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Watchman Warder (1899), 1 May 1913, p. 10

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sssssswsww ‘i’ 3 ? “All. ls... W fir"), .) 7) ~J , m 53)” l V 3" ’1’ or M ii . .u iâ€"v‘wv' o "ti if y.) ‘3 2- :I‘. )3 I l lr‘v of? - ‘¥v~;3, L “3.“ fl C’IIV') W ‘ckfl .‘q -2) 6 I (H (’1, i) l We Carry the finest line of clocks ' to be found in this town. If you are thinking of buying a Clock for your home or as a gift, come in and see our display and ac- quaint yourself with our prices. Are certainly in the lead these ays in the talking machine world. Such is the mechanical perfection of this instrument and such the material employed in its coustruction that it is at once “a thing oi beauty and a joy foreVer." And the testimony of those who own one of these whines is the proof of these words. AND COLUMBIA RECORDS ! e lead. are now regarded as the standard by which all is to be convinced. Everything in Clocks from a tiny alarm to a massive hall Clock. Always in th like products are judged. And to see and hear Nothing more is required. PRICE 85 CENTS EACH A SAMPLE RECORIJ WILL BE FURNISHED ALL OWNERS OF DISC MACHINES FOR TEN CENTS. Brown’s Music Store Kent-st, Lindsay. Phone 463 N‘llmflnilmuu ISSUER or Hunuut llttHSES lINDSAY, ONT. -______â€"._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" The 'man who deserts the family that he has helped to create is so small by couldn’t find a landing place. The old maid who waits the longeSt for a husband kicks the most about him after she gets him. ~ It beats all how surprised a girl can appear when the question is pop- Egg-:5: pedâ€"aftcr she has been preparing for lit for six months. The hrupp works at Kiel have cap- tured the contract for four tine destroyers. Argen- Advertise in The Warder LINDSAY’S BUSINESS _.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_,~ _ .â€" ___.____. #N ___._________________ ‘ ' ,CLE a Dr. S. J. Sims,DentlstI ANIN'QsPRESSIPIG LNERYand somcsunu All dental operations carefully per-I AND REPAIRING - J as. A. Isaac, 10 York~st formed at moderate prices. . . omce over Gregory’s Drug Store | 60 We MO0RB, “llllam'St Phone 266 d" 91' wt, 1 Over HOPKINS LAW OFFICE ' 1 *F. I . , 'Quantit of Nice, Ri h. . Let "5 Start‘ Talking 513 ill ' glay Loam c “I" 13°11‘- Dry Goods. China. Gloss. MN el and Tinware, are on sale at ‘ . mum’s ering on Grand Trunk tracks and 112 i feet frontage on Wolfe-st. for $500. 11 0' ‘t pit. “W Would make a beautiful site for fac- tory or warehouse. In the meantime you can rent house for $6 a month. LEIGH R. KNIGHT W ______._____.___â€" 85 Kent-st. . 1913 Model Cleveland Bicycles . Tire and Accmories just arrived. faction guaranteed. Prices ieasonable LIVERY and HACK R- r. moms ’- mums. I, . “I! I. on BMW BELL PHONE 352 K autumn â€"___‘â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".~ - - “mum-“Wooten“ Advertisem'l‘he .. I. III I. I . streets, and on her cr only a practical peo l sturdil! . 08° on completing the trivial round 01 makeswomwnomflhealfliy ‘ .daily tasks, to him who paused _ meat to learn her history, would he whicharegcnuboand revealed a wealth of romance and at , _ pathos lying beneath the apparently forth“ BI I l ibyl ll ’0‘“ laci it her history when a revengelnl tur- trader took advantage of the tected condition in which he found the chatelaine of Fort her home, and those of her helpleal followers before her eyes, the story 0! Saint John and her struggles toward the right to the title, the urgent. the most important and the moat enter- prising of New Brun cial centres must be read through successive gleams of scarlet flames and lowering smoke wreaths. and again has the city, in various stages of its development, been entirely destroyed by fire. again it has risen, gallantl and bravely, each defeat strengthen us the determination of its people to hold use this testimonial if you m“, It may [NG LINDSAY “9383““ 0” Ihe lhmk.h:1‘i:d Eater- help some other woman."-Mn. FaAN! gir peninsu as t ey c ome. . Each fire, however, has swept away m 132Adelaide St” W Ont. some historic bit, has altered original plan, and has destroyed lier days when in the city‘s gates. into which Champ steered their quaintly square-rig vessels mfire than ’tlhrieshungijedlyetags ago. on t e festive 0 sin 0 n e Baptist, does not claim to be the most M“ St... BMHYD. N-Y beautiful city in Canada, or even in ‘ the Lower Provinces, but it does claim, and with justice, to be one of Expert Repairing in all lines. Satis- G . . and P . . i 4 am From the Explorm 0' _ Champlain and Do ”on”. Hus . Soon Many Changes In Government In landfiofnobkm,w Then Became British. d surface. From that early day La Tour to burn ewick’e common some Saint John. nam ridge upon which the city is built rises in a series of terraces in; tIlie 33mg: TWO LIVES LOST IN ACCIDENT of the Ba of Fundy. it i ni ON ABITlBI RIVER. llabor they streets have been cut North Bay, April 28.â€"'l‘he new Dr. T. P. MCCHlIOllg‘hI through masses of solid rock. In power dam under construction at many instances these streets run di- Abitibi falls for the Iroquois Falls -â€"-â€" . I rectly across the whole breadth of the Pulp and Baper Company, was car- Will visit Benson House Lindsa peninsula, opening at either end upon ried away this morning and two , m and W . y, the tidal waters whose ebb and flow workmen lost their lives. 9"” third Odnelday 0! is one of Saint John’s attractions. The accident was caused by high the month, from 2 p.m. i0 6 P- mu {litter Champgaiig. dwhose figure water, the Abitibi river being Swol- tor consultation in Eye, Ear, Nose rm mg 598W!" 5 an 5 upon one 0 len to an extent ever fore know . . Ehe city‘s squares. discovered and The two men wh: Werebiwept aw; and Mt 93- 5- J- SIMS~ Dent!“ named the river. called, until then. by the torrent when the temporary """'â€""' â€"'â€"'â€"'â€"'â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€"-‘ I Graduate of 'l‘oioiito l'nir- “Quizoudi” -â€" The Highway â€": by the structure holding back the water for Dr. Roberts, medical officer of I ersity and Royal ( allege of Mic-Macs, ,‘the country Iremained 1” the dam construction gave way, were health at Hamilton, thinks he and Dental Surgeons. . the P05595510“ 0f the Indians for many French-Canadian laborers whose his assistants have isolated the germ {“1 dental operations can- Membertou, the ('hmf 0f the names have not been ascertained. causing septic sore throat. fully perfmmod “cmdmfiw 'l'he Bordon Government is said to til: istfsésiuethods .n lli((.t’l- years. tribe, was a wonderfully brilliant old m“, ""m had “Md “‘1‘ Cam" 3‘ â€"â€" be considering the establishment (In-docks at Halifax, ESquimalllt ”d I Sr“, P, (.0: Del, 0" \Vliii-‘flll 3!“; Bay 'Chaleur in 1534. His lodge was sometimes at Port Royal. sometimes at Saint John. he and his warriors crossing the Bay with fearlessness in huge war canoes, whose prows were painted in fierce designs. It needs no stretch of imagination to picture the scenes that attended Champlain when he took possession of in - . . _ . this town of Mrs. C. Bertram Orde lion's the country m the name Of the French will regret to learn that that former I’hilippineg' and the prepon Surrounded by his own motley . . I, ; rvSident of Petcrboro for many years bwominn dail’v more marked. crew. the ,allant adi enturers, and the 'h pa. (1 pway. The late Mrs. c, _ good Fathers, of which the expedition iOrde who died at 252 Bloor-st To- the I ronto. on April 28th, was a daughter wandering crowds of Indians, at what; , - : : . h u bl' of the late Hon. Robert DeLisle, of m later “at” was called t e Pu 1c Acton House, Northumberland. Eng. king. consisted. he came ashore amid Landinc.” With impressive ceremony be planted the Golden Lilies of France where hitherto only, the emblems of Membcrtou had been recognized. 1783 the same place now prosaically known as Market Slipâ€"witnessed an entirely different scene. Here came the first fleet of twenty vessels hear- ing the vanguard of the Loyalistsâ€" those devoted men and women who to retain their allegi‘noe to the Brit ish Cromn sacrificed their possessions! in the United States and sought a new home in the nearest British terri- tory. This they found at Saint John where they built the city whose people have ever since rejoiced in the des‘ - nation “Saint John the City of Loy - is 3.” Gone are the Indians, 1' e Loyalists are sleeping in the quiet burial places. no traces of the French remain except perhaps it may be that the custom still in existence in Saint John, of ringing from the huge scaffold-like tower at the market slip, the "Lab- orer's Bell” that summons each and all to his daily task may be a con. nature that a mosquito ' tinuance of a practice instituted long ago in some far of! province of France. Between the days of Cham- plain and the coming of the Loyaliste, many adventurers paused for a space at Saint John. Here Membertou as- sembled his warriors in large num- bers. Here La Tour and D'Aulnay fought tor the possession of Fort La Tour as it commanded one of the rich- est trading posts in Acadia. perished Lady La Tour, dying for her people and for her adopted country. She lies somewhere in Carleton, nameless unknown grave, this braveI , woman whose high courage and true patriotism deserve a more lasting me- morial than that furnished by the fleeting memory of man. Presently, Acadia had been ceded to the 'English, although the French had declared that by Acadia, only Nova Scotia was meant. ' ly, however, did England push her claim, that the, Lilies of France ave place to the British Lion, and. art La Tour was lost in a newer, better euipped Fort Frederick. hose and many other memories cluster about the early life of Saint John. They'are but shadowyrehiiniso cences. as the city was aim ' 1y destroyed by fire in 1877, the last and most disastrous of three serious conflagrations.’ ,But iron the ashes of the past‘ there blossoms are and National Concrete Co’y 5, 10.8114 15 Cent Store many othermernotics tor'thoee who . Iatemterestedintheeulyhistory. ‘ augment . Inmsn homeconcochfldleuthanaro d and well. I certainly think it relieves Class Dentistry practiced in all its everywomanwhoispregnant. Youmay some amend did not know what the matter record, leaving for the present gener- was. I wanted a baby but my‘health traditions of those enr- wouldnotpermitit. Imam-vans, my pairing business now on William-st. ation only the h' t d 'th ‘5 ory was ma e “'1 ’ side ached and I was all run down. I will be removed to the ed from the river [Com thatLydraEPmkham’eVegetable 0f Kent-8L. in the premises next to 18m and DeMonts cine. lhave now aheaufifulhahy and akin and p I in g b ts a d . - o 9‘ m g re ar g o 00 n " I ~ ' mum Wt“- your Compound has helped me in. every way.”â€"Mrs. J. J. Mm, 299 Hum- shoes will be carried on as usual. â€" ilate Charles Bertram Orde, of Lind- In Isay. Iyears was connected with the Amer» cravenettes. Priced S7 to 818. Toronto. April 29,â€"Exhibition om- - ‘ cials questioned about the cable re- Specml school umbrella. 49c. Ea l R . ports from England by way 01 New , f y 052 i York to the eflect that King George also had promised to open the Toronto La ' II Exhibition in 1914, stated that they um Grass Seed ”1 had no omcial intmtion of this, It I is admitted that negotiations are be- ‘ ‘ ing conducted with a View to tender- " ing an invitation to King George, ii ‘ 1such an invitatiori would prove ec- 0“ FRONT GROCERY ’i F. C. McMaster «. I Here' . Iceptable to His Majesty, but up to in .Iirom Dr. Orr, who is at present in “‘r , $ ME '1, ; Bar ; SEED .â€"-â€"â€"r “('6 have everything in require and we llzlx'c l \ RLEY wn BUCKWHEAI Modiuhoodiswomn‘ehigheatrphm life. Itilthe fruition of harm Place your order early for early fall , some do- haveheendenieddiiebluaino clothing as the coming season promises tc ‘ be a particularly busy one. We Are Ladies And Gentlemen's Tailm famous medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham’o Ladies’ and . Gentlemen's Tailor ____._â€"-â€"â€"â€" C OVER SEE Alsike, Red, Mam W. 6. Blair]: Son .; » \nnlllllllllllllllllllwlill1.1. .1 .. ' ’ till night andwu happy Formerly oi Neelaadea. Irvine. my W78 bEIlCV‘C‘ \\»(. I, . ,, “drew “*0 branches. at Moderate Prices. OFFICE IN NEWVâ€"BEALI‘ BUILD Boomsâ€"«momma NOTICE ofIREMOVAL 0n and after April 15 my boot re-i South side pound wasgoodandtook the medi- Campbell's butcher shop where the my. a Toaom’o Repairing of Rubber Boots, Etc. 1:. Specialty J. HUGHES Boot Maker Repairer I O ~4â€" WORKMEN DROWNED “Prism Brand. ____.o._.â€"â€"â€"- 0“ (‘fiice over Grocerrk Drug Kent Streets. both I feet years ago by frost, has been dis- missed from his post as lightkeepcr at Little Current, Manitoulin, by the. Borden Gavernment. iwas fatally The l'nited States now holds theIal‘Ollnd a bonfire. share of the trade with theI South Bruce lira-rise ("mutzflsslcntft derance is :cut off the Station llo‘ml ‘Walkcrton, as “oil as a shop OBITUARY fi/ “ 1 wow ;;_'Q.j 3". v. ' l ' x v \\3', u- pail. Levis, ultimately to be naval bases. I Mr. David lioyton, who lost 1 Velma Allcnby, MRS. BERTRAM ORDE. luzrliei Peterboro Times : The many friends Mrs. Orde was the widow of the She was whilst here a faithful communicant of St. Luke's Church, and prominent in charitable work. Mrs. Orde leaves to mourn her loss (our sons and two daughters. The sons are : George. 9. bank manager, at Minneapolis; Mark, Secretary of the Chicago Street Railway; “Worthy," a prominent business man of (‘hi- cazo; and “Bert," who for many Everyone is infused with new life. Noture is ready to take on a new dress ; A desrre for new habiliments is created. NEW CLOTHING In all the new patterns, new colorings, Spring and smart styles. SUITS For men, young men and boys. Pricwl OVERCOATS For men and young men. Priced 5‘10 10 $15 RAINCOATS Double ican Glucose Co.. Chicago. The daughters: Mrs. Hubble, wife of a eunupgrire of Toronto bank manager, and Miss .111. "‘ Hot, at home. The deceased will be interred at Peterboro. ' King Not to Visit Canada This Year 84 to 3‘20 texture perineum, siik and Early Six Weeks 3 l 3 Early Ohio I l l l the present no word has been received England, as to the success of his mic. â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"-~- 10_ dl-y's failure may moan in ,tlw' "we success. easily cure , Then when

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