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Watchman Warder (1899), 1 May 1913, p. 1

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tions 0! PH)" swell and bk“ p obtained 5‘ Md and “W“ :3 d the Pwt pnto. NDERSON- Lpefihlt‘fldi‘nt. kining further l3 Faddressed t0 will be “3" noon. on Fri- 3. fur tht‘ (‘o“‘ 's mails on 3 'our years 9i! \\8}'. mafia-B me Railway 3. from m p RAG recover nam- [low -smashzng in time until a. your ullx' a'l‘ Ikuhl "UH yr valuable TER Willi“ nus-Xe more t Mumâ€"4M9 ulLs im‘ in 1.011101! I“ [m‘n I‘Mv WI". WILL P Munding, It, nation. it tnkv uut tun-r. first. I. (f. H. should Ph Wu“ 1| It“ ("I mug Mm whwh tango ‘0 'mv'ectiv. UH mun" I {he 0"... look can. '1 INKS, the m-rk .)I‘ put Hvâ€"‘U’Wn Income ’ numo m-igh- shun mourn. W ht'fl?‘ UN. by Islam 5| Venom \ In“; 911nm. "mmm «I will gmflv whom hum. “I"! lmh huh will M'V ll“ "l it? Lamina» Company Must * 9 Pay Me n Full Wag~ 55:}: 3 Cash and One Price I PLAIN and STRIPED 01.01! CH LIN McIN TYRE U0 ['0 1111.! - A East End of Weumgton-u. Bridge, Saving Opportunities in Dress GoodsuNavy and Black College Serge: Hm,-triudarzdtrsted English college serges, ,1‘. mmll' M an 'exvlusiw maker of serges. they ‘ I 1/! Mr [mpulurmt'dium twill, and are made w.«,w‘mm/{yNear. bright yarns, warranted m ‘ f" naughty shrunk. :3: are to be found in every piece. Women contemplating a fine Silk {mtg (‘ould do no better than select pm from these rich pure Silks. Selling at $1 to $2.50 yd. 'I‘Eu- essential qualities to be looked Si CTION ONE [3?» I'm! inu'fatiun of Tcg‘f/Itfa silk make, it «’ x (.sz has u/f t/w uppmranw oft/u- wtry best "In; xii/c, zrii/z [1mm times the wwr, English J/qu' no: vm‘ or split. thr' wear is guarantee-d. :i’cst of England Serges m :L‘mglish Silk Underskirts for gasoline or coal oil. Thor- oughly rebuilt. Greatest Bar- xxwhmcly proceeded to nlislunm» 0f some 200 nun-d to work for the n.-r drivers until the H) m mu ;’ and 3. :7 I). gum. “munt )lcll‘â€" It transpirml in the course of the Juwph l‘hihudcau trial that Reid told the members of all likl'wisc of the company on the arriVal of the _- m‘ l'olvcuygpnn, men as to what more the terms of the l‘nrmgn Limmcr (1)., hiring. and that the ml-n wen- hur- l‘ltd nut. to the. drive and nothing :vh‘tulmgs in the whmewr said to them until the close mm, the plaintm' of the season; Reid admitting on zit-ti gaunt-5 uvrc :m- cross examination that the reason he mm- HM. for‘xm‘rly did not tell the men that the com- ;N-hmim-nii. us river puny would not pay them according xv I‘m-tugv Lumber to the arrangements that he made “uh ht‘zul ollicc was that the men would “jump the “am-s oi $51) per job." wriml from the (int..- Tho defendants further Contended i :iu- 'l'u“ n of K-n- that avcordins: to the custom of that rim-r prokixion that country they, never paid transports-l .l'i :ulnuu‘e the ne- tinn wxpchScs, or that if they did dnl lt'ull u-Vpullw-s of th.- that they always deducted it from the] :mm m Kvnura. and wages of the men at the end of the mug unulil not be season. Thoyadmitted that they ob- iu- mun in the event tainvd most of their men from Winni- : m the muploymvnt pegn but. it was shOwn to the court! or a pm‘iod of thl‘t‘t‘ that the plaintifl and the other men 1rd». The plaintiff {ram Bobcaygeon were expert river imi panics loft Bob‘- driVel‘S. and that some of the men am of April, 1912. that were obtained from Winnipeg for mm on the 17th of this line of work were inexperienced. 11.11.:vrwr/urludlm suits: They are all and Hmmughly soap shrunk and spot qmuuntw'('m'ry yd., pric‘c' $1 and 1.50. Howling-s in the ’12, the plaintiff ‘i partivs u’t‘l‘c :1!!- g'u :Jid. forxm-rly x. “inn-:1; MC“;- lowph I‘hihadoau . all likewise of m‘ [fo‘ncaygmwm tnm- Lumber L'n., \liHun I'd!) m’i'm Io’m Gallan- {undid shades of navy. cream and films. pm yd. 536. (N t» l'\ peg. but it was Shawn to the court that the plaintiff and the other men from Bobcaygeon were expert. river drix'crs. and that some of the men that were obtained from Winnipeg for this line of work were inexperienced. and some of them before arriving at. the drive had never “seen a log." rountry they never paid transporta- Linn (-xponsL-s, or that if they did (10 that they always deducted it from the wages of the men at, the end of the season. They admitted that they ob- tainvd most of their men from Winni- tlu-r he uxn-edud lns authority in .zgn-e ng to pay their transportation Q‘NIW‘HSCS, and it was further contendâ€" .-d that 1.th durundam was only liable to the plaintin‘ and the other men for hushmen's wages. namely, $35.00 per "1011 h. until the drive actually start- HO pm- month. and that fur- THE WATCHMAN-WARDER.. Lindsay “anudian v. i'mcxs w-ue no longei se- fxcn- and had giwn axuu our 0V0!- .(ouis \u- should hau- n-pented in Fob- 5 wary and March. Wars are less fre- - I quunt than in the past. but they still occur. The Balkans and Mexico are Vt-noug-h to remind us that unix'crsai _¢;:(-a-3v has not yet arriwd. Exam where War is not doclai'ed between nations. the strife of inn-rests gon ton. This strife is sealed at diplo~ _ ; maiic council Loards, whoru the ships ’zmd men of one state are plmed age. nst the ships and min of anothenm 1m the midst of peace there is war. Sim-.0 then-fore. a nation like Canada {has its citizens and its immests to ’protect, it must protect them as (1095 ,men nation except those “hich are : sheltered bx a. stronger neighbor or; 3h)- an agreement among the great; ' poners. If Canadian merchants are' goxposod to danger. mhether in China 1 i 1 .4 [. nan-'1' or \Iexico, they must have $0me con- sulate and ultimately some battleship in “hich to take refuge \t present‘ {the British navy is readx to discharge :8.“ such services for us. We must either contribute to its support or. maintain a navy of our own. 5 -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o-â€"-â€"â€"- Web. 18, 50 p1 ‘SPRAIN’ED HIS ANKLE. I mission .......... Mr. Geo. Duke, the' popular cattle- Feb. 19. 50 per man in the employ of Mr. P. J. Gunp- mission ......... bell; butcher. had the misfortune ‘to‘ Feb, 3‘30. 50 per slip while engaged in the shughter-‘ mission .......... house on Tuesday afternoon tnd Feb. 27; 50 P91 break the anal! bone in his right “’i mission .......... kge. _ Though receiving the best med- ical treatment, his “tending phasi- . . cian feels several days may compo be”. . Certified com forehecm beseeninhis brawn-W (opacity. I ' ' '. Tr: In the last few years the increaseYReferee, Fred Kelly. Peter. elone in the consumption of “suede", boro. 3‘ games ..................... Tea amounted to 2.314.026 pounds, Expenses .............................. or 200 car-loads of tea. Referee Ernie Wasshon, 1 Even after this enormous increase game .................................. “Salsda” has had a further increase Expenses .............................. in the first 14 weeks of this year of ; S. Britton. engraxing cup ..... little over a. quarter of a million S. Britten .rings for win- pounds, equal to 21 culonds. nets and runners up Austria is determined to coerce; ‘ - Montenegro to evactuate the tOWn of _ 3 Mr. L. V. O'COnnor was counsel for the plaintiff and the other named em- ployees, and Mr. A. M. Fulton was counsel for the defendant. Enormous Increase In Tea Industry ’misluuling. 11‘ 550 had inferred from“ 'l‘heri- ix ".1 - "-71:1111-nl more (‘OmmonI :tht‘ warm \t’t'atht-l‘ in January that and more iiiistukt-n than that the: ”Canadian winters 55'1-1'e no longer 59- world is lile the state and that as; \ere and had given away our o5"ei-,' we do not car1'5 “canons in the latter routs we should havi- repented in Feb- 551' should not have armaments in thej 1111115 and March. “111's are less fre- fo1'.mer Duelling' has ceased. so quent than in the rest. but 1he5 still might 558.1‘ cease. 'l‘he stat" h055â€".I occur. The Balkans and Mexico are e5er. is the outcome of a long dewl i enough to remind us that universal opmcnt. during whith mcn ha5e come gin-ace has not yet arrived. Even to be more or less well disposed one' where war is not declared between towards another, and have set up 3' nations. the strife of interests goes government to enforce the. common, ‘011. This strife is settled at diplo~ standard upon refractory persons.l gnintie count-i1 Lourds, “‘ht‘lt‘ the ships Most of us ke\p the peace from habit. and men of one state are pla5ed Some of us 55ho 55o'lld most like to? av. a nst the ships and men of another .ibreak it are largel5â€"hut. note it not] 1111 the midst of peace there is war 'entirel'vâ€"prewnted from doing so by 1 Sim-.11 then-tore. a nation like Canada fear of the police. “:3 all refer our has its citizens and its inteiests to disputes to the courts and must ar-il protect, it must protect them as does cept their de1isio11. 'l he nations 'e5er5' nation, except those which areltaken tOgtther haw made no suchiad- 1 sheltered b5 8. strongel neighbo1or‘5'.ance They ha5e made a {own 8151'799- 1 by an agreement among the great meats, but they ha5e established no 1 poners.1f Canadian merchants are authority to enforce them- ; the5 haven exposed to danger. whether in, China no large body of law. no common't or Mexico, they must have some con-‘government to make new law. no.1 sulate and ultimately some battleship satisfactory comtx. no internationalft in “hit-h to take refuge \t present: police. 'lhev resemble not the pres- 1 the British naV5 is read5 to discharge ent state. but the state as it was at!‘ all such services {01 us. We must, the end of the t55elfth century. The 1 either contribute to its support or citi'xen had then to piotect himself“: maintain a. navy of our own. lor he might be set upon by some: ]t 55 ill be said h055'.e5er that by neighbor. There “as no agreement taking am such decision we commit to keep the peace. and no government Canada to a. PONY 0f \\ 81‘ and ban-i to enfonre the agreement. Gradually! 15h peaCe. The truth is that thelpeaceable people made treaties audit character of our policy depends upon truces within the state. and strengt [1-1 5 ourselves. We are under no compul- ened the hands of the king so that 1'. 53011 to become \an aggressit‘e power. he could preserve order. Finally the \ ‘ A of his claim with costs. bein the sum of 8271.52. 3 7| “M has no friends. (h-nvruls and own colom-ls who might be thought :l'rivnlily to it have now Lulu-n to say- ‘ing that thulr one wish is to prowl-w qeacv, to make war unpossihlv. l‘hl- expense and the horror of it an- in- aislul upon by any number of assay- ist.» and journalists. It is little won- (ll‘r. themfl’oro. that numy (‘unadinns “ho are peace-loving peoph- conclude that they need not and slxoulu not spend monvy un amnmuvnls. and pro- '[are for wars which will never hap- yon. This conclusion. hUWl‘Vt‘l'. is Imsccl only upon part of the fuels. 1! is one of thosv hasty gl-tlL-l'alizulious lwhlvh aw partially true, but which, “hen made to cover our whole 0x- ylerem'e, prove to be dm‘optive and misllmling. H “u had infvrrl-d from; the warm m-athor in January that MI in ”MW at thn cmmty 1M! tu' um. \m u a'mmd uiuuwh- ”us now twin of NW plums ”“0 NW .tl'umi 0! (ha mu'm‘um' an No [menu m'uuml Hm uruy mn'rimu'u. 'I ha on”: “W empty. Hm uhmn Hm unlu‘ukun in Hm lull ,uml nml hmlu uluuunm h» Hm uumui~ turiom‘. 'l‘hu " hlmlu " hum tluwn. unl umuvaruu tu Umnrnur Imlfnul', ulm Mmlly turnml uwr his ank In tt‘mlv with lmtllgl'tms 0! the» mth'lml imnut-m tn tlwlr reamt'llm charm»: last Friday mul'ning. ' A [:rmiuvinl unicm‘ urrlwd in town has! “wk um! tnnk th mvn away chulm-J m uuvh uthur :- u chuin gang as n won-v. 'l‘nm'o woru Iiw in nll. For the First Time in 30 Years the In speaktng to a number of our Happens 11w.- Warder elicited much in- formntfon from them Concerning the season'u hunt. The “gum below are correct and can be vouched for by thv purchasers. Must of the trap- porn below mmtioued mndo the new mm Immwn Cross (‘rpekn on the southern northm of the Heugog rh‘er and Sturgeon Lake, wnh nu tribu- on ion and banks takhig sun baths the fur is almost useless as it be- cames a. trawny color and is not. sought after by dealers. he muskrat season is practically over though the law permits of such being taken or killed up to the lat 0‘ May; from that date forward up to the lst of December following the little -animats' are permitted the freedom which land or water afford them having a legal privilege to go hither and thither without fear of molestation : such in the game law of Ontario. After the sun becomes Warm and the little animals alt out Thousands of Dollars Paid out by LINDSAY, 0N1}. IIIURSDAY. MAY 0, , Ce'nmga correct. “ ‘1). mm. A. n, PA'I’ON. Financial Statemen I or Hughes Tournament telegrams ................. . ........ Ticket seller ......................... Receipts and disbursements in con: nection with the Hughes Cup Hockey tournament. are as tollows: DISBURSEMEN'I‘S Warder printing .................... 3 Postage. telephoning and Some among us will no don”. wish to spend mOI‘o' money, to take more precautions, than an- needed. They can he rvstrainod, if we continue to art like trez‘ and inta-lligonL-men. They m-v the extremists on «me slde. to be sot ow-r against thusu “ho ro- gnrd solf~dofenvo us immoral. 'l‘hvro is a middle com-Sc. “'0 van protm-t muselves, and at th.» sumo time do evu'ything in our pomw tn promote peace. In fact. no other course is :easonablo» in the qutiqgjntorna- tzonal situatiun. Some intorhéf’iddal isstu-s are still adjusted by trials 0! strvnrzth. Others are svttlvd by arbi- tratiun. and no authority standing} ahoVe the nations to keep the pent-0‘ yet exists. 'l‘Wu ul' llw mm. NM llllll Hmllll lwm'u cum'll‘lwl ul l'lllokull Ilmlllun‘ mul will wrw u nix-lilunlllu' lawn in llw (’unlrul ul‘imm. lll‘uuku. u wu- l'iml. “ill wrw u llim lm'm. uml llw burglar. Mulllum. rw'ulwu llw umuu uuuul, 'l‘lw llllii "mu. wlm Wm: du- lmvnlml, \\'l|l luv lulu-n lu Mllulvu. (immmur llllll‘uur fill“ in luuklnu lulu llw 'urviwgiluuy ul llw infilllu- lion lm luuml llull lilo [Il'luun lmu nmm‘ imuu ll'ml ll'ulu ull'vlllluru ulllce llw wear HHH. 'l‘m tiny» ulupuoll all. llml [mriml in whlcll no violulars of law or Juullcv gracml lllo culln n! the mall" on llw hill. This spring hmmn-clumlilm will lin lhlngu up at llw lanllilllun l‘ur iucurrlglhlon and 'Ihe following is a list of trapper: who sold to Mr. Ed. Armstrong with the number of their catch: Adam Mafia!» (:1 mink) . ..... W190 John n'nrlm (a mink) ..... .180 H. Brynn: ........... . 76 0. Jackson ........... . . 50 HpAndoruon .. ......... . ........ 50 J. Parker ..... 95 Mr. Ed. Armstrong yu one of the largest buyers. having pad out. .1.- 400 {or rat and mink skim: on Wed- nesday. Mr. Armstrong expects to purchase at least another thousand pelts. Mr. John Fluroy purchued about 1200 and Mr. J. Bonner two or three hundred. tary streams on the north. Owing to ice many days were lost in the early part at the M or themtch might have been a. third more. '11» quality of the pelts are reported good, an average price at about 55¢. per pelt being paid. Most trapper: have sold the season's catch and are now lamenting they did so u the market has assumed a firm tone and adVanced within the last week. 27; 50 per cent. of ad- County Jail is Free of the Striped Birds ..n.u. u. on no... u- .. ............................. s i8.75 RECEIPTS. Lindsay Dealers For Muskrat Hides .. ..«.- ......oc..o cent. of ad- of ad- '.~ 69 25 dayvinitihg the Orientai bath“: in ' ' search of eastern novelties for thigh $127 .90 16.20 23.75 15.00 mt point this morning on her! round-the-worl'd-trip to VWV“‘“‘ ~v‘ take up service between Canada and ' Jw“ uid China. The My '1‘ ‘0' a” visiting the Oriental haunts in mgmmwmmrw. WW_-.~,â€" ,v- v a;mc~nm Hut-m hunt-am «minim fiMndOrEmmt Montreal, Que., April 25.-â€"A cable- grun received from Colombo. Ceylon, states that. the Canadian Pacific ORIENTAL BAZAARS. This morning The Warder received the following telegram from Blon- trenl, which will interest. Lindsay citizens : Railway‘s new my“ mail steamship, "Emma: 0! Russia." mind at. First Hot Wave Of SummeruCow , Too many writers on this subject are ~ dispCSed to argue that because there are such great and thious ditilculties In the way or establishing an inter. ignatiOnal authority. peace will new:- tcome. They are almost as far wrong ,as those who are persunded by the '1-xisleme Of peace 50('ii‘tll‘.\ and ura- tors that war is no longer possible] {Again the truth lies hetwien the ex~ itrcmes. l~1\‘er.\'thing done to inun‘uVe! ‘the relations between states inert-ewes the chances of peace. and may leadi it“ some form of international author-1 ity which will make peace certain. i‘Ve are not called upon. however, to glean“: ourselva undefendod in the uneantime. There are international giluestions like that of Oriental immi~ {gration which cannot be settled by‘ gall,“ law or agreement at present known. There are countries which might take advantage of our weakâ€"i mss to put peat? farther away than! ‘ever. We mum. hold out Lb.“ sword and the olive branch together. The right attitude Seems to be that of Great Britain in dealing with Ger- many-and the United Siates. She offered Germany an opportunity of en- tering into a scheme of disarmament. ‘ When her offer was refused she can- timved to take measures for her own safety. She is ready to accept an arbitration treaty with the United States which will efTN-tive if the ‘ Senate does not (We the one im- ‘ portant clause. We have to wait ‘ upon others in these matters. Mean- while, we can be conciliatory and 3 firm. Either arrogance or weakness ‘ will delay the coming of peace. ‘ A fat cow owned by a South Ops farmer dropped by the way- side, exlinusted by the oppressive weuther, in Lindsay-st. Friday. SeVeral citizens assisted in carry- ing pails of water to reVive the animal. which they delivered in copious quantities on bossy's There may be a similar development among the nations. Prejudices are being broken down, urbltrotion is more often resorted to. the Hague and the Interâ€"parliamentary Convcn. tion may Yoroshadow an internatIOnal Judiciary and parliament. It Is a mistake to belittle such tendencies. king was able to say to a cmyen'iin thv cells horo for the staying at “I! you an- challemzod to arms. do his father, llugh Gordon. The tru- not fight for forty days; lwtoro thatl’lfl'dy uccurrvd on the Gordon farm period ends I shall do you justice and on Wedm-sduy evening, when thv sun protect you." By such means mug--lslruck his father on the head with a ity was extended. and the need ogllu-m-y pina- of iron. The older (Sur- m-ll-dotense on tho part. 0! «ch ciuunldun's skull was {upturn-d at lhv ham- dlmlnished. but the deli") lived until a law hum- T‘here {nay be a similar development lust nighI, nmer, however, regaining mnong the nations. l’reiudices .mgconsciousneas. ’wurk Wm M at u uiuuduiill fur a .Huw. Mum' our“: u! minim urn in "w yard (0 ho iii‘ukvn and the uiWN“ mm‘ but! «mix hum-1w! in any iiiuuv humium'u No dim: um», ’ i‘mur i‘muuu mum ”to only way tu break thin iiu up In In miwrliw Im' \um'umu. lluuimw will Inc urac- Uculiy iii-ii up until Homo nuiuidu liowuu mum in iiw rmu'uo an ”my ; {have ilmw Iii-{arc Nu cum» in! (May kind. The CNN in uptimiuiiv and 1 has Home primpm-lu. Ho prumimm In I help out. thu (‘ollnly inxliluiiun rm fur as his uuihuriiy will iii-rum. (‘un any nihi't' timn flu- Hilu oil Liliana) [must n! such a clean ro- cord. l 'J. Roche .. .... . .. . 'L. Connor! .. ‘W. Stimson . ..... Hooper nnd Wand.“ Mr. Roger- ........ . Mr. Hwemman ’Iru 'l‘nolo .......... .. ......... Mitchell Non. . ........ M. I‘m-1mm H. Juckman In. Puker ............ ‘ John Dixon ......... Bum nroa. ............ -v-- u. R. Baxter I oun-u..... unnuu-utuuo. O'- uu-uou¢. nauousun. J. um ..... ............ . (390. Hudson (2 mhk) Geo. Jackmn .......................... Joe Lula (1 fox) ............... .. ....... ‘1 ‘Fomzomery ................. ..... A. Stockdalé- Ford Bros. 80c”. ”nub-non Oollt|;|t.|| o-utu.u¢u Stock'er ..... Hltley (2 coon Was Knocked Out on". PAGES I to 4 £225 75 100 1 60 “50 vii-um â€" â€" â€".--â€"v w increased waor his thorough work, courteous and personal attention end moderate charges have all been mmmmsnhed- Win! any and Victoria county physicians who ore continually recommding their nation: to him. We therelore are not surprised to know that. the business of Dr. Annie hp) steadily are so riiuch more comloruble; bene- ficial and satislactory alike to the customers and to the several Lind- and relativeLv measured. This is absolutely necessary and no examina- tion is worth anything without it. This treatment and his nerve mea- surement system explain In consider- able part the reason why his treat- ment. by the use 9! 399°“;_ glasses town I cess in the work he so well under- (‘me of the happiest men in lstands. this week is Dr. M. IL Annis, who is celebrating his seventh year in Lind- â€"-â€"â€"Oâ€"-- say as the loading eyesight special- ist of Eastern Ontario. His pain TiCket money to lors are conveniently located oppo- site the post office and are well and . Be Returned comfortably furnished. while his cum-r~ uting room is equipped with all thel . . 5“ _ latest and best instruments for thor- The duwtors of the Spring Horse ough eye examinations. 'l‘his com-:Sh‘m “'ifh "'9 public to 1‘1““ notice prises 6 distinct operations. eom- t?“ S’ng t? a neglect 0‘ ‘11? 0“" mencing with a. careful oblique i- cialii in this L.l‘.R. heat? ofllCe in no- lumination of the eyeJids. corneas i “fl/1'18 the" agents a 8193318 {are $783 and sclerotic: {or previous disease 01 not 3'3““?! perSons comm; ‘0 L‘nd‘ corneal opacities. and of the lens say lastéawrday. To all who mm for lenticulu' opacities. etc. The .‘Chased “we,” 3 refund “"11 be grant- iris is also weruuy examined forged by gnvb'mg to the agents where s3neChias, iritls and other irregularl- isuch “ck?“ were Pumhas‘v‘d- T319 ties are carefully noted. This is toi- 1‘1in are sorry that such a MS~ lowed by use at the retinoscope. “k9 ‘3'” made. ophthalmoscope and ophthalmometer; â€"â€"--0â€" next the strength and action of the .WATCH WAS GOING. six put: 0! muscle: .re investigated l W, April 25.â€"~Scarcely govere}! p Dr. M. B. Annis A herd of thle coming in Lind- Stu-st. on Friday afternoon got dizzy with the heat and an wild around an. One of the animals rushed through an open door into a residtnt'e and it. took some time and much diplomacy to get the beast out. Dizzy With the Heat Cattle Mr. Hugh 601110!) was a man must middlo life. «host: family “8.3 gnmn up. [lira wife died some years ago. Robert was the only son. and is Nu um- witnessed the flair. but. ac- cording to the son's smry the trag- (-d_\' was (luv to“ fit of anger. Stafm'lh, April 24.â€"Rohvrt Gordon, about {“11“} â€"f‘t\u _\«-ar.~ of ago. a young farmer of McKillop 'l‘ost‘n- The “unions art- olu- ot‘ the most. hhip, was taken into custody at an highly maxim-ted families in the disâ€" curly hour this morning. and is Hold trim, and have rvsidu-d about six in thv cells [two {or the slaying 0! ,miles from here for many 5ears. his father, Hugh Gordon. The tut-l Lam. owning. the young man says. gody omurnd on the Gordon famyhc- “as “hipping a horse at the sta- 9n Wedm-sday evening. when thv son . hie and his father removed him. lie struck his father on the head with a l further allt-mcs that. his father throat. It. mm: that Bryan Wu MLW‘MIIB' l'rum rummg tho Huldu of tho tum. and stoma-d on tho mm to (ha hum-o. M Um Mm. 't'twru Mt“ \‘tulot Toe»- ‘13“. a yuuuu Hmtuuy lmly. «lauuhtm' of Mr. and Mn. Jan. ’l'wvtuu. of this tuvm. who In m (‘huruu ut the who“! In that cliun'm. mm the hora-o while] “mun «Norm! the bum. “hm Uw calms out lw tuuk hum ut' thu ruinu.‘ and than umumml tn Hm am! at the] I'ullur. 'l‘lwu. uvvurdnm‘ tn Mina 'l‘motiu, whu \Hud tho “My «gw wit- nuuu of tho tragic ufl‘nir, hq- luut. mm- tl'ul of thn lmrmm, who, ul‘lo-r start-l ing from the burn. whm-lml um! (Muh- vd buck tusuu’tln it. In their {right} Father Slain by His Son Ilwrlco Brynn. a young farm lub- the ham. narrowly vacuum! tlwcur- . ' nor n! the! burn. but the rnllm- «ruck our. In tho wuploy "‘ Mr. “m. M. It. and “mm! owr from ”I" rum; Allm ”( Monro. Ion! M! m“ In cm of ”no mmmm. Brynn WM hurlml ucldvnt 'I‘uoudny. whvn n Imam of w Um ground and. n In Humght. tu- horm he w“ drum“ gm. lwyuud Nu ummly M‘Hml. 'Hw who Ins-«kn «ml CUMNL Hm hurwu «Minimum! [hour flight but H. mm- um Bryan was Mturnlnu wow» much! lama l-txmulmflon m- trum mmmx mo aluldu of tho tum. \Mlod um um mm both low- ware and Manual (m Hm mm In mu hum-n. mum. um 0! “mm helm: brown hu- M Um Mm. 'I‘lwru um \‘tulot 'l‘aow- 10w the Law. 11.. «he had a cut on 1m, u yuuug Mutiny lady. dauuhwr Mu chant. A can rushed into a music store Lindsay Lady an Eye Witness to Sad Tragedy Chicken Thieves Sentenced To Term 1n Central 7th. Anniversary; Run Wild-- One Ran Into a m. urn-r slurt- 'l‘h'e (arm uf Mr. Minn. WM” "'2‘“ mlud and du“"- :un “'10! killed. in on (he 5H1 lino of In their fright ,‘Jrouru. by the shallow water in Quinton's :Cneek, . stream in Ust Township near here. the apparently drowned. body of an unknown man was found teerly toâ€"dny. Enninntion of the Epockets revealed 0. gold watch. still running and marking the correct time !utta.ched .to a, pearl fob. A tailors ithimble, . packet. comb and fifteen went: in silver were also (ound on the {corpse The nun, who appears from [his clothing to hove been in good frircmxatanoes. was about 85 years of The diroctors bf the Spring Horse Show wish the public to take notice that owing to a neglect of the offi- cials in the C.I'.R. head office in no- tifying their agents a single fate was not granted persons coming to Lind- say last Saturday. To all who pur~ chased tickets a refund will be grant.- ed by applying to the agents where Such. tickets were purchased. The directors are sorry that. such a. mis~ «Tragedy in McKillop , Three of the animals were com- pletely overcome from the sultry ef- fects of the atmosphere and may die. The 0“ not turned all the animals he could cox-all into Mr. Spratt' 5 field to rest. The Warder joins with his many friends in wishing him Continued suc- ceSS in the work he so well under- stands. last year persons representing over 9:2 post office addresses were fitted by him and hundreds of letters of thank- fulness and appreciation are on fyle. on the business street and lw-llowed to 11981 a brass band. whtn the pro- prietor tried to eject him. med to strike him and made a mo- tion towards him. 'l‘horeupon the son picked up a New of iron that. “as on lhv stable 110m and struck his tumor to the ground. Young Gordon went. to ”in house and to his aunt and sister said: "I Kuvsfi I have killed father." The horrified women accompanied the man to the barn and, carried 1hr virus" to the house. H. Ross was summoned at once, but. a-ould do nothing for the injured man. u' would um bu dawflulumi [mul- ley “hmlwr um um lw wuu vuuu‘ht butwwn 'tlw burn and rullur. h is Mahmud with cul'luimy. huwowr, \hut thv hum; rollul‘ (Nd nut mum mar him. nor did NW hul’um‘ draw him. It in thw‘ufurn sumunml Hm! 1w was Ruled by the {urea Mlll Mum he was thruyn to ”w grnuml. House on Lindsay-St. South v mum! Hmmr- l. the mlln-r Mruck r- fmm Uw tum: “run wan hurlnl

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