tions. The C. .R. will erect steel bridges in 1“British Columbia. Hon Frank Cochrane is travelling in P. E. Island. r w ' ~ . ‘ . 81 I But little interest was 'manifested in ‘ the elections,“ the: indifierence amounting to apathy in ‘the‘ British. districts of Montreal. ' The- Govern-t 'ment appealed 'to the people on- its» record, 'while the Opposition-charged it with extravagance, citing the erec- ‘tiOn of a $3,000,000 jail and a $600,000 Technical school in Mon- ‘treal as examples,» and' contending ter spent in advancing the interests that the money could have been: bet- of primary education in the rural districts of the province, Good- roads also figured, the Government relying upon its program,-and the Opposition contending that the mo- ney could be spent to better~ ad- vantage, alleging that the Govern: ment’s policy tended to favor those roads which would be largely used by automobiles, to the neglect of those which were of greater value to the farmers. ' at the last session of the legisla- tnre, seven new seats were added, thus making the net gain in _the Liberal majority in the new House seven. ‘All the members of the 'cab- inet were reelected, the only one to suffer. defeat being the Hon. Chas. Devlin, in Temiskamingue. Mr. Dev- lin was, however, successful in Nico- let county. Prem er Gouin was elected by large niajorities in both Portneuf and St; Johns :Mx.'1‘e1- lier the Opposition leader, was re- elected in Joliette, but two of his leading lieutenants, Armand La- vergne and Jules Prevost, both of' whom ran in two counties; suffered defeat in one. ' ' The Standing 'of the parties actord- i112 to the latest returns is :â€" FEW CHANGES ’ IN QUEBEC Montreal, May 1,5. â€" The Quebec provincial elections to-day resulted in the return of the Gouih Govern- ment by an increased majority OVer that which it had in the last House By the Redistribution Act, passed Very Little Interest and a "Small Vote ing lg to the 12 Liberal's .' Opposition Labor To He held "mt: WafCHMAN-WARDER. LIN! ... The Quebec School, Toronto, who loqksi‘: after. the boys’ camp at Balsam Lake an- nmly,'was=‘in' radon-ram 1m: week W for this season's out- â€"Warden~ Steele, o! Eldon, ggvp The Warder a. call on Friday when in tOwn. Owing to the bad state of this roads he did not use his auto, preferring t,o come by tr_a.in. tun-w I“ an Ins v uâ€" 'â€"â€"â€" -' .___- M" J' mcuan' °t Toronto' Who we may have all eumciency in :1! has been “Siting hismbrother' m“ things (11 Cor. ix. 8). Our tongues will A. A. McLean for the! past three be used by God or the devil as we yield Weeks returned to the city this W901i- to one or the other. an in the case at Mrs w J mtchen visited in To- sunon Peter (Matt. wt 16. 17. 22. 23). tonto last week- 1.189 “tPas- k‘wpeth “£94.?ogt}!_5k LIâ€" â€"iMrs. M. Lamb, of Russell-st, to“. was called suddenly "away civ- ing to the serious illness of her sis- tion. ANOTHER NEW STABLE..- .S'Bhe: South Victorxa. Agricultural Society, it is understood; will erect. another large new horse stable at the fair grounds this summer, the same to be completed for the annual fall fair. The new stable will be erected in close proximjtv to the one built last 388.13. and will be up-to-dqte in every respect. I church enemy Sunday, after """ the celebrating of high mass by Von. Archdeacon casgy. The fyneral Awgs' private. LATE JOHN B DE LOI’CHE The- tuneral of th6 late John B. De Louche, brother of Mrs. '1‘r6mblpy, RusséI‘-st., £00k place to St Mary' 9' .Kirkfield, May 13.â€"Mrs. A. A. Sangster épent the latter part ‘15} last week in Toronto. Miss Moore, of Sault Ste. Marie. 1877â€" visiting her sister, Mrs. H. QB. cation of Dr. Chase's Ointment brought relief and after the third- ap- plication the‘ itching stopped entire- 1y. I now believe the aura to be complete and attribu'te' it to Dr. Chase's Ointment and Nerve Food. The latter was used to enrich the blood, while the Ointment healed up the sbres. I am ready' to take my oath" that this statement is true and correct. " Mr. C. E. Cramer, farmer, Cram- ersburg, Sask., writes :â€"" For fif- teen years I had eczemaland for about six years also suffered from itching piles. Seven different vdoc- tars were consulted in Canada. and the United States, with only. tem- porary relief. The ecz'exmi Started on the. legsalnd there was almost constant '1 itchifig ’ and . smar‘ting. Sometimes I would have to scratch half the night and get little or P", Mr. Jas. Laidlaw is some better. Mrs. J. Munro ,and granddaughter, o! Kirkfield and Mr. and. Mrs. J. Alton and Mr. W. Jordan, pf Car- Alton on Sunday.. ‘For 15 Years . ' I.H‘ad1E.cXéma” sr.,- -continues very poorly, also Mrs. W. J. Alton. , Mr. W. H. Stevens, P. S ..I ,,of Lindsay, visited our willage school last week, also the school at. Bal- : :Forrsiale at all drugsi-H» VICTORIA ROAD ‘_ ~ . :.V'ietoria, Road, May 16 â€" We are sorry .to hear that Mr. John Alton, Cobocogk, May 16. â€"- Mr. and Mrs. Pearce, ot- thg Cement Works, spam, Sunday with their son, Mr. Henry Mr. .qudon brought >in some large drovesaol cattle to the. rfiesfixgre Last week“. ; . .. Miss McCormick spent Saturday and Sunday. with friends inwLinds‘ay and Victoriajfioad. 1 Mis_s ‘G. Faulknen, of Norland, spent a, scouple _of days last week with Miss Della. Brattampre- - 1- Mr. and 153's. Joe Brattamore haVe moved into Cobpco_nk.. are a safe and reliable remedy to have at all times in the home. Young and old alike are bene- fited by the use of these valuable WESDEN'S Stomach and liver « PILLS - Mrs. John Fell, oi Fellfs an}. aCosts half 'cent a dose t up in very handy little boxas . OBITUARY. COBOCONK of St. Andrew's “Be that heepeth his mouth keeneth his? life."- 4‘ And "‘Whoso 7meme“: his mouth and his tongue keepeth hi: Ionl from troubles” (Prov. xiii. 3; :11. 23). It is wellto act often. according to PI. xxxvlii. 13. “l as a deaf nian heard not, and l was as a’ dumb man that openeth not his mouth." I; is well to pray al- ways (Pa. xix, 14; exit. 8). Self conti- deuce we must always avoid. but when weak and consciously so we will and. His grace sunk-lent. He will not fall 1.9098,th you own Him. Newfloundhmd hopes to antenna at: theConmughtathomtupart p! 4 mama/:91: . 'n grunt a 0100;" "loaf; of then have no em. cannot read the heart. as God does. may see in daily life the reality of the faith that saves If a company of be- lievers are asked to repeat the verse beginning. “This is a faithful saying." it would be an almost unheard of oc- ‘currence for some one to ask. 'fWhich. please?" but” with one consent all would repeat I Tim. 1. 15. and not one in fifty or a hundred would think of Tit. m. 8. for it seems to'be almost an unknown saying. but it is'so important. James' great point in chapter ii is that a mere jword of mouth. a mere “say so." does ‘not amount to anything necessarily; it ‘must be a heart word. which will show itself in the life. for “with the heart man ‘béneveth unto righteousness. and with the. month confession is made unto salvation" (Rom. x. 10). in our lessonhespeaks of the power of the tongue for good or evil and uses as illustrations a great creature like a horse controlled and turned where the driver pleases by the bit in his mouth and also s great ship guided by a very so, and He can stop the other fountain from which the bitter comes. Sain- tiou b wholly of God. whether it he the gift of eternal life or living out that life day by day. We are as utterly helpless tn the one as in the other. He must do it alL It is ours to receive Him and be saved and then to let Him rule in us. As we yield fully to Him we will and that He is able to subdue. it Job, who lementioned in, connec- tion with the lust verse in our lesson. could under very great trlal reject hi. wife's proposal that he curse God and die (Job. 11., 9’ there is equal grace for every" tried one. and‘God ls able to make all grace abound toward us that mu helm. Even so the tongue. though a very small member or the body. can accomplish a great deal 0! good or evil. end. while many kinds of creatures can be tamed. the tongue an no men tsme or woman either. But there ls one who can subdue and con- trol it.” 'It l‘smot right that from the sames~mouth there should now sweet water and bitter; end 11 the Lord Hun- eelr Is the fountain in us it will not be iiiplications arestill pouring in to nations". in Mal. ii. 1. 2. He said that there would be a curse it they did not lay it to. heart to give glory to His name. Sometimes men are so honored by others that it is said or such a‘one. “That man's sword is as good as his bond." How much more should the word 9! God suffice as the flrmest pos- eidhle foundation; on. which to rest. “Forever. 0 Lord.-thy word is settled in heaven." “Bath He said and shall He not do it?” ”The Lord 0: Hosts hath sworn, saying. Surely as i have thought so shall it cometo pm and as l have purposed so shall it stand" (Pscxix.89;Num.xxiii.i9;isa. xiv. 24).. The more we meditatenpon Him and upon suchmords concerning Him the mags we shall' become like Him in wad and deed. Beholdiug as in a glass the glory of the Lord. we shall be changed into the same image from glory to glory‘as by the Spirit or the Lord,(il Cor. iii. 18) and thus be more manifestly‘children or our Father who is in heaven. This cannot be till we have been born from above and have thus become chil- dnen or God. standing before Him in His righteousnesgas we learned last week. James in his epistle is as clear about the new birth and the manner of it as is Peter or Paul or our Lord Him- self (Jan. i. 18. 22; I Pet. 1. 23: John iii). but the Spirit through James lays special emphasis on' the need of a man- ifestation of such words and works on the part of saved people that those who {SUNDAY SBHUGL rr The topic 'of today's lesson is “truth- rulnesa." but from the first and last Scripture selections it‘ would seem to be a warning against swearing or. tak- ing-thethree passages. a lesson on the control of the tongue. The essential thingin a right rotation to God. who in the God of truth (Inn. in. 16). whose throne in heaven; His {dotsbool the earth and Jerusalem His special city} the city of'the mat King. '1‘th title makes-us think 0! Mai. i. 12-14. when He complains of the deceit of His peo- ple in bringing Him oderings they would not bring to an earthly ruler. and henii-“Iamagreat King.‘ ' ' and my-name is dreadful among the THE V‘INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tho Locum, Matt. v, 3 J..- m. 1-12; v.12â€"Momory V1 “-36â€"Goldon Tod. Eph. iv 25, R. V. Commentary Prowl-ad by Rev. D. M. Lesson Vlll.-Second Quarter, For M1126. 1912. v. 33-373 remediep but got no renal. .Fortun- ately :I tried 'Putnun'a Painless Corn nhd Wart Extractor! A few applications perfectly cured. 1m] THURSTON â€" On the 15th, in Bob- caygaon. wile 01 Russell H. -Thurs~ ton. q! a. sen. com. I recommend VPutnam's'Corn Extractor. Price 25c. at dmggists. PUTNAM'S CORN EXTRAC'I‘OR CURED LE'I'I‘ER-CARRIERS' - CORN. Mr. J.. McGuire, of tbe‘Kingston, Ont... post office, says: ” I Was al- most crippled with com. They mademesolameandsorel could A long extract from a newspaper his read at Rome and heard and re- peated at Magdalena. The voices were distinct, so much so that a lis- tener detected immediate the substi- tution of a diflerent speaker hall way through the message. ’ Further de- velopments may be expected soon. VOICE HEARD DISTINCTLY 160 MILES AWAV. London, May 15.â€"A despatch to the Times from Rome says that for about a year the Italian naval and military authorities have been carry- ing on experiments in wireless tele- phony. A month ago a message was sent from the wireless station on Monte Mario to the Island of Pom,- a distance 0! about 65 miles. ,,..I'\xr-’ ther experiments produced an im- proved method oi transmission and last week communicationwas estab- lished between Monte Mario and the wireless station at'Becco Di Vela on Magdalena Islands, a distance of about 160 miles. my feet and ankles. I «as that bad at timles I could scarcely get around. During that time I was taking treat- ment from the doctors, but they did not appear to help me in the least. Your agent called and advised me to try Dr. Henderson's Herb Tab- lets and assured me that they would positively cure Rheumatism. After taking them a short time I got re- lief and in three months' time I was completely cured. For oxer 'six months I haxe not had any trace of my former trouble. I will take great pleasure in recommending them to others. For sale at Duncan's drug store. Price 50c. and $1 per box. . Mrs. E. R. Oliver, 79 Grant-st. Toronto, says : ' ‘ For over two years I was afflicted with Inflammatory Rheumatism in Machine agents around Lindsay re- port this season a remarkably good one. The prosperous~ times enable farmers to meet their payments 0n demand and in a great many in- stances a cash deal is made. -"The day for long credit is about gone by which is a benefit to both buyer and seller," said a,local machine man to The Wardér. This improves conditions for the agent as all com- missions are paid promptly by the Machine Companys. while on the credit system the agent receives no fees until one-third of the purchase price is paid to the manufacturer. lnflamatory Rheumatism Good Times Ahead 1 For Machine Men} .â€"On Tuesday, my 14, 1912, to Kr. and Ira. Fred Gn- hun.‘ cor. o! Ridont tad Georgia» WIRELESS TELEPHONY Dr. Hendemns Herb Treatment Spratt ‘ Killen All the best varieties, germinating guaranteed. . Get them from us. POTATOES If you want reliable Potatoes-- "best varieties----Sée Them. cured by ORN “kl Thom Lord 0! the Admin” ”- aluodâ€"utuoonmu:m 9‘ W “:4; “ma ‘b navy- " Favorite Knight in color is a bean- tiful dappled brown, with mum- hind feet and small stripe on race, and ‘is rising 8 years old. I-‘m‘orite Knight (6014) was sired by the well known Knight of St. Andrew's (.274) (4488). First. dam, Nell Erskine {(6400) by Six- Erskine (2119,. 32.33). Second dam Scotch Lass, by Scottish Champion, (44) (5340.; Third dun, Nance by Prince 07 Wales (395) (511). _ Fourth dam, by Won- derml‘ Ltd (112) (2). deceased amoiig the parties t” We, having regard only 1‘ China of which he shall the“ notice, and he shall not be 133‘: the am so distributed, or ‘0 part Moi, to an son 0‘ china 1:. mm not yhapsre recei“ do. u. the time of the divstrib floor. a: Jukson. soncitors 1‘ “y 0' June ne'xt, their nan-'2 druaeu and descriptions, an! :1 “Items“: of the particulars of Claim, and the-nature of 12m.- r “I. i! any. held by them, duly M by statutory deélaration. m M the administrator xvi“ 900‘! to distribute the assets 0 nary. A.D. 1912, are rwi‘u and by post. prepaid. 0r ‘0 ' to the undersigned solicitor“ i “mutt-atol- of the (State aid deceased, on or before 13". sons having claims against. tau of John Taylor, 12110 (i town of Lindsay in the (30 VW, gentleman, deceascfl died on the eighteenth day 1 ' Noticé is hereby given pub the Ontario statute, I. (:w chap. 26. gection 55, that 1:! TERMS-“TO .' insure a 5m: $10, ”5"?“ February 1st, 1913, am one pr?” Olily, Mares must be r-turned ”sub-fly to the horse or ting; mu be charged full insurance wheticr in foal or not. Parties disposizzg of their mares before foaling time must Ply Ml insurance. All acvidcms 10 m It risk of owners. 12.319. 10 Win the property of A. .1, South- ern until paid for, All of these horses were high prize winm at the Central and what 18:ng his colts “on ”5' prize Winner-i at Lindsay axd 0;; k- wood in 1911. Friday, will proceed to Wesley Coulter's, Bexley, for nmm; ‘hence to his own stable, where he will re- main until the following Monday morning. The above route will he (‘vminueé throughout the season, health and weather permitting. DESOBIP I10! and PEDIGREE Thursday, will proceed to I‘avrick MacNanny's for noon; then”: :0 John Machnny's, Victoria Road, for night. (6014) Thu Property of A. J. SOUTHERN HEAD LAKE, ONT. Lot 8, Conceuion 5, Laxton Will make the season of 191:: 1" 21-3- lows : Monday, May 6, will It‘n‘h: 1L~ mm stable and prOCeed to 'J‘Lm. Arm gerald, Digby, for nmm; mum- u, 'l‘hos. Wylie, I'phill, fur mun Tuesday, will pmcced: Johnson’s, Dartmore, fur thence to Mr. Herring's, : for night. Wednesday, wiil procan! Ivory's, Mud Luke, for RM to Patrick McGee's, Lumr {or night. THE Wm, Lindsay- Llnany, my a, 1912. THURSDAY. MAY 23 Notice to Creditors THE SUPERIOR CLYDESDALE REGISTERED STALLION favorite Knight A. J. SOUTIII-ZI Owner and Na! MM : {hence Caz-den ,1 m?!" per- IJ.G.E ' me HOM BfiN of CAM Iâ€"lessrs. Jasx HI ‘9“. left on 11:: \‘ Milton via, Grand 1 ;.-Hr Angus M h thd busintw He reports that :1 ‘ Lindsay Bran THE C OF CAPITAL, 815, upwards. C; are welcomed Accounts :1 withdrawals to 1 unname- LINDSAY Do You flee sm EDML‘ND ALEXANDER mum SAVING» MEKLIJITIII‘IZ! Interest at the c THURSDAY , M A APPLE their seedir [0 to 3 n‘t'lm'k. Saturdays 10 to BAHK *- Incorporated l of Parliam Lind ay in Cambr ‘e Guarantee The )‘nllf awed t0 the world, ” will in laid on the ha ing. he is earns, and by only his 1‘0qu instinct; as v the savin;r ha dollar at the i ieduc pecial ET ha Ra\\' In}! Office 1'! OUR NEW the to be maul Paid 11‘ Rest . UndivJ hm Ycrl General \H

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