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Watchman Warder (1899), 1 May 1913, p. 2

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Little Britain BRADUATE 0F TORONTO AND TRINITY UNIVERSITIES. RPECIAL ATTENTION TO SUR- GERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ASSOCIATE CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Dulce Hoursâ€"1 to 3 P-m- gppointment. Dr. F. BLANCHARD GRADUATE TORONTO UNIVERSI- TY, CORONE’R FOR COUNTY OF VICTORIA Ofico -â€" Ridout-st.. corner Kent Ind Lindsay‘sts. Phone 45. FAG! m HOPKINS a; HOPKINS, Barr-is- ms, Solicitors, Notary Public, etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. , xoney to loan on verms to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William-st. 8., Lindsay, Ont. G. H. Hopkins, K. 0.. F. H. Hopkins, B.A., LL.D. The Body Feeds on Rich, Red Blood. STEWART a; O‘CONNOR. Barriste- Nouriee, etc. Money to loan at Food than, 0m... wri recommend I)! fly little girl': ihit she won hystencs, and quieted for a . 0 ' , ' ' ' NOY‘YQ l‘ , ‘auu you. nu, u-.. The blOOd IS the medlum by “hICh nourishment IS medicineud’i‘d me a. world of goo supplied to the various parts and organsof the body. 231.31%:de hm: (\fughem.s;m] “hen the blood fails to derive proper nounshment from generally, so that to-day I fee‘ . - , , v . . v ' . I am quite well again." the food, Or is depleted by 0V erw orl}, W011) 0? (1150459: Under awe of Sept. 5. 1912. a general breakdown of the system IS sure to follow. 135230512333: :mgni. “93:36:: Because of the readiness with which 1t IS taken Into and 1 would be pleased to tell l body so." the blood stream, and because of its exceptional Vitaliz- ing: powers, Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food is the greatest blood-lmilder and enricher which 11; IS poss1ble to obtain. Such ailments as anaenna, dhlmwsis or green sickness, general debility and physical exhaustion are overcome by this food cure. # because years a! cot run nights. ImRE JACKSON. Barristers. 0“,. soiicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mnnevy to loan on moflgngu at lowest current. ”tea. omce, William-st... Lindsay. F. D. Xooro. K3. Alex. Jackson. Gradually but certainly Dr. Chase’s Neweroa hlnml. rmurishes the nerves back to health and Vigor, a every part of the body. This great food cure brings ht to the weak. sleep to the sleepless, and health and hay Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, 6 boxes Toronto. .d from Food made amen n. mem‘. Barrister. So- licitor. Nata-y rublic. Solicitor for the Home Bank 0: Cum“. upro- nnung Waterloo Hutu-.1 Fire In- lunnco Co.. of Wsurloo; Fallen! ‘ mo Auuruco 00.. at Hamilton. up!" Accident. at! Sat», (20.. 0! London. Ooh. one. our Homo mt. oppodu Pout. Moo. IeLAUOHLIN. PEEL. FULTON STINSON. Barman. Solicitor. and Honda. low tdloul. Spoo- on “union 31m to inn-uncut... Doctor And Physician Dn. Hall. ,ed for a long L treatment of sheis greatly her nerves are knew of Dr. C use I used i‘ I 330 when 11 run down and ts. I was 2.134 from dizzy I Barristers, etc. normally. 105 onto. and Morm- , writes: ."I can highly a Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food. girl‘s nerves were so bad would wake up nights in and we could not get her r a long time. Since tak- tment of Dr. Chase‘s Nerve 13 greatly lm proved in health ,erves are steady. of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food used it myself several when the nervous system Woodflno onc- om st one. at 0. 3.4V“. Chase’s nerves wake 'e could ng time of Dr. C it myself the nervous ad I could n 190 weak ané - .pelll. Th! strong and v and The not well : sleep suffer- Nefl a Harry Keslick, commonly known asl " Kid ” Keslick, who has twirled many a game in Lindsay and sur» rounding country, has decided to“ step up higher into the professional| class, and with this in View he will? receive a try-out with the Peterboro‘ " White Caps,” who are at present in training at Preston, Ont. ‘Keslick first became familiar with lthe game at his old home in Cress- well, where his father cOnducts the temperance house. Here Harry. along with his brother Howard. formed the battery for a winning :team. Later on his fame spread and £110 played with Valentin, and again lwilh Manilla, and it was while pitch- iing for the latter team with "Andy” Sirixon doing the backstopping, that iKeslick gained his fame. He devel- toped and in time played with Lindâ€" Tsny nines against outside teams. his lwork always being gilt-edged. Later I also suflered consu faintness and dizzy though I 'had doctore‘ years I never seemed t< that did me any real gc gan the use of Dr. 4 Food. It worked a. gr my condition almost im: after a. regular use of tion I believe that it permanent cure." “Kid” Keslick to Play With the‘ “White Caps” STEWART M. GRAHAM. LINDSAY, Ont. nuctioneet. Gradunta of Jmos' Sahool of Auctioneering, Chicago. Yom- patronage solicit- ad. ’Phono 195L. MrsJ.B.Berrymu,3588ySn-eet. North Hamilton. states: “I was so Very nervous that frequently I could not sleep at all, and Would be so un- easy that I could not remain in bed. but would have to get up during the night in order to quiet my nerves. I also suffered considerably from taintness and dizzy spells, and though I had doctored for some years I never seemed to get anything that did me any real good until I be- gan the use of Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food. It worked a great change in my condition almost immediately. and _. “m...“- ncp n! this prepara- FEE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to loan money on farm, town and vil- lage property. at very lowefit rates cunt-{e “1-1-65 ‘up: M51 ”Cannifigton, and was the main stay of the team, which won several hard tougnmymts. " Kid ” Keelick is a. good pitcher, having speed to burn. with o puniing usorimcnt oi twister. and bender: that. has won ior him many a. hard- i’onght game. He in duo fast in tho new and can hold down the position oi slab mm with the majority oi amateurs. At the nick ho in oloo formidable and it given o 2dr show ho should nuke good with Potorboro in the Gandhi: of interest. Company or private funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON. lolicltor, etc., Mine Block. Lindsay as. MEEHAN, AUCTIONEER FOR tho Counties of Victoria and Peter- Mro. ‘ Than. 449, Lindsay P.O. lh Hamilton. - nervous that sleep at all. a: ' that I could would have t( _t in order_ tc W l N. 1.111} .... SPRING r. Chase’s NerveFood increases the quant1t to health and Vigor, and through the blood I at food cure brings health to the bruken-dov as. and health and happiness to the sick and ( LA -I\ g 11 17_1_“~ Hamilton. states: "I rvous that frequently 1 p at all. and would be it I could not remain lld have to get up dur _ order to quiet my suffered considerably s and dizzy _ spell: :ould not remain 1 ave to get up duri: at to quiet my: red considerably nd dizzy spells. and doctored for ,- seemed to get an any real good unti > of Dr. Chase’s v imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. r Rook author. are on every box of his medicines. -. Chase’s Nerve great change in immediately. and of this prepara' it has effected 3- my nerves. bly from mils. and for some 't anything until I be- se’s Nerve [increases the quantity and improves the quality of the 21d through the blood and nerves carries new vitality to salth to the broken-(1mm, energy to the worn-out, strength ‘piness to the sick and despondent. for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates Co., Limited, Amount of seed to sow per acre 15' as follows: Alfalfa, 15 to 25 lbs., broadcast or drill; barley, 8 to 10 packs ; blue grass, 25 lbs.; brome grass, 12 to 20 lbs.; buckwheat, 1 bush.; clover, 1-7 lbs.; com, 10 qts.; oats, 2 to 3 bush.; orchard grass, 30 lbs.; peas, 2 bush.; red top, 10 lbs.;; rye, 3 to 6 peaks; wheat, 6 to 9‘ packs; asparagus, 5 lbs.; beans, 11} bush.; beets, 6 lbs.; cabbage, i 1b., one ounce equals 2,000 plants; car- rot, 4 lbs.; cauliflower, § 1b.; celery, 4; 1b.; cow peas, 4} bush; cucumber, 2 lbs.; kale, 4 lbs.; lettuce, 1 1b., equal- ling 1-3 ounce to 50 feet of row; ,melon, musk, 3 lbs.; melon, water, 4 ‘1bs.l; millet, 1 to 3 peeks; onions, 5 {lbs., equalling 1; ounce to 50 feet of row ; parsnips, 6 lbs.; potatoes, 8 to 12 bush., equalling 25 tubers per 50 feet of row; pumpkins, 5 lbs.; radish, 110 lbs.; spinach, 12 lbs., equalling l 102. to 50 feet; squash, 4 lbs. to 6 ‘lbs.; sweet potato, 14} to 4 bush.; to- mato, ,1. lb., or 33~plants in 50'feet; turnips, 1 lb., or 4} ounce to 50 feet Mrs. Thomas Peacock. 23 His- watha Street. St. ThomaS, Out... and whose husband is conductor on the Wabash Railway. states : “I was quite run down in health. was very nerv- ous, did not sleep well and had fre- quent dizzy spells. ' Believing this to be the Irsult of an (xhuusted nerv- ous system. I began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. and can say that this medicine did me a. world of good. It entirely freed me of the symptoms stated above, buzlt up my health generally. so that. to-day I feel that I am quite well again." Under dn'e of Sept. 5. 1912, Mrs. Peacock writes: “Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food has done me a. world of good. and I would be pleased to tell every- body so." of row. â€"Canadia.n Farm If there were no women man would never get hereâ€"and wouldn’t care to stay very long. The family tree of some people must be all gnarls and knots. WHOOPIIG couen Doctors Gould Io lo Good. Mrs. A. Mainwright, St. Mary’s. Ont... writeszâ€" â€"“ I feel it my duty to write and tell you the good your Dr. Wood’s Nor- way Pine Syrup did {or my little boy. He had whooping cough, which left him with a nasty, dry hard cough. I took him to severe! doctors, but they did him no good, and I could see my little led failing dey bid I3. I was advised to teke him to not er octor. which I did end he told me he w 11; into ed decline. I won telling e neifiour ehoutt it, ehe told me to _eget ttle of Dr. Wood’e 31‘s,: " Fiié'é‘fiui.’ iii iv; it. to him regular y. She'then not to tell mc_ho much good it did her children. I0 I got. home. us! me Mp lay We 5° » “6 .AIA A ,- I p I WUVIU‘ mu m 90 p1mnd""§i££ 'zie'h'iiliim I bought mother one. ad by the time he Ind finished it. he htd gamut}; Hall! _-A now In and atron , without 3 homo n tho house on any mmt oooount.” Wh ' cough on“ Woodvmo. Lox-nova“ ond Earthy. A ”93a ”001:?“de Mm: mutinc will be mad 10" lbw!» o t ‘ . common ’md homthonooo whongnhodulootmolwulboton- t no ,noro oohild’ououbk unload 'l'hmhmuohtoodmtw butch olootl adults ml in thin uootxon tor mo. DrWood’IN mesmhsudugwdm’lmhw mm in. audio «.mmwoodvmoAdm gloom-mum and m. â€"â€""â€"-o--- r ‘ A n-oâ€".L..__.._I. m m AMOUNT OF SEED PER ACRE LEFT A NASTY, DRY COUGH. Pure Stock To Be Loaned To Farmers meuuuueu, lulu nu: Ulvwva. 4-... .v-_ Ottawa, A r'l 25.â€"â€"The de artment p 1 p H. Flurey, of town. who. as a, result of agriculture, under the direction of . Hon. Martin Burrell, hasfiecided to '0? “1° mishan- has been confined to inaugurate an important work for the his house during the past four days. advancement of the live stock indus- .It appears that Mf- J- H. Flnrey try in Canada. hitched up his delivery horse to the It has been decided that the de- baggy and draw out to the farm to partment of agriculture shall pur- bring his brother into town. The chase well-bred animals. .these to top of the bum was half-way down. remain the property of the Govern- and as they drove away from the ment, but to be placed in the hands house and were passing underneath a clothes line, g, wire caught the top of such local organizations as agree‘ to be responsible for their proper .01 3th buggy. Feeling the sudden maintenance and management under :stram, the horse gaVe a. jump forâ€" the general supervision of the officers .ward, with the result that the tap of the live stock. branch. “4 buggy seat, with its two Occu- All the animals distributed will helm“. were lifted clean on the buggy bought, if possible, from homeland deposited on the ground. while breeders, and will be Canadian bred. ;the animal ran at a 2.40 clip around As far as possible they will be pur- the fields with the {our wheels. chased in the province in which they Mr. J. H. Flurey was badly shaken are placed. In this way Canadian up and sustained several bad bruises, breeders will receive encouragement. but his many blends hope to see him » -“i “.3 4mm .min in the course of and keep over, Lilacs have not yet stirred ; Song Sparrow, quicken them. to the heart of them-â€" Yours is the magic word. Spring air is chill; sturdy neon. picketer Sin from your apple bough ; Melo y. melody. rising ecstatically Fling to the garden now. And while you sing, over the meadow grasa Silvery. mint and cleu'. Swift to my garden place comes your mate's maiwer noncâ€" SpnrrOW. the spring in here I Love is nthrm; you the sweet. her- older. Blythe in mv orchu'd tree. Walton it. speak 0! it. fling it in IKVWIJ‘d now, Gloddeninc the world and no. ° the use of DR. CHASE’S vigor, new e nergy and new health which come with Spring and BASEBALL LEAGUE- It |\' in excellent health." sturdy heart ot Mrs. John Walflold. La Have Islands. Luncnburg (.70.. N.S-. wrnos: “Two years ago my system bm-ame greatly run down. and I was awfully nervous. It was very difficult for me to do my housework. and I felt very miserable. I dgctored. but did not re- . v ‘,A_.._ oh“ nan "Hag: GUI‘;. - uvv‘v- - _ ceive any benefit until I began thv use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This medicine proved of wonderful benefit to me. building up the system and resmring health and strength. I al- ways feel now that if I do get run down I can depend on Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to make me strong and ' “- "My hush‘and was troubled with dizziness and nervous headache. and was curcd by the Nerw Food. He would not be without 11 in the home." ' Effingai'; b: tovm. who. as a mult of the mishap, has been confined to his house during thgipasg 1911:- films. A somewhat peculiar accident, which might. have resulted fatally, 0c- curred on Tuesday morning last on the farm of in. Joe. Flurey, just. {\Te'st Bâ€"I‘Ihe town. The victims 0! the accident were Mr. Flurey, above mentioned, and his brother, Mr. John well Mr. J. H. Flurey was badiy shaken up and sustained several bad bruises, but his many triends hope to see him out" and about. again in the course of a day or two. MF. FLUREY INJURED. Note your increase in weight while using Dr. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. This is the proof that it actually forms new, firm flesh and tissue. HEN the blood gets thin and watery the rapid than the process of reconstructio: grows weaker and weaker, the lungs do stomach and other digestive organs fail to perf sorts of bodily derangements. Aching head, diz weakness and despondency, lack of energy to pc 43;, .L' ‘I:sxnr inn LINDSAY. 0NTARI0-’ ment at my work. I think. brought on the trouble. ,I sun-zed using Dr. Chase's Nerve F( 011. and by the time I had usxd up one box I felt a great improvement. The continued use of this preparation has thoroughly rc- stored my system. so that I feel strong and vigorous and fit for any amount of Work. 1 haw- also used Dr. Chas-2's Kidnev-Uvor l’ills and Uinimvnt with splendid satisfaction. and recommend n"... ." .~nv-- r-.nnrhzni:"" Mr. J. Hurlbcrt, 28 James S Brandon]. OnL. “Tins: "I was much run down in haunt. and consequence my nervous system very much exhausted. (‘lusv co: men: at my work. I think, br BROWN.â€"â€"At Glenarm, on Saturday, March 8th, 1913, the wife of Mr. Dugald Brown, twin sons. DUNDAS.â€"At Penelon Falls, on Tuesday, March 18th. 1913, the wife of Mr. Arthur Dundas, a daughter. WORSLEY.-â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Saturday, April 5th, 1913, the wife of Mr. Geo. Worsley, a son. GUNTHER.â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Saturday, April 5, 1913. the wife of Mr. F. W. Gunther, a son. BOYLE.â€"At Penelon Falls, on Fri- day. April 18th, 1913, the wife of Mr. Francis Boyle, a son. J ACKE'I‘I‘.â€"In the township of Pen- elon, on Thursday, April 17, 1913, the wife of Mr. Geo. Jackett, a son. J EFFREY.â€"lt Fenelon Falls, on Monday. April 21, 1918, the wife of Mr. Wm. Jeflrey, a. son. ’0’ ' T he Montreal Sufirage A550 nation. PTO?- McLEAN In -- '1‘ April 25, 1913.023ntm-o' nondpfida'v' completed it . Mrs. Carrie 1!. chick?r€)afnlMcG'll C ' I 7 x 'mwer- Stanley McLean . a daughte ' r. mty, being elected President 7 " GAMMA thin and watery the waste of the human body is more :ess of reconstruction. Gradually the action of the heart weaker, the lungs do not work to their full (:apmjty. the e organs fail to perform their duties, and the result is all s. Aching head, dizzy spells, indigestion, feelings of lack of energy to perform the duties of the day. 1033 of appetite, failing memory and power of conventration of the mind, irritability, nervousness and sleeplessness are among the symptoms which distress you. and all can be avoided by the use of Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food. Thereis no preparation to be compared to Dr. (‘lniso’s Nerve Food as a spring restorative. Tt does not stimulate and so whip the organs of the body to (WOI'OXPI‘TlUIl. but bv enriching the blood instils new vigor into the systeni Bv noting vour increase in weight while using this! ~ great food (-UI'e You (‘an £51230 prove that new. firm flesh "\ \ and tissue are lll‘llifliiddpd. . Mcâ€"umut-W W:WWM :0- :11: ngA'Y, MAY 181, 1913‘ Don’t Raise Smut! Grain smut and potato can be destroyed and h of thousands of dollars sax farmers by the use of for. hyde. The government mends its use. We sell m grade of for this purpose. To milk of the best. results, you 2 secure your supply here. We can also supply a 5‘? grade of BLUE-STONE to who prefer to use it as a I of destroying smut. Formaldehyde Dmggint. opp. peat 093°“ Hontreal Suffrage kssocmioi med its organization. Prof. “ A. ' ”ni‘nr. ‘5 saved 10 10 those ndreds [BANK OF M Lindsay Branch. At the annual meeting of u men‘s Missionary Society of H Wt. Methodist ('hur‘ '21 1”Why aftel'nOnn, th' {1) olficers were elected for 2h.- Hon. Pres.â€"Mrs. G. 15. 1w; Plaidentrâ€"Miss Milk-r. 18!. Vice-Pres.â€"Mrs. Thos. ' 2nd VicePres.â€"Mrs. (1'?!) 3rd Vice-Pres.â€"Mrs. Weldon Rec. Secretaryâ€"Mrs. MM‘HH Cor. Seemâ€"Miss (mow Mumâ€"Mrs. (Dr-) 17“” Qonvena- of Committee op mic givingâ€"Mrs. Leidlcy. "W enaoura ' ~ gxng reports u ”as adopteq. it being Show .‘ - y is m a. "cry flowiaifl “A (10ng an excellent W. I. S. OFFICERS JONES -- REEDS -â€" A? ace of the bride’s moth RiVer. by the Rev. c. S. D" on Wednesday, April ‘ If. John J. Jones and .\ V. Buds. both of Somm‘ 1 MW woman. lwlimm » Mmulqv. WuK trmkl Mlle in Toronto :mI iv 'V‘D “live. THE CANADI ‘ OF €0le mlfih MM 3!? not A dunm- rm)! M I‘m. u the name tum are X”Ilium-ed ‘ entire! by 'bfid hitmd ‘ ‘~ ~ I“ d them 1".) is absu‘uh‘ n “W “be blood into good can- a“ m then is nothing to “well known blood I-bukssooa 3mm. CAPITAL, $15,000,000 HAD BOILS 0N FACE m BODY '3 mum ran 8 YEARS. This Bank offers unsurpu“ with foreign countries. It i< spu- sale of Sterling and other Form; («5, and {or the financing of imp} Commercial credits, Fort-i; Cheques and Letters of Credit i» world. the Town of Lindsay Quantity of Stone war. 2 - ed, suitable for side- walks R. KYLIE Chairman Board of Works For the Corporation msbAY, HAY lst. 1913 WARREN’S PI Headquarters to: I‘NG MACHINE: ones-s just now 1 ENG MACHINES the room for EVERYTHING 8m EDMUND “'ALKEK. C.\.U.. l. W umm J new life mâ€"embers Wcrc kart Incorporated by Act. of Parliament Véollections effected promptly ;;1 m: 10 to 3 O’clock. My. ID to 1 o‘clock. | 11w“ ‘7'" ‘Floml, Sunk» ~ for eight year: *‘ 0! “00-904 .b9dy». "‘9. 1 ‘L - 'I‘h‘ ht own . no-a Y” prop; wife of U (bru1 ‘ pal l deem about or I: My 1 am ofi of INN .thinkot. t Ind I MARRIAGES Paid up Capital . - -- Rest - Undivided Profits Lind: ay Branch establi‘ Warren Office Hours : FOREIGN Bunches In eu-ry P1 minion. every im} a a u ion hcwfoundlarxi L. York, Chicagom ~- Everydescriminn of transacted. bawuup “-1- Branch for mo re CARANTEED A ND NECESSARY HIGH-GRADE I in addnion to ‘ good assonmc-r exception w goods ssed (‘XC I!!!“ \N(

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